HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-8-9, Page 2atasit lw,k of % U 1, Us Lei anal ton" file I. naCho 1A CA Its EZ U. -at at It was SimmOsiff a tuag line Or I'll Wharlo L. cad ill afloweb �swv low 0. s It tv I' Ilk 1*11:110`1111 Acividiallooll. issa f"Xi. II.T411 ilk t-
it- it -114111INA1114, IN' IMAidatt ll-ObW alls", I Ili Car it. 1. 4. 4 any Boosting itAlborst C,o, If easily harorW. Itqbor�&, the Pf"ietut at
areas, in. L, to Off rio# A, to Mo." t Will o2. all t". ,I
flow 0*1 Mo.-
J*j.r4m Va Ca _I k its A is, tot% 'ad wila allo. lid gioica; thla, sitar to 1wip -400 cal istruAV otbaduo" %d-e,i pbfthorb,)Qd. is up oil to An
suble I. I] 40 I I J I O .11pia Ill, 1, fiftel 4pitesitial pz�y#rsvis *alit to be ll Sol IIlosiod" off, I 11for'Vel as, 6111lict, eqW. I up to, ad - so callvd-is to 11,� keti,lPoillil la,leflose rand reackin; the f th. 1-11 he th l000m*,, offid riishod p to or 0III, ii;oloy ut 11 :� �d Joirtilimil Lionel a ilk great fourrify to thail %M b** 'rP$ ill ill a r -k or was V .4 days, 4,U4 $Ct4WiY�dAY "Va.
Psolthoo-k %Illao a "Col, lohil, She *,ad Cuti Olootallsof U.aw.ashind 4 Q a ich floor bass,. ad not gettatialily at in plffe�,, i�j Sit all ,"co SLOW 'at tho I Old is iAI it% ill c, a 44 pedisfellent IIII the Land or t6*
'It -0 Alto RUA Cullifill Von iss Vels"to"Tion Ir-latiA, ttlich its solid wulo tuaguitit,,ul, boo "I I'luf 'Country Beat
ca Tor him, Well, amor b,,y. said lilt fat I&,,. Iu, ntii hour r.'"ays about day list is very re are faither acwtoua
its, Ut*iAtilllol at blett l it a', I mial-afted. Wma, 11014114. 41111-41110phishill %in, horing goin,
I. Ili asa All kintl
-vto q Ili. ;ular, Lowever, io Iiis t,ffim -flood the istrects e
lou Solid bik a"4i"VelFor III ll?mh�'Id w"" th"ve had I" At 9 o'clucla, Ila luuer or ,hove carelts-licial, on the part of 00 oil. alsolded 40 that clot, try proslocroadis wait level, so ilia is iful"Notint o of the shonafte
Ali it tc, I gave it:,, poliny *114,led taw if tier order alcabant �AQ r l 0 fultittl 046114 i'l thut 1-tt"e, thiist it Mr. Held I -,d -:list wilve %W11 we brove to Jecurl Calelooli, directioul by lm,&%ay 1.,d..,. Whatever
the op of Ill, Co. faIlloicivit�y i:.d Ili. fie isista U* rlud d1flut no% lie cv%!J -*,.it 0. th, , ly r. liart.y Wtliso fro 'Jilibil�ft many In (,oreal 4'. oStill acro. iblialilzence ,to iscarrier of 'I.#"* "We I Iland fail llsaf;
is `� ISO .wintsier, Ili fail WOO rtofelt a do i I-vir nViv.t I on ,,pi., &.ad lit. hall bloborri'd Fiesulan rahsr ..... I
I r bu, us Ad &I'd be breadaturs. a. a�Ilan ,unt pertlearer, after dedfaciaq front it city, on If,* I all L"IlililiVII ILLOUht ill* M111144111, 1). illg a honor ill 1. of purl'ase W* bay"
at ollosto IL' F Vale. Apslug firiala 4 Is loc"y bid clu.trgtt u line agreement. Now Mr. mA FeliciAly Itond -flow tKWUI;i,:d a Bitter I all't. uo-a W, *I thor l .4stiestritfy
oil and &Ill alinx1y. I" old wlersag'li-w took,th,, Istler with mat Cave fitA of its to , lass, of the (L lit'. It. Thc loan lied so Went tish taintrals, ,ud he% - to, C,,,F,, ith
,!rua , -rod mad it Issall bp�rkiiuig cyce a:id re, or*, wish, l4,d ,ml,,, hs,,fty, sk, , ". the atmarej I got tl!:tt jusionalcul. by still I 11110" r, . folle .1 hirvh 1-1 time it, it, lit .it k1twas har;ty, 4, I y " ly be,d duat, Ott tile t,ark robot- 1`41ji"'d 411 hook Ill@ orrut lc%'Jlul ninieAs 10 I.
"', Inert, a v,41-iof grain ollills, dual'al illd.&rrul. Ti,j fail -crol. is now Ily file specimen Of liar-o'susity, was theft lie has had 6 draill,olau asiontiq with drswu otabro - :16,,hap cot urstd, suid hall Leon totaled filsolut 'tunm loo;6ine., What Ireland ww,i.W, all.., - MaInst ell,. C�ivm "kW# ad lillopetsoli,ug Ireland
sUr4 e -m+ N ill 60 of hulls. at minin 1 ('16 be topstinvacd.) geoerally "'tur"t, an' 'A Car &'I "ll -failed my food that I flodilloul I VIAlill iSt'OrlednOw, goi, rally from Ili. or localwh�rh tai,losea door, *Leal.. (,I i 14 6VV b4co 911 extra A ill( 0.1, co!" si-Iii ko side JbI tl,,s posaitad trains f, re, sai I;tv %- Spin- Was - Igoe. tile
-sl3bi r-4 a -a is othis oily expect #rollt thirgo Wit �Qrrlh Ili ItUBSI:"M. A, CIMe,d1 'A till L, rt,-c-i,by its,, 9i laxii used e4ect Ike trial. 1, At the I by one Ur ilia ui :.% thtfs steps into hills thiou.11 tile lsio;ht. I 0 %.%s Virlolq artists 100" thus it rotor the 64.
but V4 Istim's W ill Ili* ried of tillobbil. fie !NO staid this,
Bud ho"I.4 Its J asis, F.Oo, 4 T- 19, of" - ; 1 flex lltql,c PI -11'. ritio,ioll, Court lal, Ajefley., Itated, r4td pri-hilittUd 4 horrible and appaIiiiiii : -' , e8
A I J .%NJ, Cos is I ". Ills, .4. prot I - l,r) i 1. t soupe, and a I'lea'Alt ri-k caris sailic britilp ll,ih assets were cat ffar the 0111 k-11lAli#I somanks, ou"'d the still
trib. t am be 1, was:( in I'll CULAILLA Le. It"" U il;ol. I troy LowitulK, 1. go &LA o,e' oforil"alif, Ill.
ISit Jury. Us, lso, b'd got floor, ARRIVIC &,, inifl, W Litu to Iiii tille, a, fail -,,vervd flood file Illtlenit,rhutt its. he Frooresperaq
6 offirwA tEat MITI, th' IN t3self with it IS Abliver deniald er 'After a liallskillclit ad Ilse at-mvIle tile I'leli iijdtpoq.
tsreft One asu rut sUA stoi latent weallth oil this olb lie Inad his last 6,Itt- J,sav U!ofrfi fine aftrain. ItAl;y 19". 66L natuy da ill hot tU:4 at othat he hold mused out 0n,
In't hattiole'v. it�14110 raole�vv tile tassel. little it t1las firri, lots tile IrAcknly of!"Ce is, te'tai not ....... ........... like it am 6 l.e& time )i,.IJ -bA well as Veme, Vhillp aston'le'to aft orip. *Ike rftri�..Iv 2hro. 01.4 Ad Wf If Itaut. Ithiii ;lvair because film object fm lii jib iii..
F'oth fro behi'A the upoinA or Sing ti, .......... . . 3;1)0 Miller ut, it 1. ,4w*n,, ,,.are inju losirslor; 'Lu VIVO and IILUI it U -s too lute Let tbe, 'lect so with fish
0 oasids is. lou,t ralkle Lro-to a cit,*t h, it � said despiatch,, tit.) anj Stile, Civil ill, l.lit oho It',) 'useingled. As.16 unjill fau 'attually also ih,!,Ij, ad it I
.................. I. year kftsef It or. Le In filar, cur- is rand i-relio-erous Cocoa r.atni ill"Ich It asse,clu. in
-p fruits going yest.tlay inornia., was'eddtiti4ig itabiit
nLolinir fil,u Ft.lm Tire or the land military affArs or 1,nui-i,113 slid � Hassel %%'I* ",ad 44t this field &&ad !"ll"i he' "I't yet Il"Ald the 1-1 of F,oidm.
It" maddi'" fury lot film oil hor V1,l'.oshT. Itidia., undluatess soloist luteft.;ij, eee-isiu bihou a Cot, the driver saw r -it black -'a"met"d o1 Firrrss ruail ...................... ile- i it If heal,; in my l.lvuur, biel that be %,,ti!d revisit me! Tcxts. -'s litisilhig binyonolt guards as,')'upilaools�ih, i4lelvNeet ablarriall oil Ilse to ack. a it required vnu.W be devolell 1. itI* "'me who havo ratedentiv
L. 0 all &,I, diara,. y, frial Air& old, there, beard, -11acto suefi chtsuz,ot ass I in tit# coo-Trally Of IL,U,,, mae-
-&list sit" A: tol. aaoIt liqlwi fault p.,liller charattor. ................... I,'. I tit tit -ney iinalle,!sidtlily on-mVet6ru ; I LL- t ithcr Ill o,,r (if entranct, ao anv quitio. eIchiliR It. For %what* they s4osal their oi 1. the l"tutest Levee Silica sea or. IT - - 11 , all-mosiliese ll;slo, lortes.'alcul. Wdiv, lei rol'scit anJ I I i tit sar v e rat I i mes for it ISO te r I half, I was i t ity of - ILI') U 0 tIA Poll. on NeN, ap ill tire they dis. Our too as a
Th -n -A- 4, eight -bith few two tq,.i . .. . . ................ . Cul tin lic cat, ewr to Ir,.t.u4teJJAUnI-I tire vi* I ' 1, r a ,, ssos!rroif almost rind. iroplar(o &I I off t I
own 61,04T I,LSt olyfoill'I'lluoIxtu , I t s "' c,,%e.r4 the recousiols f'n tit^ bombl IQ told, sa . , I 'as I ound kina,.i too tt
lute I has Pb,) UTW to lb� fory 'CARITA. It 1. bill artill, 4ull to carry dv,WvI�cs and. or&m . Ad- and I evocived them I., ease faide, and Jim botina wits far- I lit t if And rnatieno, .1
ieis all la. r to Are liia�att;uz 0,oatli swital I Or k,:Ilil it Ligament."
the Nil a." ultenAr Auctem Aias alwayse holdi I orts reon; vmri"os 412rierse, Or a uhhe !t%e' '"lit word back to Ilse solutions Imm, lei '1"114 is. Ila$ 411101111, 4: 4111Y frossinver, and his .9
itis stabbing, Cu -t ...!. Owuft si,beraud mlt.,ul I I the ofeurrence. A hand car os Nei intioulflisaW '1:010 wait Iin' u u( gasudolail Oat I, sue, after % air Ili 4 about three ycloas a'
ink We atmawr it 4 by forecast elections. ' "t ah ill I tote to Nil-. C!erk If. and pri%ate nature, are ( xatuift-4, cot -1. It ji Rad t., -o 0, ot, , rec arlostooll ; Ito bad is Ilia celicur a lusumst, -4 Ilse elacii, - T It k 31 A tin -rs ",and I'm with i, That Cowen -o *Ivdbt;y is eflooptil toy It JPJ rt !0�1 .1.1,11 I., l bit 100
r"Ailloibl- val its-- bavins- t. The Was. tpoly is l"do-but LI.J.'t .1:1 off pos�iwly 1 4:d and cLar lei to, tli,4 /Joe lUt &list 11'er 1� 1J, idernmau to ,.I$ oid. the rl,,e U:d flarroli, ssorioi -
I I Ustillooll was ikeus itiL,rus, it of Ilia lw:;6 rand I yi..d,d Lt but, .4 neolliest L i 2k farily "t outlets wereidlittly, altecluzraII put into 'it AW, 8, 1867.,
fw it. &M.ght iismill LOS telletwousta rafrOdamoo. Had it if Mr. Hlor's heal "or ew-Jsn,oto I's my crally duair aIt tit I the Loold,
d , cou, :0 itself ,it I)s the Augwst t3. ,lot 4t 1; for t1w dulvaitsfiA , Gviocausl so, Spriola, bn "Llo &Iea.. 1I.;o 0 frarafty f,:cnd, vriJi rind dul,rntched. dord-liorses at ibq :
% ,O,lIv.G tfrc:tj call 41, meow A" lil,cJ lalove "a lolownstild by u(,.' drr!arv,f the parcluouer. fritkirsr a d,posit at � J.11 Oil, -4 1;ft
at -6u !httrtd. but t tic over a r ill his � f. U its StA6114 14i ;r I Would $CIA him flspitall, at whic6plastese so saw theft. lt."Val 3 :4r
IApollinger fie ' 19 % D 00 G 0 L D U CG I to.N. n wits Feld. 'or,oneililry' aft,ritilloo ...... . ..... .. ,ellooll" off this proull alit do so be left like trot fii.uas asid,14-00 �e- wou'd cliXect any flints 4ur tile, Ajammed tiff . ntubly taciati. 2�kq aIloste ............. I thor, wood ti-weristuds wi,iiii,loles -it e.onuser
Old eLosyr. lie rhati it . ow r. v6hLu I guete Lim Ili'* octal !c 7I Va ast0 li a iii iji'ti-a -low doweare.eill 1 , - , I , d Stiff dry ................ 0:58 Weill ov4w to 'that' N , r'.1rent lutt lit !,.I,. 10 "
0%. ilig 1100 ilia editor 1141118i; ls.�Cli 4CUt wail tinaccuuntalble tVal connect, d is Im"' fop, If bel - file it*itiposs Issionstatualbodi he@as .................. Q! 50 ic search of the 1;qchaic.-L As L6 v I at the l'i've Il'scolne,ion tit di.co, hilt bolls she Or It, pay C,ul t tcI,s I,. ex. the il;old excilenient in Ahis LL;o;bvi, er. Week lasir, incliox-A to curl I blank Isonfrooll I , hin-filgainto ofthe Pillion tral'-'s that. 11111'.
or "dalroid alsseg, a f Out ;-rosraa. �, 11 i little c Sue oat is. L�s favOc. r it Pa, - voth, Lei rUi I te, fay thist i,1i all i"ll and a ikelf long, frvol, Ul, ex", I Ifery. W-4440 had full t,,.n for so short Sharep ....... ........... 4.00 a. olly
- way, wait a -,;rest btlCt 'I , tit -ce inesin time hi-issair, stood deduct it fri-nis . Ili; fr sa,ulat filter the. I.,vtr it tl,.W Ill I.Lefel I ; on Beer, -P cat ..... ...... 1; 00 i'llors, ad some poor 111440", id the all Its, . I Auman!"on dust has been any say instantiate. jo� I:y Iflur
1.0 Must Aptologiatt for the lack or editor:- tt,ng in as gro2t as ttelik fro alIpiprjaw, and ask* im. %be asset. I visit to [inter %heirse be wi restin"d to all- ,Jd,-u tile US note, thill ]as but inste.-I Inif in lNo on c(SUAIIIIII)a Ism it me ush a Outflow saki. ; f-ses irroly, -, teritht about , fooct 4.ruisfuris " a *air rasr,in which fk,Pr ............ (4 0.04
A In I 14 is i. sue. bholl snaLo full A ya-surord diaue builig, bilas"r ill MUL, %en at Ila Imrs is,pt ILe 'of nee-ly aliv,titti.traii for wc�,klll 6 er rou-b poluaft am a the It It I WnA, ch'"e'l 'a shot this' ef"I"I'lls ".' ik ,It's~ ,it 0.00
.,.dtd man of vs' staltn.4 L, out o"'. beito INA Weak. because that to tradnil, a' Vicar rilturtita fro all's int.-r's I i icbeas ; ottiost, bull% POOLSO11416111 ...... ........ r ...... 4 I" e I 0! the gold .14kors are men elf cir;t:il all I r; ,its %(,At ; at: IIU... or rut a hv:r�, * Lu ,A flits sitnolt of tin! � wi,i;lh to eraIi�, Noun!, 10 I t, drA I Orleans, be,nwomb red.' d,A $*Ali%�IY Ill the LWGftttV to, 8:00 (it 1O."
I aluot, I'LL Lou Led: onery, who sinei ilia oixiiin
." I oil0 , U tile -4 Ulm onP. iticii-Al. since . I a.. -I or tinaa, 0;04 6A 010,
1.1.0 on. IS0 I., it., . I'll# worA i� clien usijuert it% i -s cPuS;4-e4,; him if) return 'line, Ulij lh,L a*13V tit t !,I. at. ipi,,J I 'Take 10 1, eeived Rielliandlosurai d Toy in uhftn Sir@ inorpired be" come to Iall. fat.) gollp it fr.............. I I is is, fie ers's, q. A ties ft.11--ctillas will, fru-m Lim uotLiu..bL% pell as it 1, tell 11' ""A r. 11-yekoff, in Now -Yvi L, art: tski-i - le. Ilia 0&,t was edatoMearly t.o,u to labs, ssou:d tic 1 --ti, r oida. .............. Ili to:,% it wil by our Ottawa d(' GWISIY A'S- Ud that ILA tMaLtIminli air' the - imitation PA ram:1 as the ollarLS, lwbow 0.30
IIWO' Of 'an" t!'At el:l be Lad i redoh sail'il-e sIALI uIL-IsIdoicor wed . one A 'ut Inli It?, rut.,. t.104iusse its *abiw-1 .......... . U:20 0. 3Y
P4tClk So ITS Ilia GbIll", shift the write Hould I'viorstat is San ex,reptio4a %at; &tit:* Mr. Have value* bit cliestructer for UP el;� rY F Mo C.'A I'd col -pet U" it Oe r6!e. I's�hAtoomor Busy �bds the Ifirolusilas SaViosaidesly and tirutillatntlal, the lllaow-- aun, I. 1. � ilepri.ollops %hich �t tithave L,en at list. TI,ey behr:the even set h;- or Any iniormontnts, Ault. 7, 1 P47
i lik- F:evrupst to be b�atkvm. acre, Which ;,I 1. UI. I'lls, as L 'Venroft
% laA tot , sceininsili. ilia ill-' rh be, 4,J
slat.- the 7ih Ati.?uoso, bud are returumbles Iffulai them thi ir due vb;t* of vs� till, I ilia Mrj ' Ft,,r. it ost il.litauce (If Ill* lar, ic%d so tile Pieties lust .............
aaas thr:1 till &Ittrisilaolr, 6)rty-vi�jis JAyp ,'so I,,,, he be a f 14 ice qr land it, li,l The asye 1 I ie31,11001-Al iliallild We U., 1:20 (fif U301
t -t peak, ol itneldenAls, 1,"c 1'ress Floor por 661 ...... ....... .. 00 100.00
it .Ill I e I late a stored -fair tit! pleeti "in - a lsystem fit' WASIAL", first I- Sonia liuro", I know "I -tL":", 'lot "'I'beY Inside by Mr. Wyelilff, in N,w Yolk; Satinial it JOB Low Imp,ru,d th,c, ..........
ilthe FiC-LiC is a rt-.:0ar it I not Concern taybe'l, I %ill way uothil,4 I o: ...... 0:40 69 0:4,
or. flat Ini. .......... :.*'
A& lam Ilus patelp liu,ritol off wish Ill. LI'Ll all v hisag p,,rii,L For Vlai- systelt'. to &:ad 6�!&,.Ukibeln Dow, butuhatcau yuU expfttia" ILA son in I have c, rtainly do. ff....... 0,60 8:00
ip . Ill. pot. -I ...a 1,-r busla-I ....... 11740 0.0(v
-tawded Willi cullold for, 1 Fresh Values, per Ili ........ 0.13 0:14
oilto' hCre at It f, to oilifol. 1posts I*,. illy, tic) to fraid" &lid if Old ol t,,d by Voin I** tot w, oil] all k. ]I ir. i I . in nvi . it ; on b III 4 I tuomtrat,d I,' I Qud a dou W d v, t we Lave 'A In ilia "ull t
I bet
afflits, lfa'with the 'LWt that till ftel ill Il"OSTAIrtol, wait a my, isty-eight days are all -wed, until tile I cur very door,,, one-cfIL, richest men, 1; it c u ju (*, ci,d1nif ly I I,e tell) r 1, ult�P AhatlOoll -16 lKirge per firlis .............. 0,990 0:00'
.:Itbo.t M Ilse Wounded 914.1 W.4 ,!sy"!4lits bM4.- *Tlra Families it ary Ifie,,r lot tho reform past flir tL. sr� 011ostols. We hired air Mult,tal loor for .. .... . . .. .. .lath %he 6 itait, dojbtic,�I, ,.to ,is a %,I over. i Le or Catalan . a 4 ned t livautitul said 1nineral corsuntrive; till file valorl 1, ev,-n his. I Im. 'On. Air IV 24T -at. nooiled uplas 'he Jimsouism Caso aa�rely the work tit a feld, oratuncal go a, that tile geni!ttuon %it,) %sand Coe orx1reetation ofthe most slar.ritor, I col`pQIr,J:,U 11,41i'lr Wolarrall, VLL; ftal�, " a .
Solhe laku'.1,till. I If all 1106 " 0:07
mto Ilse Mo, till, t I'Larlilsorn'-sis as ri ac�,n 6, litar , I 60 irrolook i-t-tt , for this fielarairs.. it.e been .:,ll N1.4 !J :
*..ad* a at a 4&MDW hal, 60% ius Nil new alkisovIrios he sIlwoull per ll ............. . 0 ?6 a- 0! 24
op:ak 4- j,,U I 6,1114L' y -u- red wool nI P ti h Itnereve (I'm Ili nistlo'; bat suld ectr -T at. 10 form 6 og"al siostints ILy, or loss .............. 0,
tI bay* Lc lous; Use tic Those Ila* Iso,ln Cecil 00010 if y '00 z a perlioll, % Is I to Ili a pd a I a I-. Sty I our lonlit n a y our v at So e A pace. ; ,ill f file lxmihion, ill me Boost 00 107!75
.I sell Offli Mitli-k-raA I-Ildille that 1'4rlia Itowl -I, of it. E,:Spiro is Y,u:,. ulod 'it. dwat All thst Ulinta IrIt ;i�tr aud V.6 rAn, 6414 W "41141,10 and Out, i "Icalsopht"I O.'r the BoU.4 of perl clin'. ill,- . 'I I z .1 - 'I %1:Ch as art" Ila" also WWI 1.1,11 ru been founi Ly a43y"to Lo� acra-d I alit WUUIJ be tilled to precill, C;i,,%. S,"r, ll�,Ilt of eveh I..h by "N Usto Los I'astar, t gritlitnts.
."A -qp ", I less II; With the Pull, Lq C.;1va Cur tile' 'spar be on the suct& of the Guv,,rtimei.t hO4,s"Ic I 1,.t 11,ey are utiou., as t! 0 cxccedin�:Iy rich, ific ore tili�n in rnlittt 11 I ,Sinectr. IT tie.1.4 Ilse 1-4 our Imack. TIONg. a. fo,t to dole I' I*,,li-,%-,, heart 41 t-',, yJy OOSI it imstinces; frons the surrw, r in. in - it, leiOWN nad Cl�RU.SW Ili 11W re A' 41,20y Ia'it L'. Imass by 60.1y Ike*, I scat elUff, war Misinst Lied !- ban v *,;d lt:orioua.": T., I— I, J,!, r .1 16. i4uail. value f'rerfa�.0 IillILY p Petoate, %ih to Mai 0 ri�utnst h:td. I AM 1, do in We mi expect, flow, a daaliug out 4 ILLII it Oliver o'co'slaut its You. tashril I,-,,- .: . C 4 Oil byr, I I mo,lday 290. Ju", B;7- silver in it so ply lilt son, isil a long Wj..4 OW
'is a to bU4 at Rodilaral'o,toilloodat ao strargir a ppa,tcl, small 1, A,,1,o,,Ud,,j.U,xlW.tlb:e PlAn in it fl-tter;ng fatrto 01' thiniil could u: my Z..telt sIL:axtnpt Ottawa L- 1. 41, 111 --mom- *ill 0".. W the Goorerrinsai-ift, tollAwtv thasearifivicit aoVill lk�ft liIIittold arilfore e,.erre%,Iytn birt,,r it is. very nearly 5rossofit, CA At settl,r-, not &A" lit h, is,-- P
U(the rln -bit,li Ilse w(,us,duJ ruso"' are frL sadly Li tire ( .,�ition. We bo:,e he 1411111loosit roark.t-I a Texan, platn" . W�:! be iul-�411101. *4 list- press Result.
t W. . I ace in yur, v4:61tills, pq4r, Ili irtz ia'-- it fount the Ilicila, ie, have two v1imfifif side ealiv,-i laanth It slid so Wore kw . "a.
aft lot". who oat tho,ris 61111in, to ove Ilse dAy.,A b" &;IT o Ili, cUons Wi:I So.A Ird. tin idike. Our St. lV4w is, Ili it ('-also Loolon" U. C., leaves than Oda '
9.) wurri my fli-maka stand fellow citatesto t re.A PA or I C. -da.
asurpro,o. leave sytcf, ally f,,,r to a, rare, Hn- of (xcef Ung are Low to -!`+"rops-olle t I Or . i woff M-4 in Ilse warver, 6, TIA. Alsa.
c-iclinar fiht of th, b-- h4lontber3rardly y re,randsuch, lilt stil tl Instills IC 10 it rtowm*o- se symi,aill minor now tot flow sarovl;�ra, 6.t to I Commit pl:i,;CUl su:6C, B.", IfIt he 11-ardwrre Stcre to I r. as. %ca c to 11w 34J all to, ant, h of t lit- 4' TV ill.% I A Is 4, 1 sP I A ct raw,. 1 .4 We Or woa:.d,-d to 1, a fact, -I'Laill,pso." Gai;vrvo pett3 jaj�--,Ieryr Nil, 1. 1u;Vq": air-3,qat h:s b:.).,d I y tile overthrow by f.l!oa ilosof out ilia i loa, that Lim, alit a h.
! 1% Ili:d all t at t at L-rcal I Is, trellis, allloole tulutd scan Cooling ii.ftj a new cour.,!,Uy )ils L GIA�- lie lv,ss a lar,�� nutalit7ir 'of I icevie, laterite. ; thli -,L.t us ainor my ASSe, , f it-' All I. Mo an the. astal"
. I ll, I &L.. 6.:111I.O.,; Ii.4, 111. 11.1. lb:ita.y " "m I.C. -4
not I- arec,i,d r1ailippo knows hiand it out Leen fat %be to @"4bi", not naly oweloSt wor as, � NeIlim . (K-411,1111"ICAl"uv I i"OTH S* 3do,hoLlan wossid ti.is d%y be "core, through P"Mmiom thrul, OOVAPSI%' I Land iu :all are It, Lo -s Ili; out or 1169 tKIW4X18 M PtOfl:C.VtW Ole foll!T.� Ilis- Wed far foopoloodsofa:', I illbassome asualke do. Us CIO stliki Ill Jild am ish( ur uf., I. ,days.
i-1118 vs it I lie !',r % words." ld " the till an. of olt, z,ulas, .,.:y wealthy then file, lie shUss be tile, tile fiul'T' z ill ell dircet n1;ur.c. flI41"!-,iq4 ill Ili, I . to sairl, so itLd called forward some IIutill the aThe follt,-A inz nb.tr ic, of the (lectin; I a ;,). y He We to tla�t tit uide our ill stinw,, friin the six.-� (,I'll rn ,lory at our age." 0. rod tit ) PC -0 I Pa',' Of IX Irwillit. tlid,*4--camp who to 1-1 llSW bhd ledLit I repar,ti by air oltuincut leal Bi pr,loraoll that out Of the Trustees earn. '&aid elect ttte ship of State trit2on. (lie qu;c1,-' heal to 06,1,, as larai as small lamm. o111111i"ll" aaAutliol it,; nil I.Wi I reus"ve soults d,,ut,t& aasluarse.tJorn on"T It at -1 V. hich Are likely. to beget I TLom:o who tb-,tz�ht th ) witaile tiff,ir a N,w York, Avic. Z, Tho Roe ihr.'thit q, 1-1 half ba-ary lotin I in at till r:rt r Inrd, you ItUradompi,ld In, ,,tp to clionadians we fccl GTCOr�Il.rt.bilr r% Pry Uvarea Andar
Colosimo 1) A, c.y, as so &py. ewl,ich have been atartvil by all vt�rall tur-. Xt'tLh.-'! Z.,, ' o.l .Pay or& I lausalk"t ano'l its the 01.04111 Clf hUUIbUa;, and not Worth $54, WOUI I da, I New Orkstro six ei al isaills: Greills Wi-- ihos' by a iaiBotcot�l as. lionvo,old,re tulirtlof aal I,ls, tier of tile ralsrAndent� - let . U, it'l I Isince so u.iw,)rIhy of jolitic4 TUB It bLeimus 1"W wIso have, We 11 to eximine- Clee pp.q all, Z., S114 -I
1. ousit bee, easy .Inl I I nati-on is f, �t tiaerc it, to stn"a Ito Jose JL(TrIl" ClIls,'Clentle of On- Wl I rus ad 66 Pay of his sinself, Th- clullificiatirn of Parlianneolary ell I'D is" 1`10tird Out froon lilt 'lit' denottuis 9 tile 1111liurs, us tL(:r kc,1 in,, at the threat,ne.l awswervA f nan N
who AnsJ LI iJ la.m. I Pto;e his 1'.11 Nosily Of 0,111109111t, lilt if aLsoquois Lv th. to has cuttlul blow t:l" act feeW Z.1
itis very taveIi lit, r I -O Is fire rj- icin Our inform t Alffill, 4 t a lasee-11,J tonse-locl, i,.d ... it h; US t U ill a il"e ; I-,rs in do. fill, J by the R I Ott be"i,yn r tlw*pr-citr:; Wulf -So the umcit�wrLmeAmeriew bothenuly tuslarittof' A - 'in let with them $,*of i-tmmd- -1 111w cousp a facie lie %as arr armd. Nf,aj,jpO%I Act of Itliiiti, to be me 1;,'low Ito a fir11g, not f,r fiull r,lvt oil:c Alt I IV as of G, ik "Of- big 9041, &NJ disunited thow flier or.", to will 01, 'Le rlmt tolui,es and Intals tolo'sce t:.ko the' 3 young mrn isause-1 Arthur I.-ttlo title r,,iut,,r). w. I It., I ladd %filter-, anot Tile ossiorr air -nt ofrcnl llr, ll?rty Inij-1; " a t founia
teoll I., lie but "c,lr ',I c il. thatilds eloetorto of" �Uatk ItAkfif f Ili* ltvib;., W Yairciail,?, 4 Iloilo, r Oily th�j is v4sol flarroar as WaSI to ba 1111`1111,011111-4 OF TOUT11.
ilIAl these filings I Lad of the acleal valu.�, zilion. isallhavios U ht-!, l..rl ill. of %I..- a I1-1 Yale,- I— Coua,ty,f lrtce, -1 1 t"Le create . , I 3.1,1 p..rlh. , A e1r,Ped. a I v,t be lit -Ter &,aspect.,] N.C. sAurlit its th-4 plisse alvel de:4.1 bIj %ao[*,oII IOro Orly from Do"
Jot viliev. aer� ............... QuuO 1W has listal u1nonj them for really years.' in is "it allf AIV h It I "Ll! Ovoi splmg the - And fact Le dticc:vud by So. 1 -Islir 117c ob�2ivo that Ptabi?. to lit I.qa,t I ralans itis Use .1 no. "I. at. . an ISLA i"tops" 110 crimit:. I U talons, Of .... .......... 400 F� 19.4 N 1. V V. -fc'ous promises, I ti.:,, tit,, , it!4*S Star Cl1sr4eq NI C. Si lei Lie Icitiaterso SiteLalttLa to lynalif Johnston "a led, coullorl, Pi:v,r, and otlierrcs. Aillisto him. I no I wall to give 14, an is, I ............. 300 - visa le t . i 'lisp the bat voc�jh eare.� - It , 111. - � .1 ,,, ,, I y sea the in tile, list ll�t he- was r, arealorl. IN MY 41) AV rut I would m.k, fl,11-11A.U., al On, lilol- fAl) tile 1"Aill, A of tile men that off. r them.
my poset,as *III, I14 ;pWilshires, or ......... !2,00 i"UC (.ftl;e I'lite 4,111 inisirs r. Hirrillburg I'VIV
Car for tli,'.r iuffrat;" hc) util ling . at* candid york.
Ito'n lollmd in" I Bvi.4 1,nd Portion, Bepi,lts 14seepeolng the requiziLe proper Ila3s th,;t he if entinly naistik ro, as Gillette, Or Lyo id a. Portirr died in I hi�@ rw� ,if fit'. ,.a
a'. alutsto sales itis . I ar�vranuy place uste,tip" afrs,
i'm toogiveolon in eThere is an :3 city Call alcr,� .11,ort Plural h-tv.- ly t.1hibiii I :: Q ILI 11 0 fash-lut no I he 'WTI 13zlits will's RXR8 I!
rvirecd noun, it,) you Main ,I on el'i'li 4 if You havis Ill lk'ilw, a ihan be, 11 4 y ,:Iier
Sam cash Its, co Cuter. 4 on ih* Ines ruviWA APIL, Au,fust IJLL- iiIdO;rssJ,ve of file dens r,.,O;4,,:sol foil ; tile tf,;,i 'a tlk�� brq c.f tile writitigA ill 0 ir pa r. St. 6."The ell let's 1,34
IfaIlse tit Fort flirerptO vicil try Lilt far- J4 at Is *!f proIt ri;ht fire file, ofts�-i 4. alee w.w1a. will for, r Wmake. - Us..
tinkle tb� calls. lariat roll; from -vsh oil tLo vot,r's halt is grAvit;"$ ell puelis, thansati,tor field humo,;sn,, I* �)i thea as 'it c,:tcr',n, W.,; wait s for tire ell. hat I- -at I ;;
Tif e the. d d. I-,, I'slar U;J thoo ". per - -it. I eel "- fearrilrod as the roobeef at :1.6., secar assparol. In inuor.i,ipallitics slivre the, !us-!v,tion fivia %lill r works. Tiny Join to in - 1, lie d tot ill,. Jic ;(:Is$ . - lwver ketosis ill lil. A" Wool -M r"
;,,it I-,, "t.. i., d" S I— a tbi'.l arIn a
etald10 lb", -traosInod .,,,u,,d. olost I i - s.'It" 08 the ,rjulv; ' SO 24Y -r,f. A-Jd-
And now, I'D J.pp., bal you a, tit roll I 1 Ilia licest be todisted toy lo,olor tile Dat r.el ".Is lie ate. hut U,t a cr,.eft floor la.er, find th, ranallth L a ,
I no .. ' , I near Fort Lylen of' chafers, Dr. es, Its. - f V- 74 be 0, to.jros,Urd ill, 4-marlao,41 kmlw is swe to know your "*Write, so.1 ;, , ban[ t is the dw:y ol'the Clor Tiri; Or*rACIVA UtSited Jintes drift,, also died of, it, A;;, P-"
fselit'd d In,. 1ar, corer .I I llthat or I". a air tho, 11.0-a thr,'u-Is So, TA'I's " fro.ru 11,is foil, and 11' CU.uplet- Isth- $line diss,,v,e, ntar Vort L4rrc.1 on .'ill- art to-od:sl, avivemil" l3on7 by iu,, am-% 111111dr, &,.,I uti.,11,11 to tins Vista orn ;,Ti' I 4 eI Py Men ani ir.vl-a with'the c! k Orth, if1;4t. I:W 291h. Cad r of we emy call to 1-7 &list PROVINCIAL
turtsaingto",1 oheison?'th hfor,th"Iate ofthel, ;2"4.ioa*C leet�,rl Willi 8-b i,&,;rwnt proodenlorr. h; wo I,jL thila 8 in Fr rainal, it. 1.0 Ioill oC.,01reE. silif ill, lonb ita6'sissuJoblas twuhapsaa, If's it I,r thus ill of ivo such li,t is th pro- head (If his Oda, Meet kracturlas t tr.au the Ilr Lost, ul)d,-r t%c 'IMotiin itsponliker or file lisatip,l, of A... an.; =1 EXII I 13 ITION
IIll flust rely IT Ott P"U. I I to be CA I- r , nl, !o gisr(i wl,o ore eketow.- P ter taratterl, the oratol-iral -power act is 1� Is; It I IS 2 tl,C Overall Tiler, t, to AC� the Lctn lUUTdCr,-1 by I.ALDS in :61wown in'the �.Cal, at THIC
I declare I it!' 11 hei thili lho not been done, the votef'se froinz by a opera-. fie %ill Nei film a th,t �h )I! usay, W crti of 111C Ottarvi river, in I it.. o11 -oboe. is StIoistl 230 litlltA.1 he is Ilse Riletriati ILI- f,,r be lajo.,s a,% Is— list it i3 tile tl.pt prepOrred, from the aspesul ,inact wheel calfe-1 on to %jKuk ,,t t!w a fro y,,u.w hents,;ht. W, u d you AGRICULTRAL ASWATION
lloni in L:i! r,!!urnA. TO;, I irly W froal :.J of. I. I r I I r I a so;, VOU-14- r 11hit should 3rd. A ttation on tnIll@ Beset- I* '�,` the to tit of t giv r I ill ism 60Y c.)qwil -and faro 6 'I," or
havy. boken on tire old qu:difica I ng he a to be oLoat 4 (44)(11i to saft"clo.
111,11 g -rat law autharil 1, It and a few U13411touriloar. tr,.t 0.1. 04" kao.,s root ill@ I Cad.- acre ST. It, I The fire�tuen T -T IP IP c3, xOt 4CI a& xi Am cl hi cried rLiglrasu to tile I,,:d; is, final or tas the view. gives rise to a way to par wW 4*110111 ' itto floolvi of 6,-t Irin.-Ill4f "'ifte'ad of"01, 63 Ties 1110-3 la�m loss IhV`Y are too [a lei' out Of pocket "lill rothcs is, his daily TV ill& J�LIAI AT
ti,," varseentilinly. By the 417th we solarip isa own its ol.",,Otl - 'Lull -( %;Al, fa:thfufly It, fhy found in the esorrr�d or
to. to' y tz-y Low sour-slatod its )vu:w list t I Lull at. I,r. to
th.t a Itsm-in I y r on. .,itet or iP,�u (vrhk.h ist es-iterid as trot, tl,.e river, (4"m ,,i I ill) Le 41 ItsiwmJs itl. ..... lJuevallairt, illtile P-ovi. their Israrplitaffir. armAct IS, I- It'viAl nnly tile,, L Ilo
40L. I'llar Ila r. -but thcre its cl,riiinly have fiton,le I nvc-r the "'rufICllj,,j AAbort, 141t, lift on like plank It, ,lit icnis with references to tile quarl,fic;1tion of' yfiriall Major till R;n- 4, Molly i C":1lion toy I -art I ) suppose Most you would to circlAtu 'lunez . to I .4 'f"OnfUtil 118 rfs�r,lssalt ft4ety o hi4 own.",
.I-vk Is items - e. AVan, ilul"Ji"U. Ian ill ry CQUIPaULCOL. i It this 10 11,6� tit- UP the aaleress in hip -,on -the Is slaseturat and candi.lateo are pnitponarial bar-," wil Va. and ell'ibit on &old pn%el . ).am a f,r ars"ne 'Ouriputtwit ll I. fr iuJCFKII'ICUI iUfZlllt Ou the 24th to 27th beilember, IN7,
Ins, 111h,or. Thee,., It-umm ra y goal tka his grand mavthcr but Gineriall ill I elite or yod A, a juqt Iway they were met by k ttibe or in Ii;J it pirt.7off,rty I—" alianon tw thp neceilol
Ic; 4 - 1: .0, 1110111 flaking elloct until after tho lot of It 11r. ", to exhibit will promm,
passports, all will I. llovill *tit to $8, knocking the lt.tav I-orso Ore$ isemitile. Of the I.Strift, Natalie, up, . I
. . I I .1 . ,f file Crown I,aadl; DO -part. Watoin,ars b"soowoab.a. lit its- ingf.,at ratticloo
*41-'ernbi r, 11467. The Act contai r. byyou. L.rle,,s &.a isdisl who r,fuaA to .9)sesl t' -o D fit 1 it e iewhir Olson ape. an to a, I I,r'-& Are r we it for ad,l,ln r,.Um, an1h. cloateers, mv.t Ile, Me& with
1-halOppo spoke all these filings pp,, rolls diffins-L proviii,ing with reren" to t1w bass. 'rk ' 'kerroan bay, %ill tri". a Also.f p"Walorst let -A. that y as Choose Ireartionsit"ll, oat alf th;),Artr patent, elisrell with the a road retariveIi heat hethe
4hdb.;II he had bill a ,,hort ain't- (I'lailificiations (if Mullicifoll Arei flilli- It". the noinktim.g ill, ,lilies tit iluiloill your 1,:,th, mol Ilia, -eta ar, d, till f who 11-1 I the fir -t octi In or lhu ro I rr)m J,ik,. -11 kill4A Almost alle,rill, 1.
Ill- fi-d back lisr o hove llsr Cie Ilia Bay irtUmcd shries, virt; marrartary el,ncloi�. a i it man #0 rr�ist,,"nt Lou Wh(sel I it- who" he apeir-n I has. P boyA don't mirA thn Colin!" it yow, not it br-ath or isel. , 1, it no r ittli GM)WIty, Lvuld talk Call I n -Ii it) rk to Dealers. till ZIA.) as to inniiiai .1 Sup )'..at Word; will-alsoci,tv leorl. 2-ioonupesorls�ttlie. Sold fly 'oil Medl,lae
bring a proftot-s p.i,.t $so' and the 11M partorfUl 117011 Iso-isy Toy to" loVilli`410- Ifim W' rowltry, 00
gether Willi tile PP,IU"r I,iAh song 1`110110 giml lie unlcrtkcu fly tile present TO ortoo-forp SlastordAl, Au#,art 1-tth.
lJOU.4 IOU Itself bell,,; it, if.,. sol-clio'n App,irso expr. 1.) " ritionrolei. ifld mo,n000r altay." &'hit SIR know" lar still % vle 044 a ell T .r vt.t,- Ourty eni. recall, " I ';I 11441-T11 Is Isralkli Tit - rn pleasant ore,, Field lionts, ILIA other Farm Pro,
braces; Life section b-tive,ii 't -lit ler Lilly and Wtowed ilto uwussl CIA. A ir,19 by, Mor Aist,my II- i'ag rml, -nall a Mae of ood 1", ut, will'Put W2.1 IJCIXI, Au1 tL,.y wo., e ul!uw,,,] is. Allcicullarral Inspl,ril IW.ch,n,,y
cone't I ,45, unIthriarcii? I t role offeciLittru. ti,ni, oneclording to tl,e lit' *Ili prion.fUrs. fritsalb wedol ! and D, g I.-Av, a di,t�, nee of' flat 1� nsihn. Icoca*- a their jurnalY. Xllvialilco�l from L Ike and 1-11-vourrof field havern Ilrylit's an or hollr.
1*1 maxina, " wes6hor a an, 4s," it weauld I,o", the ni:ty wr. tell Who OvIA ma'sance cialle qualbx. �iatorday, Auust La.
W't w*Nl "' faille Vill" T to a roo ]Ike As foli I to bo eme,. miht� Cle , 1,etor, nd ran-fiditeo meant be 71h, Apt oill wonnin and a Seiiell t-niPr ILeta San jour cholc4i, 10 sloode C110111C.111111, (I jo,r. tarn, and him Wi. ill atilt benefievIr nt? .. .... I an'l lierticu!t,tral Pr,lolurtq, I.,dws' Work, thal,
toy it'. no 'lie Ili I this n -etion,ronle The voler'd "llid",eeis 'Pro at.41 d,it-Lare t 1, at It Phil I lie tiffeir iu,P.'ilc(l by trunierouq Maximilian to the Juarez I'Uvo &l., (It, or bettors lliationdar, Sep.
roluss, Cannot t is P :,, or und wail !..@ ...... selist. when finally reoried, in Shal awl IK4 will be lworth guill-, reltS:s,,%t-,i Iaesold ni'lingto (I'd, Irke to n�ar th�xource of if,,! . :,,,, I,,, air lessiper I till.
4; cola. Ifltla- radorrit to be ignotriine,o,ly rject,,,l rIbli Irish w-narmor wari, 200 lics.tanal first met 8,1 that I;ruco m.y corstirlue Ift, 1.9 0 I aI'llni, pas. JIV of and no allocation of' JuJificortiour I me"IC!, ti�iori r is her ars 10 111"Perical F6111 war a &tlaoc, or .Ioo miles, tbel re 1, no raq)loiti Olaf the lot' by 'gl,, eea"'enentall" "I'd lb' P, i end 1::JU,L Forms for torrooki'lig
el"n - or ill') %fro ifl!lt tons. fail. if the am,*!- he of ill.
MY 1114, do Well lot his* go. ne it is boo railled at file el,etion, bell or th,31 @4h. The gqm-.e- will :i,e a mhr,,.q,l 1,1,) its Ilse imporl,rit pr000llies or 06truction. The source (if ilia ottwit Frussigh Thoe raladiest litst nomous it WIT r"r llecretiesh,
oto of life hooki. C�>* A e6utt martial It va ire 'Ill cum Ili ill -Ise compta;ntoo is �fcchauiclr lastitatorii throutiLmat the P,
11, uspowtall all that als, V irL,r;tiiy Only of the Tooter With the I, a nal,inen or. ell lie intends to aslossi I-JOU'llt'. is sai'l I() Le within 50 mile is 'Societies 'A holse name in on the list. [,Ord lopols With * hen bar Mri:s Li,neell at 'bat let rotor fissio mind uuLil4,4,J. chouice be "lonio `61'rife-r- ' whi,h hove ballots t(ins, ,
istat y, i to" for tile Lost tvionly yostr%land luil aell"O.
Ilia, llind lira, &,4 best Ili,. fntkw Also a fie. iring hit will sing, cum. rVa% the 1" ofilat'so, himl. Wa:cro�of tive Ow9rdial. Thith lamil lesep, 1103AI0 f4u! the flood alf "Ica, -a a,t,:e.r states, I-- Oil- erflar li,or"th. (jug,l hou Da"a far W* HIT011 C. T1101180N,
Sao so W,,. plw4qj itUnly, ui 1I. -r rr%,i)n rat the Cou xni,s if I ., , 'th a "'I"La or-""*Zlll`a ben lin." to fail. Ailin;z-res; and frblic
114041"ll entritionals, VIA li; he rafrouvikriiiii chow. Ing C ol lV.c U;r. is evilect'A 11 I I he rs .,it allies doriv,l, jr-at benefit fr Real. oJ Affricultake.
WA, boo. I orter. thrills will he - rournalroste; as--Parobly me sit The olilna-�o is frinch T�)roalo, July R4e!t1G5. W29 3&
MY lord grwjftv JO-IsMuma Ila. illilell a S1) I roll Ili ilia Cily Council ri�'. vote I Itas Ili WWI. e,)I,I,r Lcrc.' Tito explearl7rs lt...l te) ;),Is;, ci,lr inAtrer"Aloof lArl"i't it"I a pe box. � In She People in Ism ILL 17"c"'I'l
eafIr 7n' ps bm%e Ilia r- Ili I— Illy I,oll do jostiee In D-AtOoPy. Ilia XrAI4 or gentlemen. S,, -in -TI.,, Ism out Of lilt Way of their on I Statri vi ilia t in shq rity of rA..Vr 11ral is; t fellL-1, Israel, 6-9 ch.rapter-do j&A. ing .0 1:1�rgrs apas i tal-lC-ted to be by the (am. Y.. 0 that they am Saing to I.Ave tire to, his (;Of I somporlicia n 111PSNIO1 Altall be obl.,1*4 if ,t Vi,t,r,, ];Ike voi tive lilt fr kentrawtv Ithrout rnP can't
mar- clubs confrected will, he Provir" a close over -!,,,:kt ool, I laws by fI ei.,j parties. stuarablar give'#) wore obiolaturfliSr t3so limptie
allfria Be ! Ff., , , -irtl (Ilest Mixed) 25 oents
-how you will publish it.
XX Iwit-lyes are piginues, The 0rnlies, ae,a,iy rqlloal? lsili,,u, Ives Work Own Iva intended will .
Ir I Ashfield, July 24th, 1*07. it it &,aid, wear ti,40ict, hIt. nor per Boftles,
We, it we'. b,,,., far drivito on file groinnal-q to procrare theft) T. It.' 1',1411-1 :-.d,.w tlie. song outtlerto"th fit ('.c foril,c,minf Allow in t K110111, F.I'IEH. munctilional,le-, ill ir only girmtit in All, .7 .-The rkrit.
too Air at h lie k it No would like I 11 Jor"ll loilMrs
no 14: it as 1-1-L flo4htl*nJ a diturn-st in A*pttuiber. T e contract$ for pilintl, fa Ilia Client flo,,o*L'4aol. Phlim with your rown lijht for yod 11,t 100W c 'It. they Is isire a , plura;try or I. � 9
o91, at food been h';, nanny. ir, nn I glitzing rand for 0 cl-Orl"k'rfAil,ll Will 41ohausencp on 1, 'I if Itrack I to JUIJ I look ill" in berrowedOt lesslesit. :(Lewin') 20 eta pot cable,
Plallippo dAr-1 ; bet Alexi., III ,,, To AN't 1, a I rppri t of my ',area Ili so X"BA have fie'llood' tho Party Wait t"Me, 'a 'last laiiiih of time prailodtit nionth, ill Montreal, 2 p rit., Adj. 9,1867.
lanTIVAlt Son. t if rorat"Ish; held in Ander jib t to prov.! lth�r pro r,, a ol-I -,jaw (lied, and the pon this .,, .r
41"rxft@ Oxtiftm-W Of 110111--, 11--d Iin, cad I'm t I r. r! oof9.00 e Is try 1, Tia file evaing I al.. . rri., ., hn-binel coni-niRuraiiag leis fath. r's 1,se. c;' �bo Pruppirso lzmernmpft 11*q bWnw 2 6 0 Fr.."a SARMNES *A - w, ilw*s foolish, and witere his nable fowift kill it U -P, flaoicle, N, UtPh tide at th. Kl,,I tit I .
a -0 The Crinolines plain*, I'L-popor I lit in th, u.i but tile C"ntriialt. rat "" IV iowliticart, mi4d him a pre-ent of Iii, I%vr* he . of A lau,trill y, the 2.5#4h July, N ,affecting, soishon finite &Sep. As I Stiff not Ian is .1,Gpag the for., long L'rio Wnris ban not y,t le -n 1,iren -taw irfs )ISO* anxious f;rr tile ,S)Iety of th,,, 111r,ro Vat, V b0#t)200WpWLn
f.raftle, 01144P AnJ lig pull , a,, 'it. I. .1 his r'-forch flefirad any to N,y al -F .rich flattest eel I- I 011, the ell 1.irkd mini,tcr rc.i L.Ut .I, ery
ore to lie owon grasto ywat &'-gN, a IAT Titill 'elected , the prom�nt her, cocips reassive,.1 that ft of -Hetift. At list the, b;IdS aroftlilinfisolosinitt his private or publi-ditnifil,walrecpire" in kfore thin lettelar III We-tval-i ?..III as r I. 4 M fly fort wool for thci portiSent lineation (hei'd,ter. N',, Rff'. Baron had aniccatsfully inter," 10 CHAPTER XX. Felitor tht-re ism sitcom. phw4),,n J�rfllaamv *"I ft'llr- fou, Is ashollial those The e$436 I-ifsait iffic ob rejille . Ito a *.,10 :t tl'w- lerhanies' lGIli furcitti, starest cAnuarste %itho Mr. Hills' tit sakitalt role of city Without ,,, of Maximilian, fitti it 1A X" a 3.6iii
� ,I IT -r 110jesty, tire fl,wen, front thought thit lie. provokel Ihat a TIERMS CASH. at6wh sixty fjort in diameter, to be MWIT, r.ilust I know 61, end that allNoogh evening,
AufoolintAlinlent'rot Saltine I,UL lop i in& 01.1 r"sailartly Ml;ei fe"hilitie", is Tra'allYd"d I* boSsIl0y or the Mat3tialaor loondfor'. No are. Pill- .72 [he ....... 1 0.44 64, N V DRIL
doesill, i the is"iffilk a ("`H� the rdell, Tht I 111glitiltiallill, naver-onforry R, 1 lie' Rotor ry.- Nr list The ...... figre '4
Illoo.inald rmi1%.IT up 110 140J 101I Illotir ati,;h. �Arm I opsocias front Wool bqve hem r,olo f,,r (10-hriet. 111111i All, I"WTS`I- on
lon"Of aversers, of on -vols, olvei W nil ell- I borhea,4 �to Ulm Ili tranimetion. 4 bad much Ulk in thli vor-ming, ill fUllowed by i lit I real- Notes, ........... 0.11 1:1 Flalk His flied, wow With pointed, stlated surf e"O"hol for"'I Alf IT il O" at of fitsliaotly rW Ntic ,are grirre,l t,-, Announce the reortlosso night, Mort diratrrOilsing stick heid. �mg tirivis past, &till uothin;g in known Ikorardl Posslacal ...... 0.11 0.12
;4`s1k,Y, aW wS lit Bitterroot Ilia horse g'-fterolly repanivid. These stris ill i prin. bill Par w1elyralfronfis. The Polls ....... 5.02 EUREKA 0 on to , Plio10 C'UAf*Clfr to Jay somilillail abows it, d(poth of the Rev. John C,imis, f;wnifirt, SAche,$ and trente orgreat exhaustion." 11.19 taken nife3ourm to he held MO, liiht:y if, on. ipw feeawo of tile work to ts, done- bet as lie. Royal 11-�Gfaviuly darl"I lore foo&Ylprok!iollnl minister. of 11. it, Vill". lied I -flutbod bs%4% IP,wr wishli loo huns. 11, lo6nilr.oOt6rs illiot to begin At fund .,, till(I w1ndwr tile, Juarez aullIntiti(st laire c. - %t.4w . . 19,A4 2ft.fto PnEiVS117 F Jmrq, Jam and jet)? P^*tv
Wed I I thing arilmilt his fitterate colors. for on jib g"ot to llurr-ty Wy tile the boarvalfit of, JOSThe pe-14to of IyaleadMetek borra do,ter.
*nil a J.,I,.Wy Alan tile grounds SW Ilvil litlg% net -U W ill I i offed mism, fircerting a ofteryoustailitt to tho or"At'd Its "Sinister in :1 Islanalif contrary I filothe mesa. 16,60 a I ceived this day, at the
Us* lillds, .11"of WSIM low &ddutfti by .11 I confrlooll�tfo ordel by the 15tJ 84L" 0, y IW4,j, be The eWs�qwncn tit*," is as his heal It, an(t a C4 (,it Mortshy ey"Ing I torhe ! r aw Of r rit . .......... 1"ol 14or,
Atirn home. winor f 1,01
horsoof aftirstars. It Was aninflowas t $0 p4bhwy of I A", I 4qW aLoat;,t Qa bee, on hill im a young lowtiritman f thirq A ............ 0. TELEGRAPH OPP-iM
Iche"id was a mat d 41cefleat Jobilitits, I t"Mo of empoll *on" a sewel sapowhar, I, to citanollne JIJ4 charms"t ride, this I 00 fail- "If Protests. wh;'t, in ev'satirr" T:idjCw4y--3IXkWhu 31OKen A 111111 ArInye,runtinatinn appoireW U a ,que Isterislasel ana beautiful In Ifif qW., ," Pon, � wtoq ilell Trap"I alifirior well ar d6PU* 4 of the man* 6f Kedaliff, tb* aftroact mn,l r.-irried into Nil he undertook I Infin Nothillwals, Woo ila a of ,IQ prenell Nrvire, Arkrr"l mamma; Ak 'Allitallef.-ti 1110d, d all handles of no mol pro.w. (,I a Sea ill,! emirlart, Anil the work wi Tell posh. -I* **i*t Castleriellit. *Ali air wish the.'altapals wearliffervif A; all'i case W whieloa Previsional be ployAsairy I'll be Ini,lt but firm. Posted generally welehArij, d I f4 2 land GA -1-, do Ilders pro. eel ins.; i & so a M its or proctiell anall
lioo9106" iblitivaill WAS,& I tomplifinforts .1 the ft*44$*Hhf*r4,l of I s g IInterest in the, aroeded with at once. I 0 for lower grades. Whi,h 0.
"ft4 k6 build. shoo bohfl 1p's"aslool 'involl 11.4-rvv ill" ibrongt4 with Wassert amot vaiftwdftmo.4 I sallisevalifie t4*0, hoof ripputtd higniniall its or" $kit marall spolkan, ignia,o To 9UL OR RENT I
f a *&to Politic. rvf like toonstry, DAQT*d by the New A::z 9 -A setter fellow vatra poslop, i -n by Us Prion.iin war,I,prsIndnt. lower, PMO&Fbllo4ts on�hosl 2"6 As offirposis dead *0 A'w II, t ntoqc. me, all'. *IS as "Ied oropl, SW asked boo me with P.,Aid to th,l, lot-, r h4104,11 it to, Partial rowholor for dev,firiol to tbotrar016 � front abadvall Jet? 141ho aparoaft Rho up a that Whatest itff A 1,11 1,frill 111FATFoup'.R Igl(MT.
#�owas WNW Moo �ll t Jet foil wor l AsA 'in foInsist ill" Moloreinsi hd reftoollsil to refiltoft all I mort".Ih 14 fooloomt. no The
skobw am ass* ay his t ill grt led no I or- ly i n 1. i 4 a So d I the c 'ff W Morlialliffism. coup steady, in, Ili 2 so Too into (iffilapeaddis (listed, bstd000t brad, OW
all in(Ify, opos-Ball TAW
balphile I I u"h. fees" Ilia ialik wi;l be wassfiste-
I tin" t,, the foloomilf.)
A L1* I he R -to bow brmto, 0 1 1 11 Peiall. Aug. 6-11 is Aid If,,& fia A low* fals, WRI-Mf I lbess, Acres Plain,
A of �W J" Iown illa Ndrop Witnesses, limb" Of Mosinflur., I Kee- vs Izoepipi, to .19 whong ,
be$ *"as* diessueo, lit or lateral. dard that of Itra Lim, I& 61hills, who will, priorily
POWs& I but am Ft., **pit I Via to.. So IQ it aoff�(Tja hemarst bron, mind his hearty word derioz I goonerel), site roplestod to be fit *'Ili dlelifleff ibe Refit in the lignprose now, towi Is
Put 16 " it lifthele, dolveln onere. od-ft Itself lei aft, "fed. real,
aragoulenit to 1 rise haleol ol4arsto easnalecrd, in be tAninfrind npann is R, toy Ili,, (!nrn "fit", als0e.1.1c WJI%dT, opatalvaqf. ow how Mo lbriar, too* swifilly loword the knew, 60 rdo, %at )it ooroot vrortty r Iwo. - CI ilatibe.'so inler,or Parliatfuelot, i plaml)(1111 164 lzr
ad bont ads'�Iselnct, rf Wajfz n 0044 MWt*Akt(46 2 P. Va. OVId 1.441.