HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-8-9, Page 1,. ... �-�- - --...-�_ --�_ _Loot-_ ._-�.-.w�•nn[MM-�-M.•.a• w� _ UnDiuces 1Diratorjj la� -• ..r~.,...r..._..... _ �, _...+ Dr. P. A. Idol)oumal IIfTLLL BIL Af HORS FOR CONSUL TT tai.oe as to 1I u'.Iu si, a. an, •veru day Will molt emisair at ray hew atterwardaruiY er dev• n.0.Ian......sa.D.. o nIog&E 4Qi011011;$o7iw:OOD was. OM. D N. IEeLSAM, L PHYSIC! Of, SURGEON, CORONER / ko. 911. aid a•ades••etIntik! to Dear I School lobo 11. (:or on A TTORNEY•AT-LAW , SOLICITOR !` CO•awV, Notary Piddle, l:oa=..r, en ••., Ise., (hudeh, Canada Wast. O�ite-•oeN e. Smith •d. of West Street ,tltrdJourfrom tbe deo Ctitti b yvuate. 'Mornay Weal b.raW C(Ylla ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL Leath 'rorww i:r.•I,I Loden... Rita Medical. Richard Moore. parBLCIAN, Ssrgeo, and Aecouebeur, Muchester, C. W. February 7t1t, 1847, w3yr ROBERT J. SLOAN. D[. D PuretelAN, Sul ugoN, Ar , Ac. "'NUMdRvest* sof eon the D. 8. A. durp•g MI a are late war. One of Me resident surgeon. De If. B. Ilo.p.lel Strainer " D. A. January." Arrant omonitor for the 10111 Anuy Curls at Vkt.twrs. Mw„ kc..atr. (Moe gad Kouideaue.-Mr. T. 0. Jackwa's Lower W .gibe•. N K-Coeaunauoao on surgical cues &Head- ed is an parts oldie country. wit Imo Wieshsr. C. W., Moro, 11th, 1547. 0. M. meat testi N(1. M.D. 'LICENTIATE COLLEGE PHYSICIANS aro aolwwsa, C. E. Reaideoo.-tat h.uas formerly occupied by Mr. Hama, Caledonia Terrace, Uoderich. .19 _ bur. .- a)r. Mtao s. (VIA MUTE of the Md.cal Dupe 'linnet ul V,ulurs tfa.verutr. Toroae4., .04 late 4.111e Hosep Lal gad thspeasurjJ, New York. Knutson U Molhwgall'a (tla.ltd) Baysold. wag lm•, t). MIstde latoodlnt. t;AaB(STRR, ATTORNEY, SOLICIT ea, Are.,Oaaul,ce, e. W-Orr.cs: Up tars Walaas•a Mork, West et.; *Witmer Int 0001 west or (Ilug•et Houde. Toot. dlo Moore. A TTORNKEn, SOLICITORS, ke., node n.b,C. W. Oic•-CKABB'S NEW t ••lK •se r.ry■•, fawn. ron■a. Yed.nok.Arauetl7th. 1864. aw103w31 aro Lewes. 12ARRESTBR ANDA'TTOaNEY•AT 1), Law, arid Y.Jiriur-in-Cha.r.rv, Colin y Crow. Astons,' Oudot u:11.:•••d.We.l . uAce • Court Hoowry la(0 K. C. Ca.ra.roa, R11211I4TKR, ATTORNEY, CONVEY •Noma. we Amnion street.Oodench,C.W __ . Suaetatr ac Walkerr..--- BARRISTERW, SOLICITORS, CON- egv,vusa, kc. (hie, neer the Store •t V. uet10r k son.0oder(cb. Jolie navlson 4er1RR(3T R R, A TT O R`i K Y ..i o ri c fro R . Cht.rery, he OAee, Market Berme eeroiKinawusitreetdi derv&. 0N2 W.Ht.wn'3 Rasa. 0. Trolly KY- kT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN t. Ca ,Notary P.Win.C...eyaanrr,Sc. ,4 40 .r,.,1, C. W.-4111Ie., o..r C. K. ArrhJmd'. tater., Cnbb•. Rink. v7)sI9 Iosey to Lead ea deal Preperty 11. te. torte. B1 R RI 8 T 16 ft, ke., OnoseteR, C. W. Orrice-9aeeg'e'a .Vete Block. J. Y. IOIaoo4. n %RRIMTRK, ATTORNEY • AT LAW, u C... our.oeor, .ko, 0.L,.-Bla1e'. Block, •ppae:ee 1 e Pew thhe, Qaher.ch limitary 3,1614. ,w37 J. Fr.ncl. 0. 11014s* ATTORNEY-AT.I.AW, Y.)LdcrrokIN Co.neerv, 5 anveyure,..to.. Or., , Oder ,'l,O. W_ mod Barewit,': W. 0.1.00 -Kay' Illoek, Colman, sal Mr. Palle sou'. 8lore s. ar Mr. Madan will he at M• Meech Make, 10)101e, eery Mowry Men 10 5. m. 1,11 5 0.o,. raft wWl William R. Bain, B. A. O i A N C E:R Y AND LAW OFFICE. Caeaie' ..r 9'I ole t, K,e1er3 ■Sratt 00DER1C11. N. B.-Coev.yaneing. Money lent on +e.ann.blo terms. D.footed and defective titles to real estate Quieted. Godericb, Dec. 21, 1866. 1.31 72. /41(1181I744.414 ATTORNEY AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN Crtortat, de , de.. to. Ol6ce-KmR- dton street, Ooderich, 5 doors west of Y. C. &'4000,05'$ Law Olic.. itoast TO LsoD. w20 54. Msloomaon. t] AaR19roIo AKorney, OoIk,tmr, Jra trc. D Chaos. C. 1'V. *34 MONEY TO LEND. Willla m F Ar'df`4iNY-AT-LAW, 90LICITOR IN fth..•eer, ('o•v.yneer. bre. Walke.lea Oa. of liere. v 16s l by l y 14.11. Haotltn CRNOINRKR AND SCUML URVEYOR l♦✓ trod Agonised Oonveysaeet,Kttturdms AR▪ CHsTECT, IL L r., PLANS AND YnutrIt1A I03K o1 Build i.�. .,., got .p eo • nest..d eorreclstyIe 5r (JgpsesMwu1h• Hro. Anehoa Mart, Mu II: a1ors.Osd*nck. fiwvt.7lyh C.aelilote of the ITHIted Santee. Annerleti DARK a O!Ree boars from 9 o'clock, a. m., to 3 clock, p. m. Il. Me Dermscintt (-ICBJIS DAUCtIU$EE1t,RAYFIEI.D *4 0.•ety +I Cone. Melia in vitas* or seem waaadly ., • militate. • Joan Caanpn,II. irlENORAL COMMISSION AGENT (7mwmsamn.evn Qesas's arneh,lorlakln4 •idavita.(:ua e t W. Ot1.e00 Breed wee. Vtit wrea Je Peter 1111•Rae. Fo1R ) VAI%* A ND COMMISSION Merebwl,l..s.■meow, C. W. Rowe tied Aerofoil 0nol looted . B..inees of may kind •e - Melte eim will receive prompt .1 of 5. w 31431 HEN /IX C31tiMT. Ilea Departmental, Faritamraltry, AND PATENT ACENT, OTTAWA. Tose..ee hominess with IM Crowe Leeds 5.11 edea Oevnnst D.Nrtma*u; Takes rest Passu for leeenhon• t Obtains Intrpo. Parr. See :mamma. by tetter. ret- ool; at- em1 Make sod tete. derv* et Prieto. Bell. dorlig Ila Men .kn.,tor portal re- arms elsewhere.( lt1F113NOEM: H ea.A.m1.t. Cine. W. M .. Wtor, Col. 00.•..0005 of Grows N..a.w. lrd& How. 1.1:a•t.twe, Lea - Clair. Eel., Ramo- doe. tea. le:Kau.. M.q.,1tape Mew. H baste* Ron, Deaf Asarrva,Cwhratsl Tnrwt. ; ION Aron*. ,C*. rOlp AND HLTRO.N AND BRUCE ADVERTISER r_-�i,,;:::R,^,R" �r�..�...._.,........._-toot.--.----�- W. T. OOZ, Miter and Proprietor. - "The Greatest Pdssible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." $2.60 PER ANN. IN AD't GODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., FRIDAY. AUG. 9. 1867 i VOL. 6. --NO. 99. fiU3intes �lirt!ctorjle . Malcolm& Nlotwl.oa. SURGICAL OPERATIVE ANDMECHANIO. AL 3C)3111N11"Ilt39C°• ELKCTKUPA"rltlsT, Ar. TEETH inserted in either PIa Una, OoW. Surer. or Vulcan toed Rubber on reasonable terms =i,• over the Pet 0113ce, West street ALL RIGHT AGAIN: I.ARG}I �t'1` PHOTOGi&PH GILLERT Il( THE PROVINCE, WI f A New & Magnificent Sky -Light AND SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED ROO11 0 13 E. L. JOHNSON EOM to inform hs nal puro.n. ocl the public generally, that he has. at „u.•11 egwnw, Sated up hoar/leans, ,n ST6 WARTS' New HJnci Hfnrkcomet or Hamiko• •irot ■ud Square. ti derieh, le such a style a to render thein the doral .n the onuotry. and the beat arlapertt for 11.. .w•ou.pttelo 01 d 110-ciw work ,n Wit&Iwo( mut be annul an. Those! desirous of haslet, esu tures of CII ILI)R]H.N taken wed, pleme brineen the morning. Photographs taken in every Styli. know. to the an, ■ud Old Ambrwvpes and Ila grerwtypn coped a. Photo,..ph., A Mtg. Mock til (4111 and ttoee- W unJ Prnre• .Iw•y on Mand. Alw ALBUMS, very entrap . 0. L..1 , to returning thanks 1.4 tae ❑ben' wrong. of the pont, feel* sabsd-d that verve' mupruvemeDt• will enable bun to merit • euuusu- •ace and 1001••» ,e the carne. E. L.1JHS.BON. Or4.ri.b.M•reb 1.1647, IIIITLIAD HOTEL, 1ODERICF E. HUSKER, PROPRIETOR. THI •Lure Is mostpleemnlly Interned on an •mrlwnne 1101eellMak, oeoe onk,, IL. Hub.•, •nd Lake Hetes;--gout. Urce•rda, Gu leas .o., Kort Wolk..I eeid. Board Al penl•y;rang', M•alou reed•.16 oval. 010010,1♦ •retherelaldl.le i.5tlletel I t.N J OHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is tl. lug..u.d beetC,watry 110101 to W.a. J anada, and chores as moderate ss .eyy Hsu. in Mitchell. stage Proprietor. Uo.drota .1,ng for 100 Horse.. Hones and Carriage. for Hoe. ea Shorten Nana tan THE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL AIIOUS 1acDO11ALD, Proprie:or. NO effort will be sparedon the part ofthe proprietor of the above hotel to render kis house all that tan be required by the travelling community. Give him a coll. April 171h, 14UT. w12 CANADIAN HOTEL, CLINTON. C. W. W. T U D811 C It 1V I'ro7rIt tor. THE teta,l,ehi..ent ,s furnished w.tb all lhv reg1lna1e011 0..e1111.11 to the ...totter' at 1.107,. .1411 PRINCE OF OR1 GE HOTEL DUNGANNON, A IILACIC. I'rnprirtur. Anile .r«womn4an,ma hoK.I.g. r4 e,d a.e.J e, ...door.. Dungannon, 51u11. 1ss7 wee ROYAL OAK HO'T'EL, LUCKNOW. JAMES CAMPBELL, Proprietor. BOIST OF WINES at LIQUORS. Good Accommodation for Trd1'eller% (MOD ST.C1111N13 AND ATTENTIVE. DIMTI,I R0 l.•ak.ow, 6th Muck, 1866. .7tf WM. ELLIOTT. General Horse and Cattle Farrier. New Grocery and Temperance Huse, Benmillar. AWELT. Inrnnhel.1.1,1., •newlive h.stter, amt all nano cry 0c04nnuudwiva tot the politic, •t very reawuante rate.. Benmillar, May 15, 1867, llw6,ngpe. J. D. CAMERON, WAS atminvsb know Tear ro The B ayfleld H otel 1 (kr00.Hy kept by Mr, Lally) NITANTLY hand, the best of Liquor. COen hand, •ndan ute.tiVe Loader, ..,J by tenet at0M7 00 to bu.iaese hdpra t0 merit 4 skarn 00p. Iden patroness R.vaeld. Morel, 0, 1847. w7 4m Cheaper than ever 41 J fr(HE Subscriber having moved to the Ston .3 one door rat of the corner of Kingston Street gid Market Square, Opposite Mr. C. Crabb'sBlook, formerly oeeepied bplmM.sars. Parker A Casale, demists, offers Ler sale THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST, REST AND MOST FARH(OI'fABLR STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES ! of arty Hew ie teen, both Imported and of kis own Manufacture, .e.pwing ell the newest styles of Leslie.' Gents, and Children' Randa and Shoes, which be is determined to sell at a smell ad vsno► rut eo.t, as ' .mall profile and quit! vetoer" is his method of doing harness. res Cell and sea before pereb.ing else where. 8. FURBE, Odenek, April 1:•, 1117. .47 easiness �+l'lircctoq . DE NT IIJZ` 1tY• De. PNP,LPo. SIIRO1C.1,1. d: MECHANICAL 0.111114T,'}110011413, C. W. Rooms over Ir. F.Jordan'.Draa Store LP -Teeth •nt.ar:led without pan by as•of 0*0,1011c spray. JaaserelkkuIwo •wag-yli flla.•i•s FIRE &MARINE i1SLTRAICI:. PHi£NIX PINK ASSC I(A'WE Company of Loudon Maitland, eaeld,.b,J rn 570', one of tae ...Meet, Is r,e.l and best tdi. r • .0 On mala . HORACE HORTON, Agent. PRJVINCIAL INSURANCE Company of Cauda, Head O•.-. 1oront,. Wait take oaks on Coantry •d City Property. Manse rake lakes al on low rues a• soy outer 0rsl claim 016... EORACE HORTON. MONEY TO LOAN S )O ()00.4 (OW urn. 4.4 r.n pe)nhle Irons. ne W 1 nary)ear.. Nu ultr.• retaiurdlh .Jv e. MORA 301701 Agent, seri U.d.r c1, Mareh3Ist.1IMa. G. N. DAVIS 1IANIIVA11'1!Nb:K AND DEALER 1N I ot.wr., I'I.egha end Tatung. 05 every Je- ...pine. 11 e,('„ppee aaJ Shirt Irma Ware,,d Mata.i.t..ve Depot, Marler Squor., Dude - (le la. COAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rjeCo•iOil Leaup.,.tr.•8rc. Old Iroe ,Cop- per.lar..•. Kea.. Wool ,'ict. tie. and sheepskin skarn .n .tebaip.• 1711 COLONIAL HOUSE THE Sub•crib.r always leeps the largest 1 variety .OJ best Stock of HOISERY & GLOVES ! IN 1'1111 COUNTIES. CHAS. r:. ARC'!II7AT.D. 0015,11. Antrum 22nd, 1866. ..'03 CABINET WAREHOUSE GA! (THE OLDICST IN TIM COUNTY. D. GORDON, CJA1JINI:I` MAIi1:12 AND UNDERTAKER, 5t..u1.,-tere• anis ha now on panda eomplal• tunnel of Purn,turr,u his Waranema, WEST STREET, GODERICH, .ern as Sofas, Bureau., fables, Redeleadn, Heir, Cane and Wool•»Wrd('hain, (:ill Moulting and Looking (classes, it. veriett .ol Home Manufacture and Imported D. G. has &Leafs on hand a complete An nrlment of COFFISS. Also, II1:AIISE:, TO 11111E. 1.170114't 054,1 Cnrlwood 0511110 in t• chan,:eforFurniture Uo,ler.eh,37thOe1..777.1 w Auction & Commission. G ODEI:IOI-1.& CLIN TO N Established 11214-.;`J. `ALES of Marelleneo0s Pvnperty in Code mit 1.7 every Saturday, and in Chulum every Wed- nesday. Money a,lvanced on Property f. r immerL.te sale •MI prompt renins male, Perin, coat end umber Stele punrtsa'ly attend- ed tr ihrowehonl the co,mly. 0.M.IRUEMAN'8 Auction Mart. .61 Roulet rouare,UyJer,rb Money to Loan on Real Estate, A PI'IlA ISBN to theTras.ad Leen Company o. M.TRCEMAN, w6, Mnrk.t Square,Codench. Land Office, IXRIOINTBR 4,7 Improved Farms and Wild Lead for bale, 0. M.TRUEMAN, rdMM Oerieh, March 1, I7. Market Square w G omelet. an«let. ISAAC FREDERICK WATCHMAKER A. JEWELER, WEST ST., OODZEICIi, NEAR THE POST OFFIOE. A GOOD Asso.TacOT or (told and Plated Jewelry on Rand, WATCHES CLOCKS AND SPECTACLES IR ODUAT vsal1TY. REPAIRING IN ALL BRANCHES done on abort notice, in good style and war. ranted aceoe ing to agreement. Irk Wedding Rings always on hand. Jobe telt spell, to my tads will b, sold at the eepiration of three montbe to d• fru expanses All articles warranted as represented. The best quality of Clock Oil W 201 as a bottle. nonsticb, Nov. 14, 1066. w16 Take Notice. 1Mt1R1, POLLOCK, E,eeqq., late Deputy k, Sheriff hes loses appmnt*d olaoial Assign es seder W Issol,ent Act rf I 80t4 fat tbe 11aited Coantc» of Herm sed Rears. Mr (Mee is Cemer'o's Block, King. firm street. Fele earl 20h, 1866. ( A�' � K1R(�(� '' MLFJDRUGS, DRUGS ! I NE W GOODS! AT BUTLER'S Stationery.Toy, & Fancy ' Goods Store. F. JOIN AN; IJA13�' tJA I3t t ! n WM. STEWART OFFERS FOR SALE THE ENTIRE STOCK IN TRADE OF D. KERR,JR.S5DO.,GODERICH,ONTARIO. COMPRISING A LARGE STOCK OF • STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS C all u .(ruowswnuit.55.Key■u1le)hinds, rt lea and T prices, excellent qunlily and first elate ate linieh. e d 4-! a 1 lI it 1 1• T e1lomlalonClothes-Wringer r . C..r(.Haaa.Sgrw•.,GoLra.A. E kDY-MADE CLOTHING, Al each m,mess.reductionn n .41 .tame a spetdy sale. The-! Ilow,aa ore a kw of Me many hundred bargains now uttered 541lbr 1416.0, 4010 yards Dress Goods, from 10 omits up. 1000 yards Cobourgs, from 121 cents epirards. ; 500 yards 31e,ioo, 43 cents. 200 Berage and Cloth 3lautlrs, ill, regular price 42 501 250 large Brown Silk 1'srasols, usual prion $2 50 -your choice for al. Bright Black Glacic Sills, from 90 cents. Black and Colored Kid Gloves, cents per pair. 400 pieces Brown Cottons from P cents. 50 pieces White Cottons, trout 10 cents. Striped ShirtinO1 121 cants per yard. 30) pieces fast colored Print, regular price 20 lo 23 ota, reduocd to I!} aid I;c Gambr000. from 15 cents.. Tweeds, 50 cents. Alhwool Tweeds, 40 nests. Black Cloths, from 41. READY-MADE CLOTHING Coats, Pants, and Vesta, very cheap. All -Wood Suits, from 510. Flannel Shirts, Cotton Shirts, Ties, Scarf , reduced 30 per cent. Paper Collar., 121 cents per box, regular price 20 to 25 cents. Pun ba..,o will abet i • SAV13'l (17 25 to Pte. 0A E rk.RY DOLLAR, by tailing at once. 05.1 scone, tau ta-M bargains rvcr olered .a 1h14 0.10111.011, al Codrn..b, Jo.). 5th, 5467. D. KERR'S OLD STAND. w':1 I!IIFORTilT TO EVERYBOBY! GRAND SEMI-ANNUAL SALE ! cwamrsCE^ AT THE EMP OBi UM! 44(oee----- ir;}yo 6C Ermov'\G To our( \ELY PREMISES 1Y F1 OFFER THE 1� whcic of our imm,u_e stock of DRY GOODS AT COST. CREAT BARGAINS ! FOR CASH,t FOR ONE MONTH I 1- *PP= wee O •ems dC.Apt. -- • Goods Cheaper than any House in the Trade ! J. C. Burr ,c)lz 3%c c3O. .16 q[10 [ ed rt I+`irwt-Clabsw A-rti4le of WINTER CLOTHING ! Go TO L ogan's Woolen Factory Store, Where yon will End a large •ndraried stook of Palled Cloths and Heteoette, Tarda in great variety. White, Plain, Grey, Striped and ONeeked Winoeys, A great variety of all wool homemade checked flannels, ane yard wide 1 lik.wi» WHITE, GREY, SCARLET & FANCY FLANNELS. A 1.')T OF FIRST -CLAM BLANKETS, SIGHT TO NINE POUNDS PER PAWL. Stocking Yarn, Fine Fingering Yang, Fleecy and Berlin Wools, all in endless variety. Together with a choice Assortment of Factory Cottons, flatlands, Prints, Alpacas, Imported Wiocies Den Goods, Ready -mode Shire and Drawers ; Mem' and Childrees' Rocks and Stockier' 0 groat variety. IRS` A call M solicited. Woolen Factory Store, Ral8tr»t, 17th September, 1446. ., THOMAS LOGAN. DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGC!ST u.alen o,anJ l m port• roti C}ENUINE 1)I:LOS: CAew,..i, , Per/wow y, herr rooth, and Na,l Ilrushea P*IRT.,OILs, OOI.ou,..... nes, IIORSE& OATTLE MEDICINES , e0.04C. UnlerNrota Medtoa: meg p.ceedlyatta.Jer't,. at Leaver Trade P . Y.H.-Physician'. Pr•cnpluoe rarefoll) lie prnt,ei. Uodss e6Jea.10.111311. LIGHT ! LIGHT ! LIGHT ROCK & COAL OILS, .'Burniag Fluid ,Lamp Oils. For Yale or • F. JORDAN. ood.nchJae .17.1569 e0 Money -to Lend, ON very reasonable terms. Apply to B. L. DOYLR, Savage's new Block. C derieh, 9th Jan. 1065. .50 NORTH BRITISH AND Writ(1NTILE FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Co. setuctarsu 1809. CA I'l l AL £2,000,000, STERLING. Fire Department. TV81-RANCEs effected on all elwea of nu,. rl moderate rales. Losses prompt 'v paid. Life Department. le vi, tee of the guarantee afforded by their large Capital and accumulated profits, this Company can adopt rates lower than are racur.atile by many other offices. To Farmer.. 'Zprcial low rates have bete made for farm uilJmgs awl other isolated risks. The audersigo•d having been a{+po poled *gent of the above Company fur (il derich and eurrnundiug couulry, will be glad 10 re - (wive p ropoeals for insurance in both branch. es; anti .ill always be ready to give inforut& time to parties wishing to insure. - Wm. R1('HARIr3ON, AFent, Rank of Montreal, t,♦ est St. G,.Joeich, May 1st, 1844. •e70 TIIE OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT IN TOWN_ +, f MARTIN AM ANN B'053 ' To INFORM 1118 ULD CUSTOM erathat he is still able to sell for cash, 41 11.. 1,10001 ILL KINDS OF FURNITURE At hie shop on kiIi4 ton street, opposite the Ilurun Hotel, Gudench. Giro haul • call. (.nb•rieb Oct 3. 1866. ■.11.:17 SALT TERRITORY 20 ACRES OF' SALT TERRITORY In Lerma, situated on and adjacent to the River Maitland, end just east of the h Railway Station, and fronting on 0. T. Railway -very convenient for • siding lotto main line. Apply to, I'. WEATIIERAI.D, Generic h. Nov. 29,1366. er450 W. M. SAVAGE, fU YS and sells New York Drafts- Greet Si backs -National currency -Reale not.., and oncurreot money, at cornet tate of each mg*. 19th Dee., 1865. 1147-1yrs.l INSURANCE' 1lre, Marine and Life Insurances svTtcTt6 011 alAwaa•I.k r' Of ice ---I. Ip. C. Ifaldan'n Ir. Ckaw►en, Key'. Meek. sorrier Court Howe Square sad Wed: St., Ood.rieb, C. W. JOHN ItLLDAN, JR.. gent' Oolerick, 27.S.pt.,1064, .3itf 11 GODERICH 1rikrBIIQ KILL II'utmp I1'8otolry i T11RSUBSCRIBER EEGS TO INFORM 1 bel shorter. the CseWIN of Horne mod Beret het leas etc IMaal0M.rl.g,..d Nan o• band a somber els a SUPIRIOR FANNING MIR 6, PUMPS. Fte.'Owld pl,tle.d•rll draw attention to hi M,8o e.0.►e will•far& them to fres Wheate" eats, seethe. et ••.. ate. Pump• modes* enter .ad warn.eed. N e Nth n aS., wows /seem -sewn eat Cewirfw 1.01. Aube ,e rutterthe.tle of Magee. premiere :MA pool MILT, VA rm. wMrl. 0.. sever yet Irl testy* 1onwa1000efemm.tn 5• *ream whir brae .•lobe.. v •4wn.5 A MIL, Jtr T DODD, e The twat ,n u:u• ; nhol,salu and rr.1.11. 60 Remora of Blue line eream.lnid letter I'eper. ISO Reams ('ream laid, Rise laid, and Variously Tinted Note Papers. 60 Rams Blue and Cream laid O O L 8 0 A. P OF ALI. *WEIGHTS AND PRICES 75.000 ENVELOPES ! All Color,, Quality, 8ixe. and Kinds. TBE SOLDIER AND ikii SPY. A Tale *CO" Siege of 8ebaatrpei: &coffered. _. 'CHAPTER XIX. Ira 73/1101/1 rata. Tea day broke over S,haato,.ol. The Relish army, suffering horrors such as no tongue eau tell, and uu pee adequately des crib*, *irked away in the Iruahn a, or wearily hauled up the heavy 'its gone, wards the slowly protreasing line. 1'feir off rioge, their hard/hire, phyte. peetilen..e and (sluice, war and cold, had killed tate *ands upon thou*au4s, and bud trauef nw•1 those who had bee, spare,) tato .reek.. of their former selves. Gloomy, marring, fteeaulg, they laboured and went through the accustomed roetine, hopeless, where nothing remained to hope for, weary of life and despairing. What gum tied they ear for death on the field, when each tine endued in every successive day horrors grew Wo:.,- 11aa death T Yet 'hideout." despair, which made them ntacbisees, •ud rendered than so rerk- Iru iu time'ot combat, transformed them iu. to Jema.u3. Then, u though they viewed the Ituseiant as the authors of .heir n'eery, they heaped .poo their heads all the wroth and waders which their wff'riu4 round within them, and apriva,ng forward In the C &mage. with the impetuwty anlfr wile cm - set of madman, they drove the K..ua1s bead ruin the trenches when they dared to woolen, and heaped the gruu..d with the Jyt.ig a,.J the H.. dead. A sortie was to be made CO day u,.on the Rritieb litres. 11 was hoped that the nriti,h <, widow*, jal((.utwhed, btlfdrusea, might (1-1.• All the Popular Jragat,urs received yield to • vigorous attack of a large parer. 'r as soon a p,.bl sl c 1. Torre tbouamd picked meu w•ie .appointed M iscellaneous B ooks ! w tbe »nim.. Promiaeot among them waw Cr tai. Alexis Arbanon, who uuw (bestrode .y ou bali •a)s. Abu, s11 etlt 14111 muck P of the • his charger, hie lace flashed, Los eye blazing Various School Books ! `ilk martial ardour. "Furwatd-advance A very largo and varied stuck of and Gentlemen 1'•d"'•' The bout of meu marched out of the gate quickly. At once a fure,u• cementJe b ga.,. Hundred of sputa poured forth thew. volleys upon the Britah Lure. Troops ul aLrrjahoot. urs skirted the advancing host. and poured their shot upwu Om Bntiah camp. Mortara sent their laugh bombe having through shear, along their curved patb, to are) t.arlu. des- truction into the ranks where they fell, aid spread havoc and 11141 around. Botha. watt •hooting in scores Iron the d.drreut tower,. The ited.tn battery wog ane ma.. of Oame, and the round tower vomited forth an eruption of horrible power. Every Ran and aorta were called i.t0 requisition a tbs. WAS of the tower, to give effect to Oar greet with', and help break the lit lieh line. The w hole country shook with the incesea•t roar Ing and exphaiva 1 Furiously the Ruu,.aa pressed forward • guest the British. Al their tnurhe•,)tre. haggard, fierce beyond all that words eau •s press, stood the British withers. What car- ed they furs Ilusuan sortie T And sow, as, the tluwsa•do, sdraacad iu all their fury, .s their pennon& waved high ia the air, sad ihe cannon from their own fortifications, god the guru 1,6m their own ranks heralded their ap- proach, the British atrial uwwrd, caroler of danger, seek fug only to vent their Qannehle.a raga upon the beads of tare who dared to oft attack them. Th• Rierialea sprang forward. The lin'.. MM. They %bo•k sod tke shock .as terribly. The British, who had reeereed their fire, ee soon as tbrir bayoaeu crossed those of the• Rosman, poorer, rn upon 10.. • Irlightingl and seething fire. Down (.R t11e elan in beeps, 'f heir pierce were eapplud by others, who premed Iorward to erose steel with the E.nglieb. For a while there was • sharp olaliu; and wrioging of steel as the barou: el. were pl•nged into either rank. The En T. lisp rushed forward in irresiatihi. fury. Be.. fore thew serried bsyoaet•, all ie one ear broken line, wlo could stand 7 Pown went tbe Haa.ians i backward th-y a-" . «trot•, ! , J relreeted, they staggered, they vetoed I wry v*inly attempto d to rally. Driven by the Kerte soldiers of Englund, at the point of the bey. one*, they ware compelled to 1.4 itself 1.r • Some. Alex iv, who had Men seen everywh.n avoid the thickest of the 6aht, whet• voic. had made itself heard amid all the din and con. fusion, now rushed among the panto -stricken ranks, and shouted .,at to .ham to ',turn to the attack. "(swards 1 1s it thus you retire bs:me s handful of half starved 'glanders 7" The moll were goong by the rind. Deep marmots reweodd through tat Weis. Agsia Ory formed for the charge. Sedd.•u') • fi,u(w emerged from the smoke and L.• wbieh surrounded and overhung the IL nigh line, .red oda toward the Bar..•... Tke ranks paused fur a moment. The nun held his gm, reversed wed made sign. of Lam- ation, '•W6n gra Tse T What les ens .ant 7 f ' shouted Alexis, apurnn1 hr hursa toe .rd I,iliib. "1I, by the holy light of h-n.•n, het my lest 115411 is granted. Weer, 51 Philippa I what do you ben 7" "1 em your prisons,. 1 desert t", cried I•hilippo, throwing down Lr aro. -Fool 1" shouted Ale (14, •hh • mock ing laugh, "Deuert7 Ha. h.1 Vtli,as and spy -dee -Captain •D Artily mad. you this-" He dew a p:•l0! from by Isolate, and shot et the (creek{ The era -Wheal moo pow . .d sod fill. Atex5Sdid not dei40 In look as hint. 'Come oft 5 Come o5 f be shoaled to hie soldiers, -Op to the charge 1' With Alexi W Meir head, Ow Ione livor soldier. moved aloal) up award the tterehea. TM roll of musketry, the thrilling bless c4 trumpet*, the rattle oft:ram•, all jyeafd Weir hispiri.g nosed* together, sod tilltigted .a one greed demote, "Foramd r' *honied Aram. They rte no soldier• beim. them. Gee/ the trot treneh fluty (waded s0.15y, furiously. No .oldies w*,s then to swot dem ee .ngage in deadly straggle drrestie. t r the rola. No cannon, p,wred rout► Wim sF 4. ly e.00r•u upon them. They saw u*ea * my. '•Tbe, bey* 0ed, Victory I O• r' unnam- ed AMais, riding forward. ...4 10.41... I. 11a sdlime ts.wU(f .• al erJeer, like the d •eg war, Oven on rm.r.d they pr.'4-&.weft In the mooed ..tr•nebtr..l tame M Wbdiae 5514 own. se •ee..ds were Iw.nt. ee 1.r4 were visible. S, The a.s, wh&r.SiM 6 t1 ward well &vela&, mat r,e,1.,aM that their *soros had r. L ll" FANCY i SPORTING GOODS always on hand, all of which are bought trod imported direct 1r0m the Brat European • and American Menufacturen. Everything in Stock .ill he sold ata very small advance on cost. All thePopular Ballads Songs, focal and Inatetrrntal Music, procured in two daynobee, and sold at 1'ub1nheel, !'rice.. At BUTLER'S. Goierich, June 28th. 1867, et 18 J. & J. SEEGffiLLER, F1 & 1iIV IIflII I! DEALERS IN LEATHER FINDINGS! trr.,tro. GODERICH, C. W. FebrJsry 12, ILMa, • READY-MADE CLOTIIIN G. 411 AT COATS. VESTS, PANTS, Felt Hats, Caps, Shirts, dtc , L'nl.srnlJy CAeay. Por ('ash, !p I A. SMITH'S, Merchant Tailor Uodenck. Joe* 31st, I7G1, a w77. ALLAN P M ACLEAN, O "'t S m .D cc O -J 1 r,AS JUST 11E(F:IVF:I) A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS Cen.Ltmg in pat of West of England Arced "'lib.. leaver., Whit neve, H..Mkino, Pre cur 5081,,h. detach, amt French I N. ok,(Ysknere., Doeskin., and • variety rel ('a0.dma l'Imhe; Plain, Bain, and I''Iowered Vesting., tibias, ante,,••. P0., hr., kr. 43.4.4. e0na,ent of g.vini sanafarl,ORds 0h Who may favor 'Un, with lhev orders. TWEED sr1Th (a11 14001)412 atidupwardL. Mir N. B. -Cutting dote to Order, M Ooderich, Sept 2511,. 1866, • AWFUL CHEAP BOOTS&SHOES WM. DUNCAN LAS teetered at his store West ant. liar. kat Molnar*, . large Summar rock of (toots .nd Shoes, which ail be *old at vary LOW PRICES FOR CASH! PRU ELLA B00T8 ia great variety. Prom 85 eta *postale. t_} Call gad impeet, •ed you will be Pere to buy, WM,DUO? AM. flatlet irk, Mar :1. 1$07, 51.1