Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-7-30, Page 2remiss ray par, sad desk, d against the' the Parliament Rujlding". Ile wriuld 1 tks Town of Onideric► for five years i• a lid granite close. T►. wiaAo+ was gran 4. strongly • r (:ouncil, utsaal three e, them Y • eehool shewld be rash enough to think ot trainee open up the fertile 'utilities of acres of Nle . odor ere of their mono] . t Nur r Oi them the place. D'Aroey thought the grit. 6 West. Re forcibly portray- I M • Leos Yaintently. esa.d the oaetlag. ed t1 clanger of the cent Baok of rid M was sorry tote. a take t» tb wig a u.eless preca,tioi, as be looked far time or the mseting wit), the uses Mary art True, showing that there was but Throe Count J Coaacil defalcatiuns,but as Lw opp•u• Milljons wanted. which might ►ave been I •i%hia Mr, Hay weed W wake that the most all raised by •d0denturee if a reasonable 1, courean .1 1,t.leace, b. the. to wry lucid time had been given, that it war a danger- ! mariner, and eapla,urd his positiou as a ow idement of power to put it the bands' t ural) Councillor, sad 1 think so far we- eerdrd 14,t Mr. H.ye' elrptrap wttt not ar•iI of Government,' and ought to be amend- hon much, be then touched on ba policy, ed. Ile hoped that the electors would , red Ms would give the Coalition • fair trial, •Itbuulth be bad vary little a Ideuw ill one all their ju htmest in their choice of'tnrm, but be would du uutbing to .ndanger men to send. If they though he was the i the eueeesful working of the Confederation best man, he should serve them to the could nut unrderstaud the o?lect of Pis wtiug best of bis ability, thus k' f 't t J n M U ruJd ad moue a cheap rata' ys am, !Towne, permed ed if they soot bio b• would M as p prevent eecapr, rren i( the innate down into the water henenth. The quay j+rtedaout slightly, where 11 Ary looked down, and stone steps were placed there, so se to all..rd a pasage to the quay. At the other tad of the harbour were the ships safely moored la a sheltered place. Far out into the haven ran the imperiat mole, • sagnificeul construction of aoe.ive stone, which seemed alae to defy all the force art batman or elemental rage. 'flee edifice i. whi.h Lionel was couaimed, seas in the lent busy part of the city, and but few people pard the pole which were viable from the window. As the prisms' looked down and around y.on the scene, • eon vteems of the atter hopelessness of his situation gashed upon him. For hes first thoshrbt war of escape, and ►r lbos1ht which so merely) anise to his mind, died away within him, as he contemilated all the Mnumtaoces of W situation. 0 He had la luta' won mg tt e o . • . c u , rgt ! Cameros mud others who had been iu atrosg rests at *take ill the ooantry, and guard- ' opp' sn,on, and are still opened to it, be log Ibeir interests was also guarding his gi'"`Ira •troog stncible speech which was well apprioiai d and +Lick +ill rill st the own -wan not an offioo-aneker, nor avid I pills. he be induced if sent there to take an Mr. Sloan then tame forward and gave cMoe. He had quite sufficient of public , as etre political butory of Candle wit►out q P ftoing into =y leogtby uotica u( rhe Un's. life. However be wee now before them 'speech. his principal points were, to watch and wnul 1 use all lawful means to assistthe Grand I uuk, the luler.olonial R.itilway, wlarge tkopposela, open the great Np se in carrying on an eoonomioal =d viae Wert, was opposed to ounventioua, (I -suppose But looking net toward Ike antnnee cfgovernment, mud while eondemiog Cosh- because he could mot get the nomination at the harbour, ITAreey'i ye beheld a differe,.t lions in general as wrong; yet he was pry. either of them) was goes to run io between neer. Here, three mighty stiwmshtea 01 the couvuutiuu men, (1 think not) give ant a the line were m claw proximity to the tiered to give .he present one a fair trial Inge educatiuoe speech ritliar tliwu •poli steel one. witrwace, and beyond them there were as and stand by them as long as they stood many aa fifteen smaller weasels. This tri- faithfully by the interests of the country. eolner of From. and the ted cross of Eng theM. l 6(tonnes was thea introduced, he (surd •unted gallNitly from ir muihea,L, r sad creed the hers of the captive t. bound 1 said be came before them as the nominee it seemed mpossible Ya d yet -if lie m ght of the Cliuwn l once, vuive Conrentioo, be, deaceeel ietd, the wsvr b. ...rid wittiest I and also as an old sod faithful servant. swim toward them lied End his liberty.I It had been said he hail done nothing for Tuts tae lbught of 1"i". b t,J aaoas I country, this Its dolled had dose lin mind. Why shoo'd he wish w escape 1 yo , W.. not she enough for he bs1 10ews T many things fordo country ; mads many En -ape -sed be wou:d bud Weasel, .doomed atron^ friends, who would Ito useful to rue among bar countrymen, The dietdful' ^ eher;e which hung over him mored be mil d him if soot to Parliament. Up had to per at the [Iurot Hotel. The proceed- ings were of the most jovial and hearty description. (lb be costinued.) Crleken Match. On Friday last a very interesting Cricket match was played here between the Go1erioh and Stratford Clubs. Af- ter a pretty cloy contest the was decided Is !hew of Stratford. In the evening the Goilerioh Club en - Untamed their victors to ao excellent din for trial, and again the dresdtul eondamuc ! the constable hill fry i yj effecting* la tom would be passed upon him. Why then, I - should be escape 1 Irene was here in Odessa sal ing t0 ' "c oouutry, he would go for and therefore Odessa was We baps, est plan I putiog rep public works to public eompeti Agitat d by • Moored conflicting emou.,na, the prisoner' raced his narrow system as sure toentail a large debt upon chamber. A light step and a heavy rine,' the country ; eroo11 go iu for opening up approarbinq the door, caused him in start. the North R'ei3, end free grants, would Ti. )111/11114 of keys was heard -the door was *moire open, and Irene was in his give the government his e91,441ifinl ares I support. bps tor. Herding of my soul -my own r• Gibson was then called upon, he the famous St Catherine's mineralsprings. Beek were then br.euak obold•or000 olnLionel 0 u he t .i nI that he eat" before them a _the SIeIs are being taken to have the water sr preed more closely and more clw'y *t ' 1' nominee of the Clinton Reform Conven- lion, and bop -d lh.t as the time was at properly analysed. If it proves to be to his throbbing heart, the form of whom he loved so (sully. Ser 1 hand when the electors would be called what is expected, it will be • discovery of 7b he continued. upon to give their vote, that it would very great importance to Goderich, as we be done in an intelligent manner ; there have every other requisite for a great for him, tion, he oond-mned the cheap postal _boomer ovary. In digging a well on his farm a few miles above this town, Mr. J. J. Wright, of the Iluron Hotel, has discovered • sulphur spring, the water of which is pro- " O, blies heynnd all that i have dared to Irl flounced to be very similar to that from n • T. by secering the beet robterr Lebo four cou- watering p'•r. Goderioh seams to be 77Wf kW ',Eel; rya a was that e a to take Sarre! a AND couestcf ptiTpxy, up their time with a rehash of the County favored by nature even beyond what was I Council matters, bat as he had not spoken ever anticipated. ARRIYR., .Odderiptfow of train. 'b 000modatloo 68 oil Nigel Thu.12:3(1 a.m. rDa•a m 3:00 p.m. 10:50 " 6:30 a.m. 1:4.5 p.m. 4.45" e rear. Arms toail • AwModatios 1,41 ie that neighborhood before, and as those (hinge were grill used against him, he was forced to touch on them. He then spoke of the mileage question ; that money was taken by them sa a matter of justice, to men who bad to travel the long distances required by the extent of the United Counties of Huron and Brume. It was done in nearly all other counties, • r and it war highly probable that it was KkIUSign not illegal. Mr. 1Iolmea who was at that, R V Il/l time a member, had stated to him that it was intended to have been put in, bat b was overlooked. Mr. Gibson showed OODBl3CHe C. RM Iatr 30. 1867. very clearly the benefits the county had derived from the labours of the Audit Nunn RIIIng Canvass. Committee, m proud by the Budaulph _ murder case, Brant riots, &c. LIB i LAST' WEEK. cd very dearly the mists thrown .around LAST; the weights and measure charges, showed the unfitness of Saunderr, who by hi. (laoevl•d otiosity for the 8e151..) incompetency ani pertly tyramny, cawed Parswant to a notice given by Dr. the same bounty Council in justice to Sioao, another Douse of public meetings themselves and the people to discharge wit oommeneed no Monday the 21st inst. Lim. He also showed that the solarises The candidates by invitation from the Dr. of our puddle officers are Ilea tltet in ether n all resent. The first of the series counties, There were many important were P in otters to consider. We have ooufeders- was held et Belgrave, There was a large tion secured to as by the effort of the atteadanee of the electors. The chair- Coalition Government, but the tine speci- men having been appointed, called the Dr ! fieri by its originators bad expired, in the to address the meeting. Mr Whitehead, I province of t. iebee, A sonJiervative Holmes Hays and Gibson recessively ! wmia:ry had ber:n formed which was only J jour, they brain; the majority, the addressed the electors, but your onrree- Rouge party being entirely excluded, this pendent not having the pleasure of being he oontended was perfectly right; they then, I cannot report to you the speeches being opp iutd to confederation, and a made on the occasion; but am given to minority, asked why it wee the Before party were pot allowed the same Party the meeting nee good ane- edge in the province of Ontario, they well attended and orderly, sr.d the forming the majority, he also spoke of speeches mneh resembling former one!e,.- lane opposition given t0 t'eNfduativa by At this meeting Mr Hap will, it u r S i"dticl'1 McDonald, Cameron, and Rioeards, yet they were appointed? to _uptight, have •majority; about an tqusl carry it out, he was willing to give number for the Dr and Helmer 1Vhitn- the C ,al,unn a (are trial, it .meld b' wrong to pass a vote of want of confidence at once, yet be mon confer be hid very 1011. confi- dense in the Ontario appointments. In an aoummng.his polity he was glad to state than1 Mr. Bays and Limed( were at nae on .11 pores, vit., the opening ap u( the North West, to acme) settlers with free grants of oast hundred acres to such ; oleo the amend. mens of the av,easnient law, and most im- portant of all the the Municipal loan hand, Sloan, who displayed a great amoont of this County having paid regularly should not ttmssgy in oommenoiog his speech. He bear the burden of defaulting muoicipalities, rid he war not the nominee of era Inn• and alibough Mr. Hays had charged Ism head will have a number of supporta send Gibeon will poll • Rood number of votes 111 ihte esetione. This is gins of the Dr. and Hire ewer holds. Alfred Brown, Esq.. Reeve, was called to the chair , when he called upnn Mr. with the eounissios of all the line ol the Coenty Couric I in the illegal voting of Mon. ire. he thought they were about equal for eluting Mr. Hays' short career in the Town Council he has been touod guilty of giving away the sum of one hundred dollars, to • comminy to bore ler oil in salt, and we think the Ohjeet was • noble one, and be was sure that tbe people ought to uphold the hands of Munn -fled -bodies litho endeavour to devil. op* the resources of oer country. fie stood before them as the reforni candidata and if they tbought him the right man. be shoWd serve them to the best of his •bility. Mt. flays *next addreseed the meeting touched again oo the Mileage Amlit,Weighui and menatire. and Salary (gannets, which I need not repeat as yoer readers ere by this titre thoroughly et -Imitated witn them, gave a tirade &rarest George Brown and the Globe, also exainst conventions, l'not the conservative note of course," declared eon. federatioo not an accomplished tato, and the merman, of *tending by the coalition, &ear- ing it to he no difference, who, or whit party rule. the comer', and. J. R. McDon• aid and his colleagues the perfectlon of a government, attempted 10 make Mr. Otheon between them. He would also welsh -;;:h"sms".iiireen of Osorge Brown, went with Mr. Or railway for the primes of trainmen, wins. Wound up by sppeeling to the olseilses for thou support. Mr. Whitehead wig nest called, be alma ON %a appeared Wore deem es dr amino. of die deform Convention- Lila,' 5115.4h° irst a° 1,4d the his TIPVII of the Cardona, dellit 11,,n6g RIZ ugeonfnednration for which It DSO most, milling forth ell oar wisdom and jodomtwt in selecting proper men to ropemotott ta Parliament, in order le Ihrias da groat alp a state tato proper asiMira order. tad to adelish our *sale Nelfratift is oassootimiwith and older Obs rem sad Orissa lag. of Briton - an essilsnansd tbs opiate of ex. Jobe Weiser Esq., wad celled to the chair, the meeting wee nensternuely attended ; Hr woold her • cheap goverament, stated it made an elffference which pert, relief the &sentry, made the isienitry formed by John tienfied McDonald tire very pink of political perfeetioes, mid se that Kr Gitsportb al diameter del not suit all shemes el polities feraning I presume that his del,/ ba nes wsat ever die County Cooled Matters rebirth by the way is gentry pretty erelt played war, tto elegtors wit by dee time dal it was *sly got ap for sleet sad °lap -trap, pitched Ian lead turned his east probably the onkel 6f the IAA, denied Mien' mid hs reprreeted ler Owino the great length of tfielet- tars and reporta in to -days irne, metre' editorials are crowded out. rir The reformers of South Bruce are now perfectly coufident of a glorious victory for Buten and Blake. Such a canvass has never keen witnessed in the To theq:thior 'fano Strut SitTlta, Jetty 19, 1867. Stri.-in Tour paper of the 13th ult., • re• port is purported to be given of the proceed. tugs before the County Council on the Stli of the seine nionth, at which Mr. Sameelis is reported to have brought • very serious charge against in*, that of having got One Mr. Snell under the influence of liqeor and induced him to sign a note,for ^regent due to the Coonty. Now knowing that them was sot the shadow of • pretence for such an accusation against me, I wrote to Mr. Samuel' for an explanation, and appended hereto is a copy of his reply, whieh, I call upon you to publish with this letter, in your next weekly sow that the denial of the libel may be as freely circulated r the libel itself. What explanations of your report you can offer, 1 am unable to conjecture hut 1 uni at least emitted to !spent a eclair...tory apolo- gy for tie lecorrectriews failing whtch 1 can only come to the couclueion that it was not malicious than untruthful, C..1.1.1,1 &C., (Corr.) EXETER, 10th Lily, 1867. SIR. -111 reply to youys of the 38d, replotting an explanntion of Mc statement betore the County CoutityJune 5th u report ed in the Huron Signal on the 13th June, 1 wound say tbs. ihe reported accusation a- rrest you is altogether incorn•ct, as I nerer made any such statement before said Coun- cil, yours eke., EDITORIAL REMARKS. - " Whether there was • shewdow of a pretence for mud. an evolution '' or not, le a matter that Mr. Elliott 1611 have to rettle with Mr. Carling lusd Mr. Samuell, for we Ireard ail that passtwi, and believe that the wurds reported by us wero substantially correct. As we understood the matter et Elliott's having got Mr Snell under the tain note (or Dotes) from bias while io that condition. Mr Carling, the next speaker. spoke of it as a case, and used nearly the same Isnguage, for Mr Bishop drew attention to it when he arose. In response to • note from us Mr Bishop sends the following reply :- U11101t1a, July 26, 1868. Base SIR -In sneerer to yours of the 25th July, understood Mr. Carltng at the June meeting, to say distinct/y, that Mr. Elhott bed got Mr. Snell under tha irloenee of Invite and that Seen never would ham sign. st Me noir im bre seller eerie, whet I said ion reported st the time eorrectly in the Signal- It struck toe very forcibly and it Ives much talked Matter the Conneil rose, that Mr. Carliag should use such language shoot ttee beet trieed he had in the County, when I sa* it in the Signal I thought if anything could let btr. Elliott see the errot of his ways m eonvaining for Cartiee this would and when Mr. Coiling saw it he could not believe that either he ur paid what you reported us to hews said, would he not make • smart imeninkLD BISHOP. Mr. RIPTIOR.111 restitution el the affair growing out a Mr. Bamttell's remsrks is report, other woes reeeived the sane im- prosion, the matter was subject of general conversation lifter the Council rose, and we would sok how it wee possible for us to have gives malicious circulation to so alleged libel,: the nbjset matter a whisk wards, If we bellowed Mot wo boa mis- understood the longing" need, an apology would, it at' illmendle; be dee Mr Klliot% but, sedge the eiremsestenees, wer smear 41, more dm date oar onions belief. as bmea NM by the ruolleetiou of every Bum aro bow, ocomoroad yids that the alone referred to was &dually Firelight TOWN COUNOIla. July 26th, 111411. The Cuuocil am.mbted the es is t e chair members present, De City *sen councilors Mcl(iesie, Cattle, Parmoae, 8loiib Kay, Clifford. Miaow Of last regular meeting were read approved and signed. Petition of Mrs. Patwrsoo fur the payment of 1.4.00 ler keeping a sick woman by the name of Ines Harrison, roserred to ooancillor L.ouard fix further iutormutioa. Petition of C. Crabb showing that the building Inn lot 27 and asseaseJ to W. Piper i assessed too high and that the budding uccupi.,d by Mr, Trueman is assessed oar the wrong lot. ltefferred to court of revision. Arcoent of Mr. Mow, and otters for clean- iug 'estimated boar, for 115,00,- -ordered to be paid. Account of Julia Pulsators fo' Lumber fur fume and side walks, ter 135.41,-uniered to be paid. Certificate of Rohn (libhons J. Mosley J Torrance and W.Pipar, Egan. for damn ges done in 8 sheep by dogs, the prOpeny of Thomas Weathenld Eaq, to the amount of 732 50 -ordered to be paid. The following report of the fierce com- mittee was read, received and fyled. Committee Booms. (lodsricb, July 25th, 1867. To the Mayor and Council ot the Towle of Oodprich: Yost finance committee bevieg met, present, Messrs Common, Gibbons, sad Kay, beg to submit the following as their fiwo- cial report :-Hariug ca•elstly viewed 1Le state of the bounces of the Town,,twe are sora that we are compelled to present them in, so anfvoursble an aspect, but • combi- nation of circumstances which oceunred in 1566 • grey part of which was beyond the control of this council, his Caused the priest slate of adairs, for instance the defence of the country caused an outlay of over 1500 public work. exeeeded the estimate by 8800 het the largest item is fouod in the nonpay- ment of the Northern gravel road company who will be indebted to this manteipality on the 31st ot December' pelt the aunt of 7.5000 these combinatione together with tie fast that we ought to have bad • rata Isar year of at least 2cu, on the dollar more has caused us to allow the cosoty rate of 186eto remain on liquidated except so far as the non residents taxes bare reduced it, and has also required los council to seek accuinudstion in the Look to the amount 0181500 to relieve our serer sing claims, in view of thew facts, your com- mitter would resommeud that we allow the payment of the annual interest of the muni• civet Iuanfund W escudo unpaid this year, and would alai recommend to the bond of school trustees that considering the retries border with which the ratepayers bas W eontend, that they should um the utmost economy in the educauoual depsrtemeuts consistent with efficiency, we 6ud that it will require a rate of oue and a half seats on till dollar to meet our i.abi,itees which will then lave a mild cency to be profilist for next year but we cannot recommend that more than that be levied, • seatemeut of ants and liab,litees are hereunto annexed, all of which as respect - lull) submtted. WM. KAT. Ch. protein. Stntemeots of Assets anti Inabilities of the num of Gotierice of 1867. 13x1. deficiency for 1866........ 12000.00 " County Bate " 2950.00 County Rae. 18674023.00 Common Schools " 4000.00 `Salaries .41200.00 Public Works ' ▪ 000.00 Interest onCemetery dsb't" 432.00 Platt's Hill ' 72.00 Reli.t!Faud " 400.00 Prinuag Stqu00ery Elec- lion kc, Income from Lit -ries Cemetery Lois Markets Rents Justices Films Occupied lots liable to . be sold for taxes Balance to raise rt 100 00 15785.00 900.00 200.00 75.00 94.00 • 14346.00 15785.00 Amount of usemment rool for 1867 8928580 at 12ct will prudice 12928.00 Balance DA:legacy 437.30 14366 00 By Law No 5 to raise the sma of 713928.00 by ainessment was reed a first and seeend time the third reading was laid over mind next meeting of council. Notes and Characteristics. The inaugunttion of the New Dominion of Canada, would seem to promise fairly, for beiag productive of some beneficial results in the politics' upeet of affairs at least, judg- ing from the Iresh tone of the public even in this sequestered corner of the '.Woody Huron," one would lee led to sup- pose, that the hitherto dormant embers of Political sentiment had, at last received • sort of magical, or magnetic itopetos, forcibly reminding tool tbe symbolical account given by one of the Fellow Prophets of antiquity, representing • "great stirring of dry bones," in certaiu Syrian valley where they bee laiu in the dusty silence of ages. The re- cent meeting bald by tire rival candidates Emma 'earns to hove beim a pretty laity - winded niaCcr and ceneiderably affective, in blowing away a large amount of the deity newald whereto, erewhile, had slumbered in listless and Meow apsthy that passive am mal yecleyt "the Elector ! ' re ever since, • nimbling sound resembling the mutterings id and hourly becoming/nor. audible end still ever incroming in volume, very, temeh rtmem- ed by the Hebrew prophet referred te, only in the instance Bones, skins and Tongues go so being, doubles', eared by the recent great miracle of British policy in sending oat into Canada tot spirit from the misty deep" to instil the principal of reseacitation the whilom proetrated corporeal bulk of the body politic. 1 Digby, make these prelimin- ere observetions in commotion with a brief re- view of polities' meeting called by the Com. appointed by the erode of referee in this dietriet ; which meeting wee held on the evening of Tarday last in the School house of Mr. W. Brewer firs 12 Ashfreld, iehere altho beteg myself on• of the enfranchised made it my business to be present. am I like to enanternee, if I cannot otherwise help 'eery good and putriotie cease. The Ferrates' alike not very Iarge one neverthelese MI respectably attended in the community, and *Oho open to all political parties by epeeist announcemeat, rry tow if indeed any of ultra hero prineiples scold be nsekoned amidst the dried newsy of mooning witb each etre es the several sehisst• cooneeted with Gm se the istelleeteel end palatial suns. of the du candidates now in the Geld themby endeuesnag to eases es wigs a @dottiest as possIldo of the two whose prim:Miss shored wet bariesserie with tbe patina sentiment ref the rain of the North riding of Baron. After • sheet Dieedly sad jocular diression of' the various merits both of men sad mat - ten, sad sown brief raey remarks from mines parties peewit, eliciting mesh amese• went and very good seems, saber, of heeds &Irmo whim, us eroded tois:Oproyths several rival sem am I Dishy, to etre the diarist', of palms sad digits resulted is Woe of Messrs Whitehead end Oases, the roust party proud essmsd to trestiore I I Digby who eat le a owner, kept thiaking ail the while and somas other tbeseds 6,11owing ose prevailed, rig How moo rasa should Pres atte.d.d tats aunty wM dlda't, from sheer polities* epatby, or '.primo igeoraose and hem may more ensil willingly have attended it wboe»aid'■t by being deterred no -strode m ,hair being et out by local or legislative errs from enjoying the privileges of the elective fon cbiee ; and ataudiag in the curids 6a of o onelecton ; la the midst of Cher irksome *imitations! became absorbed in a kind of dreamy reverie, and letting fall m favorite Boar quill pen, 1 exclaimed, my pretty rabble accenta, •'alas I. air I for poor parbliud Lamm nature" •'Dear Meade sad gentlemen." If you dived. humna 'Wan' m the aorth sod of Astleld, aye or re the north end of any other field iuto two diatiuct political classes, yos will almost invariably find that the one clue represents Hume who bare most votes and least judgment, and the other, those sly ban suet judgment sad least votes." You geoNemeo of the committee and you other gentlemen • ho attended hen tonight deserve the thanks of you New Country, which I Digby in the name of Bit Brittam,ie Majesty beg you toaospt." The mooting of rune was unanimoas. is the receipt of this vote. and baring arranged for another meeting in another seethe of the awuabipp early next week, separated with • kiedly "good night." Your, DiMBY: was-- Oodertcb Jaly, 27 1487. futhef:l,twol tae rhino. wear Dear sir, -After two long weeks of laborious brain cudgeling the 'ohm,. ins' correspoodent of the Star bas pre - (Mood • corresponding cumber of .bat he may be pleased to call letters, not devoted very far either to Mr. Gibson or Mr. Hays or b the purpose of refuting any of the fads brought before the readers of the Segel by mein my former letters,het to the rather boot - ler task of okaying b the readers of the Star that "Observer" considers himself somewhat o1 aGrammari•n. inasmuch as be marts tial in my letters be has sad, lie utwadin1 discovery ot five errors is per marllt Eacepb observer luwods to come oat as m candidate himself or expects me to do •o, 1 don't see what earthly interest the public are going to take either it his infallibility is grammatical contructian, in my 6n errora,or in me personally. lis letters dimply teat the writer isaequaiated with the habil 01 s certain little fish ; which habit he has uas.ccvesfullp applied to the task of smoothing oat the difficulties of getting away from soodry ugly sad onpsletable facts which 1 have most "uncharitably" brought out to the hgbt of dam. He finds hu patron in a tight corner of my sntrercbments of which the key te safe and sound in the breeches pocket of the public, and thereupon eject a dirty little cloud of an inky color over the shortcomings o: Mr. Hays and valiantly rushing forth so• derriere W keep the public attention drawn towards him/telt and ma -and my five errors 'n Grammar -til he or Mr. Hays can steam faders some paltry saplanation for the public ser. Why does om'•Obieerver" take ap the serious chat's* of incapacity sad general unttrtworthines creed by ice against Mr. Hays and explain. Was away The reason is simply this *Aon he Meows they ars tree melee dors ser( gave Mem a ender circulation Man they mor enjoy by even denying their trwiA to Wu atismsa of M. Star. W hat l have written oo this sebj.et I wrote not in Ya party sprit nor n6roced by • desire ell to injure Mr. Hays without reason, or to advance an =worthy caw, but *imply to expos the criminal duplicity of Mr. (Hays and his otter incompetence to esteem* the toter he would have the effron- tery to eerie epon,-to those who have never even beard of that gsetl.man till be spyeared among t a caodidate for their support M the co electioa. If Mr. Hays bad gone forth among the electors in an honest and straightforward mangier to solicit tags Nippon on his own ants alone. sod bed not bad recourse to the contemptahle mean- n ess of endeavoring to now himsell to a position by falsely accusing he more holiest rival of faults be certainlydoes not posses', and detracting in = onbluahinnod unmanly manner from the merits .Mete as certainly does pomeess, and if he had not availed him• gelid the blundering uarstance of some ignorant correspondents of the Star who would foot him on the electors ass modle of el that is good ani statesmanlike, my pen would in all probability never have been dipped in i:.k against bin, and he have been spared the cruel torture of looking hos own portrait in the lace. As it s, so lung u Mr. figs chooses to proceed io the track he bee hitherto trod, =d so Tong se talebouds are called to bin assistance in the public prints, 1 will consider it a duty which 1 owe to the public to place him beton, the electors initial tree light as a vain and empty headed place hunter, god r far r in me lies to expose the miserable shifts to which iris friends are driven to gin biro gad his opinioue even the semblance of stability. On starting on his canvas t rough the North Riding, Mr. Hays had scarily a single opininn to advance on ay of the many topics now 'agitating the Peelle mind, but es his better interred rival Mr, Gibson, in hu eleer headed way, entered thereon, ably showing the grievances be would labor to redrew. sod the necessary reforms he would endeavor to bring about in our goterna.t and tnstltutiona, Kr. Hays gradually pirated Mr. Gibson political opieroos, and, at sub- sequent meeting*, gave in his own person to the listening *lectors n slnbing photo- graphic likeness of the fabled jackdaw arra - .d In hie borrowed plumes :-a stook/Iis fascia wdMsg, tremblingly avowing hu adheres* to the oonsenative party. yet sporting the views of a good reformer to conciliate the atone element of North Heron whom veto at the polls Mr, Hays has jun ween enough to dryad. We are again weld that Mr. hays is fres, open aid "error M. As I intend dealing in troths and r I morally render =to Cesar the things that are Cserr's, i will neither deny the matt of his generosity nor Peel/ it aunolised. 1 hells.. t►ad is his private lig. Mr. Hay. is • gooier.' wee, bat 1 think fiat with hu generosity, inherited with bimpatimtal blood, bar virtu.. MOp. As a psblle an I think be would be very generous indeed. I have fall confidence is Lim dist be would pros(N harbours to the Electors of North Heron every four miles along the worth cwt sad • harbor of refuge at PortAtbert III He would doubtless also promise to :gravel the path from the tern to the bask door of eery starter in the Biding pomaded a vote wen thereby seared, arid perhaps construct * vent iotercolooisl Bailey' from the backdoors *foprrees'a il into town, for the special convdnieece of his dear friends the farmers of Norah Huron ie whom be bas takes each a sodden anti tremendous fielded. f. If in a panties to do it, be would i have not the least doubt be generous enough to the other .0.01,.. of Oradea a head over to them the but interests sad bonder of hiss coeslit teney, in exetYpp few their generality extended to Heron (t►eo0ah bis of snares) sen Irrdiw its rep sin ve inn some sees little b.ri when his beteg would not be dependent e. *1 vulgar eap- ribs of so aneppneiatlag screechy. we also have r robed op again that Mr. Hap ls ser educated it the proper ewe of lbs tin," • sling young an M 1.. i Minh I devoted ether tee marc► m my former letters to uetssg this s elatntlag ap at its peeper p , ad final brave them to ar.er this dose sled. r there are ad 4aa be no eery alleged taste to T think Mr, Giber .ill reify es "Observer" him little eshibitios d opine r it is rvideatiy hi Arse is pint, sad 11. men seedy, r be sea by Y pawl - linty do •tembiag or apybedy, bet his drew Mr. gyp say moire bjsry.-la teacloths@ i log to my Chet whatever " Observer," et lea, eed'•hw, may lave le write ooaMalaR ars per setup w),!1 be treated by me as blare as altogether inelegant b the 1. head, mute Ursa smudge. sod wj urtby • replran s* glaring ring Nullet eliessli ew ro sprees the native sbillri c( Mr. lisp and Mr. Giber, awl Of their worth ad 1 honesty ass have baroto(on tweaked toe hearty disgust of those who have had the rap to weds Miro' the correspondence of ale " Star." I wilt, with your permission, min - vire the ponies moat concerned that 1 her still • few stats, and pere►sace a couple of shells, in the locker. Yours laithlally, _- CITADEL, Lre..ow, 25th hey, 181.7. To lame Caitlin Exp. J. P. Baa. -1 take the ono -lenity of • Miser* hoer of a1Jngeing • G. bur to you, which I dem i4 a duty I owe to myself to commun- icate to yoa,tbrough the mudiem of the pub- lic press. Whoa I came to you lass Saterday, asd stated how I bad Men ruffianly assaulted, the day- before, in Exeter, by Inn. chaining 10 be your supporters sad friends, telling you et the same time how a party of yo.r rowdies bad gathered at the Held m Exeter rebore I was taking upper, about a web reveres, roe the proper of mobbing a i rid bow 1 only escaped with lbs kind mistier of the landlord, by retrestiog from the bask door, aodesaked you es a queliked magistrate - morn to do Muir between maxi and Ire Yd, to try and preserve the peace to the In- most uLjou peer-- to moss • sumer and greet me a-lielies of tbri peace sorest • eertw.p•roy fur amid smash and threw ; 1 did Dottier sue mower tktak. Leas applying to or of Her Majesy's jamas of the user and • see wbo is now seeking to be the Parlumea*ary reprerntawve ot th:a 1.1.11 gent aodorir-loving coatileeacy,terepuag E xeter and pan el its sure'aodior) vbo would, as two did, air, sympathise and ap- pose of that wbicb 1 came to you to cosi- wire of sad seek redress tor. Yue, on your owe farm sir, behaved in a wet engem- damenty saner 10 ms. Yoe not only rte lensed a the g obdiea of the lam ; bat you eons ltseigperseif to the habiity of the tee, (i(1 early lead wituele) by oomm.asiegJ a moot waotoa. smlioious and uowarr•oted attack on my private character. You se- emed me of beitg a perjurer ; 1 dare you to make the aseertioa through the press. You secosed me of stealing, or Alai Meg soy oomatis.ioe of the Peace in a irawdeles@ manner, 1 dare yen a make this assertion either, through the prem. Near mord the following of/feint drwmen(s ; perhaps they are forged The followio oeruke•t. 1 Ob- tained b tained of the Clerk of the Pear at the trill ingeost of $1.00, coot for the informatiee of Mr. Carling. for 1 do not believe be is ig sorest in the matter) bat by the special rue quest of many warm friends, fur publics sun, yours die, JOSHUA CALLOWAY Jr. J. P. I hereby certify. tint tbe annexed eery of • letter from the Provincial Secretary. fin Han. J. 0. Bluer, dawn Quebec Mb April 1863 is • tree copy of Use origins' fio-d to thts tiffice oa the fourth day of May 1843. DAN L1ZARS, Clerk of the Pere, Hares. 011ice of the Clerk of IDE Peace / Gorki -Mb, Jely 211h, 1863. is (Core O No.730. Sneretery's 01111 e, eembee 29th April, 11163. S.a.- L have On 'boomer to irons yos Mat bri person named as Mr. Jambes Cal loway os the comsessiee of the Peace re coolly Ms nod for the Gaited Counties of Heron and Brea, is the pereoe generally designated anti kerns as Mr. Joshes Callo- way Planar of Township ot Stanley in Me County of Hums. 1 hen the HODOCIT to he Year most obedient servant, To the Clerk of Ore Pease, 17nited Cousins of Harr and Brace, Goderish, IL C. TBB !IDIOM Wmt.-The iodise War is the West costs the lieised SWUM GOVerneseet 71,000 000 • week, and General Sherman ea presume, omens tbe exterentoation of the Bed Man from his fuming grounds -will not coot las than 7100,000,000 I The Indian the white man ; aod when he retaliates. the d ige of war are let twee uoon has. Well Sold. incomplete without his home per,. If that paper is not such as tie would Watt, he should feel that himself, and neighbour' are le spon- sible, ia a measure, for its shortcoming pathy. and it will instantly respond to such manifestations. Let en editor feel that his efforta are appreciated, and be is the responsible bents on earth ; his paper beteg part ot himself, be Sae sensitive to praise or censure as • dotting father. Nothing ran supply the place of s home parer. It is the mirror in which the town and neighbour- bood news are reflected ; in once!, polities', and relioinus circles it fills • plate no other paper ean. When • need of economy com- pels yos coined your newspaper list, strike °Revelry Other one before yr say to tbe publisher of your home jeerer --stop my Twenty years experience in smor Orysn's Pelmonie Wolfer, bare proved them to be the moeteffecteal remedy lor combs, and imtations of Om throat, caused by cold, or unreal ezertioe of tbe vocal organs ; public speakers and singers will find them most benificial. 1 be entire freedom from all deleterious ingvediants renders Bryan's Pol- sonic Wafers, or Cnagh and Voice Lonengo • safe remedy for toe meat delicate person. aed has eared tbets b• bold in high esteem by all obo have nod tlem. Sold by all medic -Me dealers, at 25 coats per bor. Mr. Toot coming hook Iota one night, us met at the door hy his wife. 'Pretty time or night. Hr. Toot, for you to come bowie, three o'clock in the morning ; you a respee- thres--it'a ties." illy wor4 Mr. Toot sey, Hrs. Toot, I beard it strike on* as I err round the corner two or three times. ere A rasa stopping bis paper, wrote to the editor. "i thinks tonne ottent spend their money far toper my daddy didn't and ever body Nes be was the meet isteltyginest man dm barer and got the smartest hmely so boys OW ever dogged tatens." There is • mu met west drinks so leech whirkey that tersomitoes that bile bin die of delirium wetness, mot, us miring the wandoefel trier two bod we performed by Sigser Elite sod Om rum tithe asideriag ferny, espreemil erterpt ik• whole tribe, declaring Wit In raid perform say of their trier, apes@ stly did of besting • weigh Is pi•eas ad, amain it whole. His reworks bong doubted, he demanded the trial. Seurat nudism ware stouts or end pilotage it sp, T.8,- dry eselolost, " sow Ist's sen pee relieve the wo4eb Hs seed evenness wore, shook wp tie frsignards, sod nods among room bot loustb Hs doom lb, aortae and redo, olw Owls weir' ' L ' 1rNst Oinewum tasillstst. A pulighet d• paper nods arransewte with • ass In a wsighbo.,iag tows to fit - W I b1 midi sows a trots tb•t locality, The result el the 'emolument s se renews, and ems rather ~thee to dm editor :- "These is ass k none ar,aod ben )1t. bat there le a Ittisl. A roan hal his beJ est la a fitelast,iw,theductur sea if he dow't git well before moron, that le. will hew to dm retia be levee 1 small wife Intl femnl . Another tsen is .ick sod I gess h..•s dot the henry bet some people my his wife pureed bio, the doctor bunt tel yit, bet when be dies they are going to hold a pod reetwsg over trim, Another msu'shorse lids Int site, He soeld eat moor Mao easy 0 keine' round, and sine* he d.de oats hey gun doss• toners one bashed. This mall eke note lent Mous. Du.'t fergit to Mod • ISypae. "Yeas Floaalsvoru rv." A man eugsind lathe poet office in Bre, New York, t other day for • leiter kr leery Hodgiu.' He wee told there was ern. 'Look here, es relied a little angrly, "mire hessiemed • bpdd letter for Ry I.S.asIt duet begin with a hjtch. It begins rot • bo. Look w the rile thet'agot the hail. nldu tile*ltlltl 21(3111 AritTtlatllttttta, S. V. IMLAlY i cent METROPOLITAN QUADRUPLE COMBINATION Compriaing under ONE CQLOCISAL SAN - VAS tie anti and cumpreh•asive attran- tion of FOUR COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS i w1LL txatai? .r GODE$IOR 0111 MONDAY, AUGUST 19. *1000 REWARD Not a tbe Bask of Hormel Motu, bid • facsimile of tbe human fees sommitted everyday by - an wl rit re 111 ta oo OMIT, ! r. !J. CZNMC/$'i where Ire bee refitted his Booms, sad en- larged his Sky Light, snaking it the largest in Ibis Gouty, rood one of the beet in Cpaada ieeially for taking groups. Two persons takes together at ibe err rata, es or. reternisg Maar for the liberal patron- age of the page, Me Campbell feels satisfied that those 1410 wish • good Photograph W ield try hie are Sky Light. pp. Pictures takes buret, style kisown to tbe Art. rein or entered, Wien on ressomble terms. Pride shown if. requited. Photogrepte taken u. all kinds of wroller. Godench, July Mrd. 3017. w21 IWO co 0 w z dd cis o‘ rzi >19 4 41 al ti g CS fro io rzi FA z MAIL CONTRACTS. TENDERA, addressed to the Postmaster a- General. will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday 5111 reptembee, 1847, for the eonveraince of Her Majesty's Mails, on priplosed Contracts for four rears, on and from the 1st October nest. between Harporhey and Railway Station, i.e.,. times per week each way ; Tenders to state price per double trip (i. e. from ths Post Office to lb.ilony Warhol) and back, six times per week and six times per week. Printed nottces contain. ins further information ea to eonditi. na of proposed Contracts may be seen, aed blank forms ot Tender may be obtained at lite Post Office, above tnentioned, and at the Office of the subscriber. GILBERT GRIFFIN, Poet Office Inepeebor's Office, London. 2418 July 1867 27 at Insolvent Act of 1864. In the Matter of Anthoey Holland, of the Village of Exeter, tibe Coenty of Heron, en Iwo! venL The Creditors ales boil rent are notified dist be has made an Assignment nf his estate and effects, ander tbe above Aet, to nell, the undersigned Arigsee, and they are re. rand to furnish me, within twe months from ibis date. wrth their claims, speeifria, the security they bold, deny, and IR* TWOS of it ; aid If are, stating the fan; the whole attired ender oath. watt the vouchers in eupport et seek elaime. Doted at Godenieh, in the County of Hares. the' twenty ninth day of July leer. IL POLLOCK. 2T. Official Amigos, H. Wanted Imm?diately, A HALE Timeliest, holding • read clew For particulars apply to WILLIAM MeDONALD. Amt. A 11 ILTON1. JOMM ANA. Gederieli Township. :sly 26 IMIT. wet' Insolvent Ad of Wet ItSMDESICE WILLIAM OATES sod 5051 OCTAVIUS MAORI. Jos* 0. 111110ANTod THOMAS SUL- Ra. ROOM aux KACIDONALD, surf livrey• Ode*, Owhirlan, African Baby Elephant A year and *half old and cal, 4 4 INCHES HIGH! This is the only speciosa of the *frier Mu phut on this Corinest, rod ferine • meek. ed contrast to the two Calomel thocisene of the Asiatic variety •hicb accempaey Comprising the finest, wow extensive sad erred eollipelissii of Living Ilipeclusess of Natural History eSer exhibited ; many of mbich tete only MP. of tbe species in America. The follorog is • partial list of the Collection. Gigantic Hippopotamus, Four Performing Elephents. Tartar Yak, Asiatic Tiger, Black Tiger, Ms Enormous Lira, d Trained Lieu, Owe of Leopards, 'White Bear. Poore. or Sloth Item% Rangruse, RON Creased Cockatoos, Pres - ante, &leer Phesarits, Sorb Americas Pewee, Spanish Macaws. African Parma, Moulioys, Ars, Reboots, and • kat ef Minor Animals. m•Niffilig;NA THANes dr C0,11 The worders performed by three Animals and the novel *miaowing eherneter of their They dance, play the organ, stand erect es their hind legs, or iu a reverse pneitiOsi es their hew's. weenif narrow inclined plum, delaic and corniest poses tin elevated pedestals, and performs number to oilier sousing ead entertaining feats. row ern GREAT AUSTRALIAN CIRCUS Forming the following brilliant sonstelletios of Foreign and Native Stars -a meld Alliance of Taleet frost the wow wed Arenas of both Henrispeeres. JAS. MELVILLE, the separalelled Ale lime. MELVILLE., the "metal Anguilla' Mrs. t•HOWLEO, the great Fitenale Berm J. SHOWLER, the Antipodean Rider. 0E0. MELVILLE, the Young Proems FRANK MELVILLE, the Deakins Jerrie Equestr WM. KINCAID, the Man of • NAM Re mensoralts, JAS. REYNOLDS, the mod reload as egg se humorous MOWS in the Profeesioa. Humorist and Oroteanse. CHAS. ROBINSON, Equestrian mg OM Mons. FERRANTI, the Posters Weser and Anatomical Parsdox. 'together with an inerees Weer of Teeth Aerebeta, Vaulters, be., aid emit Imported Mod et' Performer" ilwaa end Posies, including the COMIC TRICK MULES! Introdseed by Mr, I. EMOWLES. been added A BABY ELEPHANT AND ITS MOTHER, ilortraw1 tlfw direst from Africa, also, Two Baffin Camels orA a Pemba These varied sinsetiess wffi be Willer ewe otopoothea PosoMnoa, SAMS P51111 OR ADMISSION obigh heretofore boon airy/ to orb ems 1011°' ss the most nt. waiatorims cogitate:1041 miff miaow, lookd Os MISS IIIP- POPOTAMUS DMA drops by • ram 4 Nos opts 0141.014towlieglank to orwmasso tbdriorro 40 roc w.oinr co 0. 1111 /1410110!" .74 CiMerisb, Jolly 30. )4t.