Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-7-30, Page 10118Ilitei iDirectoru pr. I. A.• M•Deassil • RR A l' H01114 FOR CONSUL IV Milo* SO to II o'elock,•. oa day 1/111 vistlestartals at •ey hour atterwardeohigb es dair. - - 6.0. 4 tionnou 1WLES• • ▪ ti1e1AY,4USGISON,40.01e.,001.) L Valeta. C.W. 18;40-1, DK. ScLICAN, PDIII31111.01, SUittiSoS, CORONER 080.46,1 Iteebashre t hire 10e1e1410 Bestralaolsool TTowilVritiV1011biTOR IN 13, 0/wary, ?Lear, Poets, losavrojeneer, ar/rfilte., Goderieb, Lintels Wee. Omee--en b. Vieth ma' of Wed Stresi,thaddoorfromiler iertMoses desere. Ifftsossase tweet weata CiVIL ENGID NEER ANPROVINCIAL Lead derverot. Toroatod:reet,Goarrosa. •16•11 Me4:111cial. Pbeiiiifti moor.. liarpon and Awesome, Manchester, C. W. February 711, 1667. et3yr ROBERT J. SLOAN, M. D PIITSICIAN, SCZOltoll, &C &C. ' PERIL read *uremia m tee S. A. dialog 1 the late w•r. Oar of the resident isurhawes es 41. O. trspitel Steamier o A. Jesus, y." 41Loortaa8 winner for the 12.1 Army Corp, at Vieltiebarri. MS.. *c... taro and Kesideace.-Mr. T. 0. Jackson's Lower %Abeam. ff 6-Cosmileitions ea estreill same &amid - est te alkpade .4the cootory. Washita. C. W., Mimi Ely 11117. wIl dart On M.IldribillOILINGt. M. In. T.ICENTLATE COLLEGE PHYSICIANS U aro scaogoes, C. E. Resideoce-the been formerly wespied by Mr. Bert, • °Edgier& TORINO, Ooderich. w19 Dr. Illamobary. GRADUATE th• lieltes1 Department 01 Yestoria Uetverstir. Toronto, •rel late oldie Illmastal toed Dispermarr. New f erk. Reed/nice D MaDeagall's (Muhl) Bey1.W. wet Ilanso 0. eikierde (*oodles. ARRISTER. ATTORNEY, SOLICIT oaka..00ettCo, . W -Orrice t Up nut* Wistaire's Block , West 81.1 rinser lloot *int ol Oleregow House. 11 Toms 8e Moors, TTORNIES, SOLICITORS, As., God* • rich, C. W. 011110e - LRAIOPit NEW alrOSIC -• •• • .rows. 11.•wt•eomenaa. h .Aea ust 17th. 1864. ewle•w31 Ira Lewd". 1.1 A ERIST ER A D ATTORNRY.AT I Law, hied eoloottoe•se-Chamery, Coen y Chews Alloraey,Goderwh,:aaadaWest Ogee • Collo Homo', v14.40 M. C. Osenerwm,, 114 iRaISTRII, AT CORNET, CONVEY SI oscsa.0.e..diage1oes1reetAte4srieb.0.W Winokur en VValissr, fl ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, CON - LP ',sr 'mese, Ste. 04.e. ever die Store et I. 10.01.1 2. aria. Goderah. .1 elan Dantean n. RESTER, &TT° RN S Y,SOLICITOR 1LP i• eacteery.2.. Oilee, Market Smsere Dom too gMeaStreetitodeneh. II:41 N llama T" Maps. T -LAW, SOLICITOR IN Probtle,Coeveyeaner.hc. overt:. E. Archibeid's •16ste A rrua'Y- l2 Chaasiery,N 0 eterielt, C. W. store. Ctabb's Block. 26o857 to Lend oa PriSertY 11). 1... Dorris. DARRISTER, Goosat m Ornoe-Assages New Block. .1. V. BBARRISTER, ATTORNEY • AT • LAW, Cr ruelemem, ire. 1101.-Blaktes Block, opooetta t e Poet pike. °Wench 1 3,1414. 0vv37 .1. Errimacts O. Malden A TTORIEY-AT.LAW, SOLICITORIN Ts chose...re, emonyanner. We.. Ise , Under telt, (. Wr., sad i! W. Odool-kka). Meet, Colones, as/ Mr. Pates sue% More Baygold. ttabise ern! Ise at hos breech indloce, Ead▪ listd, ever) Mosley item le a. no. till 0 eon mat ar34 _ William R. Bain, B. A. 0 I-1 A. I•1 C/ •.17k, AND L AW OFFICE. Ctild'a Ktoratito Stave OODERICLI. N. 11.-Conveyaneieg. Money lent ea ressanable terms. Deputed and defective titles to real estate Quaint Goderich, Dec. 24, 1866. sw34 fl. Mkt IWINCOM iiTTORNEY AT.LtW, SOUCITOR.IN /71 CalanCian. ka ike., kn. Ofbar-Eteg- mon street, Goderich. 5 doors west of M. C. Ceramoo's Law Office. MONIff TO LIMO. w20 04. Matoorneen. glAILIMETElt, Attoretry, Solicitor, Ike ke. la Chagos. C. W. *MI MONEY TO LRND. AND HURON AND BRUCE el DVERTISER. c., W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor. , "The eirostoot Possible Good to the Oro Awn Passible Number." $2.50 PER ANN. IN AD 1 GODERICH, ONTARTO,D. C., TUESDAY JULY 30, 1867! VOL. 5. -Na 96. Busineso Directory. * _--,--_-s . ... Atestrotes Nletsoloom. IPUROICAL OPERATIVE AND MECHANIC. AL ri333/%77L'IllEtT• ELECTROPATHIST, &c. 45/11TEETH inserted in either Phi k tout, Oold. Silver, or Vulean . used &Odor on reason•ble teems FrOdioe over the Post Odic., West Strew Coderteli. w ALL RIGHT AGAIN. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN THE PROVINCE, .ini A New & Magnificent. Sky -Light AND SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED • 31,/(C) S . E. Le 50111VNON J3£1.i2 to teharno his osl pair -coos. •0t1 pubbc .11/ 'moral! c, that he has, al non•• gateman, Sited up kw rooms, is Sik:WAKTts' New thick Melt. eon., or Hallalllua alleet and Square, Cioderich. is ouch • nt)le as to render them the Seem in the country, and the hew adapted kir the aeooreplsalsoneet el Ifwel-el••• woek his &beams H id besukitul art. Tom &emitter haw.' Pic - terse of 1.1) it ;IF: iv takes wilt please broom im the mornaer Pbotpvaphs taken in every Style kaow• 'oIb. •rt,•sul Oki AntbrotrOct •fid 4)4 perrotypes copred as Fholorapha, A Imps owes of Ash mod Rose.Wood rrsatea always on hood. Alan ALU('MN, very chimp . E. J , i• reournong thank• Or the lobar.? peonmege orate pest, Wel. adoolel ohm renew onproVelaente twat ists•bno him to mar fUl1111111- alma Own Ovate@ ot Alm *sow, S. L..IJH %SON. Gabriel, mime 0,3041, wet, ILLITUND HOTEL, GODERICH HONKER, PitOPIOF.TOR. THE • •bowe is teoetedeamelly•atuaten. ue sat tIssit,eace I :Meet high , uvakelook me the H•rkror aad Lake Iterost--eosie1 Orchards, Oaricas and korai Walkissitscaad. Board 51 penday;alayl• 81sialsorBeds.1111••••• TOHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is th 02 iargest•ad boat Country 11.4.1 i• Wismar Onisada,msd rh•ree• as moderato ....y Heil. la tallitorbell. Stage Fropesstor. tloodw•Illoagtor lb Hatses. Home, aim Carriage. tot Hue, •• 86stedsest Neer. ter, THE BRITISH EXCHL\ GE ILITEL 333aCIEPT•311111.. AA GUS KoDONALD Proprie effort will he awed on the part of the prietor of the above hotel to rentkr los all that can be reqoured by the travelline romunity. Giro ken a sad. April 17th, 867. es II CANADIAN HOTEL, CLIITON. 0W. W. TUDODUKV Pr, riitor. all les 'log rINHaestablislinreat oso ferno•hed tont • rogetromeato esaentta I to the eon eras. PRINCE OF ORANGE HOTEL DUNGANNON, 11L.A.CIL, Plerentetor. Ample seenoonoaatores rade, lam.* mud goad al lendeoee. Deagansos, Marla. Mr ere It ROYAL OAK HOTEL, LUOKNOW. -- MIES CAMPBELL, Proprietor. BEST OF WINES & LIQUORS. Good Accommodation fur Travellers. Witham icreiser, A fTORVEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN 12. Oka•erary, Osevey .2... Wark.v.ta olltreema. lea 16ele le. Hanson O(VIL RNGINEER AND AURVEYOR •irt Lead Agsat sad Cosveyseser,Cedardtet oar J A.1%1 E: P4 Itk I 1_. ARCHITECT, PtAka AND arsotricArtoks et Redd lap, 2.o,iOI op to a nest arid cornet idyl* e ode. at the Hens Allele, Mort Ear hat Sessre,Ciedernolo. low vlailirly Cossatate of Dia Vatted @tales o 131 A.11.1C 04 1407'101... 41:111•• boars from 1 o'clock, a. sm, to 3 rook, p. 11. atene.A..o IcwwFs )auotIONSER,BAYFIELD Corwodr • Kowa.. eel. on irolrega .1 10550 011110•11,a55 elstIts, wahlyra .000.11 Osseetweeth ellter,RAL comaissrom AGENT 011510050u1Lasee,a Beech deetallia• alidavitceoavavanesav, Warr Erma erav.Tillessof Kieesrdist.C.W. Ste Pit*? Ilda•. L•ORW A MAR AND COMMISSION M•roloiel,1 aaaaa ear , (W. Plows sad Seems' pooh...nod Reeteess el sec k nal ea- t ewe to air !nil deeds press,' &tomtit's. w40.144ms DE N'r INT WY. D r. PH St/RGICAL 1 MECHANICAL keret ,froseirah, C W. 1001011 'Via Er. I . Joriaa'aDrIs Item tr. Tomlin estrairmil without pate by 5. 01 lereuale apay• iemeatallli0.1110 ser18-ItY COLONIAL HOUSE THE lbstmenher mean keeps the largest ". variety wee brt Stook of ROISERY 8E GLOVES 1 121 THIL COUNTILS. CIA& E. A RCIIIIIALD. Await 21.4. 11114o WOO aTABLI NO AND A1"rENTIv1:1101frI.E.ItS Luctknow, 501 March, 1866. wad WM. ELLIOTT. General Horse and catue farrier. New Grocery and Temperance Huse, Benmillar. A WELT. lurnahed stable, wtenlive hostler, !land all e•cereery arnommodatioe for thy palate, at very raesemarris Bememiler, Ma, Mr 1861. J. D. OAMINON, aM •50 Peon Tom Carded. se The Bayfield Hotel 1 (formerly kept by Mr, Lthbyl rifteRTANTLY on bend.th• bs111 1•11no.., Clore,fcr. and en attentive Lower, sod W ntrict semen.. to besiege. hopes to merit • akar5 o' pobbe petroa•ge. IlakiloW. Mares A, 1467. *7 0,. Cheaper than ever! J fr RE Subscriber having moved to the litore A one sirser ..at of the corer of Kiegston Street and Market Square, Opposite Mr. C. Crabb's Block, foretell ousemper by Menem. Parker Ora*, antigen, offers for sale THE LARDIEtT, ClIZA PEf4T,111EST AJIID MOST FASHIONABLE, SToCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES! of any Hoene in lawn, both Imported and of kis own Mauritian, e nteprisieg ell the newest styles of ladies' (lento anti chatter' Boots and Masa, which 1. 11 deterssised tniefl at • mall s1. awes as net 0. small prodta and (trek reform is his method of drag ussween. 1:3. Cell Lod see beton poreheaing she. *here. Owledely Aped le, ISO. W41 flusineso 'Directory. F IRE &MARIN-E LINACUTIA_INCE. PfliENIX FIRE: ASSI SCE Compsay of London Ent/Iona, eet.Lisbed on 0'8f one cf lb* oldest, litre hot and beet °eke. in Cans'do. BORACE HORTON, Agent Detovsnci 41. lemiiiNce caniany of I Camas. Head Odle* I oroato. le take Doke ea Country and City Property. Ill•r-ar rake takes at as low noes a• • n y othet fret clam ornate. HORACE HORTON. Ageut. MONEY TO LOAN. $20,0fin on pied tarn. seenni y provable \IX/ iron, elle luta/01re w•ars. Pio Mare retained in advance. HORACE HORTON Agent . Gedenels.March SI st.1866. OW7 111/11gria Cris, Large Padlock. H. GARDINER & Co., rilIOLUALIt MID IIITAiL Hardware Merchants, Market Su u Are, Code: ich, ITAV E now ors b•nd • r- p err and well ar sorted stock ol Ilaidw•re, consoting o• P01 01 Adwa, ft d A rue aro, Chop pies 20., Aura., Itr,00lres. Ittrrni, Ik'mrecon How. , I ado Mates, Chains, cu. -re -Combs, l'enlage, Duns Forks,Hay Forks, l• •Ir. P. Hy. Hrsm Ton, Orondovers, Powder. 1.1..4. leap. Illairra el. Islet.. Iron, st•-el. Sprme Nu'vir Heiss, Spokes, •nd Kral :qua, Bar Lead. Lam, Maw, 1.0.,1008 Olasars, Lisrk mew Plate, Pate, it a w 2.4 Hop.d noteoline.t10•104,11•ehisery 04, Famine, Paiute sad Colon. Coal {DI Lamm, Plimirn Mule;Raws,l'entsc-C1•1 •ws, Head bases, Arc. 17 Theabove wilt eeid Ikea p for Cash. OLLLING and STURGEON TWINE FOR SALE ()HEAP. _- A rrni.1.,Ctr.naserosal ll•ton Awntrene•Cou, el lotrolow.Enel•nal, leaSeotewle.• *43 ISAAC FREDERICK WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, WEST 31'.. GODERICH. Nte.p. THE POST OFFICE. A tlpoo Aliso aaaaaa or Gold and Fla d Jewelry on Hand. WATCHES CLOCK ND SPECTACLES IN UILLAT VA4.IITY. REPAIRING IN ALL BRANCHES done on thort entice. in good style and war rated sccording to agreemeut. tr'r Wedding Rings always on Hand Jobs MB unclaimed in my bands will be wild at tbe •lpiranou of three ',soothe to de fray eerier re. All articles warranted ae repreented. (*.The best quality of Clock Oil at 25 dts • bottle. Goderich, Nor, 14, 1466. w16 G. N. DAVIS 1A 11 111 A Uri, KKK A h 0 DEALER 118 1 t•tovas, Plourbs end (*miter:At ol emery de- scroplunt. Tin.Copprri and Shaw Iron Wars.st the Marksittitrove Depoit, Market Square, Mode - nob. 00ALL OIL,-.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. vii-cr ou Lampeoke.,Are. Old I ron,Cesh- per.lestis. Hass Woolemkirigs sad Sheepekle• ekes la •sithaesw. 271* J.& 3.SEEGTAILLER, N DEALERS I /11 LEATHER FINDINGS! GODERICii, C. W. February 11, 1860, ern CH/DERR:ft WINN &ORME 413 it f 0 4 C:0 4. V. rr44.eherrftwirweehltlief.Stee4 • 11,. ramie A Mimes awl laws, tem hee oe heed s54wi8a6.t0 ender esmormes W ages* , Ear rews,ke , whtei soM forraili apaisrederinito. ue Wad .041o' ealeelessp, JOHN PAKRBORP., I YitterseStrate Soiree! Aseillie.11111 .45 4. JOHN HARRIS'S I CHEAP CASH STORE! T .1, II 1.::11:11.1tA.S..!,1,17.7,..,A, .11,1101:4.11 a larnd ge a CHOKE SPRING DRY GOODS! which bilve been selentel wool, lac ultnUal Care. Inc leading auValltell ul the trade may now be sears in peal earner at his ass•blisIsinent Ila (.1 i it 1 II ji I 1, mee, ou•Itly an 1good g side And MI hes is determiner! to plesme, p,ssible, alike in a vert- Her ••Syrus..• .r; only r fanithyy, 101 retry toe 05 1?,. lamaella are equal 10 •ny house 111 too. Uonliillua, he coneclootle solicits the poli: io sod ellalutnal liba *Writ. wine It la eoeuerteeJ In pert a* ...flows, VIE: DRUGS, -DRUGS ICREAT . cit 17 (5000essort•It .!tey nul I'AINTS_. fast emon, u• imune•se rarely from 10 to 7/1./ C,114 per y.rd. FANCY OREle (,(t1134, scernelr equalled in tlia recuon 4. style •nd quality, from 101., Ou cents, per yard 1.1./51'8E8 AND COBllitOS, la eh grade', boy% e.olored and picot. BLEACHED corm:se ,rry, very cheap, front 10 vent• par v•rd. WIDE FACTORY coTroNe, from 6 trouts per y.01.13.' Several bales celebrated f'•nachan Mean- far.I0,/.1 llun. for .01,, either IA' the bale or al retvtl, at wholesale prters. 116,.?,,Ahlrting Mantles, Towe'leg M•ntie Moth, Woolens goblet's, 1 Tweed.; Silks (*.monecles : Vela:elm Drilloag Golgtmons Kentucky Jean ', notelets Denims Blsnkets Regait• Shirtong flowery Shaba( Stoves (1?,,,.. Torkleg o ' Tmennp Flee evil! Booths Comtism ' H % oop OM WindoHd.; w ollan 8441riAll . kr.. Zee., 2...&Ales Mamma Pap ia botbrieutton .04 Rata ! very efiese• Hato ad Cape lo Endless Varietil CLOTII1NG. GROCERIES! Hogslomods corMononovado Sugar, very *hasp. 10 Barrels Montreal itelined Sugar, very ebesp. 10 BAIT,* Broken Loaf mod ground Sugars, very cheep. A. loollenso. stock of Tra, emlaracong :- Young flyers, Congou, Japan, Sonchc ng, Twankay, Pekoe, 4..,OfiDFFEM of various civilities. Yawner Must•cd Snull this Leese*. (o,. Starch 0,5..1Blue Soda Liquorice N none", err., 2..,,Are. TOBACCOS OF ALL GRADES 1 Field and Garden Seeds. EY The proncople 04 1. 180,,,,... 1: Cellar Prmlnee. Tn. $,.0-.,h.,, bee. to acknowledge hos tlatik• for the very dalierteg reeoentuoe recei- ved for the ram, and bop,: eqindaet of the healneme Itt• the !more teoll be Inch as to 111,11 eontsnerti (.1.-.. Pio redo .111 to spared to sill tined Goods Cares. An inspeeti.w ..a Jaboned on th- pert r e ned- i se buyore, JOHN HARRIS. GoderiehC , orner or 'Market Sq. and West Street. 1s1 lthril, 1866, •29 READY-MADE' CLOTH1N G. COATS. VESTS, PANTS, Felt Hate, Caps. Shirts, ito Unursially Chen!) For Clash. DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST Deal. r. .,.,.d I haporteroti GENUINE I)Ittr cis flair C.'. etia. avid Nstl Ille,tobeo P•INTII,111.0,C0600•• •, HO Has E,,tr C 1TTLE E DI CI N E'S .05 CADDIE aaaaaa Orderstroni Med/c• 'men punctually atterreleNV al&nevi" 7.1. . NIL -Physicals'. Prescription eartsfull$ lot peened. Underseas .1 a • .10.156E. LIGZTI LIGHT LIGHT ROCK & COAL OILS r3urningFluid,La4 ,Por Sale by F. JORDAN. Godenelt.J as .1 7 .1W AO Auction & Commission. cionEcic,cm ecc,1 N TON Iraitiabl lathed 1ts4-.; 1111/Wellignelala Plaparft! Golerieh • r very tositordory, wad on (1(1110*.4,17 Word - mode y Moisey advapeed ea Property 41 r 10111,471$11le 1..1211.4 'dada made. Farm -.lock and utberf Sala ponetualy •itear.1- s.d thromtkent Use g Votin,. (1.2.. IILUEII*2'S Auclion Mart. wit Id•rket nquare, of oder,eh Money to Loon on Real Estate, A PP itai8Elt o the Trust sad Loan Compan) 11 oi l'pper C•nadtt. Cir. 111.TKITEMASI, N w6j Market ode, flodrinek. Land Office, k RI OISTER ut lonp,ved Farms aptly/MI Ondersr...b. Mara 1, 180. LA" lof 8.114 M. TR LI Eil A PI . ispo ITANT T Eli" ifito By Market Sguare• • I •_-; I el ANIKRUPT SALE 1 10 v,VM., STEWART OFFERS FOR SALE THE ENTIRE STOCK IN TRADE OF ELK ERR , JR. & C 0.,GODERICH,ONTA RIO. COMPRISING A LARGE STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY 'GOODS! RE IDY-MADE CLOTHING, At totelt immense roiumoine ea led? emote • speedy Male. Ttli were( ore a tear of the enasy hundred barg•ins aow offered to the publoc• 40(0 yards Drew Goods, frogs 10 cents up. 1000 yards Cobourgs, from 121-oento upwards. 5C0 yards Morino, 45 cents. 200 Berage and Cloth Mantles, El, regular prioe 42 50. 250 large Brown Silk Parasols, usual print 42 50 -your oboies for III. Bright Black Glacie Silks, from 90 cents. 1-1 Black and Colored Kid Gloves, oents per pair. 400 pieces Brown Cottons from 8 oents. 50 pieces White Cottons, from 10 cents. Striped Shirting, 121 cents per yard. 300 pieces fast colored Print, regular price 20 to 25 eta, reduced to 121 and 150. Garnbroons from 15 cents.. Tweeds, 50 cents. All Wool Tweeds, 70 tents. I/Lick Clotho, from 48, READY-MADE CLOTHING Coats, Pants, and Vests, very cheap. All -Wood Snits, from 410. FlInnel Shirts, Cotton Shirts, Ties, Scarfs, reduced 30 per cent. Pnper Collars, 12i cents per box, regular price 20 to 25 cents. Poo ...orra will *Rem 'a NAVIN° (.17 26 to Sea. ON EVERY DOLLAR, by calling .10a, and bautitelkg lac taaa bargain* aver dieted i• Ibm thmionoe, at itrkairra 6, J sly 5th, 1367. D. KERR'S OLD STAND. win INSURANCE. Fire, Marine and Life Insaranees ON TC11110. Ofite-J. F . C. Haldan'a Law rhamhers, Eay's Block. corner Court flogs, Sq..r,..d Wes: St.., Goderich, C. W. JOHN H ALDAN, JR.. Agent. ' Goderioh, 2711. Sept., 1066. 0361,1 18671 HENRY OrMST. risen Departmental, Parliamentary, AND PATENT ACENT, OTTAWA. Tranliall• busineaa *10 16., 17rown Lands •locl other linverninem Ilrlaarlearala : Takeo oat Palmas for In.'entwes; thlm in. Ineorpte name tor -;oonposniero hy Letters, Pat- ent ; Dream and take. ch•rge os Private 11111. dorms tlir ges- mon,dce for ',rallies Tra- wling else. here. REFERENCES: A.0a•r•Ei.t...Com..W. M. %V maw., E.q. allasalaar of Crows Simene. land.. Flow. J. CAR bora , R. !trews Ramo-i don, too. iR . lir id.. Earl-Insp., tteeerstt Lewis& 8011„tor of Areneter,roloolal Toroate ILae Authoress:et:so • THE OLDEST ESTABLI3IIMEN1' IN TO WN AT A. SMITH'S, Merchant Tailor. Reesnek..tee. 810, 1867. *31. CABINETWAREHOUSE (THE OI OLDT IN Tillrf com. D. GORDON AND UNDERTAKIEN, .4•eulsetere• 655 000 nn a•••I • nompleia assoontaist to 1, aemitare,•i his Ws,....,WEST STREET, GODERICH, 1101 All fl Sofas, uotage, Tables, Bedsteads, Flair, Cure anti Wool -seated Chairs. flilt Moulding and Looking Glow. In variety .0 t Hese llianafIeters ail Imported 0. has slated ow head a wimples e as nrtment f coitus. Alas, BSA Ran 1'0 MRS. 43 Lumber anti Cordwood takes In g- tilittegefo• Pr/miters Garlonab (Jrt. Jill SALT TERRITORY' 20 ACRfl OF SALT TERRITORY to tree, situated ott swl *Owns t• the River filaithunt, sad Jere east of the Goderich Railway Striae, and froeting G. T. Railesy-yery eonvenieet for • aiding iate ..in lie*. Aj 00, T„ WMATHERALD, Otedereat. Nev. 29,18M. w4311 1101 MARTIN AM ANN BEGS TO INFORti HIS OLD CUSTOM erg, that he is still able to sell for cash, at the lowest rasr.a, ' ILL RINDS OF FURNITURE At hos shop on Kingston guest, opposite thse Huron Hotel, Goderich. Give 1.6:m a Goderieh Oct. 3. 1866. se11w37 . W. M. SAVACIE. 101otUYS and sells New York Drafts -Orson- " ricks -National ce-reney- State notes, and ancurreet money, at nerrent rate ot eyehole. 19t1 0ee..1865. •47.1yrill NORTH BRITISH ANI) MERCANTILE FIRE IND LIFE IIISUIralliCe 0o. 1.101111 3006. cart i'A L E1,000,000, STERLING. -- Fira Department. TVRITRANC1101 effweteri on all glasses of fi Halts st moderate rates. Losses prompt IT P*82- Life Department. Tn virtne fifth* g esransee afforded hy their /large Capital and seesmelated profits, this C,ompany ran adopt noes lower than an erne/Ole by many other oilier. Ts Farmers. specist to. resits bard heron made for farm otildings and other isolated risks. Th. undersigned bedsit loon appninted went of the above Company for Onderielt • warroweling reentry, Intl he "Owl lo to. eeive ir�po.80 for ineweseee in Iscolthesnete. as, and will always be reedy to give Worms. Oen to Indira wishing to Wren. Wet. FOCH Aanlom, Agent, Meek of Meeker, West At. Goderleh. Sae 3.4. 1614. wee Marrierard.itv.r,,, GRAND SEMI-ANNUAL SALE I COMMENCED AT THE EMPORIUM! 8. DI:FORE REMOVING TO OUR NEw PREMISES WE OMR THE wucle of our immense stook of ;4444tgii DRY GOODS AT COST. CREAT BARGAINS! FOR CASH; 'Cr* FOR ONE MONTH! Goods Cheaper than any House in the Trade y J. Dirrx.cou. •sc op. OODERICH, /woe 1,16, ISIL 'i'40 ,r cJet a, First -Class A.rtioie of WINTER CLOTHING 00 TO L ogan's Woolen Factory Store, Where you will Mid a large endeared stock of Felled Cloths and Satinette, Tweeds in gnat variety. White, Plain, Grey. Striped and Checked wt000ys, A great variety of all wool horns made checked flannels. one yard wide; likewise WHITE, GREY, SCARLET & FANCY FLANNELS. A LOT Off 8111.11T-C1,ARR BLANKETS, 11:10117 TO MIER POUNDS PER PAM. Stocking Yarn. Fine Fingering Yarn, Fleecy and Berlin Wools, all in endless variety. Together with a eludes Assortment fir Factory Cottons, Hollands, Prints, Alpacas, Impoited ,Wincies, Ocrels, Ready marks Shirts and Newer@ ; Nees' sad Childers' pinks and Stoehr/a • great variety 43 A call oa eoleitett. Woolen Priory Stem East Steer, 1011 September, 164111. rid THOMAS LOGAN. THE SOLDIER AND Mt SPY. I Tale of the Siege of Sebastopol, "ILI• is the mane char'acter as Galerou." " Ile, Philippe. The loathsome wretch "1 saw him, aod kuew hoe. I records. ed him aa your servant, and aedentood he character from all that Irene bad told no,. rt. was put in may custody ; suppose hie suspected that I would pot he amine to shout ing him down. Ile was ri,rht. If be had not made a sodden escape, this would lady ended forever his traitor life.' "Be wine back in 1,011 10 give hie ewer inglestimony we. Hut, Malmo - too ! Good heatce, what have yoe told u 'er' The truth. I moat tell 11 10 pie, sines le has ;assisted Philippa to put you to do.th Rut he is uot to be compared to your For Milling, bee gained your confidence and "while •illainowily entail your life, he has made yoe believe him te De the best, the tnost faithful, the 'met ilevottil of ad- herents." " 0, vilItiry and baseness. Atid cried Lionel, bitterly- "000-1.r. me II a pi isomer- -conflgennirri and suspected by my countrymen, 'rho will consider my present mialettues of captivity et addinuer proof uf my guilt. Wee *vet 'sorra( au sn- fortunate T' He wrung 1.1. 1.02., and sigh- ed b:tterly. " Bear up, my fi tend. Suppoi yawed( Ulm a solder," said Alcoa. t' I Omsk yea, Captare Absecon. Peed un toy weak emotion. I will be calm Bet it I woulil see my fattier, shod save hie, wood care nothing about captivity." "Al.., sty trend," said " th, re 14 Ore greatest sorrow. For your -nil' yoe ty not care, you have your own sonrees of' support and consolatiou ; but the suffering* a a Irisod, or of an aged parent -sad sueb sufferings as theee-are thinp which it a hard to endure. Yoe hare my sympathy - would that you coakt him my aid r• " Thanks to you, thanks beyond all that I cm otter. generous friend," said Lionel, grasping the hod of Alexis. "Yo. make me your greteful friend forever. To yes I ciao only say, as the highest praise which I oats offer you, that you are worthy to be the cousin of Irene." At the sadden sound of • treaseet, sad roll of drone from Metischikurs palace, Alexia started, and hastily.. lett the room. Lionel remained hi his scat wkhout moving, •nti thought bitterly over his prospects. Tbe tram appeared dark sad modem brim him. fiere hit was, in the mine of lite, a prisoner of war. Should he escape, or be eachaaged, how could he ever visit he nature Land? A horrible charge hing over him, a disgrace reattached to hie name; and • charge wee so woolly eontnved, and the disgrace so dew sad indelible, thin it seemed impossible Io.I04. either, Gloom settled down upon Ms rel. He did not date disk of his hither, for it was the subject thr stirred the inner- most depths of his rel. Fut eery home, during the absence of his friend, Lauri sat motionless upon kis chair, geeing vacratiy upon the door, and absorbed la Om deepest thought. A theatarsd Plain for the future were called ep, thought over, and dientioad as impracticable. The bore rolled on; the prieoker still sat and thought over lie mourafal prospects. tied meditated upon his gloomy hopes. &drew dwelt 11Pot. mad. dt Length the wend of approachiog foot- steps rowed Lionel Tow hie revelry. A hand unlocked the door, ond weicome voice of Alves we beard greeting the priciest agate. 1" Good new -good sews I Do not be mourner aoy laser. Next to likely what to it that this captive sighs for r' Alexis's eye sparkled with pleases*, end a joyous szpnission shone spoil hie Lacolaomo 6,011. Lionel look.ed ap, lull of Tape hopes. " Good news for you -at lenet," Akita continued- yoe and several other wieners will be mint 00 02.0.0. You leave this night. I am commander ot convoy. We of course Mtn other Weiser than the convoy I of priamers. Menschikoff granted me my request am you sherd be permitted to come." °deem I" mied Lionel, as a thrill of joy passed through him, "Odessa I" my friend, Odessa, whir' Magid be west 00015 00 you now, sine* your Irene is there." Lionel at once forgot all his melancholy. Rus gloomy prospre were lorgotten ; his miserable thoughts were sent into the limbo ot forgotten things. Ile sprang toward Alexia. sod grasped his hand. " Ha, ha l'' laughed the young Brilleis, "I knew our for melancholy. Th. MINN of Irene is a balm indeed ; it Misr peas with its soft sound." " friend, hest and most paoroes 06 friends," rid Li mei. " How eau 1 thaak yos That evening, Alaxis$ Arturo°. at .• bead of a troop of eavalry, towelled out from the walls of Sebastopol, on their w y back to Odessa. Several English prisoners wre led by the soldiers to that city. They were Well treated, and yet wateleed ea sari - tally:that are were lost sight of or market. ed. Lionel or honoured 4;,3, • plaits M Al..'. side. Thus they .04. 00 their way. The teed was good, and tronstrueted with Mal and power. It wound throegh marshes, among rocks, and forests, and brahee. It went over hills, and thrmigh valleys, lee everywhere it was the woe, strong, sel eapable of eudorieg the march of thogerchl of armies. Before monk' the troops reached Rim- phelopol. Here they remained a taw hoer* sod then departed. Ry the neat morning, they had arrived it the lethmes of Perelomp. No soldiers, friendly or boatile, whore here Limn! wondered that the plan slmosid eel Wave been seised by the silted Terre, eir es to shit op the entrants' to the Crimea. "31 word sot have railed; arid Alexia, mysteriorly. Lionel did net kyr that he spoke .6 11. road whieb crossed tbe " Putrid flosi They travelted the long ear raw reed, sibat reident et Mernere. Legal hang rumored eslivened darns the Worry by Ws hope of seeing lows. At Isla Ore 'NM sod spires of 04saga, paddleeed doe err. cn APTNR rim ,as emir= 1441241111. .1.10111L IMO Oared fa &etaiN elmbut OS the Swarth Mnry a • lair 4.4417. mewl. epee Ow 0101 a • gem awe ereateettieg Ors wear Beaseth, the epee gelled Ye Pees De Ora