Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-7-26, Page 2. , _ --err", . I , . „ et • • t , . . . - oz," re lied IJea•1 thee hJull ...._- dj Lrobk/toT\e news*. . fresh. vivid,_. -or d n _ ! ---'-- - --- - - ...-_—,_ _ .. _--,_... . -„_- .. ,..ew.. . - . D \lab ► . ” Aad I r*#nt that fantur which bas de '• Y P , s 1 i butyl aavaplishm,d. Mcusurus right be P lAlii $Del D QB ' i#Iwl, asd Alpine is prv• i'1►o at OII /Yrlrp, }eisoJ yes of • awned rb•ch Yoe eau 1.e w "•ted it wee un the aontug tel %he d.y a j rtlon that to their Gr trove led tbom#hl — futruduocd wLiuh he atrwlbly diwpproved K+°•s•. Jul] 13 -Chin is well," npli.d Ilio Rw.tma in the srrnme that I received my Mackie letter, that 6e Ididsummer E2taminatlon,1667 Christopher Cribb rushee W the near of rd 'rose than Mbrial m,fevatsoa the Lrawtad) at Ftoru Barker mud Iia U1. SpriDW, July '/,l. -A largo waked. wet to the Postufbaw rd return" without or, bet he could have entered biz prote.t, /ober word• of ordinary Milan, be they "Oh, '°i'•f T ' w led laugnag*. ail)." lir. B+tebis, mod a'tys it u vetorior tb•y i>[r. an or writers, seese bet "•ommoaplw-o." Yet Filly ewe rw err wee reported t k'•rt p h"tOI, o•oa1 bT Cluwal, of Owen 0{ enduring the evils Dvelwuarily oosnected P H I Z i{ L 18 T. ;w Bilauf ee o. Smwrda and4sveateoa deathd, *Ogul with two adjawnt dwelling. 1 A aaddeu n fort of a hu -o cams"a followed `• Sey rather," caked Alexis, eagerly, •' fhe' Gtbbve W alwas Ira teller aas me 1. when shell we pima H. Y. User advin y {, , atttl by a trumpet Met wee ►cold. he had received that letter wt;cb came to with the principle of Coalition until the Samoa raises. The only tent is u necewry to make fo critic. Do muse amod you an better gp•lt 1 AIr Keting's store wen moulpltaly dho_ " It u the 911661 of neva'!, Itetiwl, Tuu froa Irene, and warned yum nut oult oomumtualion of the great Schema of that is that any person who understands Mr. Bed. Lt then rbetorial flumrah" remaim ')Oen. ararl, 12Oyed by fire, about 2 u'clnck Ibis a. m. 1st Division (senior) Heewr Mclean •" this To guar uncle, Lt "pou it aSo tin Cunfedrnlion would have enabled hie W ., (jeuor) Je"i* MClwod 2nd C s rniwem agent Mr. Gibbons wand slut wifli papa soh ch I &led* moat where H. New York, Jal 2.1i a cortin tel The fire sommeOwd in the rear n of thus vert PbilipPo, m ■saw ]tete trwl w 1w pan 1 t pe I The a.ldrn too► their prwrwr utd eeleet- plicidr. mire and demand a rater° W purely par- Uirislen, 8arrh Deis ; 3.d !)iywon, ohn #sera raw ho it, knows it would hon beau pie Y. he'Ays much wwkaess of wind and •lack Utliw kt&pablisuo deveral CuMimi'tee al the hotel, A emu has Lara arreMwl on ad basally word the w.•. T N Lucre• "Iran it b• I" cried Lionel, ty govermneaL However, we believe that U. McPherson ; 4th Division, William David ; to him bad be boon feral with a op- of (Wiitener is,Wbore be attack• hisopporut's Meir role Int event%#, Gw. Greet wee ouspieio° of having wt it on fire. w6ieb the ItllamimOa bed •edihet6taplSall t " h h w. They werh«ted the plot- he was guided in his determination W .lith lhrisiuul ItrtMr Smith, porlwhil of apfulbig mgainat bis hated prlvsu wsy of Susaj aloe` to film, H. Y. - 1 , vv tort► in ow Dud they char ed farwwlr I Whceh your uncle sod his son user• eonreto- withdraw from the Coalition b a s tett anwD Cuhwtct raltu. emamy's taxation. 'fry again, Mr, Crabb. ; u al liberty to criticism all I .rata fur lM p°mlrled h+r Ilio rase lleaide°ey, wbjeel R I g T• . img about -the glut whi, h the] had asd y P 1st Divisioe (water) Elizabeth Kay I - Prm for wbr° 1t u i° pu6lie print it;s p•Mie to the dornb. of the Fye line Natfooal y#EyTEUROLO010JL UE - f stnitht mpon like retreating foe. 'I'll- ler lba desthuruuu ofyou sed your fther. .r patriotism said self sacrifice which few " 1, Janet Walker ; WANTS Flailvu. - At The re lar Properly, but why drag ay religion tuft Co vention. Russians toad and meet the ahlook. The Lionel draw a long bath, suit gromu. 1• union Annie T e 2m1 the public and •van enter the pulpit, amid London Jul Z:; •vee The Salsa YOItT. cullria, ■ed the gash watt terrible. For a I his teeth, but rid neth;n of his compeers would have etercieed us- U ) ) , acetiug of Merrs. Cameron and Gibbotr, there w eat Y • sit e, e• r ewmaios ' T % we the formYt lines lac rad their wea noW R• Iliviur rel, 9Rnb UAtis, Kfitabtth Cos, Jamre ) 7 left 16a land to-dny Oa ton natters b /iOYatac- r ePwrsJJ'+r r4s +mei b' Jbbw ladders, V I I'nitippu n teeir paid agent." der similar circuwalances. `Rubinson ; 3rd Division, Cwolwu Audnra, al Yurter's ilia, u° IYl $ridgy, it was • deceoey forked/ this. f will mot malate, rot +1 f6l S T e d Aw (Jd.15 Spy' tow one aiwther Wilk feer fol rffert. lint •• l)uud bcar•Y I ' 1 have trusted in hia common n rerion there, w Ihn di8emot became there r °o room, but becawee we tiwpla k3e gilt paw 1bn1eg6 (iorsemay _ __ -- _ wither lino wavered, Th•u Ihn boaavre TLa: the Coalition of 1914 resulkd iu John Nnz•r; 4th Diriaion, Y►ry Beonta; P rmpl,cnly. Ile Lt always seemed the mast we sioccrcl believe, but •o do Dot, 8'h IAvi.ion, William Straill ; 6th Division, :enlarge name wen read over, "that un• thiak t low, sod vile, and mean to do so. amd Mop t View for re week, when he g , w 3 ' j drmnud. Tho ftadasi.rhm cominh wit to react. devoted of sery rats. ilia grief a the court g y Martha McCeru hau, EltaAbeth 3saitb. west& fix or m other words, " that We awnut refrain from sa m that H. Y's Y- 33 Tke Luwv" char sew 7'he itlapmlaas C t4 t 7 R will be the Sent of the EmP•rur prism wee S ged r4f - room wee heart-rending t° behold." and cannot, see that that is any proof tit ss. aRnatwr' waaa ecetout_ sou wa°la to be bought." This is the C-W-uw Weaffboet breath" a •piM N J p6 Tim.,7 •. m, I . • 3 s.wl thea fell °•eF, sad e6►rged epos tN ! It •Y the feigned gliel of tiro aw the Coalition of 1867 w/s uooera wa io which the contest i• beiD carried I°w°or, as wD"° Le s%yti "I t61°k Yr. Itdi + F y v Zamora. Thus it wy wall the Pf lane who had stolen your ring, put Ials • +web to h - Altred K1 L won, Jemimw Pal ac, IY ] g War cot woad M • 60poleee mndertalt for VisaDa, Jul] 23, atemie#.--(iree4 pnpt- 3 arrived Under the wall• of the turn, wheo Torg i papery huri•d tLem m LOr tent ; The political conditions han' been Som- Della Ptw■, Yvy rut, Ya•#an1 Mauna°. on by the" mea. Money is being fnely asy person w engage ter take is bard, to shins an being made hen for the reap- W Ib the adwouror Loeavr wwl cuucluded to hl r . distributed, in order to oateb rutea soil a eve •r by Ila, him with mel" tion of the 8ultw of Turkey. IP ell the , y L141 70,1 5 }, s 1W, T I who tote your letters and made awl' ae- pletely aha°grad, rhea, it was 1. pper 'rt W R Tues. ` Is .327 Sh 9 it W o 0 .1119 re" n. I PKIZE3 FOS O6.YKRAL PW)FICIKNCI' saw of all the commani"tixu that 1 hew lana ate carried out. the Ceremonies and gdsai•ntrd *ith their eonteuu; ■tor °at- -o said aha Sfur. It wea out • ' re pp Mwr. 17 AM. Sus n WA 0 1 be Russians nantered the nil , and their! and Lower lra11ada at •dud kxk-ear, written I ane Mr. Gibson b" ■oat boon frst;•itiee during the Salan a stay hen, •ill Iry m,s le •4II KI aM s m T tion when )rite wen amore seed inuow- rlad7 U1YlR1oN (dLR tOR) °? y •7Y come ed, under the ce airs a it b a IkmiOlOe furmod on th0 Ftdml #alar ' mrfiug, but a pnvula oommlttee'teeateat iu Ihn toanner, W h do" H. Y. osrel in nndeur wand a+gnili deers thus. he Yn., " 10 JI71 bps 3g, ,1 ? erqu rv' ion, a 6u own quartasl tat en to maWkis - wiliest tr ed gr»f t th T timet of principle and peculiarly adopted b the ra. a D, Cawuoae tucew meeting, and if Mr. ltitclaie'/ most active - adopt ibis tyle of compwliioo T Doe• it has seat with is either Francs or Fagla°d. Bat, " f0 .424 W r A .e 1 0 tomWe soul morn°g. After the retnt of , your trial duly involved you mon mextri, lt. X.lizrbelh Kay, Margaret AmsnD, nt re rted to lho toe shoot that ser- advance Mr. Uih•ou1 wureeu better T Doee • 7N Vel.« tq tel the W,nrl " ,♦ eaprrrasrd the allying pang, the cernon.M cemwri un cablT in abs fo1L of G!"IT imputed guilt, working out of liberal and progresitv0 equal ; 2nd, Sarah Andnn; Sed, Vector • y it bell more offe°taatly against Pa s -n0, It TIss EDITORIAL TusADmILL.—T►a budm,Y e. Ps•a.ta uaL Ilii- Lean,, the.: a. Calm - both sides, and in an four the •ilexe of yes, all a as •as dole by Philippe." idea•. To our mind, the whole question McLw ; 6th, Jon Arthur • bath, Mary lain persons wetted to be bought," be has a contrary e&W. It I haw dropped a of news ser ha0 are thus intedl rat furlb dry ry thn•.ee.,we p•1 11O 1 PTN••eatsml tel of sky a•Inmaled'•,. as sod " pug►f again rated •round. I Alexis • ke the" berias iterate rilh Jane ('lase till, Mar Ann Imann • 7th, word of advice b whish iL Y. is benefited, in the Rome Journal, It is one oflh• herd• fry number, ova 10 I., o; thee: lo. aR.a " MewheOl," rid the Rm It"ll, Y fie led P° s Of tic goverameot of the New 1>raminion T , should have added that 11r. Caworon n= 1 bribe orient), fur i dignation bad "rat hie Ley Haale6ont ; 8th, 13etme] McKay ; 916, D ah•11 he retied-lt R. Y. keeps tete i° the sou the skis &ode tl .ws snwmde, ly IO&, n ne ton prisoner into a comforakle room in t e 1 l'ean's blood bodied through every •ell), aeOWa to redUlTe itself Into thio : Hero I James thekson ; loth, 'I'bmm U1xoo ; 1 till, Pud iat&d tie idea o1 buykeg w0h men, same style of abuse Y bis last letter I ejnII ships a1 our profession that its working wbeele kali cu•erpl .e10 INr n uperferlly aper, bvricks. •• Monsieur, perms mo w inqui s and had elicited hills W s •tate of angry is a great goverodbenW Irtaobiue, the Ja,etAnderwn; 12th, Helen E. He" , 13th in the strongest tarmR. declive to ake any notice of hie let\r•. brains and heart -are not allowed to lag SAmara Taa. the ran of m) grit' or I" I euC►wuri.m (or LiOnal. •erking of wLioh is to b • user] eoally tashelle G1bdem 14th, A Das Illuell - - -- Evil eommuuietioem carr t nod monomers. for uekum, or wettoe for cawmuT or sous- H, h« B.dohmelno " P acme tI' as1d the priwner. 1, C•f- I Lnonel'a bloe,•k seemed In ler° to fin. Hu I R ROir' We would direct the attention of" You R row. The judge meq adjourn ha court, the u 2s 4r1.I 1 Wr ivi a m. o• W.J.'d ', /rtCUL rat:►s. nus Join D Aray." hetet beat plurly baa bm,nriy, send g Ilius affair, as compared with the system' here-' Produce Dealers, ..linen Q4., m %"a T. FARROW, wheal and the workshop ma el°" /hollers, Lowest 8en,rnetnePr odmr•m9thew•ek was •• U'Arce T Loney [+'Ara T" crud time I h C asefry.-It Thomas Dixon ; 2nd, + _ - _ the wo kmor may Tell his (eewno and ser° 7IP M".IlMruu aarPisa en M dor IN wr.l 1 y wrraable tortoni, of blood in gret t rube tolate in vogue in the separate Provieeer, i flmel-n E. How. Mar Jaw Cut. Rerun• Oret Haws, •bas •,through o•ory •cin, Ho /prang from fin !• •- T County to the adrertiaewe11t of Aleasn- \ friend and simulate from the door ; bet t6S was L3140 Pre's's '°naw i" u it, therefore, beet that there Should W JAaA lreeyirt .- Janet Astlersom, Bewy Converse, Colson & Lamb, Montreal and Ws1[etPllg Jay Z7, 1A6T. journalist may turger helors to Minnow that Trsamommna. pet, slid pared the narrow toubure of his McKay .Iauo Arthar, •' W►1 T' cried D'Alwvy. • W h0 an Ta•, room with bugled rage, sod the angry aspect • fusion of old pinion ? Would it non- ' Halifax. Dealin acs with the Maritime To the Edior w the Heron Strual, wrtuery o! t° Mikey, wart .ria #coyly mod (Haunolohaen.uum 7 sat , 1 p.m.,0 p.w.) noaauur T" tet • lad U er. IOT DI V IdtON, (XIMIL). b freshly, Y a "wamoagor, on the trjte of the HIgbm Temprnalare devoid, the went was 77.1 cart i duos to good golernment and the etousm- Provi°o" are ra idl inoreai° , a0d we DsAa Sim. -Allow come thew h oar J6. •' Alexis Acheson. Capture OT the Cast." •' Rut listen still -I haw yet more to as) eu. rAru rmurnoW, rucsea, P 1 lee R 7 tour, •banver bunleo bas hemem d •pea tet I u'.-'«-k,y m. ter Moalar, '• Arburun-.h- you k.ow me. Tell ase, I -still main to toll of the rillaior of this 'cel management of our national affairs r , think thus uiriD reliaLle eats ease- columns to iso the ubli• a %me and correct that rat• boar, by Provides", or u Draw L wr•t 1vltn t4.; dumas 1hr reek was 4SR do os kouw her -Inn T" raid l.onel iso• T tat, Emma Platt ; 2nd, Jessie Me1,ea1 ; cot g •g R D r a man. It wastsm" atm and weeks Y at 9 o'e1w- p. ma an W eda..My. 1 Greek, whom 1 blush w asy belongs W my If there i■ to he see opposition, Of what 3rd, Ruse Ammon ; 4th, Annie Logan; 5th, not do better than patronage this oW and statement of the monies paid W County TNYw Trretyena re wee tN k w" 4272 rn mi••y. i own once exalt -d but sow fallen face. Yne the world that reads what is them written ws eaD it ibl durstal? .Sir John A. Robert Thompson i 6th, Th nap plewtos ; Councillor for aid consecutive wea, •;a Tvery..to aey dune# tike wflo w64 w rn " Know bet T Yee• Captain D'Amay. I spoke of Galeros. A• you are a prisoner P°'•s y 7th, Jame• B Arthur; lith, J%m ee Thomson; tuiDk &m' T a would aureus doom oL Tha paban look on dde Ida M«ur ilia oak wast N,07 She is my a°usio-1 mi,cht "y my sister, for i bore 1 will Loll you, though 1 holler it to McDonald and hu old followers say that I ym6, !'•nick O'Dea • 10th, Edwin Arthur ; _ _---- from 1861 t° 1866 iodrive, Mr. ani apart on an editor's lAbuurs u'he ed ion dad upon l'utdeet ser dur,rm toe work nae u• 1'uealay, i • we wan the waw. l have heard from ber ' be a gnat crime, I will tell you, how- a fusion of old parties i/ the out means ' THE ATLANTIC MONTRLT for August u to was to say Iho lout of it very disingenuous, the mac that Wu emuu$ ha. Hm, bsaly ,he MSU 'femp•raury 1,ltea5a M lips all ohoat ]ria -all abut her Hight-" 7 I I lath, John Macara ; 12th, Edwud 3hwrmmu;. k e'er' ' h wLleh Cowlcderauon tau ton euLroenn- I'3tly SValler Iiunrr ; 1 4th, James iia Jur. baud from Mere. Tick Fields, Bwlom he added up tie expessa ■ of the two Counties, Rave in bis opinion that cot was " soy tom JUH HALDAN, Jan. T - the whits aide% mow." Dialed the. 20th dav,Q Jury )e47. • Her Bight 1 Yoa heve s,ru her, rseeat' Aleoim sob;/peed ;o is;owl's wee. J The followin u t whim, of to :- Duron ad BreCe and lhensa s ; '4aeeton of 1y,'hesT" I Lional sfru,gback Y though aT adder fully carried out, and they are perfootly 2ND DIVIarON. R T _ _ - -_ b The Gerd;r gal; Hwp;ub • Pemar. North Bann, Pr. Gi6roD has aquu,dand Tuze7R, Jul 13, evenis The Imo Mwtreal 111mr\e U. " U, ]". Ten dye nus • lortniobt a rice had tuag hitt-" A spy C' ho aotterrd, Willi W Wait the tattoo u[ the rIRB YAtr wLLLL'a, TtkCLLR. y g'-- sg pe t7pptx iaa; Dirge for► 6siler; l'p the Edisto; Poor over $7000 ofyour moor if was .lw incor I w. beer at Odessa." ! Ioa,wly. tat, Sarah Davis ; 2ad, Emm• Andrews • y portal (riptc :iosur, hu asdeat from t6u Sbwn I have sot beard from her." " future ret ib chances if' a sufficient num- ,. , Itiehard ; The growth, Limitatious, and 1'uh y rt for Vera Cruz, with orders to b IJag /W"" Ttre ' meow n. ' [• HwL !' cried Alesn a,d .hon lou I ink, E.ias Macara; 4r h, A;gnee Porter, station of Shalee are'/ Genius • Loo te;- reel Y to oumDrn, tell ►n 6lwtor who rill s+'• " raw " " no, It is was tiN- Bt •be was D• E Pontr E, 7 p m., 26 JalT I88J, remember t6.t PliilnppO is hu trieud, what her of lilserals can be induced to enter GSor,ge Wlnm, egad ; Ste, Jowph Jlraeup, lei s Tracdtiw of Ana's UhionComm•d trosbla bilaself W work out by the tempt• from Slexioo the nmrws of Mali• well, and bad escaped in safety. Bad sew think y, u of Philippa T" their ranks at the present moment. They I Mary Robinson, Elizabeth Rooker, equal ; in ; The Wd Story ; Tho Week's Riding ; rale* of arithmetic, the first lime of hie Bg- I milian. Ftora-Superior Extn......8.75 n gy,b0 keows that I would o wt with you, I should - All tH.am-pnylhmg.' fit b, Adelaide Morton, Mary Million, equal ; The Ltt!o Land of A resell ; The Lost - Eatn .............. 8.25 • 8.50\ haw limit ether thiup W Rise yoa than men 11 That lorious rince of To YI iii , +moors the fact that 'Confederation is the r t6, Elizabeth Cox, James Robinson, equal • I p seem, that u for the January session 1861, , GrNg PekUerO° at Iioei Kong Fancy ............. 7 60 • 7.76 R P 1 P°• ,v I , , Genius ; Cincinnati; A Llhput Province; tidings. But come, my triend-fur thus 1 was iu Sebastopol, tbre• days since 1" f uit of legiblative action alone, the f»nple 8th. Eva Stotts ; 9th, Charles Slight ; Otb, Renews and Literary Notices *t!1 find a mstake of$50 made agonal the -.-- Welled Cadal hoper 7 35 a 7.50 1 hope you will porait me to Call yuu-rt i• - He I Bern 1 In Sebastopol." I Charles Hamilton ; I Itb, Christina KA Council. The followis is a correct me- New York. July 17. -The ship CA,-I"d, Superfive No.l Canada 7.33 a 7,50 time a retire. To•morrtbw •o sdl talk to be governed stutter it never having y' - - - g with Hong Komi dates b the 24th, W t. No.l We ws 7.35 a 7.40 (TL be eosfims'ed.) 3aD DIVISION. count :- over thea things.' been asked to asy, by vote, di rctl] or m• gj" Wme'beg to acknowledge therveeipt of rived. The steamer 2Vax, from Liverpool, Nu.1 0 11 7.00 a 7.50 (S -. -- _ wea ArcreTA A. rnaoas, Taueu, HCRON. as ...... directl whether the consented or not. • neTTly got ape I dun iD pnmphl,t form by artived nc Hong hong, hest 24th, brogbt Y•R Fbar - . 3.60 a 3.70 'l : ■f: TJ DLR, O. 7r. It. y y aastoa nurlor• Pepin Chewitt Al Cu of Toront the roduc• Mi'weRa. Towl. irtell;gong of •dreadful pntile%ce. It wee WHuv.-Cmn.dm BpriDg.... 1.55 • 1.80 r v ' Huse ily the le of r and Lower °' P 1301. Jan. $131.60 $316.90 ...... - r zclrll a AAD GCDERICH DIe771k'T, PP . + Pc P la Elizabeth MJa•na; 2nd, Samuel )lick;' firet eon6uro to the °attires and wPptmled n UAra-Per 3116% 0.44 a 0,46 CHAPTER XVI. 4 tion efCaptai• Bridyrcw►ter, Ywrtown mouD June. 131.60 368.30 Aaerrs Canada have given lheit tAcit troosont to ;,a1, El;xsbetb Campbell, Albert Herdlry, I originate from as.buleeomo fooS When BAt.tr.-Pat 4tl lase . 0.60 m 0.65 tjf ted fuGutq, late of H. My ISth Hemlars. Dec. 131 60 319.70 the A ex left the' ole wend n as Ike Bvrrts.- .. ... 0.11 a 0.13 ? rax ralmoKta. Z• ' T g r pe rote of 200 per da of the disoaw d laWlious •' lo Packed..... 0 11 a 0.13 Cat Out►i}/tom uffntia. lime. -the chap r and ardeOU do • b ne equal : 4th, Ituh;pa Itanon ; 5th, The sub'ect of the !ectsre is 7 ars e: ria 1862. Jan. 158 60 378.90 + -' I F that Sew UnloD • frit trial; b' it dor I e eel ; T'h, John ), McI'henun. , ,za t race;n the D+i'ish atm], is lata, and is Jone. lbs 6u 431.10 feveraimiiar to that Seea iu the Wet Indies. Asuss.-Pma............... , L5o a 5.60 I 'I" ; &h. MA Cassuy, Abner DuhwD, Aeecmoulatlon .................. I Yr30 a.m. U Aactr waked the ext moni ,old •xDreas mall .................... 3.00 pm. `b° Ike. 161.60 391 60 Peo le are lyio in the streets dead Led d inn. Peals...........• . ' 7.40 a 7.50 Fxvrd......il... seem hard that they are tube Coo' iasis- JC%t0• SECT iON.fuhn Fuser ; interesting, amummz. and imtractivo, eacclw- , , P R l .... 10:50 86' . Jms 140.20 365 :0 Ike rot of cannon, and the now of la• nom •-••••••••••• ^ Neatly awn other bousm u elltied and lin. PPatr.............. 12.30 i 20.00 tending armlet. He wee in a corn(orablo DEPART. • ed by • few men tel Ottawa, Montr'e'l or lit, Katim, Mchensie ; ding with a most excellent address to our June. 140.20 42.7,70 pital sccom0dat;onma are insufficient. Pis•w• lftdtl s Yew........ 13 50 a 1'3.76 return, the window of which overlroked the I Expremat mail .............. .. 6:3U a.m. Torooto whether they will or no, 'hit. . Francis Camday ; 41b, llergaret Yates ; ; Vo'uuteer form. TLhe Captain delivered Lire. 140,20 315.70 bis eglectA hue aro •rve:ed a- temporary ]felts............ 14.50 • 14.73 f(•f R Accommodation ................... 1:45 m 5th. William McKenzie. L86C Jac. 136.30 359.00 sea, From it he eoald ale •mei ht u(the ba tuts, into .6iob tea sick ore rat to du, PVe.. ................. 0.80 • 1.9;, P• evcob of tie ,put yew wcekR prune tike I the Iseturo wuh groat sucttr to IargS -- P, H French works, and of the,r mon .drwnced I klixcrl .._ .. .. 4.45 " 4TH DIVtEl01e: June. 135.30 4 QUinlUe a $7S per ounce. Rrx , ...........- ... b.90 a 6.00 Ila'a. Sharp okirmu6in r" going lase """"""'• Coalition will be a failure. Heal ire- wdienem last .water Mild parposa/ vrmng lite. 135.30 o0 __. _- _. .- _ ppaursa 66 ran ANNIE HCLLW%AX, TEACHER. our town and del,werin his Lecture m a few 1865. Jan. 136.40 377.70 Now Orlea s, Jul 2:i.-F.eeohedo bu MoWraurs 16lhrd.-Flee, market wry brtrmn lie wm!1 and the (onmcet F'noeh __ _ Doagall and Ilewlaad adapt oAco, as re- R 1 pceitioD. ll'AroeT romembered that M sou .r- a 1 Margam G;Mon ; 2nd, Susanne days, when copies can be procured, we hope I June. 138.40 413.30 been laced ;n cool of the arm sue gotet a87S n 00 of quoatione, ourerisr former-, in the new Coalition, before they Acheson ; 3rd, John Bo,1 itte ; 4th, Gerald • : II p y' elan 8TS f q 900 otht #rwdm •, aiYl. - at Nat im Sebastopol. Nut, however, Y he . , 1 ♦ 1y ( „y d R to rr onr military inland: m town do who) Id66. Jan. 148. i0 379.60 Juarez is announced as a candidate fur lid Grsi°-Wbrn ear loads, 1'. C. Sprin6all. hoped b enter it, sot with The exultant feel. I ,. f1111'Li l f It I I1 jii lna I i han the slightest idea that they will be ! int Cre n ; 5th. Daniel Fer uson ; 6rh' the can to rxare • ood audience. resident of lea ubiia m t 165 ri 1 60. Peas scarce ad h1 tow. top of • tongosror, Dot .rth rhe daprrred VO ••7 auswiDeJ by the reform party, and 6eor ! W111inm . caw ; 71 h, Ann;e McfntOah ; Mil y D R Jutta, 149.60 427.60 P I IUP R ( R spirit send Gamble nae o(• primoeer of wt. I _ MwT Rnwke, Meq Mtltiin, Barbara Ruttier. - - Doe. 149.60 367.20 - _- - - u.0 •earn and bnogu# lull nam. 1'rr Yet be looked in vain for those accoap•ni ' we argue that a simple CoalitioD 'r ell , Junk, equal ; *b, Mary A. Mahoney Joule SW The &,trait has been placed on Tmt',SARa Awwa 1)tlncrr.ty.-Tho gar vwons geoetaly anchen;ged. went/ of a rides with which be es t+d a fwDERIrH, Ito N. Jllb %6. 186%• Het rsmisrr unsu rted b a ma aril (Lbmean, ! mal; 10th. Elizabeth Walker, 2607,30. 6613 20. Deparlmeat at Washington has furnished for (ry .penal Telegraph W the .Agvial p .pee 1 PP° 1 I' ) , 9 Ihe SRTnia mute. 9M elle. abliat;on IM dm,csiva arri•ed of b Ilio ) bo smrrouneed. He looked m vain for Ihe ..,,.,,.,... .. ....._.....a...., of the le, ria ore rid%•, is no coalition S•rmb Ltnu, /tsty lkm,l!y, equal. P 1 Ncw T'oRx, 126th. -Plot 6etr, dueling poop _--_, --. BKUCF:• authoritirsrel•tlwtothecame of Sana Am ;n wand whthcet 8 V etbaaber fi TM room .0 ncomforaDle asd TIO E T WO COALI'1'IOt . I at all. Then again, it hu been Basic -i 5Tu D1vUttoll. to PrNr Pr"me" It re ghO.t2 Pile•#•. Total. I an's capture, the aet;oo of Commander R_ oe, Wheat saw, 3W 5a loawer, old heavy 3 Rye y I Islas 0coacnxa took%, TRAC*Ma. tot i 1861. Jan. $10tl.40'• $327,30 wad iM all« forcible brTardin of the ff the door bed not been barred, he would Pained, of law, by the leadcra of the Con- nia R .meat Core IC ter. ;halo) m. oat. U.r nrver hose supposed hia"Ifu custod Evt It is a .Iwdiag argument of ceruervr seuc►L cts/a. To the Ya4"v wee tike usrr,n r,prL J.".. 2u9. t0 36.5.90 /tamae- Yirtin;m by the Ilrx,csn xulhari.iee. shade firmer. 1.SOp m. Gold 3`.+ . federate Government, that it was abso- death this was soup private rola.. & t 1 -five candidata and the Conservative prey los. George Ellard ; 2nd, Arthur Smith ; gta,-A tree pedlar in the Town of Dee. 179.00 1f+1.U0 Mr. &e.ard, atrr rs•rnng Iho fair, awtn', mem red bis pllent hat, the Room sap• Lately necessary that the ONwrke Cabs• 3rd, t'lam R!uett ; 4th, Jessie McKenzie ; 1862. Jan. 234.90 380.40 hot ophoion 'bat S•ela Anus was really a -_--_ - sda /hat becaux it sou right t'ut then •, it iI I Ridin for Ritchie and Carlin offered Deme. 198.60 3 m 80 he anvice the absnlu Siawmohein Besse ffus- txember he felt ally .n etnol°° of grwtit xt should be • Coalition, also, to 5th, William Brophy. Godcrieh while eanvusing m the 3OutS June. 227 a 397.'0 Blib"rr,.rd that the 1'uglm• was not m that it wait b him he most owe the ptdrest dt a Ct7alitioe d Partin iN 1964, it ►+ 2xD soot. g g, R t dll$1f11tf $ tf comfort of bis eiteation. Tbinkiri of the preroot it from tHwkhing with the 1863. Jan. 219 90 0 - R t just u proper that there should bo ■ fee.h tat, John Came ; 2Ld, Elizabeth TnhwlaR, `event of the vorn n eke• Town/hi oC gaged y ped - wtnederfal sroarlios of the lwo9 alumina, of Parliament at Utwwa In attempting P Juw. 219-80 334 70 Anna, sad en im a collage ea mos, ' bis reltonshn to Irene, ° her hearin the I Cralitioe iu IBG7, and they hate fallen Jobn YcUon•1J, «geul; 3.d, .l1,h- Griffin, Goderich $12 %-day for their tcam/. As 14e, Y'l1 20 234 :0 el kis u.n, to •molts •n of the Inn of the: /T p R W carry ant hu ifutrsotims, what JobnAe6eeon, edt Nb, Y r Hatwe,! llvflrM/s e Olfan+ Lamb acme name, and of hu mf6raing that he bad isto the habit of Calling thou who do Dot v' •d)F t804. J.n. 259A0 42J 40 Caited States. Bs /urlher rays 'list Sena hw the lion. Jobe S. Macdonald •eecm- Ds in. Rutherford, Robert Wal ser, Joho Billy sou knowD never to havt had $12 Jane. 158.20 473 70 ADna volununly dismmherked et Steal, tend aeeo fide ton' Latey, made Liowl wuh most'. agree with them by the opprobrious name Ilea,, equal. of bioown to spare, the Conclusion is it I,ec. 159.40 421 .40 M approrn of the acdnnof Commander ane. - Commimloa IYerc\aaam,, earnestly fe we h,m. I phshed ? A Coalition t No I Out Ol -i v -`- -- _ } A top was head in the .ithout of Ihstani°nista. If their ideas are not GTu DIt-1rION. resild•ble that lie must have been put in 1A65. Jan. 266 40 432 40 -I COR!iFJt H( 0.PHTAI, A 8T. JOIN ST'S P•••ap the great Reform part] of Upper Canada, , JDw. 166.20 485.20 MAAONIC ayAND I.OYOE. NONTRBAli, The done was malooked, and Alexis rear- carried out the Union will be destroyed, MISS HART rtHAHa%, TSACM3. (1♦ptlR by }Lilehie ted Carling to bribe I the only IibC(als he can secure aro /Each Dee. 266 20 420.00 e1111ett a 1r)T, Ha11IaZ. and u11told calamities will ba eswiled ape 11"I -9t. CLA/la lime electors. It makes one pretad of the 1866• Jan. 258.90 .423 40 At the meed• of the Masons rand led "Good moroing. Captain D'A,reey," rid men u Stephen Richards and E. B. R R n ke, s akin in Frewh,which beth could w Ow the isfaDl llOmi11ion. It has ever been I.4 Marlha McC'aneghrD; 2nd, Wit:' independenoe o[ the Electo al body to Jane. 244.20 427.20 t Kingston the following limber, wen 1 . P• R Wood/ I it is an abotation me grow Rod Butterworth ; 3cd, Elizabeth Whitely ; 4th ! 1)ec. 242.00 4U2.10 olroted read o8lcens (or IM ennui ear : r11E MANUFACTURESI I' CANADA F with fismal sad accuracy. •• I hop• Y" Ee, There hu always been • elm of poi- I Ja rata YCFarlsne, liernsrd Trainer, r nal ; I know that is t.to initiatives that came - - R °1F 7 Gave slept ell T' mis-ahepen as to eficite the indign-ition Oat q under the writer's knowledge lie "bribe ()rand MY•er, M W lire W Y W i.ane. when arcoaprwel by Iho proper o11ie1a1 e ken. TMake b wee kiodrhe?ss whish i4auNs win wheacver they hear (heir 5th Charles McSeA,n, Elisabeth Smith, 3217..0 7096.40 De ut Grand Master, R ti Bro A A Ste certificate of their boa awk, are now ad - y all re formers and t►a opeD deri•iow of• Cathar;ao Murn • ual ; 616, Salome °sit briber "were iodigna11tly•purned. P T # tow thus rammed fur a". It mal" mo tot#et ' suspenders' crack, prediet that the Oonservelivrr. ID lbs Nature of )him m It I Headle Alfred Kens e, a eel. Thin acme Ilse alRo •Item ed to The above mom of 12GOi 30, divided by A venSern. anted into the that I so la r;eonmet,' ^ yr 9 Pe Pl Greed Senior Marden, R W Bro. I H S e. L O W E R P R O V I N C E S P UDirens ie about to he diswlced, bat I win over Several of the " inde adept " bus the aeabw of year, gnvee • gaotiewt of . ••I would have done m dal to ]om will be impMleible W hold such an inroH- peroxn soux. 1>e ems. % $434 55 per acnsmy whsh Ahr;dud by 18 the 1' 1 { F: H: n i^ n 'Ir 1 . ' jsn, and come to see yes. Oof our n4;aa Notwithstanding licit cmakingm, wo hod grsous Cabinet together --Surely Mr. JIo let, Clmr• Platt ; 2nd1 Mary (bald ; 3rd, 1° mi 1 Tye .. (R byt a liberal digtrib°tioD °amber °f municipalities gives a quoue°t of Grand Junior Warden, M W Bro. Ile. arAs a sortie opo% t e French line•, god that the pnlitiedl firmament Still holds to- , Mary ll)hansom ; 4th, Charles Papet - Ste of "old rr• " to'tbok e11gaR d in Statute $21.14 for each manici ht and mo in Tsrgaarhd• Consignments Solicited, were balmily engaged for an hear ar wan.' Donald it shrewd enou to See that. ' W T' pP^• F I Greed Ch lain, It W fire. Rev V CI•aent; her and the counts to ust aR safe Martha Loge ; 8'h, Ellen Kelly, Caries Labor duty. It bei%`* bel day and the the rate • ers W vera a 600 lin a+ah seam sP Jul 17. a 27 y j p T R Omand Treesonr, R R Pro H Gmff T •'t hoard IM noise of the eomhef." , iVit.h the etceptian of JIt. Woods its mem- I IwynulatR, C6arlce McGr*jnr ; 7th, Abnh•m akotonl throat unuREaally`, dry the liquid cipwlil, thus' gre.t tum uta) rf 17138 3U - e.1 popper so. Tht noise is ac: „0n.... aN atact u ever, in so far u the pre Wilson. Gruel Seen• K W Bro T R Harris. 1t trabtm °one hero, fornudi•rm, ouydwell "till , s•ati-nent of the le is cos- hen are bitreroppbttentsof Co11f deraties I was gratefully a ovine bdt (un ittly e- quart r per a down tt torr «wfm seed N tary, prop ET. ASDa[vv'/ WARD 1iCHOOI,. COL Of all like owner wn fee nal re- W°►user per annum Ihul each nuPa]er pay- G)nnA (teguwr], R W Bn A Yutra]. within the" wells. The inhabitau ow acd Coalition,and we would simply uk bow ) 9 % y I I Grand T ler, It W Bro A Heron. 1 667. 1 887, u' 7 owned, HISS EHMA KOWTOW, TtatexR. jested, ed for the mileage question, Yr. lam tnly y know, are awe.' itis possible (or any man who it heartily Elecut IU W li ce rhe Board of OSnert '•Yoe have the whole city, to yowl Although we regard Cwlifions is the THIRD sone. ONE WHO Ks'6WS. e6mnetenzed it Y 'u sea link atrr. 'wand par IG W Bra A Ik asaio h: In• Summer A l an ement. -') deeirous of iving our new a stem of upon analysis, i' LY proved a nice Iittle mom, P°•r•- O r -- mT" almint u dangemus to ),rood govern- g T I It, Alfred Robinson ; 2nd, Latineelcb so small indeed that then as not a rate vie ing, L h1 Herdersoo, J Ynflit and J Kerr. "Yes. I haw rood sews for u b the government a fair trial, can support that Johnson • 3,d, F„len Jobuwm. Illusrale, Juy'l0 1807 A inted aemhen-K W lire@ C Kahn, H ] meet and eminently calculated to fritter , igna er in Iloron, Mt what reapeeu ba Reeve wand DP^ way. (have obuired Iw•e from Meneabi• men. The thing i/ impovibla.. We eso rurt. To 2%D eent. IroU, teer"rd me Herta e t I kputy Bette more that. t0 pay with a grudge tbbimwn, J Milr, W H Weller, sod A line koR, who is m kis! o' paroD b saw, t( keep that Wpirit Of Corruption in high plat w ( Su. -tie Y. your Bluevals correspondent Ile 4 eta (oat the •count of their wade a, °a neo the necessity of suffering the Coalition 1 lot, Jwm;ml McLean ; 2nd, Jame* Ball, ' I p T a DarcTT o/mrcr wArD rAsrtes. you hen in t I chamber while you arc In So which is so detrimental to the well-being floor • Swa"ron. a vat. bas •very IenRlhy eommumcatlw in the I .m vmm trot), tt ►.ntq.l. It u much better th.n the pr;eon tet the GCneral parliament to put its policy d q Sri nal of the 19Lh toll. R our r v f? whom volt Count amen an ccofi led. Yom of • statt, we heartily believed in the No• 2,n %root. 3RD ascTto%. Q T J Pe Milrioc I`BUMAB GIit80`I. London, tl"TV Bro jus Wrtis. Steamer Bonnie, ry before the country, rather than endanTer u one who takes the 9•' maland r a er it W;Iwo. " D CUC m. will fw Dotter hen, god he free (rose all eewity Cor a Coalition in 1864. lied we, Imo 3amad Juba Andrew Heid. C lx Y f - ---- - Aumn ” " Y C Cameron. the Coof.lerauoN by a factious oppomi (for skew an ]our terms.) I beg leu•• to T\e [row Bar. Haa;len, R W Aro J Seymour. J. (l. PAIt8Uh4, PASTER °oleo'' as reformers, laced Ilya interal of rt 2xD aaC7bos. -- '-- Lionel errKoaasd the deepM gn•ittxlw. p y lino, but if we are to judge oL the whale )+t. Med 1 Msgf•°n ; 2nd, Sarah Me_ reply. P. Y. is answerin,7, he supposed me Toronto, '1 •• E A Walker. /iTHE STEAMER " BOYNIII " WILL •• herr did not think, when she s me b merely •bon )Lox of p+triollem, we qmn a Illustrate corres ndent fo the Skip and Y tfurs i• • ghod lesson from u from bt, Ontario, " " Wa McCabe. 1 D b] lobo Sandfield'e part, we can safely Assay i 3rd, Mary !: Foxe Mary Muti/oe, , IbO wa of ►nu," us.itinaed you p " that 1 .ronld Weald hsve Mid b Meun. Brown )low- (kms ;r bo g, Trina Edward, Et W Bro D Pnrr. ' Ica that the CaalilioD is NOt in to egewl. we aro fallible-ercatur••e he Doordm into .o „ , LeAPo f,Nerlti fir 8arala want Jom ter. Will yes perssil see fo eek - l g - roe if yne mon• •song the Zneavie T" la11d and JlcDou •all, 1{emalD in o i- be a very happy family, and will not eff et I A h r e inn .monk earn dollars, worked Metra) J P FwWnbn ) 6 ppoe )Ry sacrtow. m,rtnr bT utribsting • correspondence to my a. " '1 No," lied Lin 1, ,. 1 do not belong I tion I Yoe have driven your opposeats Lf, George Patton ; 2nd, Margaret John-' pen tit enn'u°ed mom• poetry. I hero tate roto ho, it is W , n woet6 $IO.bO ;mode mato Mex trial li lisp weer un•rl °f g, n Sprays •;rid seed raQ all that is claimed for it. We have no medley rt io worth 13.x5 ; made into Dalanee. FA*wm Township•, R W Ile° J H Orsbm weather pemiltiog, oa Mm,dml'm, W.dseo b that di"00vk. If Toa haw lime to lura. into a sition which reade'2 it Imp,milsi- Minn ; 3rd, CtLenne McKa. r that 1 never wrote • communication that • rin 0f watches, it it worth $250,900. Q"boe, R W fire Alex Ralkt. .day s, and Fivisy's, Y 1 o'elack p. Mi., a" I will all you al tory." faith to political milleniump. When rs tole for them t° bald the reine of wer, 71"T y1oci I contain sty poetry Then he strike, at P Wht a drilling the prior bar must undergo ArrorrTes "AKD orrtraas. • LEAVE SARNIA FOR GODERIC11 " 1 bow time. If Tom ban anTthinR Te ttbh>hed in Britain for a short time they 41`11 R•CTyOg. the other two in a style not commendable, b reach all that ; bot, hammered and beurn Grand Senior Descun, V W )ire J Clark. toll mw, I shall be mal happy to hear it . " End if you arm, firm you will compel them and pounded and polished• how wee its value Grand Jester Deacon, " " J Bowman Trndoy'g. Therer-mot and Satardhj h /11 have provai To be ReatwOa of confusion I lot, M• Ana Melrw 1 iorssaa M. Hme Tem, meulnA that wo a6oalA haw meu a. a unit fsrthw►-moria. " [have the atrsn tater Chet late h►w r7 i •dr Re• 7 1 to roare once fns all. Prcty t T that M m mplain 1 It might well bars gmivered acA Onnd So enter. dent of Wurka, V W The , Dennis, ' makes connection *ilk ►mrd G.r • Inn# tim, send eertuptioD i11 high plane u well u iu Guire. t;Mined the Inet Ilia fie Dad in his Inner madQ eomplainod nndrr 'he hard kooelm it got , Bro P II 9peneer. ` •• Toll it then, by all mems." Coalition like Reform party was )teat the bumblor walk+ of life. Phere is 3sn mrrviov, • quotation from the fourfA book. Ile did but wen they not all necessary to draw omit Grind Director of Coronaries, V W Bro boats for Datrm4 Chicago, and ail Miehigaa yr Liowl then recounted Cmm first to last sell u strong a/ the pony oppnxd to it, and anmethin io the An to S.uon nature Ist, :tart' Ball ; 2nd, Charlotte Hedger. du ,4 and ;f hS bad muked the qaottion 1t 'u fine Il liueu, and fit i1 for h;ghtr OEer T Wm Fdgsr• parts' d 8 F01VRF.TGRronPASSAGE the history of bin ill fortune, telling of his Aod ", m eMldrsw, all the Jrillisg send Grand Am l do, V W Bro F, II Parker. letter, of Ilia leisure, of the lar of hi♦ tin;,'there was no reameon why it should give whi^h remlan such a ewto of litical 2xn der 1`.x. would haw been all right, and r H. Y. is J b1° train+w4 which you are subject to in yoslp, (lend Aristant bocreury, V W Dro W a Api't7 b J. F. Baby, Saris, John Morgan, 01 Ihe Rust iwn manuscript found in his tend, I way, beyond that which w! han stated. affairs r pant and ultimate) unhear- l at, Chrimtirra Mat'ienn, Jr..,R Mttiwn, I n achonl maser by profeaisq he certainly and which often seem so Mrd to vow, Serve Angus. Bayfsild, and and rel the eourt•m.rtial, what* Galeron tee r"a y aqm. ; 2nd, Alexxnder C:"npbell. knew the law in such ensea fiat ire ets w brio of an nobler rd finer uahl (hand Sword Beater, V W Bro J W (i, RUMBA "crack. Nbat sou e he done 1 The machinery l able. la it vible fir lit. Cameron and t;6md %;amt him. I P'b 1 cot uonex, nal of it by " iD tial I, is n common; and fit eD or mon res onsihle au and Iwitbr' AI«tis 6uteoe,l with the deepen' •ueulinn. of gncrnmenl was at •stand still, ■n 1 it Mr. Ritchie to Ree eye to eye tirday any ) „r, Isabwlls Matisse , deet ina McGuire r T r R terrusefulness in the world. P tea' J■IT '516 W71 " Yen Mee some burr enemy. DO w I Geon Browm ad been ails of an dr- t cet;on ngeat d °rely all m] bttet from tb - t(r•• (rand Or#ani4 Y g Bro R McKm7. .wpect nn one 7 8trange fate ; a torwu u P g ] 1 I morn tion they cauld hive done in 1801 ? equal ; 2ad, Yot#nree Mattrom, Jo►n Ma Leader I challenge him to prove bis aver- Oraod Arisanl UrgamiM, Y W Bro II K Ise William Cam bell las• of a conserve- 1'" John MCKInnon, e, teal. The Re.6 W Of Branlord hew discarded WWmar. GeOisrle` gal S1M Y leg Lbw sire to brain maltere to th<mcat seriola ti i Locel I" P tion it he nn. raw nso#ado W Tnd. and ate determined to Grand Peorsorvent, V W Bre Momdboim. •• 1 tee at acne. anus, (" his calum°iston allege that be tin or George Rumbal! lens of a liberal The• H. Y. begin to criticism mT dam bring met a eandidat• to Op" him. The Grand 8uword, V W Hem H U Pail T H 1 8 T R A M Z R "He who per•." you thus, mad know Ton wished to do now) he had to do nothing than of yore I No I Thou why talk of CaOualan Press Anociallen. ros;tion when he quotas my words. 1•He Conewmat;ves will npr0n their own caidi. - - - imtimitelyI god hew intimate connec"oD date, Nr. McFwen, and a lively tiros is ex• web )Joo." I b•y°°d eoaUnaing •firm stand, fax hu • melleraiam when it is evident Ihd men'/ grid t6sy will find ;n dee lime, Ih•t ho is, The N•w Y hssttr%# Pat rye :- " Trse, for this eny world aecoonJ fm 0ppohcnt&, loudly a they map boat, would TM Rnnsal meeting of the Cloudiq peeled. The struts of Brantford are pia- •1 The New Domfa " (we are told ) has a oaimons are u wide) • N as ever ? sad will be loaded wccessfully m Galway." carded with asremtmres Of W o°d P•rfortniM rosil t n rtanit mat now, to bm,ne6l Ihe la. of m letter and rin and lM asS o1 y P• Press Arocistion, will he held in )Lim town, y Rat xpe f• ) 1 R. han rlunq to ot3ae Until the Lt plank of Su it was Geor Brown or Wm. His soeowth eomd the is: eJ n w• hevm, ac acrohelic feat. itSelf •t enrme:per., '$very ineTuatrT In Ms `Q R 4 " y net W cri o on come,' ' the shi of saw was dr from bc- PP"•° °° Tbsrmda], the 8th cat Am#rt nex4 at'J both the prtoeol and the fstCre,ismDled into • Hnn. Iwo BarhAnan hr been nominated Unified Stars is nod *O rn/msd b our •heard Y ii • Have y,r no lave whom T0u believe ; P a McDougall and the Reform party who o'clock, p. m., and IM excursion will takS P y ' ar Iriend, who Iso eurrtant Recent to ear north their feet. Who th" acted tits hetamgenoue mer of an#nsernu;cal matter, 10 Ihe Hw" of COmrsona for Hamilton, ro bi#h-prism %riff myatem ; Int the Will d sew Y F 1 1 I euro daitrmwe of wlneing over eoaearn- pl►cS oD tike following da, of which due that ell del ■ll to Sian in C.nad• b make oopceition to Mr. P.gill. The later gpari Bin`` upon little ports, ted they wJl draw D. $OW Jil rol r smut For throe oc ((or weeke n^^w of my pan of ,h'ws petriot&, under the ciream- tives to join them in ruling the country notice, will be given. Paves over the n- common "ase out up ; and with the ve man's eli to accept nfl e uaMr Jnhn S. thither the greater pan of the cormerea y frienA• have belan sear mate. fSrkoer and'! atso0em ? We soy, emphatically, Afar. -W he termed all oonaervatives who apSct;ve linea of rmiloi tae only be swat to 4 7 ILL d, riddri a the f3aroia t;p and u nn doubt the reason for the fsebla dimple] which we are driving away from oa Peru, next breath he ulb em that if ha he allowed of spleen. •ud will allure to their own neon alq leuve Otderirh every evoniht at t w,rnde on my pan or on the;u bows prevent- Rmrn and the parry wh" L licked him I kicked aver the traced. Disunionistsl 'lin" ordering thea, and tech order must to substitute Godrrich for Galway n will The Reformers of Peel have nnml°waled many indrtri.y which nn suffering and °'ehock (or looths, ton, calling t H;orr b them'" Althea h we admired the spirit which wauM tAat alter,Ae Case of all T Would be accompanied with the Annual multieriP' rwhin hen. Oar fall w the mWee- d1°w, (wrhar a and Poll F71gin. " And rn one by been in your tent T" g make wren. Thr, fie makem hiasolf to Ya Itoherl Ilarlier u their candidate for the P• y g Rofmrnin •ill leato Soatbmse tom ever] cried Alwxim, with deep emotion. ; dictated to Mr. Brown, u the loader o onr onawnative friends preach mubmi/- Iron of $1, Nome but bdTnu fide members of onperaede not only all the logirisr of Canada douse of Committed, ;n oppo l;°n to Mr. J. a" or the New Dominion a very `ret Op g• D •' Now bat a] •dot. Phihppn." the liberal art 16e Iseecaait of enter. tbs Prey will be admitted 'o membership. H. Cameron, and every confidence is es gIv g r and t lki wit thy bow see heo at f o'ets of P yt 1 slow,—tbe sicking of party prejudices, All heinous art be male to the under- bat himself loo f Now, if , Y. will consle proceed in a ftoonblo r"olt at the lis. °een uito m fns and taking •bet ne seam Tad ; h i;okou ;rwoA b aN pdeu on JM " Phili 7" tried Alexis; '• eel do oar WD PP° T trig the CoalilioR of 1861, tbstn won obhf0ntinn oC Old rt lime, send •;I that Fowler's #nmm•r asp I71, ha will bad Ihn Yr. I)edin is carr in66 all L•fon h;a in lean, w make the Rritis6 Provhser the llt•ed r+°k. ad know now who Is your *aemy T' R• marl of thing ? Purha n the would, bol •;good :-W. Reelin#km m, 9rararary, Stew - y ay T McOn. His election •tat of a varied industry and a thriving core- Fan from Suvtlueppton fo Tnrnnb H " Philippe? Toa scroll. do trot believe •mme thio connected with the arrangr- H. Y. h eribci/m,d correct, tot u sew an Yomnwl aiasl Yr. J. V. 119TLOit A SUN t y ford ; or to Them. Sellar, Pres de tel Yoe• H. Y. has o° othentT tare Ieowio ;and is certain. mwra. The prorsotionDu in Ibis eesntry Wit tot It . He mja 1 a T' men% which we did not apprnn of. 1n we think not I The ocincl•a.lon we arrive treat. We arm, happy to be ab!a to ry that r Lsnniesays r'eonjunctiora couple the some Otderie►, J■1 2d, tAe7, _ I IIR. Hs;a well Yne.n b nus. Hew hears Amens lhefr tort Jo Altar and drlro)) 1 -___ _ the only man who could do so. Captain Our humble (pinion the reform element at In cur own minds, therefore, is that we lave waived murnoes from onr leading Nods end tern of verW, ma "Do $00! Two telegrams ;n cipher wers sent (rain our Commerce ; they have, by their afawrd n D Array, 1 oke the deepwat inreet is ywr did not ester into the yormalual of the tat vornmeot is lie best Por s 'hese towusmen that they wi'i do all in their poet and seek peace" he thinks the• (t,onjuncnow) Now Orlesna, on the sixth iwt. to the French and criminal Iwgislaaow, already driven ' \ D Ara I 1 Ithe. epet in onr en your " pa y p son couple nothing e1". .Let him Aga bm•rtor and one of his kinisters, cot a cat Several important industries into Ihe British VVSA 1 new nbinet r fully eu tilestrenlgth of the eountr where enl' htened rinci le, ra to condor the •lay of our brtbr•n of the 1 st•nst•s bmidwa this. I have ••en Trow y' Sg P I D •Rami" Ihe pap in H►ewbr nterrta to rd of the mu0. It is axameA m. they nf r ,.winder, s°ch as I Ike,Id he •pan of the i keCs►fo r sb apokS (Y Trwr d.Rpt fns 17•rt] warranted. When Mr, Hmwa and tall, Sed we feel certain that the New q°ill is Godearteh r •rre•able me pis;►1m,, as what ►e says •brat eo•ord;naa sentence*. t° the a°r'dwr of Ma:iwillMa, lmmher trmAw, see. 14ke the pores of the d 3MM1B3M- the msehinwOr of Tear unr•'•." his omlmgm ride concusions which were Dominion of Canada will bet mon res. Then rill bC • nrT Ixrge meeting of abs Bat, now turn fo H. Y's. letter of the IA1b New Yerk, Joy 7d. -Al a mm,otin# Of the NI. Dominion free, and'6w people will war •1 Good find I" cried Lionel, as though • P inf and look at the fire% wnance. He Union lie ablian Gownl Coamitteo, t snob a rush of eommoree, i and •Mibi Tlp Top Canadian CheeHlOt •rel to Heir forlin aha had a Of poli ics man of Mme to oC onr] sea a ( P t'apags g•. 1 un and healer mernod when CoRI- lar' atrr:-"The corns %dent to the" Ord- theie room last e•enin Oes/nl Grant tal b'hem, w aha] memrTey bOP• fur now." prom 10 l0 11 anM r I►. seddw light ftemMd spec hu maul, Parr g of pol,lr, froa Queb*e to Aarn,u, nsd we a I'O 4 Rr P• ,1 Tet earls, who few the asks of wising, tight to demand ms equsl share in the itiaw are numbered with the tbinga of would ren tfull "k nor ntizm,Y in •how •rich Suti nhars Men req prorly je their err t In t ted for Ihe next prwmi,bliem Nw oti•tion• •re am (Milt between IM JOHN MAR.03 epee% ear family inheritance, to attwaptat` seam tine of the new RmernamL The y contrihotioY of I•te, putiemlarl] the Rlne- wbj.el to the d.eisien Af the publ;elan : GeaMrich, Jnl] )Alb, 1867. hell P^" like peel them a reeraonable amount of •aloof i.n, he it I vale man who bats nus," wen f a teacher National Convention. &be f la 8wtr emit 11nof t Ormnmh p fuse _ In perm ycer (thw` wand walk Outetreta R arca Seeks b eatau/ hie oyes IO yce cob° #cowing eat df the inequality ebf the l be a a ial advertisement fob et' and had a pupil of six mortis tandin tt An Ottawa tele nm mention the minor the pre(tar of part of the Rrilii p°ssw Q m the Cnmen r' # element/ empring the cabinet were fully IlWrlrlrg Evorrtfllrg. beautiful towaP 1 O ,D d not az etue each syn ser. het Ih1Dk that Nr. Nc(ieu has torn r,lalred the O41ea si0ed om the P•e;fia, slam`%sing, t lM acme gaj'jn for O e' lAowsI w" vides, apparent when the 'mission of Mr. Galt I , this, 'the Blem,vaM aw whe have given" Of Q*sen's Printer fm Jim Dominatine that line. "tlrment el Ilii AlaDaa..l.ima, al w P0406 me few waiting t►ns of roar The le v mist akve the eem mvree bore we have • singular promotion and a Yr. Cnaemn will Mw the aimilt i i• A Sertnga r that a h°r• BINO Lt 11 aeweessioe 6 Towim6sar•d t inily. Ito Rwcom" for ala w A^ ". to Waabingt0e Contrary to Mr, Browns ry rR• 7 lural eary grRamar Onane, rd Mr. DwuhereLo is Quebr Iraq pried ' ' • IMMW baa b1A a. vl, for I am Ilk* Let drove the Islter to throw °f +rein( everytAing, brom4ht agsmst his W gra in reesipt eel the Orlpb Dri11 Molted, asd Ihe other tworamistakes before hotel••nnouncing n lha ells of the I#ret ells loser of assmps I Wall witt" Jay broth", aim* we wen bus r lat up together. cand,dat►s, and be glare the lie an freely Norcory. •well wA;lad std noallT priRad this one• •re call Cole Iesow l even A rw •^ars' list tote Dean eeapleted in tobacco •dvertiser,lbat IR order tee evermae sP•J°8 ° KJr i IanA °f (be hest kind 11l 1 foal Yw yeats.lfkao. all this.# up him o5eo in dls#nM. Again, afwr Mr IW one amount b44P thinking he is media shoot which should be lai#wly palmaismd, euphony, thoug a person were nM versed is- Memph;•, which foots up 1,196 colored, and a natural pr•judiea against Ihe etre of bash frmaa bun and out base•, sed A" tea "Yom, 1 keA •Miter froa my wort.•' Arown had sompwd oAiae, on the terms Ino fond of troth bimawlf. Ile ma affect to --- Irania.r, w bl to geld* a peso° maM 1111. whir voter. In Georgia, we fins the propitiator will ne Monday Pie" a Ili •tory Concrete how with good al A ly " find yw none from Iden. T 8M wrote agreed a", we think he should ban disbeliate tatements eblishod ,n the $w Throe h an see dent In her ma ewrroety, T ro are pmteetiom critic•, partial Mier" from wrier eoeatiea, which `rid i in • axruin quantity of beak, ne Ane nro►ard of 100 bearing arra M yen t the eamo time." P J•M•' F froebmes as college, ladies with n Coach of aIIli I/• sin. a large majolity t colored 7areda nae Wf dmr waset h awe pbwm by ktlor"raid to x I never resolved awy.' held to it Until CMMfOdafallM, (to scarf• mal me long as Ihe public dwral ha chicory, the •Salter Sp Mr Will ked laid nP blue I#Ockiajra, *hope in I*, 1. Gal ate° velN Ia Sav usab the "Craft re#ow "I on W=T ew third that soowt i• tMer W. 8P S 7L " This i atwmbae Pan of IM sap p!or •Lich ILS Corlltiolt was formed) hart pony tories we sh•il be per!wr tly s.tisf-J. for s few de's. cortioM are so oat of the Several rself, so outosmbay the obit" three to one. pipe", and •0 0m far a .role. BavA1!A p. a., July 12, 11147. Oven Pbhppe go atm ►„ser Iwttmere l I i 711