Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-7-26, Page 1F.- a.I..p,...a...•.►c.._ "•• neva.- -- - '-- enigma Climtft01l `I • De. P. A. Melfoureal `(TILL lig AT HUME FOU CONSUL moor us toll ✓olaek• a. m.. *veer de), Wall rout patinas*al kW bow a*.rwuJ.,.)g stale.. A.0.40% 114.1)..^ IIY41WIAN,iuIMINOK,a,i u...,aOD r .area. CAI. 111411.1, 1211. atcLMArt, i)IIY4re1.\N, SCROSON, CORONER C he 'P see Keadeen e th 3rd Jams as t of Cenral seheol �o ♦vru,e.- CIVIL IINO . KIIKANU I'rIWd1iINCLiL Land N.rvsver- Tdtouwi:reat,Uudvus_. •IOa! MecUcrkl. Reehard Moues. pa'ifilCIAN, aurgeou and Accoucheur, f Manchester, C. W. February Tth, I867. w3yr HOBERT J. SLOAN% M. D Pargta7A-r,BDnoaon, 841., 10. Tager; ream aureate an the U.S. A during Me late war. Umu(lN verdant surge.:. or U. 3. Mewed 8tam.3 " D. A. Janna. y." Assume °m ue for lb* 16th Army Con. at Y.ek.b., rg, Uwe.. deo., fico. Dam sad Maass:.. -Mr. T. O. Jackaua'a L,.., W metals. N R- 1easeilutionn on aurgaeal ewes etteud- ed la all patsy mike oounlry. Wrs(t.m. C. W., Mare.‘ 9114, IMP, wit em• .(i, M. MoMICaKINC. M. LI. LiCEfiflATE COLLEGE PHY8ICLANS axe IlettUgolan, C. E. Residence -the Lore formerly occapied by Kr. Best, Osidreia 'vermes, Uoterie s. •11 A)e. aetanbarr. n11411011 ATI of the M.Jwal Depertm•et of V Vinton• V •aerutr. Tomue, ad late M W therm' ad Ute esv , New York. It•e.d•.ne U MetnegelP• (Valhi)e.y.eld. well nano .goon 11. (durdon. 1"rtRNEY-AT-LAW, tiOLICiTORIN use,. cry, Notary PeW.. , Uom..y)s0cer, A. -,dA.., li..lvnch, Lana'. West. Obese -..t. a• Rooth uJe .d West Street,terdJuort roa the ,.n -Hoe. rJgWN. ----- D. asltade simian .t. . "AURlsrsit. ATTUUNNY, SOLICIT oa, 3n,:„U 'DauoN C. W-Orr,la: Up tsars Wat.o.'. Sleek, West gt.; ••truer moi Uoo• wet 01 Mayo. Hou.. Tome k Moore, 4 TTORxims,,'SULIcirOIL4, keel (lade re,h,t. W. Udc•-LUASH'd NEW al .N:ic hmet.e. socias. 1.+Jeno►, t.set lith. e1144. •.107.71 -- r. Btwsu 1R1i'ITEK Alt.c) tT01NEY•AT Law, and bobcnoes -Chancery, Cusum y Crows Att.mq,Uoder.ek.:aadaWe.t. utter ■ Co.nI Heeds , .14.40 aa. C. Cameron. I3!u1t'rIii, A'rrURPEY, CONVEY a Walt.', ,Ki*getoo.treet Monteror h,C,W Mu.s1aar 1k Walker. ((�� !MINTERS', SOLICITORS, CON - 113 yerascrs, ON-a7..r.eura, deo. 019..a mer the Store of V. Uctlur Jt Soo,Uoderteb.. n John Iiavt.on vim iTRit,AT-roRNEY,'ULTCTTOR u r77ht.eery. dye Oder Market &rear. C.r•.rrl(iagro.iueeI jintirleh. 9.42 W.tLLaat T Hare. 1 TWINE Y-iT-LAW, 3ULICITOR iN rani'•.ipsLeary 1'.hI Cee.rysawr,br, iS .rna4.C.W.-4Mc..e..r CC. E. Aread,skl'. Mre.Crab&L Moak. v15ets 1r.n'S to Lead on Real Property H. 1.. para.. BtNNIS TRK, a.,fto•ra,ea,C. W. tJ rici-1.aagi a Naw Mock_ 1. Y- Llveood. t tUR1t1 i., ATTURYEY• AT LAW, i'... r.Yaar•et4g,es. 04..-.alaUV. Woek, •Yyw„at ,.' Pow In ae,U.+Jrr..:h. f.a..n 1.ISA. 1.37 J. Irrnaef. C. Hatiaa ATr.)rt, l?X-.tr•1.AW, iOLiCITURIN Ck rosary, Voaroyaarer, ace . SLe , Osier nk, C. W ae1J. : W. to -Kay' 8e*. 1. ld4e�d Myr1M .n, apes:'t d Mr. Pau* sou'. 14rce Mr. HaMsa will be at bus breech note., R.)Id eetresj ,14oedey the. 10 •. m. un, A von wok m.7. WIlllaal� `A. Baiat, B. A. .A. 21 C 23 ;R ' ANe LAW OFFICE. 'l,• Tt7n.ni. . K,nrr) x greet OODSSICU. N. R.-Coaveyuei.4. Money lent reasonable terms. Q.sp.ted sod dsbetiv tulles 4, real Mus. Uodericb, Rio. . 1844. 01186 A. IRK t ttta pe/iil 1 TTORJfKY•AT.L't W, SOLICITOR -IN 'i Cuoiouar, ke , !e. Unice-Kinl(- 1t00 street, Goderiek, 5 doors west of M. C. •'a.leion's Law Oface. • MO.N.T TO L192. 720 SC Malcolm .on. 1)A!MOTES, Attorney, Sobe,tor, Ae he. CI*4o , C. V. mit MONEY TO LEND. ♦Vtlliwm P'rs..er. A rrOoVSY-Ar-LAW,SULICITOR iN ,1 1pea..ry, Coay.y.aser. a•. (►rt;11 C., .413..... ,16311714 L.11. Hameln, ('IIVIL ENOINEKR AND SURVEYOR • Lard Agnew! Ce.veyaacer, t.anerd,ne 1 A.M E oaf tat ARCHITECT PLANS ANu ).reclrICATION7 of 8..,0 rrOticaerea.gn1Aruedn Munu.t,IyarI. bat Y.,ur.,'lod.neb. taw/1•11r37 'buntl+►te of the united States o A.meraca. I)AItIC d HOT ICL. OtReeioanfrar 9 o'cleak, a• m., to a clock, p. m. 11. PeeOottgy.at LICSIIAI 1AUGrIUI(E1tR,nAYIiaLn Comely et Horn,. 1.e* in ,,hag• or *aye . n.un• t•.J,.Ile. wad yrs .form Casnpb?U, (2,IINaKAL COMMISSION AGENT Cnmm.inn.n■ et sea'. Bench, lort.k'ng ead.Tg..(I,•vganr . Are. 4ae. Uiesna Dread may. Voiles/of Kia.ardeee.C.w. elm • Peter ll •Rs•, FORW.tR01',R A I) COMMISSION MerrMnl,l. nave, C. W. Roes tad A'ov.ot*colholed• Rua ares ♦f nap r stake him wdlrelemeeeproma.lwyll lyj;i I�LT N"r It9'F'i Y. •r. rUCLIP '. SURGICAL k MECHANiCAI. Oeorier,lfouaneh,r:. W. limas ever Hr. F. fordan'sDrnr Store 1T Trent •.tmeted Without pa,n by use ' 4,000' .pry. / aaaar v l hh.t eco . 3 019-71 y COLONIAL HOfJSE TUE S.h .riser always keeps the largest variety and beat Sleek of BOISERY & GLOVES 1 jN THE COUNTIES. CBA‘. . ARCHIBAtt). 0olerieb. Ao_'wa1 23rd. 1146. am. de r01 AND HURON AND BII, UC E ''ADVERTISER W. T.COI, Editor and Proprietor. �"c "Tito Greatest Possible Good to the Gro itost Possiblo Number." $2.50 PER ANN. IN AD•1 GODERICH, ONTARIO,D. C., FRIDAY. JULY 26, 1867 I VOL. 5. --NO. 95. Business 113u -eases. Business iii tctori. Malao4a N(•Lol.oa. SURGICAL O!'EHATIVEANDMECHANIU• AL DRUGS, -_ - --tea_ DFSN'rIEST• ELECTROPATH1ST, tc. migakTEETH inserted in either Pla tea, Gold• Silver, or Vulcan lard Rubber on reasonable term. t7'0111a• over the Poet (ice. West Street C od•n•h, ALL RIGHT AGAIN, i ii.c rfaCr PHOTOGRAPH GALLERI IN THE PROVINCE, WITH A New & Magnificent Sky -Light AND SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED It t)U31 . E. L. JOHNSON i) EUS to infunn his oil patrons...m.1 the pu!1r• 1) gear ply, Ihal he kae, et n u. h manes, tiled using twine, in elk:wAE7a' new Buck Rs..k. comer w HWJIW dismal aril -"gerre, Uuderr•h, In such a atria as 1011... them W 413.3(,. Me eatery, sad 1t. boa .apo to Me .nrompM.bmwt o ffele-Clan murk ,n his Jelk.1• and be,uulul an. Thosrdwaives of haves Pr- ier. of U111 1 1) IZEN laken loth plebs.Lr, .g :n the Maven mg. Photographs taken in every Style too.. to IM an, .d 041 An il.ulyn. mrd D. (u.rolypes eop.d .r PLorconpb., A loge :Whorl, of O.'t and Ro.r. Wuu.l Pla nn always oil hand. Also ALBUMS, very cheap. X. L. J., i. Mrre(nr *ranks Lm the liberal F•lroa.g. W abs WN, peels an1ulted that nseenl l mproven•aata wJl ..al,.. Lim 4, we, .1 a conlu.• linen sod menta.., .1 .b. suer, IS. L. JJH' SON. Uod•r.eh. Marek 1. Itd7, .611 BIITLAND HOTEL, G^DERICH E• HUSKER, PIt01'IITETOK. T1111 abnee is meetpeametly .Meted' a• emme•ce lz1leet bagk, ., •srlookup use Harbor •.d Lake Hfirm ;--gaud Ors,bards, Oarless and Ural Wau..0.ee d. Hoards' peels), ;Maisie 1{.l•ureds.15•ea•.• e1u10el• t:arssmerelsitiotei.lII1eielI COW J OAN HICKS, Proprietor. This is tk Iergesr.M tomCo.miry Hotel is Winter Canera..1J rharrrs a• moderate n• 31 11 . s in Mn.'hd1. Stag. er.pr.tur. Uust web/air/for 100 Har.a. H.,.e■ and Carriages for Hue ea It honest Notre last TIIE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL MILS 7D'P 1I AIIQUN 112cDONALD, Proprio or. No " effort will be spared on the part of proprietor of the above hotel to render his hors all that can be rewired by the travelling community. Give nam a call. April lith, IM63,, •1'2 CAIQADIAN HOTEL, CLINTON. C. W. W. TCD6011111' Proprietor. I I E ,na tentone.t i• !smashed . ib •11 the 1 re I..rearu• oesealal 1• the '.marl,: - 03411 PRINCE OF ORANGE HOTEL DUNG!NNON. ROYAL OAK HOTEL, LUCKNOW. JAMES CAMPISLL, Proprietor. BEST OF"PINES k LIQUORS. Good Accommodation for Travellers, Iia NII, 0Tr n1.1740 Ann sr -me -rive HnsT1.r.RY inicknow, 5th March, 1466. wet( WM. ELLIOTT. General Sorge and GaIL1e Putter. New Grocery and Traperalee iloase, Renwlllar. • W Et,L ounuberl naLle, ut en, we haat ler, !land ell neeratry accommodation for the p.Mm, et very ramo3anle rates. Ilenm'la r_ May 18, 1607, 171•6m7p. J. D. CAMERON, aA. 100103(50 rton Twat 7v, The Bayfield Hotel (formerly kept by Mr, Lehy.) CON7TANTI.Y nn band, the beof Lpeo d m Cieander., end an attentive Loader, and 30ye11iel anent.. to busies., hopes to merit ■ slaw enable petreng• Hayfield. Meeh 8, 1887. .7 6. Cheaper than ever J1 R UN Subscriber having moved to the Strove 1 one door east of IM corner of Kingston Street and- Market Square, Opposite Mr. C. Crabb's Block, formerly °emote' by Megan. Parker k Cattle, druggists, offers for sale THE I.Alt(iEST, CHEAPEST, BEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES ! of any Bons• in town, both imported and of his own Manufacture, enmpruing all the owl styles of iadiei Gents„and Childrens' Roots and Shoes, which he Is determined to sell at a small ad vane. on end? ns e small profits and gsiek returns" is his method of doing husiaese. r - Calf sad see before pnrebsaing else when. 8 FURSE. Upder.e3, Ap, I. 1st,/ yr DRUGS ! F. TICI IA. D4INT , (8u•eeeec;tuK .B. Ksy.ol la) 1It'(1It•EL' Ryall, Court, ffrr.•�rroes, ;04,,,,A DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST 0.11ena,. ndlaportaml. GENUINE I)LtLJOS CM.wel. , Ps quints. , , HnIS' C. rib. and :Writ 1Iru.hew e•tera,otu,00Leaa, rare, HORSE.: O.vrrLE NEUICINEF CA1109N$1E0I,*C..iC. Ordersrrum Mods.: teem pinrtuall yatteed..'1 at L,rv.: Tru/. P N.H.-Ph paesa'• Pres'rlyuoe carefully he peered. tlodwna3.,J&. 10,Ih31. LIGHT I LIGHT! LIGET 1 ROCK & COAL OILS, .'siralagThl&,Lamp For Salo by F. JORDAN. Galena ma.17Jae* N auction lc Commission. GODEItICl1 •- C1.INTUN 7L)•Jt rabl irsheM- 1 11S1,43.:2. `A LES of 31uaa llen•uess Properly Is OoJ.n.•k 1J rr•ry Saturday, ad a Cliew. every Wr4- My. vee, adv.a.,ed .. Pr..13.0, 1 r ,maF/Nle mead pn•wp relearn..ad. ram p1., -b •.,d other Bake p.oMugyritred- ed to tbnwgLsn 4t. county, (1.M.110)SMAA'+ Ao't.on Mart, mgt Merkel Nears, u.abr,eb Money to Loan on Beal Estate, APPA It17.1,8 to the True ■ Lama Cup•ey •.t',-,.. t .ueds. fltl'r:NA N, m.6, ktark.l Squ•re, Codeine', Land Office, 010133TER at Impend roans sad W.34 IX Liu"! lar 1.M, 0 M.THUEMIAN. thoterkh, Mani 1, lis"). 5uraet Square. INS.IIRANCE• Firs, Marine and Life Insorineej •FV3vTk0 O] teapot lore Office --.1. P. C. Ballon'. Law Chamber, rays Block. corner Court !louse square and Wet: Si.. Go,erieh, C. W. JOHN LIXLDAN, JR., Agent. Ooderick, 27th Sept., 1864. a.iiit1 16.:31 ISI?\ItY aRI!4'I', Bars• Departmental. YarliameMtary, AND PATENT AGENT, OTTAWA. Tn,.*et• hrnne's 'nth the ('mown Lend. and other ( iovernnwet Departments; T•Itee out nitrate Inv Inveala,r, 6 !,sura• 1a.orpo• raln.n Aur':omp.n,r. ley Letters Pal. e,t; Dealts and take. charge o1 Private KO. Jon a., the Sod - Runt tee .(,,rmimes re - mama el.where. RKFEHEN0EK: Ilse. A.•' tel Com. W. M. W,uao., Eve. .,."mer o(1rowe !Monne. L.nde ow. J.cesune,Lee- K.lo•e..eaq., Ramal- do.. ten. R.B,-u.. E.q..1wiper Metra H Law1.3t sum, torof A.rnr,es,Cduual Toronto Lie Am.mnretlo TIIE OLDEST ESTABLi3iIMENT IN- TOWN_ - Oft MARTIN ARANN BEGS TO10FORM HIS OLD CUSTOM en, that he is still able to sell for yeah, at the lowest rtes, ILL KINDS 011 FURNITURE At his shop 00mgaton street, opposite the Ilurun 11.3.1, oderich. Give ham a call. God rieb 0.1.3. 1366. .311.37 M. SAVAGE, [?1:11lS and Nils New York Drafts -Grow. " bac ks- Net ional evnoey- State notes, and eue.rr•at money, at *arrest rate of message. 1911 Oe.., 1865. w4T-Irre� NORTH BRITISH ANI) MERCANTILE FIRE IND LIFE Insurance 004 etTAgl.lgWID 1809. CATIA Al. 12,001.000, STERLING. Fire Department. IOSURANCRN effected on all elation of risks at moderate rater. Lames prompt• Iy P.'d• . Life Department. In virtue oldie immune* afforded by their large Capital and aerrmrlated profit., this Company can dhe dope rates lower then are -'raotca le by many other ofles•. To Farmers. 8p•eial low rates have been made fee fans *Wings and cher *Awed risk.. The undersigned having been appointed arm of the above Company for (lod.neh and sorr0onding country, will be glad to re• Rive I toroth for inherence in both beaneh. ea, and will always he reedy to gin Inform& tion to patties wishing le inure. Wm. RICHARDSON, 4•r,t, Bank of Montreal, Brit Rt. God'rich. Mai Lt, 1766. sw70 GREAT BANKRUPT SALE WM. STEWART OFFERS FOR SALE THE ENTIRE STOCK 10 TRADE OF D.KERR,JR.&GO.,GODERICH,ONTARIO. COMPRISING A LARGE STOCK Or' STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS ! RE 11J Y -MA DE CLOTHING, At awls a.me"w nalurn,ns ms will Unsafe ■ •pcoJy tale. The fidlawing ere • kw attic m o,) Lunds ad lrrgeaus u.w veered to the public. 4010 yard. Dns. Gands, from 10 cents up. 1000 yards Cobourgl,, from 1".1 cent" upwards. 500 yards Merino, 45 cents. '200 Brragc and Cloth Mantloo, SI, uvular prior 8-2 50. 230 large Brown Silk Parasols, usual priou 8 50 -your choice for 81 IL ight Black Glacie Risks, from 90 omits Black sod Colored Kid Gores, cents per 400 items Brown Cottons from 8 riot.. 50 pieces White Cottons, trout 10 vents. Striped Shirting, I11 pmts per yard. 300 pieces fast colored Print, regular poi Gawbroono from 15 eenu.. Tweed., 50 cent.,. A'1 wool Tweed., 70 Black Cloths, from 81. pair. oe20to2S oto, redneed to 1.1 and 15c coots. READY-MADE CLOTHING Coats, Pants, and Vests, ve,y cheap AR -Woad Salt., frwn Co. Funnel Shirts, Cotton Shirts, Tier+, Scarfs, reduced 30 per oetl. Taper rollers, 121 cont.. p_r box, regular price '20 to 25 gents. Pomba.. wat saw' • SAVIR'i OF 16 to 10e. ON EVERY UULLAX, by railing at noire, ..4 4.4:44,,44‘ .p0. fx..t Lar •am , b s o ot n,4• rad to lam Duaturre, u D. KERR'S OLD STAND_ GoJerr-b, J.ly 51►, 1037. .21 sommemonssimiamtmemenemommommem IIFOBTAJT TO EVEIYBOY! { - _ - _ �.-----._._.__ ---^o GRAM) S f'1II-ANNUM, SALE COMMENCE:' AT TUE EMPOIIIEJM! i I':FoitE RE)!OV[Nf7 To 01:1I NFIV PREMISES WE OFFER THE (P article ut our iwtucp.c ,tock of DRY GOODS AT COST. CREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH, FOR ONE MONTH! Goode Oheaper than any House in the Trade J. C. 17F.TI 0T2, h (30. OOD0RICii, Jane 11th, 1367. m.1! To 4 'et. n l"lr?st-ClEmes 1lrltiole of WINTER CLOTHING ! CU TO L ogan's Woolen Factory Store, Whereyou will find a large mid vaned stock of Pullet Clothe and Hatinetts, Tweeds in groat variety. White, Plain, Grey, Striped and Cheoked Winoeys, A groat varlet/ of all wool home mala checked 11.:351c one yard wide; likewise WHITE, GREY, SCARLET & FANCY FLANNELS. A 1.9( Ile' FlMT-CLASSBi.ANKETS, EIGHT TO NiNE POUNDS PEit I'Ailt Stocking Yarn, Fine Fingering Yarn, Fleecy and Berlin Wools, all in endless variety. Together with • choice Aa ortme,,t n, Factory Cotton, Nollands, Prints, Alpacas, hnported Wincies, Des Geode, Ready -mads Raine mad Drawer ; Mesa' and Childress' Soaks and eroonces n great variety, r} A rail is urliri.d. woo.. F THOMAS LOGAN. Wo adnry Atom, Sant Sl reef 10th September, 1 864. w Business 1Dit cctorn, JO H N HARRIS'S FIRE &MARINE I CHEAP CASH STORE ! N NCE1. I sl3IIR � THERE HAS HIST ARRIVED • large .el [l7H.ENIX PIKE ASBVHAt«7E Company of elegant asa,rlotenl ul the Lomeloo of ryes,aanJ hest valets a c;u:;lo." °1 CiIOICE SPRING DRY GOODS I HORACE HORTON, Agent. PROYINCIAL INSURANCE Compel.of , Canada, Head (70.. Tomato. Will take rake on Country and City rroemrty. Manna r s4 • taken et ..low rates •• "my other ant clam ethos. HORACE HORTON, Agent. MONEY TO LOAN. on good- ie -est -curdy peptide / from one ru twelve yens. Nu nitre retain.' an advance. HORACE HORTON Agent. (J.dencn. March 3l u. IE86. .w7 1131,gii f tkt, Large Pcadi ock. 11. GARDINER & Co., .nor1A*1.■ ANn n1TAn. Hardware Merchants, Market Sangre, Coderioh, Ii 4 t f. now nn kaoJ a comp Ne and well ar 1 .1.4 ■tock of Hanlwsre, conaaauog .o r ..t Adzes, Broad Axes, Chopping Asw, Alows. Rrtuher, Borax, Waggon Hoses, c.u.da Plate., them, Curry -Comte, Cordage, Ike, r'.,rl., Hay Parks, r.l..,l)lue, Waw, Puny, Cr.,,, '1.., Unndatones, Powder, Shot, l ape Hinges al, kolas. Iron. Steel, Spring Steel, Hobe, Spokes, and Bent Stun, Bar Lead, Lamp Glasser, Lookieg Wares, Looking- Glass Plate, Hone Nails, Cat Nada, Raw And Rodrd Oil, boasease,Calnd,Maohmery 0,1, 3oruuh, Paints aeJ Color, Coal (hi lama, Plough Mouse, Murry 8aws,Cn.e•Cst .a.., Hand Sew.. ase. I?' The .bore 7,11 Gerold che.plor Cash. OILLING and STURGEON TWINE FOR SALE CHEAP. A,p. ,.!.,rf .m mrrclal U•aon Assurance ,'o., I., „ICWL►I 1m... .43 ISAAC FREDERICK WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, V: EST BT., CiOD0KICH, NEAR THE POST OFFICE. ' A Goon Aasoi/Nagr or Gold and Plated Jewelry on Hand. WATCHES CLOCKS AND SPECTAC4ES IN .R0AT VARIETY. IMPAIRING iN ALL BRANCiIES done nn abort Dolma, in good style and war ranted according to agreement. ITS Wedding; Rings always on 'land. Joss lett unelumed in my hands .i11 be .01 1 .t toe ezpirstioa of three months to de fray expenses. r,- All articles warranted at represented. (t) -Tho bout quality of Clock Oil at 28 as A bottle. God•rich, Nov, 14, 1866. .14 G. N. DAVIS I►:t A NU FACTURES AND DSA LEX IN lel stove. Plough. .0d Castings 01every dn- .er,p ,ow. 1i.,Copp.r sad ah.. Ir. W..,•t klarketStov Depot, Market Squill', Uedarre b. - GOAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. tr0o.IO,l Lamp.,dee.,hr. Old lroe ,Cop- per. Brass. Kees W,rollh•ki0g11 tied 7348(00771.701 ,ken in aseMnt.. 27(1 J.& J. SEMLER, 'rA.NN T11cLIN4 DEALERS IN LEATHER FINDINGS! hr.,hn GODERICH. C. W. F, bru"ry 12, 1st... - 747 GODER1U31 WAGON CARRIAGE Rd[auu.f*ot-r'p. TSoH.Mh.o erirweeldane.nrao tam pointe of Huron sed Renee thus he has nm hand tediillmaketnenercoenag•., Wag..,Ha, ,..s,4.., wawa wilt. road cheap foregather aperovd credo On hoed and for es erMap, ',ORM PASSMORE, vnler,w(rwt A•n11s1.IM! .Yam which have Leen selected with the atmos' rare. The teatime euiellies,t the trade may bow be seen ,0 groat vane•t, at kw estaltla►menr He is determined to please, i1 puwble, ,3,11• , price, quality and good pods. And M kfs facilities fur carrying 011111.3 bu,toe- ase equal to any bootie in this dor..iniun, hel eo1111deu3T .lion. IL* prldie 10 call and 01.01110 hassock, whlcb u cuwprLwl w part as tuduws, 0.111 1'ILINTB. fast eolora, la t 7Ineaes ranee hum 1010111 cents per yard. FANCY DRESS Ulu1D9, •o.re3v equalled la this nectton in style sad quality, from 10 to so coma, per yard. LUPTRP.I* AND COBURUS, in all grade*, both motored and plana. BLEACHED COTTONS very, very *heap, from 10 cents per Van'. WIDE PACTUKY CIJT IUNS, fro.. 8 cents per y. .J. Cr Several Mlts eele1ru.vl ('snadan Mulu- I:vlurnl Cotton. for ..le. either kr the Ladle or e1 retail, at wh•,Irrnl, prices, 51,01., YL,rtine Manns, Powe,:ng Mantle Cloth, tt'.d,len• Ribbon., Teret,. nodes : .'.ke z (',al.. Vclvrl.. lhilbng (imghnms . Keutue•ky lean Flannels ' (ketone 8(1nkets Regnant Shirtieg Hosiery Sh,rt.ng striper ()loves Tickingt, Tnmmmgs Flannels N tk. enna,,. Hoop 8L arts Window Holland. l(ag.riag are., ate„ t.. Hale. of. Grain Wes an both cotton and linen vary clomp. Hats and Caps in Endless Variety! CLOTIIING. GROCERIES! Hog -Mads of M,.ov.J. Sugar, very 'heap. 10 Barrels 74.utrra' Relined Sugar, very cheap. 10 Barre. Broken Loaf and ground Sugars, very ebeap. An i,uaenan nook of Tee, °embracing :- Young Ilyelm, Coogou, Japan, Souebong, Twankay, I'ckoc, .to., 40. COFFEE of various qualifier. rurtan.a Rai.,na 8..o 'Sierra I'eppe re I',cklr• Cape.. Sardine* Lobsters SM'yup ,lawe V,negnr Mutant SnuI U 1, Essence. Cera Sun k Sian'4 Sloe Boal" Liquorice Ne.mege tic., Are. ace. TOBACCOS OF ALL GRADES Field and Garden Seeds. Rt The pontoon oithe Business le : Cask or Produce. The Subscriber begs to •cknowedge bus thanks for di. very flattering 'v.wamo0a recei- ved for the pan, end hopes the conduct of the busman for the roam .111 be web as to awn continued favors. Ao et ort wall t1 .7.1.4 lis .ell flood f)o.ls Cheep. Au tasl'e cti.n w aulb•Itd u. the part of satced- ing buyer", JOHN HARRIS. Godcrich, Corner of Market Sq. std Weil Street. 1st AFril, 186L .28 READY -IIA DT CLOTHHNI G. COATS. VESTS. PANTS. Felt Hats, Caps, Shirts, dlc-' r'nuarutlly Cheop 1 -'or ('reds. AT - --�z A. SMITH'S, Merchant Tailor. Oedeneb. Jam 11et. 1167. . , 027. CABINET WAREHOUSE (TETE OLDrST iN TRE COUNTY. D. GORDON, ( 7A111Nlf:'I` MARV:It AND UNDERTAKER, MannMrtnrn ann hits now nn ha.d. rumples ,sa.rleyene n, r'ernmra,"lh,. Wereim0.a, WEST STREET, GODERICR, art u Al Sores, Rurnus, Tnbins, Red.tead., Hair, Caneand Wool -mated Chairs, Gilt Moulding and Looking Memos, i n •ariety ,ol Home Manufacture and Imported ▪ D.G. has electson hand a complete at nrtment of COF18. Also, TIEARSRR TO AiRE. rj"J.amh•r and Cordwood lake. to s- chool/ern. Furniture O,..eru•h.17th that .138 .1 SALT TERRITORY 20 ACRES OF SALT TERRITORY to !we, .ituatmd nn and adfarent to the River Maitland, and jest. ..at of the Goderich Railway Rtati•n, and fronting on 0. T. Railway -very eonvewiest for a siding fete main line. Apply to, T. WKATBERAI.D, GeaNrieh Nov. 20, 1866. w4,Stf THE SOLDIER AND TMD SPY! - A Tale of the Siege of Sebastopol. Confirmed. Volleys ofcansou cane Anode iug from the walls, and the roar of the artillery wua mingled with the flash and rattle al the moa kelry. Frew the earthwork and from lho walls, Prow tower udledoub4, from toroticn tions of every kind on this aide, the stream of fire cants flashing forth, hurling a storm of bombs stud bullets and balls toward We line of the beeiugere. Soup all who slept weir .wakeu)d. The alarm wsa reversed. The French and Euglah supposed that lie Rue aisos were making auothee sortie. Instantly the alarm 'plead over Lha whole comp, and every 'oldie, reeked lords to do bis duty. Then the French liner begun to seed back au aaswering Moro of fire. But Ibry could "H pour forth volleys with the lavish expend ere u( ammuuilwu 7401E d iiogatat.. the lturiaa artillery. And thus, the cannon, of the garrison is Sebastopol flamed and dashed amid the shades (Knight, lighting up lbw mute with terrific r3ulgrnce, and throw' tog over lbs country a fitful sail appaling glans I Thus the cannon rooted nod thud. er•d, breaking the s lenge of the night, wok, ing echoes tar and wide. For awhile. the terrific repot', of the artillery (tote either side drowned all other sounds in the clamour et their deatebiag roar. But at length the fury of the cennteisding relaxed, and a comparative silence '.,sued. It wag a breathing space, in which the allied soldiers, who had all U•rnod out by the* time, wailed for the expected attack. 'lh.y 44 not wait lung. Fur the Ru..ions who •eem•d to bevel**. thoroughly earpris' .1 un, t:.. Instant, had now overcome their alarm, and q'ul;ht to create the same jeeliug In ILo minds ul their eurmirs, by repay mg tie ratio attack with a real ono. Soon, therefore, air .4 the peal of artillery, and llm whiz,ng of a' thou. sand rockets, and the rntUe ul tea thbtramd buns, • large body of mon eaUiai forth, and advauced with rapid pate lowu)I the Z nave redoubt. The air w., rentIts tie Umn4er of the terrible cannom.Jint, end the light of the flawing walls illumined the geese. The loopholes and port holes vomited fire and death. Coentlesa shells wen. hurled through the sky ; chain shot, grape -shot, utd,cpuisr ter, spread death stud terror all around. Supported by all this, the Russian division marched *wilily on, sad threaten, the re. doubt. There stool the emelt band of Zouaves-i'•ndfast and undismayed. Silent- ly they landed their cannons to the nuzzle, and silently they atom!, restraiuwg their 6re, until the enemy could cross bay.,oeta over the walls of the redoubts. 'ei Advance I charge I" cried the Acular •f the sallying party. '3'11• Zousva sentinel who guarded D'Arcera hat sprang forward, and leaped in among his comrades. D'Aroey wee un- guarded, • n Forward r cried the Russian of ger. A thou,aad Jere* Mes000itee premed fur, ward against the walls of the redoubt, A thousand bayonets were plunged forward, a thousand voices shouted oat the bathe-ury of Summa • But at ones, from the heroic ,rule witbir, from cannon, and from rifle, from large arm, and .ma1!,'•nr.hed torch Ons deadly, one withering vol:cy. it was poured right into the bed of the Resew, ri.nhs. 'f he eneo.y ✓ eeled beneath the awful fire, They fell back, retreated, rani fled in dismay, ori the murdero•. volley, " Cowards t" cried the leader. " Itaek 1 Up to 1 h. charge 1" In a long line, his men rr,hed forward again. They presbel `a4i. oat the redoubt. Another witbenog .alley es me ,Gem the Zoysia,. But the (t.eliM'o, inepi-ed by the voice rod spirit of their valiant leader, heed- ed it not. Thai Iu..pd tkoi' Ibeyonc',, and fought Laud to hand, with bayuo. a, nlwbbed musket sad ries, over the parapet Krrian soldiers leaped madly nod r.el.'rmly fnrwald, but only to die, a,;:,i-„t the mime bayouc', of Ile iutmoy1111. 4,raves. 0n I charge I aca:e th. pa'"pet 1'' cried the IL -oda officer. A bcndred mete leaped over fly trench and sprang up the was of the rvdu..bf. The Z.uaver grappled with them. A bundled more sprang up beside the brie. Thea the combat raged with unutterable f, -y. The gat,uon witbir. rushing apou the foe, 61.rled them over the parapet es they t toch•d sltmmat, or with volleys of well directed dot, killed them as they '04010 on. The eget raged -hand to hued, and knife to &nil% ought the two bawds. The voice of the Russian captain writ heard everywhere, as • encouraged Ifs 01033. They come on rerwbelmingly, upon the Zouaves. These all. nl men fought ou will, mom thea Ibtir wonted bravery. Wherever ours "homy. fill, here three Renate/is would I. silenced in teeth. They were stung to matinees by the idht of lownten au neer to capturing them, and roused themselves to greater mboe. Soddenly a fierce charge was made nylon abs side of the r.doult where D.A... )'a prison lay. The defeders runLed to repel L Duwo wort the Russians before the withering fire and the irresust,blo bayonet of he Zuuswea ; they marred -agent they urned-.gai■ they retreated. A cheer, s leafcning cheer, arose tori the gallant Zonnves. " li.c', to ah, charge! Upon them r eireunrd the Hessian captain to tones of madiom, The men would not return. The sago u reds in the entitled r( them. They weee fatuity rallying and answering lb* hot of the Zouuvee. A crowd of them warm trv.gli•ig. 11 To your runts I" tried the captain, iding feriossly towards 'hie struggling hning. But the .1;ht which he beheld made Inn pnuul invulinlnnly, 11,, gam • tall nan, with noble form and handsome oounlen• soe•, surrounded by helIdraen Russia,,. With his hack to the side of a hut, he rood and defended him,elf y..hrinkingly The oldlers premed bio ba.d. Ile grappled wish hem. The Rasion captain sp rung (nrwde. f1. hurled 1t. (utmost soldier to the gruud. " Scoundrels I" he coed. " Go, attack the redoubt, and meet a more equal mouth. Onwards! Know you .o better than to .tarok r• man 7" The soldiers lowered their arms. The et sager wee •srroaaded. Be saw his atwitter., ad coming • sup forward to he Florian captain, be pr•..n•d h(m hie word, with • graceful how. " Mir," said Mie Rns..k, " Ile fortune of war he. made see year prn.one►. I am proud to deliver up my treed to sa, breve a soldier." •