HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-7-23, Page 4TUE RIDGE PROP ERTY FOR SALE. THE RESIDENCE OF TUE LA1 E JOHN GALT, Eau, T1118 property is beautiful I eituated oppo- sit* the Town of Oodertch. 0.: the North Ralik of the RIVER MAITLAND, Tics times Free and Independent Electors ttV TH NORTH RIDING OF HURON d on the Rusks of lake flunie. It con- tain. 217-10 acres of Land mom or leak with 'Swelling House, Outhonsee, Stables, oe., with large Garden, Vinery mid Oreberd. The Wood Lend consists pnrcij all of Oak lord the floweiing Linder., heiry, elate 1.c. l'he Grounds are in veiy good ce-der. There are three never redline sprier$ of pure water on the Propwty. The sttuation for • prieate residence canuot de surpassed in 16. Prow ince. For terms apply to TI108. (JALT. Esq , Barrister, 'reroute Or D. SHADE G001)ING, Barrister, Goderich. Dederick. 611 July. 1866. sweet OLNYLIMIN :- Having hum nominated by the He- lens' Convestiou, held at Clinton un the 4th FOR SALE., I.VT, 13 sad 9, rang• 12,ia the township • 1.4 Stanley 120 parser.; East10 serge ol s "Mt ...arty quarter oft." 2 i• that 916..,.., W. D., AsOneld, 'ter sate •••J SO Tuvre Lour i• (1..krich,prts• 9)0.00 each ma otoirartle. Ap 71)10 NUM W EATFIERA 1.11, Oedema FOR SALE. of this swat6. ass caiididate for the 'tepee sedation Of your Riding in the Local Legit- I OT Nt.. 16, 3r4 eon. W4.14444h, Wtore of Ontar1o, and baying received se. 114 ing 60 acres, 15 acres cleared. MONEY TO LEND. THE HURON - It ERIE SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY. The .boy.' Society is pt. -'a red t int se .11.31C1NTILIV teemprie The land sermiees ..r........,. from wool friends, over meiturited 12 miles from frodench, ani will the whole censtitueriev, I heee.,...pi.d le, be sold un reasonable terms for cash. Apply nomination then made, and in dotter se 1 10 J. Ii.witiro„ , hope to receive • conical ai.d generous sup- er L CAMPAIGNE, port from ru, to whotn is entrusted the pm Nov. 25, 11188.1,4141E. at the Oaol. vilege of t e frenchiee. My prineiples are mit such ea to satiety every shade of political opiuion ; they are, however, as is well known, to emintein what in gOod- 10 reforni whet id corrept and °MO- lete, endeavoring lo secure right VOTern• meld, in se eemiumisal a rnanser es ie con- sisteut with safety. There are re. questions before the public of great importonce. Confederation haying ahsorhed all other., 1 ie ray desire that it should receive • fair trial, trusting that R will beam means of slaving the sectional jealcusies that have to long distracted the eOUtltrY. ON IMPROVED Wirei.222. 1.X4ChIPCIX4tVe ON ADV A NTADFOUS The coat .1 'fleeting • Lose will be found much lower thee in other Societies ol • similar oatore. The attentioe of the Borrower t• called to the fact, that be will restive die full •Innent nt 'Sr Loaa. without •ny deduct.° beteg ma& for [demi or payment* in slyand. Advances may be raped 1.0o18l7 or Yearly, gasses( over • period of from wee to Mama years rok TULL PARTICIILARS APPLY 711 S. POLLOCK. hat sad Valuator for tee Society at Oodeith teleirek.C.W..11166. rer111 7 ale APPREHENSION GODERICII MILL FLOUR ANDFEED STORE, Crabb's Block Kingston Street, FLOUR. Ost•meed, Cornoneal and Mill Feed. ALSO, a lut ef prime Sugar Cured HAMS end Rolled Baton. Just received dna mon•ing, 300 Bushel. prime Potatoes, 1000 " oats. \ T. II. VANEVRY & Co. Goderich rune 7, 1867. w2011. STOVES! STOVES a T42 3s13. STORy OF DESERTERS. f) r.11 I C 17: IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the following rewards esti be paml 1.r the •pprehen.loo of t4 Iti fo Hawing been actively eneaged or the lut IV ten years ill our municipal affairs, the ex- N ill/ A L DESERTF.RS, ',?, pent -nee 96.., gained may, if you see fit to sleet ere, prove usettil iu further improving hinny pert of Camila, •nd Lir tad trnialion !cod- I NJ ,or ,...1.1c41 .04 ....„....t 1.... 11 ini4h, lee loll,. eunvit hos ol moues annulling dewed- I tel era. a tifit seen, SI littefial purpose to go into an 1_,F.„„ I pr.h., os otesehd,,,,1,,,,,..145,,,,9 . f immediate personal canvass, but I hope wben the year 9207 .L7 In, is addition to dimmers et, and so imam& csies, a lusher reward on pool g the contest fairly commences. to meet you in 'erica' places over the Riding to make ex - r*nations, and set forth my •IeWS greater eIngth, mid until *hot time, I would ask you spoctsl clounietsoces. 2.-Pee•Ity tor persuatling lemons to Meer, ,o i..).mop.rly &bunt taunts -Ives, .4.10, une-tatlf to to refrein from pledging your iuflueuce aud I. -Penalty tor mantlag, coacealing,harbour ing, or emplumng deeenters, 430. vac -hall 1. 19 anteater. support to any of my opponeuts, so that you may lie in a position to .ludge for yourselves .9 90 wee respective ments, 1 am, gentlemen, four obedient servant, THOMAS GIBSON. Minch, April Gth, 1867. •110 TOWN PROPERTY To the Free and Inde-, FOR SALE VER CH EA (I. T OT No 200, on Quebec 16i.,tiodersch. s 1054, Ilmnottr Flats. I and 2, tti the bank Of Lake finron overlooking the harbour, an eligible intu moo to, a almoner Hotel. For terms, &c.. Apply to FRANCIS IIALDAN. Sol.eitoratc Kay's Block.tiedench (lodeneh, June I, 1667. w1911. Money to Lend, ON very reasonable tercas. Apply to 13. L. DOYLE, Savage's new Block. Goderich, 916 Jan. 1863. w50 M c N 2 -1Er. AT 0161-19P 1.1CIL cur.rr Lent on Mortgage. Apply at WM. R. BAIN'S Chancery and Law Office, Crabb's block Godarich. Godeneh. March 8t6, 1867. se35 EXPILIESP3 • _ _ FRESH OYSTERS! TROLICRAI.). AND 5e1011,, BY THE BEG, CAN OR COUNT LOBSTERS. SARDINES, AND CLAMS. FISH LEMURS, ORANGES, DATES, Cocoanuts, Figs, Crapes. &c., &c., &c., at E- 13ING1-1-1.AM'S, Weal side of Marked Motion, tioJerich. Nov .30,12466. melt CABINET ORGANS! AND MELODEONS. 4.-1n addition to which tordoieg penalises. say perm% ratite lefonistioa Isadore le the esevictios oi •ny person or persona proeuriog, mheting, or musing Moen. re will receive • intim resent td X10. A. F. R. DeliORSEY. Senior Officer. St. Lawrence •ed Lakes pf Camtle. H. M.S. wAurers," tit Quebec, l'atelt 1,167.wil pendent Electors of the ' To the Independent Electors North Riding of Huron GENTLLAILN, Under ordinary circumstnnees the term of the preseut Trovinent Parliament would iftytninste io a few days, but since the lut general Election, fiery great political and esiostitutional chenees have token plad.which collo for au inimesinite diesolktern of Parlia- ment. jltese chan;ges wene fund neeeseary, io consequence of the many difficulties arisiog out of the propetraerrying on, of responsible mwernment tinder the Union Act of 1840. nr TOE OT..TTI-1 IR.IDI/NTO• or TOR COUNTY OF HURON, GINYI ctue,-Ileving been nominated at the Convention of the Liberal Conservative party, held at Clinton on the 2916 alt., as a Candidate for the representation of this Riding in the Local Legislature el Ontario, and having received numerous assnrancra of Pt • THE 0011BIERCIAL, ASSURANCE COMPANY. 6 19 AND 20, COB.NULL,LOJDON. ENOLLID. CAPITAL, (Folly Suitirribed) • - - xt,soo,000 wrist INVESTED OVER, 112.000,000.- DRPOSIT TURD 138 CANADA, $60,000. P1 1.1..1.124 *E26.T13 FANCY P '1111 1,7 NW -A. R. 111 -0- COAL OIL, FIRE DEPARTME114.t.„ The dititingulehable principle .1 the Compeuy has beou tho cuatatilmeglutrea Pilittable SIMMS estate, yearlong in .11n. • primseas prupurtseste Dm rat. The *reeds which ha• &needed the Lompaav'e tipreatioe• has lees such as t.4y to War an a•ageine eapeciittioa• .1 the Directors, who kat • resolved lo extend the beams more yodolv, • ad now oiler to th• Canadian public. PERFET ascus.rry guaranteed by large Subscribed Capital, IlIt Invested nada.• Promo Sentential of Claims. The Directors •oil Demos) &ORM, beteg 6.1161166.611 WV"' g ated in tak• • liberal mid buouesslike view 0(.11 quests"s coming before them. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. sir Coal Oil Lamps, ke. Old Iron, Copper, Br..., Wool Picktogs tad Sheep nuts mitten in delmate. .1.4 J. 8T4)11Y, ler Slot of the Large CoaI 0i1 Barret. Ondelich, &Iamb 1.6,1661. w6 -if G ODERICII otADI4 Xf.S. AXE •FACTO,B,V. ripiE sub.er.bst aeries reeninmeneedths Am a. /tee. Seel In 1865 a Coalition ()overeaten% was form., support from persons of various shades of _ ed for the purpoite of' devieing a remedy fur i polities! opinion, I have consented to offer A 'T THE OLD STAND . I the existing evila, and a Unica of the British I myself for your suffrages at the election to on the Corner ..1 , North Antericau Provinces- was proposed and take place, in all probability, at ne distant Watmloo aLd Light -House Streets, : egreeel upon. 1 is ie. . woteid beg to ntimate to his 'od :m:end7s, •.4 re Under this arrangement we are to hays a Pn m8nYn7en74..ii''wr.h""'heal18" GenAal Leistaturc anda Local Leglature. In the meantime, f shall the the 01,1,0,'iorirs,in6ewlipr..tole: t;ils.1• the formergto have charge of matters of tunity of •isitieg the several municipalities, WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE.DNEAP that you may become better acquainted withlltO 0". the sentiments which I profess, aed I trued .801, •nd Rita, pened en short ounce. General letereste, affecting the United Pro- vinces, and the Iran. to have charge uf Lucid matters. l'nder these circumstances. I have con- tented at the request of many warm Inends of idipolitical creeds in your riding to become a Candidate for the Load Legislature of your tidier, and as one who has resided many years in she ncrth riding, and who takes a deep interest in its welfare, I hope if Olederg Inver 90 betray the trust confided to tee. My polities are to sepport the hands of the coalition in carrying out houraily the its tentions of the Quebec scheme, and also to support hcnest men and honest stammers, 104 10 do all in my illionble ;Ability to M- eaner the interests of your riding and the welfare of this lay native country. 1 am well acquainted with many in the riding, but I shall shortly make it my bus- iness to cell meetingl in your different town- ehips, when I shall explain my principles in detail and hope ts meet other aspirants for honors when you can have an opportunity of judging rut to the respective capabilities of the candidnen. I mny say that I am an admirer of British contemn, aed am prepared at any time to tight in the field or in any other sphere in life, tct maintain that connexion. I remain gentlemen, Yours moat obediently, Guderich IV. TORRANCE RAYS, At•P*1 5, 1867 wilt( Butter, Butter, Butter 1 AT D. KERR, JR., k CO'S OLD STAND A,000 KEGS GOOD BUTTER for which the Highest Market "'lice I will he paid. audetich„ Jute 17th. 1867. w21 MONE tuALoon at ritasy able the% they Trill be forme' so to accord with your own, that you will be enabled to jive me a generous support. I am, gentlemen, • Your obedient menthe Apply to 11 G CAMERON Goderieb ' • • 11118 aulacriher hea a number of NI,. Cabinet Ortmins and Melodeons for sale cheap, at his erilti rooms, Market Square. G. M. TRUEMAN. Goderich, May 20th, 186.7. w1711 GODERICH FANNING; Mal. AND 1.2tamp I_''ra,etory THE SVIISCRIIIER BEGS TO IN EOltM t he ish•bits 115 of the Counts., ni Hutt.% Mid lireeet il I Mannficteriiig ,•nd h on head a eumMII rothis SUPERIORFANNING MILLS &PUMPS. Ile wood.) particularly draw attention to IN i MI8/.•• .,It w•rrant t hem t o free W heel from chesot, Puttipa infidel° order rod Warranted. Wisdom/en IVehm brutemn Fmorirsetmte earl nenaris Reed. A Um ,agent forth. sale of Norge n '• premium and patent CIll.TIVATOR. wh..8 hatt ...ver yet 5de.1 toeme emerataatistestion led slier. Who lame medthern. HF,NRY DODD. 4.4...e -t £4i)1' .‚9'° 9 ISAAC CARLING. Exeter, 3r1 April, 1861. wl Ill To the Independent Electors of the South Riding of Huron, GENTLEMEN :- Having received the nominetion at the as Reform Cudidate for the Leg,islative As- MONEY TO LEND Convention held in Clinton. on the 15th inst., sembly of Ontaril, fr.r South Huron. and Mune, accepted the same, I am now prepnr- 0.24 IMPROVED FARMS. ed to take the field, and hope to receive a liberal support. As the election will not, probably, take place fur some time, I shall be able at the proper period to make a personal caevass of the Riding, whew, at meetings to be appoint- ed, the views of both parties can he heard and contrived ; and in the meantime, I trust you will not pledge yourselves by requisition or otherwise to nny other candidate. I have the honor to be. Oentlemen, Your most obedient servant, 14.11. -Also a numb of Sleighs on hand. JOHN Mcl'ilERSON. elcdseisk. 0.1. 3018. 1866. 10- GEO. RUMBALL & CO. LIFE DEPARTMENT The Company offrs termseto Mom desiring Las Aberrance eaurpesi Ced hy any Life Ogee. kloderate Premiunir-Periect Security- Economy a amenagetaeat. tegalltsc.lo ineresso the Boars 01 191.1 on penietylating wale% among whom SO per mat ul moats are divisible. Claims ;told me month •fter lino( of dmath. •nd otbe, advautages, wkieh iusy seen in the CompanesProspectirs. FOR WAII.DEll.S. L. CO1IIIUION ilerelutato le *IA MD. ON PRODUCE. COAL, SALT, WATER LIME, is., kends for first elass Marine and Fire venues Companies. 12 HAR BOR QUA r. G.der,e4. C. Worland, Watson &Com.. General Agadsfor Ca Faro. Cot... Sec/Warp. O7FICE,--3160 ANL/117.ST. PAUL 8111EKT, MONTIZAL. H. MUNdonna%RO, Mouraset. T. a e.Lftlffeff1C44i n*, P. L. 8. hesPetr4 9)04.910189191 • CO.,Ageute for Ocolortch •ed Leeknew ; Vfse Raman, SOIWIPtilne t Joeke• Jamieson, Walkerton mod -Seinems. mr74 Commercial Course ALI. Kinds of Roolekeeping. including Drinking, As., (Theoretical & Practical), PENMANSHIP, eitusineend ARITHMETI('. (Menu.' and Wrttten), CORNER...31AL LAW, (Lectures and Classes), SPELLING AND DICTATION, CORRESPONDENUE. Additional Smucker& Twassiall Free in thieve who desire them, GF,Miltel'llY, GRAMMAR. HISTORY. ALGEBRA, trEOMETRY, MENSURATION. FRENCH, LATIN, GREEK. eranehes Taught ier which there Is an extra Charge. Telegraphing, Phonography ; 'Ando:ape. Architectural, Figure. ant Linear Draw COLONIAL IIOUSE1 ing;Fainting, in Water Colors, Sepia, India Ink, and Monochtornatie ; Modelling in Plaster and Clay ; ID GLOVES ! KID GLOVES Josephine's, Alexander's, Jonvin's, Duchess OR/LISIENTAL PENSILNSHIP Lace backs & A legend rum in white, black and eol re The lsrge.t Stock in the Coneties Excellent Boned 9. ehtnined for Two Dollar. rend Witty cents per week. irsw Tall Pittner sitars, TeTelarli are.. lelled tor Cirenlar. Addrew 30/%7M1f3, Principal of London Commercial College, London, C. W. May 31, 1647. 114.8. E. ARCHIBALD. Baktatek, Anoint 220d. 1869. 1sr10. TPtILORINC 7:11. 4\131 AIL MIES DEITILIIN HIS laosTaiNcian TH AN KIA 21 for t he very Getter tag earmerageine n lie 8.9 resereedeme. 9. eornmeaseet hasoures in Oaths Melt, est Mune •Me tertiary/4a over orowIta I ei deoollereloonght In tom 16418.mm* bitvialt *ow metered lasliturfor tairPRE On Business Extensirely and apagnriag 005• 90 tenotownen • el . . lediadeda es dried* • C el te r a .....4 t. aerie la Om Proseee.hesege•rrieri ea bearderiarridinnely andireementlitly, I. Herninem, rempellyerat.elmeentlmieve,n1w1 hnrone two. Ifs me of Pr4eetpe1Rate49la8end at a Mesh , erinrlearl.8. r.. Aerial po ate. • • ebbe that 0 CAW 112 !TAD,: a 91...1•61mlimire erosive he .^•• tweeIte Testate 0, Illroureet. Sedan* (knob's. 3r4, MA 4017 ROBERT GIBBONS, Goderich, March 19t11, 1867. wit Glom, and Provision Store, Take Notice. AT BPEh CENT! -41J10,- Some to Invest In Town Property J. 13. OORDON, Barrister, he. , G ode rich 0 oderieh.Sent.13.1864 1w3-11 SALT TERRITORY FOR BALE OR' LEASE. WITHI21 150 yards of the present Oodench ettn Work.. FARMING LANDS cmvenient to 16•1100eltty. Apply to JOHN HELL 1SOR0ON, Oorlesch 11-nderwh. la 0.... 9)916. IMOD ricorriclo. COLONIAL HOUSE. loonseresoire SALE. O. BARRY & Bittle OM OE OM CABINET MAKERS, WOOD- TURN ERS AND UNDERTAKERS NSSSSft- Tailoring & Outiitting Department! Subecriber begs to inform his many ceetoraers and the pablic geeerally ,thse he keeps & constantly On hand the largest variety and beet selection of English, Scotch, French, Swiss & German Tweeds, IN THE COUNTIES. ALSO A LARGE VARIETY pr Canadian Manufactured Goods, ENGLISH, FRENCH I ORRIMAN BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMEREM & TIOESKINH, ENGLISH AN D FRENCH BEAVER AND PILOT OlfERCOATINGS1 OVERCOATINGS OF ALL OTHER DESCI..IPTIONS, Having secured the services of . Mr NI.. c::.EL..FLIEIL,a ErriwirlirEt, he is prepared to mute all circler& with rromplitude, and in a style unsurpaased by any MANUFACTURER in this PliCA 'Nei:, CI:Ile not excepted. Try biro and satisfy your- selves. A perfect fit :ianranteeel iu every instance. Constantly on hind the LARGEST STOCK and LATEST STYLES in Gentleman's Outflttings of E v ery Description! ANIElliCAN MONEY taken at the highest rate. f' Chas E. Archibald.. Gotkrich, August 22.1d, lass. 1sw183 THOS GRIFFITH & CO., HAVING OPENED THEIR WHOLESALE WARE1101'SE, NO. 39 FRONT STREET, TORONTO Hanulton St„ Goderich, VEEP constantly on heed for sale all sett - 11 cles in their line, Inch as Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, • Sofas, &c., Or All kind. of wood -tuning done, such es N-ool posts, stair bannisters, ueckyokes, itc Always on hand, • complete ASSORTMENT OF corrtris and • HEARSE to hire on reesonaldelerm Goderich. May 8r -d, 19(66 1.Terfoo• N°' OFFER FOR SALE '1' 1.: .A. 1: chow nor cheni, snd Caddies, Young Ilysons,Osepowders, Imperials. Tesnkays, Japan YoungAyeme Uucolored Jnpans, Congous. Souchongs, Orsoge Pekoe and Scented Caper Pekoe. SASH AND DOOR FACTOR Y. THE undersigned baying parehmeil the Plaits ing MIR •nd Safe Factory invited, and oc- cupied by Weald Cumming, Ire .0. prepared to awry Oa the business of manufacturteg : Inds Porto Riee, Ites. Not. 2, 2 1-2 and d Yellow Reflood, Crushed X and A, Dry Crush* and Ground. CX >V EIEF4 Bags La thlayes. Lo. lam and Mocha. Sm. Roasted arid Grouted. %X.') S.A.(2601011`...f4 Butte, 90s, Caddie. Solace, Term". %Dal Dark mad Brea 4.29.,, Bolo. 014 Yard., y,,,y Not .90 chum,. HAVING tented and fitted op the store AU. thou indebted to the late 6rm of R. 11 lately occupied by A. F. Bush, for the Ili& n. F. Stewart, either by note or book above business, I am now prepared tu furnish account, are requested to pay the same 11 families with G. E. Stewart at once, and save coats. Groceries and Provision B R. & O. F. STEWART which 1 shall sell at the Lowest Cub prices _God_eric_h, Feb. 13tli, 186. tioderlek and Soalkampton Line. 3A111191I. POLLOCK, l':*., late Deputy " Sheriff Mut hem, nppotnted official Aside- s. osier the Inertleent Act of 19(64 for the ! I 'MOM Cmontiee of name and Brum I OW Offiee in Csiocron'e Meek, King - aeon et met. February 20th, 9866. w58 Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. A share of your patmnitge will be than]; fully received awl faithfully attended tn. %Ines and Liquors, Crockery sod Glasoware,Faney Goods. &e., Oatmeal, formates!, Buckwheat Floor, &e., &e CI 0 T.4 0 la 1 -AND COAL OIL LAMPS 0. FERGUSON. P. S. -Goods w41 be delivotd in any part of Die topn. Gods icli. .6, 2.4, 1844. 0.45 MONEY TO LEND. ON FARM PROPERIY, mr, PROM 8 TO 10 PIR_CENT. rr Costs very moderste. J. FRANCIS C. "(ALDAN, Solicitor, te., Kays' Block . Goderielt, April, 1867 end NEW flIOTOGRIPH GiLLERT Oen* 0 bd c.) 0 00 00 00 41 7.4 co 1-t 0 1101.1151C/I. 11111P311111111.141311 AIM 11104611111. ielton in erery style and in all kin& of weather. Porcelain or Opalotype Pictures, and TIIE HELIOARISTOTYPR, oft ittAT mita piceetteg,,, Taken in various .tyles from Si 60 to 920 (colored in water colour" or ni). Lifs.Sise Photographs tabu on reasonable tenne-either plain or entered. gle PRICER LOWER than elieebere in Canada. D. C PiM PULL. elodetich.J en* 1.1364, awl/ Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, &ad all 11.4. 01 C 1 ItC L0 E NN"011.I•C., such •• Circle •ad liuthte 5.20 .90 Fromm. They think from thew expesence • Factory warm that they cam mire mileisetm• to •I1 Who JAS BUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON, JAS ALEXANDER, Dodench. Merritt 4t8, 1667 odd Balt Territo Sabeeribite offers the following lend & for sale, v's - A Farm In Tuckersmith, u.ing lot 22, ion. 1, Huron Survey, 100 sere% 75 of whivb are under cultivation. Yhe land in of excelleet quality., water- ed, laud with hardwood timber. The Town. ship ie known to be one of the hest ia Upper ("suede for terming. On the lot there is it good Rune house, frame barn, mid eve. buildinge to ouirespund. Also a good OF chard, of beariug trees. FARMS IN MORRIS, Reins 350 ogres, composed ol S. 4 3 and 4, con. 5, 200 scree 28 acres ender °Whyte tioa. Ile land being of first quality Ads is • most desirable farm. Also S..1 19, eon 3, 100 acres , no c'eanng ; ard W 4 of 8. 498, con 3, 50 acres, all heel quality of hue'. Terms reasonable. Iedisputable titles. Yee particulars end terma omtli to ALEX. CAMPBELL,. Id t 82, 2nd eon. Tuckeremith. Bodoni p.o., March 112. 1811. er9 Gm.' SHERIFF'S BAJA OF LANDO- c°4•4.. /0:11-0°' B7FILI'"Per10.1. soed c. writor of Iler Ilaiestyli County Collie of the ITailefl Countite of York mad r...4 and tom. directed agate" the lenda sod tem - meats litTheatias Cotton, .1 9. 1.4 .4 the City /Wok, I have mend and mime in emecuttoe all the right. ode mid interim 01th• aaid deMslest Tiannas Colton, no .5,1 1,1.1 adder 431, tne Village 01 Clinton. in the Couaty of Huron. ene- taming by adrueftwirement one rood of lewd, ho the 'eine gnaws or lege, which lendg std we - smuts I etiall ole,.. sale itt inv 0111m, In lb* Court Home, in the Tow. of God/mica oedie. day, the twenty seventh Jay of Amps," sem, 51 .9. hour Ul twelm ot the clodi, noon. JOHN klAt'DONALD. Shin" of Moron. 0*,Floors Ocit, Dederick, I 16t9 May, 1667. ( wil ,l'HE Sabeenher offers to any pIlU lI Of • company fur • royalty of onefffleeeth ' of the productioe, one half sere of lase!. with about font hundred feet front. Land situa- ted about eighty yards from the present Coderich Salt Works. Fur further rartieulars apply by letter to personally to E. CAMPAIGNE. Keeper of County Gaol. Goderich, Dec. 6th, 1866. veletf Rintoul Brothers, COMMISSION 31 ENC II AN T 874. ST. FltalfrOl• XovtgsS Advance, merle on consitrnmente of Pro duee to Liverpool, °levee and other port in Great Britain. Consignments of Ashos, Better, kr., re spectfully solicited. Sept. 3, 19(66. • sw3 _ 431-4=07J3333EL3CCJIEK BROOM FACTORY. Isaac Dobson & Son. HAVING ESTABLISHED A FACTORY Hods end Melinda. New end Old Valeneta Kamois, Bold, i Rome, end i sores Ne. Lever an4 erich, the subecribers sire prepare,' to attend Fen It .1r0.4 for the manufacture of Brooms in God• .At Itlonote, Bo.08 nnil I London Lar.Doubieureen Layers 91.4Layers. (very priniie to el orders in their line of business from Reedikee 9 Keire Seedless Muscatels. sea Sun Itairtalla Barrels Petra& Correnia. Saes., end ol any part of Cana& with promptness Elerne Fir., Prone. in kegs. certm,ns and glom ti,rs, °singe. Immo •nd Citron Pee •, Wield ad C lal seal Form (in Fancy Boom Maim and 111110 Sultana Raises, Bags mid Boles dordaio T IIE 8TFAME11 "SILVER SPRAY 11 1 D. ROWAN, Master, 8.4 SAO) and Valeneta Almonds, gloms end Filberts. • NV 1 /V Vide. NW.. Qr. Cud and Octavert, 8.sleman'e.010bare'r. an4 11.1fi6.yt• cord.. 2E Cu% er.olp, Suter k Co.'.. lope. At Co "a, Pale •od !mach Ported vaned grads, Champegnee, Clarets, Mmalle an•Hoek Porta, Personas's. Dud. Shamus, Berried? and 11 It A. '1%i 1 9 lilide. 1-4 reek. ae Cara, 8e0al.,1(0011<20y'a• 19.04, Dupe? & Cone Juke Robin Se Co's, V Chalospia Co..e, arid other bread*. X..XQTJc) Pt. st Punchens Jamaica Rem. Hhd• sell Car • theXelper'n tfollarol .0 ,1 'Ninth's (84 1.'.,. Oto.9eadlle'ro In , Stew. rt'• Hs rem 'a Neolch Whtekies, C seethe,' Ohl Rye. Malt, Mortore• Ted.lpfsed Com- (11on Whaskiett. JELT.A013, PC)11.711EIRIES. cibo, ctscs. a libla Omens"' ,orter, flew' and Younger`a Ale, f anadinn Bottling Co 'a Ales and Peron, Cases Bernerd'illiaaff Wlat• Schiedam lichnepp.','French 1.,enterars.Coolislo, 3re , Ste. TOGETHER. WITII A LARGE STOCK OF RICO. Lf9.ri,r.,1 Sosfb DelMont find french C0n3lee. Bolton Blue Fin ss In Imo Sloe, igarch VIM". hold., Spit c•. ollowen, Syrupa,1 arhonel and Waallialf Ertgii.h And ensile. Cheese Putted P9 h. Meat , Crosse and Blackwell's Pickles and sauceffi, 3.11,, Jar*. Mae. anon, snd Vertneeelli. Log ,,,,, Irk hOintr, Citedlewo Boson", wrapPme Paper. Enema, French •nd Canadian Vinegar, !tarn, i‘ir Ind Wine Corks, Bungs, taallpeler,t,teain Tarter, 1'8.1111,124M Cords, Day and Nitrite's and Lamb's BlackAg, dre. WILL r•in in connection eith the Grend Tiunk R. It., dnily to Southampton and return. Leaving Goderich every even ing at 4 o'clock, ratline at Kincardine, In serliaron, Port Elgin, Southampton, wind and weather penrinting. RETURNING EVERY MORNING: Leaving Southampton nt 5 o'clock. a, and arriving in Goderich in time to cosneet with tinted Trunk Train. Tickets for sale for all points on G. T. It. and all points out. J. V. DRTLOR k 8024. 0...ketch. May 10, 1867. .16 FARM FOR BALE pONTAINING 50 ecru of gelid Farming lond about 33 aerm, of which We clear- ed, it is well esteem', log bottle and barn, •ituated 74 miles (rota the village of fees water on the gravel mad, will he sold. A bargain 9 For partieulars apply to JOHN LOGAN, Teeswater p. 0. Glans, Vara 10, 1847. erR MONEY TO LEND le EMHT PER. CENT SCSI or One Hundred Dollars and opwards. WY,* & 110011R, It•i. 1120 cotanarts NEW IlLOCIlit rich. 8e09. 818.11.164. sakt INI41E1/ IC F.J. -- T15 is tn nertify that the Co-partwership hereinfore intiefine between blue Dob - on & Sons, was DM day dissolved hy mutat, enneent. All &Mt dn. eald firm miell he pard to Twee & Stoddard .1. Dobson, who will continue the arannfactons of Ardente of all doweriptionit ISA AC DOMON, R. J. 18)88374, ROBERT IX)R Gedeitieh, Merril let, leg?. VINti A LSO, ow. Salmon No. I Knoind •n4 lAbrsili, Sot 1 lb, rins*, Slits mid Kits Mackerel, Table Codfuh, Nilo Hemmer. 'II large and mall Bailee, Liverpool Coarse and Fon. Sell. Sole Agents in Toronto, for James & Ben's Celebrated Dome Bindles& The •leive esti he limed on Inepretion the beet solarWhal Stock ever ole(0d to Tomato, Red .4) 4.. sold loW for CASK, .,O, I befIll letting for approved pipet. TIIOS. GRIFFITH & 39 FRON-T STREET, TORONTO. Toroote, November 311,11161. er '1' H. 1•11" 4%. 1-1 A. Permanent Building & Savings Society 16 PILITAIIIID 10869111 ADVANCES Oti ippRovo REAL ESTATE! SITUATE IN WESTERN CANADA, ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS: Amount required t ,90,.,. each 9100 *deemed ............. years. 10 yews. IA veers If pei able hey..y.grig $11.99 802 deo If ramble yearly 91.36 16.4.2 3.114 bode at proporsonere rims fiw 2, 4, 6. R nt 12 year*, The above lidelateata oar lode a Stehle, Fest, vehteh nem elf the Psncipal, mg well %lithe Interest 01,8.. Me% m thnt st the eaptretrin id the term •eimesi upon, TA. debt 1 *ninny wIped nut. 18. 1.19 amount in the loan is *dreams!, end en w,ym.n 'sr...mired before the end of ihe holt:year or Tem. Payments tem he made to edranee, end uttered et allowed therefor ; or the rnortento• may he redeem - ...I in hill at •ny tone the Itorn,wer dentireS, on egnitrible iernla RIP ENSBM ATER:MY MOD BRATS. For further InInrmotion, apply (pr peel) to HORACE HORTONLESIn.. Appraiser to thebociety, eloderich. J. ff ERTIERT MASON, Secretary and Treasurer, Toronto. Ooderieh, 16t6 Oct., 1866. r -rot w1Rseri 4 HURON FOUNDRY! 1161- 113110 RV Ell Nit 111 ICI NM • _ •STIAllitif NG iNE•W RK RA II R. RUNCIMAN & CO • 9 Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills Circular. Malay and Bash Saw -Mills, SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. -- Cueety 09 9).,.'., BY virtue of ill Writ lit Ito .,t: P.C. Fames toned eat of Her Majesty.* Court elf Common Pleas, ant to mu dimmed ne• nun the laird •ad hmement• 0/ John McIntyre ••ilf 14thert McIntyre. the defendants, at the eon of John 0091e •oil Hugh 24..c03....1i, the Phenols. 1 Rave funned mad takes di execution aft ip, rode, title and interest oi the said defendants in sod to lots numbers sixteen •nd ameateen, tn Dm eleventh coot -duos ol Die Townek.p ot Or, end lot number sateen re De twelfth concession ot the mid lownship of Cray in the Comity ee Heron, whien boas and terteutenta 1 shall ogee for bate al my nate! in Itto Conn Home. In lbw .1'0Wil of liederteh. na Teraday, ilie F,Iireeili thy ot October neat, at the hoer tit Twelve," the eluck. sous. JOHN 216Di tNALID. Arena ol ILiron, Shernra Offre,00.1trinch,/ 419 Jul,, 1.447. .64 AT WHOLESALE ONLY - Their facilities for inseututure will, they feel confident, enable them to compete with soy establishment of the kied in the coun- try. (1:). Factory on Kingston Street, oppoaite nat.. Hotel, Address, ISAAC DOBSON & SON, G.uderich,4C. NOTICE. Member 11, 19(66. .60 THE undersigned haying purchased the large stock of Saddlery and entire I -I P. /•T E3 S STEAM ErtiCitit'S BOIVERISt 1. INCA- A.C11III N14:04, SEPERATORS AND 'HORSE POWERS, Mowing and Soaping Iltaohinon, Wood Saws, Cr1711TICITAILTCortIN, 41,41.131431.- 1PX..4=31:7011Erill, lirssalluoingenado,sed Staelremiths'werk dons la new irsletastiank Castle gs of any deeeription meek to order . Also, all kinds of mabhieery ronsired on short notice,. A largestoeh at COOKING, PARLOUR AND NIX STOVES, Meer' on hand, Huger Itetttles. Warn and Pipe Bora. Allan preteres of the Omer. are of the most approved kind, we would solieit an impartion nfoeir stock before parcluismt elsewhere, s.o. ir. ofienag 41,. shove at the lowest remunerative prices for esah, nr for ap proved Credit. 014 Metal, Braes, Cooper, and all kinds of produce taken i• •achange. Oaltritsk,Oetober, 11141. .0 BUSINESS T of Mr. Horace Horton, who has been so long and favorably known in thnt capacity. Ireg to state that we are prepared to continue the heartiest on the name favorable terms to pu1 chimers as they have hitherto enjoyed. The Schscribere have on hand at 16. 9, Shop, Market Square, a very large Aeaurt. .neat of ZTPI113 IN tell.? .171 0, Saddles, Trunks,Valises, Ise., Ac.. which they Are prepared to offer to tim public at greatly reduced priers, for deb. Fanners will do 0011 10 call and inspect their stork awl prices before purchesing elm where, tut such a °banes is seldom &heed. H. k W. MA RTIN. Goderich, Oct. 16t8, 1866. it 39 Farm for Bale. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Comity of Itnrim, f-107 v.stre 01 • Wen et 1',. Wit 11-) "beet F..iso 1•••11,1 oat of Her Majeure Cntirty Court 0l the Caned Counties of Hoot. and Renee, and to me directed Me Imo& arid T•••••Cata ni 1aaa111111 L'affilair •I the Nol 01 Inn. Roe nod Adam Hope. I be...did 5.4 19., In Excels •Il the ught, title, and tetanal of tbe metd dots...lent, is and to lot omeher Eightma, 1. LIN runAtt emicissoen ul the Timnotop of /1 ellmt in the gr.0.1y .4 nee.. armee Lead. ad T...- 1 20.1 offer I, Sale, at ear 0116m, .5 18. court House, in the Town Of (lydenek, Tweeds,. 16. Eighth .b.y oi Pelober neat On Id hour of Twelre 04*9,. shirk nom, JOHN NACDON.11,D. . Sheri, 80UTI1 HALF of lot No. 7, and part of lot 8, eentaining 110 acres more or lees, RA 'clotted, new frame limn, two good springs of wateq. Situated on the Nine Mile River, near atria mill and saw mill ; 1(4 miles from Ooderich ; poesession given 1st March 1868. GEO. BARRIS, Duageneen p.o. Goderich, 15 July, 1867. si25 HEMLOCK BARK WANTED wit Sberirs office, Gokle;rich, 26111 dune, UMT. - TUP atbseriber yenta 1500 med. ef Rem I lock Bark, for which the highest market price will he paid in cash on delivery at his yard .1 48. Dock. W. M. SAVAGE. FOR SALE! OR TO RENT. 1111C WELL KNOW" Maitlandville Hotel QITCATED on lie ereller of the ?Cipher. 1.3 Crovel lifted lo Idteeltnoef. fot• wile from C.:Wench, and %stein owe hundred •ed minty 11.1. 00 the Coder's*. *ALI WORK.' rum tri weration. The properly le tante' dully l'analril for • Sall Well, 000111ialafr One erre •nd ors, eutith of Iasi, with large IhroAdetry Sr* Hotel, titles by iertyses, end a Lime Hail .ogre9.01 there,. woh gi Slablkng end .41.er that-buildinirt, 'thew tit never Pito., epos/ al the few. or the property •tofielent 1. 0.1717 ell fIss watt, requited to boring • Sad trett„ Mao fbr Its/e, Let No. 310,0 In the Tow. of tiodesch. snowed on the !rem lode ol Victoria srfeet, corner toll *dr ming rho Plenum Famory, wrrh • Brick llecie and n Volum roatee thereon. WOOL I WOOL I WOOL VIE eubeeriher fe prepared to pa *110 highest market pram forint, quantity of Wool. lel fit Notice to Wool Growers. THE undersigned would beg to inform his en/Oilmen. rind the politic that he wi vote, daring thir year, be found pertnnally in atimidenee .1 ,6. Wein' Cycling and Cloth ing Menne., et the old stud, Piper's Mille, until hia new faetnry in Tow% he eempleted, and having had the maehinery eorinected with the rum pit is good working order on der Iris mem permitsl upetinteridenee, tomer, may rely epee satisfactory- workmen - 74, 74-4n reknieg thanks for the liberal support of hauler ,yeass in the 'bore buni 1091, litartc:// cadet *4991(101* to the salsa to still &shift of mid)* patronage. Goies4;k4111,110281:11, 1'4*M:if WANTED. And alb° Lot No. 1017, 1,the Teem oi Otelesch, rituated on the North .01. 1.1 Eitie near the Railload Station, isth a good t Ism House •rrd lure !liable there- on. A ylear tine can he green for :he w6t4e. The ehoee property will lie sok. on mationsble terms to fruit pun h•vni. ror perm -else apply 11 1,. 1,1t11.11. liersser, .. 0. M. TRU LYON, thilentit, the s.leertliet. C. SHANNON. Myoltoplytlie,TIp n(Co:htwie, February 16t9, 19. 1ow4 n - - - AN *rya...mewl Carder. Apply 101 ow, tt undersigned, ak the Godench Woolen Mille, THOS. LOGAN. Soderieb, Sew 1st, 1117, *15 If New MarbleWorks Pollock's Block, Vriri 10111A !J.2;:i°,1!21:11. A. M. _.11tahns41 trn ur1NITMENTS-,- IINAISS'EC NES, Table 31 top*, Ponta, &'i,Tontbs, of every deseriM tion and style of workmanship, furnished no short notice and at the lowest pried. Libe- rai reduction made for cash. All orders punctually attended to. Designs of SOD.' 11101141, he., Inity be seen at Iliel shop. fiodench, Dee. 19. *MC .471 GODERIOR MARBLE WORKS) W. C. TRELEAVEN- Monuments, Headstonesjombs, Tablets, Tablo-Tops, &o. oltio Free Stone kept on hand for Buil& ing parrs -men starh an Ceps Sill*, Ba- nes, la., Cheap f041•16, 000EKICI4 0. W. ALLAN P. MACLEAN; \. cc 0 -J 0 2 el A1 JUST RIICEIVED A LA Rag ec In esti n1 Vey nRedd ASSORTMENT Ogloff OTES Cm...s Whlterlyet._ Mee. rac,r 8.90.".gali, Sleceeedk.ftFrom% Ten eda,restimeree. Tesdae. mit it varies/ ef Comedian irk* Nstin, mid PlOW1Pr011 Vestrage, (Doerr, (',p5.b,., fee. 4444 ,e011rWet el giving satisfeetree ellretigam fest, Mai IMO they ostiere. TWEED MIMS (all wool)4I2 tied ape -arils ellr74.3.-Cottiog &tee to Order Jog H•derieb, Sort 2119. 1869. •. •• '