Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-7-23, Page 1easiness Directory V--1 JVr. 1». A. Mu$looNl WILL BE AT HUNK FOR CONSUL saints .e to 11 0'c IJJk, a• m.. evert Jarr Wallets.*P.tUoulsat airy burr Etterward.,atgL N Mr' . t(7. iaa wota. 111.10 PHYitCIAN,i IIRG10N,Yd',ko.,00D radon, ('.w, 13:40.1y DR. HeLa*N, p11Y3It;i Of, SUROEON, CORONER Seo. U lire rad Ktauleu,•u t hued Jtorvut°, Ventral School '1.•ltosaa. Wertbvrrla. rstYI . ENGINEER ANL/PROVINCIAL 7/ Land Surveyor. Turuatuytnaf,Uo a^'.. Medical. Rsclsard Moore. PHYSICIAN, Surgeon cud AccoacLeer, llaechester, C. W. February 7th, IRO. w3yr ROBERT J. SLOAN, M. D 1'v YeICIAN, SCaozON, &C., &O. TMIN yearn .ur,eon .n the ur. 8. A. detour si the late war. 0,pt of tae rr.,drnl surgeon' oa U. S. Il.rpitel g etoutr " D.A..leoua.y." AIe.Mant operator for for 16th Army Coyle at Virabura, Mi-.. &r..ke. Oise and K,.deoce.-Mr. T. U. Jrckauu'. Lower W uteham. N B-l'on.uh.tson. on surgical emu •dead. eel fn all parks rube emoary. ,r.nrhatn. C. W., Ma re•.:n h, 1067. w 13 6u. • -DI- 141cMICli.iNce. M. 1). L1C1sNT1ATE COLLEGE PHYSICIANS Leo srauroas, C. E. Residence -the Loses formerly occupied by Mr. Ilene, Caleduuia Terrace, Godericb. w19 1)r. Htenbury. --.- GaADUATE of the M..loal Department of Vi.tuna Uenen.ty. Toronto. anti late m the Hesppttal and Dupesrry, New York. 1te..•1rnr e D M0D0agatl's (Haihd) Hayaet.l. will 4u1•0 tuba 14. Stonlon, 1 TTORNEY•AT•LAW, SOLICITOR iN Ckane.ry Noor Pahl.�,�l Conrevancer, o., &r., tt.nller,ch, t.snada Wr.t. U•(ce-ea es SouthnJe of Went Street,' h.rdJoorl rums hr 41 cart -Hotta. Square. I). Milano ClooJln&, I1ABItl3TErt, ATTORNEY SOLICIT ua.Scc.,0 bastion, C. W-b►nogr Up tate. Watws'a Block, Weal 1tt.; .su.srr fret [loot west o 1 Olasgow House. 'roue Mc Moore,. Il TTOHNIES, y0I.11.IiTultst, kc., node '1 rich, C. W. Ul6a:e-CKABB•d NEW 2LJCK r•,or. roe•. Layette. tont. UJJench.Auauat 17th. 1064. .wl03w31 Svn I.d•w,a. 1[2kitRl3Ti t AND t1'Tt)aMFa•.AT LI Lsw, and a.,licaw-m-Chao err. Cups y Crown Auorael,Uadesieb.7aaJ•We TU.tt • a Court Houne , 40 M. C. C,smero... BkRal3TElt, ATTORNEY. CONVEY a+cst.rc ,K,a.'teastreet.(awlencb.C.W Mencius. Ma VI sinker. BkRRTSTERS, SOLICITORS, CON - en.+caa, &c. (hare, over the Stun 01 V. tenter& des.Godench. .lohnb,viaon BJ.RftiSTRIt,ATTOILNEY,SOLiCiTOR 1 ,n Ca+.,cery, err U•6.•e, Market Square Core rolKiugstundtreet.((o.Jeneh, 9:42 !t AND HURON SAND BRUCE ADVERTISER. "The Greatest Possible Good to the GrestestPossible Nunibor." • W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor. x;2.50 PER ANN. IN AP ! GODERICH, ONTARIO,D. C., TUESDAY, JULY 23. 1867! • 1.1;' • • ?VOL. 5. -NO: 94. Business Directory. Malcnlm Pilohnlapn. IUaaWALUI'EI[ATIVE ANUMILCHA`J11)• AL W.Illam T Hays. A TTURVEY-.LT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN 1 ceasoery,Y.wsry Pel.lio,Ceerera.rr.Src. U Wench,C W.-Udtro,orete. E. Ai. Snl9'• eters, Crabb'. Block. Ionia to Lend on keel Priii.rtY IS. 1.. [Soria. BARRI3Tkit, •c..UouesIco, C. W. Orrice-3awsgi s Nen Bloc4. ELF-CTKUPATHIST, &c. TEETH inserted is either Pk tln, Hold. Silver, or Vulcan ,zed Ku6frroa reasonable terms tr. Mine uvcr the Pool O11ct. Weal Street • W ALL RICHT AG s J R.Gi E��r P1101[00100 DILLERI U' THE PROVINCE, wt rll A New & Magnificent Sky -Light AND SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED 1t(IOMtI. .0. Y. IClwoo.l. BkRRINTEII, ATTORNEY • AT -LAW, Con '.y nc.r. kc. 7t-1Iaki4 Black, •ppte,te t ,,'font Odic., U•deneb. sw1T January 3.106e. J. lPrmote 0. DEllidew ATr,),t'EY.AT.LkW. SOLICITOR -IN cannier!, t:.nveyeaee,. 4rc.. &e , (haler ret, C. W and Bayael i. tt W. 0 els-Kay' Nto,•t, Co borsch, ■ad Mr. l''tte mo.'s Starr Hayfield. LI. Mr. H•H.n will len int his brach °glee, llaraell, every Mco.lay true 10 a. wtilt 111[w . 0. Wlllisrn R. Bain, B. A. E.L. JO11'.1SOV I 3 EUY to Intern h.• o,. i .e 1,.. r... ,,I Ito . pnldm neeally, that he Lo, nt more capen.e, hued his Menet, in STE WAKTS* New Kriel Ill. t.. 41011ass H•rI Ilon street and .inure, (hdt-,eh. to rueb n mete ar m peeler than the aneet Ili Ib *noel »'.awe the ter adapted fur the int. cowlick ul m 11 -+1 -cls'. work in hie del" .ale inetwoutilul rt. Thawdmrous et having Phc- luras of C-1 II t\LI) I2>f:N CHAS C :E:P. -. AND LAW OFFICE. ID tulle! ACV MWM, ,i:.l1:1`: ,11STRIE 000RItI1; . N. R.-Conyey$ncin;(. Money lent on ✓ easonable term.. 1) sinned and defective titles to real estate Qwi.ted. Uo.lerich, Dec. 74. 136a. 5.34 taken wok plumb nig lathe mornmc. PhotOarapb tike& in every Style lunwn to the an, aeJ 11lt A,pbr„II p • and Da , i,r. r✓I vy.,+ e✓pid n Pn.r„vrph a. A in.:* rl n•a •n one .1.1 R tk...l F,nwr• alwq• on loow. Ale. ALOU me, 6s't,l,q.. F. 1.• 1 . la nae n n, niank• Ihe liberal Wo.rae" 0111.e pre, f.. -I+ b*Wal +v.tl recent u.;.rov,fWur.w 1 ,t ,t..• A n .went a roatiau- a1, r and merrene .A rte row. • - i. JiIM\EON. u•dti,h,March 1,1037. wall m.•�a • wmaavr r v . rr, E. 11USRlai. PI;OPRiFTOR. `THE shove rs r.nat,4runilr .,tushed on a ...Mere 120teet high. oierloek•.e 11. Horton end Lake H.rnrl l --pour (Mbard•. (Yaw lea a'd Moral Wd►•enacted. hhardg1perdue 'risen Measrreaaasb steels •1.010,1, dKMseretwllletel•1I1tehe1IC.W 00 Cosiness Directory. - DRUGS, DRUGS ! R.. OKI ML24G11 ATTORNEY•AT-LkW, SOLICITOR iN Ci Clutcaar. ice . le.. Jae. OI6•:e-Kteg- alon street, Goderich, 5 down west of Y. C. ca'ueroo'a Law Office. SIONcY TO LEND. w20 re. Matcnmeon. gIAK819(KK Attorney, flollcitw, etc hc. 17 Clwton. C. W. w34 MONEY TO LEND. W. 3c 1L] 1.. , (Suc.m..orI v X . B. K rj n„I 1.1 Mefdiea1 Iiitl1, Cerrt•H.use.Syrto•r,Codrrarit DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST JOH4 HICKS, Proprietor. This is th t.rwesl.ad LealCJ.ntry Hotel in Wester Ce..da.ard charges a. gossieran ov. any Hon. se Nsleben • Stage Yrepei.lor. (food stables gl"or 100 Humes. norms dad Carnage* for Hoe, e. Shortest Nomee 1471 I^rnerr. A TTi)RYKY.6l-I.AW,SOLICITOR 1N • Oh..osry, I:unnysocrr, &a. W.i4e•ro. OJ. ail Orect. v16oUylt /a. e9. Hamlin. CIVIL RNI0INK16R ANI) SURVEYOR Land Agent And Conveyancer,ttoc'tnttne .L AAM ER ems rs1 A I I. ARCHITECT P LANS AND Srr.OIVICATIONe of Lord I•e+. he.,g et.p is a neat as1eqr A,let skt t Odee.7tko 'Ivrea AMtea Wort t h,t 5nvare.'lodenek. 1sw vla't'I,1y Con9tttrtte of the Vetted States w Asserlc... I)AItFt es ItOTN:L. Office hours from 9 o'clock, a. In, to 3 o cloak, p. m. Ou.le:e a ,and I mporlerOl, C;}ENUINI: I>ILtJGS CAea.r.b, Per/. as et y, !;Talc r • 11.. ,4n,1 '(..11 Illru.he.e ru an,oI Ls, cnLoa s, Or &nT c r e, HORSE&CATTLE 5'E1ICINES THE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL B]gB!'i'Ii7R. ANGU8 McDONALD, Proprio:or. Nt) effort will be spared on the part of the proprietor of the above hotel to render his house all that can be required by the travelling commnnily. Give hist • ea10. April 17th, 1367. w13 1), telel)onR Ma ITCRYSEDACC!IONRFR,RAYFiELD t' nn'y at Huron. galas ,n ethane or count •,IeIl•t,n. 4re-1yr11 .1onn C,rnpbeu, rK N n R A I. COMMISSION AGENT Cnmmiseionnr.n Q lire '• &mab, for taking •lhlnri.Coneryaeer , :. dee. Odoeoa Ruud aura v. V sltageof K ltwee,te.0. W . CARD IIIESD6,&C..&C. Onlerrilrom Medina l we.. punctu*Jt niteeJerh n at Lcrr'tt 'Ina* P.p... N.B.-Phys.:tau'. 1'reatnpuos c.rrlully 11. permed. Uodeneb Jan .16.1053. LIGHT 1 LIGHT' LIGHT 1 CANADIAN HOTEL, ' CLINTON. C. W. W. Tl'I1v111'Itl' Proprlrtor. T11E.•sfahl.hmenl I• rt.ra•.h.,l w.h ell the rryelrrwat• m.enlu1 to the rutntortor .rMta, • .3411 ['.ter 01'Rat. FORWARDER A N 1) COMMISSION Mernhsnt .1 +.&aniton, C. W. Neter..ed Ammenueethweed. Bu ;new of any kind an• • @Indio htt will re0t7IVSpr.mptatlseti.a. tv4alyN•= PRINCE OF ORANGE HOTEL DIINGANNON . A IIJL•ACK. pr.g,r4ator. Ample ...eine e.1n11MM. ./If we tdmore.ot gond lot n rdvn•r. lMnavtnon. Moult. 1501 Area DJ NT INTIRY. Dr. P1AELl' . SURGICAL k MFMHANICAL Dattr•T,t1Jdalleb, 1/00786 OUST it. T•JBrdan'sDrua Store Ifo Tessa •50tl M without pain by ow 01 reread. JOIur�N,tr6.. ow:4 vly it ONIAL HOUSE ROCK & COAL OILS, _!Earning?Jnid,LAmp Oils. For Sale by F. JORDAN. 00 Oodeneb J ae .07.t 00, !Motion A71, Commission. CIU I)E1tTOI-1 11 CLINTON E•rtablieilk(s(1 LL■ 552. `AI.Ee wf Diem:ani ate ProptRtI is CoJ.rieb La every Saturday, and in -Clirtua rrrry Wed- ne.lay. Money advaseel on Property lir Immediate nae sod prompt return. made. Paan 00.•1 and ether Salta punetuallyatlenJ- ed to throw1hout the 0.11.1KLEM.A ,'0 Ate ,on Mut. w6) Market ,quare,U•der. eh ROYAL OAK HOTEL, LUCKNOW. JADES CAMPBELL, Proprietor. BEST ()F WIN Es & LIQUORS. Good Accommodation fur Travellers. )n :•T.\III IN.. ANDa'rTP.NTIVE BOSTM.:Re fnuknnw, ma March, iete. wktf WM. ELLIOTT. General Horse and Cattle Farrier. New Grocery and Temperanc^ House, Beamil lar. AsIELT,lnked.1 10., retent0e howler, nnt ea/a11 n'eesmry necnrnutodatiun for the POW. at My,.aivaable rate". Seurillar, May 16, 1667. 17w6teMr J. D. CAMERON,. aA' 1510V11 PROM T,ICCW I•t. TO The B ayfleld Hotel ! frill Subscriber Nwayekeepe the leriest varied sed best Stook of SOIsERIt GLOVES I IN T'lIR (T01TNTiE1. CII AS. R. ARCHIG..:.U. 1),dentk, Au:oat 22w1 1 44 ;4. 41103 (formerly kept by Mr, holy.) CONSTANTLY en had, the beet of Lpuor, Cigar,&c., anti an attentive loonier, and by tenet attention to bndner hopes t0 merit n share nr hlfn patrons e. Aayae�. Horeb 0, 1407. w7 em Cheaper than ever ! JI Money to Loan on Boal Estate, APPI:AISERtothe Tlunt and Loan Company lit l'1 r Canada. U. MaTIW MAN, Market 6tp,are, C,.:rr,eh hand �iipoRTANT T EvilyBooy iL[318TER Of lutprowwd Forma and mud Lead Iur Sole, CL TBUEV AN, U.alerieb. March 1,1 Martel Snare. • wit GREAT VSAMMIIJ Tti7J Jf ri umint" 13i"d".p• IjogN H A RRIv7 F I R E &MARINE CHEAP CASH STORE! WM. STE-WART. 1 OFFERS FOR SALE THE ENTIRE STOCK t�\I TRADE OF D.KERR, JR. &C,GODERICH,ONTARIO. COMPRISING A LA1t1E Sit/eh Ob STAPLE A1%D FANCY Din .GOODS ! R ‘DY -MADE CLOTHING, At much uomrn.e rotloe ., n. at will u.onre r .j.eaJy s.le. The L.;.-, 10. 4 ore. a kw MOM many Luudrr+l tiarxstum 1010 .Mori! to the pu LLc, 4010 yards Drum floods,. from 10 cents up. 10(10 yards Cobourgn, from 1 :1 cent` 'Twirls. 500 yards Mcri -o, 45 coots. 200 Bcr..gc and Cloth Mantle,, 31, regular prier 9.2 50. 250 lar,;•: Crown Silk l;erasols, usual prim $2 50 -your choice for el Bright Black Glade iilks, from 40 mute. Black and Co!orenl Kit Gloves, coats per pair. 400 pieoei Brown Cottons front S cents. 50 piers Shite l bttons, Irons 10 cents. Striped Shirting, 123, seats per yard. 300 pieces fast colored l'rint,.reg'lar price 20 to 23 els, reduced to 14 an,: 15e. G imbrnone from 15 Dents., ` Tweeds, 50 cents. All -wool Tweeds, 70 oasts • Blabk Clothe, from READY-MADE ,,CLOTHING Coats, Pants, and Vests, very cheap All -Wood Snits,Irom $10. Flannel Shirts, Cotton Shirts, Ties, Searle, roduood 30 per cent. Paper Collars, 121 cents Fr box, regular price 20 to 25 cents. I'urr!.aser• swot 6th i 0. SAVING OF 25 to aur. ON I.:VF KV IX)I.LAK, by call n: at r9Te. aril Sanaa; the lana Luca:., ever sac red it nor Oo.. on, .it lit+lor.• L, Ju!y Set,, tai 1 D. KERR'S OLD STAND. W_1 INSUR_.NCE• /Ire, Marine and Life\ hasaracces stmt., 06 erseesael. Neese. O16Lw-J. F. C. Hslnlaq'ii i.aw Chamber,. Illy s Block.corner Cesrt Rome Square and Nat St., GodeJu N HALDAN, JR.. Agent. (lod�riti, 3T1h Sept•,1866. w3Gif .1 iIE Subscriber hewing moved to the Store nor door mutt of the corner of Kingston Street and Market figure, Opposite Mr. C. Crabb's Block, formerly (+erupied by Newel. Parker & Cauls, druggists, offers for role TBE I,A1tGEST,CHEAPEST, BEST AND MIST FASHIONABLE STOCK OF 1665) Hi?NItY G1I1MT. (1366 Departmental, parliamentary, AND PATENT ACENT, OTTAWA. Trammels blamer with the Crown Loads sad ether tloTern,nent Department.; Take,. out Bern ter I n'n•nb,'e, ; i deaw. I n.•orlw- ( ration for ';,n.pon'e' by Inter Pat- tali Dratu rent take. charge of Private M11e during the P. • aio..&e., torprn'ea rn• swim,, elsewhere. REFERENCES: Ito•.A!'a 1.t,('nm- W. M. Wit.aon, Esq. m,«.oat of Crown S'mrne. Lind.. Hon.l.CA*Lttn,Len- Del000n.Esq., Melnik don. Ion. R.Art.t. Erie-Invper NleTeronte 13 J< Son,Wirof t. IcAewraareCo amt BOOTS AND SHOES! of any Hoose in town, both imported and of his own Manufacture, enmprisine all the newest styles of ladies' Gentili, and Children; Baas and Rhoea, which ha is determined to eell ata Small ad. vane. on Coat, N ' small profits and hoick returns" h ht method of doing haemes'. Idle Call and see beton pnrehasing else where. S. FUFIBE. U.dsrwb. APtd I^, 1 ., . wti THE OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT IN TOWN_ y.Y MARTIN AMATIN BEGS TO INFORM 1115 01.D C1'3TOM sit. that be is still able to sell for cash, at the lowest entre, ILL KiNDS OF FURNITURE At his shop on Kin�.ton street, opposite the Huron Hotel, Ocelericb. Give h.t, a call. fioderish Oct.'3. 1866. sellwST W. M. SAVAGE, IVY'S and sells New York Drafts- Gres backs -National currency -State notes, rind encurrent money, at eorecut rate of exchange. 110t Dec., 1965. w47.1yr$t NORTH BRITISH A MERCANTILE FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Oo. Ret&Rulaan 1809. 9r wart y,. GRAND SEMI-ANNUAL SALE ! COMMI-NCE^ AT THE IN S LTR•ANCI . i)HIENIY FIRE ASSURANCE Compaq of 1 Loalou Enpb,nil,,J.l•luked is 171;1, use of theotd.,, large.' and Leal odium a Caaada. HORACE HORTON, Agent. 1)UOVINCIII. INSURANCE Company et Camila. Head Otho Tomet., W JI tale sot•+ oil Cautery and Coy Proteenv• M,, oe r,.k• takes sl as low rate's• any other hat claw odd ~' HORACE EOBTOH. Agent. MONEY TO LOAN. S20,OO(/ on Kiat - (arn. •eecntw payable ll ) I,0in one w t welve years. Nu atsre rete.n•HORACErHOETON Agent. awl 7udone0.Marct3I.t. 1066. Esign of tht, Large Padlock. II; Q'Ai.DINER & Co., )rnubESALI ARI, RE WI. Hardware_, Merchants, 'Market Sonare, Coderich." I IACC sow nn hard • i•ia.p'eletad w.D M of 11'ardwdrea coaeWmg is par of Adtes, Spud Axe., awl e 1 .. Cb'r ,pug Am•o, t Anglo.: Brushes. Bons. Waggon Hosea, Coale Plate., ' Cha..., curry -Comte, Cordate, Deng Y..rk.,Hav:Ynrk.,r iles,lilun,Ui.'s. Pour: Huta Ts, tined:doors, Powder, Shot, ('opt H:nera al. kind...Iron, :Seel, Spring Steel, ' Hair, Spokes, and hent Slug, Bar Lead, Lamp 01ame., Looking Usaa.r., Lookii,` 0Iim rt.te,HOMNails, . Cut Nails, Kew Au.l 11,11.4 Ort,Dennohan.eM10J, Maehmery Yarel.k, Pants and Color, Casal Uil Lamm., Plough Moulds, 11dey Daws,C Ms.•C al . +. Mw,. Hand Sews, ate, p• Tb.above will Msold cheap for Ca.h. OILLING and STURGEON TWINE FOR SALE OHEAP. A •rrntnt rCommcreul U"Ion A.sun■ce('o., n11.. ndon,England. w41 Irr.9ewerolre ir'•A ISAAC FREDERICK E 1\'IP 0111 UM! )EFORE RE'1f)VIN11 TO OUR NEW PREMISES WE OFFER THE LP whole of our inuuca_c stock of DRY GOODSATCOS'T. cartlAT, t2n00,000,STERLTNO. Fire Department. I'TSIiRANCFS effected on all skean N risks at moderate rates. Losses prompt. ly paid. Life Department. in virtue nfthe guarantee afforded by their large Capital and accumulated profits, this Companycan adopt rales lower tee. are nr.etictle by many other offices. To Farmers. Special To. relyet have been made for fleet oildinjp and other isolated risks. The undersigned having been wppainted agent of the shrive Company for florlerieh and surrounding country, will he glad to n• ceire rFropeuls for insurances in both braneb- et, Ind well always he ready In give informs lion to patties wishing In inure. Wm. RICA'.hRDS(IN, Agent, 'Lank of Montreal, westSt. nodericb. Mar 1st, 1Q64. seTO GREAT E3ARCAINS FOR CASH FOR ONE MONTH Good.Oheaper than any House in the Trade I J. C. 1IF.T1.I)T1, Ac C30. OODERien, Jour 1101, 1867. wig 'I'° (3 -mat. n 14'ireot-Clrtlr..4 _Atlolo o! WINTER CLOT I NCS ! GO TO L ogan's Woolen Factory Store When yon will find a large and !erica stock of Fulled Cloths find Natlnetta, Tweeds in great variety. White, Plain, Grey, Striped and Checked Wlnoeys, A great variety of all wont home-made checked flannels. One yard wide; likewise WHITE, GREY, SCARLET & FANCY FLANNELS. A LOT OF FIR'IT•CL.ASSBLANKETS, EIfill f TO NiNF: POUNDS PER PAIR. Stocking Yarn. Fine Fingering Yarn, Fleecy and Berlin Woole, all in endless variety. Together with a -I tt' Au,,,ln.'nt „f \WA'CCIIMAKER & JEWELER, REST 8T., OODEILICI1, NEAR THE POST OFFICE. A GOOD Aasn0TM::2T or THKRSHAS OAST AltaIVhU a Inrge and elegant a.aonmeut 01. CHOICE SPRING DR/ GOODS ! whirls have tern selectee, with the utmo.t yore. The Indus aurdUcaul ILo tr.,le may u, w ha seen in great variety at bar erabli knurl He u determined 10 pleaset it possible, .15. mpnce, quality and gw.i gods. Awl ms ls,• lit all.ra A,r rarrt'ur, on the Linin.•"+ arc equal to may house In title Jonuaiun, he eonadrnuv sok. d, the pubb,• to ,•all nu.l ea anilne hi+ stock, which is aonpnw, In part .• follows, nit: PRINTS. 11.1.4 e, l,'n, o 1 Wares Variety iron, 10 to 20 conn per )ard. FANCY DRESS 040)D:t, syareela equalled to this oohs 1. to victual qu.duy, from 10 to W cone, per )•mrd. l 1i$TI(F• AND C(lKUR0S,.1n all grads, both .»I✓rrd 5.4 plat.. BLEACHED C01•I'UNS ger{, vary cheap, Goin In merit per vst rA. WIVE F'ACI.ORYr COTTON$, trout 'tents yn•r yaid. t r' Sevrrnl hale. r.•h l.rated Canadian Manu- al read, at waolcan:u 10ine., Shawl., 5h. rang Malls, •r,.w^•"ng Mantle 101 II \t•,..!,•n, FJk. (',a). .0110; Velaku lit. nc (l ngham. K,•nw,•ky Jc.o Ylann.ds Ucn•u.+ 4 ,rl"t Hanka. Rr:nnn. A g Ikr'ery t+h.rl,ns; SO,pe. 3 1'tL Tau mug. Fla nel•t Bw•kka Cunn,n. H.wp tk.rt. \t•.ndow 11011nmt' Ragging Ste., t.. It.k+°f Dram. (tags to bopcotton end horn Tory cheap. - Hats and Caps in Endless Varlet, ! Gild and Plated JewelLy on Hand. WATUHES CLOCKS AND SPICTACLES IN (MEAT CAILIITY. R1:PAlitTNG IN ALL BRANCHES done on short notice. in good style and war rlr.a:d according to agreement. Wedding $Ings always on Band. 1 •'.s lett unclaimed nn my hands will be .old et the expiration of three mouth" to de I rnr .• spensea. e").- All articles warranted u repreeeited. 5 le -The belt quality of Clock Oil at 25 its Goderich, Nov. 14, 1960. '1G factor! Cottons, Ballads, Punts, Alpacas, Impoited Wincies, Dela floats, Ready-made Shirts std Drawers ; Mons' and t'hldrrna' Socks •rid `'d„eking' n great variety. lye A epll is solicited. Woolen Faroe" Store. East Street, IOtlt September, 1666. THOMAS LOCAN. wt G. N. DAVIS CLOTHING. GROCERIES! TAE SOLDIER AND TILE SPY. A Tale of the Stege of Sebastopol. Hitg.heaels 01 Muscovado Sugar. very cheap. 10 ilarrela Montreal Relined Sugar, tory cheap. 10 Barrels I;roken Loaf Mid ground Sugars, veru ebeap. An mmmenn0 .tock of Tea, embracing :- Young Hysoo, Gorgon, Japan, Souoboog, Twankay, Pekoe, Sus., fie. COFFEE of various qualitica. 1{ 1A N(lY A C'TI11(EK AND UF.ALF.K 1N 11 Stove. 1'101101. and ('a.Onr+•01e,ert'de- ,.ttSion. 711 n,Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. nl the Mnrbet9toye Depot, Markel Square, 004e. rich. GOAL OIL, .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. tltl?sniOil Lam'••.l..•&e. 011 tron.Cnp- pSI,81ys. Knee Wool Pickings sod Shnp,kl.a abeam elelaoay. 2711 J.& J. SEEfMILLER, TANINE:LtS! DEALERS 10 LEATHER FINDINGS! GODERICH. C. W. February 17, 1*47 f;f>T)FRi('1t Conant• Vinegar ltalamm -ata. M Seel Oils Yovenrn Coen Staab Awe Sago Spites .Pmposra etnn.h ,. 1'rcl Ira Caper Al.e Y� Sardine Soda Lobsters Lujunrtce lum Namur. ames dee., &e., .'c TOBACCOS OF ALL GRADES WAGON &CARRIAGE ,• • y t ! Air '4" -**1100,40.0..*. 007 Field and Garden Seeds. C'enfiaued. Ever ing r ,me on. Suddenly an sum more heath was mut loom the walls, Vann and (laming, toward the but where D'Arier stood. Ile watched it, halt williugly that It shun ld come w :th all 1' . te, .lir upou him. it "ted through the air, tell, buret. Ind aht - ered to atoms at the very feet of the aeetti,el. The soldier w:ts blown to pieces I 7'M mite mous 'bell tom up the ground, and snit I . horrible eooteut. far and wide. The %near' i law it fall iLDoidesuuy the sentinel. opo • three meow to his post to supply his place. One of them took up the position, and pared up and down in the spot where the British soldier had trod. Darkness cline on swiftly, and D'Alpey still stood viewing the scene. - The walls were visible, and the fleshed of light looked grandly en the cnnrious thunder- ed hundered firth their volleys. But the firing ceased gradually and soon all woe quite still. There was only wncbfulncsu on either ride. They watched, but no longer fought. The day time now was sufficient for such deeds as these. So the silence of the night began to take the place of drys glamour and der tr action. Tb. Zouares were etia, and their foul laughter and merry jests no longer 5 i. were beard. Yet it was.not dark long, for. . Won the moon c tine forth, and at times &bio- ing oet from among the Wick cland+, illus. iced the seems. it we+ still, rad Lionel watched the scene. A ltuaaian &mitiuet could be seen outside the.• walls, as be occasionally carne forth from s sheltered poai.ion behind a rock, and took a- hesty glance around. D'Arcep watched him attei•tively. wondering whether others would see Lim,,. d shout him doe.,. Thus an hoer proud, and the ,:Lineal grew int :use. It wit• calm and quiet e4 a peaceful , iral scene, ani do soul of I.iouel grew melancholy, 54 the ex:it.,mrt•t caua'd b4 the ?ran:etc. tetir 02 the day gradually abraded. Suddenly he saw a crouching form 00014 (ol'LL from the redoubt captious y olid cam -. fully, while low sounds of smothered lau,:h• ter followed the retreating figure. Lion. -1 watched the form •. it wade its way to some, bush••+, where it became lost to s:ew. 116 waited putient'1 to see the result of Thi+ pi r' fur mance. Soon a loWwnnd arose from the distant brushwood not fu from the p.itiou of the Itua.iao-entincl. At once throe other 5go•• s went off from the redoubt toward the 611,4- ,06d, in the same silent ell caatiuus-ma •-• tier. Then au interval of silence followed. Then carat the same sound again. It wad s deep, impttienl grunt, as though a bog bad lost hie .11,1111 was wauderiog dubroaa- ly around. Then came another one, pro- longed and exquisitely bog lite. A pause followed. Another gi •tl came up, es though 1'4 Log Lod determined to do something th * • time. Altera short pause, a low attempt at r gt Jut w + he l arising trom the Re :sine sentinel's position. It wee a human gI: •a, however, Lionel knew it wrs the m;serab:e attempt of the Reisman, who emoted to dee ,• the wandering bog. US was sure of What be saw the Russian come forws•d o little, and peer carefully around. Author grunt arose. The !torsion waive r• ad it. Theft grunt followed reoldie qui, k sui:ceaion. Lionel at once understood a all, aol almost died with selicated lana, - ter. The Zouaves in the redoubt wee •qu., - ly merry. For a short time thts intarestiog °envoi . - tion co0tiusel. At length the items' •e seemed to have enough of te!king, and to d,•- 1 1r The pneciple of the Bu+mnese u : Cash or Produce, The Snhwriber bets. to aeknowlearre h.. thanks kw the very aatterteg recognition revel - .ed for the pant, and ho,w, the rnndu,•t tot the laamew tar the tutees wdl he •irnb a 10 fent continued rayon. No vllurt will ba .pared to terrains upon acting, He looked alien!. sell (loud Utu.l. e. grunting the new, for a few mutate,' r, An •as 'on..n aChwlic•ap1-1 Jn W• part lir 0 00 1 g I ail l tag buyrh., s and then, throwing down his gun, he epra• JOHNH.A BRis. torwrl to the stmt where be thought the Goderieb. ('omer of Market Sq, and West hog wu concealed. Street. dal Argil, 1866, .29 At once the 'housve arose, grappled him. threw him down. 'Chore err, a ahort_strue•- gle. Throe other, sprang forward, and di - abled the Rieman. Thou binding hill tightly, tbe,four 'Lousy,. br I 1 t tin 11u- .- Mit a prisoner to their camp. Loud ahou's of laughter arose -peal upon peal of joyo•a laughter, in which even the &slave sentinel joined most heartily. Leonel could resist no longer. 'Die ludicrous nature of the tbi Ig was too apparent. He laughed most inmost. .misty, hat m00ataue-vow. risen I Ha,ha !" a voice errs hen"( atying,aad a good humour• ed face appeared at the window. There who uo mistaking Wwt face. It wu the 7wivavo where hu had saved at Ink elvratn. "Ah, my friend 1" said Lionel, to Freocl. 1 "this yen? I'm glad to see yen." "11a -eh -yon here -my preserver 7 How came you Mn 7 i heard it wee • Holman spy I" And once mon the secret sign of brothenhip wr etch/meet' I "No, 1 am ou It✓sSian Spy, am I my good fiend 1" “Grand Dieu, I should think not. Who 5175 '01" :tI me traitors. i was l..cd to -day, end put hen till 1 am tried again and e ..d:L...- BEADY-MADE CI,()TIIIN G. Ma nureact to r y. TH1t.nhserjMreenntdsn,nenetl4. the pnhlie of Heron mad Senn that he has on hoed and wdl..eke to .nMrCsmsgea, Wa esu, Hr roam ke., winch wit l be sold resp ferrate or apa,oredcre it. On hand .fid tar sale cheap, JOHN 1'ASSM1>RP, Vtn1.,ia5traet diade,lr.1. Apnllet,1N/ 10414. COATS. VESTS, 'PANTS. i S. Felt Hats, Caps' Shirts, (etc -, ("fluently Cheap 1'Or ('nal'. AT A. SMITH'S, Merchant Tailor. (in4encb, lune Met, 1567. 137. CABINET WAREHOUSE (THE O1.DttST IN THE coT'NTY D.'.GORDON CALIIN1E'IL' MASCII&it AND UNDERTAKER, M..Ut.etgre• ens tet now en heal • complete ro4eortnient nl Pn,ndure,nt hl" Wnhernool,, WEST STREET, GODERICH, 004731 1e Sofas, Reredos, Tables, Bedsteads, Hair, Cone and Wool seated Chairs, (lilt MonMinp and honking (11d.aes, in varirt7,ot Home Manufacture and Imported ' D.O. has always nn (land a enmplele an nrtmeet of 00FFIlti3. Also, HEARSES TO HiRE. 6-LumberandCordwoodtakasin chin g.fn•Furniture Oo.lerieb .117t0 00..166 w2 SALT TERRITORY 20 ACRES OF SALT TERi1TTORY M Immo, situated on end adjaennt to the hirer Maitland, and jnat yard of the (inderich Railway Station, and fronting or. 0. T. Railway -very convenient fora siding into main line. Apply to, T, WKAT0IFRAI.D. (044 rich. Nov. 29 iSii. .d.,t "Why, it is injusttee. You matt nd stay hen I'cried the immiaow' %outer.,who, by the way, had been wringing iiansel's bands with inexpressible emutiuos of dIR•r- ept kinds. " You mut at stay Fero I " cried the Zona,.. "01., yes, i must r' "Pooh 1 i tell you no 1 11.1 how m the world, did you the brave Englith,nn•I, jet here 7" 1 chnnnt tell yon myself. I u sh 1 knew how it all crime about." "But it's very 'trans.." "I was arrested about a fortnight ago.' " t'is it por.ihle 1' "And a hundred horrible charges wen, beeped upon me, of which 1 was ienoeeoq and knew nothing," "Why, monsieur meet have some great enemy." "I know of none 1" "Ah, that gives him more poem, P• "How 7' ',Why, you do not Inspect brut Yon do not think of him. Yoe are';'. hie poor. Ile does all thus things against you with im- punity." "True, i may have an enemy." "Monsieur, you mal. flow else could this be -when you us Iso innocent- se brave 1" Dried the 7nuau, with impeleoe, • srmth. "I will think deeply over what Ma say.' 1 pity ye.. t Yet you are -all fiat WOW *MN I bare found yea Yoe skirl Me stay here." "Hit. ran I serape 1" lee will, if pie .. r•