Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-7-16, Page 114 A
- . .. .. - ,.._ __._ ,_,... ' .--......,,.,_N,_,««...A....... ,....,••era_•--, ' 6
011sititerp Oirutoq 0 THE 80LDIE8 AND TAC
tlie. r. ♦. AR.n..■a _ r :
l' tette' ra 1• I 1 ."ai••t. a.m., erre d. l TaIC of .Sie e of SO`lfN'el ;
Wdlrailpawateal Uy hurt eltsrwmitd.,NN
wJn -4 A
v oafinae6.
tT. U.}HlasaOa, sa.D., .f '•Incredible I" cried lleaacWkcd.
Par ICLy 4ul<GliGa,ac., c.,GotJ - LI is even so."
sales. C.11ir. 11:40.1, • ,,,
"L the Dumber of the Seip tears iseroa
SURGEON. CORONER wz, - -_ V- w-` - l-- • - Thero►naoadditioea I, of course, n
t..►rrdJo rose10l ms's-= - ^"z ye ^ss ^:^ - _=yrs:, ',.- .. ,- : = __r_ :.. 'x.'ra all my replies to your hr`hoer a;lade W the
British army."
-- -- W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor. "The 113mtest Possible Good to the arestest Possible Numbers "OI course. What to the reason that the
AI4%1ion 1. ---- - - - - _- --_ mea Gra oat better cared fur T
''Horrible carelessness and stupidity."
' '°h..rd .loo"' - _- -- - A --- - --- -`--- TUESDAY n :i Y JULY 16, 1867 YOL. 5. --NO. •92. The KWsun geuerria looked at one wroth
I)HYSICIAN, rgeou agmehosur,nd C. `ccoucheur, $2.50 PER ANN. IV AD t GOD ERICH, ONTARIO, C. D., etK
Fehreary?th, 1867. w3,r-- - _ --
_ ;- "How am the Dee clothed T' punurd
ROBssT J. BLOAN, X. Di $usintss Mrato 0intss Dlircctoir ( $usintl9 E1irc(torll. The Liverpool and London and Clobe Matuth.kue'. •
`Not al all. The men are clothed in ra,r,
1'urhuuR,SUwwR, kt , An. ---- ------ -_ ,- - - - INSURANCE COMPANY. Look at them ]surest( from your own tate.
Mslcelm NJtelaolaon. , MQNEY t Apply to re•sooable- IN l I P01TANT TO E1Y181Y! „
Trl.Ha.K yen wrpm ,°the t1. r. A Jor,ae 8UROIl:ALU! fSKATIVE hNDYCCNARIC. DRT iGS DRUGS l Invested Foods FI5,000,000 •n l
OA lets wu. )lee W tw rew•leat wrcaw• AL V Invested in C•o•d•, 250,000 Why du nut their pllanl cnutdrtmrq
oa Il. a. Il.rptYel atrasmi. " U.A. Jsmirmi,y." 9 I V. C. C.tMBRON.
lwia•al o quw
the Isth Argy Corps •t I 311V T I 8 T • ' + Goderich I help them o anted the stmt' riilwat."
Y.ka..r kti- to.,t.. ELECTRUYATHIBT, dto. ,------- -- /iRE DQPAIiT1116rT. "They don't know. ltr lan is eitrat."
- 1
us. sea Rawwones.-Mf. 1, O. Jock•un' • • =+w INSURANCES xlraf•Txp ON Au, CLASSICS or '-Good M•rens, what an arm, I What is
Lower IYiaRMfw• TF,ETH inserted in either Pis W. M• SAVAGE, Poo PSITY AT CcRktlfT RATaa.
N R 'owkmiuoa• ca "'peal eager aueW- tine, Gold. Silver, or Vulcan it that holds them together t'
ad to all pane tithe wet lard Rubber on reasonable term• UYB end NIla New erre Dnrte-Grcen-
WIAst"". c. W., 11*.c et►, 1ss7, will 6mw Q back.-N*tioual corronr Autr nut FARM RISKS AT3rscuttY RLDL'CRe RATte ••Engliso discipline and despair."
Z troile. over the Pusl Usti+, West Sateen y- ••, -You answer well, rhili Wbrat is Ilion,
- _ - I Coderrh. and uncurreut musty, at current rale of {K1O•
(3. DI. J1a•IIR1C)IK1NC;s, M. 13. --- - ---- - ----.--- - -• 3s . -T O W3 D AL N, ese6.nge. n \ r r ]LIFE DEPARTNEYT. rate of their deaths, fur I here heard tbas
LICENTIATE COLLEGE PHYSICIANS I 8ueeeswnuK.B.Re no 1. 191h Dec., 1865. w47.lyr$l GRAND -SIS MI -ANN UAB SALE a many are dy:ug 7"
sap scausoss, C: E. Resid••oe-tile► ALL RIGHT AGAIN I 'f y } - _ fNo a Churg• T XC#,1U Ar ser
Law farmer) occupied b Mr. Boost, ' dos in DelbIIos of s Gnntlq. I From sixty to one hundred per div
f M 1 I -- T C d 1 (y ti 1 as 1 1, - &mon the Britvb, and amore Ille 1'6r'.,e
Caledonia 'ILrra e, Umleriah. w 19 r • Policia for the beaeff4 o Wlfi or g
L ]EtL 1 Csr.allsr•s3yr.e•s,Gs/.nrA; ' n d Ile me spear' b'0>z by, over one hundred. But the Turks die from
R f+.OAT 1.d:r• -_---
/('''}} AA PgotOG$1PH ILLEBI U DISPENSING CHEMIST a DRUGGIST _ A $ebolera-the Bntiah from fatijr eaJ Mur.
lJ iyoria UoaveruTr. Twoato, sad lore o(tbe D POI -ICT for 1000, by the OuuaeWed Uo•."
Hw,aal mad a o ow,,. New fork. Re•,denra CHEAP CASH STORE 1. K°n•• 9r=tam r, la •t •re 3e' 6 vest • „
I, c Uuor It's (tlmi h lj Bayfield. w401m•pi THE PROVINCE, Ve•bna,adlmpulesM;, Tent. should it Le.roma parmibls aftrr 6 yrs n, _l sJ yet they keep Wjethe•. Ihey u•-
lra 4 wta d E N U I N E Dlt U OS f one-luunh of lha P(site, ■ro returned, mrrA lOU obstinate to instal, Eo luh ul»ttnac, M
ARRISTER ASI -Dal URNEYAI 1 Wlrif A THea HA31v rAnalvLn .l.rge asli O RIUMle
thew 1;,oned; iruur40.vare,'.'-hall ea
1 j 1 retun„al ;atter 30 reap, Ihree-rats... ; tit• r proverbial. Have they tw L•)pe Of brlteno
New tit Magnificent Sk Lf ht mm. tr etuwnmtut"t
Law, sial 3obcrlw-itChacery, Cutin y 9 r• 9 CMmere/a ief w p, ( 51, the .um Asriurad ro d .uLlyd, and the liar. there condition P'
crewwAtteyrr.t Slab: araWe.I. •,.e, CHOICE SPRING DR` GOODS t mev mase, sjow I ! .
AND SPLXNDIDLY FURNISHED Eial. rsse4, .sad Meal Draehea MC.Aims poyal,le one month after rm., "None; for lh it countrymen befierethrm
• Door( HMW ♦14.40 3 arm. h here bern wtretel -ill 1hteitmo•t ••ars. c 1 dvalh.
- ' -" - - R M tg hats».mtA, Ns,•as, esus sTan, 'rhe trading .orals'. of this trade -may uuw he w Wilk comfortable, and enjoying all the Oc,ra
M. C. Caaaes•on. • ,. fire... r••a vane -v a bat euah..hwe a He -i.ii i ui iia•--- O. P.C. ,M1111, Krfiidenl Seo, rn.. mor
of fife, i( not its luxuries. fbe win
s Mn. rarer.. f
XRlt[aT16R. ATroai CONYRY _ rHORSE& OATTLE 31FDICINES • deter.„„ed to ole"" ,t p,eaLl«, alike is A. ht. ROSS. A •t for C,Jen.h ; H. V. not know tM trail tin it betoo late. i d.•-
B. seat. to.,ILbNwo arret,Uederick,C,w' E L. JOHNSON ru h gatelily ■ i ,od a tin.. o i a his EIIIO:1, vnr Ether W. N. Watson, fur n h.
fm Bair far carrying ata the L,tanee. err equal lhrknrb. NoT.>i•IaW. ,fro 'taro to your high r that five Ilriti.h n'-
--- a OARDaRe9606,&0.,&C. to any b"Inver .. this do n-, he a Iijemiv, diets have onlytheir o.mser clothing on•s,It
saaewv 4k: wallocir wbcns thA ubim In cell nod as canine Li. sock, I
ARRISTK BOUC17 CON- RFuseinWthat I. .,.1 ,aru..•p,Wic 0rderefromMedca:menpaeNufiilryttereMo p T,EFURF; RILJEO 'i U-'1'u ul'R Xl:w PREMISES 11'E OFFER TRF. 1865] Hl,NRY 0RI T, (lee'
RS, Qjta, s'o'ns/, that I. bat, Ln rate n exyeur, •t loav,r 1,.d. P,,,-. whah uroropnrJ imi pan a lodows, riz : 1j j t Cmnot lar. fir., other UII opting. It ri )
B a whsle tit our imwewe stock of Departmental, Perliamei,tar ,
rRratscaa, &tee LJftee, ser the Store of fuel up hu ruomfi, n RTEWARTS' tyre Hark N.11.-11Preecnpuoa rmirofulll he PRINT_, bet, In i amen•' vcnrly I I••- ] )ben M tato late."
V.Unlorhdams.0odrnA. M,-t..•orneror Hamilton street era square, ,,,aid. from 1OwTOrentoper yard. AND PATENT AGENT torn'
- -- 0derirb. ,n such • •nvlr as fore", them the UodenebJa. 10.1b3a. PANCT UREBS ENIODS, snrrelir f eaRSd , optnamphantly to h.*
Jelin Daruea Geeslin tM erw„trv, and the Mat ad*yted fa lM to thin •eruoo.Ina y1c,ahty, frvm Ip W ap fellow generals. "Oent!etsvn." said he, "rw
j1.lRRISTRR,ATTORNEY,BULICiTOR areompl.ihrnra rel work in him d'etat' cents• per yai O T T A W A.
a, to Uhaeerr stn 04or, Markel aro ar be.ninul an. 'I'►o+ed-,om,of having P.- 1 \ may rest. No auault. no suet.• Y need, 1,
y. Sq p LIGHT ! LIGHT LIGHT I. ♦.UST Yen' AND COBUK04. ,n all (Mets, Tn nor bat+nine. with the Crown Lends and
Uwse rot[upt•dle•el,Uodeneb. s:4t 1. it" u( bwb.Jr,rrd and Alas. b G
twher (M•rr,nnrnl Drpanments; '1'.lea out O•tte[als January, February, seal Mnrt(,
R1._N HOCK d, COAL OII S D R Y O O D S A T C O Te P follow
`4•.mal by Lofsln•.Kpv
John R. ciordon•--- - RLE ACHEU CotfTO\S •err, reel eh1Mp, will do the fighting far better than we. Tl- is
oaken Sidi--I,,,n the morn is i from Io oenU r. ward. ra•m roe ft- rote. b L -role Pat-
TTURNEY•AT--LAN, SULICiTUR iV fA a • s f w ant; ihan.■nJ take-rhmige .I is the decision. Ortensacken ureal Lipnndt
Ce*nrery, Nuts,' PrWi Ceave ser. Pbotographe taken in every Style WIDh; FACTOKY. CL:rUN3, from 6real - Private Mil. during' ik ser please rcmBiu, and watt mo to a=amu••
Ore., are., O.der,ck, Larada esw. t -.G lm•wn rat the Sri, ad UN AmLrutvprA fir Ua rimming Flnld,Lsinop Oils. per yard. nion,tr, •tor Pan,eerw•
b . »ortlm.4 , l Wes. aWnrl, Ibir4doarfrum lb p,rrrotypee ropiest a Ishot•• ra hs, A lis [T• Several Laity celebrated Censdun alae'- ^^••-•-.....,.-.. ^^ 'alms elwwben. the" reports. Geollrman, the counsel u at
•, curt -Hour Sarre. V f" Por Sale by Stock uAt AL UNI4, ed Frames slwmiy• w faclurrd Cullum for
wkr rdLrr Lr the 1•ale or E F E 3E N C E 13 • an • id. Pb.iippu,gu.and be atRIJ qli.
-- - - "- - - Lar At A1.81J \is, vayr•h-y, at nail, at whole♦le .seri -
U•Mh,tde liuodlnR, ~- 1:. L: J . n rnurnmr 11ua1. b.r vile liberal Oderie►„at 60 i ltov.A. errsaf.t..1'ao-.tV. At. Wluua. Etrq. Caplan Alexis Arooion-nee .(tor, this air,
ShArna, rthima ,mnroner o f Crown l »,me,K,
'1ARRi3TRB, ATTORNRYI SOLICIT pauuo*wp u! the peen, vette aAwti••1 that rwvmif - - - ---- s std keep &n • e over him."
oa, atr..0 •Gaaoa, C. W--Vrrreit U tm venires wall i.aiAn him to merit a roeU - l Mautir+• TnwWos L. d.. I Hon, J, CARLING, Los- P 7
'.'tion Commission. M.„u.lowTh. At'ulee. i CREAT BA R C A I NS ! K.Jn'n. Esq., Bada1-I don. n this tilt council broke w ofd
ton WAbu*h Black, Watt Kl.: Nina,• •Dee sad u,rfesw vl iLr wrv. - ■ p0 r.
trst Oeor weal of (}I•esow Bouw. I E. L. 1J1080N,
Nil OA, 'I'Ar-4. 1on. R. HULL. Eaq..lnapt,
OuJenrh. March 1. Isw, watt GODERICF-1 as CIAN•I'O\ Silk. c,Awnadea• Morrre.R LRwrsat )low, is of Aoenriee•C°kmtal the tidings Spreal over the whole city tb..t
-x'o.n. Sloore, _Yelreo- IkJhmiR I _
Toronto LIN A•esrearel:o
TTORVIE•`I,11ULiCITORN, Ac.,('ndel. OTU,GODEBICH LrltabllNltoll ItiSL•, Urgham• Ke„tr,ky /rte -- IleBritishers,woxdyfidladthe wearing •our.
F'I•nae6 Uaoime FOR CASH , :11UNEY TO LEND. •P°rl inerc*sed and added to the rumour.
hie. W. 0ics-LAABIPS NEW ``•ALES of Nr.eelianenu+ Property it, Col-• ,h BI•nktl. Rrrate Swung l until at I•ag16 if was generally believed Owl
11L.R:K HOSKFlI. PROPRIETOR. THE LJrIr.rv♦raturJ. sad.0 clniw. err wed• Iloa.ery NMn mgsinpea f-' .
•. ,e '.feats, f.n• t. •lar•' 4 An•I Vleeratlr .nutted oa an .seta Y. y' ry likes• 'llrtm; I - + THE HURON a ERIE plague, [°mine, and fatigue, were rioting tit
'N.rlwseLArtrsl tlhh. 1064. sw103-31 . wea..•tMteet dimh. otvrloukter the Harbor) kl m,"sdv ,ed nn Property f r .mmr,hale T"n.m.wt. Ft. is
net$ i -I. SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY. the three branches of the a:lie0 armie ,
_ anJ Lake Hunrt; son lheNNe, U*rtras and w'a•*wl •m revue.' made. Hurkks 1."""n.
-- ~' W Hro skirts Wind .ar H..IIatiJa ONE
prep. and carrying thousendt to the grate. Th a
a r 1' t I {+i I FOR M I NTH The above 8u,ieir t• 4C:J otw rkeEi
\V.11lw LA HOLM. Rmipu iso o.gbo*d. flrrud I Na iv 1• For. ogbonndthe
rooma , ncus:Ic utenJ P dl ADVA.NdX•7ry
krTURNBY•.\T-L.IW.IUI,ICITURIN vlleslwrSedmi.flsasu vbN•ily eJtstbrou;bo1RtE ANI Hag. -wif a.,h,
r - ---- - -- - - --- - an diRwJ *fierce exuhatir.)n through H•
C\ .9,sary PrWit Cwve-A,eL'.kVm O. Y.IK1,EYAN•.i oquAreAuctioMarl. ly h iiiv. n Hmi;fi in Lull colon and 6aea ON IMPROVED
whole town. The Soldiers, who alone iwhah-
Al ds, Crab *s Bloc ce,uvol'. E. Aar 5.1111 •w '■s■erlsYl(a•let.]llkNlel ll:.W 1 Wrket ria°an,O,alrneh tory threes. - 3&-'4p2.221 hropartp• it'd it. rushed to ring the bells, &ad fire fog
»ten, l,raWr's tlL.ek. vlSnl! 1 ON MOST ADVANTAUF0U3 TEIl Xt.. nuns, u demonstrations of their exultant jo
Hats and Ci tI Eldlrss Variety! joy,
ieeq b Land N seal Fr►weh YOIIey LO Loan OII Real ILratate. The eon. 01 eMMms a.or Lose wall be /onnJ
7 / I -'asCx " P•'•J[:gse•-1 at the sufferings of those wretches who had
Is. a.• Do (w (UHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is ., A PPHAW, ito '7.. theTrust and Len Cum pant CL O T Ill 1 N lU . much lower sti m n ofthu&) &)".,
of anmibr
r ].Wallis,# brat C. ,try Ilan ,• Wrwer Li w I'pper i'anra. I _ - _ noon. t b t be .1n nwlM fa,n"wer u st .1 dared to place their sacrilegious fee( epOn the
A ♦ R R 14 T h: K, ke., U wsRtce, " w, Ca•ada,aad ehorT as muJentu. an Hew U. M. TRUEIIA 4, the fact• that he reit rrmve tM full miwoaat o1 soil of hot Ronnie. Bell and cannon, and
'm/ Orrlot-sas,Ige's New Block. la Mnrbell. Ates, P'-pnethr Lrwd.•abbiagfor +•fl Markt S.I..n, C,derw►. ate, !e Ewa, am. out •ay dduetion beteg made for 1 4
-- - -- 140 Moore. HoresaGadCornase.lot fine,.. -- -- -_-- - _ -. . _ ___. GROCERIES! Moods Cheaper than any House in the Trade I •terM.r ad•ssr,. rockettand mtpkerry,.11 &d.ied their tlamonr
Skurvt Na,ee 11-7 Advanees may he roped Monthly w Yearly.
J. Y. 11Ctwood. Land Office, Hogebeads ofhfuscovado Sugar. very cheap. extending over a pen of from one to faeen 1° Doe undistiugmsLable volume Of deabain
QARRi3TRR, ATT0114KY • AT LA W,4 ` RFOISTER a( Improved Fume and Wild 10 f4riels Montreal Heine l
Sugar, cert yea.. noise, which rose far into the a!r, and spreart
t7 Cu, •.y.wer, hr. 06ea-Itlske•e Block, A Lar kw Sale, 'Lea
THE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL p' FUR PULL TA RTICIIL.t: 9 APPLY TO away In IM camp of the utonuhed besiege rr.
•passrt i. PAw Ird{,e, 0ederieb, 1, M,TttUEMAN, 108-rrnl-.wp, ISwkt•n Lost mind ;aonJ Srpn, T T `- !r! S. POLL OCK, There the weary soldiers roam and stood to
)aGarl 1, les•. aw17 M1a$y'X%M U•.Mrirh, March 1, IltF7. 1Lnrt 3quan. veru r.nmel ala ii. )i > Ii -1 IJO Zai ruL vtl.
e J. P'rsnc{s C. hands. AD 63118 YODONALD, Propria or. - ----- - -' -- An ...Dene nock .,l Ten, em lwari.s :- Aggent anJ Valuator for lis Desi, al Oudrlls &rmasx tin a s° rir,ad the dsroa and
- - ,, ltle6. rw17 g
Young Ilysoo, Conpou, _ _ the rifle wen loaded, W tiry a warm veep.
ATr02.4RY AT.L.tW, SOLICITOR iN Rintoul Brothers. Japan, Snocbr OODFRICN Jany Ilth, 1967. wl/ lion to iboes who wool -]dare to emerge from
b...r.Y.l;n.-, ,Under NU effort will be @pared on the part ofthe 'L. r NORTH BRITISH
,..h, C. wt or BmiI". C W - IJtara-[a,' "• proprietor of the above hotel to render C O DI %11481 O N M E R L H A N T S Twaekay, Prkrx, Le., . the town and attack a army of despernte
Ila.. k, Cotena11 mind Mr. Pelts em,'a Stow his how all that can be required h the P7 A 89 ST. KAvnxaSTaawr, men 1
q COFFEE of ♦arionx qualities. AND
a•Lr 1tr HAit.a wall be a ilea Ma,h uf.:e, vellinx community. Give him a calf. N O a T a R A L .
Wpdrld, cru M,iadi atom 10 ■. m, tall se,m. April 17th, 1467. .12 Currents Ym,pr a MERCANTILE FIRE AILD LIFE Captain Alexia, whom we be" we at
j y .wi ►te - - Adr•ar made Gl amst;ntAl o er Pro Ru•na hlwil I I V C3 Ie S. Ii I it 'I' h3 • I I ( ) O P f3 xi: i It'u S Oo
dee+ le cad,Liva U Oleoarow a.,d other port Re• Nnun _ • Insurance W Odessa, led rLiliOpo to an antechamber. ii«
iR Great Britats. Sago 011.
Erenn, at that eyed him with the Same expremiun
va-I' 6! et:• ni tike United ll/ltes■ OANADIAN HOTEL, Consignments of Ashes, Rutter, At., re I"r"Iryi,•.. Liet w•n.h UST Int:CF.R'M:D AT TRF. xerasuux0 1809.
with whish • delicate bat, views •toad.
\wterment.%rully solicited. P.ektra `arch CAPITAL 12,000,000, STERLING. -What's The owter,captais T" mad Philip.
. it IC "r 11 U'C'n L. Sap63. 1866. sw2 Cape. flue CO(l 1 1 T -Tg r l TT c t in Grrk.
Ofia huanrnis 9 o'clock, S.
m., to 3 R . TL'U DI'R1' Protrletor. -- - L hteer•i IL,qu e . `j O L 0 N I A 1J H V J S E T\Si'BANCCF5 ffdpadd oil all classes of p°Alexis wait Surprise I, though Indignant.
o clock, p. w. THE OLDEST ESTABLI31IMENT tr,,,p• Nmrneg• l risks at moderate rates. Losses prompt "Whose servant are you T' he eked.
THEJn,bh.a.Kh1i.frroube.l wd1..::[he ZN TOWN_ M„•r.• Y,,,ar•.,tis. 3Cases ofHULVIICELEBRATED WATCIESPRINGSTEEL SKiRTA,inall the ]at..,
Iegelritmeel, e. •'.reel to the angulate) ei TOBACCOS OF ALL GRADES ! Frll styles. Those Skirl in shape, finish, and quaiily are superior to any olhtr make of shute ly paid. "rhe servant of Lionel Warmy."
William R. Bain, B. A. go@"*. "Sall io America. 'T6 fett they are the L.die ?skirt of the Season. Life Department. 'Lionel D Areey 1 Good heavens I You
In virtue oftbs
,guarantee afforded by their
g his treat t Why. you are a infamous
• Field seal Garden Seedl. ' LADIr:B CALL AND E%AMINE THEM AT large
CApiul .ad accumulated profits, this
AND PRINCE OF ORANGE HOTEL Cnmpan)) ca adopt rates lower than are SPY
LAW OFR 1 C E . DIINO ANNON. tr The pnneyle ofahe Hirimeas is : Cash or I Goderich, November 6th, 1866. C. gR ' AD -41 "raeUe&dle by many other offices. "That you. Bol it you know Captain
Cttift Aso 1l•rt.nio:c K v)+rr x STan:, Prof°`°' To Farmers. D'Atce rejoined chili,
.1 1Ii.ACII. rhe ^.hw,iblr Mg. t„ ark nowlnlgs Lia Special low rates have been made for farm " ' 1° r^• fiarcmtieallr
f} O D is R l C H . MARTIN A M A N N thank. feu the vnr• a.uennr ree...w.. rr.v,- ` di al may gmpf, you W learn t:nit M u under
1'trrorfetor. BF TO iNFORM HIS OLD CV1TOM •w1 f the paw, ..d hole. the r„ «wet of the ! sit be u and other i Navin risks.
i The ondeni .ed having been • rioted arrem es s.ppf, hameslf-"
N. R.-Coave,weiag. Y°ef, lent on en. that he is still able to sell for cash, hummem for the luture will fee •orh u to merit r •• r R PP "Impossible I"
rmYntrahle farm+. Dispute .ad defective Ar.gar rr.,.m.aLnan,, ro°a°rrd 1. ,r.. Ivy a w will Le spared w I 1- O Ct s>L ][ • 1 Tar I - ' 1 flfi4ly Art 1C1C 0)I agent of the above Company for Godtrieb
•t the lowest rev -5, sell Onion G -A. eind surrounding county will h• lad to re. "It is true, and he will Ik tiled tomorrow.
lilt. to real '+tate 12oKted. ,A..r.1.Iw.r,.wf g'e'ed s, v R 1• g
Godericbs Dee. 24, 1866. ow31 •+. I ALL BINDS OF FURNITURE An nape seen . a.b ,b.1 „mi til -pen .r iateeJ- ' ttire F ropwals for iwarspee in both branch- I am going back to sea it"
- -_---
Low--, I T Al lin shop r Kingston street, opposite anabuyn• WINTER CLOTHING • ~'sndwill alwatsMrcadytogive informs.
K •'Sw the Huron EIolel Oodarieh. Give him • tion to parties wishing to insure. "You bean wretch I ' tried Alex;R, rising
>ia Ietc/xtxcspt JOHN HARRIS.
mall. I (:U TO \Vm. RICH ARQ911N, A ant, and seizin Phili b the throat ; but sud-
ATTGRNRY AT.LAw, ROLn'iTOR IN Godericb, Corner of %(arket& ,and West g Vp°
Poderieb Oet.3. lAG6. ■•11.37 1 I f Factory
Q Rank of 866.trf&I t eslSt. den' with an e: rrsswn ofd.• es
4xatza7, to , Ar.. be. Ofrre-Knit - Strrrt. lis, 1866, w29 , L ogan s Woolen r fiClO QtOre C.°derich, Mar ]tl• 1866. ' aw70 y' F r L he push
'ton stoat, Gtrderieh. 5 doors went of M. c. ROYAL OAK HO'T'EL, I ! -_ .__ __ ad the valet from him, and eyed hien with a
Vs, melon's rAw Offief. GOD'ERICH FANNING MILL Wbereyou will find a large and stock of hulled Cloths and Sahnetts, Tweeds in great glance of unutterallir loathing.
i o.t,r To LRRD. W20 _L_UCKNOW. A N D - ---- - I variety. FIRE &MARINE ''Monster I occ srsed spy ! You are u the
-- - Yltmp I' rsct0l'y CABINET ORGANS j I White, Plain, Grey. Striped and Checked Winco s, pt y
Re. MtiJeemeton, JIVES CAMPIELL, Treprl(or• - J A ;!,at •.rtety if all wool hom,• made checked flannel., one yard wide; likewise bottom or his misfortunes, ea eiall sunt•
ARRISTER Attorney. Solicitor, ikz irr., _ IIESi'RSCRilJl-.ltlJFGs TOETF0101 A\D I S4Un1 L•
t( WHITE GREY SCARLET dz FANCY FLANNELS. ` A r°r aro his salt. T have beard or ,un .ria
B Ulwtnrs. U. w. t h•mhalnia d. of the C•n of iea M H„roa * // * , f f ' u( him. You are reship to your own loom,
tIWNRY TO LEND. BEST OF WINES h LIQUORS. ,r Rrerenha ben+t iii Naoufartunnt,aed bat lit li L ll ll i U N S I A r,'JT OF FiR9T• hH.ENIX FIRE. A9yl'HANCE Company of R
_ Ch.1SS RLANKh:TA, F.Ir,1lT TO NEI4P, I30UNU8 PER PAIR. a L.,«hire fnaiand,eatal•hebeJ ,n ITs+,ria.( for 1 will rfvene« any of the injrriee which
- ------ on b•nJ a.emlrer .that
Ktntaa (}mod Actoomodatlos for TRvilllers, SUPERIOR FANNING Mlllti A PUMPS. TEEI. Subscriber baa • numl«,r of New Stocking Yarn, Fine Fingering Yarn, Fleecy and ta"`da"A Ise eat and Mei .iRrt• ni Care.
Af TtJRNBY•AT-i,A craft LiCiTOR its R - - fou m,f d Al to be a from as l om i
peaaeory, Conveyancer. tee (t erica -err O(N)UnTARIJNO AN ATTFNTIVF. 110YTIA.W. He woul.l pvticeleri, draw .nem -O, 1. hi cabinet Organs fir Meket Sq for HO]3AC8 iIORTO)I, Agent cry." And Alexis strode from viae room in
Ca. .1 drone. •lea lfllT Mdl..ashesa lora n. nitkeen to tree Wheat from stele ebeap, &t his sale rooms, Markt)Sganre. Berllln WOOLS, all in endless variety' ROVINCIAL INSURANCE Company .I haat'•
Liekltow, Still March, 1866. w8tf sate, ce•k lni n, te. Pumps oral. order (i, \i, THU EMAN. Together with a r•h rr Assortment of P Canada. Head Office leimnt°. Will take
---- '- --- aadwmirrmi"i'd. Godericb,May 201h, 1861. w17u factory Capons, Hollands, Prints, Alpacas, Imported WinCieS, ell•`' °° Co.n'ry and City `'rare.rty. Marine
pur.rvan Ns I— .t., ba tress Ftetsnestrp take takes at slow, rates a any other fins claw
ClTll•iilomw. 11it AN nee OV WM. ELLIOTT. °at'"• CHAPTER Sfll.
Lr.»wtavw. Teronlo9:mt,O.«Ler,... Ja & Y, SEE IILLER 1Naa Guttas, variety.
-meta Shirts • li it'd. i lysis' cud Childreoa' Socks and Slockines
General Norse and Cattle farrier. 1
Ave saratfhrtbeute of Mnrp■4 premien o grit variety. Q} A call is solicited. Agent.
s y.ofaimlln. andpaentrlII.TIVA'Ton,whi,`braever,tl -_ TlseorRT 71ARrtat..
rlvn, RYfi[ 1tBR AND BUItVF,YOIt New Grocery and Temperance Bolls', a.Ied very.';...r.uaufacti.. t.ta met. who ! THOMAS LOCAN.
►sve ueedthem- ',l-wA T1 1 ER 3 : Woolen FaN.rf 9lorw. P.aar 11 rcet,) MONEY TO LOAN' Ox Tllg mnrci iZ after the conclave •i Re.
Land Ap..l.nreit Convryare r, Knecudim Ben■iliar. HENRY DODD, 10th 3eplemhfr, 11164, t wl
n, Wh;Lt. fnrn i.hel W.M., •.tredve hostler, 4.1al-4 ATr(rJr_ n,r •^• l - b e ll'il, Philippa skulked beck uIlia !,'I
r @ ( on sett (w ro.aeeurit • allo
_ . ---- ---' ------- end fill n.ceewry ace,«mn,dai.m for the ------- -- wap e o Vl1V the firitish ermp. in one plret a the ell
po Wee, A t veer tr..oaels rate.. DEALERS I ■!`■ 7H, , tro.n rnetolwel•w teara No
J A v>< E K 11• A[ 1, I I. z., p. TAILORING C 0 L U N I A L H V U S l' steer rclefatd m advance.
the English position, the ed rand, that t,,,.
ARCHITECT ir..mdt.r, Mal Int, Iso. 17we we
PIANS Ami SriscIPICATIU A of ButW tee t HORACS HOaT01a were So plentilullywatated road, that en•
J. D• CAMERON, "" R ° " AL LEATHER FIK DIH6S i Agent. who went dflf tbm Le them .r& certain 1e
,.pp Y mi tit aprcIr1Cto a TJJO A of Btyk Ondunoh. Msrck111 n. 18". •wT
e these at lbw Hurn A•rfloa Mort, Nor .a. m.atmn ram♦ To CewraAL To I DE'1URNS HIS Mu8TSINCBRt THANKS I READY-MADE C L O T H I N G DEPARTMENT 'stupe unser°. B, leepmq rep lM .elle, of
kwlifilaMudpaderreb• Ifiw tln7ltlr t , a fnlbe certfatenasencoriropsteestM M• hr.,kr. Inkerma.n b,fored*ybreak, and thea tom
- JLLe Bayfield Hotel 'eaavednmieeberomrrrmed bralwas .a Godr. The Subscriber baa the largest
T yt p ,.f r veil, tint M,nR•hfet.exe,«1• river .*f -bol . GODERICH C. W. /:s T or" C 10 .w ,r ing nils the ermp by the wny of IhiG evert
f t( 1Eil D \UCriON M BAYFiRLD (f.nrerl,kept by Mr, Lab,.) 1►,o,der.bron,ht to him Law..eai bavte, • I V ir♦ O i H I N Vr e s i ,O TS P rh
lIC maws sc°nd1•alnsnfor ii w 'i' place, id a ippn arrived mit hie old richer
wane rel Ilnrmi. fL•1•fi in •Jug.., .win, Pebrnary 17.1665. waT 1 q f
_„ „ •.t.•d.Jt•, we.1 ere CONSTANTLY - hood, file beef of h goha - _ -- - i• lila C rsoties Thw best n►lil of Geed■ at rwa 45 ew ^ wfe and unhat mrd, ►tial eo.fiiderwhl richer
Vv Carr in on Business Extensirel y <p n, a -i, I then when he dfpartrd. Fnr the inforta-
f,.. aaA .. efNnlite Lriefte., .,td y 1 The L0«'EST i'RICES In TOIVN '►, • - tion whi,h he.onveye4 to MetrAehiko(► was
...Hrtat,alowiWWiline.. bopm Io mrsil . LULU tiIAL HOUSE 1
.'wwO..ngvtsets. , a l;a
G H N z.K A L COMMISSION AGENT shoe a ,e pamnaso, fir p1nym, nesse hat 4r.t rise traMarnen -- n( the moat impm bnt Lind, and had Then
R . Yavcb t, I11MMT. w7 M Aad.- b. A.Irlrvefihisa+Ir•i.mice *e Latter n Q}Crll, examine, and judge for jou reel res. /tlflerlfeA mewfy fdkea n: AigAtef Tofte,
C.nirmuwrGna noway Wwcb, _._.-. -_ - - e.••,u„At. none,. the P,«..*-,h•,ingwrn,dn° I' paid for yroporti•nally.
sA.larry.Conesvhar r Se atgge. Gale+.. Broad o hw,.faN frfwelRl ondrtrwr/ull mHamdron,I i pulp I t v CRAB. fF,. ARCHIBALD.
war.YJlatwfRisrrliaw.Ll'.rl'. Cheaper than ever !' ea1C'p•ll,ant-Nw, ajba+i.ulie,■ G{tOtLO . ® GltO1L Goderieh. AGgcat2led, 18fii. Swle G&Itron rosewgrrog bimaa he eaiered, sk
J lint'., Alernnded Jlmvin's, [hirbess
CnUenn,vwe e(1N f'nwclppaal atnaW{Mmea ria °••P •, a -i early lioar, the apsritnt.l at that w.Nay.
Edi.burorb, A,Mlaml, he rawlessly,utes to a l Imo• backs A Al.vandrras in whits, black anti
after I4a'Itae. iteeerom .illi, Oat colors. The tersest Stock in the Counties. I at,A eagnlf ask, d him about the aa.•N,y of
fwORWARD R A N D CU (MTS 10N _i-
1 M.fa,,,,,,,,wvaf..,,.W. Netws•■d CCAR BF. MADE CHAS. X. AHCHINALD. thecxiolilicn info the town. Theythe*
A,ewuunrll.etr. noeias•ve of any kind a- a his,+uMb men eq*a4o•he '•eaE•ublieb_ God•rieh, Anzzpst 22nd. 1A6i. 8w10. 'I' III U A ADA e on 7ii=ci8 oon+e•lad for • long; time in their .*fire lis -
r eta to him wntlmewve►rwptaNu..a. mwntinToront nrM•,ntrcwl.
wa0-Iveoa HE 4obacribfr basing soled le lbs Sloe 9miarrieh, October ted. 1A63. owl? - - -. --- --- -- •Ver ' wid Philippa. •iea/ •w out
one door asst of the eor°er of Kingear Permanent Building & Savings Society BROOM FACTORY gGr
",from Sad Market ((gear., SALT TERRITORY ,] %VllFnRll;tDlDi,a 1 aft its,
' •o
I) I•: I 1'1` I 9'1` It Y _ WAd'ON CARRIAGE o youw,l pert .r 1. day's.f!lars, .tie yet .i1t ha
Opposite Mr. C. Crabb's Block. - w -n r.wae,1.A."
Dr. P R E L P R formerly owapied by e1..m Parker t , Isaac Dobson & Son. "1 will of ecerse, do my part," &r.mtkd
111RnfC1I, i MBCrIANiCAL to her•.ol and a ad psi oft le _ ADVANCES OR APPROVED Gttl•, dieggtSe, even /or ale lM latest MaidlnA and eel rest of lM = ED REAL E STATE I I"me ; rad 8 your frir.d roapGla thea
•pan.♦; Iwntah, C. W., 1 1
Tills: LA}tG1iST, CHEAPIIBT', BEST AND (}miderich Ra,iwy, llatiea, and frewties en "11° pOt-"
Sense oven Mr. 1.Iordaa'6DrufrStore MOST FARIiKMABLE STOCK QF 0. T. Wilwp-•er,-oevearet for a siding SI1 f1 I TF: its 1►$RTRRN CANADA, H Vi time
E9TABLTrs, of A FACTORY q do not sew h bo e*w, .Are r nab
of Bronwen in tGod-end is migainst him."
tis Tspre 6 w w BOTS M s•w reRfa• into male line. trial, the niM,riMn aro u -i t. *trend
.nra.s.l nrwh•sl r h {\\, ''jj ugjjUUj [ \ Ap 1 W. tans.i ngninA i. n.feem eeeb f 1OO Adf.nrwd in ............ prepared ..Ynr 1-hal era, itiert cemfe IM o ieers
nardrnc .pray. If 'ills calf rl fi n. IO n. IS nun. 1n &II .rale. in their INe of hu•iner from
Lananley Jlppp• Sw1s•1tT 'r• tr1GAT$ERi1LD, Ifpvbi- /•• 7rmi. T... • ...................... . i2An 42 AAO any part of Canada with pmmptnrr already. They will %eve it. coon-maAial
-' Oederkh, ell/ sJis 1e.43 13.24 rel, W da. 1 ei1 iw,t knew bot that afla
of ry Renee is mess, bee R" Ix°pmi•t'eaate mm. fess A T WHOLESALE ONLY -
Nov..19. lase. .4I' M •ya, ,.k • .► I.,emir..
lspertw• aw of W own llasshetsre, --- 7as&akM isrbinreats ria lefas Snlrn, Prr, -baa my..A the ►neetpol, me went w the fwtwreal all. lord floaters would deride that it shtmld
• • n u f w O a O =` of W bm• es IMI u lY alfwntr M the nem a`rrA spw the "M n emnt) wiper) nat.. Th. hit Then (aeilitie• for mmiatnelurw will, the
y. est largest ersmprirng all the tett styles of iAdiaa FALSE REPORT y • MMawM til .tie loan a ed e.ow, .84 pay event w rrdywlteA W;,; for ed of the b+Il-Tsar r M I be pat eR for a wcwk m mw Alrert Ae haS
TSF Subscriber aiwa It the I /+• fowl ,n.edtnt, enable them to rem N wet
variety and last Stock of
Genii sad CYildv►11r stiMe and Shoes, Haaek••r1F+rrmewlSaneeeeela INpeMle , • ,Iml rowr snAMt«.eon V albterdT 1ef er1ew,nena a im.LM rerle,re- an fatabliahmwm of tM kind ie rM o n been raaatewfor wrear"i.S forma, t►m be
r which be is d•6wui ed I. alt at • ses•11 ad. T Arrow. 844 lees that be ►N w g i t{•or•uti n.ynruMs tevma t2' sma8 STI l TL r JIfOD y
1 T"=~-wftm )Are til IwkRa ih °r settle' laSSrs•rlr.. t bre•wrod so" thea • ferta t M
HOISLr$Y t Y I rase.Mcraft,♦''moll rets ••d piehrwebe".oa .rmwnwWtlw IMwllfrseesws.shewetbeww e w vp r»1 se r7 ISS
hjg r mpalb+kw • wheat wet k..•1i Awsp •. No R A C E H O R T O E B r1 Paernry on K iwsutr steely opprriw away. .rib D'Aroe, a p.iwrt',
rttorne" le afs4hed •f dialog howeew. ty,s•wdeswA. haiNccd (4L -
iN'CHI COU. g}6Bealsobomm pftesffgese- w r 'd'Nd.LrM►.r,w.w f ' f AppraMrtotiliDelMty,(iedwwb Htrw Hotel. Add rem, •AglMMlarfwallpariira" .a.wewd
4m i HY y ""rr I J H nae ISAAC DOIKUN h $ON,
R. AitCEISA11,D. where' IRAAC FRE1fEEliClr. tt•fa►mSlrM.tJedewtl Ittte rfr, Tu r,aia lhilipps "rt will trete 1lpsal• tiArtrg
G.AsrieL. Ao?us1 22nd, 10161 awls r%odrriN, Apni IS, S.
F U RSE rv(er,ra. Apra! Mtb. IQf, wig Im A o,01o•.Illtt woos Goderie ► bet., lett. Oederte►, Q t f.rtilede Sed patted.
iecwl4 rloeemMr 11, IAos. w4etf