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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-7-9, Page 3
• .1 . �`� b , 4 . r ._ __ ._ _. -- -- _._. -.. �.-'_.--_...._.—.- --�-.._-- ., _ �_ --- _ __ - - . _ •,.,6" -. -- , -..- ._ ,• -..r _ .u', _A___ .-._y._r w._..,y._-_-_ ._-- — «_„r_, •.. r.s-- .__-_-•t+_ .S .r -.jam- -.- -.-_ .ler-N Nlii(alm. - f - _ . r N E.1�1- OOD S� IMPROY�D FARII� �- •� she -. t}(n� p Insolvent ata of I8c4. ��1 y " rte" fi•w••mbio t•••ea b•+• -eats usw health '• • HU CH DUNLOP, t Free as<lade ,meat Eleetera �� ll'e Inde ellde(It EIeC ors M"y eTri1fY N dI to FN. �0,"wk.lyepgn.grw+rq.•n.rr•m,.rl_ ' 1' A 1 I. O I Ja IAe maffn of Andres Pulsus, as Marl• e sled mw} 4,11 u a: iji to -WW 040"-Mkaarv.'. 1-8 ossol ,ry.r,d _ L T II T L E B: 1 X'or MZ%kX ©. OP THE nr Tea rock(. 1■ ILK[ eI( al debt Ke.w. pow • m Gall r oral. � .AT +• very Sys w kw,w, . hwNltsw-.oerr,nabe,,a,n,dr.n. Nal, Sale Ot RQa1 Estate. """"' K T..Y..u4,wr,,I6. Ilw,TrurallywaN �•••raT.:B.ree.hl.,rTra.l, Stationery, Toy,& Fancy NORTHBIDINGOFHURON �UUTH RYDZNC� h,fMeald.,sd awe rte •are Uroal, cuu V, p,■•_ ' 1 `lJ 6 wMcriDer uf►rrr sur hale Int '?R, G(h o slat,{ ►plod eel palma,arI haw ftlaiarY ,Pawn m•11a.. "(eo■spl-.0►oke eie.<r»w«r.rrw._ N S 8 T 8 T R E E T. l evucYWun. Wert Was, ash, tun lolls Or Ira )'v,r we rel lhr psi ren +r•rrJ m r r.a A► iamedmlel ..dal,ryt ,,..amr..,,rt.b•r rJ1ball•.r.. Goods Store. n'Y1� ing 100 serf•, 00 arra of which aro and -r .rsu.w nlo:e r -one end rriren m dal •burr R... 1. wkw► ir.al lbmekwd y of „n.Arrinr.A.rar. Y.r.,mrr.. L„tar, COUNTY OF HUkON, Iwd lv trrpKd cone, gwwta. 'Ibe question Qa. w...d dl hq1 -M lw.u, Al.r'rru. Tb-•mr/ HA9 JU91' RECFIVED ftncr end gad calt:, 11on, Ito. farm a UENTLItYRN ,sant lnwlva 1, I m,.'1 r"II al O,Auo'a Horrl; -1 Iv'<, of sir adv-[ty.ear■ wwd,I, tM 1•n•e..pr.,,,. I.. n ) r roll wrWrtd rilb a ar«ak rYnr�l,! tL, v'1'h l HartOY Deere nOmlrl\led D tha Rw /r Iktl Y,II•y■ W N r.aetrr, ,w Ihs tuwNh,p ul b i■ Ills ulekest awd areal t � tt, 1 flow,ck Grid I.,-.4. y W Hur.,.I 0e. N ark, ev ■rear --.hit 11 i,r,..kl . a6lc.'sair rp" , ad" v- ;., k h, ' I) GsATI Gree,-Marla:I bats nOM111wleJ a1 r f7il'WsF ,,Coady 7 Krywa'a Pulmonic 1Yr(en , r.... r+b. ueal'mtit lust b at ..Ifni I A Z,-TEr W tSTO TRK 1 Ibe loll and \wall .1 fowl r.H•r el the buu.r ,loom Conrelltio u, held all 1'I mlm1 un Ib• {th lire Ido dey of `'elarnd,rr prat, •t 11 u'ulock have l,■rea bsten tM publto Iw twenty ]earn, . u uy b,•r.wady. w n rid ells IM,o�wlbn,R, rod of ill kinds, et]Ire and pl ler", racrb,:°I '['here IR a 6,11 Ilouvt, Final 11 -re., nn/ of Ibis month, as a Cu d.dute fur the Kepn• the Convention of LIN Li)ra•ra� Cmrelrealive (on•nuuli. •,I Ibe. r,rht, slue ■ W I■HnM a f Lae wear prove•IJ•.u... ualit au0 eat,lose b,.lwh. - rad ln.Jwe l ret. a anJ'u it--,Jluwm pniyW :east hay. always given perfect satislactfoa, w,,,,..al.w„h,prr-ripttsb,raa.by r.l.rn mad UB V J b tih«da end r j w I young orchb,J Ir Jibuin" a.•„ration of TOnr Kdinr in the Luerl Lrgu• rl ,held rt Clinton un the atth e1of sa • i w ] i, a .Rudavl eau the ,mJ villas. of 'rwrlrf, mrd iuvanadly -9-11 antro vasal corks when w,npl,oe "ddr... 1•, base, uu lhw A— &aides. The aM,ve i+ well l favor* of Ontario, and hsemg received to Candidate for -tbe rwprerwelaliun of Ilii+ ad Ke..F.pn.,KUA.%V(I.aun.' The Do Oialoii('lolbes-11'r{a w�i v�a: tykes N ee■aua. try all awd.c,ne dealer, W.I,rw.hd,r kaam. C".. Nrw V..J. `„ adrWwl fur rsieing wheat. Yue iwniruln s eau aced of app"rt [rum muck) aece;r, neer Riding iu the Local Ir •islsture of Onlal u,, l I •ts No S.C. 7, P, Fade •glad of Cenlee a1,ee1. and curt. y ■(race R•••ta'ly throuihv,ll The ( appy un the prrmie,••, ur by Iriler ptrimd. aI iv hill, clsrest:lue,im I halt accepted lhw k I , 4. You.b,.de oI (Ju..s.I,_4. "{A6y G00DS 1'htl heft eau u.c ; wh.lo.alw ruJ n l..tl. tY NwlaelJ, a .nll.ination then mads, and iu dnutg so 1 aoJ b•riug naiad nu¢erous own, rue+ of 6 T, Nuuw .dr W Mpn hack, t. 1'ronrc,, at r"�o1.a pear boa. P• r p J -1ST liU`.tTF.it. hu,A to receive • cord,rl Glad gegeroum sup• - sapnort Gum persona of various shades of 1, 4. 5,1,6, :u Nluck l: owls sblt N THE GREiT ENGL18H �jEilEBi� �I, � SU 1leams of Illue line cremrrl'nid Vll<r l 4wo 18.,11107. *21 Ym• earl from ]nn, w whom is entrusted'be prl• o i ical o inion, I have ennatnted In o9or MGI rr.W, i L P ' l P O■ LW \d. ro est, rhk W eertro rua•t absni THh: )tAKKI\T'R. Which he a prepared to melee aeon the Prptlr. ISU lkums 1rlbY ImiJ. lf.ue laid. �� ` _w - rlllypfuICj,'aereunot Such u to s•atibly m•al(foryour suaalesat the election t0 after%ug.viencewillbeuuMMuwe tats �l S11: f.11lEs CL11I6F:Y ---- eery ahnrtebt uo,ice rod wast appruvrd i1)k. R ;t• «e"Iy sb�de of pol.Iical opinion ; Ihry art, take place, ie all probability, rt no distant ale. / Cupeu1111, Jal7, 1a�7. PrC°� rated Female Pills. ytf�tiQRal,y_TlntedNotePapers. t(� Z w ilowlALAF, 1wr from, a ytresrripam nj Sir J. L Ei A R 0 F: 3 M 0 b R R A T !, . - t0 ry s L"rover, a ie well known. a mnint,in what period, Ud sdel A.wrlwt. i• tTbea4. -,,, , It10 to l:".0 Clarks, Al. D., PA aiciaw 6'r/ruurduav 50 [tennis Blue %Lal Craw 1.4.1 in K- _y !I C ea ts a•,.d-tv relurpl what i■ corrupt bud killer In the m-Urlima, T Shall take the -OPP°r If auott.,n, 47 116y, AV. 1llr3er �,. g }� P All ortlarn locket call atrdad t0• r G ` Lae, endeavoriu to artwe right govern _ _ F*. MI •.,•..•..... 11,30 (O 1:40 to 111 ilauw. rrich, A nl'l 1, 1-467. W49, P O O L 8 Q A P j a„ o• pi a , v` talent. in as economical a tllallatr &6 is cum rw,ily of riailing the arreral muaicipa'itles, ___ /a� ` ` p� r (,AMM,",,,,,, ... 0:60 t 00:0 -- _ .- - !_--- a ti 'S � .int,„t rich solely. that you m•, beeome trend rcgoalulyd via” $OlOetlt Lv CiL �l �Va�' k•e lt.. ,}e .v.. T:00 00:0 Thu ,avvlumble maliraot ,. un[nih ng m thea - - - OF ALL 11'EIGH'IS AND !'litchi I p , . N.. 0 50 8:60 run of allU,+e pr,nlul sod dnerrn.■■ star■w. [[)) /a n 9 a i� � (a g There are nc questions bef,n the public i the s^^tinlents which i profr•a9, laud I trust d, whu-h the lunrdtl ronr^uln.n ,• subjec 1. I, }t( r1 I ,t p �, V u( lyrist Import►ucu. 1'mdederrtion h..ra,( That they ala be fund so In ncenrd with' Poor acs of C•n•d• r , N Ibe f'nwnty C,wrt w Pfl.. , 8:50 ffj O:to nwMyaler all aall to r rid,coc.ve. a l l u flat ruaUuo•, lVJ llll a 75.000 E� VELOPhS ! � E C 0 ! llaw•rl•ud all nth. it. it 1. my de.00 Ibst it; ICuu,ny ul Itur,m 11 the CouA!" "' (+umn. r......... .. MM (- 8:80 .. r Rapp .... , mrd a.frosdy cum many Dar rol.td on o 'L A our own, tbul )ou will be ru\bled to glue In Ihr o..ner pl :amus u'dur r , Iu..:Ill of final V Ewe. •„ , ..... O 00 8:b0 All Culo alit Sizes did Kinds, i. 4 t= T :a • &^F .h'aJ teceirs •fair bill, trust e f shot it I ] On Tuc.vla the Irnlh deo sit Nr ' e /eared wt MARRIED LADIES [� ,/y{ Q to Clu 7. , 4 win tw tM maria of aumrin the acliunal nit . escrow auppmt. 1lidet(rhea) .......... 6:A W Q:M tli•Iro•uh y n.nd. 11 wuh n •khan Unica Dl Y inion VO�U. Q - R g g Vn of ll.r '.yak me Ire we.. .A, ,;,er-q"- S ,n 1 wide that Ltve so lock distracted the +I em, entlemen .l ve 11 w to u.r Ju. r w um, hast (:. .ul d 0:00 b new'rlhly .I- wuh alar. ill the Pp1 afar la searn,H rcc, eared n / ( y bvwtse................. 0:13{ (!8 ,..■ fr .ea Y. - " `- [ --fir .vunlr). ` 1 rYour obrdirut arrrsyt, bin r he,,, . is Ihr ['awn of C,drrxfl In r•rF FIC49tame.. ..... .... .... 0:118 f`; O.W Kach kohl., pare Ona Dutt&r, bele. Ibe ';sir- p rf as $a n bs publ,nhe 1. e x Z �J cum 1 f••r • J,Ivan n o u e 1r the rl Aar. ,,,,,,,••.,3:00 ( 8:80 en,moot`4rwpufUwalRruuntupwv,uiruou_ July and August, 1867. I, ms's Halm bcenachre, to • fortl.aluat �'1 1\ Gall _ M iseellaneous B l)Qlis . 6 ^ p I ,, �++� len rrnn is oar mun'iya� \grin, lhs ez ISAAC CARLIN1T. Irxled el (',.h•nrh m !Le omnyul Larua tMe llwr,•ew intoe v....•. 9.eft (st 1st, A erleos. b JU11� L f OI DU`\ 80a (; 010 CAT'T9ON• /,lElFnerisilnng+.f tba vv»earl Diriswa oeDsuJ•Iways. Aho, b^ rxlensnealoek M��� R T•ifyn.pefitlu lzrte•, Irl April, 10,-41. wilt( d•YufJ D 7 Inas• um,.A. t 77,.,, PUb•Mm/i,r.r4mtwAvlw.dr.rl-•iw S,• - He'e'l hays sited ms - - -_ _- _— .aa ,-.- 8:38 (t� 0:25 ` CuurN for the Count of Hurn a.11 be .1 14e fE ifs A� " (w e_ i «rJ me, prose acetal iu tort bar im¢ruviul _ _ I ' .• B hL t • y• • • • • IA. FIR37 TNRdY MON I JIN -/ P,.e y ( p Q, r►•,•'• `41-1 um, ..urlelpal and es••esmdnt laws. It might I +worn. - Altun.ry fur Inw.h rwf �'6., a1 0(111 (I(a 1:10 wrwry, M say air se. maal.w els N.0■.- hold r. follows, vlk:- y� arl0us �taih0t)� �7(] ! s p�� wOsl llnrksd„ «l8 (� Tit L. Hep, bear m .hay wA•r odea rA.p ,sf . let U.vusoh Court, 19u7 ** cart r w any usatid purya w in Ro int, r^ I I O 'j 1 f I Nia1,6t�d, j;,-,..- 8115 ( 0:'LO lu ill .yarn of \avow rW Nand Alkruon•. f1.,Mrich, Flnndry, 29th July. _ M �; •+! rav,re,luta peaonil Can •ma, fAll l flop, rbrn ■r A epy��1(a 11DBO1Vent Ata 01 '�VVi• Pala• a tba Bark ■rid Ll,sh., Fu,rne nn .hrA, A very large any! pried stock of Ladies X 0 ^ lakw e•.. lest fairly cemmenrw, lv moa you in ■ 11,Y� & ■�D�l ��D s\I 0 URiet}.� f.,........ . 8:as ((' 0:10 •aid. is hell lack a d Lav [lean• Hyaeenfi Gast loth ” Clin(nn, Tuead•), 30th '' rind Gentlrmes' , 1 r �J 9 varus' La places oyer for ltidio4 or m►ke 'a I K Pnrv,nce rel nn■d, In Ibe CMrnly fturrn '•f __ _ Wbns, thaw PJb wr0 e4r-4 ■run ober ■11 Y"d &.f'.rlh, Wedueadn•, 31st 11 r� O tF p1•nati ,os, sod sat Iurlh my vi.ws at greeter r County w Ilun,w Ibe Uuuaey u( Il sruY. wtw►s■was knee 4rlW; dW mhh.wb •puha,,• II1h M'ruaeter, 7 hared♦ 1st Au nal. FANCY 6 SPORT[ N/� GOODS i G. 01 ,la the malls sir N.Ian Crr'r Plait an mwl•enl. - Ia R...wielm�� fulrw.Jy Jo cot eoamrn loos. r•{emaJ. u0. 6tA " Eret.q N turdr], :I rd g• v r= -, T„ (_ off hrftL, and anvil thbt timq I would Ma ye.■ IN I t Us Iwe hand day of `rple"O.-r nekr, n Itu..t �1. sAv \W , \!wave on 1 • 4 sI of wl.i; h u. h°u hl Gast K . . lC�__ 1) w tefr..m from pledging your influence and (l ` r►e chat a Tire, tnnn.aro. In. •nder.laawl colt t mr.ay. tra.rtbrog honfrl to IMr..,btnunu.• 7th ltwyfirld, Flo, dal•, SIh ; m GS ELEGI 'V .1Z'J els oars LO au u1 m u unrvu, w lDrl ou ■ I Ione Jed a of Ikea a+Ll Coon r1 In. rhur• ....Lw,_.._ .I - - Full daterdown In thea sa,mphlel around each 6th r' Durlssunoo, Tue.1,q, 6th 1' imported doers ora m Ihr Kap Funafatp. v C Pl J T i'[' 7 Di d.' w -+•I4Y - Pa"laaf, rMal, .h,..W he rarrfu.ly premrveJ. a.d American SI !Sole sleet far the (trolled 8t■w.and Can.4,, ylrfrclmean, 3 .� T 1,�� I GMT N re • ,ec"vee to )ud`e fur ]ourrlres hofs m Ilro fo+Ru of Uakrarh, In had u•uy,yr / ( + arm w ea CY OYr reepe[llre mrn!a. OF THB fur a tlln•hxr�aMtH the Mld AM. OTR AS(IE, Mr,T rP1RCa . TTN C.unawih o n rt t0 �.iet: •. m., ttveaph.ng iu Ntoek will 1N sold al • (C• JUK MIJ�F:�, ltnchMlar, 417 P' �% - dp `0 �}t I am, gentlemen, 11■IrJ rt (,. Jon h, eau t!e Cuuoty oy [Salons Rrrry ra.ua. Moly and ar'-ln,wnrdu. ailed luau X. 0.- A M and ua I . noun oclrr•ed on We acral dit n Yard, small advance 0�. Trust• - FP a -. � 0 r7f1 t � tL1r Utb J■y u' June, f+R. a p'- V a• • J R Va four ohedie°tsenanl, T uu 2 ,l Y. OAYFNF:.4 +„ n,., .,.r�-u.u's rola . h. Jnr ►d, -anal, ,y l0 any •ulbun sa'I Gardt wdl ra•ure • wale cos• Gudern h, 11th Jrur. 1r67. a •�+- • �. .,�� 7• \ Ols,'� � l IILIl\ G L.wlvent. �,aetp■wl w`of0Me•►fY�;22q dr„ uln.agait .i,P �y tare mad: S KI(rll'CIT p (� �, t'la TH01111Ag C1B80N. at{rt.cA.tlervr, •r�Ra 74 Ki nr 1. AKTHHUPtLS-9A JuJ of H..... All the Po ula,r Ballads Go C O `J� ilnwsek, April 6th, 18GL w111f OF Tll'.? rutrr,rnr eau. (n...ltat. w7t tin. of ••1 moss,, uea.+Id. AL WMw r 11•+w NewredeN.G. W., .deal ?W"$. F. A►YAM •poo forl'■n•da. Stags, Vasal and Instrumpotel Manic, 1--1 L,� .alp "4'M.e• •r •New Vallis (��+alttldia O.rt,n<h ty P■rkv i Psttle Gad i "liiry the .hn,e In be a .tot- Trey a•' pptued in two drys' tMita, *d COIIN1 1 OF HURON- I\SOLV6Jif ACT OF Ig61. _�_-z- .__-__ F.IawJeo; flndmer els Ca. Bergekl; J n-+ •,•tcrtd in Ifo. Ui,.,Ion CYYft lttleard Ook, «old at Publai*t's Prices. � To Dr. Woods Ra �z of Staolei � — llrnauw; a.w*,T,Ibr i 1 YI,A%W,L..lrt J.H., pursers lu the JSumte. At aUTL�'a. N N Ss11tOQA OF Ir CT11. ('«orbs. Wells h Ishii, r'lnera.ae-OW-1AcL•) V 'Pconly .1 H." ♦,lb.lmil.fln ar.... tuflW Y D1\. Lt7..{IL, /k` l:..tnly w Haam.'awnlyuFrt■r.,w. nor; . ILckr.n, 9.a:nrth, rod ■11 M•dt• nae t'I-rL of lh, Pa•a Huron• Ood.rieb. June 2Htb. IP67. a44 .a. -fall a Al TD 778 OTHERS, a1,.'Y7'LE1y E,Y, In the n•■Itirr,A J. W. Imip't. a■ urerrett. A Urelslw..0 r4, .kind 'm naw N,,,•aa w5,._!r ke' I►ralmb. emmuy,rna■.mb Iir.y,W e• etwraryasr►. U!M Of lb.li•rYall lbs Pv'aty. • -"-" -f— /r _ -- 1',Rl.lsra7LRT SLit"Tlras or Tes !Iba1, ,,rived the nork;nation of Lae On Ila this urve'. ynUuly ur.wale rww n(#M .I ,w hwn.nw..,u r.a r»ew.r rein teattall.-^---T--------___' Goderich, lhlh Ju1N, IKa7. w{7 Notice is Hereby IIID:n, „ R r o r6w•k, in Um, h.nMa n, Ibe nMHr.rroN win ■p' .rM.•• ., dl .lick need u, ,M Mtpb .nJ dr<raior• ro . M .r Re}arrp cir lrmr. any. hr•iu� horn ear- P vork, the J W . ^I Lha• a•d ew.'1. ■1 bol It 0 i war..,..���t,,6p(. soar.,, b ra►.,bbe.■.<wrd. 1•■ n y� a ys 1•( �1 -- - -- ---- D 1 N N E R SQ1 r8 �IBt�� 0�' a1�Ref. 4a1.•ted by men of all shad.•• of ,aal to In'hrluw, ul,:o,lrnrh.m said rlanrlt,_ 1W r .n.�pwMSls slam Try ,1r altwMmr•. m ,L Ase. T T T T 4 __T.�.- T1HAT A ,li.,dend of ff'tsan per cant .r w ac e.Wr••1•s f + fur the hnlr year, hands^{ 'he I41F July, I } oRrr m]■,If-ria d ewdidry fol Ihr C+naJibn J.r-lune only, Ihr rel Arl. )� wainp„N_ Among tk wow Prp,n•wl er wn�ier. MO&Mll . SZ.2ZTTON $ ;i\ 1) 7 1. N T L E N E N :- Eiouse of Command for Jour Riding ; I nm Ueled •1' •uivn A. Iw Me C.«Inty of HNMN. Me. t► eel !(cal Yak. J,.r ,v,r r+.Isnb a will I— doclved un tb• !.aid up Cr:nt.1 .'f ; , that tweet ar"t dr 1 M+ A. D., II■,7. _ • . _ _-_ - -__ _ UANAUI IN PAIN DESTROYER I I Wd-r Caterhil"ar old cher IlauCt Th. Go.1.6, 1I Petn.ieuAn COm pant. ( I h .r 1 I Dnre hod tri. honor to treelre loco Ito+ i•, rhe fi«IJ claiming your suffrages as a T- Y " Y• 7 4 J. W, F:I.LI•,: r. n r i E t S E T S' who ■rr to arrear to be eacludrl foam tM valyl mpeclbbly and numerously sion rd re I(eprrer•nlaiirt. wl7 ryr W. C. CAaeto., L• •Kwaey. Aa w Frm.:v Vt. �h.•lew. K b well a'wI hv,waMv De�traYer. ` t benefit ul said dividend.) On the 1410 J.,ly 1 g0'.Pion, •.king oer ti, become a ead.d.le As there arm, no Rrrit questions now -_.-_. __.__._ W$(a=:LE i VY 1J 11 tr.wn, eal„v,a, it.......ad@[rum prt&rn the • . nest psyr►Iw u the Teva.»r's Ut6t� un 1. Iepn sent Ito■ !.,ding ret IM Hour of prominently before the e•.entr)-Cuafeders '` ` ipQ� w. K.O. 6/..vrzI that Inrteal How - 8i• e. Hark soft bwd.CouTrM.caL",=rue, Il.roab �'rr�R 9;Tn,. mid pr in rehent, C:Itrr dlsn C, AT...ea, at take *.smog elecaion, fur which tion bei° an see0m lished feet -it is un Insolvent Act of 1864. +[tare.. a lse w.wN. m,0 Mook•nw Mus. 8pr.ms, Mu.w., U'...p. an ( e •tu•ue<h, st' : o T' ,` the Jtar • pnlHral• g P — 1.,111■ lu aha M thea ��er�laM f+"a' rue '.bad I (.■came ma,rla...tq..m.r1'. 11oty1l elan• a .a Anplr IINe, .tad I'artfe Oa Cherry TN clil�.l an•µ t� Dllr (i Tr'.:Ir, In9l MCe,I Ag, B„ N'1K F:1XSON, 11• «I kt ably Selby so lar aft nu the r of in wweculato ill • tithe tune a Ilbri lka l0 w,er Wal■ w 6.L 2:1.ple fur fad ant Gv'e , p.auu, Huns, wr•khr. YntH Hitev, and Plum belt, OOor►stry dad current 1 ed at the Telegraph O.hce,'I very Ince Aasrour) U. P. C. %.air ut]ond ma by so large a uumDer of im .1r.colo4 on ■Aral tha (aWrw aNy Drinafnrtbp �w /At Mulfrr of H'illiom OwJ ,iwdrem w ■q mar d,•rnr..•oft<w,•e`n..r,ol. A,wrr., 1te.. he., Ye, ltaah.a. 1'urnipd, Cal baa, .hap-, Ur -1r-, and chesp, . Datrd Jana 21st, A. D. 1867. r±2•d wv".:tial e!eeton. i have since receie•d thin or to submit any panc�uiar or specific plat. Leone, intrUmals. dt swan At Co. TU1,■ lar e•., r. Y. The CANADIAN I'AIN I,EaTI:T)YLK b^'i •and all k.ndv..f rrups, uu.rnlmous noml-ution of the liberal Con. form i mea however, u that 1 will em- T (Nr Imtae. Latta **Ivan preprd ) v i4 mode 1«•»e. la•f•ne Ino 1.04.• few . b•,_TI. „ Erna. TEI31[S CASK 03 a RODUCE• -�- - - n.'nntiq dale sea at the Clinluv cu�reo� trace lbw, Mf IN# O stoat of visilin ceeh I Bale • of Real Estate. ■nd wlierr. u..•s a sell liked, w• re, Wh". Tho- fuse, t tA•,Mot-r has bees fou• d h] R ppr 1 R _ ■.7lea-.t+n•rrunaw lwrmn.rp, n...Iw1„•n p■„iry nlr,e uwlil to br the oulT.f.. ca Purchase• promptly delivered. 1.^e.. locality in the Riding and explain my v,eas pYv,nuerl then+ern eviviclm m".. A, g1 W. SN Y1)F.I1.: "I%, the arliamwnLr elecloea of the Rcu•h fair) and full on both lord sod enernl I) naw nr foe casae ane ,rafts W "r. •bierw nlwh rsad,an•1 we ha” u,rm tu..wu a .Gunk mal ora sty m Ilia Prvvinr7 fur that d --me P T 1 y R ajeved madvenu. I w' I bell by Public Aoabua 'R1brC[[Sralaltlll, ,Id...+off..+n.n rbc f,M Iamn ow: hnrc li,w of Merry klhd vl Lahr”, withoN iuju7 /:oderich, Jp,e 3PIr, 19h7. w2J . W 0 0 L W 0 0 L I !lids . • •en- r11y, i offer m,eeD a •candid• mates: ouch w the nee' oily of enr•uura,,( ( a ,oro Town Hru, m tk. T"we ul c'Wln.arew. t horn Prnlw•y I""' well ; lar.... the ""'n.,y, a❑ ,, t1•« rr,,I*, it.- sir plod". iii■■■■ • s xte, un'l trust to nceive your Ilmerous •of.- inq emigration, our tredve with the Unit. m tiro c.may . (Gar, us, e , k 1 i I .w dv6►hoel w,Ik .I nPrn'r.M. rid •I+tea m I I t. States,-econonl in the many •meant of.our Ino h."b-•t boor• ut h. ventre■ owl m•ew•a e1- 1'.,f ,.Ir Ly Fhr.'s. K Il. Yoni+on A G., HR sew"i%or bus b to inform the •fa•m•' P" y x 1Vt dne,tldl, the 1 tkh da' of Ceprealbe/ N,.,r. I `11 iiia ko 1•. N., Vr. Adom 7iundr, H0"Ife,. ---- - - — T L I T the most of yon I am not unknown, Public departmenu. and the cuodwt of the I en of Heaed and Kray , f it l hi• ,I&,,-,-- been -� conunanw nddrut in thus rret. at rkren o'clr..•k. d. ea, dl slit nwhn,,ulr, p,l� *p ND BAMS We.P,wl frim cin-ru•arrre. lM•n'atirr ala• Mr. (Ten, Nnrr!t, Nl.hnn, Me.wre. [Swaydn A' !flaeearl dArm of the tOtrtry. .Mt orte-aw ,I( the,.,! oits.1 rnu ,n slid hl in♦ I NiIMPS ' t0oolm msOhinerT huDer n th"ruu�hl ti tt d � iIOIYY Yf1 1 , i•e!.,red iI tb.ru■al.'v. ■,W I+v,rinrr Ih:+e wb,r Allan, l\ r'L .�h.0 �u.rr, lust D) tDe tiYD- I J 'dr:g fur a prri,rJ of lhlrl) two Soar,, and \rebnumw, north rue., ■n rel tut uumDrr tw,�tve.rra Ihs weft ale .rw.rmd lec n..'IV of the ru•wp4.m I'm op with N -w Pard.. wad i" no•. it'i d The I h airs", during that tame encountered all the P alb., h ,I a r......cn od,-I nor rid ta ham it. c. ills. r. •dr rel w-si.larro ltsvel• m lar red ac.r• W �y[ FT'7 _ _ 1 y 'K'P• 1 _ I _' O R Irerl or work, and is p•++parfd w waim..t s.i Jit9culti+s •rid ,irrUons of a bsekwa.ds , I he•! tIN hnlrnr to Drr / '�I`` t 1Jr•t to ee.f� at the I*,.s. yawrrlra" Nere,a•. P' s'tii). Hall• I dark entrusted to flim to be •krait d i^ the p C.In n.wr*a,, sere w'rooy. tiny, cuulr,oang oar 1 be .a,a .Arians .,f...v sir t;., Cumdf: n Cr n' Crm; twl:vilk. C.. H■lyra. .d n. cell u fill -d namerow vlecdre and Oantbmm• tw,InD of inn amy sw'w aha law 0,rn.e,r .n , n slat cl ro kyr .Rost. n , P S - Put up in - Pmekrges al GOtu. neat style, and or the shortest none•. allies highly oro! onaiDls ,Mersa thertfon Year obe'ut serv't, Dated at Olalrnab. in the cw,uty of Muni Tri �r��I�pq �7m7 , r••� _;oea..Ml. ■ n. ..Irdoi .a. r+rem .mea -ir( : i' for ani T.an I have bean the Lwrtb day of lune, Ib87. 1. 1� OIiiCB. ,ear .Gad dl. Otdef b, m ail pacnlr sty al.rraed r - FIIL L I've (1 D.Y E IN ..R y ] N. POLLM:K. de�eg IW I.nunne p+re.• el Ii brumHuw, n d m I t 7 pr•,mt•,rntly before you, and I chui.Pnse any Joseph Whitehead. ! roike ,so Nrrr.w AThielraa, emit•, n I•. a fsJ wl9 lKAcrd Awges►, iFTY d0aem aha fir of n■1 w the 1st at w•.nedw• sur thea■ a-onq.e.,au.I Camdhel!/il'er Jae. 2 (, lllbl. 112-4{. { •Tri man tr.ltfullT to a♦y that I waonger. Gun sit C:inlon, April I doh, I'_'G7. w13 .._.- - C I Oadrn .n'•.. "', In 1'.,r. Mril.rr■e Drdrt. ou [�I O1 o t h D lr e s s i n g 1, r J I - - c • tar .atrllea meex o 1 eater tY m .et — I INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. •� i dl 't. W,becu..,ur u•r r■nlrr.u,,plie•, add rse�/� sou .» a be. index of what my future mm• be, .A. • R� � s ,orb lewd e w lee ear;,'rid vatrlrlwm a II[.iiaVE• t. • t :� - Hrving purcbn@•1 • firs "I s•+ Sh'a' in; I bhn,.,,I you se. At to els t me. , Hearing no — yr g,o. 4s pmtm.t biwil'vp((era para) at the given f .Y nrhine f rum N»w }'ark. 1'u'I:n I [Tri ,,, ,,,a.t.•y +act, and no dependlnR oor me I Pmr,rce of Caws / In the Caa.ty Court of ``,, yata M Casim•h,a !'u, Uventtr volt u,l+ '0 ffjtl F: unllel■ljned h v;ng purchased the :oast C•°th-Daum[, in all its bum ch•�s, will' i county of Nunrn t t4a . uvnay'•' nock.,. Y1tlayw Al• E. p ..,. wr..lf Nlwt. All .rdn•,.e Jaden kap 1 ! - ,, r - I for •uecuar from the public chest, i do vol To the I n d e e nd a nt 1. rarmt9n of H•(Irnn Irwin .n Wra-4real, Inrr•- nloek of 3addlcry rod eosin be ateaAet to with pretmplr,erw. Assn, -salt for, n• would not acce t from Gov p Un 7 e,ede the nnlh de.• , f seplrmlrr mist - --' - ' d. Pay.'r,an, .ad., .rid ar ,I :..A II. Ludy , _ T P . Electors of the South T wall be rnh,Ml n .IIm un.: ny.ad n• H A iZ N i I3 8 _ ilaaleettF Na'ped Gast SEeared• I u'notrnt any lucrative of ce. my only desire st Tam of IM ,•lick ie ter I rrnm'n the and r- TLe Llttie Roel Prick n Iv unto Per v. sur mg energetically and faithfully to w Cure Riding of Huron, n rnol will aP, IP In Ili Judge Ilia rod Cuun • All ordrn.4.w4 1.• bills •. In .. t I ,v.07h.- v, , _ �Itlek sltewirm id to f: ri•,in - ■I 11 ba.am. in the tow" of Gods rich ,a ■■Y ��aa���aaacc!!! aaa��lll���aassa..fffff 0. M K• 1 r u,•rrsu of the country in which 1 have• i. a F\rtar nrar , P•ip 35 ethts. ' AUR 1 H'.1 Ihr LYhI A7. • . _ t, -,t - t , CE.ti if F• 111; .V ro■we k.r • dark, b i under the .ed A"1. e t ,r- LUt1iBER Lt7iI A1r Pll,Y1:Ty1hre,l wo manJ,e.n..nd to wkirF rrnm..nT U,Iada(lu kn,hack lbs avYYl WilYrn. tl ie A', herrWk,C. W I A,. ", .r - C: + r i IIs e' a Fre Guanyls t tb ) :1]a U,aenl Atrnt dwCan.ln. . ,y -. - t nsta nnq e . • a , � TEA •o ut1 r• ha oda 'tan' c•w1io.N am Alneerrly all hod. " 7lbda Ottani, A D Itl6i rr� n[ 1 J t on a Y I std n. Godr,wu 1. I.rt,, br C■1t'.• "rid, J' ":AcG tuL J! ' T n 'hh.ro era no le\dfn uesttnni hefon th. C"nvwntiun hold in Clinton, on•Ihe i61h sup., ,IOHIY.>-4 a Q11srkAil 7 YT`, y - RV JuHNBE4L---- --- 1.7Jdiiwl p. 1.•nMa; 6sr,kner i cel. 6.t14'd; J■u.c• ',.:.�'_� •` TF,T14H F13iiER.u'. is at risen Dut ahoald E be r'rrt•'d, a• Reform Cndidatr for the Ln:iaiali•s As ev.,m, An C0• 14nth•m, osnr•'l.I J P"Aard. F:a. let:1. H. I S P I Mn•y rortbe ad lrrplrtaf. R'ingh•m :tills, June till, 1067. w21 2'n I 1 &hall Mier upcn my dudes without offering I rmbly n( Outari n, for .South Eiar.n. anA toMta•, c, A !el.h, lila. &; Nr L I, d...ue t",q _ halal accepted the vamp, 1 am now peeper Insolvent Act of 1869• tF10QCl T C,nev etc, 41 stout box, prim, I ea /T1 C ? w - W ,h,rleln al of the da an fu'tiuw o �� 1. Dll .1 ,L. taw; G. ILr1.1on, easfwlb, eW rL MrJ, •n,r C,.ffee• t -n ar. Cul rants' ' ♦ ♦ �) ) y T P ed to take the field, and ho to nceive a' f II,,drr., wTh _ I Aar vL GIIFi[il f.mni•,n,and will assin aLhaulmwt of m) r• _ Raisins• Rfe Trp the o. -r to canin nal the Confed„rativu hbenl "upp0rt. t t I;OU.I'w.. `� s,aHO�� 1 I,• .f p In the mutes. tenrlf».,I,-v l at, ra f.f- (opal O1ffIC0 - -- ------.- BUS 1 N E $ s i�r ll■' S`7 Fq7 ”; I'• rile m a hairy! spirit. I Ae the eleclinn will nM, pr°DaDI), tnkr Tnr Cr,dllun of thea In.n11r 1 ■re nwlM t LM A vanity (of Ywiek Cracks, in finey •terry DawleT !!1a minter. of :,Ir. Mien" IlorVro• wlu, ha bees b laws I TELEC RAPH OFFICE. ! y lace for some time• 1 shelf he able at the over mearro talcuraeJ to ad •"oer I h•• hr. hull ,, A..,vnmr,.c rd hu halal, ■rid articles jaw I^ bu.d, at Ihs ,. r nod GroraYy known in that cap■coT, beg-lu 14, , ,forest. and weA-beint of the Conroy ort Pr°Pyr peri'd w ant! • prnonnl erhvnsa ref. ellcd,, un.l.•r fhe rta„r ACT„to nor, the under Re Co Ire IWluw in' front oho / ro•fdaarr - RW I)eiro .1 ,!et 12 cu r fb. I the R,dmg, when, at mr-lings,ln be appoint I •anal :\..r"v. e• ■rid they .,a fequ.rerl tr olo rh P 1 ,'hate lyes haw ars pn•pared t0 wAl nlw Ale Pi f0' iL., n twill Rise m] undivided alteouon, BICiFNAL OFFICE. (ilwtitll Advertiser : . M.i:K'wnt the a..me fr•n••t!e tam,• to per• W. NN YDFR �� DUNCAi�r I al, l ,.-at support. rd, the views of both partite tan he heard me, w.rinn Ito.- mnnuv Anus IlnaJale, wuh their 2c • l and compared ; and in the meantime• i trual (I.um, .P..•, )� X We ..•aunty Inrr L.IJ• dear, The .toek of Stationary is the I” -z --t, and n At Ili,, r'aou of the rent %!ion 06 lern, rbnrrs as t ray have nithurlo rnj.,y.d• I Gudeti,h, tlr Jr o-, i:�(.7• , a 2:i As remi-ed atloid stun West sate Mref I .',,.Il be an advocate for economy in thea and ine vah'd,l - ; "rid 'f n.ne•,su;,ng the Act ; mfrs rom le to this w..yna "erupt, of the a' kat w1net o , djsteitery, tied Outer kin- Taw Sutt"criben have nn ra.,d at th"i, a Ile service, se. far as Isar be coni Gable• Tou wall not plydgr ]msrw•I•ra by regviadson died •oa lain!+ sore lea r..dll.-0« bol Shu ,11sarkel Garr a ret lar a Asil ( kat w aNre, ala w Rammer st0••k ry 1 ILr wh.ee ■. i wed under °alb w 1► for ruOctsee •q " sir olbernsa to rnT .,:Der catdidate• an as rt r' wch rl..mr. Nee ilomason, being 6o•a Ade imporlati.,na P •Je y' '{ ) I "1 T R - IlutMewd wbieb ria M !eve al nr a l h talo ratio cin the Try ; t bell voetle l -I ►bnuLl M• IiM Gly .nnnlieJ wi,h Pc'rT Lri*' mold of I y soon ellentiors in lM ead,ms asst «xc,be I hale the hue., Iv be, (yl ,l a O,vbn.•b '" the Co req• cf 0. 4DW fmm l( ht sid' earn n thenen a•d (:rnllowrn, lhu lwrnl beventh da Jur, D leo7. Cege.a h Pain F1", 1'er.nna -lona i 'g ' 1 r• f T O THF 1 T C �••� Jud"" a hail l he moat beneficiel W the wa'ru y T ul •M ILA • rAtht adtraa *a IM ■[coling ' J-1 �31J iiS t�i�'!J7} i3LJ/ ( 1 LOW PRI�'vS FOR C(�Ull I I C Your most obedient servant, `d•P LL' .K. ' bttw, whether II ht fur w dace rayons„n or hand weans of the realest somber of the in• ,,,;61Cfr al thus l a trip ro F:urn, a ehnu'd be i•. . p,r lion h, I tv eysaY STVI a• I N D E P E N D E N T E l E C 1 D R a Ip,Mtauts, kpepiug in view the wamlenawce I ROBERT GIBBONS, J. Y. FL'T(Wr•, UOk't A Signal OffiC�. t'a'e °alit b.OJ: o. ” in a ^else b or Ir" Saddles, Trunks,Valises, PajTl�Y.LA BOOTS I'; Puh!Ierredd. (indrrich, March l!h6, IF•6T. m,8 4'bat r k r I tw:resit. w75 suer. Many •litemaea m incele•.t 1p Ibe aumID„ OF flip: ('ie puhhe dohs-mgelstir•n c( trrdr, •rid i mo, tb., whieh will prnr» total d not to Ae.. Ac., which thew are rrpp*�rd to offer o. in f^7:..•+w From 113 cub .wade. INSOLVENT ACT OF 181;4. NORTH AND SOUTH RIDINGS R, 7• t do„•I,yl,ment nr "omnu•rcr-the p0etal ser Sheet Ilmook Mr:c trial Miscellaneows mediarly ebeeked, r.n Ire rlrnmMly cured Ili. Puy.lie at grv'slfr reduced prices, furrn,L . - , ri.I -the enlargement and improvement of - - - --_ _ �- Books Anl*Ad to order ou the sborurat Ly one or :eau d„,•' a nt t'•e Iron Killer. On l F'nrwers will do well tri cell and lospceo I OF HQR tib �. Cull and unlroct, bad you will M nn u t inl*od wrtrr comma ncaticn within I Prmrn.v ofCarada 1 la Ibe C mnlr l unn w possible wotieer at publuber'm prices, at the Nero then ave or•calon hate w-. Bern r.•li-v, Ihrir si•tct and prifea Acture prrehwgnlf e1N V f Crm.d.a-the Raiiiwa s -and enroll what ( Y Cirm v of HonOa.. the l'nunl -ref Rumt G ENTI.F.1f i.', t” Du`• T " ' To tho Free and Inde- rear t eh olintra.' 1 nogak Its limo:y -ar et whore, wexhactaH. i.rldomnAr•N. ' W)1 1)l':CAN. ever.ill advance th». welfare and importance In thus mduer M Atsa■ok. N• th n !�� Icll ee 1T. t tea. M.titl'ty. u..lw.Irvw re7vmet rcle,.tu# y.a In.d,eut. a Ihr mM�v- ium•d pnlaa ■ti�n'" n-thr'1'bker Ma -ter ane ,:,., the C.,enly. ul I:wdench vel ay 3. I4fii. allb altar Uominioa o(Crnada, "hell tecrip m] endent Elactcrs of the, La the Afraid day nf!rptrmiwr nem, a len 1 i Rl • S4,1 by all U,u,xvis nceu. a,J meds Gu'lerieh: Od. IGtL, 1k0G. ■$.+ c b, A at Nr,linn. al "��ll� (•r Lr Sfuntw�C'nlraen Halleryr wr aow'.0.•r our ,rt• (be --Ila k.,n It,r bnma... the nnden.r°ed ey" lave rlalere. — \IoM Irl r rent r.•r at IDs lar '1 rel :'hu t� ! th all take An call on orfun,t be fan oath Riding Huron, ( ply ,., Ibe iodate m the rail f • urt, at be. 97orderiA, Jel 2ne lle_ 7. ' pr ear P• SII; ZUr S SALE OF ;.ANLS. y a P y, T _ d, PERRY DAVIs ! sOV. QAVTION■ ILbr Llue., Initial. -- I,.. „ipcd°ns come n?, of v,sitm 110• nnci- Ph.. morn, ,n nae Town of I;.cd.- , h, m Mid H."ta Ian ned.mn n( Ila C.vnt Wr • R p Cf"�•Tl'/'•'u/"�•' e�mCo /�� I't.p' ieton. i f 1 Cmsay s Ilmm�, l lDY vowe pl a ant of ri [malities is each municipality, \ml then (%wmlr• kw a d.arunne nMler lar rsl Art. VH=9 M SALE V< 8 1m, 3m 1.0 tit. Paul etreel Yuelreel i1 F. ub!ic nn kerwbT ea°linnp,l, not to •°^'n"r of Sur•, anal not hu•mq striae 1. maks to we. : I) F•,r• F■naa r -•,u -d ,haw Havin rterirtd the anammnw nPmi �••l a Ifticlar , n I:w Q,.uury W H R r, ula,n m v:»ws an an 'e g 2 T P wra'rwu•. ,nnrp.,, ,p .It,w wivA.nR n, know ti .rl Her M.j.ero'. I..'ft..fl y J subject& likely to nation, nit thus C-in•ention recent; held in thin Iwrsy inWy.(1am••, 1-D. Ia'7. ,yarehllme nr n•Irntiate :- Pertain pnnnis „sir row. nn" -g I,!t y,ra+w W.t Ihr ,lay, we (•w vont , Ill .pd to mea dr -ted ssarnw law come be.orvt the HoOve of Con,mo..s. y ku.x, NAYNMITH Cor'tY M [tenial, / nT a- 10e 01 of Yrn -- - - - --- - ---'-{ so °ot made D aul Platt, in fa,,,r of wn,•Id he. In .T.1, [hat wr.re a.,, -1 11, in f"vol . I b■v» the honor to be, Clinton, for the R-pnrntalipn of your Rid InwlruRL To Ws: 1l� Lbn•r 6x aW n y la^.1. cud 1. nrn,euu uI Juun McInM•n s.rA !hack P•eis. Rw roudw. rw.ed t a Her �7 r 1). 0, Itricter, fur two handy and six , t I',r!al,nun. pun.rJ aunpI . ('!.-,,, C -II A,,Iw,t 41,1,ly,. the 40-ndeals,.9 the fro f Gentlemen, ing in the Canrdivo Itour of (lUhlmnns, and M. C.CAMERON. r 87_ ISI! t,10 it,Were. damd IMderWbl' 4) (M.AmoW rd CA,a-po n, S".t lwe.tny., John O.I•hr ra:d Hu h M"•ldim.b.tbe Pl.uo,0e, havin acce ted [hal nomination, ( am nor rblh r, r for Innolkii vi i''.. lY■LrtTh 1'gswl Cart .d The Cnne.l Abd- I R Your f•ithfal Mnaat, g P ea+rwwm d 9•rmr aW Nom., end fu M said nm. ha been Inst and pa ment there. CONFEDERATION 1 tare •.,s d nal e`en in esn III[ a en ,h. In the field :-Condidave for our suffro ts. - dae.aged r Grata y r Pa•r g r,,1,I,,u,e end ,.forest of D.e •l al dele.,d.... ,e D. H RITCHIE ' R INSOy VENT AOT OF 1864. ao ww lav [mrd• ■.d s-=.",• U n G} o o d Terms plod• R'. wdl warm! m t• twhein" Ib.l Ih, "al 1. Inrr nnmM-.■[ren and ar,enh re., In le.,; • tratmz In a liberal and gena•ruus suppo't H .a o/L1tirYb Rn,wa •oIN halluN uhn 1. McK••ns,,. I 1). 0. BRICKElt. m"„oouo. that left, plarn Ili, a•irder nvmt. r. Ilayfiald, Towhahlp of Staley ou hands. I hack ar,rred "all tekea as a.avdan ell Ibe ul Huw, wdl ^e n marl to make ,hr .nrpn more ells •rulh c..._'oo of if., Town,h,p w limy, J nwM, title, awl, nie-t .f 111 a.1'Weti in Porl Eleia. Jane 21st 1XE7. w22 3t, camP A-. (1'e •kite s ,a, f, .a.4 ,,stn Are. un anal Int nu ala•, ua,rn ,n stye ,wyl!In clay. v,.11 -.- March, 1867_ -_ - +111( As tlm B'rrlL+m rill ant, in n!I pmllability, Tn rho mallet n( R+bert BvnhsLnn, n( tFtl V.rd Y, r4 Monb hall of Its s•mber Twenty In (:O(.D P annealin N • Ye.we Anal, rAinl haw .-01 rte!,A AT, ul ant Y.I loan -hip rel Gr•Y m ,he C."mly w I , take place fur rine months,' and a rrsunal vi'lage of FrsvClslown in IM County of Har+ alle, awrre..'.a of Ike Tow..hi of Mnrrb � suedo i' � I Hum^, whirs Itind. and lenenn•at. I .hell uwrr To the Free and Inde- � P MmMews /Itsd uy sir • fiave • DwrI1mR, ___—_ _-__--_ _ -___. ANI►EXA"I IU:f. Ips .ata e.1 w ,lar•, t& the 1•amn Hmt.e. m it.r c■maA wuYld he meslw•d 1. rel, uYiil r out thea n Ne Qehwty of Ilwrwn fs-"mag ese krndeed stack " d Coals lllorm..tust.vl on Fant +tnel 1 •tea ui the cunlert, ma 1 he. [hat in the' I'lle Cr«ditnn of Ire !n-olvent are notified acres more sir Iwo. O'hrb [And. .Ml Trnr• yvrr P•• Wede'fadedlr n dlbevr9 wr hwr.• un f"we. •i /:.vlen.h, nn '(urwlar,,h.• F. t,.n+h y 1'• i.tua Vnl.ge. Apply rf b I tier• .d a r . ' pen eat actors of the m»antimo, ou, nllemen, will withhold that be ha mxdc nn a,ugnment of hie ii• manta 1 shill nor Mr !411, al my Uglrr, m the Ibe umdea. W. y �M 1'• j O tkf + - annr,tsA 19 mor rook mJa/qe L- ,( N'rd ergo., 'uT W UP10La Mala tbe bums W 1 weWe of thea ] Re Corn Kla a the Tow■ w 0aaferoch,on "run �' Naby amall.•a,hh Jlr.n•■ f b, Aro, nl..rk. rima. tour names from such ear uuiticna a it" Isle and ,Rayls ander th. above sot to mw ther •••' J. DIEL AFIELD OF FIQJT-CLJ1S3 IIAi "y JORN M"IA1NA/ n. NOrth R1d1IIg Of H11rUn ^raw bring induarioualy c rculb ed in tSr I nudeni�ned Aui oro and tbcy aro regtiead T Ibe nr■ta stay o jrlY aest, m the Mar W -Plage P, U. EDUCATION. Tw.19 W thec4oek rao► �'brng rel N.n..n. 1; ENTLEHEN IGIinR (a mint of. lititish ractical, and line to fora sh mw within two rannlha hr w tbig ` /UHN ■A(:OO1sALo. (�'' pd PP r ha„n Iv a dorsa would do vnll b cell a1 ;/lb July, Ihs7. _� _ _-.__ -. wH Under onlinar circumslnnete the term . at I Irol.e will holey pn•veld wily I;anadi"n doe wish their cledms snaeifying lbw artvray M. C.Q. W. will M In 8q o. sew wen 6sMa to curt tIe ■re'nelmed w Ira the nebl•r know 1he1 ,[bang's 006•*, Ordench, r Mwriad Ambpf*vJtmtafIon. ' wllh • iesntw A 1 to wean sell.naa Milk P■na I.r 1.00. 'Inorr tb 13,df_k:h CUidN CL:IlkK. S g 1 F,'Pcton-who prises (%it. froe. and boner they hold, if any and the trice of i4 and if �.�1.=.,� r -' - - ----- 1111L6 Ar DAre■'a. of Ilse resent, Provincial ParlMreeut would able• content �li;i�.: t(irf. Notice. 11Yrt^ It^•d• SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. p err shay, end branMl r mere oath widnt a loam Ihs is sup ort o Dade. AORISULThItF.. r.minar in •few dal ■ but since. tha tut tem oar I acyl trirm h and that 0u cl i witb the yo.eMn it N rt Of eTth 11ttiM fill leM -4113..11 June iRlh, IE6i, w21 3t -� I T • P JF^ ` {' o T PP° I P�•d 1 FIs t,if .,kf. ver MriwR yw.t ree,4_4 a mew C rout of Hume., T virlan pf a Writ rel •"»rel Faecliun, very 4eart political and will r-frem (rem plvdginR guar in0urnre tint claims ss)i plasty. m,2{1 THF. Pthlie is benDy raoti0ned ■qai sit rm k of F„N. ti■ den. end f Lar»r N. adv, hnma y B �1�� ;.j _ + a rureha,ny or not°liatinq a note of - - - - - _ - - R, ,n "MI Iml.,nod ; . I•,re " -,rtment of 0 �' W *, rlen F..na Iw■td not I cnradtutinnel change bare taktn plarw wuicL euppnrt to my nppPm•nt, sntll in Ili. C•anu JOH:1 RAi,DAN. J►. '�� Vv 11ARTeln 1 1•d aeawn by John Knein and hit wife, in �TNI)'ED, A dark r.+v mere Pan Fnn,h, I: y,tel Plait ha u,d A ricultural Ima.rmeat•.l,- I Her Msj,vaT•9 Cnarty Court of the Cmt.,I colla for an imms tata dJawlbtioa of Ywha• and Iil�Oughrut the Corbat, 1 shall Aare v Oectal Aa'gset t`, yon of see, ►Siad, is bane high round l e P t flumes, H.w.n •rid Hnrev, and se. me darn t. -I mens n r&nn before ou, of meetin him face 09111 J. F. C. Hellon a Low Chambers. (� Q frOr of Anthony UDI, for a50 00, dated 30th ng ten chane. w a oke IAnM Gad Teeam-ret. w Lanrhl,n pt'^ 7 y R Jl' V IkJ S L T fro,0, a wk,u apps .arrow Ann< n/►aha MM lea 0a'^ 1'ber ebanq°s were foanJ neceomty, in to idea• !q Idrin m sierra and as rndin 0 >delieh Jnne 24, 1 a87, 13.21 E April, IA67 dal 6 months ■iter due, a nn [AA Ike uwm aha The AM of May. Any Iwr,a't 1MML8TLA D LAW. HtarhaR st the we. or Ira". Nnohari aId l R y R • value hu beta reetivr d fear the strip. , ,lose mfurmroon r wdf Iw.d fo bin -.very. W, •m swoNlr stlacr•td to all parties bav,ow Adorn lh'pe, I hove +elw•I .rid talk -o +n Kae, -,a consequanca of the many dilacnhies enunq my principllr. and too ,holt have bad an rip• - bon ell the right fill,, end interest of the w ill oat of the proper carrying on, ref' responnihle 0, tunic o1 thea ud yin of our res rertire' INIOLOEIIT AST OF vii*• JUHN KYR[ V, s•11 he ee■wmely rows rl.d. re. d home . IVs helve a 4r,e aa..unem of !' r J 6 K fienrrnll used fir fending to rattle, w2:f 3t' Brv, W. TUCKE'!, 'Ge. and U.Ivb Igwd feel, Trough• .a hand, deferol■m, an •n; 1, lot nr,nhrr Eighteen. in the ,nyernmerotunder the Uoion Act of 1840. qu.1illeatiot's for the high trust we 6,kik al �� Stephen.Jely2, 1887. Fuarth,•,•n,wa.vm.rth.'rb K.h, ,,Iit-re.l,n esanorilm and and sating H.T. _ IActoow. rAwb wdlM lN1 nip r* ter most worknunlekr P In IA6S a GColition Onaenment was form• ,.sir hands PmrinM n( Canada, ii IAe C.,oaly COvrt of Luckone, 4th .■eel l -r,7, w31 the "'only "I Ilnme, whir. L■nd- a J feu.-' T Cnrnt of Huron, Ib• Corot of Huron. �7,� *T v ��T T ms■n.r, ha,ina hada rnat ded M <afwrvnte rd for 1hw parLOee of darning a mmed for Nlrant.mp. I have Ire honor to be, y 1 of$ 1 .0� er bbl at V C K iw O 11 HOT AJ - m tM O .va hoc. Wr ,guarantee wd.fisonm fseeu 1-611 ,./ar mea N•1e, m e.y IvdSw, m the 7 wrk� p 1 Gahan H.er, la I r 'rows M U.wk„"h' _ the existing *lilt and a'Unipn of the British Genl'•men, in the manor of Robert Pfcudloot an Ineol. ��p Mortgage fie. G,.ea. ".1, ! SHJ•C HJ�Aas • 6TRACHAN'g, AND STAOF, ORFi(,'E, '' Tve,det the K,rhoh day el Uco.,'wr nrar aI Ola North Alaerieao 1'ruriuces aM prnpcerd rnJ Fcur most ol,rdi••nr $,naris. vont. 111fiRUl'F..N F:N"CS yer.*1'wwyesrth., Inst a.oe n rad • n, . On the sixth dwv or Ra Ientber nest, at ton a. CUR IRGRAX. Frt rletor. Under enc aww Cow.rinnow. W. Are ,k'ennm g p° NI 6 C.19FKU o. P floderjcb, Jane 27, 1R8T. 331E P -� JVIIN YACUUN.\LIS, Under tbia arrack rmenl we an l0 h -Ted of thusllfoet, In th- f.reorro.,, the unAr'•i� oed `tT(TATRD n. the brow an the Northern rl'HKRE oil[ flea •0/rra6F• by A•wren at adta key u With the m dI , oremenlr R R GodurieD, Mnrcb 18tbr IA67. wt8, + /J (j rP l P t C fE•NyU V'a Y lel, ohs". ou P P "1 Mq hhan ET• (ieasral r s isolate and a LoTr*I Leg,elat°n, will aS'1'1• LO tM Judge Jf tha want ,riot, et awl Road. LO,know, Store■lease els, a�rinwbee. T'huCo Dont .spm Caeebe I THA 1FSB TO THE FIREMEN. mmaiuw lily II see, eh and Walr,rl a. Tbe Yachwn•b►nuld g ra w . r•II ro. Vat., de. ShaiTv 0}fic., (iralerit b. i tM furttsv to ban c►arge of manta of Iris Chem;.en. M Ihs, T of fiai«rieh. in bwel umvd ap wnh even beaow.nadw.on for Saturday the t7th Jaly Melt Lt 110811. , LUTA LTV• 2fitt Juan, Ittdl. + w231d Oeoerol Intal recta, alf•mmg lhr United P0• ave Conary, lot • disehnrge Hader the waist aeCoetmeul waveller•. A large Hall atac►ed. 1 Valr,e hs 6, m layth. Wawa*ono, ( Mlel"- We h.le,ve In. Thos' drib..... of rurehum{ •sneer, sod the latter to have ebar/e of LmOal ' .---- - _ - Aet �$F Sabwribrr desires to rwanl his Jane 41, too. 72 ,n nor rust. food III—b-h,schopr Itifles w„uW do won to,pv 100 ACRES 0 F. 'L A N D ! 'Alan. Dal -d a (blest -I1, In 16 1* •unty of Buren thanks pillrticly to the Aremen of (rndwr- Vdl.p last Tr In Mork A. Dalley Waw w a fall, sod by w do.of hail .how them .1 Under these circumstances. I have eon A ry]� �j the 2d day.( J.Iy A D. I,tf7. each for their enw,getie conduct in saving bt I O A. Moms•-atumng 1 mod. Tae#.mwnt to the rarer• wall re adr..cave. 3eOA M—T•mi. voted at the rue hast of man warm frwaam �UCTIdH SALE 0■ RUBi!{Ibr PROUf1FOOT. p/Tr�etty from dWrnctioa on M•ndy more► sTRAV Eh • �N. 1 of L- 6. w WTIh, Waw..okah, r^mam• par PwwlnM.l seats q Pa• r.atarwtYA, q y - i ”' (0m Gyri, aE oMlern or ell oliticel,rends in 0•r rid,nR to har:bme Irardyeal. w2L r11r(( a M eearid.ea [bat be is d I t t p O■r ce nathsllon a wan tan thea lllin I hal uta ow na•nn.Mr P J _ 4ndebted to (it*w. r F'RON! aka finitscri)er on the Bd]fiaN Ad in tri. ncrnpatnn M P.Inrk Nm,n, and Dur p.,ht.e. an 7 mwsee.( )• term. wrau a.11 of Iwi No. I6, .n Ib. ,5,6 a Candidate for the j,nfsl L+gtslatarr 0f REAL ESTATE BFNRY WELIB. Road, near Ood•rich, eo Saordav !be Gast tihim ed . Tavern eland ■ed dweJllnO On, Ainendmenu-aNktsdaof .Inbbor e.6,".'r^ w the Township of wow■srb. your riding, and •t one who halt resided t� TO SELL OR RENT !- Eighth iris,., r hm.n mare hipped m the sir b••••• Re heI•f Ino ppm,. u, Ir, th•nrtemm, AdAs- - (.roPeal) Weed HnnUT P. U , downy many )wars In tha ncyth riding, and who IN Q'ODERLCH. TM i•mthnA an •home dw.IhnR Apure, Co,eau,*, IGelatieh, Jell 7, 1867. Aw24 It hip joint, also a mar. call same roloor one Talar 01rJ: ret wrrenu, takes a deep interest in iu wrlGar-, I hope it ' �IIa u'I-.+T fl vLF LOT.:USAHRN FiJRT. atwble, eeA.,fare 6he'I., V'_,n.InO PATRICK CARNUI, 1., ---- Tear °Id. Any person pv+nr inforw•t,nn aa, TLRAty UAEH, m has -i as rW n•eaitr bat 8 E A Rt. 111. D A V I S Apil If1h. 1117. halos.. em elected never to betray the [rat confide,1 to I-.,nebl.th r.,nr.•wh ,n .d Hr coir. 0■ lose ZVOTI('i �R a. b.,,In nry Il, 1.•I•r,r,• h.,th •rid Wait-, •,rt .I��• will [wad to llNir tswNry will bs nwardsd the h.utrw. H kAOa du-. clmun, Apd 16, 1 hall )mi..P .. -_ ___--_ _ - aM. t. O' �. T l� II E JLL A N O'I"r „r- w'y. r•.,d Ih■nl+,.d upd. haft( y1 for lMM treebr. Ileal imam p. hair el 0dt m it.. I rk fur- CHEESE ! Cuto�tala`oy`o M' Pnli:iea an to sapfa0.1 lhw han•L f •` ober won amtr m1iU•-t, wt gm1',d A•le• THU 0211.kBB ATZD S ■V, eaY7, �fY.R\L I th•.aiiline in rdrrin out honra,l then,. Y,+.•+t;'L, rte a10 I. A,11n. lit Par F:RTi't0 of l►e S►\nhnlden n( thus a POLWCII. Part" e11 LA1K h WALK F:It. Ar VV T R 1 r. , :.,:rl fust , aria .h. tt Tru reued Pair Jews 13t1, 3887. •' .11 0 tentions or IM Qw,ree •rhrmw, *.,it also b. 6,alrti^ad In .ell by Aprtt"n al his salt ,unhrr t l urp'.y f..he.a re. tar P. N. fT•ederiTr►PWeleam td H.lt Company GodW;* TrMd.w n,.,"dins. 1 //��,, D *7l�� I' p -r ,...I Vr w.J td. Bills Obio Rae n g Machine 1 ppe K"0ws. Market .' oar.. fi ,Awnch, on wtR b. NM in tMTown Hell• OoMrirh, on flMene►, low RN, 16ey. A 10 a n he what Gen wd hner'n m -Gaon*, ,1 RwNKIN Lw . )feoday 11sr lalb iaL, a 4 O'clock ft ■• w?tA TAD Imm its P -wawa• 1.. H.b. n. hephard & 8trachan...pa.:� ;;�, ,'� ^aur riAin ''dnrl r Saltarddy, the 20th day of July, Mev iT,b, IId7. .» t J. V. DETLnR, sofa 1st ta, flFh sea a R.",'Z - FAIR 1,[ AND VILLAGE j,, D. BAW YER els 00., G KOCILR� AODERIC U. y„ g Peedsui. ►e land Iwo, a nett `s7 an, whim NI P."C)PF..RTYr .elf.rw*fI Coyorated endmm IR67,al noun, (IwiNbb• afA. IA67. awna9ld, llandslack, (nn beadfbw whoa t bad \ baltir Mi•loufaotunra. (LAV E Man ea arpninled col• \svnb at i am're. I mPquueted with many in lb• That awl) .;1•♦ted Baal FhIW known r I a I tad *area lea• Aa nal,•*\ ee,l8 in err H A M I L T 0 , , O. 17, n Oed•rith for abs ale of the nd.w.,ted fid ng, but 1 shell ,homy mak. It my hal DDDD�RSOL d PART1fEItSHIP 'ear'�''S,Y'° b" wk`1e1jn't't W bin al"I l � GOOD FAR11. COMPITS114O FiFTY Emote, Factory Cheese. insim to call mw+gnrs in your diRannt town NrLFNN.IN property, aAjOining Ihw prcmt mina rel ln"d, ab.,ul w all. fmm the ah1 when ishelf a min m unci les in ••• ^`'co sled by Mr. J01i MITCHELL DEP:YP.TNIEVT OF CROWS 9AVUEL Pi ILLIP. VILLAGE OF 1116WE.VALR, 'i\HE undersigned hep to ana0nnee in the L•re►1 M,a1"n applied ai IM Frinry M• Rpt 1'p' p (;rotor, twine pa',l Of Town Lrit No. MK, XTtCL is ken►y liven that thus pseeor• I ■ fa,w,n of The COom of Herrin, that Prises. Mud •ad lappa t, meat o1 be, aspiroaY fur LAY D3• .1110 Ysres•8oea • )oetwees lm, Belfast F 0. being the north hal f of Int thirty f tor. I(r' the y m b0wnre when yea ala h■t* an 0ppnnaetty of I Newgate Rtwat, wick buildings ae,o d Jsw 3b, 1867. w32tf. armwnemwe2,flat Moralip re T n- he t, and w• a•et p anent of Ijn shore REPHARD18TkACHAV. tbere0n. Also the whole of 1Jtn is 171, Bead r Z M ilha, u•d•r 1' Goderieh, Ya 27, 1847. .19,f judgingan to the Psapacdve erpabihtive of Ottawa, 77tbJnne, !AOT. t1eiMRIL pct berry .rel M s old to rtrAeeata terms µr1 fir n, \nA .111 M happy to ruewi�0eddr,�rs Ino y corn r !(awgaV Try,et rMl ♦irvw4 ROrA, iIR Dw elm -ret wive bs tl.atei .t Uluwa An ars of M*lae A M aka bite this tb• e. distal■ Pod L 'fbeea an stool 30 Glees elar*d, • tMir etaeAMe. It stalls tla Iw Inmr wit Reamw Dw Iti,. Ilodr at eewnt a,c r M Mdllaaleed Mettat. All `_,e ,6� I may ay that t mm an adeies, of British cla sed A Yrs Rslberfurd, bud sit •aeollad 0e. and alter the FIRltf JULY. h Wanted Immediate) read 1,a o Aare, ale. Roil eseellent. RarO. at the tat Provincial loyal, ta.d ►ansidend Wanted. eonrei/o", and •w rid a se. time so P y eNetats dab tbs am esr to be paid to y• won.I l,mher. m all rw•p.ets a first Mom Marione. A pe. -fa' T W.'rk.ho 0fen'.ied b, YMers, Reed A The Dep.iiin"i el Crowd, [nada for Ili* iTrle► Mtllaw, wbe 1.Of Mea w ala:tea __ Farm anent. Apply to. a k1 in th• 601A or in inn otMr a here fn fa' y Alan, 1 wo Bona 1e The Vill tf Boa a elven Coastline will ore on pxhibitina at H. I'll i [ y 0 Nair., •arpa^M Pr..i*has of (jnMe Gast Unt.ele wjll bus TLAQRLR beM(ay \fid rtes. Ce•oar.r Gari 1 b R•'1 li b eaiatain that Penlwtl a. a lacked at Ousbee end Torew/o as tow a' to rte clic f a b 4 {, Usteews. Cos^• wit► ped galdta wed onkard, sod fd.•kN rna•r, (40derM wMn Tyr. Y. ' Tela of Gal"-Oww-ibird oast, balsom 1 A •tu ►stat r antbnrd t° event,* orders Rnmg1..rrld*d Cottage. 1 remain Lw,illoawn, n than .gall aw*rl iwatum+nu whb mor daesd,(IN a• ptamble, N wbhth d.• .rills, 8aferf84•ell• 1« e*teM. Aply pesottaOT abnet for +roes/1aat1. 1 or WX JAS JOR,�TarOh, Toes mets# nbwAiw^dy. a# Pa farlker 1. tars r ►1 to wdf Malaaa. K. Ma11A •. N ywp,td hlsw te I1 HS L6, JAR. wil-K1Ita0t1, P•' ' Hotel !taper, liedeei•h. pp A.0411PDai.lel t)asad al OeMvk►. rhp ALKEAMDM a1cf1A1tD, QItIPr Agent. �ord*rtth. done j(rb. w31U. �• TOitBeHOE gA�. BUItACa HORTU r A�at 6wM al MA sty Try Yay. !ROT m,2{. 3t• tsMh Ale, P (l Aril 21, [ROT. wl3 lata• Gederich, war I7, IIK7. wlTcf (lsdrkb Ae I R, 1067 vend Aod•rieb, Jsrls ilm 188T, wind I t�r•RmMK1 a -_ '- `- _. __-,-..----r,..:..�..-.__._... - -..__. _ l _ . , - 11-'-" '.,.n, 1 �.. - •u. . -• \ rte