HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-7-5, Page 4INSURANCE• Fire, Marino aid Life Insurlaees erraor1D Oe aa.W■AL k Takata. Office—J. F. C. Haldane Law (`hau,bers, Ry'■ Bloek, turner Court Hoare Square and Was; 8t.. Gederich, C. W. JOHN HALDAN, JR.. Agent. Godaricb, 27th Sept., 1866. e36t1 MONEY TO LEND. ON FARM PROPERTY, ATi TSOY 8 To 10 PIM CENT. i l C«m J. RANCIS, TIIE SIGNAL' J. FRANCIS C. RALDAN, Solicitor, +e., lays Block. G oderish, April, 1867 will! 1847. Nov Is Ma that 1847 to subscribe for Gs4erlek u4 sestlaimptis Liao. THE 8T 1 A ll II NONEEto lomat reasonable !Ile '. APPI, to Y. 0. CAMERON. Goderich W. M. SAVAGE, BUYS .ad mill. New York Drafts—Gr ,n. baets—National carming —Blare sora•, and sncurreot osooey, M cussed rate of each .age. 19th Dec.. 1845. w47-1yr$1 GODERIOH MARBLE WORKS, W. C. TRELEAVEN. Monuments, Headstones,! ombs, Tablets, Table -Tops, &o. Ohio Free Stone kept on band for Build- iog purposes Muth u Caps, Sills, Ba- ses, &o., Cheap for Cash. 000ERICH C. W. 116S1 HENRY ENItY GRIST, [lose Departmental, PJrllameutary, AND PATENT AGENT, OTT AW A. which is admitted to be one of the Best Local PAPERS In the asstry. 7r•ercte businees wale the Crown Lend. •ad other Government Depanmests; Take. out Patents for Ineenran.; Weald laaorp,- Ware Io.';ompeete. by Learn Pat- , eat; Dians mad take. charge el Prem• r 11.0. dorm. the Soi- 1 row o .ke..forpenre- re - wiling el..where. REFERENCES: No..A.r.ermcu.Com- W. M. 'Vtt.wn, Esq. mNMo.er ofClow. Slovene. load.. No..J.Catu.tn.,Ler- E.ldoo.Ey., Ramo- dos. to.. R. Nett. E.q..l neper Meems.R Law's& Bon, orefAee.rms,Poluaal Torose d. AieenareCo Besides a Rill epitome of aft interesting local news. we have special oorre.poodesta in New York, Texas, Ireland, and in 'tvanoul parts of Canada, who carefully observe sod record faithfully many of the iuterestiug doings of the outride world. \ NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the Is10 firm of . A O. F. Stuart,Stewarteither by note or book account, an requested to pay the same t' G. F. Stewart et once, and lave costs. R.&O.F.STEWART. Oontricb, Feb. 15th, 186. No effort wi11 Ifo spared during 1867 to keep the Sigma! up to the standard it has attained.) COLONIAL HOUSE! UD GLUES! UD GLOVES GODERICH MILL FLOl1Y AND FEED STORE. Crabb's Block Kingston Strmet- Z "SILVER SPRAY" D. ROWAZ, Master, T7FILL no is eommelioa with the Greed TV Ttaak R. R., daily to Soatkamptoa and return. Leoving ooda.lah sver, emo- te/ r 4 o'eloek, eallm. M Kiaoardiaa. 1n ,arbssoa, Port Elgin, Southampton, wind and memoir permitting. RETURNING EVERY MORNING : Leaving Soathamptoa at 5 o'clock. a. m., sad arming in Hoderich in tame to couaeet wish lkaed Trunk Train. Tickets for sale for all points oe O. T. R. aid all potato wt. J. V. DBTLOR & SUN. Godericb,May 10, 1867, w16 FOR SALE. FLOUR, Oatmeal, CNn-msd sod Mill ALSO, • lot el prime Sager Cored HAMS sod Rolled Bacon. Jest received this moreiag, 500 Bushels mime Polalo•s. 1000 was. T. B. VANEVRY A Co. Oodnrial" Jane 7, 1867. w20tf r9 M ad a lowm 9, raid. 8. the hip e L lrStamm. 110 peraan ; Eutta Berea &ewe► ..M.Aygoanrr coots .. th.!shoo.., W. D., AeMtd, 04 per aeon; and 20 Tows Luta is Ouderoca,prtoe 130.00 doh ane uowarJi. Ap ply to rnos WEATBEI6ALD, Oodeerh FOR SALE. OT No. 16, 3rd ma. Wawanosh, commis- Lilog 50 acres, 15 acres cleared. The land is situated 12 miles from Ood.ricb, and will be sold un reasonable terms for coal, Apply to J. B. GORDON, ESQ , or E. CAMPAIGNE, Nov. 16, 1866. w44tf. at the Gaol. The Wee lllly CABINET ORGANS Edition is;published at 11.50 a year in advance, and as the times are now good, we are moat desirous of carrying oat the cash principle in all cases. Josephine's, Alexander's Imam's, Ditcher Lace beaks 1 Alexandria@ in white, black and colon. The !crest Stock in the Conn,ms. CHAS. R. ARCHIBALD. Ood•rie', August 22nd. 11466. owl 0 The Bemi•Weekly Edition ia published on Tuesdaf and Friday afternoons, at $2.50 per year. - 11 e are happy to say that its circulation has steadily increased moon, its coin inept in 1662. TO ADVERTISERS : THE SIGNAL presents f:eilitice of a high order. Our circulation is much greater loan that of any paper published in the Counties, 'and we are at all times read 10 show advertisers that it extends to all parte of' Moron and Brace. 'OUR ,SOBBING DEPARTII Fal CABINET WAREHOUSE (THE OLD.?ST iN THE COUNTY. D. GORDON, CALH1 E'I' MAI{I•:Et AND UNDERTAKER, M•nataeturea ons alas now on head • complete •rnnment of Purndve,at hs Warermm., WEST STREET, GODERICH, e CCH tis Bolas, Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, Hair, Cane anti Wool -seated Chairs, Gilt Moulding and Looking Masses, in variety .01 Home .%Inufkcture and Imported P D. O. has alwarn on hand • complete as ortment of COYhIl. Mao, HEARSES TO HIRE. (1} Larsher and Cordwood takes in 1. ebaa.efor Furniture Ooder.eb.Mh(Jet..t.a ref ALLAN P. M ACLEAN, al CC 0 J_ 4t •f A r -1 S take' JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS ComMm[ ,n part of Wert of England Arced *loth.. Beaver., Whitney., Reankm, Pe. ey English. etem,• h. ted Frent., Tw. el.,('aMnerea, Da.s8.m, •ed a variety of Canadian Cloth.; Nein, ..in , and stowsred Vesting., Shan., Oloves. C • pa. 4e., he. 14. fret. .tandem e( giving estU4etton to el, win may favor him with their orders. Vi HSI Is entirely seperate, is iu charge of experielreed workmen, and our facili- ties such as to enable us to execute all orders for Plain or Fancy Printiog at greatly reJu:ed prices. Of8oe, Kay's Block, Market Square Goderich, TWEED SUITS (all wool )112 and apwavds. per N. 3.—Cutting dons to Order... Oodsrleb, Sant 25th. 1864. .w 8 TAILORING a AS. AL. MI DRUM/III Hill MOST81NCYRE THANKS 11 far the mew Mller,n r t oem...ems. s ha bee eeeerTedamea he ceme,ene d 0..smro. in Unde- r .N beg 10. 1n elided ever Mte-M 1 e g O to Mm Ie.uasee, , borne • teemed 1 •e,l Ifm.re r tarryint en 8usioss Extensively ed w,ler,eg aerie het lam -rise• in.rented Arisen AA Waimea& ivapernwee ea Cotler is .enwsdto none. the Pevlerm,h•.lage•,,iM rim beinririase.tervNy e d•enewN►Ry, n H a m,lMri, B.rwelp•wytl.m-.Ad .Memeesand berth. heel rr 1. tae .f t M Pei,.1. 1 ttmaNshreea • i • Kd1 Mrgb. teeMIad, be fee44rly.uua to • .485l OAA BE PAD? 1► bjVelgMMMri sehe na e r , Neer 44.8,1.4 _ ammo A.Awteh, Osteheo $. 1441. AND MELODEONS. TIIE subserib.r has a number of New Cabinet Organs and Melodeons for solo eheap, at his sale rooms, Market Rgsae. G. M. TRUEMAN. Goderich, May 20th, 1967. .171, READY-MADE CLO'T'HING. AT A. SMITH'S, Merchant Tailor Dedeneh, J... 11M, I IN7. .17. s GRISTING. '111E Subscriber U now prepared to do GR1sriNG and CHOPPING at his Mills in this t,wn iu first clam style. 8. PLATT. Goderich, May 31, 1 it 7. 19wC TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE VERI CHEAP. LOT N o tllO, on Quebec St., lhalenek. •• r 1064, Homan. Pl.,.. • n 1 •f.the hook of • dm lake Herm overlooking the harbour, as .hgmoa for • manner Hotel. For term., he., APRA NCI] HALDAN, 8obrtnrhe Key's lloak.liinde ah. Oederteh, (nut, 1117. APPREHENSION I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 6roary and Provision Store, HAVING routed and fitted up the .tore lately occupied by A. F. Bulb, for the above btmtueas, I ani slow prepared to famish famine. with Groceries and Provisions which [shall sell at the Lowest Cash .nets Flour and Feed kept momently on hood. A share of yourtronage will be thank fully received and faithfully attended to. Wises and Liquors, Crockery and Glassware Parity 64446, ate., Oatmeal, Corneal, Baekwkeat !'lour, &e., &e GOAL OIL I AND COAL OIL LAMPS. 1). FERGUSON. P. S.—Goods will be delivered is any part of the town. Ooderieb.Feb. Tod. 1846. sw46 STOVES! STOVES M y 3• STORy THE UOIIIROILL Uiiu ASSURANCE COMPANY. 19 AND 20. CORNRILL, LONDON ENOLAI!iD. CAPITAL, (Folly Subscribed) - - - JE'1,5OO,000 Sterling. INVESTED OVIL 4!,000,000.—DZPOSIT FUND Elf CANADA, 460,000. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The dietiormehelde jnarpleul the Company ►..bees the ea*blrhmeeI el a. egrttable cation, char... t. anodes a mown= Frop„n.•.a w the mak, 7'M sorrow 'Abell .aa weeded 11. Loupe.% °german& lar. been mah as fully to maim the moela..sut« etpeetet.o.a of the Direewn. slut he. n midi el locoed He hummer ours wain., nal now offer tone Cuadra. pebltc. Pst?ICT SRCIIRI T guaranteed by large Subscribed Capital. and Invested Fttada oon;lx Settlement of Clams.' The Newton ..d 0..rl Agwu, Mag warlaw largely won rased to Commerce, wilt tab a 11ber.l..d h..tneea-Irk• viewed all ysriates aml04 babe'. dam. LIFE DEPARTMENT. The Company otters terse to Wage drwrag LJs Aruruce uneerp.md by gay Lot 0111e.. M.i•rale Prem. ore r—Perieet Securey—Eoosmy& mesepmeet. INding to isomer de aoaos 01111000 w partrctpui.e .tale, mows Whom 60 per mal M prone are dtrstble. Claim. pad one rso•lh seer pool coded. Ad Mow advantages, wawa may beam m the Company's Pro.peola.. Morland, Watson lAa Coote Fano. Cour, Secretory. OPVICE,-1/6 AND MS, ST. PAUL STREET, MONT2EAL. dr H.MUNK(r, ohrat. L. /w. 1 V l t of Agewci T.C. Iva\OST N, PL. 8. H.OARDINER A CO., Agee. foe Odenoi .d ieakade; Wm. aam.11, Edgardue; Jost.' Jamreso., Walkerton ad — Semmes.. sw74 COLONIAI, HOUSE. Tailoring & Outfitting Department 1 t.tisn o: CITOck.Large Pa H. GARDINER & Co., w.OLUAL* A1D .•T41*. Hardware Merchants market Sonar., Coderioh, HAVE .ow o. bed •comp.Mead well Is. .othed Meek of Hardware, ocommug a. par of Ades., Road Axes, Choppy Axe., Aught... Crush... Some, Weggea Suer, U.rda Plates, Mods, u.w,.(• mb., Cordase. Woo Forks, Har Pwks,► Ore, IHd. ULr Pou Car. Tia, Onsdmo.ee, Potion', Shut, Cape H al. ISpring 6.0OptBeett Stet, Bar Load, !amp Mama. Loolluag Clsmm, Looks.{- Ol.r Floe, Hurd Maim, Cut Nail., naw Ad Boiled Oil. .essellae,Cem 100, Masb,.wy Oil, ♦•nth, Pinar .d Colon, Cosi Val ,.save, Plo.gh Musa*, Mule Saw.,CromoCe• Saws, Had Saws. Ns. a21' Ti. •bone will deed 011 p lee Cas►. OILLING and 8TUROEOI TWINE FOR SALE OHEAP. '14A,1 M suis LA.DIIJB "111 o: Hensel .BY ....se of a writ o i V wit Tiers IMtee uremia p,1 ea Mee M U Oswr eahM 'heeled counter of York mad epee d. oar Io me dimmed soden 11. leasad ter., meems(Tioaaa UMtw.sit the so, of the 0u, .ses Yank, t ham, .d and mina la •riot!.. a the right, 101. ad sawed & the .a4 de4adest Tbomaa C.AId, in sad 10 IM member 431,,. Ike Pillage of Chem.. 1a t►. Oeauly &Hurd. uam- laialo. by Mmeaa,rerwot taw and of lead. he the was moor or tea, which lee& tad terw- meem 1 s1.8 can or sale at my tare la the Coen /foyer, . the Town &U,drleb on Tues- day, the needy s.nentb day of August meat, •t Js' berm of twelve el the Mock. awe. /OHM else WNALD, $brN'e OM,,,, Oedema, 8 a►enr tel Rarw. 16t1 May, atl7. t w17 A gents orCouser.' 11.,.. Assured, Co., o f La duo,Esgl.d. iwaeonery tut w43 s_ Oe BARRY & BRO., 11011 2E WM c c CABINET MAKERS THE Suhsenberhg'to inform his many castomers and the pablic gewr►11, ,that he ase.. conatantly on hand the largest variety and best .election of English, Scotch. French, Swiss & German Tweeds, Id t=2 rt /STOVES. pLOUG,4 e. o,a„rkaT,ncS ,. 71 O 4A' `614, •.i'ai ,.. •k .'T• 11 IN xD6Pr JT 6 ER^ N'C. I'L..t 1 .t \ I) F'._'V CY x Q b th T = N W - R F]. COAL OIL, DESERTERS. flit- Coal Oil Lamps,a. Old Iron, ('upper. Brass, Want Pocking.. sgted 8heeP8ke ts take, to etcbaage. J.& J. STORY, N ei T I C I7. fti' Sign of the Large Coal Oil Barrel. I8 HEREBY GIVEN, Oodermh,March lM,lt,a7. eat( THAT the following waged. will be pad for the arMebeamd of NAVAL DESERTERS, G 0 1) E R 1 C 11 In any pan of C...., and for . nt .rrnanon Iead- mg to the comrrs,twn tel rtef.oN .11101•1 ng d<Krt- ,` ®_ A Dt4 ers. 1.vePor ■ 1. 67w1 , on oa dation deserter. a (dorm, , / • rhe rear Ihe71. t7 le. in addition w expenses , J and to sp0vl raves, • wrther rew.:d oe pon,1 ret etr.ritl errrnmat•ace• 1.—Penalty for persuading person. to deer n or Improperly abaeat the,aseler, Ifo, ooe-Lai( to the ,af,rmer. 3.—renally for arlMo.g, eo.oeali.g,berbour Leg, a employt.g dsserters, I40. ooe-W i to th informer. 4.-15 Addtnos to which foregoing meatus.. me person Riving i.lormmwa leading IV the conviction of any per.os or persons prowering, THF: ortbeer ber beytog recommenced the Ale .ohMrng, or ants.g deserter. will receives Huenees further reward M 110. A. P. R. D.HORSEY. senior O*n.r. St. Lawrence ad Lakes of Coad.. H. M. S..rA.rore," at Qaehee. ►larch 2), 1167. .11 IIiDIAA OTTIOE. oreceet, 1 VA J...., 1947. TBE. Sale by Public Ant -lion ret lands He A.no..n P.ninenle, advertised for 1M 16th Jaly nisei, will sot take plums. Poems denying to obtain for .'real eveleaw4leads lore wailea .rl... le y to W. IL a.rtl.4t, Awe, 1.al.a ( Twwb. .42 44 Weis. RPEAOOE. D. 4. i. A. IxKeg. AXE FACTORY! AT THE OLD STAND, un IbeCoroeruf Waterloo and Light -House .Streets, woad bre to intimate to Me old Ineed., nal a maty sew enss as tumours him with • Ell and tnel, t8.1 he will produce ad K11 • WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE, CHEAP •Me Ohl unto lopped et • .melt cost. Pleb, dry., Y do and :,iei.tried en abort .Mist♦ Notice to Wool Growers. N.B.—Alm' • mnmb of Sler. on hand. JOHN McPHEBSON. THE undersigned would be6 to inform his J„d,r,eb, 004.3A1, 1866, 40- eartomern and the public that he no ague, during this year. be foetid personally ,o atteodaaee at the Wool Carding cid Cloth- ing business at the old stand, Piper's Mills, until hie new factory io Tue. he completed; and having bad the machinery connected with the lame pnt in good eorking order an- ALL Kinds of Book-keeping. including der his own personal superintendence) cmBankinr, he., (Theoretical A Practical), tomers may rely upon satisfactory workman• PENMANSHIP, (Rusioees,) ship. ARITHMETIC, (Mental and Written), N. B.—Ts returning thanks for t6. liberal COMMERCIAL LAW, (Lectures and support of former ,ears in the above bud Clumr), nese, he hopes by mrict allocution to the same SPF. LING AND DICTATION, to still receive a shags of pintapatronaaggee CORRESPONUENLE. TrIOS. LOGAN. Goderich, 25th, Much, 1867, wilt( Add111.natErawrheeTawghtTree t• obese who desire skean. OF.00RAPiiY, GRAMMAR, HISTORY. ALfERRA, IoEOM ETRY, MENSURATION, WANTED. FRiiNCH, LATIN, G REEK. AN esperia Led Carder. Apply to the undersigned, at the Oodertcb Woolen Mils. THOS. LOGAN. Goderich, 4.v 1st, 1867. w15 if Commercial Course MONEY TO LEND ON 1MP110VRD WARMS, AT 8 PEh CENT! Pane to invest I6 Town Property J. R. GORDON, Barrister, Ae. , O odsrioh Ood,riek.Sent .13, I964. aerStl SALT TERRITORY 1511 THE COUNTIES. ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF Canadian Manufactured Goods, ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERMAN BROADCLOTHS, CA4SIMERE.. &'bOESKINS, ENGLISH AND FRENCH BEAVER AND PILOT OVERCOATINGSI OVERCOATINGB OF ALL OTHER DESCRIPTIONS. Having secured the services of • Re OARR, guns. CS .i —i. b7R, 6. is prepared to execute all olden with promptitude, and in a style unsurpassed by any MANUFACTURER In this PROVINCE, Citiu net erupt.:. Try him and satisfy your- selves. A perfect fit guaranteed in every instance. Constantly on had the LARGEST STUCY spd LATEST STYLDS is Gentleman'•s Outfitting. of Every Description! AMERICAN MONEY 'elven at the highest rate. Ohaa E. Archibald. sr 103 Nranche'sTawgkt for which there 1s as vitro' Charge. Telegraphing, Phonographyi.andaeepe, Architectural, Figure, anL,imier Draw- ing ; Painting, to Water Colors, Sepia, India Ink, and Mnoochromaie ; Modelling in Plaster and Clay ; OINIIEOTTLL POURER. -Goderich, August 22nd, 1366. TILOS GRIFFITH & CO., HAVING OPE.iED THEIR WHOLESALE WAREHOI'ffE, NO. 39 FRONT STREET, TORONTO t NOW OFFER FOR SALE '1' EA S Chests, Half Chests sod Caddies, Young Hysona, Gdnpowder•, imperials, Tw.nkoys, Japan Young Hysoo, Uncolored Japans, Coogons, Souchonga, Orange Pekoe ad Scented Caper Pekoe, tSU(slA1t'4: lihds Porto Rid., bras. Nos. 2, 2 1 2 and 3 Yellow Re0ued, Crushed X ted A, Dry Crnshe and Gro.d. Excellent 'Board is salaamed for Two Dollars and Fifty tense per wet.. ver rem raMiceiers, Teresa, ate.. lead for Circular. Address J_ W_ JONEIS, Principal of London Commercial College, London, C. W. May 311967. w2 FOR BALE OR LEASE. C ODmRICJI3 `V1T141N 11*)ytr,ta the mesal --BROOM FACTORY. 8.n Works Alec. FARMING LANDS ronva rest In thetloehlN A 44,lo Isaac Dobson & Son• JOH BE 1, fsuamx, t 8ol.eitoe. eod.n,•h lh.demh. IM Dee.. 1006. w4pf N &ri Il i 'TIM isle *briar, HIM ib. Co-ppearAl•mebi p heretofore existin4 betwe.s loose rob gob A floss, ler this da, diseolvsd h' metal emt.nt. A11 debts d.* aid gra mess w pad to lore A Rtr,dlt•sd J. Dolra4 who will Iostin.e 0M badhatsn of Brooms of alt dassript.onl. ISAAC A 18117. {M. -1J iJIfER w BHE&IYF5 SALE 03' LANDS. Co.aty of Hums. Di DT rtof • Writ eat Wo Tu WPten Paw• wood cul of Her M.)esty. Casaty Court of 11e tidied oos.Ues ss Hurd and Waves. .td to me dimmed . g asrrmm the Leed• and Teseme.ts w Joseph llatamoet, at We wt of Arthur M deet, 1 d dr mad autiles rs E*rtt.'.11 the nod oil. ad unseen Mike sad eLre..ut Joseph Hem - Mutt u .od to Let bomber Fin.. in , Tea1•.r.a8 eo.er.o. &the Tow..htp of 4, ..8 am the cone. et Hamm, witch lion, ',,, tsasmeats 1 .hell ager lot este, et my wow, Ia the Bean hoar. •. he ww• f Hoden.k, en Tuesday the Nista day of idly seat, .l the hair unwed. u'e4,oa .taw. 10818 MAC DONALD, Sheriff.. 0sae, Codrw►, tlbetl(Hinw. 1m April. 1111, f wt FOR SALE. THY •ubaeribar offers for sale io aka Vil- a. Bataan!, 18 miles from Gothri.t, mad ai miles from Loekaow, aa the North. en Gavel Road, A GOOD BLACKSMITH SHOP to wkaeb there Y attWed a good teams hams ; a good Nordin, 1 of as .an aloha, aad a good w011 of wooer. Tb. m o.' of the beet combings foe a blacksmith fa the Comity of Hato'. All of which wgl be .old cheap, as the sibecriboir is about to go on • farm. Term W84., ball dews, tom rest in one y.r, if to .alt purchasers. For perimeters apply on the premises, or by letter paatpaid to NEIL CAMPRILI, I Belfast p. o. Towealki of Ashfield, -TURNS County of Huron. January 31, 1867. w2i1q AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton St„ Goderich, C()1F`lb`I .Et3: Bags La Ouayra, Rio. Java .ad mocha, also. Roasted and Orouad. 'I'013ACC{7LIS : Hutu, Id, (-addtas solace, Tend, ad Hark •d Bright 1.218.., bolos Ohl Vsrgtm. very fight and cbo,w. r rzua rl f Soso' nod Half Bosom, New mad (Ad Vsle.cm Rastas, Ends, 1 Roses,and i Hosts New Lazar and M. R. Hamm, Bones i and 1 t.00doe Layers, Doable Crown Layers, West Ed Layers. (very prone) Keg. and 1 Kees Seedier, Muscatels. 1 Keg. Sun Raisins Marna Pau.. t'urrent., (mew .rid old) f',cme F.g', Prune• in ke*a.,anima• mal game )yrs, Oeng.. Leiria. ■rid Citron Peel., 14011104 ml Cryiesdim1 Foots (u Fancy Bo..'). Nonce and Oruro* bul,um Rawu., Beg. and Boles Jordan S Shall .d Valencia Almond., slots ted Filberts. • wINr:S Pipets, Man, Qr. Puke and Octaves, Saalemaa'., Undo's. and (Icerr s Ports, Pemnroe's. Donlon N l'.'., C,uup, Suter Jr Cu,'.. Lopes 8 Co.'s, Pale aid lloklw Sherries, Burgudy ■d t reach Pore tel vinous grade., Champagnes, Clarets, Morel. and Huck 11 I1' A. I) 1 1: 14 Hhd., 1-4 reheated Comes, Martell's. Heeowy's, Otani, Dopey 8 Co's, Joon Add 44 Cos, V Cbsloapie 8 Co.'s, and other breads. Ie d:;? ORISS. Poached J.matca Rom, Hide a.d Came lhKu Par's Holland at d Booth's Old Tan Otn,lhtimvdle'm loth, sir wan'. and Harvey'. Scotch Whiekne,L.oad.o 4Nd Rye. M.II, Morton's Toddy and Cm. mw Whiskies. 8I. 78, PORTERS. CEfO., 4WD. Rola Damned' Sorter, Nam' and Younger'. Ale Cmnadsan Bottling Co.'. AM..d Porter, Cas.. Bernard's O.gr, Wine. Soloed. m S. b n apps', Frsnc h Liqueurs. Cordials, km.. ere. TOGETHER WITH A LARGE STOCK OF Rice, Lsverpool Soap Belmont and French C.1Jte•, Ifutloa Blue Pig .d IsJtgo Kb ., Starch o vends kind.. Spores. itulaw, 8yrup..Car nnei told Washing %ales, Eng...d Cualun Che. , Poled Fl h. Meat,hc. Crosse and Blackwell's P(kles and Sauce Salt . talase are. Marrero.: ad Venntnell,, Li aoe,ce brim`, Caallewick, Broom., rip... Proper. En.h.h French mot Canadian Vuei*r . t8 go, Beer sod Wine Coro, Binge, Baltpeter,1 rearm Tarter, Pads, lied Conde, Day .rid Manse'. end Lamb'. Blacking, Ito., kr. HAVING ESTABLiSHED A FACTORY far the maa.faelun of Brooms in God •rich, th• subscribers an prospered to aimed to all orders in their IncIof Maine*. front any port of Canada with promptness AT WHOLESALE ONLY. Their f*eilitiea for m•ent.etere will, the ISM een8dawt, ..soto them to mfwpete with any .eta►Iiabernt of the kind in the eosin. try. tie. raster, no RlagMn. Street, nppralte Ieews Bout, Addrem, ISAAC RONSON A SON, IIT DOESON. •f Deder.h, C. W. Oedelrb, Kush 1*, liNn. wi 114 Deeembev 11, I MI6. w44tf A L 8 0 , VEEP constantly on band for gals all arti- ties In their hue, loch as Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, Ac., All kinds of wood.turning done, such as Nool poets, stair bannisters, neekyokes, Ae Always on band, a eomplete ASSORTMENT OF COFT NS and a HEARSE to biro on rsaaosable term =Ooderich. May 3rd, 1866 15w6m• THE RIDGE PROPERTY FOR BALE. THE RESIDENCE OF THE LA1 E JOHN GALT, Es*, BM. B.Imw. No. 1 Mond ad Labrador Sold Hering., Nhl. ad Kit. Mackerel, Table Coda's, Dsghy Herring. is I.rga .nd atoll Bales, Liverpool Coarse and Pid Sall. Sole Agents in Toronto, for James k Son's Celebrated Dome Blaekled. Tbe .hove will he (grad on Inspection the beet assorted Stork ever oSend ,n Toroatn, Sed w0l he odd low for ('.me, or 00 liberal tering for approved paper. THOS. GRIFFITH & CO., 39 FRONT STREET, TORONTO. Toroate, Novaaber 21, 1140. .4 HURON ma FOUNDRY! [AMENS, E R. RUNCIMAN & CO., Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills Circular, Mulav and Basil Saw -Mills. ANI MINES A CUM, TIIRAMIIIN( 1r]CAf7 IINEtt , SEPERATORS AND HORSE POWERS, ms property is be.otfolly situated oppo- site the Town of Uoderteh, oo the North Bank of the RIVER MAITLAND, sod ed the Ranks of Lake Huron. ft con- tains 31 7-10 acres of Land more or 1... with with l Dwelling Garden, and re bard. FOR SALE 1 Ac., with laree G.rdes, Vinery and Orchard The Wood laud consists princir.11y) of Oak e and the tends are Livery, Chery,o, r. T Ito. l .re' OR TO RENT e Tbe Grounds are in very good order. Thee' are three neves- foiling sprnigs of pure water onince. the Property. The situation fur a prorate THF WELL 1NOWN residence cannot he .urps..d in the Prov Maitlandville Hotel blowing and Reaping Machines, Wood Saws, 4t7UZ#I'rP41111.,TORB, ca-.t>l`Na PZ.OLTGi•ArM, hras•Cuting.mada,a.d Nfeebamitbs'wnr) done le a dahtsntlalmetr.a, cum•g•ofa.yd 88Aptlotmadeto order. Alen, all kinds ofmaebirry nedrid oe sheet neties. A lugestock es COOLING PARLOUR AND BOX AN►,' as band, r E,MUIss, Wes g and Pip. pansrws Mo of she arms 10.Is wade sniirit Gs i $„g g w gt mime ri riog the aMve a IM last Orniamrah• prism fee eMh, o, f weed f i. illi MstieL Ana., Copper, asionab edg of prowler. talon* u,,Magr Oederieb Oesheri Ibbs LANDS FOR SALE. pHs Subscriber offers the following laud for sale, Tis : - A Vain In Tuckersmith, Being les 23, soli. 2, Harm Survey, 100 acres, 78 of which are oder esltivatioe. Tbe land u o! excellent guilty, well water. ed, sod with hardwood timber. Tor Toms- ship ow.-ship is knows to be one of the best is Upper Car& for farming. On the lot thou r a good frame boss', frame bars, sod oet- ballJiap to torreepoadr. Also s good or- chard, of 10 bearing trim. FARMS IN MORRIS, Being 330 germ, Composed of S. i 3 and J, coo. 5, 200 acres ; 25 acres ander a a- uoa. The lad being of first quality Om s most desirable farm. Also 5. i 19. nos 100 acres, no c'eaag ; and W . i of S. }} 18, n cob 3, 50 acres, all best quality of laud. Tortes reasonable. idispNJle tills'. For particulars and tore apply to ALEX. CAMPBELL, lot 22, led nes. Turkmenian. Seaforth p.o., Marne 22, 1867. .9 6m• For terms apps to THOS. GALT, Eaq , Iterrmter, Torosto or D. SIIADE GOODINIG, Barrister, Goderieh. Goderich. 6th July, 1846. .w901 SASH AND DOOR F ACTOR Y. THE nndemirmed having pon'bard the H1111 - ng Mill and Sash Parlory owed, and oe- euprl by Donald Cumming, arm owe prepared to earry ue the him arra of ma.ofeeter,ng Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, and all kinds of (:1 It CT. I.E SVORIK, sock a. Cock and O.ALe Sash ted Preemie. They Stork from their e.pmo vee is Factory Wort. tot they ren gree aslufnel,un to tail who map Mew them wok • ea1*. 14, B.—A Roan! dremt1 to the Orale. JAS BUCiHANAN, DAViD LAWSON, JAS ALEXANDER, Ooder.eb. March elk, 1047. aw66 Balt Territory 1 THE Subscriber offers to any person or company for a royalty of one fifteenth of the produetion, one half sen of land, with .bout four hundred feet front. [and situa- ted about eighty yards from the preset Goderich Salt Works. For further particulars apply by letter oe personally to E. CAMPAiONF., Keeper of County Gaol. Goderieh, Dee. 6th, 1866. wilt( G. N. DAVIS MA8(1FACTIIRF:R AND DEALER IN 8lareePloughs and C11•1111‘11 an every de ss 'rise. T(I.,/:•"pet and Sham from War.,a 'h. Yart.L%taoe Dspo(, Market Square, Oak - rah. GOAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. srcoalOil Lemps,lee.,he. Old Iroe,C per, Braes. Rags Wool r okings ad Sharpers.' Mee r.' .dodoes. thl 131( LX11t .141l4I SITI'ATED on the sorrier of the Northern Crawl Road to Lueksaw, one mile tram Careened,, and with. nee brdnd ad maty Toed* & the Codencb SALT WORKS now in operstrw, This property s Ma.nlolly warted for • Salt Well, coelinrmg ore aero ed de etebth of led with a .large two.Mey Kock Hotel, laity me Ivy wr,yaa, ad a Ler.. 14.1/ atlacbad thereto wt. goal *tats.. ed ober Oul.IwoWiog', '1 here or ■ sever Milne spring n1 the rear or he property wamenl w ...reply as the water required bis Irony • 85ft well. Also Ib, Halo. Lot No. 719,1 1a the Town eat lloderiel. satiated on the West ode of V,nur• .heel, a ,-twner 1,4 edpse.g the Naming Factory, .48 • Brick Howse ed a From. Stade demos. MEd alw Lot Ea 1017, Ir the Tnwe or (Materiels, awatml oe the ',forth rude M Este motet, near the Relined Nat..•, with a god Frame Holies sad large 8able there- at. A deer tole ear be given for the whole. The shore property will be ark. on ro.ao.•ble %errata, ps n•hrers. For .rtrcular..p,ly to N L. DOYLE, BerrtMer, fc., Godenrit. or 0. M. TRU LEAN, Ood.rch, or thie uheenher. C. SHAN NON. Medlr.dvi Ile, T'p of Colborne, febeaare 1011, 111.1 !ewe s FRESH OYSTERS,! VVIOI, 0AL541D aITap., BY THE LEO 0,J OR OOU'NT LO8$TERe, INE$, FRESH MAD& cOTIrlilES, atUti, abObAhuts, Figs, Oraptlll. - s iArai be.► at LoIPg IL. tis , wino e aderlta/6s1> Afar A;r64 41 • .> 14.15, ewlM New MarbleWorks Pollock's Block, 1 t1i IA ,t¢ M 1. A. M. Johnotton MONUMENTS, H6AD81'CNES, Table ddil tom, Poets, Ac ,Tombs, of every derip- tion .os'style of workmanship, furnished on short notice ..d at the lowest pried. Libe- ral reduction made for midi. All orders punctually attended to. Deluges of Mom - menu, Ac.. may be seen .t the 'bop. Oo4eneb. Dee. 19. 1864. w47.1 y SALT TERRITORY 20 ACRES OF SALT TERRITORY to loom, situated on sad adjutant to the River Maitland, and o Jan eut of t Goderich Railway tation, and frosting m G. T. Hailwsy—eery eonveoIiat far • Wag into main lief. Apply to, WKATRInRAtn, 0derick. Nov. 29.1966. .45tf Money to Load. ON very reasormemo hle mAM1j to ON R. L. DOYLP Savage's new Rloek- ()n4sriclo, 9i1* Jan. 1866. e(d Tie Notice. A.MITI , PW1J.o0K, We Duet: BAmi1Alm Soso apassaei.alaltB,slR.' ee Radar the i..&lr.N AM d IO NA: OP* 61.11ed Geouius et Raw .ad Onsin ! Osie in Oweastea's Eine, Kiel!, Mon *trent. rowan, iso. 1041. w511