HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-7-5, Page 2•
Omer Wine of front. Time.
1 the rcir of power pernauentie le men
wile here ever refused he monk • °jail's
MU wrung frow deem. Besides,
sale coalition uterine a government %About
D8PART. good new* from nearly every quarter, I
xtravagetit waste, unchecked and earn-
,- • pale face of the old man grew livid, Esteems emit 6:2'I mite tr sty test WI are all right for
mak and with a shed ier. MOUT!'
bottles? Hare you found out the Rua: ' 10:50 " Den. Sigotol,-A• see Jou are geuing
"You ham totted it oet. Te it not • hat I bands damn eves more sorupebea than haid every contu.....3,4 in those toiiiiemen,
sad r • j0ba A Mal3u311114 Cartier lad tad we are down on the No Perty men
eYoa wore right, Richaid. Iv is nice- hive proved themselves to be ? We thiuk
ties 1" not, and we would urge upon every He ,
and their blandishments. Car.ing and
• Nicotine 1" 'tactile are trotting about the contrastous
former tro 0.o all in his poem seeurg
doyen here, c tiling at every door u faith -
the tobacco -leaf. I street the lost hoer in he election of men who are cloa y uppos-
"The et et deadly of pelmet, &win/4*M
diroured it. As soon aa Oa Oioleful truth 4Id I. C4mlith°46 u4 Pr". It I"' it's •wful to sea them sweltering along
net be judicious to pledge Iteform °atilt-
ooncledirie my exerattiatious upon it. 1 have
beret tipeall me, 1 fell to the door. Alid my dates ee mte for a 150t1011 of want of
owe brother -my brother Remy, to seek ay
life.' confidence in tki Dew military at the
Riehard hewed ha bead. The OMR of wet very °Meet, bet it will be saran LO Illne
trembled. Here lei boort chapteied ies trim .
repreeent dives who, ir they are willing to
illy. "Sir Gutter Ir Areey ot ie troth!' at
the Meratitede era brother. het he MN scorn
Me oppressions of • monster. 1 will *Mew
him yet. Perhaps I may not lair to wastes*
his defeat, but othersabeli see ilee ream 01
that lite of yi Iiiiiiy, whsco you. lticlumil, liege
lbst inede known to ale."
"He called me to him just sew, and gam.
the vial which Henry .D'ereey bah gime
••lie 64, sir." . ts ! And so modest too. Aak Sinclair 1 Mr. Hays' preeminence as • palette speaker.
that trout the window yet. Use it sp. ac- to " go tor urtu " again. Ile WU Mite I If indeed ratite speaking couststs In airing-
"Ttat Monster I Bet so. Tko not tkrow themselves and the weeny sit large.- , your feet -beware of the smooth milk „ . ,,..
cording to los direettoes, but let the tw , daily The Convention etubrued nearly Fermi , nod honey entotheriag the bitter poiron
I so. . az a mouse far a loag time after two, iiss ing togetter as un•intited quentity ot uu
drops be poem,' frms the window. I think 1 buarod les !Mg Liberi's f 011.1 all parts , -.ewes* air the glitterinr belt spreau drvaaing.
The Great Reform con -
The Reform Convention convened in
eat political gatheriag that has ever taken listen In the piliey procuulgibel by the 3 1 II h. ......, hi. t oo sires
I ' Canada Like it1. prototype ot 1 Coeliti.'waste, and give them a fair trial, I Ylr-‘ " W4.-‘ ..- .."--- --- "4"-' --- --r-
. • • ling he isn't going to woko a cart horse
Gait It was hooted at by the enemies ol will b.; on *ha w itch for Coo firat indieo-
ploaa any body. Carling , has rete" •••• 0.1r. 11•T except leek los and that he ea, taxing his utmost powers eo
wage. ' beet foto forward at his election eseetines; tl'ibets full ! '!' 11 ' 1 Om u01. lulu' ir" buu"
political progress as au insignificant air tion of corruption, aril ready to i411011 the•u I uf hiumif 1°
',crawly or the fanatical follower!, or! out on the instant. 51.eleration, in the
3'ili pounds now, and if he cootinudb to ! '"d °°°°' °yin tiw're °00° °eft direct'? in literlitrri:r 'lett hillh:61tleartlieira:L: 'We it!tell:
is getting .quita thiu. Ile only
be via be jaw a gal. h.** front. I propose* to. sketch tbe eyeing easier for a ',Wench mail to telre than any
Ger.rge Brown, but if its results are to be I velum arksi is advisable, bat not the
fail as he is doing.
• tient as thole followieg the hest moderation of full-blovAt CoaLitioeissu, 1 Attorney ferns my point of view, while ollict tho Iviter *sill bear.
ther luminary, I will meet him el,
II " Observer" continues his ' piMorial
lOping ooneutuption right off. Wee Elliot '
, standing on the oppoaite side of the Louse.
of Exeter, is tiling ruund at a furious . i
, n the brat place, for I propose dealing t ur throueh the columns ot the Star or lei
remarks moieties, as to pleasure, shoulA you lin.fly permit me to
rate. What a gentlemanly little chap he ' „oh, e oe,,,,„oese
occupy the necessery apace In your eolumns.
the dusty roadie You eau tram them
week by a wt:t. streak muse by the pee. I
turued Sure with tramping, and every few !
of their pints. Poor Ritchie's feet hen
8•41•41to hit pasty hardly is thie item
quarter, a ee le judge (loathe wastiiim
surmise of Mr. Heys' elmait,%oaa titet
timed into Mar tough Loire 1,, ell. Y. ' No
doubt the truth ;it ponotiouil tO thayo, it
ul quite fonsieo to their nature. Oet it sol' do
Mem good is the eta. They' bad belie.
leave the editor of thy Stint:fowl hie taleuts
alone, for tatty will find 11. Y. himself, quite
*emelt to keep the whets vet ot them In
order oriel polliug
To Ike Editor re the Rune 84nal.
Goderich 29th June, 1867.
Sta.-1n tbe last new of the Star, I
observe i'letter written orm the &garters of
Obeerver," contaiitintthe writer's views V)
of the cepabiloies of lir. Hays one of the
candidates ter the North Retail, of Ilaron,
tia °mimed to Mr. Gilman the reform candid-
ate, and iu 'hick is Oinmised • picture of the
latterfor the neat wee's' stases. Now as it is evi-
dent the writer of that letter if conscientious,
as free grants of public he^ taxing
Mel and atin bolted to seg thin oeubler sad
hemmer ettateate.ot theme ti relorma
euuld um he lona thee tu ni17.01essA'
a wan who het felt all the hiooltruiencid1
Jell 1,eviesiag.--le the House PO- Whet ie that animal which liet the
coincn„, onsoeng. rad stasis', Kee Mod M • est tend Me mil of • ear, and the
retarget' Ikea kr Foreign Affairs, stated ems of • sot, notelet hieh 140'1 • sot r-
at la Ommenseeset was leaking slow pro. Frofemor Owes sett't me, but metier Mishit
r Uinta' austeet. iu regard to the AM kitten.'
leit alarms; lett he did uut despair ut
&Cisterns' a happy rieult. lb. 1, melee
county he reeks to represent, and who has 10tfitte peke ley belong the limas all
I too much sisal woad to incur the just eon- I the documents and correepinideitee in the
sere of his roustiMests by MI imprudent use. A lame number of &web t-lutius
COulie Issiteetiii. the le t. Iageneit the U eked Sines had been hied.
, 1 tb!"4 notwi'b"."dInkt all Mr• Mays Paris, July 1 - At the distribution of
•., arced allatos1 both sole's**, noold rrises today, the Ensperor Napo'eon and
toke just as high a price, and sabinit to be ' euit were accompanied Oy lb ) Molum . of Tufo
shelved with aa good • grace as most ems Ike, and WAS, its sit episode& plarriars, *eel+
w° w°1"f. 4-1° it 047, be will, drawn by Ca horse*. When the initiatoty
thiuk, fall mournfully to convincing • siugle icermueies ears euuehriot, Ow Emperor
do • doiler's uorth work for fifteen cents.' "Pomo. is proud to be great, prooperons
Or that • tuan, mugle erur might iu • and free , yet she is not unmoved by her
Nitro litaniself anal Serwlyell le Utter ran, material joys. Tbe tboarhttol. can nee *he
ebould he paid no tter t an • lime, ft
suryer. who is reepoomble for nothing, France; bet leer noble susceptibility ebould
or braes well as an ouskilful Attorney, lout create fear for the world's repose, as we
whose responsibility would be but meat,' here prove nur &moiety tur peace."
" °bate ver" says Mr. Hays ia straightfor. 'espositieti mark* basis of lisonoey and pro.
ward, that be would not do ao itoeterhend or ones, nog the weevil of grand morel. prin
diutardly acodtc. LI Ws letter h •o a , tiptoe, *Welt with justice can alone establish
at (Inderict, Mewed of Morris. 1 vrould have themes *Ad media humanity."
, preparattea producing such beneficial result.
said he was muter ot the keenest sereasen, I liieetenthusiopy tuloarred tbe Emperor s tee,. Wwers. Winn takeu season they
effect a permaneot cure. Sold by every
druggist and most of the respeeteble stores
tbrooshout the Province, M 25cm per bet.
the e Cliandiati Pain DeseOher" is jut the
article, it cioeii wounds etas, tied frost•
bites, and is tho bees Medieirie that cat bri
need for diarrhoea, aud 'unmoor compleiuts
and that class el complaints breath* on by
exposure or letigue, price 25 ets per bottle,
to be had of all Medicine Dealers.
oWle The efficacy of Itrysit's Pulmonic
Wafers in curie' Coughs, Cold& sod an
Brouchial affections, and cheeriue the afflict.
ed, bas passed into a proverb. le the
Uuited States where these marvellous
Wafeys ere known, they beer Lowe all op -
politic. end relive all rivalry ; the demand
for them has steadily inereued for *be tut
(eerily teals, until no• the 'ales average
over one bemire.] thousand besot a years
Eminent members of the medic.' protium'
without 'lumber admit that they know of no
rest in', in.6 or gwrwnwees,-0( which which is rank tor)imi duguise. Re -
there C4Il be little doubt -its prtimoters formers of Unron, beware of the No -Par -
11 h cod reas.in congratulite ty-Coalitioo net that is being woven for
.loly 2,-Seeret is still kept
uP b? the Peniaus in names parts of the Iss
lead. A large bomber amen were mimed,
&covered near Wicklow, engaged to emetic -
Mg manatevetieg, sod several et
them were arrested.
Tee Yatiotts10.-eThe Globe is wig severe
upon the idea of haring the cabinet of the
Dominion consist athlete,. reemhers, when
and furnish him with a reverie, for hot ig / 1 the •bole businese of *ha United Boors, is
WI On hi and rattly tinted hes reliefs, stales 1 trunsiteted by stems. Thoteett •t $8.000
appointment. se /Outlines Mivater liter; 0C.hen11'...
cellor ot the Eschequ_er as he is te be grand -
dozen merchanta in lOpper Canada, no seat-
Owlet:0.1y styled) is eharply tete tied. Mr.
filet does not presess the confieeece of •
that ha teases of °Moe will be brief.
ter what their politiel. ift Is to be b0Ped
New (imams, July 2. -Tho trials of the
Emperor Maxitorliae, Geo. Mejia and Gee.
Miramen eere ended on the 14th. They
were Betiteneed to be ezcuted on the 16th.
Juarez suepeutled the execution for this&
days, and *hey were shot un the lett" at 11
o'clock ie tbe morning. Colonels were seu-
Colonels to five years, and the minor olfittem
to -two leers imprisonment. The Brigadier -
Generals and the exceptiowel officers &re to
Roy and 32 others asking the segued to be tried by Lain „,„r,,,,.
take steps to hare proper slid, • on ; all mill
naming words, in which the main difficulty sonnet:red •ith the **Wring subject of I le
I know rensedoe that wiil eounteract the ef. eeo otroio„,,, wony pronii- 1 oyerIbeNtiliest trap that was ever set Li)
I and an insortnoentable one it WWII tO at, portrait it leo by himself. 1 am sorry to.
_ facts of tie portion •Isieb I have alonaJy I rm catch imispry liberal_ votes! Look your I to discover • eagle taw or ortginal idea,
months!' the lisIortu elemeet of' the society of there will be little danger from the voice I tic^ Mr• 11°Ifs .0014 b• bead to rival I I hope be arlil mend his life, surf sin no
"You are aiiM now."
see rice tio facile with the pen as ° &Ogletree,'
&trek. Two drops • day of hie lowed , neat members of Perham. nt and rcfo TUCKER S'.%l ITU, SKS. efonp to so low tin office ad dishing up such
aiemine would here keled iu three trandi.letee, and that it fairly reproseuted respooeitnItties sternly in the facie, mid !or •e",""e110301 lliww 0, iwww00 maw, h•sh in so polished • plate.
g o never dO To the &Nor of the Bursa Signal. much less overcome, and he should he ant more.
m•d'eure• lb* oreeb belee •r• "rel. ttairk Messis. McDtugall and Howl Ind --either sweetly. Yours faithfully,
.hci get nbe the musts, II ratio, is proven from the &emission of of the siren chkrmor, siu
H""' ih" h"fil tb.m. r both of whom woul I h.eve been glad of
poor boy 1 From your conversotton oith tor the op.po:tunily of denying truthfully -I TIlli MEXIC • NI MU T IR AO SI.
it mine to ksaffie ha desteue on ot,e. But my 0
on the de, after you heel oterheard them Alia „„eb w„,, 'be en& it iii, of mom., 1
The Mexicans have executed Maiimi-
Richarth I waiter that Philippa Hie Greek,
was employed to distruy him. '
'..111d he aria do so, if battle and suffering
do not preeent loin. l'oank God, I.e too ',re-
elected f,oirt the eitoisoe of litew•Matie. Bat
what avail wi,1 In each a protereatinn, it
be Lill, leto the heeds of this mooster of •
-Pray liuyen it way he utherwise," me; Mon was, " shell tbe impending Coalitioo 1 gible than expreosions of supreme disgust
RoCkairil.• be euetained ?" ' The answer was, eu will be Melted upon the rucally perpc-
..0. Heaven 1 he may even now he sufferieg
PriceiPle ell• tratoni, but there are hundreds of ways
from t be infernal ma :timelier/ of that sroufid Pl'at ic all!. '' No 1" T h•
rel Greek.'' . . I Cualition or parties was denounimd as it, „web they will be mad. 10 miser fee
"Say not so, Sir Gaper, say not so. I heat , ,lesinunive to public, ainrotei !Led direct'', their barbanty, and where throughout
written the ToothJ, master, awl he sob- ke I
Milat Conte hieee." I opposed to good, pure, healiby Covent- tbe world will they meet with a single
°But he intuit be atlewed." Llorent. The respoceive cheers from all spark of eynipathy ? The rapacious
"11' mu" he .'ij."1. Th. R••••" I•47 rparts • of the Minn WIlkh g-reeted every seoundrel who ordered poor ..t1 ax ilia Riau 'a
"Whet -Leto?' ; ' Ispeaker . who declared himself pointed', death declares he will, ere he lays down
wrote bon silo.
,Yee, sir. Ibe Young one. The lettnil against Coalition. under auy cirecee• I bis sward, haye the life -blood of every
marter's lady."
iMpoissible for us to give anything like a I gm, and iti doing sn have brought down
report of the preeeediogo, chick were 1 oe thenivives the indioaties of the 01,11- t Ritehie gave instructions when caltog wit to the quieter pada ot , private life to July. 1867. All the members present, Heave
neeessarily voluminous, and ' hence, we I ised world. •No other nation under the Ms Matti., to pass the doors of the Roman eolleet Isis scattered ideas .00 lament the in tee chair.
mast content oureAves with stating some , ,,,th emu biTe ikoii Minutes of Ian meeting read, appreived
guilty of snob an C ithrlica on the Browason Line eh people 'feline of bis latest ottempt to hurobtir dot
tiot to be trusted when opposed to tbe Fenian i honest yeomen or north Huron. if ipae.i
of the remits arvievii M. act of ,coli-bleoiled at • it). It ts• not and signet by the mama. -
The great question before the CoMfec- 1 prohibit that any psoiehment MOTO tan- rabble of the United Stine& Mr Ritchie's the 1,egietittive hats ot Ontario were to be
iisintiatiOnt of mistrust evidently. flow from Petrtioos were presented from Ebeneser
• very illiberal and bigoted mind, well
worthy of the days ot Elisabeth &Ili
Mary Turbo-, and 1 must say at mai
• time as tbia, when he is soliciting the favor
of oar vete,. it appears to ate nothing short
Ellt • MOJA apoloeixe for trespassing °alto the Local ',gelatin by all means and
lottr valualrle time and paper, 'whilst 1 state I without deley. Bet as it is not patent le
a @edited painful grievance that I as well as 1 the tutelligent eleetors of Oa North Neding,
the noseM the Irieh Rerun Catholics labor that the useruhled •iadore ult./shrew mould
under. 1 am credibly informed by one 1 be much influenced by such broadsides of
whom I have no cattee to doubt, that Mr. j wiad, 1 fear he will he respectlelly coesigned
Connell met according to adjournment at
graced with mien of Obeereem most obsere.
ing *tamp, then might...Mr. Hays be a mighty
power indeed, and such as Observer be
&ma on the Hayfield river, to allow the fish flje The Lnodon Pall Mall Gazette says
cantent to be levelled by the logical goats Mat Lord Mon It' 0 he G
to ascend, oiled out of order, as tbe council c it appoieutien t I wr.
iseeing from the mental whirlwael of Mr. , . . torpor General of the LOintioiou Is only *env
. . has eo jurisdiction in the matter and the poniry. ono teat h. odi ha .0p.,...00d ..
Irk. it, ia sonuunced that an luternational
of madame On his part even to here issued t. "Observer" next goes into the natters' petitioner* recommended to apply to the
proper autbotities unilerthe fishery Act.
such •coatemptible order as that. I ask is ;abilities of Mr. Haye ; he stores of intortua
From liogh Love and 12 others witting Peel C'?nhitrease will take plate at Outer&
this the man to send to ',ornament . to make : don. franker* amiability, hie learnine, Generall used for feeding to cattle,
:Ana for eiople of different relieious opielons7; *titre and perseverance, (with which how. attention to the impassable state ot the road U.".so'ooes rsa t j...:11,11.91'obeor misoll.soto.T..."11"°' I ',inn., ,r, - r , A , n
°chew's Ow 4 and 5 con. from Toe/ulna to g.00s hoe. eirtoolty oto,..eto;II teettoodeto,,,P7tril I
1 thiuk nut, and I hold such iterrow minled ; ever eecoojinit to Observer, "One cannot
first sid,•lioe north. tbe project.
and bietited conduct up to public scorn• I bealreek,-) and the effect •Lich the coot
From William Logan 'seising the conned CC} Newly all tbe Feuian prisoners in I.
L can tell Mr. Kochi* that as much bastion of all these has on Mr. Gars'
MIR rIct
On the 4th inst., at St. George's church
Goderich, by I be Rev. E. L. Elwood, Harry
Francis: of H. M. Gunboat " Cherub," to
Marry Ann Hussey, of Pourtsmouth England.
_NM Abbruttstratnts.
1sT OM.
A MEETINff of tbe Shareholders of the
Goderich Petroleuen and Solt Company
-ill be held in theToen Hall, Goderich, oe
Monday the 15th init., at 4 o'cloerk.70..idesee.;:d..
Goderiel, July lith, 1067.
1\l'-----CYTICE is hereby given *bat the parteuer.
LI obit) heretofore 'elating hetween the
undersigned as general blacksmiths, uoder
the firm of Nolan& MeMatb, has been this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All
aceoents dus1 the firm are to be paid be
l'eter Nolan, who will fettle any claims
against it.
Dated at Goderielt, Ma
teth day of May. 1Rfi7. 31*
' to grant him the migined road allowance Ireland, an far from beittg•Ineist penniless, , Godericb, Jura 27, 1 n67. 13 4t.
i.o e.„, o he cannot understand your Icier; l'i•°°e°9 m's quite eutheect tc °slid, a°, foreigner oo Mexican tail, and it is steer
Homan ratholte blood ;11.)Wed ie the trenehe• I tearer. Main amerted by the tremor aed
biers will give tura all rewer••e kotreled;ee.,persoo open to eonvietion that the setti- that be is capable of esrryitig ;out the between lots 5 sod 6 Rollo M. and Moe have heen foetid ue prU,liv 011 mimeo.
Bet, It I theeght the Greek were out of. the I otetie thoroughly pervaded the ineembly, a_
eentlish threat to the letter. Rlay the -of loebastnpol, or on tla plains of the 1 wit of that many pleated gels
way, I should prefer to remota Isere, and
d 1.1 Im b "tit Spanish Parinsula as Presbyterian, Lioscopiel. t es I intend to lama while entice', I Must ,h of, mid lot six.
man. Now
1 • grout uf $40 to clear the kill sear the drone of ihe eurd I. Dominion ; and Lo
When he visits me I must he in • darkened I n • nun Cetholies of this Township, feel 111. envy, yet one which if proNrly guided relight Nonce:le Putsaawee. or the new power, is ich fee their eneeetetui(ei.c,ondrenceinondeaseyin.gobmis
' •f Mears 31cDougall and llowlaud did AT IV 011k. selte,i and throe tbat boa insinuatiou back baye resulted in raising Mr. high
Israel Geoffra aed John English for pay tor :nbeiticghn.ation by which we ere to be known rrOrttr frern des r n 51
sag last, as he considers that be is deeply
les waist L200 in gold.
fight out my own battle. But remember?oer cc tit"! spree y members execration of every good man rest upon
wan, \lett% idea, Or any other denumieation say that blr. Heys has itot • little share of Fro rp.1 he French papers have adopted the
111.; Subeeriber &tern to return bis
part, Itichard,1 am tot be dyi,,g drily. 'our ahr011tghtAlt she whole Province of Onta- such wretches in human form. of christians, and 1,ss well es thsi rut ol the Lateral abiltty. an &tido; shah I o net P
m A. eutledge and 22 others asking arid mamma or Nom. u the best roe
thanks puhliely to the firemen oilseeds?.
report intuit slways make roe geo• ice feebler. 1 •
0 et was *renal with much foroe that
room, feeble an rowers mus
..Tes, sir," said Kichard coroprthendine Front all parte of North Huron we I in ‘6"3 Sk. sheep lolled by dogs, yodebted to them.
melaacholy, mid baltodiuto " I enter the new :Ministry it would simply eith all the ear..! above the level at whieh he has settled down,
all, I be 00 COILlitiiin at all, as those gentlemeh
I have the intelligenee that the friends of tempt that it dertervvo together witb a deters and from ebich 1 fear he ei I never be able I
I Frum W. W. Connor for • further grant of HENRY WELLS.
Pro.rrese aro forming theruselvel into c.a.", day. to the weight that already overloads 114 to pay Target fur Hayfield Volunteers, Goderich, July 3, 1847. mat 11
"And he- be must lord it over all, and 1 did not enjoy the eoutidence, and could , • named opposition ia the coating politica' to dreg himself addisg as he does, day by
from A. Haarckie and John Willson for ray •xactness. to he not bring it over bare; - --
for extinguishing fire on the pier.
A Frenchman clams to have invented
• mulles* by eleoh human motives can be
measures and Maertitoo d with mathematical
there are • good many incidents •rel pereone CRILIET BATS AND BAILS !
hie son .unscrutpulous and irsoorens eon most not therefore, be truthfully put forwar
sick end feeble; Lionel shall suffer &booed ; u the representires of the views of the 1 c'ett'ittece tc Imrk (Pr the itellmic °au'
Moire.; Mr. Hays is going to be defeat -
his love steel be far away, until-entil, tOe great Refern. party of l•pper Canada. -
day of rengeance.tee at baud." ed -acres the idea. leading men in
In prat of this, adulation WY" made 20 the
every township are taking up Gtbsona
clause with a zest and energy which must
secure has return by a /urge niejority.-
ben of the Huron J4nior Club, and 6 of the
Go on, make assurtiree doubly cure.
(1..tderich Club, which resulted ie • •ictory
for the fernier. The betting nf Molten!'
MOLTER SMITE. i Merl*, Limit and E. TanEeery added great.
- ly to the score. The Maybes of Masters
Mit airily BRIDAL.
feet that only three reform member@ of
parliament responded to the invitation
given out by them for 11.rir political
friends to meet them in the Queen'ti 110-
tr All dicier, just returning ii...,. (he Cr, 1 tel On the Wednesday preceding, ern I the
roes., presents he comport:wets to 11r Reel. I determined stand taken by the leading
mild D'Arcey, and requests the 01.'"u"' 011 members a thc Cotty,•ntion. .
hie ermine?. at the King•• A; ie., lesecetinile, I
surprise prevents hts subscribing Ws nanse. I 'Ninon W/III • packed aseembly of sitesi
"1"16 • ''''""6 fr"m "b"A' d'u •!"er "! sol' I plalged beforehand to a oertain f °Hoy,
tering, will not allow him to call at Im•cou , a . . . . .
I nd invited there beeause they were go
such ... the note banded tn flogivaid at I pledged, is utter'y devoid of foundation.
flexed. j 'Ihe Lanier sad its followere of the No
Beacon 11.11. lilagivald was excited aed per.
'Who can it be 1' be thought. "Pella,' ; Platy Press *waled ro harp on the idles
some message from Philippi,. At any rat,' that the Cone, ntioo wet to olorify..0e0rge
,i can do no harm to ode ever reed me my, Brown and vote anti -coalition without
0, uThytoons correspondent." I
No he ordered a horse se4dled, t•nd was rhyme or reason. Whit nonsense thet
o Km or" kb. rood• The eielit 004 • d'ub ; ie. If the d. tortes wieheil to hear only
. ma, and the road wart not in very good order, 1 ono
side of the subj..et -that which coin-
` at le I) A rcey was sure of his borse's foot- 1
I ig, he pushed on at a good pee., taiticuler I aided with their mealier views -why
i• a' II' 'ills(' '" "b'eb b,e os. d','•"'""i should they send a pp del Numinous to
erne more tban seven miles Distant. de liod , „o
armour wished but about half this spare, sod ' memo". McDougall mid 'lowland In order
eas vine tbrough a lonely Paco of wood. I that they might, if they wished, etate
when his bores was soddeeiv tbm" haell "" 1 wale reasterable grono IP, It they htd all,
of Intel was preased upon his forehead, aud • 1 for their determ_illation to take °thee un -
le arm voice whispered in hie ear . I da Johu A. Macdonald ? They were
not in any way bound to invite thew, but
dead man."
Taken completely by inept -me, he suffered they dl.l, and we hold that by an fiction
himself to be dragged from his saddle by un• no manly, they gave the lie to tli,ee petty
Intowe bands.
• LOYAL CATHOLIC. and creates bim.
CRICKET• Immo blintle•I " Mather" are of the shad
• Ills stores of information which appear to
' !logien order, gailatel together to serve
A Cricket match was played at the Point present mortises merely and such as w1;1 nOt
On Wednesday alkernoon, betweee 10 mens• stand the boneet test of even a moderate
sifting ; 10 fact to use • cant phrase, Att.
Hays has been cramming LA memory with
a ticteroeenioss noise of political verbiage,
• hula of it good, wane of it bed, end much
of it worse, but so jumbled together tbat his
Directly be wee 00 oi. reel, the see. en. detractors olio were standing ready to
bootee auseents bandaged iiis eyes ; bed distort every express:en of boneet opinion
held firmly by tbe arm on each side. Ire wos
and heist every word uttered Into Wine -
burned along over an erieeen pittlreay. He
knew that he was in the woodande, 1,7 the thing derogstury to the Convention.
rattle ef the falieu awn, wilder Iwo, mid hy Tee eppeereme of Menne "lowland
the oceasiotial brushing et lee,. egeino hi.
and McDougall wae en itnporetnt and
face. Once be cromed a les ok, for he cot II In" that it does Mr. Crooke or Mr. Risks. 1f
hear the brasher,' of riveter over rocks : but term • in..; feature of the meeting. The 1 i, .. orooz for . Tor3hio Q. C. to Mil tor
as her eras lifted carefully over the strearo ie. former wee too honest net to feel the e
Wes satisfied that no immediate harm wu re paroatnent, bow can it be right for • Goder-
his cam,. weakneeo of his ration, an I the careful tell Attorney tO take much a step 7 1 ft Let,
tended to his person i toe it so,
news eith t.hien he talked and talked it would telly require the change of a name
without paying anything In particular, eom. to render the article in Thursday's Leader
hieed with tire su:To• lie eapeeasee in more telling against lir. flays than it is
words and manifested in hie embarrastied aesiitet the Toronto wen alluded to.
looks, en1isted the pity of the hundreds /
ynift'OTION.-On Wednesday lent, the
who listened to hi.n. It was different,
period of respenee, his bandage waa removed. however, with Mr. It:D..iti,:all. Ile took Rev. Ilr. Camelon, late of l'ort 'lope,
was formally inducted aa pastor of tit
The glare of light Hat burst upon hie eyrie,
• bold, if not delimit stand, from the first,
first prevented him trom distinguishilig any Andrew's Church (Scotch) of LIU+ town.
object on whieh they rented ; but. as hegrew aed wound up his brilliantly sophistical The Rev Mr McLeod preach.A from leash
accustomed to it, he looked with utter anon; 11,0m3b, bt1aleclering that the Government 45. 22, and Reeds. Molars. Nichol, Gib-
elba"'"P°" 4 la 4g414r "d 4444144" i tO Whida be was about to enter would
scene. II* ores iit • low cavorts, ilituninated ' son ane' Barr, assisted in the ceremony of
bi tarehea wade of bluing pine t .ots muck role the tioontry whether the Reformer,'
induction. After the protioodings asd
in the crevices of tit* rock. A crowd of men. of Ontario were wi'ling or not. Very
women and cOildien were ;tethered iti • lone . . . •
Wenner eroop rotted • ru-it • rested seat (.) P0,0102 1,0541wil10, 1)01 passing strange
We are delighted to see that E
Allcock sod Bhough was alto very good. most patiwit an I discerrOug oupporter can
Blake, Q C., of Totonto, has accepted the 1
..., owing is tee PC,Oe .- ' with difficulty discern what he is driving at ;
nominet ion of the Reform Comventwo of i tionneeeel .... whether lbe talking of the New Dominion
South Bruise to sward for that ri ling as !oasis DR.. ...."'". "I". Of Ontario, or of Ore north pole.
casidilete for the Areembly of Ontario. ' il• H.Kut"'"'" n,.... bp,... 4 Then again of lite energy, here " Observer"
Mr. !Mike it • own..., lawyer ef groat
promise, end if elected will task* • 5 ni-
cht/in representative. He will, no dreamt
be token hold of warmly by the Reform-
ers of the Iti,lin„4, and make • spleridid
run. It is full time that Bruce was
1 H rintay !In II Not wit 11
D Wawa Ore out 1 he bas 1 fear taken that brazen effrontery,
1 Easibee • V1104 1 which he• purled into a by we'd, for the real
Wave I
The second revert of Tavern inSpeCtOr oh se " motivea it would b• very useful to
1 hive " measured "-arid hitherto they Lave
read. approved ordered to be field defied utterly the most skilful experiOneUte. Just to hand at the
his imitate labour on road oppesite
McDonald that litieh Love be allowed to I ree The Doblin F.iprees reports a meat
1 horrifile occurrence. A boy was paining down
bt-Carni d.
I Middle Abbey street, be attention was at
Moved by Geo. McDonald meended by traeted. by • famished loollog dog devouring
SlittiCa ElliOtt that the prayer of W. tape something m.et ea erly. ant wben draetng
be rreated-Curied.
Mora by James Elliott, seconded by
Peter boogies that Jolto English aod Israel
Jaren "mitre emelt seven dollars for two
Sheep killed by digs on oath party -Carried.
Mond by Geo. MeDmiald Seeonded by
and John Wilson be paid ammonia to
$2.50 each-Carned.
Moved by Jas. Elliott emended by O•o. 0.0 •I''' hi* b"`" reell"d • l'Im°1 b•L1 d!'s.
McDonald that fifty dollars be geom.' toe ; tined for the ism Not only hoe he receilr•
ed a Russian reel a Frerch order of knight
gravelling the Gmhen line -Corned.
M , , ed by p e W r Dcw4/ be seeo,ided ey Goo. hotel, but he is to get • title of mobility. end
be wife haa bele presented woh .£12.000
jeefiouald tbse the council grant tin sem of
, Metal: I have often been astonished at the
; Sqr, Go the purp of nutting in a culvert "rib of dbul"'"41 IT 11,0 twiPtowl" 11.11"4.
unboanded stock of berm and assurance lot -tee t ite 4.111 ne ie. brownie... tine. otos, lie is, it appears, a Helga*.
36 which is ever at tee ready command of Mr. I hes become. Jeogeruee to ibe tonellieg
E Roieroou 2 2 I b Ail. oAk 5 Hays, aged • hich be so loth! Jrnows how to 1 public -Carried. .
tee Ise:res.
Moved by T. Simpson Seed. by Peter
sliekee 'row the iethogic NI l'arty ism trt. it Itotoom II b P.-,...- 14 Johnatoe 0 . bong to his assistance at a moment's notice,
near he discoved t at the mensal tree feast-
ing oe the body of an intent. Ilte-dog mut
at *nee draen away, and the police gent for,
when it was an...omitted that the remains
were throe of a sti.l•born Mut that bad been
left in a doorway.
Signal Office.
r).. It was • hairy moment for If Itaim-
beta.. tarry of the French Emperor- that
way 1 1 Nei 4101 DOR(11115 that the sum col 520 be granted tor
'1' but this last touch is rather ahead of say of fio.. .
into which she has suck. It ie given ora
It Kin
that a •Rtform jouroal ii to be started at
To0 Had, Realer.
The Leader ectines out viciously against
Otr. Aden Crooks, Mr. Edward Blake, tied
other rising lawyers on the reform side, who
are at present seeking seats in Parlamenti,.
It accuses there of office hontino, traders to
polities, Lc. TWO is aridly tou bad of the
Lerrcirr, +ben so many of ita friends in Pare
liement for the past ten years have been tory
'either'. Why should not • few rising
liheral lawyers be sent to the legislators to
woorh the other fellows 7 Rendes, il the
argumetit of tlie Leader is sound, does it not
st oke some of no Irmo& even mons severely
the elhibitions yet vouchinfed us by that able
ang brilliant young man. Mr. Hays has
neither exhibited sufficient ability or energy
of charecter to master the difficulties ef the
I to gain him the reipect or eonfidenc• of •
single professional man in tbe Icon Winn
chosen for • home, or of Ibis honest farmers
1 he wouhl make his tools to raise Man to •
position lie will serer bre 61 to occupy ; eor
would any'qoantite of his broad, not to my
larentakers that respect which the represen•
Olivet of tbe constituency he is endeavoring
Kelly, recently found • cheque for /301 on
ooe of the Glasgow Banks. On taking, it to
one of the branches tle 'abort,. who ere.
stable to rind, was Beet to the nerve of the
cheque, who on omelets, it, told him to call
ailrelts 7 Jae. Elliott that tbe ellt11 of 920 he enteree next dny when he ettel•I see rehat could be
Moved by Geo. McDonald Seconded by
-7-0 toreards clearing away the oestrueuens on done for him• Kell, called. and was 'ere
35 the .):d road leading tolhe Barbour -Carried. leendsomeiy rewarded nob the sum of -two
Moeed hy Jae. Elliott Seed. by Peter and lumen* 1
Mould hardly have spared hits the annoyer, -
etre of fording • eintry flood. In this way be
was eerried about • mile, se far ma he could
judge of tooe and speed. At the detente
bis feet no longer (tamped the soil, but teed
upon solid rule and Om damp, warm air that
fennel he brow was not tlie air of the forest.
11.1 waa ordered to tali ; awl lifter • certain
closed, the elergymeu an,' a niamber of
door, Iris Tonne Isrge sams ot money into
Ionic\ eat E.I., the trim, queen, ber Count*. frOal • gentkman chosen as a represents- 1 feel proud to be defending • alas like Mr.
yo. „might b. Du s own padre% from the pehlie fends.
lames wearing en eittre•Boill of unmitigated • • Cainclon is very highly spok,n of u a nneyen ne you eito
deo u flapping yr !Of 01111/11 Coati:1164 .` Hos slim" thm" ""es
mil Mimed. Then they all mood, elution.
the congregation dined together. Mr.
17.7 M
la paieto bottling* (roll no for Teen) at Oa
The Little Marvel
Is • Parlor Malmo Engine, price 35 sena
I Lewis 2112211 iiiii 2111120 Finley. !Jew. :4
Itiesegli 20211
T thee* 19
14 Heiden •
b Finlay
Rua wit
Not out
jcur noble county must ever deserve.
0 As to Ilays' personal appearance, 1
f be
Dougho tbat 12 he greeted to rover •
*yen in Gem Bate's beat north ut the
gravel road -Carried.
areeed by Jan. Eltiott Seed. by Geo. Ile -
Deena thst the sum of 014 be granted to
my the balance on the metal morn for the
silltr..keir:Iii4115 0111111 le have nothine to say ( or il al We • are,
2 as God was pleased to make him and us,)
,13 excepting this, that 1 never knew • farmer
- Uedench Club ..o. _ _ • ie... t5 choose • plough merely beeause the handles
,To were pointed with • handsome color, Or •
.._ batty hum because lie wail • Away one.
" Observer' sari uo stigma can be attached
to Mr. Hays, nor has be (unlike Mr. °Ibsen
1 'appose is underetood) ever put his heed
into the public parse. Has not 3Ir. Hays
11 himent admitted the illegality of the gmnt
I seppose that you Isere been thinking
Ly the town Council, of which lei is • mew
had taken the matriesoniel fever when Toe
be. of tee $O00.00 to dm so doubt laudable
put me in remembrance of dm bath. Well
June 23rd, Ist47,
▪ wit ioroto, you that you purpnse of boring Mr salt ; Mr? NMI woe
be teotiOled eith that as long as you live MR. M•V11 Al ito RoMITRD TRIAT 55 ra OMR or
ow to thogrest Low Horso,4or prows. TOM nsavisliT 011111101.1,51111 IN 1115 Bel P
yott sill ho tosshing shoot io it fro. .sor. /AMC Wert I I This tool's very like the
About attempted to he laid at Mr. Gilition't
aing to mete, perhaps catching little fish.
morass. stwitt. Ali sp. best tree liberal In the formetion a Coalition talented, high-mitaled and devoted clergy. ashamed of oerself rOf bees begin and Wbi PenP"I.° lie" i" 111••• bus."'"
Inquirinelr on rim prisnwer. but net a word 'think. The only 0rEtnewot l)than°04 mai and we trust he ally be ver f I
by him Or hill oolleague fin the step they /dr. Rays says 0 r bot then. the share.
lees, meta, like so many grotesque natives Seutehotan for baying given • pew in die
amongst us.
holders are willing to reload Oa Li0o.00 and
w re about to take, was th it it would ha 1 sal a heavy shareholder, - 0 r' bonen
carved out of stem'. The silent.. eedoreo
Mr. Ilsee, you know low honest words will
cost von sothmo.
sos at tte Ooderieh Council board, he knows
the corporation is in debt aod !uglily in
debt, but without a merino, tbia large hearted
young man pocketh daidend of fifties
per cent, declared toy the salt compeny, nor
does he •yer say a word befurt that bar
eboot refunding the 11500, thoegh he knows
tbr, welt la likely to make a ?mere to barrel(
and the other whambraders of 50 to 60 per
cent, per annum 1.m...tomb.
Wooderfel youog man. beware lest you got
into nal • east of oontradichon that even
year salute gooks may be enable to Petri
este yos from tat armed nelignation of
those in whose "es you are so slit/611y
matins your die1y kendneIl of political Wont,
MA into whores Mira yoo ariP pouring emelt
interminable longest of polished Raul.
Mr. Hays tbiebe to ask. recital out ef •
09. theente he trete ow le Ms camas, touch
church to a man who eould pay him eight
dollars for it and directing the other fifty -
cents man to other pew* in the church, bat I
@ oppose it is natural fur rue to him at thie
sessem. Now Jenny you are greatly tote
taking ir thinking that I would hire to have
you drams in that peed of wit. elneh 105
say abound. with frogs and worild eieken •
goose. Jest the very tontrarg. I took a great
deal of trouble in intervene yin of the flange?
lo wtich you 1.111.0 04101514, knowing that
yoa might map en for • frog. sod Out it was
taarWo death In the feathery tribe. Be sem
to writ* agate§ and Mum yner ter/ party
of their Ming« in wieddliag with this great
Maui to keep beet from it ea that their MOB
may sot Inmate eitieet.
Ter Jersey Jostles
long. that seen D Arcey email 1101 brook it ; enfai: to leave the Macre.' of the mari &Root. EXATIIINATION.-The Mil-
k was so painful that he resolved to break it time provinco in the lurch •fler they had •ummer 611min'ti'm ef th6 reiblic
at ail basiods. So Iliii said widowing the
queen, and is • voice which urs woody ea staked their political extremes on the in,„en Schools of this town commenced yetter-
„my 5.01 .,..,, 1 .h,ssi us wory ea ilT Confederation. and •-t there wee no iley ander the direction of the atomicities,
direenen-d to reader firm .
attempt ell their part to show how it 11r. Camtron the prineipsl, and 1)r.
to be informed eby I' •to ',resign time 1"
trThese eamireitogreeld D'Artre ,' reolieid twill Ire right In igyinre the sentiment filcher's. The examination ie condneted
the mum% •mireid be wiry tad to, Anion* p,,,,,,dem ic, ,h. w". by mean, of written pipers in the senior
wri why &bey ram dimes 11110 40/11 frost rbe
For nor own part, we do not see that 'hues. •"d will be dein cc on next
dornaio of 14.a.an # ell, and denied the weal
peiwilefe• of illo poOr-tergstag attd rather. it would tm well for the nountry if the week. The pablio are invited te atteed.
hid "tc* " lee" the "'eel e'n't 31•4• R form party, am a whole, should fall in
°That is • geartiee tor Me lord a the with the Catalitionista. To it we are in- low Aa steempt is to be made to Moak
anew to arissar, nol for me," replied Re &Mal for nearly ell th• civil advantages the River Aeon at Stra.ftwd 'with live
giaald, neweirie owes of ha seeronad sour
Neared to et daring the past twelve 64h frcin a°derieh.
Mee. "I am wet the perigee of R•••411
.•lets will want that lemutos, thare,•' said etwoos, eepereeietetion by pwrihkeinw, tem, Chle" '''"I 514 (1141.14 Neb." ("314 4
Hat mem. 'Tel amenser. Hurd yes ever 44.648,40. hase_and 11 wash, be au Itneas. mil take in September, and their ma -
al au Waite, reeitiree r jeatiee yid make thew *eery sato lamas le
be the property 01 the municipality -Carried.
Moved by Jas. Elliott Feed. by Oee Me.
Donald thot thestion 064 be ranted Wm.
Peek for work dom. on rood -carried.
Mowed by T. Simpson Seed. by Peter
Desglaa that Clarke Muon be exempted
Mom paying Mile ea his amermisent of $200
for tan entire hone towing to the horse's ha,.
ing died, causing lathy lose to the owoer-
Moved by Peter Dotiolas Seed. by Jas.
Eiliott that the Heave be authourtsed to se•
oept lease frorn Wm. Brown for al acee of
laird for five years from the first of Jane
1867, and opon execution thereof te give
him an order for 050 -Carried.
Mimed hy T. Simpson Recd. by Geo. hie flay new I?
Donato that le By Lew be framed sod pused 1 p,eir;
Scheele 420 Wool +salad
(t-} A yung elan advertises hit desire ler
• wife-- pretty, end entirely ignorant of the
feet 7" Poidentally, Es wants • fool. Any
smart. pretty woman knows she a pretty -
wouldn't be smart if ste
f:ODZIUCR, July, % 1867.
there 4.00 lot 000
Reef, 10 001 6-00 On 6:50
Bides (green) 6:50 (ce 000
Petetue, 9:124 ? 0:00
Hood 2 00 M 0:00
' 010 eiSi 0125
Se PrIPS 450 Hams per lb
Road and other greats 671
Total 8041
which srusr deducting amounts now available
will melees a rate if one sent and three and
Moved by lien. McDonald Seed. by Jaa.
Elliott that $100, be granted Wm. Tomer
1151 in • gooa substantial MOM culvert in
the gully on the road leading from Varna to
Teroere mills to he paid in Dec. INAS, pro.
'Wed that Mr. Turner giees to this commit
• wrItten gearanty, OM no further claim
shall be made on the corracil for tasking
earth 'woks or otber works necessary to
form • streieht road in lieu of the one nn•
g eed -the ISCIPpliknee of said money to be
inidance that soch guaranty lea been given
and that this money be expended under the
directions Af the read coremitsioner, strongly
oppued by Peter lk.uclasa-Carried.
Moved by Geo. McDonald Need. by Ju.
Elliott that the council do now &dittoes to
moot amen on the (ware Moeda, in Aug. at
Jodie& Hotel, Rayfivild at 1 o'clock p. w•
Toilette"' Clerk.
for Jane, le merited tram the publishers,
Our Imenard :icon Pohl whine Company, New
yodt. Its enments see as fellows Brune
lows, port 4 ; the Retell of IAW ; My Hoot
of the RilVar Foe , Was George 111. • Con-
Ititetienal Kies Strike. and Trade Unions ;
Dante In Puglia\ Terse Rims ; 1141 &foto;
Hill ; Cheese mid Mr. Cowie
Signal Office.'
Signal Office
amicies jest to band, at the
The atock of Stationery o the lareest, and
mut complete in this weAern union of the
Poratuntn, being bona fide iMportalions
direct from European ruanufacterers, and
sold st • slight 'demote on the starting.
at the
Signal Office.
Sheet Musa, Moine and Miscellaneous
Books fornehed to order on tbe shorten
possible notice, at publisher's emcee, at the
'Signal Office.'
Messtroal Markets.
Pyeea-fterierier Extra 8.75 a 119.00
Estee R.25 a 14.54
Tolland Canal Super 7 40 • 7.60
Hag Floor 3.45 • 316
WesAT.-Canada Spring 1.66 • 1.10
ItAltrat.- Per 4O les ft 70 a 0.73
Hreese.-Dairy 0.1:4 a 0.14
0 Stored recited 0 12 a 0.13
Pearls 7.15 • 7.80
Priam- 14 00 a 00.00
Floe, nom rimiest], enchanted, rather
better demand.
Provisions -only retail sales.
Ashes -Pots ateedy. Pearls *Ail, ism
proted, miles of firms al $7.76 to 7.40.
Floor heavy le to 26 eta. lower, Receipt,
1816 Able and 12817 here ; wheat dell sod
deeliaisg, Reeeipts 16447 babas.
Cern 1 a !lower.
'Poi* Sileile
On Good Terms,
1-1. Building hoed tip Oir • NOM end Dwelling.
111•6 “ cod cooper Filen elysint eo Frey' Street
in MA Voles., Apply a by lintre posopetel
Thule P.O.
intl.-rile, Jou Nth 1617. will IN
THE Pohlie ie hereby cautioned against
purchasing or negotisting • note of
hand drawn by John Knoin and hit wife. in
fano of Anthony Uhl, for $60.00. dated 30th
April, 1867, flue 6 months alter date, as no
value has been received for the same.
bee, July 2, INT. w25 3t
It. 5. ctrIrirsrasa. trcpristor.
4,Z1THATED 00 ,eorner nn the Northers
rendseine for
en attached.
hone to Mort rip with every
commercial trareners. A 18
hew 84, INC
Common Pleas. a to re dimmed esteem lee
Allen bletiores., the 401.11.1erols it' the sun ef
1 eine *eget eel 'use is eremites sit tb•
//111.1.11e •nti intermit Witte mewl itoranikleM A
S IM to inti members metres sed erreereetb tallo
el ▪ the mod townships,. only is the Cotter M
Hereto Were leak sad lemlikenta I ahell Oar
Tows et Itraerrek, oil Issweey,fbe Pawed
Meet. sue.
/0111f MCDONALD.
"Ilenit 0/ Nuns.