HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-10-12, Page 4if r«l i ri ♦Hl I $ \X\V Fn-se Finn- The Whigham Atlvanee-Tiiuea* Wednesday* October 1’1, 1955 H)R SALE.HELP WANTED COMING EVENTS II BMAU,\\DIBVXAVION SAFE, al- WOMXN WANTED to vie Iwmsewxwk most new - 1^ x 13 x 13 inside, pvtoexi 1 viay a wwk Dltotto 6S1M 12b •fw quick sale Satos rpenexi. c»-m- ■■ binativns changed Alto txpvwrito^1’ adding machines fev «af0 J W Lwkmg 464 nth st AW.jj Gwvn fknrnd PLANNED Fcr large seknwm Idnoleum an.d and 12 widths , _ Broad’vom. plam and leaf designs new m Trie \Vai»paptr Steep tfb WORK WANTED hEari C. Bentley Was I Bly th Resident ' Earl Charles Bentley, a former • resident of the Blyth district, and a brother-in-law of Mrs. Edgar Patti­ son, of town, died In Victoria Hos­ pital, London on Friday, October 7th. He was in his 61st year. Surviving are his wife, the former r Ella Giousher, a daughter, Edythe <? (Mrs. William Pettit? of Toronto; two sons, Walter, of Exeter and Earl, of London; and three brothers, Harvey, of Whaley, B.C., Guy, of Coldale, Alta., and Russell of Biyth. Funeral service was held on Mon­ day from the A. Millard George funeral home, London, at 2.30 p.m. Interment was in Woodland Cemetery. ji "Dr, &nd Mrs. F. A. Darker spent with Ep'r daughter, Mrs. Joseph Mas- k th<x Thanksgiving wxx'lv-end with Dr ters. Mr. Masters and family of Brant- IJohn and Mrs, Hay. \R' Kttchcm'ri litord. Mr. Bin McGee returned xxn Tues- u - Mr and Sirs. Jeffrey Hawkins May night fsxw a trip to Mouse Jaw -and family, ef London, J- yand ether Dexnts in Saskatchew.m. jAveck-cnd with her parents, Mr. and - Mri and Mrs, R, G. Gannett spent j'Mrs, Stafford Bateson. the hohxiay weck*cnd with Mr. and I - -Mrs, Barton -Salmon and ’daughter, Mrs, H. M. Jnstason, Kitchener. Alice Jean, of Hamilton, and Miss ••-Mrs. Donald Rae spent the week-^Brenda Reading, of Burlington, spent end with Dr, ami Mrs, J, R, St, John, i; the week-end with her aunt, Miss and family of Vxbrivige. | t —Mr. Alien Charlton, of Hamilton* i| spent the week-end with his parents, her, of Mimico, and Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘Mr. and Mrs* Waiter Charlton, pV. Taekaberry, of Winnipeg, j - -Mr. ami Mrs. Murray Rae and s visited last week with their aunt, Mrs. spent the THE WOMEN’S INBTlTrTE will WHITEHEAD-- I- Washam vlcnerM meet on Thuvsvhxj . vXtober SCth. at11 2 3C pm. The gxiest «,peaker. Mr W. _ .......................... . B, Wenger. Hxxstesses. Mr& F- M\- " twiar*. Teesxvater a da^hter. ■ * *■ *“ *•' “ 0 Otrrie. A- l x Wrnghant General Hospital, on W,Mne&May. rktober & Hospital. on Tuesday Ottohe? 4th. 1955* to Mr. and Mrs Everett White* Cormiek, Mrs. R iNwelt, Mrs- Guy- * Mrs. A. Hastings. Mrs. J. Mrs. A Greens Mrs F. Weixxved CElSbii 15^ tc Mr. and Mrs Itodevrga Ivos- | tfttoWA. RR. b wytghanr a daugh- | Alice Reading. i —Misses Pearl and Babe Eckenswil-Apply to LADY tk'sin's positie-n as housekeeper ’ ■' x\here there are ho children, No IK Advattete-Timt® 5 12® j( i! fnh DAI Man., ter.CARD OF THAN1LSIXWITRr IMR SALE......... ....................................................... ............Hke to xx--** ch-cx <v^lfaBay the week-end with Mr.iiE. A. VanStone. of Maui lwkwft. pviigors to? sale. five months’* ** ' •“**<“ * ‘v *■ i! ifcniS' ^sa...v Siwri1 .-?>,# a ' "_“Ifw* %»m.A «..........jg1- ■" ■■"* . - liWb •AsaYv^jir ■■* S,v B’e «arvpA'S of »• xvx \ budget. A s t.Vngvte’um in 6.c-d Apyh Ben McC'enaghan. phene 4xD.ll ' 12b'' WHY SVFFFR f»e agynx malic Pam, xxhen Rl xxv’xn'me JMattea* "MAC AES writ '■ re*’,of A”k vor? ,vt I .umbago. vy xvu to llrUg^St 12b e,x SVSSEN X REP PELLETS tor sate, ready ^te toy Apply te Wes. Vmienwe<£. Wroxeter SRI 12b MINCEI1 ANhXH'S SVNSW.N equipped habx «moxv«ra < Phone 57c for sa.e. nylon ' EARY FDGGY Wtb. *v.Nkte v 1 gwd as new* •C» IW C Deliver ka. pb< RR 3. xXV in A y R'.cge-'en-- S' ST ACKS AV I¥w & So: ,S ; $4?’ 5 Fr^Tl-LiV <e\v?s <\;rre DRY HART V V'l F ■’■>'-•• ■sCt $5 a ■eord Ap:y*x Ct\v:gv Tx«-'irr'e<b- Luck- yo'-x. RK 'vtorv 4s?'’-'' to .tor? BxW’S FROWN CXRKRt'iNF wtoer ’•'S.'S ’to'S S.e’t1 ex to gxvx- .'*>*?.: 't.uto \too Nix \ nxv ■ 7*>tow" 'f.to.i •’•" wagon togg *igs ftT-'l ’’t ’*'tosi s.'re c pv.*r,- to <TTR rWT " VTA '•>■" «s?e ■w: mote? Srta<’1s'»x'' Anply ■•' I-s*a ■>*■>*',v \-v Box W’togri'tjw^ p>y,"!.T.^- W* xlITJ.DB F -.' ** nx'ten eOT?di£k»n r< ;/7< SXVF'SRor.’ 121 t"er BsC TXWTCVV -v:^ r.,.-.. fe- ’"r fivvv fitoc So; o.: t'er^CT'-s Apr*,-- *r Thos Me- *■ T»**^SZ 12b W Bolton ’usk dealer K. «<»* LIVESTOCK FOB SALE HEIFER for saJe. due around -rhe first week of N’cvembe’’. Aholy to Harold Keating, phone Brussels "43"14 ‘sTfc NINE sato fltwe*' weeks old Apnl*.' tc- Mrs «.* Ste Marie phone 725.T 12h « -try '4 Hereford Afeuri-"*' KjpWll ,W to" s»K DwTam Awb tc Br.sman Eto^-val’: nbont IT1 LIVESTOCK WANTED HIGHEST cash prions paid for dead o’d $j?k and dKah^ed ho*sss and eovrs PMx ’■‘'’oruteb* Atwc<y: is.'- col’eot. JirrSJN’- BTSIWR* OlR'ORTf’NTHES qy- ‘wy-wp tr’pVAy ’ ■'■ r-.)n\ e 5-'m; -(-.q qwr -5, -S»». ?y eyv. f'.'-., . ,M 7t- „ :>1 -j«*. Rv-.’aR” 9*’- for ap’xolnt- ; * -tc- Ab’d’-'an. «»»?'«.: to pearing ' ano iteov q*«s«ri; ?»■: ■>■■”*«ring t" •j'-.*.- t-rw'1’.*;’ Bn-5- men? T"£.V,"‘F-Rkifllto *»»«r I’toiiL?:- f» Hutor Cbimtv EStper’^y’ef- v»a,' r»ec- »p9sai'” A fT'' optorh’*'’*’ ft? sto* ITto bk; to*s?M-ss xvteeto Rjsv;?eigh Ptoduefs brnv be^r so”r. to? ’toRrs Big btof'ts PrM.i’f'to tor- v»?sbe<; ei WXfrr R<’Vf?^igV> tv*>? r-45?-to;-; Pvi HI and Mrs. Robert Rae and family. London» i -—Mr. and Mrs. Stan Smith, tar.*. KK * Awsafcr. Mr AUa KENNEDY—In Wingham General :i Toronto, spent the holiday at Hospital, on dsy. xXRebcr 7. 1955. y-ome of Mrs. W. J. Greer. _ to Mr. and Mrs Stewart Kennedy,^ Vlr~ s '*'■ ToesAxatbr, «. ds^-htori HQWSTON<---Ih Wmgharn General; t, ■i , ef —Mr. sad Mrs, Brian Groh, of Osh- ■:axxrs, also Miss Donalda MacDonald, of ,xvho is attending the Presbyterian c-f i! Deaconess Training School in Toronto, the j! visited over the holiday week-end with Mrs. Roy MacDonald and family. -—Mr, and Mrs. Glen Gol'ey were ‘ —Miss Zora Dickson, of town, spent week-end visitors with his sister. .Thanksgiving holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leeson and Mr. Loosen, -of«Mrs. Ernie Tymn, of Exeter, and also Toronto. ,;Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter, of Elm- .. _ ,, —Mr. and Mts. R. J. McMurray, ef , vale and Mr. and 'Mrs. Antonio Shul- : 1955, to Mr. arc Mrs. Harvey Hows-"Wingham. and Mr. and Mrs.. .P. <2xap- ■man, of Embro. | ten, Teesw&ter a oaughter. snan. of Stratford, spent Thanksgiving 1 —Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Gorrell and in Detroit and Pontiac. -sons. Peter and David, of Port Credit, —Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pooock, Wil- Miss Colleen Arrowsmith and Mr. fred and Mary, spent Thanksgiving Jim Heughan, of Toronto, spent the Sunday vc-.th Mr. and Mrs. Paul week-end at the home of Afr. and Mrs. Ruhnke, of Guelph. William Heughan. --Mr. and Mrs. E A- EG:ott and —Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson, Brad, of Exeter., and Mr, and Mrs. Miss Isabel Henderson .and Mr. James John Hopper, of London, spent the Tattery. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Holmes, week-end with thoir relatives in town. Dale and Suzanne, all of Brantford, --Miss Florence Harria of London, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Henderson, of spent Thanksgiving week-end with .Brampton and Mr. and Mrs. Ford her parents, Mr and Mrs. Percy Har- Henderson, of Paris, were holiday ns, visitors with their mother, Mrs. P.obt. -Mrs J. H Stoan spent the holiday Henderson, Leopold Street. "numbered me with cards and treatsi Hospital, on Tbnrsdajy October ^th,| ,and called on me when in the hos-j 1955. to Mr. and Mrs James Ooch*l ■ mtal. also the staff of XVingttam'J General Hospital tor their kind at- < , tent son and Dr <\terin and Dr,» ' Dalmer. “'Mrs Ewart McFheiaon- 12b ; A rainy day treat for both mother and child is hot chocolate topped with a marshmallow rolled in cinna­ mon. r.shig x'ftr storage ? to town and ___ _ ______ Be*J your ereany eggs, and peu'try to yeu*- Whxgbam xto eperalKv Ask for your <tosh divfxtor.xl to’' Eggs. Poultry and xfreans It pays to deal with the Co­ operatives m Wingham. iSrrb SAVE MONEY by toekers, avaitaK country cvitsens MxWAl.OY Years ahead of all -Mot- atoy beats all la&S't -oil eontpames to the purxh with the Worlds Orly fuel add'.’tive that actually’ tin plates xx’Osn engine parts while yeu drive Get: a Metaley K-.ng and Valve Job for tviiy $5 A*. Mol&'oy Sales Co.. $4 West St Goderv** Deale* tooc'cies ;nx*;ted. *.krrc SeO-r ■—sx; WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOC nAdGN ’ W"here Be-iter Bu'7s Arc Csed' Ari'Jto’al Insertensrior. service fo: breeds <=.' efeivte For serxnee or may rgy.-r2 eai’eck beeweer C.3C t*l Al' am or week days and 73< ^37 am or Stmdxy*s REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Si. il?- FOvSv fo- Two store? ’srge eertr® h«?». s?x room ho?*$z w?;h modem bfithrooir; and k’tc'hen. oE s-nr air oiroulator flat rato eTctoio v-ator heator Gooc location ano gar-don Dr. R. B Palmer Shutor St. telephone 545 t4rr't' PRICED FOR EARLY SALE In Wroxeter. Ont. Eight room brick house with almost now furnace, oil burner drilled well with pressure pump, electric water heater and bath’ garage arc Ik: acres of land Apply tc Dr E. S. Palmer Wing­ ham. telephone 645 14rrb ESQUIRE GRILL. Goderich. Ontario fo- sale, Established restaurant wek equipped business, required, stock or; ness to he interests contact C TOR, Box CARD OF THANKS I \vowM like to take this eppexttthfp » extend ray deep appreciatton to all 5* nvighbors. relatives and friends j Hospital, on Saturday, October $. >r their many kindnesses during sny cd bereavement, also tor the rns,nj.- ords. totters and flowers.-AMra nnie Ftfroe. 12* IN MFMORI AM CASKMGR® -In towr.g mentory of a dear nsother. Margaret .Hur-tori- 'Gasemore Who passed awscy ctotober Sth. 1952 Treasured Wth a tove sincere fust a mertory b;.t oh sc dear •Ix-x-’ngto rementbered by ber fantdy l:kmg ■** NOTICE A xk-v;.- ,•»: Rewsion to ctoy' with ,x'>to,o’%.'Tts agWjis* assessto'sr.; to th? Assesstnert Ro of tto? Ttw’r. l^'ing* ham for ctor year ’955 will be heto s? ehr Town Hal* P'toghsm or. I.ton^s’- e ver tog Jk'tobor 24ch ” IAV «: $ o’clock Ito,;,-*.-- g? Wlnghsm. ■Dht. da’ of October 1955 A Galbrjiith Glerk P’togh&m *lTt •> ?< ■*'*•■>• -it*’•‘"V NOTICE TO CSKTJITCSSS >wrsc»ns h&'ring ohdms ag^-iisst the estate of John JtocF. Day Ifeto of ths Vni-ag-. of Gorric in. ths -Ctotmty of H’.'ron Rerircc Farw’t d?c?asou vto- chto or. or abort “h,*. oightk day Of Aug'toi A D 1955 ®r* rotlfjpc to send tc ths undersigned or. or heforr of O«’rob>'5r 1955 full •f th Mr claims in writing, after th' said 15th day rhe assets of the ssifi f hr distrihutoc armngst ertirier thereto having tr claims of v/hick th® ‘Strlx shar. then have notice ‘ this 23rd da*- of September '-I,- 4 5,-/ r;«. —■? ■■•j.dsrs <»; ? Q. of <Ty>to>'* —*- wi? ;rh< pfir“i?s > regarc ouly Adm’Tjsrn AT. 1955 CFLAWFORT & ■HETHFJRiN’TTON V.TNG-HAM Cntaric BolTitor fftr rht Administratrix 28 f5:12b WALL—In Wizghsra General Hospi-'p11 t&l, on Tuesci's’ October 1L 1955, to'' Mr. and Mrs, Morley Wall, K.R. 1, Holyrood, a ^s..g’*.to-r NORTHCOTT—to Romo on Fr.xiaj\ Sopt^-r 'Xto ARX 1955. to Mr and Mrs A.tor.’cy Nortbcott. noo Virginis to .rrk*' a dav^Ttor a sister for Ds :■*’ arc Robert rose carnation corsage. She was as­ sisted by the mother of the groom, who wore a black and gold dress with matching accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. For travelling the bride chose a two-piece costume of chocolate brown, with a beige jacket, beige beaded hat and brown accessories. After a motor trip to Montreal and Northern Ont­ ario the couple will reside in Hamil­ ton. The groom is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Campbell, of Wingham. Bchrn^Tciior I Trips - Weddings - Funerals L PHONE The marrikg* Norms. PhoGbe Jane daughter •• Airs, Slwin Taylor and the late A? Kwto Taylor to Wsiism Henry Stoma son of Mr Norman D?hrr> snd the late Mrs. Ktorns. of Wrw ■*<? was performed on Saturday. O ■ "b- r S st Brussels L’nlted Church r'-r.se R<v Andre# I*anr offioiater. The bride won a suit of soft blue wool with sax’" '• toossorms and cor­ sage of pink ions She was stterded by he* s.sto-r Mrs Malcolm. Newton... of V--'x.?ter. v*ho wore a bliu brocaded *>-'*■ frock with Grata rose accessories t-vf. corsage of pink carnations.. Russell Bek-”-'' of Wallenstem assisted his bto ■ * ~ as best man The receptior. was at the home of the bride tor tb- ’mmodiste families Mrs Taylor roe * ’to ir, a dress of light nanw with, uax- ^eressoriss and cor­ sage of red carnations. The dinner —as served by four friends of th* bride- klrs Charles Smith Mrs Jefe Gear. Mrs. Victor Walden and 'Manar. Kennedy For their we rd tog trie tr Northern Ontanc the brN wore her wedding suit topped wiri a pink coat arc cor­ sage of pink 'arnat ions Dr. their return they Wil. reside or. thr grootr.’s farm, near Wrc&eter Moxine Ccuxm HW In United Church ■■V’ Moctydllon - L rr%u hcU <r.ng trip tc Sar. Francises th;, m&rriagf ir Qur Lady Assumption Romar Catholic Toronto, of Doreen Ann • Mrs, X’rcuhart arc. f? Urquhart, to Mr * McMillan, son o: Mrs. John. MacMillar. t".’ry Rev. F. P Cunerty Wingham L’nitod Church w; setting for an autumn weed £31 pm on Sato may.’ Octobe when Rev. D ?. MacRae- un; marriage Maxme Elcanore x daughter of Mr and Mrs. S Cowan. W’lngham. and Roy J Wilson Sarnia son of the la and Mrs Earl Wilson of R.p a double ring cere-mony. W music was played by the organist. Mr R < Gray. Giver in marriage by her father the bride wore a strapless floor-length gowr. of white nylon tulle ove-r satin with long fitted lace bolero, Her finger-top ”eil was held by a fitted headdress set with sequins She- car­ ried a nosegay of red Sweetheart roses. Miss Faukne Cowan of London. sistc-r oi the bride, was maid of hon­ our. wear.ng a floor-length gown of orchid nycryst with matching head­ dress and she carried a nosegay of orchid net with white mums. Miss Jex Cowan of Wingham. another sister of the bride, was brides­ maid. She wore mint green with matching and carried a nosegay of with white mums. Harvey-’ Wilson of brother of the groom, was and the ushers were Irving Elliol the • Keswick, and Gent Kovack. of Lon- John dor*. A reception followed at the Queens Hotel Wingham. where the bride’s mother received the guests wearing a silver and blue brocaded taffeta dress with black accessories and corsage of j nink carnations. She was assisted by i , , „„„ . jSirs Jack Gorbuit, Sr., of Wingham. about 200 -ues=s- She was rearing . who wore a rose beige lace and nylon'a dress of rose crepe and lace, with net dress with blue accessories and ’ accessories of rose and grey and a corsage of peach gladioli. j For a wedding trip to Eastern Ontario the bride wore a beige and brown suit with brown accessories anc corsage of bronze mums. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will reside ir. Sarnia. E E.185 EEKru pp-M o rden , Rev. James Boudrey officiated in a ■ctoubto ring ceremony in St. Mary’s the ' Roman -Catholic Church, Hamilton, on ■ at Saturday. September 17th. which >th,. nr.itod in marriage Shirley Eileen . Morden and Ronald Edward Krupp. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, H. A, Idjorden and the groom’s. ‘■Mr parents are Mr., and Mrs. L. E. Krupp, ’of Hamilton. White gladioli and fern brightened the church. Wedding music was play­ ed on the organ by Miss Ann Ander­ son and Mrs. McPhie sang. Given in marriage to’ her father, the bride wore a gown of white bom­ basine. featuring a neckline beaded in crystal and pearls. The illusion veil, with scalloped edge, was of finger-tip length. She carried a white prayer book arranged with an orchid. The maid of honor, Miss Elizabeth McPhie. and attendant, Mrs. Joseph j Barseiima. were gowned alike in ’ Jumper style dresses in bronze shade, • and they wore matching headdresses, -j Both carried yellow and bronze chry- ; ; santhemums. Miss Patricia Shea. niece of the bride, wore a costume ' matching those of the other attend- 4 ants in yeliow. and carried a basket of yellow rosebuds. The groom was attended by Joseph < Barsellina, while the guests were < Taxi and Car Wash Located on Josephine St. North of CCLR. Tracks □ CHARLIE LEE, Owner >• S* N i m I n 11 a m m Kt * tc tf tost II ft wicr raxtat^cfttw^^M^ignmasw ! Free Delivery, Phone 82 ■ Quality and Service since 1815. Save on these Week-end Specials Libby's Tomato Juice 20 oz. tin - 2 for 25c 48 oz. tin 27ca similar gown in headdress cTi'ClIl *lt?t Monarch Pie Crust Mix Aylmer Fancy Pumpkin 20 oz. tin both for 39c A yvsx< foLtowec. of Th< Church naught ■" late Johr. Lavergn..: Mr anc Lucknov. riexatee* Tht bride was giver m marriage her uncle. Mr John CBrier* She wort ar. Art? balk original of re-embrmder- ec Chantilly lace and silk taffeta, with sculptured lace portrait neckline retracec: ir opalescent paillettes and pearls, which were carried down through the bouffant skirt. A tiered over-skirt of silk taffeta dov/n the back fell to a cathedral train. A mat­ ching pearled coronet held her finger­ tip veil anc. she carried white roses, stephanotis and soft blue delphiniums. Mrs E S Branscombe was matron of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Carole C’Srsen -of Toronto Miss Evonne MacMillan, of London Ont., and Miss Margaret ‘Wiley of Dshawa. They wort full-skirtec waltz-length gowns of pearl blue silk taffeta with matching caps jeweled ir opalescent ■sequins Thg. carried blended delphin­ iums Sweetheart roses and carna­ tions Mr Larry Giffen Detroit, was groomsmar for his cousin anc the ushers wort Mr. Edward Conderan. Dr E E Branscombc Mr Clifford MacMillan of St. Catharines and Mr Gregory Higgins, Th® reception Was helu ir the ball­ room o; thr. Rbya' York. to ir Toronto. Hamilton, best mar. :t. of :ht late o; of- by ■ i Sunblest Peas 15 oz. tin 2 for 19c Apples Pears j Fresh Vegetables jNC/WIE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Adair, ri. Strong, late of the Village of Corrie, in the County of Huron. Retired, deceased who died or or about th® 5th day of August, A.D 1955, are notified to send tc the undersigned Or. or before- the 15th day of October. 1955. full particulars of their claims in writing Immediately after the said 15th day of October the assets of the said Testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to- *■- «. . . ta- *• - ... -i~. . . «• 4^ seats 4S good volume of Price 875GG.0C Half cash balance easy terms plus hand at inventory Bus:- claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated this 23rd day of September, A.D 1955 DRAWFORL' & SETHBR ■^TNGHAM Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 28-5’12b inventory sold as owner has other For further Particulars F CHAPMAN REAL- 96. Goderich phone 19w 5-15 T9b STOREY’ DWELLING FRAME. pater1; shsngto clad New patent -oof Excellent condition Close tc ; Schoo’s contains e bedrooms and hath large kitchen living room dming -oom 1 bedroom or 1st floor Fu-naee heated This property is ir gone enndit'or and is reasonabb. ■ prieca For particulars appb H. C . Ato.rirt-an Realtor vcingham ohont TH ’ 12 19t FOR RENT ! Ai ssu .1 GTON The following used units MUST be sold at Bargain Prices to make room for new 1956 cars. 1954 Monarch Blue Sedan, like new. 1953 Ford Custom Coach, a snap. 1953 Chevrolet Grey Coach, turn signals, back-up lights. 1952 Chevrolet Coach, one owner car* 1952 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery, dual purpose. 1952 Ford Black Coach, turn signals, a real beauty. 1951 Chevrolet Sedan, clean inside and out 1951 Dodge Coach, A1-! condition. 19*59 Dodge Sedan, with radio. 1949 Oldsmobile Sedan, new tires and paint. 1951 Ford Tractor, overhauled and guaranteed. The East Wawancsh council met j on October 4th with all the members ■ ' present, the reeve presiding. The; minutes were read of the meeting held ; September 6 and adopted on motion ' by Hanna .and Buchanan. t! McGowan-Purdor.—That the road . anc general accounts as presented bt j passed and paid Carried. Buchanan-Hanna—That the road superintendent engage the men tc uc ■■ ’ the snowploughing for tht coming ‘ winter Carried jRoad cheques: Stuart McBurney, | i salary 3174.00" George Currie, brush- ’ • ing 36'6.75: R. Leslie Buchanan, brush-1! .. . ----_ Jjjusiung- - NDTfOF TO GREDTrORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JEAN WEIR, late of the Town of Winghair ir the 'Count"* of Huron. Spinster Dneoased. NOTICE IS HERBST GD-’EN pursuant tc the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against th: Estate of the late Jdar ‘xvil* 1 Writ, aro required tc send narticulnrg o? their riaims dulv verified to J. W. BGSHFIELD QO’ Solicitor for the Executrix of the said Estate or nr before thr l.7th dap of October A.D.- 1955 and that after suck date the Rxtoi’tri^ xvjk proceed tr distribute- the said Estate' having regard only to the claims of whtok she shah then tew had notice. DATOR at Wingham. Ontario, this Htente-sir-itb dav of September AT.. 195,". J W BOSHTtELD. QC. Wtngham Ontario Solicitor for thr Exsrutrtv The couple NOTICE TO CKEDITORS AND OTHERS NGTJGL IS HERESY GDJEN that ah person, and others having claim? against ELISABETH REVER late of the Townsstio of Howiok in the - •Count’ O...' Huron. Widow deceased, : drains. ».84. Gan OilCc,. fuel v-i-,.. «*. *?.*,<* -i*»* An*, r*-' bu, goshanc ‘Tune . 374.34: Treasurerswho dxr-c or or ateto. the J- tef ^utario oc 210 -fuel oil . forward their claims duh verified tc g 7rT5Tr thC “K' Seneral =h«ue= County of Huron I da^, o* October A.D iS«&. isomving weeds -and bulldozing I AND NOTICE is further giverJ.SS7G.54 Wendel McCallum, livestock 1 ’that after tn-- said date the Executor? •claim, $14.60 Noble Greenaway, live- | herein wil. proceed tc distribute thr-. Steck claim. SSO.OC George Walker, s ■estate tc th,” persons entitled thereto ;livestock valuer. $6.60* Percy Vincent. “ pl- >His tawrn was run strictly according‘haring regard only tc the claims o: ?K . ^ur?f 5^?... : -------------------- ---------to regulations _ - - ---------,.................. ,......ftOW.....,.. ................. At a big community gat-together in , Dated at Mlfforw this day '....................................................................................P^rk drinks wore available in ‘September A.D. 1955. vritv gr«y, f«r or Saturday on: abundance beer and soft drinks. Jbsc^no Bitetet Fmde? phone Charlie drank ©range pop Ghided by' 7J7W13. ' 12®*a friend ‘‘White's you? favourite __,„^i;bmhd Charlie **'■ he replied 'This is , .VsW waLF DR CDGBLE HDGSE nr. tohv s< to- ten?. A’C4.ilahi-1 No*:,' to- M’dnt; o.g"~s’ *'041*1;, <■•»•.' lad” rs—-‘>e ■» : 'v- TbUR REDRfViX. HOUSE fo- rent vr.$;^-§sjnn ’mmediatol’, also ? acres "» barr and garage. Contact Mrs Mary Pulton phone 65fm2 12 IF wil 'W^H^feoAKfe' RDGMER or “BOARDER ' vrantod Phone 375J 12b CURs. OR V“OMAN tr> sharr fu?nssh- •-r’ aparftnent V,??* reasnnahto _Abhly Bwx Advahce-T?mes 28:5:121: I SELl. ST Charlie was a tevern keeper -ar ! ideal famik mar and u good citizen. AGGRFSB*’’?. SALl’CSMrlN ’Wv Atolr w?th Fahriktos to5, o? maritime W hfto'” Inrgi variety of tosmeties. daily neoossities. Farit ptoduets. etc ^VY SUIT SKtRT at John Street, jFt" FAMILEX Station Montreal ^st T^iesddv or tho way to the, “What" Wliv not Wer*^” ■JSb cKeahdifs, Find-to phooe df.3w. 12’”^ “I sell? V' waa •Churif Es reply 12by drinks were available in ‘ ^ptombe; Ekfcn Rewr. RuMia LbUttit. Iren-. StoWatt. Executors., Donald M, McKenzie. Esq., •Solicitor fi» the said Executors. Ohffcrd, Ontario. .mg 572.00' Ernest Walker ant., grading S11G.6R Frank Cooper. • filing crosscut saw S2.50. Kenneth Scott 1 hour with chain saw ant! • mat, 35.50: Township of EastJWavva- 1 ou gos'tand “Tune’. 374.34: Treasurer '* tof Ontario tai: or. 210 gals, fuel oil. ‘32'0.10- Rscetver-Generaj of Canada findomr tan deducted $5.75 ‘ Genersil cheques Count: i spraying weeds MANY OLDER MODELS All above units thoroughly overhauled and re-condi­ tioned to A-l specifications. All sold with 9#-day gnaraa'lee* i 7 tA* ■> —---------------x ------ ----- ----- ~ haw “ Ptirdon-McGowan-=--That the council ’ t adjourn tc meet November 1st. at ■ 1 one o’etaefc mad court of revision on ■ the assessment rob at three tv clock at» 1 the Belgrave- Community Centre. Our-; ^ried. J Orval Taytar, Reeve S8:.S:I2b^ k. H. Thompson Clerk < Huron Motors Ltd. A.D.MacWILLlAM For4 & Cars For^ & Fortson MmJot Tractors PhcwM* 237