HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-10-05, Page 9Ladies' Nights at the BLUEVALE BRUCE INN, Kincardine Here’s one for the birds! They say two can live as cheaply as one. We intend to prove it to you. The Winghani Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 5th, 1955 Rage JfiWf.Dry Conditions Harm .Fall Wheat»Due to extremely dry conditions fall wheat is slow in sprouting and is coming up very unevenly reports G. W. Montgomery, agricultural repre­ sentative for Huron County. Silo fill­ ing is now practically all completed in the county and some grain corn has been picked, Yields of corn for silage and for grain will be down consider­ ably below other years, Thirteen programs were held at five fairs in the county this week. The Gorrle on Saturday, the pupils taking part in the parade. Miss Winnifred Long and Mrs, Wil­ son Thornton attended the teachers' convention nt London during the week. Mrs. M. L. Aitken has returned from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott, Mrs. R. F. Garniss and Mr. Mac Scott visited Seaforth friends on Sunday, Miss Annie Hattan, Mr. and Mrs. William Damrow, of Detroit, and Mrs. Tony Meehan, of Windsor, were week­ end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott. Mrs. Meehan also visited at Wroxeter. and the Walton C.G.I.T. girls pro* duced special musical selections on trumpets and marimba as well as a- trio. Mrs. Stinson, of Seaforth, who wa^ in charge of the meeting, called the roll and introduced Mrs, E. Marquis, of Durham, Who spoke to the girls. She discussed the many worthy Im­ plications for which the letters C.G.I.T. might stand. If the girls kept the C.G.I.T. purpose they would “increase in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” Mrs, G. W. Tiffin of Wingham, led the sing-song and the Rev, Mr. Mac­ Rae led the recreation for the girls, while the leaders met With the speak­ er, Eight discussion groups were con­ ducted by the Jadiea imd reports were given on the group findings befqrgs the afternoon session was Closed by singing the C.G.I.T, hymn and Taps, On Tuesday, September 27, the C.G.I.T, wiener roast was rained into the United Church, Thirty-four girls sat around an imitation campfire in the gym to sing camp songs and spirituals, hear suitable poetry and readings and play games, When the wieners and cold drinks had dis­ appeared, Mrs. McMurchy produced a surprise birthday cake which was much appreciated by everyone. After a brief business session Taps the meeting. C.G.I.T. Rally for North Huron Girls A “World Friendship” rally held in Wingham United Church on Sunday afternoon, October 2nd., for North Huron C.G.I.T, groups, 184 girls and leaders in C.G.I.T. uniform attended. Thp Fordwich girls conducted the lovely worship service based on the theme “The Lord Is My Shepherd’’ Communion services were held in the United Church and the Presby-. terian Church on Sunday. Preparatory service was held in the Presbyterian Church on Friday evening. Mrs. George German and son, Billy, of Clinton, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Coultes. A number from the United Church attended the Presbyterial in White­ church United Pupils from their teacher, attended the was Church last Thursday. Bluevale School and Miss Winnifred Long, agricultural fail 4-H Achievement Day ' " fall BILLIARDS for guaranteed WATLH REPAIRS MOTHERS ! SEE CAMERON’S closed * I During RESTAURANT MONTH , . . OCTOBER bring your wife or the lady of your choice to The BRUCE INN DINING ROOM. We’ll provide a meal FREE of the same value as the one purchased. (And if you bring the kiddies, there are special portions at special low rates.) This offer good Friday, Saturday, Sunday only in October. NOT ONE COLD THIS TEAR! Dining Room Open Daily 6 p.m. to 730 p.m. Sunday 12 Noon to 2 p.m. and 6 to 7.30 p.m. Enjoy life ... dine out more often at the KINCARDINEBRUCE INN Reservations Suggested: Phone 39 Coughs and colds help drag you down even further when your resistance Is low! A good way to help build up your resistance is to take Wampole’s Extract of Cod Liver regularly. A favorite health tonic with Canadians for three generations — it’s a real “builder” — rich in sunshine vitamin,D, malt, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals necessary for good health. Pleasant tasting tool Contains no oil. Try it. WflmPOLE’S at aU - ONLY $ 1.35 capsules — especially National Weekly Newspaper Week October 1-8, 1955 Lopk for Wampole's new VI-CAJL-FER 12 vitamin mineral formulated for growing children — excellent for adults too —60 days' supply $1.95. OA/ , survival of some of the fall fairs de­ pends on how quickly they can build up their sponsorship of 4-H pro,? grams. Over seven hundred farmers at­ tended an “Information Meeting” held by the County Hog Producers' Assoc­ iation in Exeter on Wednesday, Sept­ ember 28th. LUCKNOW HIRES ANOTHER TEACHER Lucknow Public School Board has hired an additional teacher, Mrs. Ir­ win Carruthers, of Kinloss Township, to cope with over-crowded conditions due to a record-breaking enrolment this year. Mrs. Carruthers will teach a newly- established class of junior grade stud­ ents, to relieve the over taxed primary room. •* The six-member teaching staff now includes Principal Stuart Collyer, Miss Ruby Webb, Miss Helen Thompson, Mrs. Roy Havens, Mrs. Irvin Carruth­ ers and kindergarten teacher, Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie, Here's whet's news More Power!. More Style!... More Cab Comfort!... More Safety!... More Payload!. More Truck Value per Dollar All Ways! ■ 10 Series— Over 125 Models! New Conventionals... New Cab Forwards... New Tandems ... New Parcel Delivery Trucks... New School Buses All-New Cab Advancements! New Styling... New Full-Scope Visored Windshield... New All-Round Vision... New Upholsteries and Colours New High Hauling Capacities! More Payload for More Profit per Trip ... New 8- Foot M-100 Express... All-New M-750 Tandem Axle Wider Choice of Transmissions! Select the Just-Right Drive for Your Job. Automatic Transmission Optional on All Light-Duty Trucks All-New Safeguard Design! New Safeguard Steering Wheel-New Safeguard Door Locks New High-Dial Instrument Panel 8 Mightier Short-Stroke V-8’s More Power per Dollar! New Heavy-Duty Engines. New Special” V-8’s with Economy-Engineered 4-BarreI Carburetors New 12-Volt Ignition Systems! Faster, Dependable Starting... Better Performance... From High-Capacity Battery and Generator Higher-Capacity Tubeless Tires! Standard on All Mercury Truck Models... Cooler Running for Longer Life... More Miles at Lower Cost The roar of an aircraft engine during ground test can rattle windows and nerves for blocks around. So we’re glad to report that aluminum has turned up as a noise-absorbing “honey­ comb” in an aircraft company’s test-cell. Hundreds of aluminum tubes of differing diameters and lengths, filled with absorbent, sound-baffling material, make up the end walls. And we are told that by the time the giant roar has bounced around in these aluminum mazes it comes out the other end thoroughly “baffled” and weakened to a hum. We expect there are lots t of aluminum boosters around that factory! ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) There’s a new "look” in these new 1956 Mercury Trucks! New cabs with a full-wrap-windshield and "visored” roof . . . new prestige-building lines—new body colours, new cab trim, smart new plastic and vinyl upholstery! There’s new haulability, new durability . . . new, higher G.V.W. ratings for every model from M-250 up! New G.C.W.’s too, on many models! There’s new, mightier V-8 power in all series! Now 8 overhead-valve V-8’s—all advanced in power and torque efficiency. New heavy-d uty engines with sodium-cooled exhaust valves and many other new features. New 4- barrel carburetion on new "special” V-8’s. There’s new Safeguard Design for driver safety. New Safeguard steering wheel with re­ cessed steering post, new Safeguard double­ grip door locks and new high-dial instrument panel. And ’56 Mercury Trucks offer a wider choice of power steering and braking options ... new stronger clutches and axles! See your Mercury Truck Dealer! Mow R with MBtCUW Trudes -for LESS' Building Supplies Tongue and Groove Ceiling Tile Gyproc Products Panelyte Full line of Trim and Molding Asphalt and Cedar Shingles x ■■ iBi 11 COME IN GET FULL DETAILS AT YOUR MERCURY TRUCK DEALER’S ! CROSSETT MOTORS LIMITED Mercury Lincoln Meteor PHONE 459 WINGHAM, ONT. Insulation Twindow, Pattern and Penvernon window glass Sash and Doors 2x4 to 2x10 all lengths Plywood products Plywood Sheeting Sash and Frames Pittsburgh Paintis CAMPBELL —and— GORBUTT Sash and Building Supplies Edward St., Wingham Res. MOM Phone 1-J Res. 481