HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-10-05, Page 8Uage Eight The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 5th, 1955 Ngyjs gf WfOXelet" National Weekly Newspaper Week October 1-8, 1955 Tuesday Evening Starlighters See European Trip Pictures ■ Check These Biff Savings on Genuine Ford Mufflers and Pipes at Crossett Motors Ltd. g TAIL PIPES § Ford & Meteor 1942 to 1954 . .. ..,. $3.49 ■ 3 MUFFLERS■ 1 Ford & Meteor 1942 to 1954 ....................... = Ford & Meteor Truck 1948 - 55 % to 3 ton . . $6.49 .. $6.49 EXHAUST PIPES a = I 1942 I 1949 to to to 1948 1951 1954 $4.89 $4.49 $3.59 CROSS OVER PIPES to to 1948 1954 $2.79 $3.29 Guaranteed Prices for Cash and Carry j The opening meeting of the new • season for the Tuesday Evening Star- ! light Group, United Church, was held j on September 27th when the group • extended an invitation to the ladies ! of the community to be present. For- j ty-five visitors responded with a total • attendance of sixty,! The president, Mrs. G. L. Dobson, i presided and was assisted in the wor- i ship service by Mrs. Flett, who read ! the Scripture lesson, Mrs. Crawford I Gibson read the minutes and Rev. J. W. V. Buchannan led in prayer. A seasonable poem entitled “September” was read by Mrs. Ruth MacDonald. Mrs. A, Miller introduced the guest speakers, Mrs. Jean MacDonald and Miss Nellie Ball, who haye recently returned from a trip abroad. By word and pictures, the latter taken* by Miss Ball, the audience was taken on a delightful journey to England, Ire­ land, Scotland and the Continent. Words of appreciation were accom­ panied by a gift to each of them. At the close of the meeting refresh­ ments were served and. a social hour was enjoyed. In charge of the meeting were Mrs. A. Millar. Mrs. R. Flett and Mrs. Andy Gibson. Thanksgiving Service A special Thanksgiving service will be held in the United Church on Sun­ day next, October 9th, at 11.15 a.m. Baptismal service will also take place at that time. Special numbers by the choir will be under the direction of the new organist, Mrs. Rhame. Rev. W. J. V. Buchannan will be in charge of the service. Meeting Date Changed The Wroxeter W.I. will hold its October meeting on Wednesday after­ noon, October 12th at 2.30. In charge of current events will be Mrs. Thos. Burke. Guest speaker will be Miss Ruby Duff, of Bluevale, who will speak on George Reid, Canadian artist. Mrs. Wes Newton will speak on the slogan, “Don’t save all your smiles for the parlor, use some of them in the kitchen.” There will be a report of the area convention by the dele­ gates, “Chicken Every Sunday” is the title of a reading by Mrs. D. S. Mac- Naughton. Roll call will be answered with a author, change fair. quotation from, a Canadian Members please note the Of date owing to the local Missionary to Speak Mrs, Russel Self, missionary on fur­ lough from India, will be guest speak­ er at the autumn Thankoffering meet­ ing of the Women’s Missionary Society of Wroxeter United Church, to be held in the church on Tuesday, Oc­ tober 11. Members of the congregation and any others who are interested are cordially invited to attend. Miss MacDowell Passes Miss Isabella MacDowell, a well- known citizen of this village, died on Thursday in Wingham General Hos­ pital. Miss MacDowell had been ill for some years and was a patient at McKay’s Nursing Home, Wingham. Recently she fell and fractured her hip, at which time she was taken to the Wingham General Hospital. In her 84th year, Miss MacDowell was a native of England, coming to this country at the age of twelve years. She made her home with the late Mrs. Douglas. One sister pre­ deceased her. She is survived by nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held from the Edgar funeral home on Sunday with Rev. W. J. V. Buchannan in charge. Pallbearers were Howard Wylie, Les Douglas, Allen Munro, Stanley Doug­ las, Gilbert Howes and George Gib­ son. Interment was made in Wrox- Low installation charge if installed. ■ Crossett Motors Ltd Proven by Performance TV Canada’s No. 1 Quality Buy Brand new models 21 ” CONSOLES Reg. $339.95 Model 3007 Big Screen 21”. Aluminized tube. 0 Beautiful cabinets in choice of wood grain finishes. Furniture design for years ahead. Full rich tone of front mounted speaker. Emerson's big powerful 19 tube chassis. True picture constancy— brighter, steadier, clearer. , Softint safety glass for easi­ er viewing. Cascode tuner for the finest picture performance. Power transformer for more picture strength. Emerson styled eered for years Easy to use - tuning controls. and engin- ahead. front panel Big screen 17”—aluminized tube. Powerful Emerson 19 tube chassis. New richer tone. Beautiful styled cabinets available in walnut, mahog­ any, or limed oak. Choice of bases available. Cascode tuner—power trans­ former. Full rich Emerson perform­ ance. All models—in all screen sizes full range of wood grain finish­ es at all prices as low as Calf Club Results In the Howick 4-H Calf Club show­ ing Allison McCann, of Fordwich, Was first in showmanship while Sandra Wright, of R.R. 1, Clifford had the best calf in the Howick and Turnberry calf clubs and won the Bank of Com­ merce watch. Results: Best steer, Stewart Edgar, Doris Dinsmore, Jack Dinsmore, Murray Donaldson, Jack Mann, Marilyn Mann; junior heifers, beef, Sandra Wright, John Wright, Jean Sanderson, Murray Wright; dairy, Allison McCann, Perry Strong; showmanship, Allison McCann, Doris I Dinsmore, Margaret McCann, Jack I Dinsmore, Perry Strong, Stewart Ed- i gar. ] Turnberry Township 4-H Club, best | steer, John Mundell, Ian Mundell; J junior heifer, Douglas Fisher, Mar- I jorie Kieffer, Bill Mulvey, Donald Eadie, Barry Mulvey, George Merk- ley; dairy ^heifer, Keith Woods, Gail Shaw, Wayne Woods; showmanship, Wayne Woods, Gail Shaw, Ian Mun­ dell, Keith Woods, John Mundell, Barry Mulvey; specials, best beef calf in Howick and Turnberry, Sandra Wright, John Mundell; best dairy calf, Allison McCann, Perry Strong. Howick 4-H Swine Club, best pigs, George Budd, Vernon Inglis, Jim Ing­ lis, Robert Strong, Everitt Swan; showmanship, Vernon Inglis, George Budd, Jim Inglis, Everitt Swan, Rob­ ert Strong; Howick 4-H Grain Club, Perry Strong, Bob Strong, Murray Mulvey, Stewart Edgar. Principal Winners Following are the principal winners: Horses, agriculture, Francis Reinhart, Mildmay; Percheron or Belgian, Fran­ cis Reinhart, Elmo Pritchard, Luck­ now; team in harness, Elmo Pritch­ ard; best tandem outfit, Eldon Ren­ wick, Clifford; single roadster, Jerry Longway, Monkton; team in harness, over 15-1, Ross McKague, Belmore; best wagon or express, Eldon Ren­ wick, Glen Johnston, Gorrie; Ross McKague; hackney pony single, W. F. McLaughlin, Listowel; Howard Mc- Kelvie, Walkerton; hackney pony team in harness, Howard McKelvie; saddle pony ridden by boy or girl, Tom Bossence, Newton; Howard Mc­ Kelvie, Eldon Renwick; $100 stake for best heavy draft, Ross McKague, Glen Johnston, Eldon Renwick, Elmo Pritchard, best team, Elmo Pritchard, Francis Reinhart; best brood mare, Francis Reinhart; best light horse on grounds, Jerry Longway, Ross Mc­ Kague; best span light horses, How­ ard McKelvie. Beef cattle, Shorthorns, W. Turn­ bull and Son, Brussels; Aberdeen Ang­ us, Joe Weber and Son, Mildmay; Harvey Campbell and Son, Listowel; Gordon Wright, Clifford; Herefords, L. and W. Jackson, 7......................... herd pure-bred cattle, and Son, Joe Weber, Jackson. Swine, Yorkshire, W. Son, Stanley Lawless, Albert Bacon, Belgrave; George Douglas, Mitchell; grade and pedigreed, bacon type sows, George Budd; best pen, W. Turnbull and Son, Stanley Lawless, George Doug­ las; best pair bacon type sows, Albert Bacon, Geo, Douglas, Stanley Lawless; bet boar, John Strong, Gorrie. Dairy cattle, Holsteins, Eric Cox and Son, Rothsay; Walter Woods, Allison McCann; Ayrshires, Alex Job, Moorefield; Ervin Schauss, Mildmay; Harry Strong; best herd pure-bred cattle, dairy type, Alex Job, Eric Cox, Ervin Schauss; best dairy herd, (Please turn to page eleven) GET INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF One of Canada's largest sellers of tires, batteries and automo­ tive accessories is accepting applications for Associate Store Dealerships to be opened in Wingham and vicinity. For further information, write to:- UNITED TIRE SALES 379 Wilson Avenue (Downsview) Toronto, Ontario. FULL SERVICE WARRANTY EASY TERMS Cunningham Motors Wingham Listowel; best W. Turnbull , L. and W. Turnbull and Palmerston; Tamworth, “Old at40,50,60?” — Man, You're Crazy Forget your «gel Thousand! are peppy at 70. Try pepping up wiUiOstrex. Contain! tonlo for weak, rundown feeling due rolaly to bod/« lack of iron which many men and women call "old." Try Oitrex Tonid Tableta for pep, younger feeling, thia very day. New get acquainted" aize only OOo. Foe rail at all drug stores everywhere. eter cemetery. Personals Mr. and Mrs. ^Robert Montgomery of Toronto, spent the week-end at th*eir home here. Mrs. T. G. Hemphill returned to her* home here with them after a week’s visit in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley, of Long Branch, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Wylie. Mr. ahd Mrs. James Baxter, Tillson- burg, spent part of last week with Mrs. D. S, MacNaughton and John. Mrs, Doris Adams, Mrs, W, T. El­ liot and Mrs. MacNaughton attended a trousseau tea in honor of Miss Grace Edgar, Gbrrie South, whose marriage took place on Saturday at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton, of Wyoming, attended the Howick fair on Saturday and called on old friends during the week-end. GET YOUR l«MV| OIL BURNER NEEDS AT CHAMBERS! Large size name brand Oil Burners, Reg. $125 for $95 also 2 used Oil Burners and one used. Refrigerator. We carry a complete line of BEATTY WASHERS Come in and we'll make a deal!' SIDING & ROOFING 2 = s3 FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 293 Wingham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing: Dudley E. Holmes Listowel NEEDS IN STOCK Complete line of International PLOW POINTS WOVEN FENCE AND STEEL POSTS AT OLD PRICES! i m n i i H i i m t f t i i H n m n n f n m m i t m n n n i m m n n i n n n n n n m i m i Chambers Hardware I Wroxeter Phone 65 i HltlltllllillllllJIlllHllinilllMHIlinillMlllUMIIilttlHtlillllltllilH tllllllitlKlllltrtllirttrtlllinflllflllltlllllHIlilininiHHIilliiliiMM' Lunch — Chili Cheese Bake is a recipe that will make you famous. "4th meal" Snack—Egg-in-the-hole is quick and tasty any time. See the glorious variety of. Canadian Cheese your grocer is featuring. Breakfast — A Puffy Omelet crowned with melted cheese. Cheese makes sense on break­ fast menus. It’s a nutritious food that gets the family off to . an energetic start. AND SERVICE Dinner — Frosted Cheese Pie Wine-flavored process cheese makes this the most unusual pie you’ve ever tasted! Prompt attention to* service calls in the Wingham District. Complete line of new Electrolux Products. Duncan Sinclair PHONE 28 BLYTH ELECTROLUX SALES a money order N. L. Smith, Manager, Wingham Branch 13271 HHC l«»T-IM.BANKINi» BERVACB Write for the recipes. Address Marie Fraser, Dairy Foods Service Bureau, 409 Huron Street, Toronto.. -today's- BfG food uatuef She won't expect you to know a draft from When the girls at the Toronto-Dominion begin their training with us one thing is impressed on them: “Nearly every day some customer of the bank comes up against a phase of banking that he’s never had to deal with before ... it’s your job to be as helpful as- you possibly can.” So if you deal at a Toronto-Dominion branch, never feel embarrassed about your lack of knowledge on even the simplest matter. Our Staff is anxious to help you, and they don't expect you to be a banking expert There are over 450 branches of the Toronto-Dominion Bank In Canada now... and 'you'll find the same con­ sideration and courtesy In any one of them. DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto