HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-10-05, Page 7The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 5th, 1955 Page Seven new special values ON SALE NOWr Just 3 More Days of Big Savings — Sale Ends Sat. Oct 8 BLANKET Texmade" Ibex Quality Flannelette 78c EACH Specially Purchased Children's Full Fashioned . . . Afternoon Sheers . . • 51-gauge, 15-denier. Outstanding sav­ ings here! Fine Nylon Hosiery . . . full fashioned for a smooth sleek fit . . . finished with slender back seam . . . neat panel heel ... in new Fall tones: Glow and Beige. Sizes 816 to 11. Target Sale Price . . . . 78c Target Sale Price. . 49 Newest of Famous Beaconsfield Blankets Double Bed, 72" x 90", size Beautiful downy soft acetate and nylon blend blankets to complement your room decoration and give added warmth when you want it in . the months ahead. Wide 5" Satin binding in colors to match Blankets. Choose from Gypsy Red, Gold, Green, Blue, Pink. Target Sale Price .................................................. Large Size, 70 x 90 — All Firsts Save on every pair of this well-known LO'W PRICED quality flannelette Blanket during this great sale. Full big size, 70 x 90, of warm thickly napped flannelette KF ilr borders of Pink or Blue. Target Sale Price..............PAIR Save! First Quality! Goodyear PILLOWS Allergy free Keep their shape Won't sag' or lump Zip-off cover for easy washing At a new low price Target Sale Price . 3 pairs $2.30 EACH Warm! Practical! An all-purpose Coat for Boys or Girls that affords warm protection from winter’s cold and snow . . . Red Kasha lined . . .Storm cuffs . . .Zippered hood and underfly front. Brass buckle front closing. Navy or Black . . . Sizes 4 to 7. Target Sale Price - EACH $8.44 FORDWICH Morning Star Lodge The L.O.B.A. Morning Star Lodge, met in the Orange Hall, on Wednes­ day night. Mrs. Susan Gibson, W.M. was in the chair. A short business meeting was held and plans made for a tea and bazaar in October. A draw will be made then on a satin cushion. Visitors from the L.O.B.A. lodges of Gorrie and Harriston were enter­ tained, 21 visitors being present. Con­ tests and games were enjoyed. A mystery prize was won by Mrs. Ila Pemerling, of Harriston. A delicious Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association “Where Better Bulls Are Used” HERE IS PROOF THAT THESE BULLS ARE DOING THE JOB We have received from the Holstein-Friesian Association of Canada, an up-to-date report of the milk and fat production as well as type grading of the daughters of our Holstein bulls. These Production figures are a comparison with the Breed Class Average which is 100%. The records and grading are on artificially sired daughters in many herds and under varying conditions. Type graded daughters Breed BULLS % B.GA. All daus. No. of record daus. Milk No. of graded Fat daus. average 47% G.P. or better Monogram Duke V.G. Extra 205 110 111 288 Glenafton Milestone V.G.163 114 120 302 Glenafton Trademark V.G.48 111 116 109 Elmcroft Celebrity V.G.47 105 105 89 Seiling Wing Double V.G.28 106 119 86 Seiling Wing Pietje 2 88 86 11 All these sires together average 493 110 114 885 60% 41% 48% 40% 50% 36% 49% lunch was served. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart, of Lis- towel, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie. Congratulations to . Mr. and Mrs. Ron Massey on the birth of a son in the Listowel Memorial Hospital. L.A.C. William Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, of London, visited over the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Sothern, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker and family of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Baker. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig were Messrs. Jack Doig and James Grant of St. Cathar­ ines. Mr. Bruce Williamson, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Addisson Jacques, Ka­ ren and Janet, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Sothern. Mrs. Clare Harris, Mrs. Stan Bride and Mrs. William McCann attended the W.I. area convention held last Thursday and Friday in Guelph. Mrs. George Bolander and John are spending a couple of weeks with Har­ riston friends. Messrs. Allan Cooper, of Toronto, and Everitt Cooper, of Walkerton, spent the week-end at their home here. Mrs. Walter Horsburgh is spending two weeks in Wingham. Mrs. E. Fallis visited a couple of days last week with friends in Gor­ rie. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bride and Mr. Stan Bride attended the funeral in Preston last week of the late Mrs. Addison Hill. Mrs. Anson Demerling spent a few days last week with relatives in Mit­ chell. Mr. and Mr. Joe Heffer spent the week-end in Oshawa, where they at­ tended the wedding of the former’s brother. Week-end and Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mc­ Dermitt were Mr. Albert McDermitt and son, Morgan, of Traverse City, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Percy McDermitt and family, of Brantford, and Harold McDermitt, of Galt. Mrs. Mac Corbett and family, of London, spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bellamy, of Lon­ don spent the week-end here. Mrs. Clinton Jantzi and two child­ ren, of Baden, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Eastman. Mrs. A. Sharpe, of Guelph, and her son, L.A.C. John Sharpe, who is on leave from Greenwood, N. S., spent the week-end with the former’s sister, Mrs. W. Rumple. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Williamson and two children, spent the week-end here. Her mother, Mrs. E. Fallis, re­ turned to Richmond Hill with her for a week. Mr. Bernard King, of Harriston, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McGinnes return­ ed last week from the western provin­ ces where they visited for a month. Mr. Jack Foster, of Long Branch, spent the week-end with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons. BELGRAVE Hold A.Y.P.A. Annual The annual meeting of Belgrave, Blyth A.Y.P.A. was held at the rectory at Blyth on Tuesday evening last week. Mrs. George Ives, president, was in charge and after completing the year’s business turned the meet­ ing over to Mr. B. de Vries, who con­ ducted the election of officers for the coming year, which are as follows: President, Miss Claire Taylor; vice- president, Miss Joan Brydges; treas­ urer. Miss Mary I. Nethery and secre­ tary, Tom Brydges. The meeting closed with prayer and a lovely lunch was served by Mrs. de Vries. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Claire Taylor. Personate Miss Joan Brydges, Miss Mary I. Nethery, George Bacon, Murray Brad­ burn and Harry Brydges attended the rally for Huron Deanery A.Y.P.A.s held in St. George’s Church, at God­ erich, last Monday evening. Murray Bradburn was elected president for Huron Deanery executive for the coming year. Murray Bradburn, a delegate from Belgrave A.Y.P.A., has been attend­ ing the three-day provincial conven­ tion of the Anglican Young People’s Association; being held in St. Paul’s Church, Windsor. Mr. Martin Grasby attended the three day Credit Union Convention, as a delegate from Belgrave, at Gen­ eva Park, near Orillia last week. Mrs. Ed. Hartlin, Goderich and Mr. Keith Anderson, St. Thomas, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson. The following two bulls were privately owned by the Unit in the summer of 1953 and daughters are not yet in production. Glenafton Benefactor Ex 31 111 Elmcroft Tradition V.G. 30 105 before being .purchased their artificially bred 123 43 81% 109 50 70% Production Pays the Bills Why not use these bulls who have proven their ability to sire daughters that are outstanding for milk production with a high test, and better than average for type. The above bulls are alive and will probably be good for some time with the exception of Elmcroft Monogram Duke whose ability to produce good semen is over and Seiling Wing Pietje who was recently slaughtered. We have a supply of frozen semen on hand from Pietje. If you wish to use a desirably proven bull or a prom­ ising young bull, we have the answer with the bulls in the Unit. For more information or service to these or any of our bulls of all breeds, phone collect to Clinton 515 or Mildmay 130rl2. Between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays and holidays F ON THE NO. 9 HIGHWAY JUST SOUTH OF HARRISTON Fri., Sat., Oct. 7-8 Roy Rogers in “Trail Of Robin Hood” plus Judy Canova in “The Untamed Heiress” Sunday Midnite - Oct. 9th “Man In The Attic” Starring Jade Palance TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Children under I? yrt. f>--' Mr, and Mrs, Trev. Hainstock and Joan, of Milton, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. Gerald Cullins, of Stratford, spent the week-end at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Borysvitch and Nancy, of Toronto, visited in the community over the week-end and attended Gorrie Fair. Mrs. Pearl Chilton, of Toronto, spent the Week-end with relatives. Miss Dorothy Campbell, of Hamil­ ton, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Gohn and Teddy, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. J. Beswitherick, Lenore and Violet. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly and Janie returned home on Sunday after spending six weeks visiting relatives in England. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schaefer, of Milverton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith. Miss Phyllis Keith, of Hcsson, also visited her parents over the week-end. Rev. Russell Horsburg, of Zion United Church, Hamilton, will be the guest speaker on Sunday, October 9, for anniversary services at Fordwich United Church. Miss Darlene Keas, of Guelph, spent the Week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Gibson. The annual meeting of the Bible Society will be held in Knox United Economy Priced New Stripes Size 20 x 40 An outstanding buy! These full-sized Bath Towels are regular first quality in fast color candy stripes on white grounds. Backed with close water lnuigry loops for quick drying. Regular Bath Size, 20 x 40. Color combinations are Flamingo, Blue, Sea Green, Sun Gio. Target Sale Price PAIR Quantities of these items are limited, so plan to come in early when the selection is best . . . See also many new and unadver­ tised values on display. Church on Monday evening, October 10, at 8 o’clock. The sound motion picture “45 Tioga Street’’ will be shown. BELMORE Marks 88th Birthday William H. Irwin, of 200 Broughdale Ave., London, formerly of the Bel­ more district, will celebrate on Octo­ ber 8th, his 88th birthday. A resident of Belmore district all his life, Mr. Irwin moved to London two years ago. He is enjoying quite good health for his years and this summer spent two months with his grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jackson, who reside on the farm where he used to live. He also enjoys reading the newspapers, listening to the radio and watching TV. Mrs. Irwin was the former Marian- Murray. They have two daughters, Lilian (Mrs. R. E. Jackson) of Exeter and Blanche (Mrs. Robert MacKay) of Broughdale, London, with whom he resides. Best wishes are extended to Mr. Irwin from relatives and friends for- many more birthdays. ILLASHMAR THEATRE P Llashmar Drive-In Theatre LISTOWEL Turn at Armouries on Hwy. 86 Thurs., Fri., Oct. 6-7 —Double Feature— “To Paris With Love”' (Color) Alex Guinness “The Outlaw Stallion” (Color) Phil Carey Dorothy Patrick Sat., Mon., Oct. 8-10 “The Kidnappers” Vincent Winter Jon Whiteley Tues, Wed., Oct. 11-12 “Pushover” (Adult) Fred MacMurray Kim Noval< Thurs, Fri., Oct. 13-14 “Nearer To Heaven (Color) Robert Donat Kay Walsh Cartoon, Added Short at Each Performance Children’s Playground 2 Shows Nightly, rain or clear Children under 12 years in cam FREE! CLINTON, ONTARIO Next to Clinton Community Park — Open at 7J0 First show at dusk. ■ g ■ Thurs., Fri., Oct. 6-7 “Genevieve” (Color) Kay Kendall John Gregson Cartoon and Short Sat., Mon., Oct 8-10 DOUBLE FEATURE “Battle of Rogue River” (Color) George Montgomery Martha Hyer “Mr. Hulot’s Holiday” Jacques Tati 1 Tues., Wed., Oct. 11-12 S “Miss Sadie Thompson” S (Color) g Rita Hayworth ■ Jose Ferrer g (Adult Entertainment) = Col.—Leon Errol Double Reel S Comedy M Thurs., Fri., Oct. 13-14 “The Cruel Sea” Jack Hawkins ■ Cartoon and News at each Per­ il fomiance. g Children’s playground, two g shows nightly rain or clear. 5 Children under 12 in cars free. ■I g g g. g ■ ■ ■ ■