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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-10-05, Page 2
Mhqpu Twti Tim Winghmn AUvuiuxbl'tim's, Cklftber Mb, 10M National Weekly Newspaper W eek October 1 * 3, 1^55 PIGS MAKE GOOD GAINS ON HOWSON’S PIG FEEDS TH») FIGVRRS WERE GIVEN TO VS BY ONE FEEDER. 3 GOOD DIGS BRIGHT AT WEANING FEED (X)NXniEl) OtX) lbs, Howm’s Pig Starter ■400 lbs* Bacon Feed 2,000 lbs* Hmvson’s Hog Finisher TOTAL 2,000 LBS* 080 LBS* FEED PER PIG FROM WEANING TO MARKEV This man had a margin over cost of weaned pig and feed of $16.75 HOWSON & HOWSON Blyth Wingham IGA EVERYDAY PRICES BURNS SHAMROCK Boneless Tenderized HAMS .. WHOLE. OR HALF* IG A TABLKRITF PRIME RIB ROAST . ... ......... RIBS - SHORT OLT' SWIFT VREMIVM BROOKFIELD SAUSAGE MEAT . xIDKAL FOR IXHT VRX DRESSING) XGA TARLFRVTF Fi. SLICED SIDE BACON .. .. / . „. _ - . LOWEST PRICES ON THANKSGIVING TURKEYS x IM. PACK 1S.5A CHOICE TOMATOES SWKKIA FANCY PUMPKIN . 2X OS* xs m. 3 for 33c GRRHN GIANT FANCY PEAS .. smRmrirs GOOD MORNING MARMALADE .. 41c w XS ccc 39cPREM .................................... i umnxnts SOUP MIX ^Chicken Noodle) XWCKSSK ®M3S» tRFTONrS H L3S<,' PURPLE LABEL TEA (10c deal) .... 51c Champions Named at Public School Field Day (Continued from page one.) and Allan Leggatt, Charles Keating and Jim Sims, Ronnie Goy and Wayne Gordon; skipping race, girls. Brenda Hulk Marilyn Higgins, Sandra Stew* art; ' “ . - son and and wheelbarrow, boys. Larry Aitchi- and Bruce Cauley. Brian Caslick Douglas Ewing, Eddie Rintoul Allan Leggatt. Gmde H, Miss. Sherwood Running race, girls, Ann MeKibbon, Audrey Collar, Rae Gurney; boys, Ixnmio Boucher, Warren Rich, Brian Clark; thxx'o-lcggvd, girls. Ann Mc Kibben and Rae Gurney; Audrey Ann Collar and Wendy Cronkwright; Ruth Gibbons and Laura Walper; hoi’s, Garry Carter and Johnny White. Don ald Carter and Keith Henry, Marvin Shinn and Brian Collar: shipping race girls. Patricia Seiling, Rae Gurney, Audrey Collar: w’hoelbarrow. boys, Brian Collar and Marvin Shinn. Jim| Griffith and Kenneth Ohm, Johnny I White and Gary Carter. Grade HL Miss McMilhm I Running, girls, Joan Riehl, Judy< ^Callan, Marianna McDonald; boys,] i Jimmy Nasmith. Robert Campbell, j ijlsirry IX'Uglas; three-Jegged, girls,; rerment was m ij Judy Callan and Janis Henderson.»ham cemetery. ; Karen t\nitelon and Mary Ellen Me- ’ ,^Phail. Alma Jane Elliott and J segue-J Hine Saint: boys. Jim Nasmith and; Robert Beattie. Robert Campbell and1] Rodney Cameron, Donald Merrick and ! laUtry Douglas-, skipping. Joan Riehl. ;Jacqueline Saint. Jud,v Callan; wheel- barrow,. Jimmy Nasmith and Stewart <! Allen. Ronald Vegan and Tommy El- Uaeott. Robert Campbell and Rodney .-Cameron Grade Hi* Mrs, Shem Kirnnmg. girls. I^T.da Whitby via Holloway. Rirdni Thompson: boys Rodney Hickey. Paul Wslper Jon * Iktteson. tlireo-legged. girls. Rylvia : Holloway and lynda Whitby. Ikmme 'Foster and Jx'Tda Sangster, Pa: i Rams and Narocn Nicol. bays 1 ■ !-Carter and D&xtd Coot hers. Xhteb.oll and Rodney Hickey. C.skav.v tte ar.d Deuglss Soott skipping race < o&n Wlut.by. Pimbar Gandra Thompson, wb.eel- ' 'barrow Robert Gkinn and Leonard Houghton luoyd Carter ; Orc. hots. W lifted Casks: Way ne Sedde-n Grsufe? IX, Miss MelAMghfhs Running, girls Joan. Rodman Mary Joan Lapp Forty Carter' beys, lyxsg- ,as xMmpXe.i Mart:’?. Jlarmss. Georgo ' Y tb.x ; ’ timce-lcgged, gird& EhoOi Gibbons and Potty Carter. Mary Joan C.»ayp and Joan Redmond. Botty Gang- ste-t'ano M.a'.’x kune Gouth&mc beys. YVray Rrooks" ar.d Goorge Whitby- IX'.nald RirsKWd and Douglas Firndow Jim Ixxrn and Douglas ‘Campbell. g.r4s' skipping race. Mary' Phillips, :§htslA ■Gibbons Coan Rodman wheelbawow. Marlin Garr.*ss and Fnaser Enr-oxg. RXxnsjd Xirtom and Douglas Fhirdcm. \\wtglss Campbell and Donald C&sk- ' snotte Miss Mary Weir Was Turnberry Resident After a long illness Mary Margaret Jane Weir died in Wingham General Hospital, September 29th, She was in her TTth year. Born on the 11th of Turnberry, the younger daughter of the late James Weir and Mary Sprout Manson, early pioneer settlers of the township. she camo to Wingham with her parents more than fifty years ago. Miss Weir was long- a member of St Andrew ’s j Church and took an active part in the Ladies’ Aid while she was able. Two brothers, John, of Wingbam, and William, of Howiek Townslhix two nieces, Mrs. Paul Grove, Vancouv er, Airs. Edgar Gaunt, Belgrave* a nephew, James Weir. Owen Sound and two nieces and three nephews in Scotland survive. A sister, Agnes, and three brothers. David, of Ayrshire, Scotland. James of Turnberry and Thomas, of Wing ham predeceased her. Funeral service was held on Satur day,, October 1st,, at 2,80 p.m„ from the S. J. Walker funeral home. Rev. Alexander Nimmo officiated and in terment was in the family plot, Wing- FIB8T CLASS WATCH REPAIRS AT MODERATE PRICES Owlnr to lack of «paoe, am oom. polled to confine my repair* to watclie* only. George Williams Located In MASON’S STORE Chairman Pallbearers were Alex Reid. William For*!, Ephriam Parish. Gordon God kin, Thomas Cruikshanks and George 1 Hugh MUndell, u Orvia H. BOYD TAYLOR Phon© Blyth 15r5 RJR. 3, Walton COMBINATION 4 SAVE SPACE, AVOID CLUTTER PEGBOARD S $1.84 5 Lasts a lifetime STAINTON ever «• i f 2 Huron Motors Ltd. I * j 55 5 $ The telephone rings Turnberry Township School Area Board The regular mooting of the Turn- bvrry Township School Area Board Was held at No. 2 school on Sept. 22* at 8 SO p.m. AU members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and on motion by Hardie and Kirton were adopted. The following correspondence wms read. B. Wallace, Gordon Wray. Jack Hood School Supplies. Mr, XX’ilbur Fralick was present re.transportation. The board decide*! to have the annual teachers' meeting on Oct. 17 at Wingham. Powvll-Kirton” that the following lulls be paid: Teachers salaries: cartakers; trans portation, A. D, Smith, 8SO.OO: A. C. Agnew\ $18JaM ; C. D. Brown, $87.50,; Doug Aitehison $02.70; Standard Tube* desks, $012.00; Jack Hood, $2398.71; British American Oil, $39.78; Dick de Boer, Tabor, $42.50: Beaver Lumber, $1015: I*ouis Blake, pumping tanks, $4000; DattisOn Radio and Electric, $7.00; Allan McGill, $2.50; Fred David son, $13'80; Ken Holmes, labor, $6.80; Dave Murray, welding and material, $17,29; Alexander’s Hardware, $3S.S5; Mrs. Frank Ross, labor, $2.50; tele- | phone. $L25. Is Holmes-Kirton—that meeting ad-- 1 journ. next meeting to be at No. 6 | school on Oct. .20th. Alex Corrigan, 1 See.-Treasd Orchill Orchards CHOICE QUALITY APPLES Macintosh Red, Red Delicious, Northern Spy When Glasses Are Not Needed . . . Hamiltons will tell you so. If glasses are needed you are sure of top quality and expert service. W. R. HAMILTON, R.O. “A Complete Visual Examination” A stornT door in winter... a screen door in summerI INSTALLED! First cost is last cost! Finest extruded alumi num,. won’t rust or warp- ...wipes cleaxuneeds no painting. Permanent fit assured with exclusive Adjusts* Precision Chsns»el5..Prtettmatic door check, rustproof hard ware. Lasting beauty, economy and comfort. DOOR Completely Installed with 9” GriU GtsmIj' Mtss. Howe Rgfn'fiiing. girls, ^d'wrsc?’ Ax® Gxm- ; xixghsxri Ssssx Etencxtx Msry ,$3bsscr: bays Bt>bhy Lxx®., -Gteerge- 'Kvrr Wsyste Oss&3c., threr-lcggcd . ChbEyl S^esn. ssed M&rj" ZAnc- Hlas- ; iscr, Father $t=err sxfi Ar.xr * v'O&xnixgh&TA. SrendA 'OSiViix; ; «nd FhigKse SK-mx. Atew-vT. ‘ ‘Chsrtes ^sxgster •Grodg? Ses-r saad? T«rry Xterklcy: skipping, Stwitej' . OsxxixgN&m, Sassx HcnWJSX. SESxy ■ SQ'fsSser. whcrlbs-rrc^c, G-NKg? ; Xrrr s&d Ttcgy Wsyim Css- - hek ISNb LfiKite Ttngexe Skato sssd Ch&nfes .§isx®S®r Seniwr Rsys High Tamj- Eteter Ofcrmtrh.asK Jd&x * Xterkkjy. 3Ss*rry Flatter reisy nscc Tim. WEd. Hrssr. Rsder XlsKXsresSd . Jist- Cisvk ?Nhx Xf-rkicy ISaE f«xi. Eteter C&xm’chswl 'S&rry 5W:. * Sbb AScunty.’rc Ttottg Ltv.kridge WkS- ten KcStibhcW. L&ster SteHcfejc : r2irer- ? irggvd rare Sturktsy. Tfevia.; <ter Tahr. PfXcr T&rxcwh--’ ®F. ■ 'Sku -Crfcwfccd Wskar. XaKibbJan ■ < hx hhP ste? And .Jump Thhai Xlhrk- jStssct. Stall 'rxix- ixg hrned jmxp l»hhn Mtrkiey. Ossfifi . shm put C-ahx Rri&r. Hsdyr Y’ce <2srk Flash Tnkr Xzcrkiej' ESris® 7<rXibhur. ■ stonfimg H?hi>r 3obn < - stexSmg lihhx A’.’f-rk- KAlirtr. l*5<K!bhas> 'i»r. Quickie? ■ ■a'Jffii'N WE DELIVER PerfotTiiATioe <y.i Locsu. Wst&nt Xirklf.) hr<®£ j These perforated panels and interchangeable hooks g will give you hundreds of easy and pleasing arrange- ■ ments far every room in your home. READY PAINT-PRIMED SHEETS 24” x 48” N^w *‘T<ap F:-ortTnwsg Extra TLSo$. for Extra. Fewer NW Lighted Dial Picture ANTENNA INSTALLATION 1 IIII | SAVE! on 60=watt LIGHT BULBS | FALL SPECIAL = 6 for onlv £7r Srsnior GlnK nmng rxo; Gros- Dunlop Shar- Rrovcx Rater. Smith - sofrbsd. throw. Jane Hotheringtem Sbaror Drowm Sh&rtm Dtwis. board or. head rate Day? Thomson. Nlsrj Strane, Jasmt Saint nmning broad tump: Gtehr Dunlop Shlricy Armstehng. Rater. Smith 'thteo-Jeggad rate • Shsr- ley Armstrong Shstem Dpwss.. Ksrssr. Smith. Sharon rSrowr. Sarah Sklxx ■ telsj-’ W 'Rrbwn Sharon Dewis te ShW -T-- >, Sarah Skirm f! ■w MAKE YOUR OWN ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS Mm;y Stone nnrx Shscon Xarsm Smith Misty Stamt; TmTdbp ShirlisF on ■page thres? 1 I l B g W Yon sro rmrlndcn of rhe Armivee- ser^co? the United .Chnreh ni-x: Sunday kl sLm ami T iLm ASt Stnlph fSowlsKti uiE be the ip&eaab- ■et The choit will 1 -. " masn m’d Xks Howfctt ----- ------ Ann, Todd will hr the saluiste Esihet Chesbtsre is a pattern fc the jCbaSdret’s W&t ASematim Bsshftsu IjOffldwn Flowers m thr Xlrdted flburoh nr SmwlSv 3tj the Va c’PAt ngn SnshemKr ’he .............. this Thutsslay stftettmar Alshy Xh&r a Autsgs ClAte v’ii Sv thr g-uesi gn®nk;r> “T4?’ fAOLtiL?. AISPX’- U&h ’ I s ;. S I > < xX*. ^rrwKir spsaini 2 ■fOtt Mid XxiSS 5 X I s 5 tn thr XlJijted ______ HI mittning were nisee;} thutt- ir. memrs?!. »f Idrs ‘Si J «*hb&r riMdh aecattet; msr dt Hits ■b3tC?»WBT. Sal. taL &L3L TSDSS. '.rubber stomps wnir, stomp pads »ald wt Che Wnghsar, A.B.^bcWIIXLAM <$£ Ifcnarch 'Cles Ford & Fordsosi KbJgt Tractors Wmgham Phase 237 ■ g. ■ .g g g g g B SAVE TIME AND MONEY Easy to make • No Rusting No special tools • No Fainting Any home owner can build an attractive and long lasting: professional quaht.y” storm window with, easy-to-xrork WEBNER ALUMINUM STORM SEOTIOIS 4«foot section 84 c 5«foot section $1,05 6» foot section $1.26