HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-09-28, Page 3Waterloo Typists and Clerks Steadily increasing business necessitates addition to our Head Office staff. We require typists and clerical workers, with or without experience. We offer good graded salaries, five day week, two weeks vacation with pay, excellent working conditions. If you are interested in permanent employment Write or apply in person to THE EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA, PAINT SALE Martin - Senour g News of Gorrie 78 OAC Students From Guelph Visit Local Farm and Factory We have purchased a limited quantity of Martin Senour Paints in time for your Interior Painting Th© Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, September 28, 1955 Rage Throi'All choir members are urged tp be present for choir practice on Thurs­ day evening at 8.30 p.m. in the church. The next Baptismal service will be held in Gorrie and Wroxeter United Churches on Sunday, October 9th, All interested parents are asked to con- ; tact the minister, Rev. W. J, V. Buch­ anan. Huron Presbytery met in the Gorrie United Church on Tuesday of last week. Women’s Institute The October meeting of the Gorrie W. I. will be held on Tuesday evening, October 4th, at 8,30 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Mel, Taylor. Roll call, “How to postpone old age.” Miss J, Thomp­ son, public health nurse and district president, will be speakers. Everyone welcome. Presbyterian Anniversary Rev, J. F. McClure, pastor of the church will be the preacher for the Presbyterian Anniversary services at Gorrie, on Sunday next, October 2nd., at 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.m, There will be special music by the choir. Personals Bible Society collections are coming in very slowly. It is to be hoped that collectors will soon be able to com­ plete the canvass. Mrs. J. B, W. Smith, London, Ont­ ario, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Galbraith, Orangehill recently. Other guests last week were Mrs. G. W. Weston and daughters, Barbara, Wen­ dy and Gretchen, London, England, and Mrs. T. Stewart, Dungannon. Mrs. Tessie Zimmerman returned from Wingham Hospital on Friday. Mr. Anson Galbraith is on a visit to Cochrane, Northern Ontario. Mrs. Ambrose O’Connor and little daughter, of Oakville, are visiting with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Finlay. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mclnnes spent Sunday in Stratford at the home of his brother, Dr. D. Mclnnes. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dilworth and family, of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Blair McIntosh and family, Listowel, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hyndman. Miss Marlene Feigel, Stratford and Mr. Keith Cowling, of Toronto, were week-end visitors at the former’s home. Mrs, F. E. Russell, who has been hospitalized at the Wingham General Hospital for the past week is expected to be able to return to her home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. King, Wiarton, and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Paterson, Lis­ towel, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King. Mrs. Clara Scott and family, Morris township, visited on Thursday at the home of Mrs. F. C. Taylor, it being the occasion of Miss Mary Scott’s birthday. The birthday cake served was one of the top winners at Harris­ ton Fair and was made by Mrs. Jas. Hudson, Fordwich. Miss Betty Hamilton, of Lucknow, I and Miss Irla Newton, students of Stratford Teachers’ College, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newton. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mclnnes attend­ ed the funeral of Mr. Mclnnes’ brother, Mr. Jos. Mclnnes at Tees- water on Thursday. We extend sym­ pathy to Mr. Mclnnes in his bereave­ ment. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, John and Jean, visited Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Nixon, Hagersville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Telford Montgomery, London, little Leslie Anne Thompson, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Has- tie, Wingham, Miss Beatrice and Mr. Tom Shearer, Wroxeter, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery on Sun­ day. Mrs. David Gedke and Mrs. Nel­ son Gedke, Palmerston, spent Thurs­ day at the same home. Mrs. Thos. McMichael, Wingham, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Robt. McMichael. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hyndman spent the week-end at the home of jtyfr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hockridge, Toronto. Mrs. Hyndman remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oakley, Burling­ ton and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Field, Lambeth, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar. Mr, and Mrs. W. C. King spent Sat­ urday and Sunday in Hamilton. Mrs. R. T. Bennett is holidaying at Rousseau, Muskoka. Ken and Mrs. Galbraith and sons, left to return to their home in Gerald- ton last Friday, after a two week holiday with relatives. Miss Patricia Strong, of Sarnia, spent several days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Strong. Mr. Leonard Armstrong, of Lapeer, Michigan, visited Mrs. Jas. Armstrong last week. Miss Thelma Stafford and Mr. Bill Barnes, of Kitchener, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Vittie. Mr. Edward Ferguson, of Saska­ toon, Saskatchewan, visited his par­ ents, Mr.- and Mrs. Robt. Ferguson, on Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Minnie Irwin, of Toronto, is visiting with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown and Mary Alice, of Beamsville, spent the week-end in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Graham and Alec, of Toronto, visited with relatives over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sparling, Yvonne and Wanda spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feigel, Lenore and Howard, attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. George Haeyn at Port Perry on Wednesday. Mrs. Robt, Harrison is spending a couple of weeks with friends at Galt. BIRTH UNDERWOOD—In Wingham General Hospital, On Sunday, September 25, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Un* derwood, a son. OFFER TO WIDEN GODERICH BRIDGE Canadian National Railways has agreed to widening the traffic lanes on the Saltford overhead bridge, No. 21 Highway, by four feet, if town council will agree with removal of the pedestrian wall? over the bridge, council has learned. Council will seek further informa­ tion on the matter from the Depart­ ment of Highways, the Board of Transport Commissioners and I*. 33, Cardiff, MP for Huron-Wellington.and Elva Vegan. Anglican Church News Harvest Thanksgiving services were well attended on Sunday, when the Rev. A. N. Ellis, of Brussels, was the preacher. There was also a service of Holy Communion. The choir sang the anthem ‘While the Earth Remaineth.” Fruits of the harvest, grain, veget­ ables and fruits and many beautiful flowers were used in the church. Guest Speaker Brotherhood Meeting Archdeacon Mills, of London, was guest speaker at the September meet­ ing of the Brotherhood of Anglican Laymen of the parish in the Legion Hall on Friday evening. His subject was “Stewardship.” From the earliest days of the word of God, men have felt that they owed something to their maker, who gives the gift of life, abil­ ity, opportunity, time, wealth of the earth, and that sooner or later they Would be called on to give an account­ ing. The New Testament teaches us that we must give of our time, talents and our resources, freely and willing­ ly. Ladies were guests at this meeting, The gentlemen served refreshments. Injured in Car Crash Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clegg received injuries Saturday night, when the car in which they were riding was in col­ lision at the Gorrie intersection on Highway 87 with a car driven by an RCAF officer from Clinton. Both cars were extensively damaged'. United Church News The W.M.S. sectional meeting be held in Whitechurch Church, on Thursday, September 29th, at 9.30 a.m. The World wide Communion service will be held in Gorrie United Church on Sunday, October 2nd,, at 10 a.m. The S. S. Rally Day service will follow immediately after the church service. Every family is invited to participate in these services. A World Friendship Rally for Hur­ on teen-age girls will be held in Wing­ ham United Church on Sunday after­ noon, October 2nd., from 2 to 5 p.m. Two bus loads of 78 students taking the two-year diploma course at the O.A.C. passed through Gorrie on Thursday enroute to CKNX, Wing- ha, They were on a two-day tour of points of interest and visited farms selected in 7 counties. The farm of Mr. E, H. Strong was the one select­ ed in this district. Molesworth cheese factory was also visited. C.P.R. Schedule Altered A diesel engine is to be used on this Teeswater branch of the C.P.R, beginning September 26th., when the one train and crew will make the trip from Toronto to Teeswater, returning to Toronto the same day. The train to Teeswater will now leave Gorrie at 1.17 p.m. and leave Gorrie for Toronto at 3.42 p.m. Newlyweds Honored Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Brown (nee Kathleen Lane) were honored at a very large gathering in the Commun­ ity Hall on Friday evening, when friends from Fordwich, Gorrie and Wroxeter presented them with gifts. Mrs. Tom O’Krafka read a suitable address. They received many individ­ ual gifts, a desk and chair from Gor­ rie and Wroxeter, a mirror from S.S. No. 16, where Mrs. Brown teaches and a purse of money. Mr. Brown principal of the Wroxeter School. Miscellaneous Shower Mrs. Wm. Smith, con. 1, was hos­ tess at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Grace Edgar, a bride-elect, when 34 ladies were present. Miss Edgar was ushered to a chair to strains of wedding music played by Mrs. Glad Edgar after which there was singing. Mrs. Russell Martin, was in charge of a quiz program. Mrs. John Baylor gave a reading and a bride’s book was made and signed by all. Gifts were presented in a doll buggy brought in by little Barbara Thornton, Mary Mc- Kercher presented the gifts. Assisting the hostess for lunch were Mrs. Paul Adams, Mrs. Bill Wright, Mrs. Effie McCracken, Irene'Simpson PIGS MAKE GOOD GAINS ON . HOWSON’S PIG FEEDS THESE FIGURES WERE GIVEN TO US BY ONE FEEDER. 5 GOOD PIGS BOUGHT AT WEANING FEED CONSUMED 500 lbs, Howson’s Pig Starter , 400 lbs. Bacon Feed 2,000 lbs. Howson’s Hog Finisher TOTAL 2,900 LBS. 580 LBS. FEED PER PIG FROM WANING TO MARKET This man had a margin over cost of weaned pig and feed of $16.75 $ HARDWARE will UnitedALEXANDER'S is All weights, Oven-ready 62c pound LAIDLAW’S * WINGHAM 2 1OX3OE=? t HOWSON & HOWSON Blyth Wingham Complete Color Range New Tone Flat Oil Paint Regular Price Gallon $9.20 Quarts $2.75 . Half Pints 75c Sale Price $3.99 .99 .39 TURKEYS FOR THANKSGIVING PHONE 366-J When Glasses Are Not Needed . . . Hamiltons will tell you so. If glasses are needed you are sure of top quality and expert service. W. R. HAMILTON, R.O A Complete Visual Examination” Hir-niif /ifilft;lU/H i.;w iMiTui'S fW smirtiw 1 Stock up at this Low Price — Oakleaf CHOICE VACUUM PACK 1 Allen’s CHOICE M! Healthful! Drink your 20& TAPPLE JtJECS DESSERT — LA MARINA 14 oz. TINS apple a day! .3 oz. TINS o n o DELICIOUS SLICED PINEAPPLE STOKELY'S HONEY PSD PEAS CLARK'S — BEANS WITH PORK — UNGRADED FANCY IN CHILI SAUCE 20 OZ. TIN REAL VALUE! TENDER AND SWEET FRANKFORD — STANDARD , ft ftft rGREEN PEAS 3 -K W / EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! OAKLEAF — CHOICE A J.TOMfiTOES - Z 310 LIBBY'S FANCY Sauerkraut LIBBY’S MIXED VEGETABLES™ AYLMER — FANCY Applesauce 2 310 BRIGHT'S — CHOICE HALVES PEACHES «»“■ 190 I .... ’ ’ 1 BISCUIT FEATURE! MANNING'S CHOCOLATE MALLOWS 200 15180 FOR SALADS OR COOKING ST. LAWRENCE SALAD OIL 360 CLOVERLEAF—RED COHOE SALMON BRUNSWICK — IN OIL SARDINES Money across the miles A chartered bank makes it a simple matter for you to send money almost anywhere, inside or outside Canada. You may want to get money to a certain city as a gift on somebody’s birthday; or to1 settle a business account; or to set up a fund which can be drawn upon by a company salesman, branch office or supplier. It works the other way, too. If you are far from home and short of cash, you can advise your “home” branch to telegraph your money to a point where you can pick it up. Many situations and needs can arise — and a chartered bank has many ways of taking care of them, including the sale of travellers cheques. This service is one of the many advantages you enjoy as a customer of a chartered bank. Your local branch is an all-round banking service-centre l that can be helpful to you in many ways. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Keep your money safe; pay you steady interest; encour­ age the habit of thrift. COMMERCIAL LOANS For business or industrial firms, large., and small; producers, processors, retailers—every type of enterprise. Only a chartered bank offers a full range of banking services, including: SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES Keep your important papers and other valuables safe, yet readily accessible. TRAVELLERS CHEQUES Protect you against theft ot loss of cash. They are readily negotiable anywhere. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY CULVERHOUSE—CHOICE CREAM COBN t..°" 1S0 Lynn Valley—Standard Cut Wax BEAKS 2“?-3l0 AYLMER — CHOICE AracoTS tl„O1- 240 Culverhouse—Choice Lombard PLUMS tV*' 1|0 ?k§!scv,t 330 For Your H«atth—Eat Mor® CANADIAN COLOURED MILD CHEESE Pound 390 SOUTHERN CROSS TUNA FLAKES CLARK'S IRISH STEW V* BRISK FLAVOUR! DINNER'S BEST BEVERAGE PKG. OF 60 Tin JfC 2-350 290 ORANGE PEKOE Salada Tea Bags McCORMICK'S — PLAIN OR SAL-TED DAINTY SODAS IN TOMATO SAUCE — COOKED LIBBY’S SPAGHETTI CAMPBELL’S AMUSHBOOM SOUP 2 WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL QUAKER MUFFETS -<-BBOT!T 20c OFF AT TIME OF PURCHASE MAPLE LEAF LIQUID DETERGENT 1 LB. PKG. 13 OZ. TIN 10 oz. TINS 790 310 150 330 160 630 ONTARIO GREEN PASCAL CELERY STALKS .. SWEET EATING - CALIFORNIA RED GRAPES....... FIRM GREEN HEADS OF NEW CABBAGE ... SUNKIST - SIZE «SS>s ORANGES............... LARGE SIZE ........2 for 27c LB. ........2 for 25c LARGE SIZE, EACH ............ 12c DOZEN ................33c VISIT YOUR DOMINION FOR FULL DETAILS ABOUT ‘FAMOUS BRANDS FORTUNE HUNT"til I ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE IN WINGHAM | Until Closing Timo Sat, Oct. 1 OUR GUARANTEE All merchandise sold at '‘y.our Dominion Store*' la uncondition­ ally guaranteed to give you 100% satisfaction. DOMINION STORES LIMITED FREE DELIVERY