HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-09-14, Page 7stakes are too high Celebrates Their 49th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McMurray, IJrus* seis, were entertained on Monday, September 12th, at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, R. J. Mc- Murray and Mrs. McMurray, 2nd, line of Morris In honor of their 49fh wed­ ding. anniversary. Present for the occasion were their family, Mr, and M^s. J. Smith, B||l, Robbie and Murray,, of Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMurray, Donald and Gordon. Another grandson, Robert E. McMnrray, of Toronto was unable to WE STILL HAVE Heavy Barbed Wire AT $8.75 A SPOOL Wise buyers will buy NOW for next year be present, Others with them were Mrs, Mc­ Murray’s sisters, Miss Bessie Walsh, of Wingham, who is 85 years old; Mrs, Minnie Ketchabaw, of Lucknow, 80 years old, and a brother, Edmund Walsh, of Wingham and Bill Ketcha- baw, of Lucknow. After a social afternoon was spent they all sat down to a lovely fowl supper, the table being prettily decor­ ated with pink streamers and candles and centred with the wedding cake, Mrs. McMurray was the former Annie Walsh, of Wawanosh Township and after her marriage to Wjji, Mc­ Murray of Morris, they farmed on the 4th line of Morris for several years retiring to Brussels in 1947. The gamble with faulty brakes. Have our skilled mechanics inspect your car’s entire brake system . . lining, fluid level, linkage. Always be 100% SURE! Watch for our prices on PERMANENT=TYPE ANTIFREEZE WINGHAM MOTORS PHONE 138 ' WINGHAM HARDWARE MILVERTON FALL FAIR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd Van Hooton Shows & Midway Articles for Competition in Showroom DANCING IN EVENING SATURDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. 24th,4 School Children's Parade led by Band with Ann May and Her Horses Horse Races Baby Contest $100 Stake for Heavy Horses CALF AND PONY RACE Increased Cash Prizes 4-H Club Competitions DANCING IN THE EVENING Geo, Gernhaelder, Sec,-Treas, akzad TWO vk/cJM Auvceojej w&t (jMtZXzfcut, ClLc4VtMUC44€ In August, 1954, only 3>/2 years after ground was broken, the Kitimat smelter commenced production of aluminum with an annual capacity of 91,500 tons. Almost immediately a 60,000-ton extension was started. And in the spring of 1955 the decision was made to proceed with a flexible program to add a further 180,000 tons to ingot capacity. ...A progressive increase to 331,500 tons, more than three times the size of the original installation, and well on the way to our ultimate Kitimat goal of 550,000 tons a year. “This continuing expansion of Kitimat in succes­ sive stages”, stated Aluminium Limited president Nathanael V. Davis, “should, we believe, help to keep pace with the growing free world demand for aluminum and particularly the demand in opr major export markets, the United Kingdom and the United States.’* The new facilities will go into production step by step, with the first unit starting up in the fall of 1956. It is expected that the present building program will be completed in 1959, The broken lines on the photograph roughly indicate the additional area to be occupied by new smelters and other buildings. Beyond the present plant (the aluminum structure in the middle ground) can be seen the harbor and docks of Kitimat. </ .............MK & MW Mb ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. SMELTERS AT: SHAWlNIGAN FALLS ARVIDA ISLE MALIGNE BEAUHARNOIS KITIMAT The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday September 14, 1955 Pago SoWB Announce Open Season For Game Birds in Huron District The following open seasons for game birds and animals were an­ nounced this week by W. H, Cantelon, Wildlife management officer for the district: Hungarian Partridge Counties of Brant, Oxford, Went­ worth and Halton, Date: October 3rd to October 22nd, Limit: 8 per day, pos­ session limit not to exceed 16, Grpus© Counties of Bruce, Grey, Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington, Date: October 8th to November 19th. Limit: 5. per day, possession limit, not to exceed 15. Counti.es of Brant, Oxford, Went­ worth and Halton, Date: October 29th to November 5th. Limit: 3 per day, possession ljmit not to exceed 15. Pheasants (male only) Special licenses required in Regu­ lated Townships, Counties of Brant, Halton, Huron, Oxford, Waterloo, Wellington, and Wentworth. Date: October 26th, 28th and 29th. Limit: 3 male birds per day. Time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Counties of Perth, Bruce and Grey. Date: October 26th to November 2nd. Time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Limit: 3 male birds per day. Pelee Island in the Lake Erie Dis­ trict. Date October 26th and 27th. Limit: 12 pheasants, 8 male and 4 female. Time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. All Counties south of the Lake Huron District, except Pelee Island. Date: October 26th to November 2nd. Limit: 3 male birds per day. Time; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ducks and Geese In the entire Huron District. Date: October 1st to December 15th. Limit: 8 ducks per day, 2 day bag limit. 5 geese per day, 2 day bag limit. Woodcock Date: October 1st to December 15th. Limit: 8 woodcock per day, 2 day bag limit. Wilson’s Snipe Date: October 1st to December 15th. Limit: 8 Wilson’s Snipe per day, 2 day bag limit. Mourning Dove Date: October 1st to December 15th. Limit: 8 per day, 2 day bag limit. Squirrel (Black, Grey and Fox Squirrel) All of Ontario. Date: October 26th to November 12th. Limit: 5 per day, 2 day bag limit. Raccoon All of Ontario. Date: August 1st, 1955 to October 31st. 1956. (Special licences required for taking raccoon after dark). Rabbits Season closed in all Regulated Areas in the following Counties except Oct­ ober 26th and October 28th, to Febru­ ary 29th, 1956. Brant, Oxford, Halton, Woman’s Missionary Society (Met The September meeting of the Wo­ man’s Missionary Society of Wing­ ham United Church was under the leadership of Mrs. N. McLaughlin. The program followed the general theme, “Our High Calling,” with spec­ ial enphasis on “The Call to Disciple­ ship.” The Scripture readings from the Gospel of Luke were taken by Mrs. J. Halliday, Mrs. Cosens and Mrs. O. Irwin. All told of the call of the different disciples to follow Jesus. Mrs. Wm. Field followed, the same theme in her prayer. Mrs. Gowans gave a talk on Stew­ ardship, saying that stewardship as well as education, begins in the home. Mrs. McLaughlin introduced the study for the year, which covers three books and is wholly Canadian. These books bear directly on the emphasis of the W.M.S. work in Canada, the New Canadian, the Canadian Indian, and the general picture in hospitals, homes and schools. These programs will show how our United Church cares for people, whether they are found on reserves, in community cen­ tres, at camps or at ports of entry into our country. The president, Mrs. Roulston, con­ ducted the business. It was decided to invite the Whitechurch Auxiliary to be our guests at the October Thank- offering meeting, at which Rev. D. J. MacRae will be the special speaker. Delegates were appointed to attend the Sectional meeting at Whitechurch on September 29th. Mrs. Roulston closed the meeting with prayer. SALE PLANNED OF FIREARMS A sealed tender sale of confiscated firearms will be held at the Huron district office of the Department of Lands and Forests, located just south of Hespeler on Highway 24, September 19, 20 and 21. Hours of sale will be from 12 noon to 9 p.m. All guns will be on display and sealed tender forms are supplied by the department. BACKACHE MaybeWarninq JBackaclie is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling may soon follow. That’s the time to take Dodd’S Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys io normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd’s Kidney Pills now. fit Wentworth, Wellington, Huron and Waterloo, Limit: 6 Cottontail rabbits per day. Season closed in ah other regulated areas in Lake Erie District except fjrom November 1st., 1955 to February 29th, 1956. Essex and Kent, November 1st., 1955 to January 31st., 1956, Fur Bearing Animals Lake Huron District, special lic­ ences required, Mink: November 1st,, 1955 to January 21st.( 1956, Muskrat: March 1st., 1955. to April 21st., 1956. ELECTROLUX SALES AND SERVICE Prompt attention to service calls in the Wingham District. Complete line of new Electrolux Products. Duncan Sinclair PHONE 28 BLYTH Building Supplies Tongue and Groove Ceiling Tile Gyproc Products Panelyte Full line of Trim and Molding Asphalt and Cedar Shingles Insulation Twindow, Pattern and Penvernon window glass Sash and Doors 2x4 to 2x10 all lengths Plywood products Plywood Sheeting Sash and Frames Pittsburgh Paints CAMPBELL "*1111 mid.. * GORBUTT Sash and Building Supplies Edward St., Wingham Res. 340M Phone 1-J Res. 481 “A Word To The Wise Is Sufficient” ♦(Author’s name below) Buying medicines and health­ aids is not as simple as purchas­ ing many other things. They must not only be fresh and potent when you get them, but they must be properly taken or used. Even the most commonly used household remedy can be harmful if improperly taken. That is why we welcome your requests for information, or asking any question we can ethically answer. We are licensed by the Province for your protection. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McKibbons Phone 53 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE • Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsib­ ility of filling their prescrip­ tions. May we compound yours? PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ♦Quotation from an English Copyright 9^255