HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-09-14, Page 4Page Four The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday September 14, 1955 COMING EVENTS FOR SALE__________ WOODEN KITCHEN ROCKERS only $8,50 at R. A. Currie & Sons Furni­ ture, 7 :14b ELBERTA PEACHES and Bartlett pears now at the best. Bring con- taines to Govenlock Orchards, one mile north of Forest on Bluewater Highway. 7:14* NEW 2 AND 3 FURROW Fleury Bissell Tractor Plows. Half price. Parts available. Phone 88r21 At­ wood, evenings. 7rrl2b SMALL COMBINATION SAFE, al­ most new, 15 x 13 x 13 inside, priced for quick sale. Safes opened, com­ binations changed. Also typewriters, adding machines for sale. Apply to J. W Locking, 464 11th St. A.W., Owen Sound. 7rrb 260 RED TRICITINA COAT, fitted, size 16 for sale. Also wine English wool suit, size 14-16. Phone 152. 14b RENFREW COOK STOVE, for coal or wood, for sale, in good condition. Also a glass cupboard. Phone 540J. 14b DUO-THERM OIL HEATER for sale, Used one season. Reasonable. Call Wingham 408W. 14* LARGE ANTIQUE sideboard for sale. Hand carved. Also one leather rocking chair and piano. Phone 661M. 14b CASE HARVESTER nearly new and small International separator for sale or trade on separator with cutter or shredder. Apply to Lome Brown, R.R, 1, Kincardine. 14b NEW CONGOLEUM RUG for sale. 9x9. Also three dozen quart seal­ ers, used. Phone 242W, Mrs. R. M. Shiell. 14b GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator for sale, years guarantee, Also McClary washing machine. Phone 444M, 14b .22 HORNET RIFLE with scope for sale. Also 1 base fiddle and baby carriage. Apply to J. Day. phone 689W. 14b LADIES’ MAUVE winter coat for sale, size 38. Phone 511M. 14* HEN HOUSE for sale. 10x10, good frame building in good repair. Apply Box 74 Advance-Times. 14b BOY’S BICYCLE for sale, like new. Apply to Heilke Roetciszsoander, Josephine Street. 14* HEAVY DUTY RANGETTE for sale. Three wire. In good condition. Phone 554W. 14b CHILDS WINTER OUTFIT, three- piece, pink trimmed with white, size 2. In good condition. Also white Kenwood bunting bag for sale. Phone 447. 14b 1 ROCKING CHAIR, 1 electric radio, 1 combination china cabinet and buffet, 1 toilet set for sale. Apply to Bertha Lott, phone 212J. 14* LIVESTOCK WANTED HIGHEST cash prices paid for dead, old, sick, and disabled horses and cows. Phone promptly. Atwood 153 collect. 31rr23N* MISCELLANEOUS WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or in­ formation phone Clinton 242 or Mild- may 130rl2, collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. 9rrb SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pump­ ed and cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed. Apply to Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels. 15rrb DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb 24 HOUR SERVICE on all furnaces and oil burners. Apply Hlseler & Son, phone 426. 15rrb IF YOU are buying a car on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing and insurance. Our service is complete and inexpensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293. rrb SAVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your cream, eggs, and poultry to your Wingham Co-operative. Ask for your Cash dividend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream. It pays to deal with the Co­ operatives in Wingham. 18rrb POULTRY FOR SALE SEVENTY LIGHT SUSSEX and bar­ red rock pullets for sale, laying. Apply to Ross Turvey, R.R. 2, Blue­ vale. Phone Brussels llrl7. 14b 100 RED SUSSEX PULLETS for sale, 5% months old. Apply to Cameron Walsh, Brussels, phone 15r23 Brus­ sels, ................. 14b“^,ARS F0R SAJJg 1948 PONTIAC 6 SEDAN for Sale, Good condition $500.00. Stan. Kay, lot 21, con, B Howick, Phone Wrox­ eter 31r7. 14* WANTED WICKER FERNERY wanted. Phone 538M, Wingham. 14* MALE HELP WANTED CAR DEALER in Wingham requires a licensed mechanic. Permanent position for right man. Phone 520. 7:14* SALES AGENT wanted for real es­ tate for town of Wingham and dis­ trict, man or woman. Contact Curly Stevenson, Real Estate, phone 325 Mt, Forest, for Corcoran Real Estate, Toronto. 14b MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi­ ness. Sell to 1500 families. Write today. Rawleigh’s Dept. 1-453-SA, Montreal, P.Q. 14b SALESMAN to sell complete line of men’s, ladies’ and children's, cloth­ ing; furniture and appliances includ­ ing television. Sell right in and around Wingham on easiest terms. Highest commissions paid, no in­ vestment necessary. Car essential. Write Box 72 Advance-Times. 14b YOUTH WANTED. Earn while you learn. Men’s wear merchandising. An outstanding future for the right youth who is willing to learn from the bottom up. Applicant should be between the ages of 17 and 20. Hanna’s Men’s Wear.__________14b HELP WANTED FEMALE LADY OR GIRL wanted to clerk in store, either part time or full time. Apply to Box 75 Advance-Times. 14b CLERK wanted for grocery store. Experienced preferred but not ne­ cessary. Apply to box ‘414. 14b WORK WANTED PAPERHANGER and painter, reason­ able rates. Apply to Alex Coutts, Scott Street.14* SITUATIONS WANTED ; WOMAN WANTS domestic or day work. Box 76 Advance-Times. 14b WORK WANTED BY WOMAN. Gen­ eral housework, practical nursing or cooking. Apply to Box 72 Advance- Times. 14* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6 ROOM HOUSE fully wired for sale; garage and small barn on 1 acre of land in Wingham, Ont. Several fruit trees, ideal location on out­ skirts of town. Apply to Harold Dennis, Wingham, Ont., phone 658J1. 7:14* 7 ROOM HOUSE for sale,, with 3 piece bath, furnace, built-in cup­ boards. Apply to George Seiling, Wingham. 31:7:14b MODERN DUPLEX for sale. Two large apartments with Oil Hot Water Heating, garages. Excellent location. W. W. Armstrong, Shuter St., Wingham. 31:7:14:21* HOUSE for sale. Two storey, large centre hall, six room house with modem bathroom and kitchen, oil furnace and air circulator, flat rate electric water heater. Good location and garden. Dr. R. B. Palmer, Shuter St., telephone 645. 14rrb PRICED FOR EARLY SALE "in Wroxeter, Ont. Eight room brick house with almost new furnace, oil burner, drilled well with pressure pump, electric water heater and bath; garage and 1% acres of land. Apply to Dr. R. B. Palmer, Wing­ ham, telephone 645. 14rrb RANCH STYLE HOME, new, modem, on edge of Wingham, • immediate possession. Asking only $5;000 with $1,000 down. Contact, Curly Steven­ son, Real Estate, phone 325, Mt. Forest, Corcoran Real Estate, Tor­ onto. - 14b FOR RENT 8 ROOM BRICK HOUSE for rent or would sell on Catherine Street. Pos­ session October 1st. Apply to Albert Martin, Wingham. 7* THREE ROOM self-contained apart­ ment for rent. Available immedi- ately. Phone 160.14b ROOM WITH BOARD BOARDERS WANTED. Apply to 432W. 14b ROOMERS OR BOARDERS wanted Apply to Box 71 Advance-Times. __________________________ 14:21b COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1956 Assessment Roll for Morris Town­ ship will be held in the Township Hall on September 19 at 9 p.m. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 14b NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the undersigned to clean and repair the Lamont Drain in Morris Township which consists of 43,961 linear feet of open drain, Work to be commenced immediately. Also tenders will be re­ ceived for the contract of constructing the Campbell Drain in Morris town- ship which consists of 2,322 linear feet of tile drain and 200 linear feet of open drain. Tiles are to be supplied by the contractor and the contract to be completed this fall. A certified check fol- 10 per cent of the contract price must accompany each tender. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk’s office. All tenders must be in by 12 o’clock noon, Sep­ tember 23rd, 1955, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. George Martin, Clerk, 14:21b EX-SERVICE .MEN AND WOMEN AND DEPENDENTS The Canadian Legion Provincial Bureau Officer, Mr. A. M. Forbes, London, Ontario, will be visiting Branch No, 180 Wingham on Sep­ tember 16th, from 10.00 a.m. to 12,00 noon. Any one wishing information, advice or assistance, regarding War Disability, Pensions, Treatment, Al­ lowances, etc., is requested to contact the Service Officer of the local Branch, whose name appears below, to arrange an interview. George Williams, John St. Wingham CE14* WEATHER PERMITTING there will be an entertainment Sunday, Sep­ tember 18 at the Palace Gardens, Formosa. CE14b CARD OF THANKS We wish to say thank you to evep'- one that remembered Ruth Ann with gifts, cards, treats and visits during her long stay in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Your kindness will always be remembered.—Sincerely John and Ruth Currie. 14b CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell wish to take this opportunity of thanking their many kind friends and neigh­ bors for their many kind acts of kind­ ness, gifts, flowers, cards, on their 50th anniversary. Kindness that will never be forgotten. 14*------------------------------------------------, CARD OF THANKS-----------I I wish to thank Mrs. Morrey and I Staff of Nurses, Dr. Corrin, Dr. Me- ' Kibbon, also all my friends who called I or sent cards or gifts and flowers ’ while in Wingham General Hospital. ; —Mrs. Harold Ridley 14* ; AUCTION SALES HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, antiques, • etc., on Gorrie Main Street, Satur- i day, September 17, at 1 p.m. Mrs. I Wm. Marshall, proprietress; John Dinsmore, auctioneer. 14* j CLEARING AUCTION SALE ! of Farm Stock and Machinery ! at lot 42, con. 7, East Wawanosh Twp. i lJa miles South of Belgrave on | No. 4 HighwayTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1955 | at 1 p.m. i HORSES—1 team Percheron geld- { ings, middle age, 1600 lbs. CATTLE—1 Durham cow due to frehen in Dec.; 2 Durham cows milk­ ing and rebred; 1 Durham cow due to freshen in April; 1 Heifer due to freshen in Jan.; 6 Durham Steers and Heifers rising 2 yrs. old; 3 spring calves; 1 baby beef calf. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick Deer­ ing binder 7 ft. cut; Massey-Harris mower, 6 ft cut; Massey-Harris hay loader; sulky rake; Massey-Harris manure spreader; Bissel disc harrow; cultivator; riding plow; walking plow; 4 section harrows; farm wagon; flat hay rack; Vega cream separator (1 yr. old); set farm sleighs; McCormick Deering 11-disc fertilizer drill; fan­ ning mill; steel trailer; sap pans and about 35 pails. Forks, shovels, chains and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor GEORGE MARTIN, Clerk. 14b CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm, Farm Stock and Machinery Lot 12, Con. 10, Grey Twp. 3 miles east of Brussels on Highway TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1955 at 12.30 p.m. CATTLE—1 Holstein cow due in Dec.; 2 Durham cows to freshen in Nov.; 32 Hereford steers from 700 to 800 lbs. HOGS—12 York chunks, 90 lbs. POULTRY—700 Leghorn pullets 4% months old; 17 geese; 10 ducks. MACHINERY—McCormick Deering Super W6 late 52 model tractor; Cockshutt No 20-52 model fully equip­ ped with bulldozer blade; Farm ma­ chine manure loader (new); McCor­ mick Deering 3-furrow plow; Ford- Ferguson 2-furrow plow; 12 ft. spring tooth McCormick Deering cultivator; 7-ft Massey Harris cultivator, 4 section diamond harrows; 15 run double disc McCormick Deering fertilizer drill on rubber; Case tractor; manure spread­ er; Cockshutt side rake; Massey- Harris oil bath mower (new); 3 rubber tired wagons; 2 16-ft. flat hay racks; cement mixer (new); garden tractor 3% H.P. fully equipped with plow, cultivator and disc; 40 ft. Cardinal hay and grain elevator (new); John Deere 10-inch hammer mill; 2,000 lb. scales; 32 ft. extension ladder (new); 4-inch planer with motor; portable electric water pump; 60 feet of 7-in. drive belt; root pulper; National milking machine used 1 season; building 12 x 24 feet with 3 ft. porch, beaver board lined, 2-inch cork insulation, green shingles on outside, wired and built on skids; 7 ft. tractor disc steel roller; forks shovels; 4 steel stanchoons; number of good tools. All above machinery is like new, purchased between 1-3 years. FARM at same place as sale, lot 20, con. 15, Grey twp., 64 acre farm will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid; 45 acres workable land remainer in bush and pasture. Small frame barn. TERMS—Chattels cash, Property 10% down balance 30 days. MARTIN SCHWARZWALD, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 14b IN MEMORIAM HISLOP—-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Benjamin His­ lop who died four years ago, Sep­ tember 17th, 1951. From our happy home and circle God has taken one we love; Borhe away from sin and sorrow To a better home above.—Ever re­ membered by his wife and family, 14* I BIRTHS • MARTIN—In Toronto Western Hos­ pital, on Friday, September 9th, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Martin (nee Barbara Ross), a daughter (Stephanie Ross). I HENDERSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, September 11, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hen­ derson, Lucknow, a son, ■ MORRISON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, September 12, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mor­ rison, R.R, 1, Lucknow, a son. TOWNSEND—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, September 12, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Towns­ end, Wroxeter, a daughter. MARRIAGES NETHERY-KEITH—At her home‘on Victoria Street, on Tuesday, Sept­ ember 6th, Elda Catherine Keith, daughter of Mrs. Keith and the late William G. Keith, to Terrance Eldon Nethery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Nethery, of Wingham. HASELGROVE-HOBDEN—In Wing­ ham United Church on Saturday, September 10th, Marjorie Ann Hob- den, daughter of Mrs. Hobden and the late R. R. Hobden, to Wallace Robert Haselgrove, son of Mr. and Mrs. Omar Haselgrove, of Wingham. DEATHS BARTON—In Guelph Hospital, on Thursday, September 8th, 1955, Gordon McKenzie Barton. Funeral was held Saturday, September 10th, from the Lome C. Pattison funeral home, Fergus. Interment was in Gorrie cemetery. CAMERON—At the Elliott Convales­ cent Home, Lucknow, on Wednes­ day, September 7th, 1955, Alexander Cameron. Funeral was held on Sat­ urday, September 10th, from the Walker funeral home, Wingham. In­ terment in Wingham cemetery. REVER—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Sunday, September 11, Mrs. Elizabeth Rever, Wroxeter, in her 81st. year. Resting at the Edgar funeral home. Gorrie, where service will be held today (Wednesday) at 2.30 p.m. Interment Gorrie cemetery. BROOKS—In Waterloo, Ontario, on Monday, September 12th, 1955, John l J. Brooks, in his 90th year. Resting | at the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral j home, for service at 2 p.m. today I (Wednesday) September 14. Inter­ ment in Wingham cemetery. * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY • THREE ROOMED heated apartment for rent on Leopold Street. Phone 385W. 14b OPPORTUNITIES are still AVAILABLE FOR MEN INTERESTED in an ARMY CAREER CONTACT THE ARMY RECRUITING OFFICER at WINGHAM ARMOURY EVERY WEDNESDAY 10 a.m. to 6.45 p.m. Phone 75 coincidence? outlets. Per Capita Place Population Retail Trade Leamington—7,520 1776 Amherstburg—3,600 1189 *Harrow—1,713 2011 Kingsville—2,580 1190 Riverside—10,200 274 Tecumseh—3,565 571 Tilbury—2,886 613 *Only town without legal liquor Coincidence?’ NO! Note: Statistics as reported in Windsor Daily Star. 14b | Trips - Weddings - Funerals £ PHONE E 185 f Taxi and Car Wash Located on Josephine St. North « of CJN.R. Tracks U CHARLIE LEE, Owner L E E 9 s Mixed Doubles Twenty rinks were entered in the mixed doubles at the Wingham Bowl­ ing Club on Monday night. Winners were: first, H. Crawford and Mrs. E, Armitage; second,, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Du Vai; third, Mr. Draper, Clinton,* fourth, Hugh Hawk­ ins, Clinton; fifth, H, Sherboiidy, Wingham. There will be no service in Donny­ brook church next Sunday as Anni­ versary services are being held at Knox United Church, Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woods have recently had a Television set installed in their home. Mr. Edward Nixon, who has been in failing health for the past few months is a patient in Victoria Hos­ pital, London, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Sandy, of Luck­ now, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney. Mr. and Mrs, John R. Thompson and Howard, visited on Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald, Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and daughters were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Web­ ster, Fordyce, ST. HELENS WMS. and W.A. Meet Nineteen ladies were in attendance at the meetings of the W.M.S. and the W.A. of St. Helens United Church, held at the home of Mrs. T. J. Todd on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. W, I. Miller, the president, was in the chair. In dialogue form, Mrs, Alex Murdie, Mrs. E, Barbour and Mrs. C. Mc­ Donald told of the wonderful work done in Angola where in May the 75th Jubilee Celebration of the Mission was celebrated. The sectional meeting will be held in Whitechurch on Thursday, Septem­ ber 29th, and Miss W. D. Rutherford was appointed to give the courtesy remarks. Plans were made for the Autumn Thankoffering. Mrs. Todd was in charge of the meeting of the W.A. the theme of which was “The Truth.” Mrs. Harvey Webb read the Scripture lesson and Miss Lois Webb, the meditation. It was decided to have the annual bazaar which will be in the Auxiliary rooms in Lucknow in November. At the con­ clusion a pleasant social hour was enjoyed when lunch was served with Mrs. Lome Durnin and Mrs. W. A. Miller as hostesses. Former Resident The death of Arthur Hunter Car­ ruth, well-known resident of Listowel, occurred in Listowel Memorial Hos­ pital on Tuesday, August 30th, at the age of 51. He had been in poor health for some time. His death was due to a heart condition. Mr. Carruth was a former resident of Wingham, and his father was well known as a bandmaster here for many years. Following in his father’s footsteps he was a noted bandsman. He was a member of the Listowel Brass Band and after it disbanded he held to­ gether a group of musicians who play­ ed for local functions until the Lis­ towel Boys and Girls Band was org­ anized. Born in Hepworth, he was a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Car­ ruth. Until his forced retirement he was a carded foreman at the Mait­ land Spinning Mills at Listowel. A member of the Knox Presbyterian Church, he also belonged to Knox Brotherhood. Surviving are his wife, the former Cora McLachlan, and one sister, Mrs. Hattie Carruth, of Harriston. A brother and two sisters predeceased him. 1953 Monarch Sedan Black. Air conditioning heater. Automatic trans­ mission. Custom Radio. White wall tires. Slip covers. A Black Beauty. 1952 Ford Custom Sedan Dark Green finish. Air conditioning heater. Custom radio. Low mileage. A one owner Premium Car. 1952 Meteor Custom Tudor Green & White. Air conditioning heater. Slip covers. Clean inside and out. 1952 Pontiac Sedan Black. Air conditioning heater. Custom radio. TOP VALUE 1953’ Chevrolet Coach Black. Fresh air heater. Above average in every respect. rd i/j-ton Green. Heater. USED TRUCKS 1947 Chevrolet V^-ton Green. Heater. 1953 Ford Vi-ton Blue. Heater. 1953 Ford V2-ton White. Heater. PERSONALS —Rev. and Mrs. Ivor D. Maclver, of Seotstown, Quebec, are visiting with Rev. and Mrs, A. Nimmo for a few days this week. —Mrs. Alex Irwin and Miss Helen Pringle of Peterboro, spent the week­ end with Mrs, Wilfred Henry. —Miss Anne Wilson, of Ottawa, is visiting with her brother, Mr. J. A. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson. —Mr, Robert E. Murray, of Malton, visited with his mother and family on Minnie Street one day last week. —Ralph R. M. Bajrd left for New York, after spending a week’s vaca­tion with his parents, Mr. and Mi’s. Geo. Baird. —Mrs. Robert Arbuckle, of Toronto, was a guest for a few days last week of Mrs. Louise Hamilton, Minnie Street. —-Mr, and Mrs. Herb Fuller,, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cunningham, Mrs. W. J. Greer and Miss Mary Lou Dun­ lop attended the graduation exercises of the School of Nursing at Kitchener- Waterloo Hospital on Saturday. They were the guests of Miss Donna Jeffs, one of the graduating nurses and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Jeffs, of London, formerly of Wingham. The graduation was held in the Col- ‘ legiate Institute with the reception at the Nurses’ Residence. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffs afterwards entertained their guests to dinner at the Walper House, Kitchener, —Milton Brown, son of Mr and Mrs. Moses Brown, was severely in­ jured in a car accident in Syracuse, New York, last week. Rev. Alex Nimmo drove Mr. and Mrs Brown to Toronto, where they took a plane to Syracuse, to be with their son in the hospital there. At last reports he was coming along nicely, although it is expected that he will be confined for some time. I I 1952 Mercury Custom Sedan Two-tone Blue & White. Automatic transmission. Slip covers. The ideal family car. 1951 Ford Custom Sedan Green. Air conditioning heater. Overdrive trans­ mission. Radio. Turn signals. Tops in every respect. 1949 Oldsmobile Sedan Blue. Air conditioning heater. Good Rubber. A' good car. 1949 Ford Coach Blue. Fresh air heater. Radio. Turn signals. Very clean. 1947 Studebaker Sedan Blue. Heater. Whitewall tires. A bargain. 1949 Mercury %"ton Blue. Heater. Motori Limited You Are Invited :.. Prophetic Conference and Evangelistic Crusade at the WINGHAM BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, September 18—Sunday, October 2 Week nights 8 p.m. — Sundays 11 and 7 with REV. HOWARD H. CHIPCHASE Bible Expositor — Greenboro, N.O. HEAR SUCH MESSAGES AS: “What Lies AHEAD.” “Death Takes a Holiday.” “The Battle of Armageddon.” “The two Mysterious Witnesses.” Special Music - Sound Preaching - Hearty Welcome VULCANIZING Tractor Tires and Tubes ANY SIZE Guaranteed Workmanship. Goodyear Factory Approved Materials. ONE DAY SERVICE WINGHAM TIRE SERVICE BROPHY BROS. Phone 148 Winghara 5 I