HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-09-07, Page 7WINGHAM MOTORS
TO BE 100%
stakes are too high
gamble with faulty brakes. Have
our skilled mechanics inspect
your car’s entire brake system
. , . lining, fluid level, linkage.
Always be 100% SURE 1
New Winter Barley
Licensed For Sale
Winter barley is becoming
popular each year in Central and
Soijth Western Ontario, where, in the
South-west portion of the province in
particular, yields are often higher
than for spring barleys, according to
W« W. Snow, extension specialist of
the Western Ontario Agricultural
School at Ridgetown, Mr. Snow re
ports that South-Western Ontario is
the area best suited for winter barley
production, but that some areas of
Central Ontario can produce good
crops particularly if a very winter
hardy variety is used.
Although winter barley is not as
winter-hardy as wheat, especially
where the soil is heavy or not too
well-drained, there is a distinct dif
ference in the ability of varieties to
withstand winter-killing.
Hudson is a new high yielding vari
ety of winter barley recently licensed
for sale in Canada. It is winter-hardy
and may often be grown successfully
under conditions that would eliminate
much of the stand of varieties such’
as Wong. Hudson stands well and has
advantages in this respect over Ten
nessee which has heretofore been re
garded as the standard for winter
Winter barley has other advantages
as well. It matures earlier than other
common small grains and is often
ready for combining or threshing two
weeks before winter wheat. This, of
course spreads the harvest season
and helps reduce the pressure of work
at a busy time.
Brook trout, six pounds and up, are
not uncommon in Ontario.
A great soul
5 T 'N r c
ZMe Jlouse of Seagram
< S B.C.--X.r>. 65 )
Men who think of tomorrow practice moderation today
Men, materials...
and money
When a business lands an order or a contract,
it is likely to go to a chartered bank to arrange some
of the financing. It may need bank credit to meet
payrolls, to buy materials or to cover other
costs that arise before it is paid*
That’s why businesses both large and small can
take on many jobs they would be unable to
handle if they had to depend entirely on their own
financial resources... And why, every day
and in every part of Canada, the Chartered banks
are lending money to producers, manufacturers,
processors and other commercial customers.
Commercial loans are only one of many banking
services available at a branch of a chartered bank.
V You will find it is a convenient banking
service-centre where you can attend to
all your banking needs.
News of Gorrie The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, September 7th, 1955 Sawn
Mrs, Irving Toner Hostess to
Meeting of Missionary Society
The? Woman’s Missionary Society of
Gorrie United Church met at the
home of Mrs, Irving Toner an Thurs
day evening, September 1st., with
Mrs. W, King in, charge of the war
ship period, assisted by Mrs. H. Ham
ilton and Mrs, G- Brown. The Scrip
ture reading consisted of portions of
the Gospel of St, Luke- after which
questions were asked and a most in
teresting discussion followed,
Mrs, W. King and Mrs, G. Brown
each gave reading Of the subject of
allowing Christ to enter into our
hearts by giving him the key and per
mitting him to use us in His service.
The Misseg Ruth and Dorothy Ton
er rendered a very pleasing piano
duet. Mrs. H, Hamilton offered pray
Mrs. I, Toner, the president, took
charge of the business and reminded
the ladies that the W.M.S. Sectional
would be held in Whitechurch on
Thursday, September 29th. Gorrie
Auxiliary has been asked to give the
Offertory Prayer.
Plans were also discussed for the
Autumn Thankoffering meeting to be
held in October.
Mrs. Toner welcomed the visitors
present and especially Mrs. A. Ham
ilton, now living in Wingham, but
who had been a valued member of
Gorrie Auxiliary for a great many
years. The meeting closed with prat
er, after which a delicious lunch was
served by the committee in charge,
assisted by the hostess.
McCreery Re-union
About forty members of the Mc
Creery families gathered in the Gorrie
Community - Park on Sunday, Sept
ember 4th, for a picnic and to meet
Mrs. Wm. Kenzie and her son, Mr.
John Reilly, of Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Josling, of
Goderich, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar.
Miss Edna Lawrence, Toronto, visit-*
ed over the holiday at the home of
Mrs. Chas, Lawrence-
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Downey and
.Gerald, visited the former’s brother,
Mr. Wm. Downey and Mrs. Downey,
of Southampton, on Sunday.
Mrs. L. Neilson, Gorrie and Mr.
Geo, Lackie, of Wroxeter, were Wed
nesday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Wm. Smith,
Master Brian Underwood spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. Mc
Gregor, Wingham.
Alvin Simpson, T. O’Krafka and
Bob Hastie, were on a fishing trip at
Doe Lake last week,
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Partridge and
family, spent the week at. Point Clark.
Mr. Elmer Downey and Gerald re
turned Wednesday after visiting sev
eral days with Mr, and Mrs. Ray
Pinnell, of Waterloo,
Mrs. Olive Hanna, Bruce, Douglas
and Maureen, of Atwood, spent sev
eral days With Mrs. Marian Thedorff.
Visitors at the C.N.E, were: Mr.
Largest in World,
Sunday School of
Air Starts Again
Thp largest Sunday School in
world will meet for a new session on
the second Sunday in September.
There are 40,000 members. Sponsored
by the Anglican Church, the Sunday
School of the Air reaches children
through thirty stations from Aklavik
to St. Johhs. Heard locally over CFRB
at 9.30 a.m., op Sunday, the program
ranches over 1,000,000 people in this
area each week, It is rated ahead of
such popular programmes ns the
Happy Gang in listener coverage.
Children who would otherwise re
ceive little Christian education ape
enabled by the Sunday School of the
Air to take instruction in their own
homes, Sunday School papers awt
mailed in advance to registered mem
bers. Regular contact is ftlso kept with
parents. They receive suggestion^
about home religions training from
experts in the field of ehUdren’s work,
The Sunday School of the Air U
particularly appreciated by disabled
end ghut-in children and by thos4
Who live in remote areas,
The Anglican Church pioneered fh
the field of religious instruction
through the mail fifty years ago. Thu
present successful radio school is an
outgrowth of that project, and now
rates as the world’s largest. Enquiries
may he addressed to the school at 135
Adelaide Street Blast, Toronto 1.
Prompt to respond to your
call . . . Expert bi restoring
your set to peak perform
ance . . . Reasonable In cost
Radio & Television
Phone 380
Only a chartered bank offers a full
range of banking services, including:
Mrs. Clarence Sparling, Yvonne
Wanda, Miss Jean Sparling, Mr.
Mrs. Cloyne Michel and Karen,
Jim Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. George
Brown and John; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Grainger; Mr.
Mr. and Mrs.
week-end with
Gott, of Newmarket. Little Wendy
Gott accompanied her grandparents
Miss Marian Toner has commenced
her teaching duties at S.S. No. 1,
Mornington Township.
Wayne and Jack King visited in
Toronto the latter part of the week,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cooke, Feme
and Nadine were guests at the wed
ding. of Miss Connie Thompson, in
Toronto, on Saturday. Miss Feme
Jas. Elliott, of Chicago, spent a few
days at the same home.
, Mrs. Ewart Whitfield
Leaders course at Alma
Mrs. A. Hamilton
Scott, of Wingham,
Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Miss Etta Burns,
and Miss Minerva Klemp, of Meki-
nock, N.D., spent a couple of days
recently at Niagara Falls.
Among those on the Howick Junior
Farmers bus trip to Detroit, Ford
Museum, Greenfield Village were.
Murray Underwood, Jim Robinson,
Raymond Neill, Murray Mulvey,
George Adams, Mrs. T. O’Krafka and
Jean Lohr.
Friends in this community will be
sorry to learn of the death on Tues
day of Mr. Ed. Wellington of Graven-
hurst, a former well-known Gorrie
station agent. He had retired in April
following a heart attack while at
Chatsworth station.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Metcalfe and
Don, of Pinkerton, visited on Sunday
With the Misses Potters.
Mr. and Mrs. Dari Schroder and
Mr. Gardiner of Hanover, visited
Mrs. Mel Gilkinson on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. John Musgrove spent
Labor Day in Kitchener.
Miss Ruth Grainger visited on Mon
day with friends in Wroxeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marshall and
Jimmy, and Mrs. Wm. Marshall, of
Stratford, spent Labor Day in the
village. Mrs. Wm. Marshall remained
for two weeks.
Mrs. Pearl Kaine spent Sunday at
her home and returned to Chatham.
Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery,
Milton, and Mr. Bruce Montgomery,
Wroxeter, visited on Labor Day with
Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery.
and Mrs. Robt. Step-
Frank King spent the
Dr. and Mrs. Wendell
was bridesmaid.
and Mrs. Chas. Wolland and
of Toronto, were week-end
of Mrs. Ethel Bradnock. Mrs.
attended at
College last
Miss Edithand
were guests of
Mrs. A. Dustow
Fair, September
also being offer-
Calf and tractor
A baby show at 3 p.m. will highlight
the Harriston Fall
21 and 22.
Special prizes are
ed in the 4-H Club
classes and a $100 stake for the best
heavy horse on the grounds.
On Wednesday night, the Paul
Brothers will give a real old time
concert in the arena, while on Thurs
day, a dance to the Clansman Orches
tra will be held. A draw for a 1955
Ford Mainliner, sponsored by local
merchants, will also be made.
Keep your money safe; pay
you steady interest; ehcour-
age the habit of thrift.
for many worthwhile purposes,
adding to progress, efficiency
and the comfort of farm life.
Protect you against theft or
loss of cash. They are readily
negotiable anywhere
To finance your personal needs;
repayment in regular instal
ments from your earnings.
Muirheads Instruments Ltd., of
Startford, has Won a $60,986 contract
for ships* communications equipment
by the Department of Defence Pro
ductions it was reported at Stratford.
The firm, still building its factory,
is in partial operation in temporary
When kidhoys fail to
remove excess acids
and wastes, back
ache, tired feeling,
disturbed rest often
follow. Dodd’s
Kidney Fills stimu
late kidneys to
normal duty. You
feel botler-~sle6p
bettor, work better.
Get Dodd's at any
drug store, You can
defend on Dodd s.
Tongue and Groove
Ceiling Tile
Gyproc Products
Full line of Trim
and Molding
Asphalt and Cedar
Twindow, Pattern and
Penvernon window
Sash and Doors
2x4 to 2x10 all lengths
Plywood products
Plywood Sheeting
Sash and Frames
Pittsburgh Paints
Sash and Building
Edward St., Wingham
Res. MOM Phone 1-J Res. 481
No—not a Communist, but the
fire-engine red that goes with
clanging bells, screaming sirens
and racing fire trucks.
The Kent Fire Brigade, in
England, has gone against
tradition and now uses vehicles
of aluminum—for three good
reasons: No more painting. Less
gas... we mean petrol And
better roadability and handling
because of the lighter-weight
aluminum bodies. We’d guess
there’s a further premium that
the Kent folk enjoy: pride in
their fire brigade when it flashes
by in its gleaming new dress»
Few materials can match alu
minum for its fresh and lasting
good looks.
EXCITING 4* Each completely
DIFFERENT d&^ KUlJfcUb Different
Monday and Tuesday afternoons
— Col. Jim Eskew's Rodeo — 100
head of wild hopes and cattle —
40 cowboys and cowgirls.
Friday and Saturday afternoons
John Baldwin's Cherokee Ranch
Rodeo will perform 20 exciting
events—an entirely different show.
Produced by Geo. A. Hamid & Sons—New York. Each evening
at 8:15 p.m. Featuring the Roxyette dancers and 9 great
vaudeville acts.
At the Grandstand Wednesday and Thursday Afternoons
2 and 3-year Standard Bred Futurity Races. Featuring 4
other class races and light and heavy harness events.
■ ( Fun and WM*W1
Many New Shows, New Rides brought to Canada for the
first time. The outstanding attraction of the Midway this
year will be the Globe of Death from Germany.
Thrills for the YoiMgsteri^
Amusement for the AdultsH
Old favourites will be back at Kiddie Land this year along
with new rides all the children will enjoy. More than 15
Tuesday to Saturday at 8:00 P.M. Special Attraction—Captain Heyer's
Saturday Matinee at 1:30 P.M. High School Horse "Starless Night" '
Canada's finest cable are bred in Westerh Ontario. And no finer shows
exist thah the champion Holstein and Jersey Shows at the Western
Fair. These Ore the cattle that are sold all over the world.