HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-7-2, Page 1D11:Atltos E1rcctJr'u Dr. Y. A. AtoDossual WILL BE AT t(UME FOR CONSUL atom mo to 11 o'clock• •. m'. ereer dsrr W dl telt p.uvate•1 uy hoer a1Nrwarde,men N dew. lD. Cs lBtuwston, Ita.)D• PLITS1CIANURUIiON,1C., .,,00D swum, D.W.11 DR. McLMAN, PHYSIU(AN, SURGEON, CORONER •e. O.W.•.d aestdeneme(rddeo,.malpl Omega I School Me (Acral. Ifi.chard Mourn. PHYSICIAN, Burgeon. and Aecouebeor, M••eb.st.r, C. W. February 7th, 1867. w3yr IO$ERT J. 8LOAN. M. D PHYSICIAN, SUAUEON, &c , Ac. THRBE were ...moon ,o the U. N. A dunes the late war. (1.e of Hue resident *urge... IMO. Hoepleel ewmer 'e H. A. )eerry." Amnia' operator fa the 101h Anus Co.pat Vicksburg, ylm.. kc.,kc. Uie, Aral Maples•. -/1r. T. O. )sctwit'. Lower W (y►u. I sanies atsead- fe 11.-O.miawt..s ea ans,os ed is all para co the cos.rry. wise/hem. C. W., W rs8 hh, 1811. wI3 lave C3. M. M.M9.1C1iINO, M. I). LICENTIATE COLLEGE PHYSICIANS ono ncae•ose, C. E. L(esideace-the hose formerly occupied by Mr. Blest, C•le.su.ia Terrace, liod(.rich. w19 AND HURON AND BRUCE ADVERTISER. W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor. $2.50 PER ANNA IN AD 1 "The Greatest Possible Good to the %matestPossible Number." GODERICH, C.V., TUESDAY JULY 2, 1867 Business 10irtctorR. Malcolm Nicholson. SURGICAI. AND Mk:CHANK:AI. DENTIST, ELECT&OPATHI4T, fee. TENTH inserted in either PIa One. Gold. Silver, er Vulcan �����SSTTT27� iced Rubber on rese..o•blr terns rJ-Odice over the Pest Oties, Weal Strrrt C odenob. ALL RIGHT AGAIN. LAfl i s'r PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN 1)r. eltembury. GRADUATE of the Medical Department of WITH A Victoria Ue,e.nny.Toronto, end late olthe New & Magnificent Sky -Light Haf.a41 sad (Aapsarr,, New VMk. It.a.d.oee 1) Mothergates(Maid) Barfield. .494..0 AND SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED era Lowrw VIARRIBTRR AND ATTORNEY -AT Law, sed Sobcrb.-ea-Chueery, Coe. y Drown 4Mormr ,Uuderisb.:uada Weal . OSee a Court Hoag.', .14.40 Al. C. Cameron. BARaNTER, ATTORNEY, CONVEY enema . tc ,Ciasatoa,treetA)ederleh,C.W w.nclarr M Wselft.Ps ARRISTBk3, SOLICITORS, CON- rpraIwaa, oto. tits. oyer Iles S•o►e 01 . Heiler at Sos. Guderiel. Joh* Davtsoa BtRRi3TER,ATTORNEY,SOLiCiTOR n Obsmeery, Ise (ice, Merkel Square Yams rue tM•gete sSI reef Paden c k . 9:41 Job. 16 ordo TTORYRY•AT.LAW, SOL*TTOR'IN 1145 .c.'rTtt Naary Pu We) Cave sneer, b.•,�e., O.Js sh..mals Wsii. 04.,.-o■ . 8..stk vale of West Sinew ,Ikled doorfroa the 13 ears -Muni Squat". E1.1.11611M10 Cioedl*S. ARKISTER, ATTORNEY SOLICiT da,,��,,4Mmpalew.G. W-bprics: 11p 70th Wilms% Mork, Waal 8t.; 'Strum, snip Der, west uI OI.u/a*ato•m. Toms &c Moore. A TTORI6IMS, SULUCITUR9, lc., (Inds `1 ,ok,o. w. USe.-LRABB'd NEW .1 • t5. err.. Lrr/ae.rem- eseJerrch.Aueu•t17th.1844. mwtOlwll SV &kM r V saes.. 12. ZI'(1aNRY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ch ,Ya.r,r,:re C«vormaosr ke. l),d►ne►, C. W.-OSo.r over C. 6. Ayi! y'e Marrs, Crsbbh ■.nib. bunny to Awad oa Real Pr+Potty 1e. L. Ooirse. BARRIbTRR, a..,(sosames, C. W. Ornwi•-DOOugi a Nem Stec&. .1. Y. M.I synod, jtMTRR ARa, ATTORNKY•AT LAW, c.4 Nysne.r, .. Oise-Bl.k.'. Block, erp.sher Peet oek•,thdarI h. 3. 1 ,w17 054. .1. P r.nete 4 I. Haldaw TTORYRY-AT-LAM, SOLICITOR.IN • Ch•�yol(..Caeeyanrer. at, c , ander lrh.('e 8•14•44. O. W. Ulcea-Ka)" .1404s, Wad alp. Pe4 .o0'• More H.ysekl. er Mr. Holdall tern b. a1 ►a breath odes. ileyMM,ev.y Monday mem l0 a. amIan A .• eva wall - Witham R. Iain, B. A. Q tI A N C 39 ;EL T AND L A W OFFICE. Int/8.44g, 't'n.nte 14. K,ener) • Steel: 0ODIt: It1CI1. ' 10. S.-Cooveyaneing. - Money lent on twwasN1 lanes. Disputed and defective title' to nal mute Quieted. Goderich, Dee. 24. 1866. ■w34 111. ,NKIMIN(if. t1'ORNKYAT-LAW, SOLICITO119IN • Casaclar, be , ilk., Ike. Office -King: - Mau street, Ooderieh, 5 doors weal of )1. C. CeM1.. s Law Dice. MOSSY TO LARD. ;20 (tante, ATTORM1T.AT-LAW, Solicitor .n Clan - airy, Rotary Pehlke. Cosv.yascer. chem.., C. W. wt. re. Malcomeon, I)allittSTISS, Axoreer, Sobcltor, ilea arse, L) Clams. C. W. wit MONEY TO LEND. 111 m F ser r.�. It0'IEMRV� t�LAW, 9UI.�CFTOS IN 11 clh..a ry, CN..yeacer. re. W.fie-sog ole,e... vies 'hie I .0. WWtd VIL I IRu w A D ONINCiAL L..d Norvvor. Tmreat.Sirmt.O+ bre -. t ifs. Hamlin, ('IfVIL. RNGINRER AND SURVEYOR ♦J Lod Agent and eeevye.rer, K enema ie. J11. �tF6 bLrIA/LLC, ARCHITECT p(•LWt ANLSoer.uIYICATION( of goad ▪ ino,ke., op is • Neat mid I r SSs• .I the Mame Seems Mort, correct Mar r ket S..nare.nuJench. Ise v101lvly 1). 716c [infixes* LrCENSILDAr71,r10NERR, RAYFIELD elorbbity .t M.rn.. Salem .n nlag.-tm.esl nn,.cnr.n•o4sai0. Jona Casagloelr, GiliNnRAL COMMISSION AORNT C.,.mmleaerla TOM'S Seneb,lerlokin afdsv W.Coseemenoer/ e. TOM'Setc. OScen. Brod g . wee.V,lla le. sefltimoerIme.1.W. et.r L 6�'Ita • ORWARDIA A N D OOMMISSION Mereha•i,I OIew, C.W. Notre and Aaeenntaeeaemd. Basiees* of any kind e• - r stadia aim Will yeasty* promptenmities . w4e•leposa GEO. R BALL & CO., • FO Ii ADA) ERS 4.1 COI I 8 a N Nerebeets ,Nat elle le • 51.51 or ikttaDUCL L iAL, LT, WATER . arms for first clew Marine and Fire rata -Ice Cemp•ales. 1 • NOIR 2110174 r. Unlmnt. (.'.2 ..... 1. ' Cimesiat• of the United states o Aiseettera. 1JAli1C et *sox lIc1.. 1141ss Iwarsfdrw 9 0'0441, a. Its., M 3 .leek, p. m. DF Tf'r UST RY. Dr. rR*�- rrC 2IJ24k1CAl. MIC�iAN(CAL D• anav,'4ueevssb, C. W. Over Er. T. Jordan 'aDrlt Stere Testa write. led rahawm putt h, ewer 5u $5 Wee t.neary IVb., gin• 4w30 Cly Ft001I1� E. Le J0RN80N BE08 to aftiroi his old patrons. mad the puMO, semrallf, that M hu, •t .lura eapeor, auad up hu rooms, .0 81'1 W ART$' 74.w Sra k Block. corner w Hundtou wrest •0d Square, Uoderieb, in such • style as to nude' them the Ileac in thearmutrv.a.J the MM adapted (u the mxomplok.ont 04 5,ta-dem work a his delicate and b..malal art. "fineadeelru.mot having Pie - lures of (` II 1 I . I) It IC NI tske■ wilt plum bvmg in the ,orntng. Photographs taken in every Style k.aws ,u the an, end Old Ambruir r• and l)• gunrdype• copied a. Photograph*, A lone *tees of Ods and Ko.e- Wirral Frames mlway un hand. Also ALBUMS, very cheap. E. L. J , .a rotenone Ihaaba for the liberal petroaye Mahe pa., now satisfied that recent ,mprorermat. will ..,a14. him las .merit a cOatuu- s••ee End horses. 04 Ikp ..me. 11 E. L.JJH\8ON. audmricb, Matteis 1, 1817, watt MAITLAND HOTEL, GODERICH E. HOIKER, PROPRIETOR. THE Above ,• moaple•m•tiv..tussed •e •■ Mmeace IIOtesl high, overkukt.g the Harbor mad Lake home; --gown Ontearda, Oar lees and aura l Wstka.Olaeud. Board$1 peed•yr 461• Msalmaletta.eb meat• e1•510,IT Oosmimrrclw l dela l,Y Hebei l C.W JOHN HiCKS, Proprietor. This in th large.le.d be•tCoentry Hotel in Wester C•nada,ud chores •a moderate as .ay it roe I. Mitchell. Stye Propnetur. Uuol e••111eg, or I40 Horse.. Hose, and Carriages (or Hue, o• Shewte.I Not ire 14'1 THE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL 181=�TF1Ra AUGUR MoDONALD, Proprietor. NO effort +ill be spared on the part of the proprietor of the above hotel to Rader Ids how all that can be required ny the travelling community. Give him • cell. April 17th, 1867. .12. CANADIAN HOTEL, CLINTON. C. W. W. TCD2Rt'Itl' Proprietor. THEeemblt•hme.1 ,. I'ernuhed wallall the requttamentr 08004101 10 Abe comfort of see•te. .7411 PRINCE OF ORiNGE HOTEL DUNG ANNON. .A /11('1(, I'tvgsvietor. Ample accommodation throe Neon .as good •1 1'•'•s•a••., Marl.. Vert 14401( ROYAL OAK HOTEL, LUCKNOW. JIBES CLIPIELL, ?minister. • BEST OF WINES & LIQUORS. Good Accommodation for Travellers, (Nx1D$TARIJN0 .int) A'rro:1,11VI: 11)''TI.IRA leucin., 5th March, 1866. 5941 WM. ELLIOT'T. General Horse and Cattle Farrier. New Grocery and Temperance Roux, Benmiliar. A.WELL stelae, summer ho.tkr, .d •b.R eawwmry erromm.dat,• lite the pulite, at very reasonable rates. Renmiller, May 15, IR7. 171•6m=p. FARM -FOR ' SALE. CONTAINING 50 acres of good Farming idtnd about 35 acres, of which are clear- ed, it is welt watered. log boom and barn, situated 24 miles from the village of rim - water on We gravel read, will be sold. A harraia I For particulars apply to JOHN LOGAN, Teeswater p. o. Cuirass, Much 10, 1867. .R Cheaper than ever ! J IT RE Subscriber having moved to the Steer* 1 A ente defer east of the cornu of Kingston Street red Merlotti Square, Opposite Mr. C. Crabb's Block, formerly occupied by Mewl. Parker a Cattle, druggists, offers for sale TOE LARGEST, cHEAPFAT, REST AND MOST PAsSIoNARLR STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES ! of any Homes in town, bnlh imported aad of AMR own Manufacture, minimising all the newest styles of Ladies' °sate, end Children& Roots and Shorn, w hich be s determined to sell ata small rd. vanes na ear ' *mall pr,Ita and prick miaow" is SI o method of dtefer''buereese. (t? Cell said see Weft pereboing else . tar. FURIE. ,neh, April 15, ISIT Oueiness Glirectorp. The Liverpool and London and Clobe INSURANCE COMPANY, invested Fonda, •. $15,000,000 invested in Canada, - - • 260,000 FIRE DEPARTIIIB2T. INSURANCES terse'•D oa a1.L cl.as.b or Paoraarll .T CL Raves. FARM RISKS sr SracuLt.T RZD1CI8114115 LIFE DEPARTMENT. 10 EXTRA Charge for Military /eel Vice in Defence of the Country. Life Policies for the benefit of Wife or 7Aildren aro secure from seizure by rediton• AP011CY tor 34000, by the c;uoranteed 00.,.. Sysse.m "Wm et sae icy, 524 70 a veer. Should ,t 1a'ome parable ane. A ream. one -nuns tit the Premum• err returned. ,nth the Sum snored ; if sifter 20 ;eats. one-ba:l ... returned ; alter 30 ream. three-fouf5. ; aiu•r 51. the Num Aeannd a doubled, • id 1be heirs my claim 81000 i ! ! rr('laim• payable one month alter Proof .1 death. O. P.C. SNIT H, Resident Secretary, Moe rase t.. A. M. ROSS, ARnt fin l',der.th; 11. V. Elliott. for Eerier , W N . Watson, tor Sest. tt h tiadenc►. Nov .1.11111M. w4) Rantoul Brothers. COMMISSION MEI(C11ANTS 87 ilk 89 ST. Fasee„la X.rt&e S UONTIIAL. Advance, mals on eonsigrment. of Pro docs to Liverpool, Glueow aid other port in °rest Britain. Cousi.tnaents of Ashes, Rutter, A.., re sportfully solicited. Sept. 3. 1,466. ew2 J. & J. SEEGMILLER 'VAL:\ 1I1'.ItPal ! DEALERS IN LEATHER FW DINGS ! ke.,,kc GODERICH. C. W. Feb 12, *560. 1.47 AEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY 0 a CRIBB'S �3IIOZS S,Q'IVUIIIJUV 1 r•n. 1111119111111191111.1166T ANDTA1TAPIta00at. Pretreat taken in every style and in all kinds ot weather. Porcelain or Opalotype Pieter's, and THE HELIOIRISTOTYPIA, •oft "SNIT BUN PICTURE, "' Taken in various steles from 111 50 to 920 (colored in water colours or nil. Life -Sir Photographs tatted on reasonable tarts* -either /dein or colored. I:). PRICES LOWER then elsewhere in Canada. D. C.tMPBELL. Oodsrich.J.ne 1. 1(6.6. .aw17 FALSE REPORT THE anbrrlher would infem the tuWie in •.•neral, that he ba• no inIenbm of Irav,rp the T,.00 of t.dercf, •. mine ev.l-d,ep4ed mous have moulted, for the purp,.e til injuring on.ISAAC FREDERiCK. O.denrh, Amil IMh, 1.67. *44 Int TILE OLDEST ESTARLiAiMENT IN TOWN- - MARTIN AMANN BE°S TO INFORM 1118 OLD CUSTOM en, that he is still able to sell for cash, at the lowest rates, ILL RINDS OF FURNITURE At hu shop on Kingston street, opposite the Huron Hotel, Goderich. Gin him • call. Ooderieh Oct. a. 1146A. •rl lw3l Auction A Commission. GOUEItIC!H &CLINTON }Erat3abl lathed 1Ma2. `ALES of M.cellaneo us Finnerty ,n Cn.terieh kJ every Saturday, and ,s Clinton every Wed - errata y. Money mdvaneed on Property G r immediate se's end prompt relents made. Vern Streit and on her Niles punctually attend- ed to throughout the county. G. 11, 1KUEMAN'S Aceta Man, MCI Merkel ngtmre,U*.teneh Honey to Loan on Real *state, API'HA IA KR to the Trost mad Loan Cecilia)) of Upper t mnole. 0. M. THIrEMAN, d, Marian :gnmre,Cnhrreh Land Office, tREo1a1'ER of Improved Perm,.nd W,N i lend tor Pale d. N. TOW EMAIL rindorieb. Marra 1, 1617. OMANTt Sgtare. MEEK BARK WANTED ,i,AE enhw rlber wants 16da 00 comb rf Rem lock Bark, for which thn higheat market price will he paid in web on delivery at his yard at the Dock. W. M. SAVAGE. WOOL 1 WOOL 1 WOOL TEE gotta they ie prepared Ie p7 the highest market prim fur ae• ereanl ty of wool. .tat Business DnCtctotp. .IIOn1' tel 'V ! II 001'Sri" 1R'1`SS! MON EY rl t) LEND. RECEIVED AT Ill SAV NGS AND LOAN SO• CIETY. COLONIAL II 0 U S E 3 Cases of HULL'S CELEBRATED WATCH SPRANG STEEL SKIRT4, in all the latest Fall styles. These Skirts in shape. finish{ and quality aro superior to •0y uth.r make of shirt. in America. In fact they are the Ladies Skirt of the Season. ser LADIES OALL AND EXAMINE THEM AT The above 2011.111a prepared R niche A1=0VAZVC:1JMs UN IMPROVED Farm Pra orty. ON MOST ADVANTAuF01'0Te; ItM0. Tee coal of elan.4 • Loss will I"• found much lower than to usher So•etm• "4 ■ .under nature. The attention of the Borrower is railed to thobd, •bat he will reeetve the lull amount of Se Ion. without any deduel being made fur Merest or payment* no advent AJranee• may be repaid Monthly or Yearly'. .ateod.ng Over • period of from tine w hllern years FOR FULL PARTICI'L.t^.S APPLY TO S. POLLOCK, Agent and Valuator for the SuctetIet Godot. h Uodetn.h.U.W..1106. rata MONEY TO LEND ar EUI HT 1'FR CENT IN sort 01 Ont hundred Dollars sad upwards. 59911 to 'e')MS A MOORE, Suite**. CR&BS'a NEW ULOCI[ rich. Rein, MOGUL tall AT 24;1G1aT PEri Ca:N'll• Lent on Mortgage. Apply at WM. R. BAIN'S Chancery and Law Office, Crshb a block Goderich. Goderich. March 8th, 1867. ew55 J. D. CAMERON, us• .stung "Rohl Tea Cr. r e •L ro The B ayfield Hotel ! (formerly kept by Mr, Luby ) Cl)NSTANTLY hod, the best of Lrquon, Ci,can,&c. red an ■tteuhve Lader, end by ern t attention to to•,ne.e hopes to merit a share..' f1un.blie patronage. 15yMld. March s, 1`107. w76m YARRIs's JOHN CHEAP CASH STORE ! THERE-. HAS 11''T•ARR4VL'U • largeand l rlezanl •e.onme.h o1 CUOICE SPRING DRT COODs ! which have been .elected with tbo ittrnolA .•are. the tracing morn/es of r be trade • Mary now he cern m gree vane'v el hie eatabh.kn,etit He is (fetennmed 10 pleas, J p r ibie, alike in price, quality mel good g.,d.. And as ha H. ibhe, for rnrrr.rp on the fbri•inrr are equal 10 any home ,n This don,m,on, he r tnfidr,,,:y ny4cds the pubhr to r.Il end e,,.•0,. 111•11101.11, wblrh Is rompra.l re Ian as Ialowr, v,.: AMI N f.4. feet 0.4,10, ,n ( amen.., variety 10um 10 In 20 rent. per )ant. PANI'T DRESS (HO)DS, wereely equalled m tht..eetntn m styli, *red quality, 1 10 to lou vena, per yard. 4.118T014 AND COBUROS, in all grades, troth mdcired .red plain. BLMAt'HED (•(rl'TONS very. very cheep, from secants per treed. WIDE FACTORY COTTONS, from 6 cysts per. yard. 9-1. Several bale, relehrated ('•nada• Mann - factored Colton. h„ n,lr, euher 1,, the I411e or •• Mol, at wholesale price.. Shawl,, Shirting Mantle., .. Mantle cloth, Woodens vddem•, 'Tweed. Cotion.Jes Velvets Urdhnp G inrhani• Kentucky lean Flannel. (5.,,,,. Bl,nkra Nevem :shirtiest U...,rry Shirting Nlnpe" .;lyres Ticking Trimmings Flonnel• Him th• Curates Hoop -.kens Wadow H"llaml. B•ggnig Cir.. lots„hc. Saha attest* Hage iu both colt,n and linen very cheap. Hats and Caps in Endless Variety! CLOTHING. GROCERIES! Hogsheads of M,,14,o1VaJu Sugar, very cheep. 10 Mores Montr,al keened Sumer, very cheep. 10 Harrel. token Loaf and ground Susan, very cheep. An i,mnenr stock of Tea, embnr.ng :- Young llyson, Congou, Japan, Souchcng, Twankay, I'eklie, Apo., tie. COFFEE of various qualities. Cunant• R.,.ter Rite '460 Ppiecers Pick lee Gapers NeM,se+ V,nn1nr Mustard Snug Eisenera l hl. Corn 'tar, It Ptereh Rive Sea* L,Men L./go/men Ny cups NnImrg. Mol.eM•a Are., Are,. ke. TOBACCOS OF ALL GRADES 1 Field and Games Seedbe r1' The pnnerple ,.ri he Mennen. a Cash or Prods... rhe `nhrriher hem to acknowledge his lhmnk• for the eery (Antenna reeurnloon rerei. nod for Ihe paw, •0d hopes the conduct at the tuarnem ter the. Ihutre will la such as to merit continued favors. No .A.rrl will be spared 5. sell Oonl (inns Cheep. An laep.6t..o a soh rt.l N Ik- pen n( intesd• tag huyra• JOHN HARRIS. °ederich, Corner of Market Sq. and Went Street. let Af.ri� 4864. .29 COLONIAL HOUSE! THE Suflaerifrer always keeps the largest variety and beet Stock of BOWERY & GLOVES ! IN 'FHS COUNT1R,t1. CHAS. Q ARCHiBALD. • Gederieh. Aunt 22nd.1866. e 03 Goderich, Norembei 0th, 10116. sty C. E. ARCHIBALD'Sf1 • 'I'O (,1('4 it 1'i rat-Clatr4rM .Article of WINTER CLOTHING ! (40 TO L ogan's Woolen Factory Store, Where you 11i44 find et large a,,dvaried stock of Fulled Cloths and Satinet., Tweeds in great variety. White, Plain, Grey. Striped and Checked Winceys, A great variety of all wool home-made checked Hennein, one yard wide; likewise WHITE, GREY, SCARLET & FANCY FLANNELS. A L')'[ OF FIRST-CLASS BLANK E TS, Elft II r 'f0 NINE POUNDS PER PAIR. Stocking Yarn, Fine Fingering Yarn, Fleecy and Berlin Wools, all in endless variety. Together with a choice Assortment of factory- Cottons, flatlands, Prints, Alpacas, Imported WinCies1 Dees Goods, Ready made Shins an 1 D•awers ;:Meas' and Childress' Socks and Stockings i gre.l rarefy. I} A call is 401 ,. ictal. Woolen Factoryniters Ei.IAtroet, lOtb Sptembrr, 114(6. t wl THOMAS LOCAN. GREAT BANKRUPT SA , OF Dry (goods, Clothing, Boots and Toes, Groceries, &c. NV lei. la3'rEWART, HAVING BOUGHT THE STOCK OF D. KERB, JR, & CO., AT Auction Sale, will offer the whole stock at such DESPERATE] -Y LOW RATES! aa cannot fol to effect a speedy clearance. SALE TO COMMENCE 1311 MONDAY. MAY 27TH 1 At D. HEAR, JR., & CO'S OLD STAID °Wench, May 2.3re, 1867. gill COLONIAL HOUSE. READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT The Subscriber los the largest C5 rrMXXINT t3• S'r CI $ in the C .untie* The hest quality of Go.d. at The LOWEST PRICES in TOWN C}C•ll, examine, and judge fur yourselves. Americas money taken o: highest rates, CHAS. E. ARCHIBALD. Goderich, Anent 22nd. 1866. swlo • II 1': C. A N A 1) A Permanent Building & Savings Society IS PREPARK') To MAKS ADVANCES OW APPROVED REAL ESTATE! SiTU.ATE 1N WESTERN CANADA, ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS : Amount regnlrsd to redeem each 9 100 Wyeeeed in ....... 5 years. 10 years. IA Years. Irla)nlde hell• early $11.90 R GA 8.50 If payable reek/ . 116.05 16.40 13.14 leans at proptt,onoe roe . f, 2, 4, 6. A or 11 years, The above ,na •lmente tinted, • Sinking Fund, whieh Imes n1 the Pnncipal, as well as the interest of the loan, r, t•mi at the etpeet to o! the Icnn earned npin the debt in enlrel% *toed nut. The full ',mount* the loan o adran.•.d, end no pnymrnt i+ requ,rnl before the end of the hall-;.., or year. Payments may be moble in edvae•. and interest is •dewed therefor th r ; or e mortrege may he redeem. 1 ,n full et my time the b.rrower.ln,n•,, on equitable terms EXPENSES 8tRwrLr Atop ERA TE. For further mlortrstion, seri' (pr•petd) to HORACE HORTON, ESci.. Appr•lser 10 the Society, 6odench. J. HERBERT MASON. Secretary and Term: tee, Toronto. Goderich, 16th Oct., 1866. w185.14 ISAAC FREDERICK WATCHMAKER k JEWELER, WEST ST., GODERICH, NEAR THE POST OFFICE A Goren Armorer ver nr Gold and Plated Jewelry on Rand. WATt;HES CLOCKS AND SPECTACLES IN (1a5AT VAII(ATY• REPAlR1NO iN ALL DR\NCIIEA dose nn short notice in gond atyle end war. rutted according to agreement. Mk Wedding Rings alwayi nn Hand. Jobs lett snel.0 ,4 ,n mi hends will be 'OA et awn expiratirn of three mini hs M de fray expernes A11 articles warranted ag repras*need. 9161:1The hest q.ality of flock Oil et 26 eta a Mottle. Oodsrfek,•Ao.. 14, 1314 .16 NOTICE. TEHundersigned having purchased the large Itoek of Saddlery and entire H A 1. N 17 S 8 BUSINESS 1 of Mr. 7inrscc Horton, who bee been so long and favorably known in that eepeeily, he6 to state that we are prepared 10 eontuon the hasineoa on the same feenr.ble terms to per• chasers ea they have hitherto enjoyed. Th* Sn5eri5m have on band at their Shop, Market Square, • vary large Assort- ment of .1)3)AMA ®ta�Bfhl cep IU a5N♦ 11171.8, Saddles, Trunks,Valiees, Ise.. be., .Ash they sit pr.psred 10 Oahr to the public ■t really redeem prices, for nab. Farmer. will do well to call •nd Inspect their swot and pri(w hetet. gar 55.1.4 .les skim, a sssh • chines le seldom obeyed. 11.4*. MARTIN. Godeieh. Oet. 16114 IOC .8P e ?VOL. 5. --NO. 88. DRUGS, DRUGS ! F'. TOR D AN. (Suaveuo rt oft . B. H eyeol L) eeli(Sas1 XIaa.11, (7.ourt• 11.a1.Syne•.,Cad.nca DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST taNlen. ,sad 1 mportarot OF.I�j )II.1.E. I)IUJGS CA.eslnh,Perlis sus y, Heir r.,otlr, wad Neal Henshaw rai•T8.nlL0, oLaliorese 1*U. HORSE.t C.A LE 114,FDICINES OARDSr.a a,AO.,A0. eactt(allyalnadeh o Oederstrom Medica: m. • t 1.. *.., Trade P . N.B.-Phy.eiau'. Pn•cnpuo• rarrfullyJ.s pentad. Uod•nob Jae 10.1 WA. LIGHT•! LIGHT ! LIGHT I ROCK & COAL OILS, ,'Burning Fluid,tamp Oils. For Sale by F. JORDAN. Ooderic►Je•.17,1609 60 NORTH BRITISH AND NERC .%1 TILE FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Co. .letup 1809. CAPITAL £2,000,000, STERLING. Fire Department. INSURANCES effected on .11 claws of risks at moderate rata. Loues prompt- !? Pa'd Life Department. In •irtoe of the guarantee afforded by their large Capita and accumulated proems, this Compare)] can adopt retell tower than are nraeticable by many other office*. To Farmers. Special low rates have been made for farm wilding* and other isolated risks. The andersigoed having been appointed agent of the above Company for Goderich And surrounding coentry, will be glad to re. naive { ropo.•Is for insurance in both bench. es, .ad will always be ready to give iufurmu lion toper -0.w wishing to metre. Wm. RICHARDSON, Agent, Dank of Montreal, West St. Godericb, May Ist.1846. • ew70 FIRE &MARINE ITN SU1tANCIi . PH.ENI7( FIRE. ANN! HANCE Company of L.'11110. Bn.lan,l, e.u.ld,.Yed to 1714•, one cl the olden, largest amt heal ..e.ce.,, Canada. HORACE HORTON, Agent. PROVINCIAL 1201'RAN('E Company of C.nsida, Head (fire I0rontu. Will oke riga+ on Country end city Property. Monne ruk• taken a1 11111401" r.Ies as lay other first clam other. HORACE HORTON, Agent. MONEY TO LOAN_ $20,0()0 on 6odfsrn.•equrit,My"be• Iro,n.nelotwe eyes.. N Mere retained ,n .Jvere. HORACE HORTOI Agent. 'h.ler,e5. Merck 3 t 0.1966. MID ERII'LL 0.70 WAGON It CARRIAGE EttEA n u res o t Teeri H6.uhlerwruld.r.nmrnreto the noble of Heron and Heuer that he hes on hetet red w,llm•kr to cnlert'.nugRee, We o..,Hrr rows, der., what wilIbe .ol.1 r•hop fore ash or apsroveddredit. on hand mad for ..lecbeep, JOHN PASSMORF,, V.^tori.Stmt,Oodern k A.nll.t.l11e1 toreador GODERICH P HO I[LLL X'nal�p lista 'story t THE SURSCRiRF.R BEGS TO INFORM the teheMta de of Ike Counties of Home mid Sruret hal bele mill MaauOr taring, a.d hair on hand • •emher of ba SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. He weelJp•nk,04.,ly draw etterti0w t• hl Witmer. he will erarnnnh.m to free What from nate, emerkle, oheer. fie. Pimps modiste order Md w.n•Med Fwstereen Name .r., fee..■ Fa.emn..rrm east Camdri. Reed. Amos ,s gee (mike mkt of Moves tit p mism •aA *.rest CULTIVATOR, wb. h hes .ower yen stied to glee efeeruanml.maa to f • mete who ►... a*pdNem. Ii L1,AY *Mb.1.dew'1 AJ+*M w J 5 ► Tale of lite Siege of Sebalepol' • ('unflawed. Al this time, a hgere closely muffled .. i emerged from LtArcey's tent, and elle• L 0I, • ing with seeming (areleeene04 but eolw'e tit earnestness all around, he strode fut..ct, M he walked he could scarcely he seen „" t the intones gloom, even when be ea. it. i 14 vicinity of a light, and when away in 1! " tbickut darkness was utterly invisible. 110 walked dung silently, and shunning .11 pine. 4 where the camps were assembled most *It -. - ly, and avoided every spot gibers there 055 any light tohatever. Hm course ley ole ei:y toward S. 5.410901. it was so may tack las walk through that horrible sloayk •h •1v formed the soil around the Buti.b camp, 0„1 so the wanderer was longer than one weight imagine, in Pressing over the spree whit la intervened between him and the outs! i,i3 Rt the camp. Dere there was a rough and tug- ged rock. At its foot the cuntumar) watch gine held by • half dozen sentinels. Ilene the figure tutored at first, and seemed to doubt ab..ut pwaing., At last, favoured by gloom, and by his owl siieut *tepee,' he Clam' bored over the rods end escaped the g e .,l the aentieeie. Passing the rocky 1Pa0P, he saw in the di.taoce the fleshing lights and fires of Sepastopol. He kept directly on has way. Then was a sharp ruck before h..'. He hardly noticed it. He walked on- pewit ed it -turned an oblique comer and -up sprung a h■Ifdozen soldiers - "ll' ho goes there 7" But none waited for an answer. T: 01 black figure so mysteriously wrapped et., n.h a t•t step, 810)1 be examined more chicly. They a,erouuded Lim. "thltboucansileyos7' - 'An officer -on duty." "What brings yoe here T' seed the er o yander of the guard. "Have not your orders Aj6asiing you to cross the first lure of m ,ti. Nh T' ■m on particular deity." Strange Joy which lead a soldier lo•utJ yonder city. P hat proof Sane you?" There'was.,Ience, "Alar, you no proof -no answer 7 '11 is must important duty, which 1 fore. bear to mention;" said the other, baughti• Iy "Then yen are under arrest." "Be it so." "Soldier', do your deny!" cried the con• mender. They advanced to their prim" ,-. They seised h;m onrembud, and unorontel from his dorm the hugh cloak with wild, ho wee euveluped. "Bring the lights closer," lid the c.,nr wander. Tbet soldiers brought op lanterns to see lbs face of there prisoner. They pulled away 'h" cloak and raised his sloncbed het. it wan no Officer who stood before them. "Captain D'Arcey r' cried the leader of tier guard. Yue know tee, then 7 i think my ran. • will be .uStcient guarantee of my g te t intention," replied IYArery. "You Can br c go, therefore, Signor Galeron, can yr,/ sol r' "I am deeply grieved," replid the oOo•r, "but I cannot. Yoe ales my prisoner. You lave been arrested under .mpicioos eimum stances. Yon must be *seethed, Capr ite D Arcey. It's an unpleasant d•ty, but it must be dorsi" "Searched 7" replied D' Amity, haughtily but the stern looks of the soldiers around Lim told him how vain would be resistance. "Hal what m this r' eried Oderem; tire mg oat the letter which D'Arcey had rere,.- ed to Ike mornine-'getter-..Whistling -white prat,- Captain D'Dreey, this rs las deed suspicions." D'Arcey did not speak • word. " It is death to hold communication of this kind with the enemy, Captain Ii Areey." But b'Arcey coolly whistled • tone. " Back to the camp wish the pruoner- men !' steeply cried Uaieron, a You .ill be relieved by the next videos. Pa -k at mire with the prisoner I" and the guard departed with bits. Suddenly. as they neared the next line of sentinels, s cry was heard, and Philippo came running towards lhrm. "Slop -stop 1" he cried, while eecelrhl sentinels already were wising him. " Dalt. Ter on your prisoner, it's Captain D'Arcey- the breva captain. What right have you to biro 7" "Fie sit caught outside the lines I" said Galeron. "He was not, i tell you. And why di•1 y00 not catch him when he was oat before 7 Why should he not go this time too 7 Let him go," and Pni:ippo, apparently in a pa•. olam of fear, threw himself at the, feet ot Dale ton. "Out Fe(nre 1' repeated Galeron, look- ing at D' neve, with • glance of the deepest meanly. D'Arcey appeared puzzled and bewildered .t the strange behaviour of Philip - 90. ' 1 know not what the poor wretch means." "Ile only went after hes signet, 1 wppa. " tilled Philipp°, in • perfectly (rink manner. ".t Russian soldier lies it-" "Slop,yoo infernal foul r' *hostel D'Ar- ^Signet 7 Russian •o'dier T Ho'd your prisoner well, my men," said Galeron, • eet- ly i "for be is a precious traitor I" -o- CIIAPTF.R iX. 'oleos. Ilia .:ON Hal.,. wit. hidden from nniw by ase impenetrable canopy of mat •, d fog. The i rooks set lazily •pore rbc• branches of the old oaks and elem. around the H•11. and eared not to Ry in the dark tired driest., weath- er. 7 he deer had stank to their coverts, and the hounds to their kennels i the horses were feeding In their etablee, and the sheep le limn total ; the swans no longer floated over the unruffled -horrors of the crystal !Ake, end the song -birds ore longer posred forth heir mOie from the grove. Fur why 7 Be- came it me thegloomieet noose Of the year. the third week in November ; N.ee..t*r. whoa all in England in boned in glcnm and malaneholy ; November, .1.. the country is covered with • fn.rval veil of fog sod •loads; November, when seinerabh 12. Dritrien, impelled by the bless, venoms, Meal, misery sad dispose, leap into the freendly waters of the surrounding sea, mid Isere their rewe.- Ne lime forever. A.d now wee limens Nal gloomy ..,d (orlon.. Now was He nseerttltp cold sir greedy ieerass14 by this danen+-...1 i . rsner.ble w.Qs, and the fndie ioatees, n their appevenee e. they loomed through t... •