HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-09-07, Page 6Page Six The Winghain Advance-Times, Wednesday, September 7th, 1955 Wed in United Church
News of Wroxeter
Car Crash Leaves Villagers
Without Hydro for Two Hours
A mothei- and small daughter es
caped injury on Sunday night about
eight o’clock when a car left the
road and crashed into a telephone
pole in front of the residence of Clar
ence White. Mrs. Morris Dennis,
Wroxeter, was the dirver of the car
and was accompanied by her small
daughter. Following the crash a fire
started but was soon under control
when villagers gave assistance, The
car was driven away under its own
power though some damage was
caused, Mrs. Dennis and daughter
were uninjured. Provincial Police
from Wingham investigated. Hydro
men were called and nearby residents
were without power for two hours.
Delivers New Books
The Huron County Library truck,
with Mrs. Eckmeir in charge, made
its regular trip to the local library
last week leaving 100 new books. The
librarian reports that the children of
the community are the best customers
and are showing keen interest in
reading. The library has found a new
home in the newly renovated com
munity centre. It is open Friday after
noon 3.30 to 5.30 o’clock. Mrs. Carl
Smith is librarian.
WJVJCS. September Meeting
The Woman’s Missionary Society,
United Church, will hold its Septem
ber meeting on Friday evening of this
week, September 9th, at 8 o'clock at
the home of Mrs, Allen Munro. Mrs.
George Gibson is in charge of the
W. I. Meeting
The Women’s Institute will hold its
September meeting in the Community
Centre on Wednesday afternoon,
September 7th, at 2.30 o’clock. Mrs.
Gilbert Howes will give a book re
view. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton will
Owing to lack of space, am com-
; polled to confine my repairs to
watches only.
Located in
Life special contract providing
Life Insurance and Pension Option
all in one policy available from
age 0 to age 55.
Canada Life
have charge of the motto “When you
feel too old to do a thing—do it.” Roll
call to be answered by a verse from
an old autograph album. There will
be a sale of treasurers from your at
tic. If you have anything for which
you have no further use and which is
saleable, bring it along. Hostesses,
Mrs. W. T. MacLean, Mrs. Bruce
Chambers, Mrs. D, W. Rae. A full
attendance is hoped for as plans for
.the autumn community activities will
be made. Delegates will be appointed
for the convention which will bq held
in the Memorial Hall, Guelph, Sept
ember 29-30.
Mr. John Hupfer spent part of last
Thursday and Friday in Goderich.
Miss Hazel Sparling returned home
with him after spending the past two
weeks in London, St, Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wearring,
onto, spent part of last week
,Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John,
returning to their home on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Aikenhead, Mrs.
W. A. Hilton, Susanne and Geofrey,
all of London, were Tuesday visitors
at the MacNaughton home.
Mrs. Chas. McCutcheon is spending
this week with her daughter, Mrs.
Riley and Mr. Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McMichael,
Shirley and Miss Ethel Reis, of Ford-
wich, were visitors at the Canadian
National Exhibition on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer and
son, Kelvin, spent Tuesday
nesday at Niagara Falls.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Burney for the week-end
and Mrs. George Rondeau, of Port
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Webster, of Nor
wood, were in town over the week
end renewing acquaintances. Mr.
Webster was the former agent at the
C.P.R. statioin here.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lindsay, De
troit, spent the
and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs.
the week-end in
chell, who has
months with her daughter, returned to
Stratford for the winter season when
she will be with her daughter, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Hency.
troit, spent the week-end with
and Mrs. Jack MqBurney.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Wylie are
week enjoying a trip to Manitoulin
Mr. and Mrs. John Howes, Toronto,
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Howes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Barlow and
family, Toronto, spent the week-end
with Mrs. Ruth MacDonald and dau
ghter, Catharine.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rae, Brant-
Jord, also Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rae,
Hanover, were Suriday visitors with
their mother, Mrs. D. W. Rae.
Mrs. Ruth MacDonald and daughter,
Catharine, will take up residence in
the manse recently occupied by Rev.
E. W. and Mrs. Todd. Mrs. MacDon
ald will again be on the staff of Gor*.
rie Public School.
and Wed-
John Mc-
were Mr.
week-end with Mr.
Wm. Maxwell spent
Stratford. Mrs. Mit-
spent the summer
Auditors’ Report
for the year ending December 31, 1954
Total Revenue from Taxation ....
Adjustment re deferred income ...
Children’s Protection, grant .......
Direct Relief, grant .....................
Road, grant ...................................
Homes for Aged, grant ................
Unconditional Per Capita, grant ....
Warble Fly, grant ........................
Grants in lieu of Municipal Taxes
Dog Tax .........................................
Tax Penalties and Interest ..........
Road Machinery Revenue ...........
Cattle Spraying ............................
Fence Viewers Fee£ ........... .........
Penalty on Tax Sale .....................
.$ 64,010.49
. 20,378.75
Gross Total Revenue
Deficit for year .....
$ 92,813.73
TOTAL REVENUE $ 97,282.26
General Government .........................
Street Lighting ..................................
Protective Inspection ........................
Sheep Killed by Dogs ........................
Road Expenditures ...........................
Conservation of Health .....................
Direct Relief and Compensation ........
Welfare Administration............. .....
Education ...........'............................
Recreation and Community Services
Debenture Debt Charges ...................
Bank Interest Charges ......................
Discount for Early Tax Payment ....
County Rate .......................................
W. B. Cruikshank, Treasurer
Monteith & Monteith & Co., Auditors.
inDr. and Mrs. William Russell Nichols, who were married recently
Wingham United Church. Mrs. Nichols is the former Marion Elizabeth
Irwin, daughter of Dr. arid Mrs. A. W. Irwin, of Wingham. Dr. Nichols is
the son of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell Nichols, of Stratford. The couple
will make their home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.—Photo by Hammerton.
Re-engaged for the coming year in
Wroxeter Public School are Principal
Campbell Brown, assistant, Mrs. Les
lie Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell
Brown have taken up residence in
the home of Mrs. G. A. Wearring.
Miss Minnie Linklater is a patient
in Wingham General Hospital. Her
many friends hope she will soon re
gain her good health.
Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John
MacNaughton spent a few days in
Toronto and attended the Exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Orr, Byron, spent
the veek-end with Mr. George Lackie.
Mr. Ed. Palmer has returned from
an enjoyable trip to the States.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Felker, 4th line
Turnberry, returned last week from
an extended visit which took them to
British Columbia and Alaska. Friends
and neighbors are pleased to welcome
them back. This week Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Felker are enjoying a trip to
Sudbury and other northern points.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Montgomery and
family returned to Toronto on Mon
day after spending the vacation
months at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Gibson, Donald,
Gwen and Miss Donna McLean spent
the week-end at Dyers Bay.
Mr. J. N. Allen, who has spent some
months at Rondeau Park, returned
home on Sunday.
Mrs. James McTavish, 4th line, is
staying with Mrs. T. G. Hemphill for
some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Howes visited
at St. Marys on Sunday.
Wroxeter United Church Anniver
sary will be held on September 25th.
Special speaker will be Rev. Gordon
Hazelwood, Mount Forest. Mrs. Har
old Hamilton, of Wyoming, will be
guest soloist at the morning service.
Mrs. George Guest and Mrs. W. B.
McCool, Wingham, will assist him
with music at the evening service.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fiddis, Toronto,
were week-end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfor’cl Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Downes, Pontiac, Mich., also visit
ed the Brown home, Mrs. Downes is
the former Lottie Paulin of this
RILEY—At Dr. Myers Nursing Home,
Brussels, on Tuesday, August 30th.,
1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Riley
(nee Audrey McCutcheon), Brus
sels, a daughter.
News of Whitechurch
Belgrave and Wingham Ladies
Guests of Whitechurch W.l.
Pickell at the
answered by
maiden name,
at the
.The regular monthly meeting of the
Women’s Institute was held in the
Memorial hall here on Tuesday even
Over 125 ladies were present with
guests from Wingham and Belgrave
Institutes. The president, Mrs. Frank
Ross, presided.
After the opening exercises, the
ladies decided bo donate . $5 to the
Children’s Aid Society at Walkerton,
and appointed Mrs. Robert Purdon or
Mrs. Robert Ross to attend the meet
ing at Guelph this month. It was an
nounced that the Karishea and
noft Institutes would be guests
October meeting.
Mrs. George Fisher gave an
esting paper on the motto,
where you are, with what you
and make the best of it,” and spoke
of the aim of Institutes to create in
itiative, to try out new projects, and to
develop the talents of the members.
Mrs. Walter Pocock sang “There’s A
Wee Hoose ’Mang the Heather,” and
“Peggy O’Neill.” Mrs. Millan Moore
gave an interesting talk on the pion
eers of this community, based on mat
erial gathered by the late Mrs. Frank
Henry. She told how Kinloss was
surveyed over 100 years ago, and
named the first settlers, and told of
the first wedding, when John Gilles
pie and Jean Hamilton walked to
Goderich to be married and remem
bered when they had gone back as far
as Dungannon that they had for
gotten to pay the minister and sent
the best man back with the fee.
She told of the first log huts,
schools, churches and saw mills, the
work and pleasures among neighbors.
Eight members dressed as old-timers,
then put on a square dance to the
accompaniment of Mrs. Harold Currie,
whistling and with Mrs. Nelson Pick
ell at the piano. Their encore was a
Mrs. J. Ernest, of Wingham, sang
“Smile, Dear Smile,” and Mrs. C.
Wade, of Belgrave, sang “Come to tho
Fair,” and “The Little Dutch Girl.”
Mrs. T. Bower, of Wingham, then
gave a talk on the motto, “We’re
nearer to God in the garden thari
anywhere else on earth,” and told
of the happiness and. satisfaction de
rived from creating a good garden,
and explained how, he who makes a
garden never works alone.
This was the Grandmother’s meet
ing arid corsages were presented to
the following grandmothers: The one
With the whitest hair, Mrs. Gershom
J.ohnston; the one with the. darkest
air, Mrs. Clarence Wade; the one with
the newest’grandchild, Mrs. Guy; the
one who came the farthest, Mrs. Free
man, from Manitoulin Island,
On request, Mrs. Harold Currie
whistled “The Mocking Bird Song.”
Mrs. Herson Irwin conducted a musi
cal contest, with Mrs.
The roll call was
naming your mother’s
and the meeting was closed with the
National Anthem. '
Mrs. Ernest Casemore and Mrs.
Owen King had charge of the table
of penny auction. The ladies served
lunch of tea biscuits with
Mrs. McLaughlin of the
Institute and Mrs. Walter
the Belgrave institute
thanked the Whitechurch ladies for
their pleasant evening.
Plunkett Reunion
The Plunkett B family reunion was
held at the Harbour Park, Goderich,
on Sunday, when about sixty members
of the family gathered. Mrs. Harvey
Pettman, of Nile, was appointed
president for next year and Mr. Robt.
McPhee, secretary-treasurer.
The oldest person present was Mrs.
Robert McKenzie, of Wingham, the
only surviving member of the orig
inal family, and the youngest was the
baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mc-
PheeA Members were present from
Toronto, Weston, Forest, Wingham
and from the surrounding district.
Moffatt Re-unlon
The Moffatt family re-union was
held on Monday at Larigside Hall and
on the adjoining school grounds, with
an atteridance of over 60, when
families gathered for dinner and
supper picnic lunch, The officers for
next year are president, John Moffatt,
Teeswater; secretary, Mrs. Chas.
Steele, Teeswater.
Misses Bessie and Shirley Moffatt
were in charge of the games and
recreation. The oldest member pre
sent was Mrs. Writ. Moffatt, who is
over ninety year's, and the youngest
was Lois May, 2-month-old' daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Currie Moffatt.
Those who came the farthest were,
Mr, and Mrs, Kennneth Moffatt and
family, of Windsor,
Other relatives who came from a
jam and
Scott of
distance were Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs Jas. Ross, Miss
Margaret and Miss Christena Moffatt,
all of Toronto, and Mrs. Robert
Craik, of Hamilton.
Inglis and Alex left on
spend the week-end at
her daughter, Mrs, Jack
Mrs, Thos.
Saturday to
the home of unuguLt,, a,
Flannigan, of Toronto and attend the
Mr, and Mrs. Herson Irwin and
other members of their family from
Winghain and London were at Hamil
ton oil Saturday to attend the Irwin-
Maggoch nuptials there.
Mrs. Robert Burchill, of
has been visiting for the
weeks at the home of Mr,
John Burchill, of Culross,
Burchill relatives in this district,
Mltss Jean Stanley and Mr, Jack
Johnston, both of London, spent the
week-end at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Gershom Johnston, and
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith and
family, of Kitchener, also visited there
on* Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Johnston and children, of Bayfield,
visited there on Monday.
Mr. Walter Scott, of E. Wawanosh,
left last week on a conducted bus
tour through the West.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Montgomery
spent the week-end at the home of
her brother, Mr. Stanley Elliott, of
St. Catherines.
; Nelson Dow took in the Junior
Farmers bus trip to Detroit last week.
Mrs. Gordon Weir and Mr. and Mrs.
John Dickson and their daughter,
Evelyn, from Howick Township, and
Mrs. David Breckenridge and Mr. and
Mrs. Selah Breckenridge, of James
town, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Scott, of E. Wawanosh.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Bieman and
sons, attended the funeral of her
uncle, the late Stephen Little, on
Friday, who passed away at his home
in Walkerton.
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Watt and
family, of Mitchell, spent a few days
last week with his parents, Rev. arid
Mrs. W. J. Watt.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier and
children left on Tuesday to spend
a few days at the home of his brother,
Mr. Carmen Farrier, of Long Branch,
and to attend the C.N.E.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Richardson and
her sisters, Florence and Margaret
Moir, of Toronto, left last Friday
morning to catch the early boat from
Tobermory on their trip to the Wes
tern Coast.
Mrs. Harold Sparling and Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Barger were in London on
Sunday and Mrs. T. H. Moore, who
has been a patient in Victoria Hospi
tal for the past two weeks, was able
to return home with them to Wing
Mr. and Mrs, Eric Elliott and fam
ily, who have been visiting with Cur
rie and Gaunt relatives during
past two weeks, left on Friday
their home at Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nicholson
Coleen, of Thamesford, spent
week-end with her parents, Mr.
Mrs. John Hutchison.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt and fam
ily were in Toronto at the C.N.E. on
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore and
children spent the week-end in Tor
onto with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mit
chell, and
Mr. and
from their
and spent
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chap
man and with his parents in Turn
Mr. and Mrs. Billie Fisher, of Kit
chener, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher,
Mrs. Walter Lott returned home
from her visit at the home of her son,
Mr. Robert Lott at Calgary on Mon
day last.
Mr. Earl Caslick made a trip to
Preston Woollen Mills on Friday
with woollens gathered by the ladies
of the Ladies’ Aid of the church.
Miss Marjorie»Elliott, of London,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott.
Mr. Adam Robertson, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon McBurney and sons, and Mr.
W. J. Peacock, of Bluevale, were in
London on Sunday and visited with
Mrs. Peacock, who has been a patient
in Victoria Hospital, during the past
week. Mr. McBurney and sons visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shiell.
’Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and
children visited on Sunday at the
home of his aunt, Mrs. McTavish, of
Air. and Mrs. Albert Bieman and
family, visited on Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Inglis,
of Walkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ashby and Aud-
drey, also Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nichol
son, of Toronto, spent the week-end
at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Morrison, of Kin
loss, and Miss Claire Chamney were
among those who took in the bus trip
to the Exhibition in Toronto last
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bieman arid fam
ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Barry MacKay,
who had been visiting with them for
the past week, spent Sunday at Port
Elgin and Walkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner, of Cen
tralia, visited last Thursday at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth
Mason, and Mr. and Mrs. John Mason
and Julia, of London, visited there on
Mr. and MrS. Johnston Conn, Ruby
and Betty Aritt, visited ori Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Neilly, of
Priisley, and with Mr. and MrS. Ivari
Neilly, of Port Elgin.
past two
and Mrs,
and with
attended the C.N.E. on
Mrs. Ross Smith returned
honeymoon trip on Friday
the week-end with her
to be hojne this week-end and! havo
enjoyed their trip.
Mr. and Mrs, Jim McIntyre
family, who had spent last week
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Clenaghan and with Wingham
tives, left on Monday, for their home
at Ridgetown.
A number of little folks started off
to S.S. No, 10, Kinloss school from
this district on Tuesday, including
Sandra Fisher, Beverley Soloman,
Gary RintoyJ, Dianne Coultes, Beat
rice McClenaghan, Donald Morrison,
Edna Wall and Betty Ann and Alma
Conn, Douglas McDonald, Allan Fal
coner, Kirk Beecpoft and Linda Mar
tin started off to Fordyce school.
Mr, Wm, Adams, who has been
visiting at the home of his brothers
at Wroxeter, returned last week to
the home of his son, Mr. Robert Ad
ams. Clarence and Raymond Adams
left last week from Lucknow on the
harvesters’ excursion to the West.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan, Dep
lores and Marilyn, were in this dis
trict last week visiting at the homes
of their brothers, Myles and Patrick
McMillan. They have been living for
nine years in Texas, and now have
moved to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Grif
fin, who have been visiting with Mc
Millan relatives for the past two
weeks, left on Tuesday for their home
in Detroit.
Miss Marilyn Morrison spent a few
days last week at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. Herb Buckton, of Lucknow.
Miss Winnifred Farrier left on
Monday for Toronto, to resume her
teaching position there.
Miss Grace Thompson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson, "of
on Sunday for
will teach this
E. Wawanosh, left
Simcoe,, where she
Gary Reavie, son
Rutherford Reavie,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kimball,
of Toronto. Gary returned home with
them on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Arms and Mary,
of Windsor, spent the week-end at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Cecil
Coultes, and on Sunday, they and Mr.
and Mrs. Coultes and Barbara made
a trip to Luther and Shand Dams at
Mrs. George McClenaghan and Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Emerson visited on
Sunday with Mrs. R. J. McKellar, of
Point Clark, and with
Colwell, of Kincardine.
Miss Loie Pratt, of
spent last week at the
sister, Mrs. Bert Moggach, and re
turned home to Tillsonburg on Sunday
with Mr. aricl Mrs. Moggach and fam
Mrs. H. D. Henderson and family
of Listowel, spent' the week-end at
the home of Mr. Tom
Lucknow, and with Mr.
Wesley Tiffin,
Mrs. Harry
ich, spent the
mother, Mrs.
Tichbourne is
Hospital, London, following an opera
tion last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thompson,
of Mr. and Mrs,
spent last week
Mrs. Treva
home of her
Purdon, of
• and Mrs.
of Kinloss.
David Kennedy,
a patient in Victoria
of Goder-
with her
home in
and Mr.
Joan, Keith and Glenn, of Preston,
spent the week-end at the home of
her parents, Mr.’ and Mrs. Arthur
Moore, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall,
Judy and Jerry, of Wallaceburg, visit
ed at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Stanley Mopre.
Mrs. Leslie Wightman’s Sunday
School class of boys and girls met
last Monday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chamney and
spent the eveing in games and con
tests. They presented Mrs. Wightman
with an aluminum tray. The hostess
served lunch and all enjoyed the
evening together.
Mr, Garnet Wetwood and Mr. and
Mrs. John Bills, from near Edmon
ton, who have been visiting with rela
tives at Caledon last week visited at
the home of the former’s sister, Mrs.
Arthur Moore, Mr, Welwood and Mr.
and Mrs. Bills left for their
Alberta on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Barton
and Mrs. Peter McEwan of Goderich,
visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mac Ross
and Misa Terrlff.
Mr. Oliver McBrien and his daugh
ter, Mrs. McLeod and her children,
of Goderich, visited on Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw,
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and Mrs.
Elroy Laidlaw and children spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton.
Scholtz and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron
Simmons, of London.
Mr. Walter Elliott, president of the
Young People’s Society, of the Pres
byterian Church presided ' for the
meeting on Sunday evening. Ronald
Perrott read the Scripture lesson and
Jas. Wilson led in prayer. Kathleen
Fisher read a paper prepared by Mrs.
Johnston Conn on "Evangelism and
the Canadian Youth Conference.”
Murray Gaunt sang and Sara Caswell
gave a reading on Evangelism. Norma.
Forster played a piano solo, and the
meeting closed with the Mizpah bene
Rev. Norman Caswell, Sara and
Mary visited f,or a few days last week
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cas
well, of Oakville, and attended the
C.N.E. on Tuesday in Toronto.
Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Brooke, Lois and
Frank, of Toronto, spent Sunday at
the home of her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and
Carl, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Dick Martin, of Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and dau
ghters visited on Sunday at the home
of his sister, Mrs. Fred Chambers, of
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McConnell, of
Lucknow, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Buckton.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Austin and
son, Raymond, spent the week-end at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert
Stewart, of Kinloss, and with Martin
relatives in this district.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chapman and
Gary spent the week-end in Toronto
and attended the C.N.E. on Monday.
Mrs. Rome has been confined to
her bed at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Jas. McInnis. She suffered a
slight stroke recently.
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{Carol E. Homuth, R.O.
Mrs. Viola H. Homuth R.O.
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Wingham, Phone 48
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