— 4is•Oyo•ngtwy.dga.d.-'ath.U.u.donw.• WC30 7Iillwe To the I depe dent Eleclols' PROVE)RTY.
April 2416 1867. rel hrrawe.lurg'say wroe eo►.. w -time. by SIR JAMES CLARKE's Free a1+ IYae■■e\lett Eleet$f$
ratrra want Is,- W rWge), by add'...,. .h. u,.br' f nI Tmx
TM Cuu•enl Cwt" da] r -weal le ad •'["•d• '.•••"nylon f+^"f 6•u'r hu.,r"`ed will Celebrated Female Pi1L. GOOD FARIf. ('UYPR►81NG FIFTY
• bi ant r•uc,og dwr.rd. All.m•n .,11 W.... Pat aved row a e Or TU x
jaarass*at ; all ►►e geesher@ prsaeait. The rWerih.ir ►eaww ssr.eri rF f pr sCriyfion of .1i► J. 80_U_ RIDINGS kit• ill laud, aborta mile (rum the
Miautr of last m -edit we.e read, • roved, TMa r. CHAI'MAN, Cfarka, D.,PA claw Erfraordiaar3 VIl LAUF, lJP $LCEVALE,
g PP w> lI.$- w 11•trowea, Art. V -1a; ,* , yra NOItTH RIDING OF HURON or Twr !
A (jaerw. Mine the north he f u( bt thirtl-four. in that
sad signed b] tits Reeve. The fulluwio ___ -_ __ F Lr N ro eamedmiob of the Tawrwnh,p of Turn
,Nanta "nd, a"armm"Ot wen heard and EBROSO OF YOUTH. ThumVal,mi m.altc,n• ,. mnfu Log in she URNTLtl1x.N :- COIINTY Ol IIihOl r herr ,will be sold oo moderate forme, part
A U.+.rel wbus+U..d fur cure ill 411 'hila p•,uhd .ad danger.ue d,oraw It. Tbr" an about 20 aeras cleared, a
year• Iron Nen,.•s to wbtch the Initial. ronrdul,.. u "ubfreI. II Y GawTf Isxa,- IIAviug ban o nowinaed al
R•ri•g been nominated b the Re
p.wn rntlr,•n tr.e• rood Inme b ir•, Ae. Svil ea«riot. Haas
Mewl Properly, P•nuanl. y. r. u,d .lI .h..s.er ur runts_ sa.rkntr alleaoxw roil rowuvc•allolslruottuan, form Cumvattiu., bald al Ilhnlou un that 4th Chid Cuaseutiun of the Li bent Cuarn.tive' repo.] limber,
Hack Rutherford ..... , ...$180 $200 w('"a• ,.,w. will or ,be rk. w.aderrg ►.,w„n. lied u•ptsdy cur• may be Ivied u■. of this moatb, as a nnd,date fur the Repre• pan], hrld a Chntuu un the 29th dt., u • I Alec 7 oro Horses to the Village of Bod-
..014 1000 '"rr.•waawb.sswil Urri,hhess.ria- . Me TQ MARRIED LADIES 7 6
Ifll. bliss A Lttla aasgin,.hrWrrnr.dy h) wh,reh. tv..r«rd. n. r seotrtiun of our R,Jin¢ is ll+e Loerl I,r la min, witk ood arden god orchard, said
4 ""”' ., Cendidrte fur the re renrnlstiuu of thin f R
Jan. Ramage ............... I50 000 •• . wrhias, pr a, by Cho sd,.nwr• .apanru, Itis pa:uhar y .wtw1 II w„I, ,a ■ .lrwl nae, Intuit of Uwaru, and b•viug recui.ed as. P
Fr .. 150 WO °•" 4' w br .d,trrmrrg about lour acro u( land.
Julia Fure ■ ..........• • hirtag un Ibe m.mhly ps. with noira,h y. wnutrs o(wppurt from man] fricorpi, over *:iJiuq iu the Local Ir i4lan,re of Uclano, I P,
Jt1RN B.1/(7 o. _e b,rtle, genre a rad. 1 panthe Uor- II. HAL
Jo►a Mchenw .............150 000 tela C►wWn»t..N•w ywk. ornmral rum riUnr Brua,u w snot tour• the tabule CcraUteeucy, 1 hrvr receyteJ lite rod hanug nca•IrrJ nun.erous .aentncea of Clinton.
Hoary Duuglam , ...........600 000 _ numivatiun the made, slid in duiu so 1 ] I April 22, 1867, w13 3wp,ra'
pre 9 ¢ supourl from sums uC uriuux ah.dea OI
trope to receive a cordial a, d genertrus sup political upinwu, 1 har•e cotrenacJ to offer
jes. Gauet h........ .... 60 000 fJ Al7Tll.bv _
Jos. Ye UuaOg► .............150 WO WHIREiIs l w HIaas3a t I TS.re P,(l. .A.w(J rw Mtaker br%aaes(r, drriars Itorl Irum Jou, W nc w is eulremaed the pri - - _ - - --'—ry*
Jae. Mallin 60 OUe fk. L. U. Mu.Trs•Cw de. the greatest •till, t.b Flili THREE A/UNTHS y Prat silage of the fistahat. myself fur your suffrages el the electi, n to, A HT Liii\
finch McPherson ......• .• • .100 000 .hila do Ise w.•rld. will furan Whrkenor Mud- erre, w tAer or. err. ru berg sirs dfnra.. My principle an Ilia seek a• to salixty lake place, iu all prubabilitr, al uu did -Bolt n 6
oche. w grow un Ibe a,".r.4heet f•n• or eh.. ; Hep, hr, r any rA.r taw. tA.y Ile war. __
Juba Gurdon ..... ..........000 100 "ever ksow. t. f n. a",nnl. to, triol rel fres I• all car• of Nervous ad :+notal Adaruons, ever] shade of political opinion.; they are, period, I Ai to \_7T -Tri
Thea. Fieldale ...............3W 000 to ay..avd.,.-.uftew,ne,u,earn•. Address Pans, a Ibe Berk and Lra,bn, Firirtrc un mit ht hu erer, N is well knuen. t) maintsiu "hat 1
r lIl the mnntim,•, i ahnll tnko the "ppor-
Huary Matberr@u , dismired I Breva' h Co., 79 N&reu ,., N. Y. es.nior, Psip,TatiuB rl tee fteart, Hyweno•• ilt to goad-lu reform a but is corrupt mud ober
Michael D+nnmll 000 t oo J (N. Muer. lakes "al•r Prepeid ) will) W hiva, Iher PJIs will solace . care wher all tete, endeavoring to secure right govern 'unity of vieiliuy the several mwnicipaliriN, p p p / j1w TM
Ed." Mt•Ca.C111 ........ 500 000 ____ other news hese failed I end atouth • pttvrr• meet, in a economical a manger as u •cuu t►a you may become better acquainted with PROT06RIPH GLUEfl 1 lit I
Wm. HamW ............. .. 60 200 _ __ fulmalwy, do But oustun iron, ralu,nrl, 0x11• suleul with ealrl
mwY. m■■vlhet hunful to ore ruumrtotwn. I- the scutiments which 1 prufras, cud 1 lrwt THE P R O V f N CE, I
Patrick L*Te aasx ...... . • .400 000 1 Full dnecuona m the ssmpulrt •-mud etch There aye nc questions before the public that they aill be found so to accord with
To aoxsce. andag .
JrSaea ..................COU 200 Thew••rw•r, Vti Leri ryck.ge,whieh sha.W liea•urlu.lypre•edped. u( greutuppHrrlrurr. Ibu(eJerrtiunhrr'n¢ WITH A
WY. Csmtaings ........... 000 100 .w rata bra err v nwwls bmmb e ■ MuMapat for the Ueded Suesand C.en4., absorbed all others, it is m, desire that n your own, that Jou will be euab;ed to core
r ",b. r.n. I..g tk"i"..or. mea enerow su ort. New IL Ms niAeent Sk Li ht I
lata Loris ................6011 000 ser«rr.nlrr«. woe.«.enlsg.rbrn„n,.nd JUR MUiE`1, IGrcheater, V.1'. .houW receive a fair t,irl, trwtinc that (t 8 PP Q r' Q
Jobs Hamilton .............150 000 w draw da iv- C.na.mp,.ri-r ana,ow o•, ors, N' B'-$I'W&ad u. ].o-mgvstamps, aehl•ed .ill he the mean” of all"yi"g the sectional I am, gentlemen, AND SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED
Montreal Murphy ............ISO 000) know. w her rrk,w-war,. ,h. m..n. wrure, 1. ay eurk..,s•rl Ageet will macre a "tic coo• jeAlcu.ice that I ave so lura distracted the ROOM a
T. rt who 4wn,che scut, 4.r. rlbe « tus.agter PJ' by etn'. mut: It f Your obcJieut Nnant,
TTI.. 1YBla► ........120 U00 .np.rme••d((.awch.,grl w„h,hi'dovve.„wf..:yr_ INURTHRUI' A LYMAN, ountry. TCl ■ Ary /\ A pT T1Try. _--_ _,_ -__ __ _ f
Alexander Anderson . ......150 000 atl.y•rs+e,ng,h•ss,w.w,rherr wd,s,ra.c.” Nvwc.wle,C.W.,ps•ral Having been activelyon.agedforthelast AC71' AC ►/oiLUNG
• ce.ovu..ss•rerl." A.T.r. B. -Or...... C..c.r.. ten ears in our munici sl affairs, the ea• Faster lrI A rd, 124T. •III(
E. L. JOH l\ SON 1
Mn. Vuaghea .... '........300 000, Ceu.r,a•d lilt Thrat Was Aevt - T1s rly egr■l lorllnede. T P r 1
Owon loon ................600 000' .y.et wit. w..nw.,r ss,drg oh. rre.enpra, ,. w kr "old is O,rkrmh by Park.r Sr Calle ad peririree 1 hove gamed my, if you re fit 10 ---- ----
Alex. Cameron . ..., ..... 50 000 b•1•a1 Ili. earned, rad •pew „Jorm.......hvh he P. Jordan 1 fist r Co., Blaybeld ; James elect me, prove useful in further improving To the r i ee and Iiide- WS to.fon, hi• ud p4lrona, end rho pott f
Malcolm 8tewarl ............200 0041 mite.',.. w0. w.mirM...,d►,►.,pe. •.err . 914 e I S..thum. Kore,vll. 11. P.chod,Exeter ; 1.H. our municipal and aervomenl laws. It might geeenll/, Iha hr hu, a much espenr,
w"Ivy b..em.my. art w,If rw1 LL•w aah,ng, uW t'umbe. Watts h Jebb, 0 .mon, )trend, Luck- , endent Electors of the httod u bon rwue, ,n "TE WART"' New &Ick i
WM. Ihunia ............... 200 0001 ry p.tr• s tx.ri+g not serve an] usebd purpose to go mto arra QP ♦ h D
P I-..w,.M.B,h•p.rnpb..... a. byr•reru-1 ■ew; E, Hrtwar,8"elu""- awl all Medic"' pe pa Nou h Riding Huron H4r k. tureen w HOm-ll" rrrel rand Square, S
J es ► Abua ............... 50 000 ors W.•« •ad.<r t)aelwr"- wan Iv 'mmed wta nonal canner, bol 1 hu when I n I I;,alrrrcit, '. such w .ltle w• w renter them the
the contest fair) commenced, to meet oil m p
Complaint of Joka IIeep, fur I.ad of I a... FOwARD A. vnJ+uw. - Y y GENTLEMEN : Ii-e•i ,. thec,tunu v, 0nd the heal &&omi fur Ili•
W,,,r,rh.rc tl,"r. Ce.. N.w vwk. ,a .y ,• q q q q traduw places over the [tiding to make ex• I a, --uwpb.hmrr i ot hrn.•Is. work m hu don ," 6
66 fo ►] a dog, o, ast oe. C w be paid h+ h+ Pl►ations, ad rt funh my views at greater Having receirr,f the unanimous nem: •uJ br.m,1.l ut. Tbur druruu• ill bav,nk P,r-
$6 Cur ehieep el (ur dassarge. Cemplalot of y -w'.4 - ' - ---- - Among t►e mor Imponal of mr,l medical length, and until that time, I would ask yoe notion, ■t the C'onventiuu meent!v held u. lure "f
Wm. Wol.00d for loss of sheep ►y does, - XM MA18 W:R11MIR . J,.r ,renes suedm,be to refr.is from pledging your influence acrd Chilton. fur the Representation raf jour 14d I: II I 11. It )a It I: Iv
moment dmimed for sheep $3 damage $1, --. ......... CANAUI 1N PAI\ UF•eTRUYEB t support w evil of ■, oppa,rnte, sit that ))oil I ing iu the Canadian Ilouse of Commons, wild '.ken web pleose bring m the m.rn,ng.
G R I S T I N `m A■ • Fundy rg th.. " t I well .. the dor my he to a pciive to )udgs for Juunelire l hwvmg arxpted Iher *ominartion, I ■m our Photogtaphl taken in every Style
Ofdsrod to he id P0lI4os of Wm. Urr, taw■, nl eros IhouanJ• Irum rym• ,s rhe onto our re.leel rale mann, ,n the field :-Candidate fur Jour si.ffrmg" h1, we 1. she an, •nil Old Ambrelvpee ail be
Bad 34 others praying for the (ormolu. of a Ge ",Je, H.ek end hood.Coct C,4d.,Q.,n to -%, I nm. Fettleseu, I o,wl a¢ to a liberal eld generous supper, t al part roiypre volved a Pha.r{nph •. A loge
Union Selabdl section, with Ashfield was n Bpru a, Srndw, Cramp. ,n eat Stu•naeh, Your obedient serval• )'uu h., o •t oc-t of Odt .rad Kar-W,rrl Frame. •Iwraca un
IIE Sahrriber i• now C -"Mm morb.•.larerntrn, M,wA ewu-
aeived Bail mil, toruide ntioo of the rmae Prep.red to da pros, Nun,, naration, From Brle•, TH0111A8 CIa$ON. As the Eledioln .ill rant. in ail prubahiliy, haoml L. Jlpo rLBUM er k r tee lihenl -
deferred Ull next meeting. Mored by Mr. GRISTING u,d C9OPPINU M -bon hr., dee , A•r. IInwtek, April 6th, 1"67. wlltf I take piece foraosrr month., slid a personal ry"oeap u(Ihr per, bels rwlrJ that re. -awl
Yilb io Citi town iu 6nl els. nils. The UA NAUTAN PAI V UE9TKUYF.K bas _ ' canvass would he ioexlo-di-nl, until "bout the I ,n, Pa....aast. Will enable hon or .earl. e.a1.n-
Hrtsr,.se y Mr. Mahwaia Thal ,he Cwo 8. PLA IT. now ban bekon the public for a length a I,-. / ,{ p p tr eq O( the eontes lie 1 ho ,e dal in the ranee ■nd iscteade ot the movie• D
nil now •djown to meet agars o. Mohd. Ooderick, Ma, 31, 1967. 19etf .rad wherever uw"a .. Ill Irked, never foiling TO Dr, woo UJ Reeve of Star1le 1 6 y I E. L. JOHNSON.
Y n. • roe Ir,rms-or, pe"vero" t "I.,fw6ee arenas, or, su h re,l will withheld
the 271h Ya next - - - -- 1 1 one ngmes frau. each re• neitic ria as are GotMrLhi, Marctr 1, 1667, w6t1
Y un.ely u,trd, •rail wr have ■ever k,,.,wu r .,ogle 1 It
JAS. SCOTT. ot.. „I d,r+uaf ction when the J,rn Lune h.vr now bring industriously eirculutcd io t'Jr -
Towssh,y Clerk. ommereial Course bete Mops ro, followed; 1u1, .n the co.mnn•,.11 aND 77S OTHE88, I Rifting (a .tet un British prm arc, and one m
0e drltrhre,) wool lie rp-,tn,n., .nil .lir Le m YARI.IAMKh TARP ILL1,4 TaRh .r THI that I hope will never reran w'itll C nuad,nn ` re
the ktghew terms of n. vutur. ctrl via,.vl.f- 1' l,'OdeTltrh and Soat■aR't$Y Lleee co
MAT 27, 1867 A LL Kinds of Book kee in includia Mee' E'eewn-who prize r fvir, Gro mod honor
LY P R• R We"p.4k from espenenerm this matter ba•- SQIiTe Itllll, QI' II L!}tQYa sill(• contest far above and Lwvur:d a mere t1f
The Council ma this da] punuat to ad. Baking, Ae„ (rbeorederl A Practical), T H E S T F A N1 E It
PENYANSHiP, liwioea, as leww ri 1h.,roughly. and f rr.•f"re ill- why temponere political t, iumpl,;, and thus you
loar.sso.t ; all Cha member pnseot. ( ) are rt6rrinR Irum u.v of Iha r.oniJ..oit• Grr G E % T 1, E M F. N :- will refrain from pledging your influence uud
ARITHMETIC, Ofenlal and Written), whir► u s rrrovirnemle.f way depend upon ,I.
The mi.atw of laet meGog gen read age• I have aaJ the hong' to rroeisa our aaplrort tum] up]uanent, until in Iha l'aarxae L ! W
CUMMERCLIL L.t1Y, lLeewn■ and nem' • ll.err(•,rn Kvmrdy. J - l=
Proved and rig.ed b] the lteees. Clamed), 1Ie •+Incalone rdi. acv m the t'•..Ji. n P•rn very rexptectabl] ad numerously signed re and throughan the Curteel, i dia'I nave s
A second petition respecting the furm&Lien SPELLING AND DICTATION D"•1-1-1 m ruling the dotru s 6v wh,rt it ,. 11U --ion, ak,uR me In becume a undid►te opportunity, before you, of meeting him free I"
t ft^uan,rn).d. Brad lie wandrdw mr.-r.. w cul - to rrprar,n thio k,Jing in the Ilouw or I au face, explaining m] views and exp"wlding "
m rinei M Bad ou shall have I.ad a" o R SPRAY, c4
of • bmw School Section sr received and CUltlil'SPUNDE\CE. J".es Cite ,..none, p. n, .I Kiel,,,., -o. tu.d m 1'o.mou., rat tie rnaunlg clrctinn, fur .Hieb 1 P P 1 P e
read. Aftor woe discussion, it was Moved reb,vmr Nervous All,.nn•n•, teak it to . h., h 1 ,,rl hryLly firti-ed, mud accept the .carina. PurtunitJ of thus judging of our respective yc
by Mr. Comminp, seconded by Mr. HUULW Aw4ltbnal ■rawrlslr Tnslgpt Free auk 1..h. Lr ill ren.Me. A, Ibr.r ..•mp1.n"'• umlifiesor as fur the hi rh trust we seek a D. ROWAN, Master,
Ie Ila~, who deralre thea,, (inlets ^' cu.i lir ,n o.,. N«L.,ne I eri ut lion uQn,rd me D, so tante r somber ill in q b
Otaenliul electu,s. 1 have since res ievd the Jour hada
'bat the payor of evil petition he meted a .II ry.0 N the rw ntrr a•r wnLe. .o yphr'' •rail Mrultme. I kite the honor to be WILL run in connection with Ilia Grand
G FI)I;K.1i 11 Y, (i li.(M)I.\It, - -ch temdying a to the mr'c mI."'un.0--rat unnoimuus nominatimi of the liberal Con- r Tmk It. It., daily to Southampton
with the aodor*landie¢ Cha Section Yo. 4, HIS fUltY. ALfilli t. govt• servrtive dole ate at the Clinton cuuvta Geuremen, -
&hall ea be reduced ay more on its western UEuxF rRY, MENiC AAT:UN, Thea Ca m.O.. 1'.in D,wrover never sib , g 4ad mien, leaving Goderieh every even
bund and that i. rhe event of the rid FiLENCH, " lion• Your moo obeli,nt Gnat.
7' L.tTI\, Pvrumww"merebrl Allntnl,c,sJwlenkr.•pI .ngakl o'elock,eall:nl a Kinewralioe, In
of ,I. Phywc n --,der dell a- it; .ad rad 1.... ;:y To the parli.,mentvy electors o#tLe S,,u'h r, M. C. CAMERON. verllsroa, Port Elgin, Southampton, wiud
eeeliee . o. th being divided a •future Ume - GkEEK. will x runout it after o,rcr I, in t. Riding generally, i offer m self as a camlid odsrich. March 18th, 1867. w"8,
i.te awe aNuoon, Chiu pnrtl.e ■ow takes oK, Prior only !!'t erne y s 1 e _ - aril 1e•trr permitting.
p.c,on w. ate, and trema to retrive Juur geaerow wp. RETUR 1INd EVERY NORtiIb'(i
.hall he mored to iC The i.ew rglon to -- - All urJrn •ewW lir O.Idrn t..
c,uri•t of l,.t 13 Con. t, Lou 13, 14, Ib, Braue4ee Taught for whleh (here NU<TM .f Par LYMAr, port' To the Independent
Is ■■ extern Cha e. Tu the .pelt of ,nae I us not nnksown, Electors of tit ►South g P
Care. l0 Boil 11, Il, Cor. l2. -Carred. ►g NewrerM,C. W„ Lapis 8ostkam ton al 6 o'doek, s. m.,
gee, mod 13 of hen P { g P nduckin a Uenord A t Ibe C.teJ., ^arnnc b•en • -ontmuuua rrrideut in the e
Petition oC Jea Pa Tele ra hilio, Figure rr hJ I. gr" and arming m Godrrai i0 4me w cornett
Are►its, Fi u i f ' k")~- u1J m O.drnch by F.rlw S CaHr ail Itldmg fur a prri..J of thing two yuan, ad illding of Huron, with Grand Trunk Train.
praying to have the ode iia hetwtrp Into R re. .o .Torr Dnw. P. I,,reMe, Uard,ner a tto.. 81sfie'd; Janie. havin_ during th•t lune encountered all the Tickets for sale for all points on G. T. R.
4, 2S, Coe. 3, rot by County Sun•yor wr 'ng ; Punting, In Water Colors, Sepia, Ikath& a j,.mvn,'le; 1. Pnek-ed, Facer; 1. H. diBeultir• and p i-ratidns ill a backwa da CEh'TLE.1/E.Y : -
doftm d. ludia Irk, aid Monoebromatie; Modelling 'umbe. Wania k Jebb, Ch"ton; Penn,, Lurk- Ids u wail as fi!Ird numerous elective and IlavinR rccrit'ed the nominitinn •t the'rud alp Points eat.
Complaint& of Joh" Pierce of the destrae. In Planter a,Id Clay • hon; E. Hark-, svdwtb• aaJ al. Mad nine J. V. DETLOR A SUN.
' n.rdrn. ,ray other highly reel un.ible of6crs, therefore Convention held it. Clinton. on the 13th lost.,
11 "e of nine 14mbs by doge, lambs valued a a livform ('wLJidate for the I,r_islatfyr .1d '.derich, May 10, 1867, w16
18111aEliTAL PE110I liSHIP - nece..gt1., for mold Jean I hone beau
$1.50 oech, aril of Fknjamie Ferner fur the - r -- Protsant I hefnre Juu, and [ ehall^I.ge an] nobly of Uutario, far Suutb Huron. aaJ
Irwr of oma ewe •aloed a K, wen recened --- i)OII t Know Hint. man truthfully to say that 1 wrongtti trim i" hevinr, oecepte•d the rota, 1 ■m ro+ prpnr
and ordered t. 6e paid. Excellent Beard Is .Atnivird for the emallnt msnrr. I refer to m] put ed to trkr• tit. 6tdJ, uud bar w recti rn ■
Moved b] Mr. Mdlwteasec. b, Mr. ifun- Tome Dollars mad Fill r•a•nts We hese heard of a man who own liberal m ort. T
ed s i torias ae an index of who my (sure my he, PP J6 & Je SEEGMILLER, N
ler Chet the Prthneeler ee L)ivmon Yo. 13 he k► we; k. horae wMch had t,roa Grr a Iaqg time a1B.eted should Jou Bee fit to elect me. !laving no Aa the election will not• probably, take
mutbonxed to purchw gravel to be used on -___ with a Cbr.u,ie C,ugh, and wr otherwise in` monetary watt• and none deperading on me I place for acorn. time, 1 shall be able at the In
hr Kerr. at 4 cent. per land• of u least one I per Fall Particulars, Terms, ae., a poor condition ; he at length resolved to 1 fur succour from the public chest, 1 du not , proper period Io make a personal eroV:'r of Z`AN 1N LRi4 ! mK
entire y•rd•-Crrn"d, Ill bimr and did ad far a vers trie:n Bum. .ah /ur, oK wnald nut atce t fro. fiat- the KidmR, when• ■t matron a to br ■ mitt en.
Bead for Circular. R To P ' ed, that viva he both nieg eon bappoint 1
MOhed nil Yr. Grua,. ate. ►, Ya [as I,, Some 5 or 6 weeks afterwards• he set .the ersment aa, lucrative oftce, m] only desire P" the
tb•I the Clerk a 4e dbi est a mr 4, an Addrev non t" whom be had sold him driving a being e„argeti:ally ad faithfully to secure 1'a
4 ^q 1 Pe and tom red ; and in the meantime, 1 tnul D E A L E R S
whether the aide line between Lou 21, 2S J- W_ JONEB, arberaUful hon•, 14,11 of fife, ared concluded t7,e iota' -sty of the country in which i hese You will nut pled„e yourst•Ire. b, rvqui•:400 J "a s
from Ir to 41h Coo. mela.ne, ►ss barn err- . he had aith•Ir exchan ed him for this or lived so ma an, and to which from manJ or otherwise to rally otber candidate; 19
I rioci 1 of London Commereiel Co11 R I Y' / base the honor to Ise
ery.d b, order o1 the ury eye ip (:uYR". O and _el)(', on le arA arnhat t ; but a is of hiy surprise sesaeiatiora ► mm sincerer, a had. LEATHER Flit DINGS ! tel
if rat k b Bot beta oto t empt the line, or L`w'donr (%- 11 • nn leaning that she horN won the Blame he There are no leading quntinas before the Gentlemen, the
Clark he aethunud w employ Cha C tnty M•Y 31, 1867, w2 had re•iuun! wned and eonudrted of so ublie at present• but s ould 1 be e!•cV d, I g
_ P Y" p Yuarmor oledialrn.^(' g.1rc.,he.
Saneyor a erne] the rid line on 1, 4, Cor. - - - f 1864 little slue, Un enouiy r to .h►1 held 1 shall enter u cit m duUcs without uRrrin OT ing
—C•rrved. Insolvent Act O effrc,rd so reat a craw p y 6 I ROBERT G12BBOliB, L ,,U T(1 (I 7 nM
R nee, he wee t•dd tort to lite min rage of the dt] ariy most o up- G"dcrich, \torch 17th, 1867. w8 RIC t/ try ,
Moved by Yr. ❑u.4r, Bae, by Ur. Gatnt '• llarlq's Annan Hew, -e Renadv and position, •rail will rssiu M the *tmfst of mJ _ _ • • 4.
that the Council entry adjust to er•t •gam /w thin molter of Awdrrw Patton am /wage! Condition Medirintr," held den" it. 'rhea gen power i0 tarrying out that Cunfedera4os _ - - _ -_ ---_ - -- - ---- Febrtmry It, 1616, w47 unr
on Malay, the 1916 of Aegaet .•xL-Carr- er-t• perdition hon eff-led dome remarkable en• LAW BLANKS 1 I..
tied. es. schetoe m • liberal spirit. gel
sale of Real Estate. ember the n'me, end re that the To ever] measure ca:culated to advance furl
JAMFq SCOTT, signature of /turd + Co. is at, each the interests slid we!I-being of the Count of NOW R E A D Y .
7owaehipClark. IRY value "l the powers treated . me a Aa- package• Heron I will give my undivided attebuon, 1 Ef:Y doecrip:ios gen had of the mart
i .tgnee ofnce estate sad eStel. a( nye above Nerl L mite, Neweatle, relirhw fdrm cud mt moat rtaonsble
erred Imv 0(rr 1 .e sol •t Uotlonls Hotel; e P C. W.' .ad bet Bupfart. prices• At , The Canadian Come aoC Ef 1
tit" r,,k . M tlt.I r, m whir tnwn.h p of nroprirlorrfor lite Canada. gold b al. 1 shall be an'advocate for economy in the r H•
Co7tww a ❑.LIIOfa-it u rtilrled Cha Howtck .rail Taut N Hwnm, oil Weda•dt• Medicine dealers. 1 p pa . B. WARE age 1
❑ImoL altme will proalad fin hundred that the 4th d.y al l4ple ndwr n,af, u I t d t.. k edic --a - wiz iet ublic service• an fat " mss be coot table
Ind hetes of Carlon neat year, end ors forewomi ill Ibe right• title ■nd interest of ins with thorough effiraencJ ; 1 .kali ad•alcafo 16 Toronto Slrert. '1'o, onto• BF"Toa selection of concise precedents in
uptlenl*nd that the Government .f the I'ni rd Inedvrat I .f m Awl wthe nJlowrag proper. I O 0 A 0 R E S 0 F LAND ! "ch alteretiorI in the co atoms and excise N. B. -Country orders punctually attend. L tonva]acing, carefully noised ad
ted Stan base given inetntlious to Chair lie .,tu.1,d rn the .uJ •Jago of Wroaeaer, >BAL e duties on will be most ben,rfit iwl to the wenn ,o• sdwpted to the practice ander the ,wcent acts --
General ,n command of the Ars in the •,s : .rad meant of the greeter number ut the in- nffrelin ro rt RI 9
1 Lw No. 5.6, 7, e, F.ew oak of Cenare ai_t. May 25, 1867• a7" 3l' R r fat Conta rain in addition
tkath to hese all the aced r•rd tit&t u habiante, kre;nn¢ io view the m•iuteoanee _ n Cho ordinarry forms of Deeds Mongagee,
Pea I , t, l•ou,h rode d Queen.tart. TII F, undernsned oorn Ion. Is an rexr,nahte of the pubbe eredn' to the I Ac., man s Bial Forms relalin Cou
Bible, for placing in that and other western 6, 7, "troth ort, of \tun mre,t. l lermr -,olh for rt Loa Ne. 19r ,s n.e 131h The public debt -regulation of trade, and -- - L ,S, I • T J pe R
Stale&• bat should their eBpeeta4oem oc1 b 1, 1. 3,4,5, ,n Stuck C. north rade of r ecess,un t Ibe Township of Wswenrrh. la the procuring nod Trader of Patent
fulfilled it is gratifying to know that we have Is.It wervl, Address, (p.epad) Wew Heady P. U , County development of commerce -the postal rr- [tights, the acquisition and transfer of Mining ,Fon
asover•i a rested ter cos h colds c 00 lar No. b, F.u1.de N "It, novel there C•rlstoa, C• W. vice -the enlargement and im rovement of
R Y 6 ti t Island re a Kmd fruee buddies, ..a a 0 more •nil PATRICK CA MO- , „ P \T Sundp taorning, between Kingston rights, Ac., Ats, wih other spacial Forms, to
ib the stossacb, coolie, ebolen m,x.ati cad dweflis 1•,maw.I A l I 1 I the inland weer -omnuniution within O'8trert and the Cor is Church, a tail no+ first published. ,d J
i F Ia'br.sla krownufrmr of r, Its, IS67, wit603. Can■da-the Railways -■nil neral)
all tromplai.ts of lite lib nelare, m the Ile. _ - _ __ _ __ Rae' Y what colored itrlt ribhon, with huadro,me clap. I With a introduelop Fina, on Cha law of 1 ho
"13snadmrn Pain Destroyer." sold by all W. F FINDLAY, DISSOLUTION of FARTNFBBW ever will advance th« welfare &rad importance Any one finding the above and leaving it as Property in the Province n(Untari^,es eialll• •'"K
of the Dominion of CAnadY valuable to students. The whole forming a ins
edieise Dselen, they per bottla. UaCUI Awunes. , eh.11 receiq mJ she •' Sig7gaC' u16ce will be suiably rewarded.
Hamdtoo, m Ma 1867- 19w3m. OTl E i. hereby rl -rn first the n ormho U"'
__ y. ( kcal atten,ion.
-- — - M P compact and eon•emat collee400 of Coo- .dm
- -- - - 1 hereta I raising Irtw.rs M use, I shall take a early ppsitang 4th before Goderich, 18th M.], 1807. wl8 It. veyancing precedents. the
Cliaoe, May 21, 1867. T - 1 Naha Iain .rad 7 hiom+w Ffrll, undo the a.mr, the elec4oas enure oR, of Hsiang the princi- IN a
Fait v4bo•t ........... $1:a6 @ 2:00 11 OTI(T. "YW- •nd firm -I" R.I.rtvn BAA' .a c.b. pal localities is each municipality, and aha NOrrI40U4 - B Y ale R O RDA N S .
,net M.krr., m the t'dls 1 Cha
Spring do .............. 1:76 (e) 1:85 KP , f r.luml, ora the
rxnlarin m •lows an .n subjects likely to .I.
Oa5 ( 0:50 PARTTE9 havin claim aT.iwt Hohn day J,.Ritvw by .mal ronrnt, •w ilia hu.,• ] Y 1 R.Coem antnol, •xstsxn Abs ggl.Aeoro. f r
Delo "'" " "' i g raw will be breceh,nh wned n by Mu,brw come he:ore the House of Commo..s. *TOTiCF. IS HEREKY GTYB i THAT I'n
Rar1e] ................ 0:50 0:55 Booth ofcioderieh, an mquevted to make KMcrla,monly, ant the .4x1 Mayhew Hulen- I hove, the honor to be, 1 PI(iCF, $2.00, FULh BOUND r•••
I'm" .................. 0:55 O:,i6 op statements thereof to the 23rd lust. and nue d. snthor," n, d,acharRe all debt. ■nit re Gentlemen,
)I.lw ... ...... 0:12 0:13 mend Ihem to Y. C. C,&mrer*n Esq. ewe all melts, on account o, the a.rll Pinner• ]'our faithful snort, R 0 B E Rae B Q (,% T H , Iteet free a an] part o(Ca*ada aim roCvipt ot 1
Floor 0:00 10:00 Awn Noma n al.reT GIV►¢ that nM of ar ut (m
Polator ...............0:63 0:70 liabilities incurred the said ltoberf li0ted81,240lrlh,thinl.tJayNDtay,1861. Ds He RITCHItm
F M hGHERIaU\, erne e►evearen, J. RORDAN Rhe
ep. • • • • • • • • • • - • • ..... 0 • 0: 9 /Jo. rslts..yrewt fn /Ae abet d rte tent Oe TIION, BELL Byfield, Township of Stanley, ? R A I I faw B k 11 d
30, 1R6T
6y fare astt(wre.
1V, W, 11RIHGLF:.
Fall Wheel ...............
SPcong Wheat
1:10 2:15
.. 2
Assignees Agent.
I hill
1:15 ( 1:9R,
G idelic , May 30. 1"67. sw2t
oar per ..............10:00
0:60 ®0:66
...... ... (d 0:60
Pmon.................... 0:60 •' 0:62
THiS is to certify that the Co-partoer@hip
Potato' pair bwhel........
0:60 " 0.00
heretofore existing between roue Dob
Frush Butter per Th ........
0:00 " 0:14
son A Bole, orae this day dissolved b,' mutual
Fop per dna.............. 0:10 " 0:44
eo ment. All debts due aid firm memo Ie
per th .........
00:10 " 0:12
paid to Isaac A Sto.ddaed J. Dobson, who
Bee( do .............
0:10 " 0:12
will continue the manufacture of Brooms of
Iwwdoe, May 36, 1 R67.
Fall Whet, 'r bath supenor 2 20 ,il 0 00
Npriag wition ,d", ....... i R6 I 1 95
all descriptions.
R. J. DOng3x,
Flee', per 140 Iha ... ..600
i otter ........
6 2A
0 11 (4 4 121
-- ---I eb, Meek Ist, 1867. .1111
Penn..:::: *. o,........
6 66 06"
Darts, ........do...........
Ha, ......... ........
o ce 0 63
4a 0 4R
11 00 1400
M E L O D E O N S.
May 34, 1847.
Flea'-Reparior ...... ...1I
W haat- Cateda........ ..
00 • 10 2A
1 05 • 1 I O
rTHE s.bac"bet hon a number of New
Oats -Por 31 rhe..........
0 41 • 0 43
Cabinet Organs and Melodeons for
Barley -Per 4e rhe.........
0 70 • 0 75
a.lo sheep• at he sale rooms, Market Square.
6 70 • 6 76
do Powis ............
7 76 a T 60
Godericb, May 20th, 1847. wlTlf
Dry Goods, Clothing, Booth and
Shoes, Groceries, &c. !
W Bil• 19 TIMWA,Ror.
Auction Hale, will offer the whole stock at such
sot eon Dot fol to eiket a speedy cleamnce.
^dereb, My ?7x.1, look- wig
Jas H. Itaows, 30th March, 1867. w111f
N rinr.',
t $ • ■ $ R 8 ■ ■ e ■ (
0o N er a , alienee,
"8 Kang rt., Toronto.
"'b''- To the Free and Inde'
of his "tock in trade' hook debts and notes to
David Law, Feq., iiarmilton.
Hap 20, 1867. wl7 Is$p•
General Horse and Cattle Farrier. Pendent Electors Of the
Of All parties
indebted to him are requested to pay their
\eW (,rocery Ilousc, North Riding of Huron
arcouoht to M. C. Cameron, Esq., who i•
aud,erted by the Assignee to make settle-
(i FV TI.x]I L`I r
W. W.PItPilLF„
or A I I.O It .
W h.l,i, f -i ,.hell .1.1.10, ute,it harrier, Under ordinary eirrnmataners the term
.nl ail n .,y acr.mm,da, n for the
e""y of the present Provincial Parliament would
Ameignees' Agent.
Goderich, Way 27th, 1867. wl" 41
Nlxr noon vo run BAw : or MOATwa1 4
pold,c,.1 Very bMntee.
terminate in • few dye, but since the pat
Iknm•.Iln r, Mn• 16, Ila7. 17w6mgp.
- - -- - ---- - - -- I
general Elaclion, svr, [rest political and
e matnational changes have taken Alar e.whieh
WANTED. exile for an immediate dissolution of Parha-
IN experienced Cmraler. Apply to ,he went.
'i1 adenigned, at the Gocenah Woolen These changes wen f.,rnd neeeaary, in
Mil:a, consequence of the man, difGrnitieB .rnmg
TH08. LOGAN. out of the proper carrying on, of responsible
Goderiek, Me• lat. 1pfi7. w15 if government ender the Union Act of 1840.
in 1"65 • for manr orae /arm-
'pose evisin
Election N otiee rd far Citi pevilor, rad a tJni, • the Bri for
the esieling e•ila, anA • Uni.n nae the lintieh
• North Amrnaau Prorincee won proposed and
agreeal b].m•
would c' a
1u ,u the 1'nh
I o
A8 Mr. Heys had called the following Under this arrangvinant we are to hate a
„ tea yon a
•/ ,,r•,falor a" ,, Jt+• ful"'I'd v •
Which he in prepared tO mak^ ^p em the
meslinga, i wish to Bas th.l 1 shall Gesvnl Lagiatetare and •Local hagal►ture,
"M" cat aea"^1pe"` i
•.ry shortest notice and meet approved mt
attend, and addrem the electors on candid. the former t^ have char a of maltasd of
ates for the Hoose of Commons, General Intervals, affecting the United Pro•
,rare• anchat
C H A R 0 E 8 M O D E R A T IE.
Brooke Cornea, W.wanush, 4ih Jars, at •ince., and the latter to have charge of Local
, C L ( r'
/}' All *,dein punctually attended to.
6 p, m. ..Iter@.
Mecrooie's " 5th " at Units, Ike' eireemlsnce, i hero coo
Cjfiig + I.
Ooderieh, April i1, 1867. w49tr
R p. m. rn1Pd al the r u"t of ma warm friends
Lurks*. •' 6th " at of all pnlitieal reed. in,nor r dela to barome
ot ^„even
w Air" ra ar ret
a^,p ^Viae "a :0 gen_ e.
R P 'a• o Candidate for the Local Legishoure of
Kugabridg*, AshdfieAlth June,al124r-in. your riling, and a one who ha raided
o ty
asehort""''r the Vt.rr..1
8 T. Re1"e1^be
Kinail, at"p. m. manyyarrs In the overall coding, and who
Q ,
Te r
Albert do '• at R p, a. take a drop interest in its welfare, i hope is
(9ig ^ad'. lY1LL1AY *tested never to hetn] the treat eoefidsd to
Mg iR, 1A66,
_ .IR me.
won. DUNowN
_ _ __ - __. Y► polities .re ,n asppo•t the bads of
THS CRLRRR ATI,D the coaliU^n in envying nue hioeesll the in-
QAM received •t hid non Wean ride '.far•
a+i kat claims", late ILquener
by i
y trntinls a(the Quebec Behamw, any aim to
Ba1114 Oibo F." in rn rt honest wen and baev&t mwaaares,
p lIIltohine 1 rP^
Merchant Tailor.
■ ■t^ek of
BoeU Bond b we, .bictr .rill b. sold at very
and to do all in my hnmhle ability to an-
L. D. SAWYER & CO. Ven' the i^'•rests o< your riding elf the
Urdarte►, Marek 9h►. lesL .fl.
t welfare of thin my native eaanlry.
Xanufmaunwii, I as well sect -,rated with manJ in the
P$V Ili1r.LA BOV
R A It I L T 0 N, C. W. ,td..e, but i %halt shortly Irk* it my bmi
room to sail me tines in floor distrust town.
THE erda C -A bar to rnaanss to the ship.• -hen I $"I alplal. my ftelples '
in an" variety. From iI6 eta upwards.
hrm"re of the Calm, of Remit, ,het omit and lin 1, moot ^lbes franls for
he Primitives to act a h^^ort wben yae rot have an nppnrtenity Oi
fall atld iealrel, and you -01 be mew
sp. , of the alnnve
fi, w, and .ill kat hepp% to to@."" ^rdon rot )sdginf on te she rBBpmetl•B rp•hi"lir 411
Shephard wr Strachan.
y' wM DQIfCAN.
their leaehie. ft lona the In prim diploma the mnd'do"B.
at the Incl Provinelal Trial, Bell L ( may ry that i am a admirer of B'iltsb
floderieh Mar 1 BIT. . 6
y 2 1
is all a"Ps' a "d cess machin. A emarPxiOw, and am prepared at an] time w
iJAVE been reA,rp.olad onto domit of
- - - -- - e
T/l QLdn Q
spweiwse m"ehine will be on elt ihitinn .a fight in the sold or ,n any other sphere in
n 0*d"rieb for the dale of tla "lebnled
a v u O•
the Market Hanr, Gtlderieb, when Mr. M, lih, b maintain that connaliee.
Whitely id aetMriesd to Iws&iw i remain evntloo",
Eater Fdctary Chw.w,.
VOR BALE, the art Sleas•mnb'. Mord r@
"' Ywn sae' aMBAiently,
LOeal Irian rppli*d •t the Parlor,
i fM .kb+ Tkoa"Nr-tkn le swinglarwnlaf.
end wit sot obey. A I to
]taw Anew, e+armb
0-4evieb, Mar 11, IR47. •1711 Goyderie► April A, 1867. wl 11/
GoAGACh, My 21, 11167. w141r.
Aged M, 100. .1411'
WDEPENDENT 1'...ty of (Heal., { N the (J ue"ty Cnurl ,.¢
County .1 Hurun, ` ,he Counlr of Hun•u,
I^ thin .error of Retort Haoall, an I undvenl
Un laaeday, that ymt► day.1,017 Best, ,he
r \ 1 undrrwrned wd1 apply to Ilia ledge, o! Ise .call
ELEC 1 OR S C See r , do ably o r pail IN Bail
8rfun►, 1161hi day of April, A. D. 1667-
OF THIi, by M.O. M.CA 4TOME1,
hL Altwaev, ad Lmrw. w t6 tan
Prewaew or Csoeka 1 r V the C«raly ('wan N
OF THE ZeIT of till-. the Closely of Hue".
Is the .■mer of Jaaeph Trutt, an 14.dvmo1.
COUIRTY OF HU ON. (la 8euou se the Huth day of Jelly qua. mA
VV til 1 1 1 V LL l raderusuw rd: apply to IM Jsdre of the Bark
won, nor a d.ecroili ander the raid Ael.
Seaioat► 9Seh day no April, A. U. 1867.
►L Attorney, w 13 tor,
Raving received the nominatmw of the 11SULVkNT ACT OF ieli4 ANU 1861,
' Reform Convention," and har ig been re-
q."led by men of all ahadee of politics to '-
o8rr m lr as a candidate fur the Cenrdian Pe`v:-6 M Canada,+ N aka Coanly t1"ert cal
yar Cwn,r of Heron, i tae Cwmv oA Ilares.
louee of Commoae for your Nid ing ; i .m In the rnattvr of John Brett, a Inr•)ve.1.
now in t►e field claiming ]oar suBrages on a (h, ».lsldav, I",-rlte Jay w Juh' .eat, the
tepmeentative, Underwp+ed will apply to the Judg• "!the rd
As there aro no real uestions now Vali fur • discharge seder .b. rd AeI
P 1 f )- Se0(un6, 451► J.y •.7 AyrJ JAIIN BMETT,
romineod hefore Cha eolmlr Confedno
ion being an accomplished fret -it is a• by S, C. MICA r;C H f. 7,
neceerry in • short address like thin to bra Attorney, ad Gtar.. ael5 tit.
peculate on what the future may bring forth; INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864;
or to submit &try particular ^r specific plat-
ers 1 ma], however, ry that 1 will em- Province of Caladar In the Connte Can't of
brace the earliest opportunity of sisiling ea.h Count) of Huron the County of Heron.
oeality in the Riding .rid explain my views In the Matter Ot F. . Armatroaty a icsa•
airly and fully on both local and general went.
matter@: such as the necvemits of eneoerag On the Eleventh da] ofJwn next, at tea
ng emigration, our trade with ibis United oftbe cluck, ,n the forenoon,theatdenigned
tater,-economy in the management of our will apply to the Judge of the rid Court, al
ublic departments, and the conduct of the hu Chamfers, in Cha Town of Goderich, in
secret aeann of The courlry aid Count], fug a ducbarjed ander the rid
Meantime, ABL
1 have the honor to be, Dialed at Godd ich, in the County of Baron,
Gentlemen, this 211-A dry of March A. D. 1867.
Yuor ohe'nt Nn't, F. W. ARMSTRONG,
a Insolvent.
Joseph Whitehead. M. C. CAMERUQ.
Solicitor for Insolvent. wlolia
Clinton, April 18th, 1867. wl3 _
Province d Cana.h, I In Ibe OOu.v courf of [lee
(;,Mly a( Huron, f c.wnry of Hurun.
ISSOLUTION of FARTNEltsm 1. the matter ed J. w. k;u-,,, ora oro,, ma,.
On the rhrnv-Rot dev,dJulw next, at len ..(the
THE eo•patnenh,p heretofore to- al,ng br• dunk, ,n the fwawoi-tae the mad-riuc.el wnl{ a,•s-
twretheundrnqmd,un.Irtee6mcad P', to the Judie of lhrssdeuurl. al hi.cA+.her.,
slat .•1 W. Jt C. Smi-ord, a general merchant, '4'he Tow„ of 1:oleneh, ,n wd cwutr. fur
a domelvrd ee the Imb Marsh Ids, by mutual it.. barwe under the said Act.
ac it. Chule•oeovnl ..If pay .II lite Iubdh- Dated .1 Oodene►, rat one County of Hero^,
, aid collect .11 the dela .f the late firm. t►i• ,went,-•r•t day w M. , A. U., Iho.
J.mI. L'oaar,LLg, w17 par Y. C.C.sma".bsanoeery.
Wpuua A.Oaa,dw I Executors. _
6iw ron Sx-caa. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1884.
Ia anis matter of Cera a Crrrel, o the
In refa•renea to the •blue, the unJeniesed wIk f
.ry.. W. bwun.wal [he uw.laud w ►Low. village of IYingAtsm, is the C..fp
Ce"u"t' of Iliaron, as Insolvent.
Luck.uw, x7th May, ibb7, will 3to 1'11III. creditor@ of the IoMd•ent are notified
A liver he has merle rn amlgwment of him
-__ ._ estate and effects, under the ab lie Act, W
me, the undersigned assignee, and they are
required to furnisS me, within fro a.rnlrs
from whit date, with their claims, specifying
the seen ty they hold, if •n,, mod the Value
of it ; rind if none, stating ilia fact: the
whole."de .oder oath, with the vuuchen
AI'YKEHENSION in support of each claims.
Ola Uutsd at Goderiek, iu the Coanly Or 11swoa,
this eightent day of M.v, 1867,
D E S E RT E R S. ne hUL omarly
w12 OfTscial wi;(nee fur Coaly Horan.
N O T I C E Insohent Act of 181'4, 21101 the Amad-
18 HEREBY GIVEN, »ants Illrreof
THAT the f-IIp erg rew.rdm writ be pad for In fire matter of Thoma Good, of the Towe-
Iha dppeh•a,anof ■htp n(Colborne io the County of ll.run,
AV A L DESERTERS, Y"•.rn.a. Irrrol rent.
.ray pan of C,.rL, &m1 fur oa(.r.n4 b.n IwarE THE Crednun of the Inwlvrnt are narrow that
to The Conviction of nerve. arwst,.g desert- he h•"made •n Aw.,KmueN of lin entre Brad
.irb, under she ,bove An, sit) ,o- amerreh-t,
1.". I the ...knrgnrd As,g,oee, .ed,bay .rem•
.-For ,6 Vrehensiee raesrhi ori t. r. laming q„i,.,d b, fmt•eh "'-'Ill " .oro nwnohe scum tb,.
veer 1667 p. t7 le, ,n ■dJmon t" es poor.. Jr r, with Men'Limo, apo yinsf the,.errm•
sd ea nal C.- re•ra, • lunh•r award w Wural they holt, J ay, aid Ibe value r4 a • aid .l
peciol ertvumr•ocr. iii slamg the feel ; eke whale Mirmed Bader
-Penally for pervading prrr,natode rl m eel h, with the •"-here I. •wppaw of swb
pmprry • t themselves• 120, case -elf to Mums.
informer. JOHN HALDAN. Ja.,
.-Pa•IIy Ior widtms, mncealing,ha,b-o Official Assignee• County of Heron,
or employing demwners, id0, one -hall to the J, F'. C. H.hlra9 Law Cheoabow.
,vola'"g ,a Goderich, Ma I1, 1867. w11
-In addition to whrcA lu naltted, Y
person giving Information leading to the -- -
vrrtwn of Bay person or persons prwuring, INSOLVEN'r ACT Off 18Ft4.
rc1, C' or Bar Ni.e dernen wall reeuve a ,
be, reward a X10.
A. F. t. D•HORBEY. In the Muter of Thiene Ads d the Village ng
W'..x err in the Coaly of Har.., an
fen dor Ofsrrr. 1 ".ot sal.
lit. Lawrence •rad Lakes of Ca.Ode. The crtdnoaw M it. Insolvent are notiMa tot• I
M. q. „Auror.,"at Quebec. he hu aink •n Ar,r.m i of he ".I. ■rad
Yarrcb 23, Is67. .11. -Bret•. lades the at-,- Aef, to Ise, the enje -
,or N Marro, I T)Y v,na of a writ of Yen
To Wit: t B d,oum Expense ■lir
i Far,.• reud,e. v.oed urn .1 Her Majew y',
my Cou" "(the Veoontr of Wcntw.n ar
mr d,recied aK.,nN the Iand. and tarrcwaeor
.h. McAuly r the .rut of W lham fl• laor
se r,ded wad taken ,a execution ell sit,
later that ponten or,nrlul land end prem
valuate, Ia•ms ,dl belcg m the township
ror,n the County of Bruce, containing hl
t, mmUn-t one hundred seM N peed, bt
m0me mora "r ler, end being romptrrd of
umttw eleven, in the fifteenlb coot..... of
Townemp.flint—, m the (roomy of Brors
Haid, watch 4ad. eel renr.en1. 1 .heal nater
Ile a my .ill- ,n the coat h.0r, rn Ill.
ors offirder,eh,n. wednral.y. lhetwenly.
nth dray of February, at the beer of Ivett
4 -lock, noon.
81i Hurun.
W. Once, Gede"ek,
1ph Jauuary. 1867. ` wt
he above R01e ie pwtpwed -0 week, till
5th of Mach, Ls8'!,
be shd•e Ile I• ton ter ppaemmprm•d HII I.tk
Irk. Is67, rrrw piece end A.or.
be at. rtes further frompoeded till the 11h
, 1867. wiD
he abn•e gale ie further post; orad uot,l
salary, the 14th insl., at rine place and
r. -- w 1 S.
The above sale ie farther postponed until
sdmy, the 28th ilei. w-16
h" &has@ auto is farther postponed till
@day the 4th day of June beat at rote
a and some hour.
nty,A He-ea,IDY •r`^` d ■ Wrn n
T" Wit o 117 Yeednm^i Espana ev
Bored out of her Mejewyls Co.Mv Moral of Ili,
ray nl M"M lee s, rand la m, directed sgunm
L.ada and Tenements ce John Caly, at the
of I—.■ Harvey Smith .rad Allen Smith
r.iiW I hone rued ail taken m Eiteculios 161
aqM$ prat any. tie 1011 ewd renrde, I"
din Pa .r tn.•in of t"ni• end ptemira
ae IvinK 4nd WI ,n the Tawnahlp of Torg•
kerrV, in the CwAry of Heron. and Prvnar,e n
ale, containing Iry nlm".".N.t eight]
leve sere. Ion Ibe din.' • ore co Ivey hetng com.
posed, Knl of the wh.le of hit number terealy-at•4
ner•rwdn C, M the rd TownsNp,e traps IN
weorety stns •eMu(th , acid hal. better, fres cue
ysd to "^e Semue. M. W alk-' Ay indaoturf
ing date the Ilah day of Uretnbea, A. D
lab,and secal.dly nfthie whole M lot numb.
My-"n,n ecru. -e - 1:, r the mid Tosca
.egtrpT,t he erewrdey shy acres M ib< ru
Temo otos c'wtv.yM td. ossa He.thae (mall
r.der+ter a baenog date the Ion► day of t4"u.
A. D. ISM, whfeb Ide,M sed Iowrnene
1 otkr fat x10, st my ,^-a, 1. Ili. C.ur
.Iran, n the town of O.dtrich, a" Trewfer IM
aanlh d■y oaf Apni seal, a the beer of twelvn
the .lock. aeon.
Rb* two.04",Grtdaseb, S►.nf H.
ilk► cavi►, 1667.
The above rib it poehperoed month Tadeday
feort Both day of Mary rat. at s•mt
lass MA deur.
t'be"I I skis i. rarfbN POO*Gbw sell
sesI 7, the 2816 loot w 14
The alnndv rl. ie forth*, prmtponed nl
a red. rhe the 4th dary of Jar moat, a
ma pjr and same boar.
The &be" w s a Mother peopomw Nt
G&T• l l th day of J see, at .ser tisk
'geed A-IKnt-e, ail Ihey ■m req "mil b• note Lh
me, wnhr@ two ,nonlhe I,nm thli dere, with iMnr
(tome, .rya, lyn of the - lied y ill" hold, if an,,
ail Inv ralmp of n ; ad ,f a.nr, wsi,en Ibe fare I
rbc wholaattewedo,ukr oath will. the vurcben
.s support N aua•h charm•.
witial mt Ud.Mncb o the County of Hurun,
t►e twrmy-thud day d May, Iw87.
wig 0/eki Aswssee, ae Mama.
Insolvent Act of 1864 .
John Converser Charles E. Culson, Jubn
Ptai fTe.
John Dcaolas,
Deteisda at.
AW RI l' of Attachment baa indeed w this
»ber,4 flrne.
ekerif . UBfrv, (lplariak, r
hilli Ib67. ( fvwtl
—.._ _ -. - __.. -
fly rltF
"armor Caron rwmsomhot to "Poo. " yaw
"the T.ok,,.Ma,IM.:enrol.fth. Uos of of
H.nnn.Crbnn. Battery, we now ooler our ser•
•Ion e^ replelal von at Ilia IBM 'I m dhiop,
Har I., oe.l b.num.
H•vanc been Rn•Jwwto d the Cewmy fru a
amber of order.. and rad h•vins rine M a.ko
e persona, nnV&ss, o, ,hue wtahmc M team,
nor core.. she great querwow.., the J y. w..
,eM MK to et.lr that weare,kzWk-0lor Iq fee.o
,w Uwlarhuon. pen 0nd romple. (' C•wl
pt, lamPs and CAewv,ryw .m ol,ew lar drr lilt"
We wilt warmly wrppan, believing 14.1 Me
mo.e amour that tok, place the credbrr swmhre
of -I,,,- v0 he requ„ed to make thea- Ia.re
eomp,wr Wal Anile w fwf, wevk of ssom,ew
4d rd, Unhook .w .,If .I( eie•p.
wmdk•cdmdrt -pp-, allhoasb wu b.vm l.w
anndxM 1.,ru rd.ch a I.rse fix of B.ad agar..
Baby carra4en, Ch,ldran'e toy", ha.
pee aro reclined en Ion the rhe r know that
we an rlL•s 6 Milk Pswe lin sl d, 1 hair
boos ng forge dunes would do well M cell r
Su ata At U. stills.
We dill an.rotlncvll h•vin` last received a new
work ot Feon, (J -,W.. &ad n I.w"r 0-40, I I
ffrown amt ,mptMad ; . I e &.e•rllaeel of
1t1w1 Parrish& •nil Agncunura( Impl.m s. rl,.
ins very .beep,
We are r er"IT &ttarbd fu ail pante& having
sood banned, We he,• d la's. ,s ...^, 0r
To" dad Uelvloo and Ed" TmusM " lamed.
w6nrhi will be pot •p lw the mart werkesrnhe
mare,! ha, ng had d peed MI et 0.porteewl
in Ibe.tuVa Ila. We gaemomie rt.0.4w.
Or""a •all.
1 M PtGV R o till Tf
Under tbe weer Co.wnent". we ora &ow mow,
ed td keep up wit► the A " in Nt ,.prorBmeam
ie 'Tiswsev. Thew .how mses,y crew
'i re,Ae should g,Vs r a mail a vet., 44.
we bahras an. Thew Mover M pre , kne'af
I NOW dmfs -h -hells lldm wV w wait te ft"'w
ee a Gall, .ad by ma da,^e wit shcw nbsw r.
toehmaet b. the.a.ma wbeb w ed•beaN.
Our loo- reel name a Pa,Tecobndw.
001" nwltw- rww.04 (Tit).
i Ow P.dd,ce nee l rs ora..
On, Arar.ln,amo. •11 kawMof JsNdes,
Ne hero the bcin.e to be, Omnifont",
I fur aedd.eat rtaati
I clan Af ARV t DAVID.
f•a. gent Is, 1 T, wad . -d