HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-5-31, Page 4f
__N I .... . ___ �, - - --,-, I I 1 _ �_11;11_ . , . I 1,
- I,
0e BARRY & BRON A T 6ro6eq and Provision Stere( C-*Iy Hurng, Y r,tsue w • Wrn w 20 ACRES OF SALT TERRITORY
N Ta W I, °' B *ter, ni u, lural °°' cLorEB I aID cLo1Ee A to 1.�' nal, as.d �n .� .dj�.al In
of Her Y•� Th Courts Coup a the United lM Nicer Maitland, aad fort cul of
CHEAP CASH STORE mrsi"ehaxmrkds Fest .d to m.dlDeted Juaspbnk'•, Alleasdrr's, in wJouhite,
miclusd aud.riellRad-. Rtatio 6.1d frontingtb.
I HAYiNGseated and fitted rip the store ASSURANCE COMPANY. •p111 *ad
lora\ ad 16.sonsu w hard Lao.baokaAAleuudrwinwb,le,bla�kand 1 4r os
CABINET MAKERS ii lately occupied by A. F. Ruth. fur %4* fleck •■d J•mee Gla goo IM son W the cask in T. n l.q-..r, ton.aaieal fur , aidin
Ouawean, I ase now prepared to (uroiab Dolan. The largest Stock in the CALD. s. `
W Montmi,l usre es,a..l ed takes mEla«vita^ CHAR. E. AKCHIDALD. into alaelh Ii.A 1 to,
TI�E6a HAtl 1UST ARRI Vt.) . l.. ..it uilies will 19 AND 20, CORNRILL, LONDON ENGLAND. _,,,,Ilat °N° " Y1.a all anal singular he
gc tsr r certau nvl l�rw.lulland•ndpren'ue•rluau Uoderiok, Aotwt 22nd. 1861. •r10 f'I' T ,,.
I r '1 k as wunwra sal Ivin,l{{ ad lel° m the 1'.wsehiD of Calburee, ta W1tiATHE11A1.i),
1 ` _ , Croeerles and PrroTifsicns the Cuu ty "I Naos and Prvvwer of Case" 1 Godorhvb.
WOOD -YUAN EIS . r�o ed srflliY4 DRi GOOl1S 1I■lamblshallsellattheLowest Cash price. CAPITAL, (Folly Subserillrtt) - - l�,5A0,000Slerling. rWl.mwg by.Jnuwwmmealnaehuodnalea'ms HEMLOCK BARK WANTED Ne*'19.,as#. w45tf
w►u h .vr been selecte,l with ,ue W must rue. hu eh• some .tarp r Is m., cuh.tird, of lot _- a
AND UNDERTAKE Ill" Jul( oovelUes W the Inde w -y n w k. Floor and Feed INVESTED OVEE, a9.1)DO.000 -DEPOSIT FUND IN CANADA, 160,000. aumL.r ane Is north eumreau., Wasters IMPROVED FARMS
•o.v.o am.. rarloss a hu ea&6.n, r". Ile dnwonottheaa,J u.rnaA,D, .\Ick (Ade ■d II IIEgubserib«rwafats 1000eurdscf Ilam I'Or SPIE
la de,rnwl.ad n. JJrasrt O puriblr, alike is kept constantly On hand, T'eren -,s 1 ah.11 ofim W sele, 1 Ins Wliar, .. luck Bark, for which the hilt heat m.rkgt J
I Dnae, 4u+bly .IIS gueW gad AuJ a W A sham of,our ppaatronage will he thank FIRE DEPARTMENT , the a oats Hoa m the 'fur■ of Ood<r,a•h, w pt ice will M prid its crib on delivery at his 1
Hamilton St„ G}oderiehy 1 f., ihues boa a•-rr%'n.g n the t.,unew tae *goal fully received and fait1rZ11y attended to. TMJuI 14, Principle of the Con i -any has bees the eaabluh..rt of a equitable T'uarhyy t twenlT filth day Jsse °eat a lbs ,ant at the Dock.
lit any holes I. tun doex'"wn, be c„ukdeua:v coon, rl.erp.ng .. all c. -a • preuau. ,p.na.ustp lit the n.►, hour d1welre of t\e rl.mk..uo.. W. M. BAYAQIi. OT 14, con 4, HOwick, Joe acres, 50
rSEP l .4, lslha public lit call sod eaunma ha a.,ek, Wiaea sial Ligoora, f neleery 'the bursas welch ha.+«rojed the Cwnpu."'s uprranoas hu teen a.,' s fully to ••Lae the JOHN YACDONALD. L sem cleared, ashen Lot J3, coa 14, R.,
{,constant) on haud for sale al! art)- I W ,.I'., ngwne saya-csnuns of the lhrrclue, Who
hoe rawul".1 wetted the beu•.s.• more w.l.lr, Shang II, WOOL! W Ol) L ! WOOL 1 s aeosb, 200 acres nl tae latter 100 or 2a
„T whish.. avmp.iaod w its lod.,ws, vis:
deb us their line, such a PRINTS, for c,A.., ,s . morose it -wall", and Glassware,)' alley Goods, tad now ullrr to the C'suud .. 1.04.r. Sheri/. attics, Olderioh, ' :am* to suit purchasers. Terror Uagral
Betirtliada, Chairs, Tables, flow to w:o caul. per yard. &t., ORlmeal, Cornmeal, FSflFECT RECIIRITY guusataed by large Subscribed Capital, and Invested )alb Karelia 1867. .8 F1 IIF subscriber is prelared to paj the a nawuabla credit given on a paymgaldOW
SOile, dtC. FANCY DRENS tAlOpO assn•"Iv ryndlrJ FUD ---- __- h highest market price tar anr quauuty u a.
e thn.eMma 1. sayle•nd quality, twin Its Sul liuel,vibeat Fleur, rProugn N,ulru,em of Cl--. The hlrvclor, alJ Ornrrcl Ag*eta, bring gentknun Ivgrlr on- X _-- w,bl Titl.su,Jlspatable. ApllJlit
UI kinds of word turning Inn*, •eek as ,.Data, D ). I gagedia Cumnwne, wall take • III—] .aid Wnnegrl,►. clew sal •11 qu,awus CY ag Wore tLrlu. , wool. - -_ - R. FRAIdCa,
a�..+� ,r .,d SLe , &C SHERIFFS SALE OF LANAE•
Pool posts, stair bannisters, oeckyokes, ase 1•C-ATI(B4 AND C'OBl1RUS, ,o .11 grade., G.
�g I1mI(ly
Always tau haud, a complete I bulh,• h.rrd and plain. a0 AL aIi 1 LIFE DEPARTMENT. County of Hums //'pYrime W • Wnt d L7. N. DAVIS Nay A- IN66..__ IIs
ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS It46ACHF,p CU)'TUN9 very, "cry ,(wap, AND The Company alters terms to lh.aeakstnng Lde Arun. ry unsurpowera by easy Life Office. to lou: M Fir. of le•w ri lou AN U FACit1KEft AND DEALIN IN
fnnu 11111 u1• per c•rel. YaNtunle Pnuauuu•-Perlrct Erruny-Eno■wiy of m...gen.ent, tsdmx lit ..,ma- the Buses o(Her Ma rv'a County Cuuts sal the United i<1 9wv.• Ploughs.nJ GuUag• of every de-
wd a f►EAIi,SE to bile ou resaonhble team COAL OIL LAMP 5' -1,k. a- Pan,--tal'aa brdq .mons whom 80 for cent sal yroku ■m Jn•u,Me• Cwnues u Nucor sal Ww•e, old lit me dlnttcJ wry ,ria. Itia,l'up,wr -.d NA<a lros Wu.,+, Balt Te �'t
AC rINIY COrrONS, from h awes Cbl.. petal u.e mouth atter pr, of of death. --
GOderielf. May 3rd, 1866 15*6m' �pf.�,�u,."..4,,��,!'�,,,-.,,:�,,�-.-I.,
. against the Le oho and Tenement- to sal Andrew b N. the utelgww Depot, Parket square, Ua,d•-
- - - celebraled C.ssali.■ Yeea• L. I'1'.ItGUSON. ♦oJutb.•alrassgn,whr•hlosshaseensstheGatorpsy'sPrwp«•tu+. Hsized and a ahalouulJohnY.,. .1 ►avvST011ES s 1 YES -T Morland Watson & CO word ■1d taken a Barcuuon thefollow apr'^b'r��b4poIIE s wWont n ha to any au,•pag,
rubor bar tb MIs « P. 9. -Goof• will be delivered, is an g p property, via : all sue right title •°d lulrrlu sal O O a L O = !,g aommp♦al for a royally of w,e-6ft•gnk
a "ted, at wbolraele Pncrr, part of the town. General Agents fat► fJ=". the aad de+rnd•pt to cud lit Lot sant her forty ! of Ihe os, jos half acre of 4.d, *n1a
Nhswl,, Nh,tsiug Goderieh. F•.b.2od• IRIS. sw45 Faen. Cos a. eswa Arvu' •urvey..aths VJbgeuffle•lorth.sa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. .bout our r hundred feet front hood •itis
�• -js� M•I.nr•. Tawdng Secretary. the l ounly.N Heron, wawa Icds .d Te tae- malOil Lam ,ke.,4le. Old lros, Cop- ted about eighty yard• from IM resea
*sonic 1 d.•11 Derr 1'w N•k, 6.m ,raf..v, ,n ane LT(% �'• P 1
_ .ST Ry WIa10e Cfoals. Wodras OFFICE, -3b5 ANDx67, ST. PAUL 9 rHHET, MONTREAL.. *,Was. Rags sol I lokiage cad Sheep\.• Goderic►Sall Work&
�" `'` O = MA,I.-, .1. 4141 T Coasts H, sage.,. Ili. Town ofU.r1)erN u. ata 'Curr �e• to esakeaCs. fr)11 For further Particulate • ! k (eller
'� 3' STORY p J6 & V g SEEGMILLER' �r Iwsptr ter o/ A`ewciµ day the twenty oath drry ..1 )u°e esxt, a tks hour 1 PP 1 1 0,
Ni�ks C.dlonedes L personally to
N y Vcicru Dnlhug H. MUNHO, o.Tsa.r.. T.C. IVI, os"roN, P. L. S. W ewdre. flherlock, noun. _-- -- -- pe 1
td Y„ po ol.gh.rm Keutu.•ky (sea rINNN ��{� : JOHN MACDONALD1, SHEJ3IFF'S SALE OF LANDS. E. CAYPAIGNL,
�, Fl.nnek Rwtu? I H.UARDINF.R as CO.,Axvut-for Oarde.ch..J Leekaew ; W,o. Msadl, Riae•nlise ; J.ebs , .yMn/1 Jfsrsr- KKppter of County Gaol,
Bfauk.ht Rr sti• N6.tsm Jamieson, Wdkerlus and -, coo. sw74 Sheria'sllale..Oodencb, Count f Huros. t j�Y rules of . R'rd of Goderieh, Iles. 6tk, 186a. w46t1
Cl1 Q Hosiery Nnln,ng Ntn}we Parch 5th• 1867. 0 •� Tu wnl t B Puri Face. used of -_.,-_. -
I'd . sp,s•el *;lura. Trkm�� ll E A L E I S _ .f Hsr Ygeay'• Cursl] Court of late United
xMM I Tun.mu.g. Ftsaaeis eouaties ata Hero. and 1lrueo. •aJ to m* downed
I'dm Bu,kla. Con.,.. IR SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS• yy ria the !Ands end Teoemenls w Joseph FOR SALE.
lfuop R►irh. W I.J.. Ilulla she _- H 'a.lw•k, a the bust of Arthur Mitchell, 1 have
0 Wggtug 5r,.. as,!., dre. LEATHER FIKDIN6S 1 Count of Hurou, 1�Y nnue of a writ of sena l .ad tabor to Eaaaanos the right
[ O Y ) D fltH E subscriber oQen for sale is the 111.
Beira W of n,a Bags is blob collo° •■J li.an e w wan : } Fsen Farts owed at •d ,nu,rN .f Ili* esd dNs«.tai Joseph Hon- a I sof [Jrlfut, 18 miles fres (Joy,rick,
�ey - very ,boom. ghc.,5tc. T 1 ) of Her M.jssly's forts of duck m e% to Lot Nu nhor F,na.n . the -g
- tea Queen'• Hen, h. and to use duerkJ • airs.! the Fwna"ab eoaa•ra.un oflhc To weshlp f Hoa- and 3i mils from l.ucksow, on the N
d I Hats and Caps in Endless 1'arksti ! GODERICH. C• W. H [T l� U l� _ FOU U N D RY • Lands •ad Teuemenls.N Mary Russell, a -be Ick In the o°url" of Hurua, which laud. and am (inrel )toad, °ts`
'd b CLU '1' I11 N („ . Fehr.ury 12, 1663, w47 • I lou sal Hemnett Ifill, 1 have .e sod and taken In te.emea� 1 .ball ewer Jur sae, el soy ntltce, m A GOOD SLAC%SMITH S14OP
- (7 --- _ __ _____ 41� `-� D -F iIL .` -D M-= Ex«ulwn the 4 terco o Phe said dole •II IM the o -s house.
m ,hr low■ W UuJen. fa os
y !� right wk ■.J b4I.. of the wy..,aesd.■1 i• Ili... r Ike hath ' of Jul" tae a, a 16e boor e�
Y to which )ben V attached • }yy,
//�� and to those socertaine pwnrl. ea. iwle f 1.•d .(twelve dittoes �yyy;I boom ; a good garden, I of on arra of land,
to .m I ' G R O C E K I E S ! NOtltie to WOOL VrOweis• sit u•ie I uNl 4, n the wwshl of Alue I JIUHN MAC IX)NALU
yi. _ °= i P Shrnlf fturue. tad a Rood call of water. This a ase of
mule. Is Ihr swots sal Bruce, contauend LT •d•
Q - THE undersigned would M= 10 infafm kis ottea.uretgv l two hundrd .,m of (bad Iso Us 'th«,&4 (1fL<, Codero:h, + the beat blwninge for • blacksmith le if,
Hug -locals ad Mueeuv.do Yug.r• very cheep I consumers and the public that he will tame more or Iree, bring composed u1 Lost. *win I la April, Ike7• l -2 CwtnlT cf Huron. All of which will be
n I , a%s 10 Jtanrs YuuU. al Nrtl:,al Sugar, Yety again, during thio year, be fund pertondly urn 71 •nJ 33, m ahs lounh ruorerlu°, E.a W wld ekt■p, u IM wkscriber in abous to,
j ck''ap• In attendance at the Wonl Csrding and Cloth- the Bury RwJ of the aore•e.J tuwnsblp d AIA* on a -farm. Terse 8410u, halt
hall 106arrrl+ Crukr•lluef and ground s°gee' ins business al lha old stand, Piper's Mills. mule• welch L.nda and Tenemest. I.bdl u&ei MONEY TO LEND ' `
al Jur rte nt nor rlrce a the ('Forts Huur, a the met in Ow year, if Solt erre ,
o fp reit ,bc.p• particulars apply oat the rem
1•[..71]v .�t .� I) i+',K l'1' until kis new factory its 'fawn ars cospleted, tow•° of Oadcn,► us 'fue.J.v the E,ghteeelb .r Pea 1' 1twa,
A° ,..,men* asw•t of Too, *shneieg and hsvinZ had the macbiner connected da / Juar nest, st tee buur sal Twave of The > letter poetpaid to
1Ya 1:I('Tli'I 1 b:lt CF.N'1'
T I N '%CT 11 Ii. 3• . 1 Dune 11)ron, .Congon, with the same put io Row[ aorksog order umOlTi��Wt�_6
- .i ' clue► •wits to arms or NEIL CAIIPTSF{(L
"-"- Jnpnn, 4,uohcnlr, der his own personal nuperiuteudenee, cos- -'�`'" JUHti vtcU1/NALD. Belfast p. o. Towrwhip AT'A•h6eTwanka Pekoe ha., U %omen mu rel u rota wtufactur workman E WORKS'. ! bent of Hutwt Ont Hundred Dollars and n wards. f
COALOIL, y, T T f T p �p� ♦� late Hatusdc Bewa p County o Huron,
\YHOLESAA AND IISTAIL. COFFEE of vsriow'q.elitei*. ship- R ■ R U N C I M A N & C V • `Pelflu 'r'1Nb A MOORE, Jan _ - *24"
Fenn'. Utaae, u.drrub, l oars 31, laa7
l'un a.0 tlurgar N B. -in rarturcin thanks for the liberal ! - _ -----
_ (., say --- -
g nth Y•n•A, leNf7. tiulw�,lo-
SW Coal Oil Lainppee, kc. Ac. Old Iron, I7:,r", . M' word support of former Tears in the above busi I ManiliactllI'er8 of Grist and Flouring Mills FOR BALE.
Copper. Brass., Word Psekmds. and Sheep Skin• B, a ues _ new, he hopes by strict site. ion to the same til CRAMafSi . 1"4 BLOCK` l T
veka m exchange. Na go lade to still receive a share of rohlic palronaR., SHEEtIFF S SALE OF LANDS. I 1 O . No, 16, 3rd con. Wawaswb, roep►
J. S: J. STOI.Y, n u.,.. L-ria.e. TrIOS. aZa.,R V - --_._ ---- _ _ I� ins 50 ■ores. 15 seven cleated. The 1.4
Peppers lieu:•( rh AN. Circular. Mulav and Sash 8a,w-Mills County.fH..", IY ,,,I- W a writ ofl .s situated 12 mi fromGoderieh, W fA
ate• Sign of the Large Coal Oil Barrel. Goderich, 25th, March, 1867, . • • w W a : f t F,c,. Facts#. Leased .of 33& O T\T � 'L �_
GoderKh. March last 1669. will -If . Pact lr. I.
h _ _ be sold on resealable terms for rub. Apple
.f Hrr y.ledv's County Court sal the C'umtly w
C,tfN Blue - _-. W•Irrlho.,a.dto,- d.eeetid • e.aa the Lad. AT to J. B•GO&WAI
_-- -- -- N.^Inc. �J• )Ylortgage Sale of Lands. r? , ► ff r+ , , '� .,d Tear..pnl u(AALur Ynchsll las Jeledant 1LIC3ti'1 , •[C 71 a$zv'1'
1�TASTLI�iG NEWS 1,1 t,r- Llquu.re ,c>, ��,�GI ,L ,it, I� ��,',T1 - or F. CAl1PA1GNt:, r
:1,•rulr N.,mgst tithe salt W Marne C. Lutz Jsms Cowen Lent On Mortgage. Nov. 23, 1066. w44t(. at the Grl.
M.......• dert-Arc.. het -I EPAVLT harm; been made in III p•,• 9 the P'•Intta•Ih ir,sesud.nd.slea-n Exrcul,mj -I
TOBACCOS OF ALL t38ADES 1 mens of Morg-ge m.de by Tho, P . r a Gt=r 1�T a i : ■,� all that censor p.ror. tar Incl W Lend and prem•'
ST1CPiIEN3 de R BERTH Vsnt:rery end 4:eurge Itumball (and their r1Iyt�17ii1L d� +,T t1C aZTl` L ars ..t a.re l .rid n H,r Tnw° al I Apply a ! y�
wives jou.nZ for the purttose of herring ��ry*'n■ R Foidwih in lying
being ".."Is i, the I W M. R. RA1N's F Will
Field and Garden Seedso dower,) bearing date %lie 2'2iid September. SEPERATDRS iii\L HOirS� POWERS■ Thirty of Huronrris more
or by .Cmrawr,,-t Chaeeer, areal Law Unice, Cnkh's block vie
ARRESTED. 1862. The following property will be sold y Thirty h:,Rht •rte. euro w kr home wmru.e l Godarich.
of .II that pen sal the Mill ane and Mall Pru,rA y, j f fm p sod s .else � 'sin tAe l..wktp .
t?- The pnntnyle sal the Htl+iner u : Cath or by Public Auction at P. M. TRI: EuAN': �uu,h of I. - waste; in the "fawn - I Fuphwlrk, I Godurieh. March Bib, 1867. aw35 , Sted.v e:d pera.re ; tests 2:, etre. n1. ssb
P 9:waw. {action ituoms, on the ah -re -0 n.gelher wdh •11 the bao'dalgs erected - ___ .eas*Ay, quarter .I lot f I- the 9th pee., w. e,
• Mowing and Reaping Machines, wood SBWn, thereon, W'h,. h L.nJ. tad 'renr„senta 1 •hell I Aehha,d, 6t per acre; sad fro Tow. Lo"
rho rub•cntwr I.•s to ae►mortals* hu n uric for Sal,, a sty l'llke. a the Court Ho-, I ' Oud-.ch,pnng $30.01- ,sob eno Naw.Ns. 4.
The are sent to Canada ,ha„�, L,,,,1e „err ati<.,,, ray.nloan . <,- second dap of A ril next, at 1, noon T �Oj� T T,� g
Y g i ) p J CJVLT=Q.OTOR$, r�gW0 PLCYUCA- , 11, 1 1`�
sed br the ,..d, sort Ou,.e. lhr •onduct sal the ander the Doren touWned in the esid Hort tithe Ton oft:ulrnch. tae 7l,e.l.r the F,wnh Ply to
NOBLE ACTION OF PRES. JOHNSON. tors nG.l.a the Iu1ure wall he lochs to mrru gate via: Lent running number One Thousand braerCastin •v made, -sad Ilifacksmiths'rrork dune ,n a nest and aub•tautia!mamfer d. al June next al the bout of 'frelve of the fIIU'! WEAL RA LD,
_ comm sed *..von. bit Ill I wall 'I 'I' r'n lit l' t elw-t, °nun. I O.. 6
•ell Uwm Gods, Crimp.Ito sod l•'urly eight, ore the Harter Flat in the CutingsufmyAearnpuun made to order. Also, tall kinds of m■cbinery JUAN YACIIO\ALP. OR TO RENT. _
'Ile deesr rs Cian►Ila's thanks for Arresting A.,asfa-1 n 1. s d , ltd un ill- part of intend. said Yown of Godericb. Terms cub or credit. renaired ou shortnotice. A largestock ut Sheriff Huron. v D
a haw ora buyers, - - Deed to be given und4r the powers contained BLeri/• Office, Gedrrich, I THC WELL [lklw! SALT TERRITO$y
FENIAN 0ZMFSy inNortgageFor further Mrticulareapply to COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, 22adFebrargl8GT. ___ MaltlandVilleHotel FOR SALE OR' LEASE.
D. SHADE GOODING, ,Always on hand, Sugar Ketoles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes. .A■ our patterns of the above arc , -
wlTa 11.L r JOHN HARRIS. Solicitor for Mortgage• pD , SHERIFF S SALE tat' LANDS f111THIP feo N w a U.Idw,ek
/f� /�AA r listed Mlb J.00us 1867. w53t1 ^f the most • roved kind we world solicit sari inspection of our -tack before purchasing
I CITUATEU on tae c.aser of lM Nwlbw■ b,Y Tard. Pt+•r
❑j afY J ] GJ lJ 9 - t Qw aVJ J� Sg T• elsewhere, w was are offering the trove at the lowest remunerative prices for rush, or fur •p- -- t.7 Gravel Road to Lucknuw. •,te °uN from S■It W. A6.
Goderich, Corner of Market Sq, and West County W d : vas Y vlesus of a Aril .f
proved Credit, Old Metal, Brass, Copper, and all kinds of Prudoce taken in excbenis - f i y .1. f t e 1 lotto h I L N
Swords Bayonets, Rifles Street. la Ay..a, Iia• _w1e_ Ta tl M Alm. Fieri "(16" "-I"
.as hudrat •d a.•lY N A R DI �' O A D 9 1
, y , - -- -- %'1 -- The shove sale is po•lponed till Thursday G.,hrich Octobers 1862. w3! cul d Ilrr M.jesty4 f swots l:uutt uhM unne,l ; Te^d• of the •: Winch SAL'[ W URKS now t°
And dl lbs motl� kinds of ares aad war l G 0 D R I �/ II the 2nd day of Star, 1167, at name time and Counme. of Huroo sad Bruce,.nd 10 see Shirt-' -W*" s, Thus P.opetsT u f s. u'Uully rdoarJ a arrsirut to (lbw koa bs A�1 H
materials collected la d .pms1 it.r Land. and I seem,■t• ..f r he,,_ : Jur • salt Well, c .t•I.mg one arm said one JUH2� eLt.L 1fUf1DUR,
Pres• Brown,•tthe.eltofJohnl. McBrna, 1 havv "thin sal lend• with a Inge two -dory Nn.. Nehctlur, Connors
TAMMANY HALL 2 •r,sed .■d I.k a ,nor ,.c,uU,n, .0 Ibe .81111 4"c" ally ns by Iasi► aa, .rid a large 11.11 u-k.rh�IM Dec.,Hfi. veto
AND ,46,&V 4+
The above sale u further Dostponed until _- - _ - - title end .merest I Ihr rid J, fendant, Ie and to an.cAr.f lhrrrao .ash g..M Nld.lmg .d WAes
d , Tuesd• the 4tb da of June, 1867 at same Ow-Iw,Wmgb. r ope" u: rover I I., s epee -g 6.
-A(.)1} I-' A,r MANSION I y' T ' she ho•ah half of Lot 7sumt-•r '1'wemv I. the It. rear , ,be r. A) ala. ,rn1 t. supply •11 N ``1 Tr��,
a✓ time and place. 6nh avwa es•wa of the Tow nrolp sal 3., m the Ue wMrr rays J Iso halos • S.h Well.PP Y L A 1 v D.J 1 U l� HALF•
For the haat throe year., umber wstb a 1`15 D. F. GOODi NG. , C'awnty of Isms,
cuaal°mt one b•,nowarest •,yrs
large variety of .-__ _ _ _--- _ mum or Ipaele 6.Mm IwlJcr,1 m the Cn 01 Houesl I Also for Rile, IAL No. 718. THE
X 7 PTOTI4bE. COLONIAL HODS ulkr (or . • Y y I auk . Victor.. street, . rower, initiated!
lol adj .nem he l II (r sale, 'ir ut7en The fulluwtsg lead
L l Is the 'Ibwn W 0«fenrh,..n TuteJe the Lwtsh
Yankee, German, French R q SCS• a day o1 June neat, a the hlwr of twelve W the Pla,ana F.ctur", with a Brick Hour and a A Farm In Tuekersmttlt,
English Notions and Nix -Iran, x lfr LT, thoaas indebted to the late -firm of It clock, own. Fume �sble th<mou.,
All of which bap ►sea feat to 1 A G. t'. Ntewart, either by note or book III///f1// And also LOt lr6 1017, Being Int 22, Iron, 2, Heron Survey, IH
3Aeri� dwrow.
��� � • -tcr our, are requested to pay the name to I In the Town W oudrnah, rhe N. l o■ the -amts► acres, 76 of excel nt unity, well
ir 10 G. F. Stewart at once, and save catx. Tailoring & Outfitting Depairtment NL 22pd rill-rarls.. n i .,da u, Last street, near the Reeur.d Jlal.e. '^
• )sal ratwrarv. sY9. w5 ow laud is of excellent quality, .ell water
wash ■ goad rntae 11�•:re •aJ large PtaWe there 1 �d and with hardwood timher, This Tow*
THF.Nrise.. rkavmgrerommenreJtheAxe R. & 0. F. STEWART. -
Itunnr.a ship is known to be one of the best In Upper
Onderich, Feb. )5th, INfi. rgt11 r. Subscriber hand
ter inform hit v many andcustomersbets and the public generally that he keeps ISAAC - FREDERICK A hies* above
r p rt soca f r ok whisk. Csu•da for formic On itis lot there a,
■v A. JURfre*nK, AT THE OLD STAND, - - l The .Garp;orPrny will 4 wk nn oras °.bk e,
Cnn.tsntly on hand the largest oriels and hest selection of acrd tomo house, frums) boo, and oW
wb*m they faro open for Can lians to (east on the Corneruf y- Term. w and pu h•pr n. For prtn sabre .pply R
their eyes upon, buy cheap, a.d ALLAN P. >NACLEAN, English, Scotch, French, Swiss &German Tweeds, � --+-- to H L. IN,YI"E, H. ender, dr,., la,lrreA, or buildings lit eorngPoud. Also . ;sod la•
~ WAICOoto aEd Light -house Streets, O. M. TRUEYAN,Uoderach,,wine sIw. Ave,-obsed,ofi3Obeating trees.
keep as relict o1 the IN THE COUNTiES. ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF
wa,vid'Ir to uuima 1u hu salt InrnJs, soda a I C. SHANNON.
Fen t a n C o I I a s� s e. g as .+ t i1 to Made■JviIR,T'P.fC.Ilrorae,
p many^roar ` , ha h is bas wah -,all std - r Canadian Manufactured Goods s t o Fabrwry lath. ISN- lyw4s FARMS IN MORRIS,
I-V 0 "V � anal, tbat be wall prtdure end ell • Q , ora • se _ - -- - __- rkting 1A acres, composed of S. i 3.W 1,
WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE, CHEAP O I -1 ENCLIBH, FRENCH & CERIMAN BROADCLOTHS,( Take Notice. con 5, 200 acres; 25 acres ands alum
U( all kinds from •salt Block b • Machine J 49 % T tion, the land being of fin, q.4Lly 1►a ss
for Threalm Needles. dul.sod rejl.mrid a1 s-mallrarl,Pseka, dtt., _ CA.Sli NIL:RT ,i ,,IC' �0ESKINS. `V:\TC1I �IAKF.II d. eJt%n F.LER,
R ' Ywka.J Shalwnad on short muUal i % I fn "PILOT OVERCOATINGS l most deirabW farm. Also A i 19, on 31,
A pry lavelaneok of Basor fns Books, a I ENGLISIT AND FRENCH DEAVEli A a IMlieree, no e'rsnn and A. of S. le,
Y.R.-.14u • numb- of Slrirhe.n hgnd. WEST ST„ OODEhICH, R i i
Nftcelaneoss Rooks for Prasen4 cur, 3, 'a0 acres, all brat ,•litT of
BIBLES, ALBUMS, &C., AAer,ch. 0.1. 301b, rebs• 40.1 hAS JUST RECEIVED ALARGE v- Haring secured the services of NEAR THE POST OFFYCE. rermsreasonable. indisputable title. Pw
Cheap at _ --__ �AMCF1, POLLOCK, t' ., i►to Deputy Particulars and terms sppl to
BUTLER'S --N - - A,a A Gnnm A",naTmgaT n.
- TO LEND ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS z R. d + ledu e»=rz-r�R, a SndeRhew ssolve po,nttd flRcial Assignr hALB. CAI(PRKLIt
a �Di\ Cam.mmr m Dart n/ Wr+t .f F.nrl-rid Rrcd he is prepared to execute all order with prompaituJe, and in a style unsurpassed by snT (}old and Plated Jewelry On Hand. ate soder the lasof.eat Act of I464 for the lot n, 2nd eon. Tgebn"ttl
j� cloths, Hoover., Whitney., Beanke.• Paey MANUFACTURER In the PROVINCE, Cilia nn( ecce ed. Tr him end satisfy your Boiled Cno.lies of Heron and Hen". Re tforth p.o., March 21, 1t,67. s93s
Gotisrieb, Dec. 21, 1866. w48 T -- -
UN IMPRUV�.D FARMS, FnprlwhDomain Nc id . v Fmncof Canadian looks, selves. A perfect fit guaranteed in every in.tanre. �) �T
- IJa.e.km. and . rarely of Canadian CkNhal WATCHES CIOCKS AND SPECTACLES f� Office in Camer_D'a Block, King. ,j'YI(: •�AL 1\�YTICE
IP>tiLmp 1,'nctory I I
1br ashatwitsit of the C.saties ofH.rna
god Broret hal h, '. u.I l M.nufuttnr,ng,.ad hair
oa Fend ...enbcr uthu
Hew -old pn Aiculaly drew attention In hi
MItle.as he oral) werre it I he, at Io ft or Whea tirum
a.I., e-kie, chess, are. Pump• nudeto order
and wunnted.
Pserry.a Nehe. It., Au-sm Vrrtorrwt,"
tad C.,obri. R .... d.
A,.,n,egen tfnrths-sle of Mmr..'• premium
•nA pr.etee1 C 111. rl VA' MR, which hu....I Yet
arI tog, vegenera.satui•ctiuntola wen who
hese unedt hem.
•a. -A,,,•. A)MAs.n Jle. 61
.N,C« se'lgvol.
Igiss uLrKrr, hese to announce that
Jit she hs opened a juvenile school, at
iCast End of Kingston Street.
Tan106 62.00 Pan Q0ANTen.
N. II. -Yips R. has also a elesa every
Trgdcy said rboiwdq, from 4 until hall -put
b o'clock, for Plain SewinT, Tatting, and
All kinds of fadcy, work. 50 cis per month.
Goderio►, May 9, 186E - -1016•-v
so11 er A°art !.�
'tl- sass
0,A a e�'d
TH$ Rebse"'wr slwsy. keePs the lsrgetl
variety sad Met Stork of
OoAgriab. Aow�t 22nd. 1866, ro,143
Victoria Orgaos and Melodeons
I9 ALLTaa rt►*taaw T"Telt/.
Ill latrattad Oatalogues Free.
�p DA&MY-k-a. Wilksm't,T000te,
M. i. Cor, RAI., Gr>d„riwh, wbc soul;;
- gi9810sa'a•s I as 6
Plain, Matin, awl Flowered Vestings, Shins.
Constantly on band tke LARGEST aTGC$ and LATEST STYLES in
atom street.
$1&11 OZ t2x"
ohnvn, Cap. &ac_ikr.
He fees,. 161 satisfaction to
Gentleman's Outflttings o f E v e r y Description !
O t,y a'ir
, 11 1IHv
Fehrsary 20th. 1866. .50
some to -lnrest In gown Property
nt of p.vm, mi.
who may favor him with their orders.
AMFRIC ANSIONEY'gkenatthehighest rate.
___ -
- Chas E. Arc b d-
done on short notice in good style sod war
., I _ i a
NASNUCH as certain persons are •Ilial
Goderiebesant.l3, I H(4, ■w3•tl
els- N. 3. -Cutting done to Order. �s
Godericts \ueuri 22nd, 1866. aw163
ranted according to agreement.
R g
W _ _
trees in the Counties of llsroe and Bra
under the false pretence that they are d
- - ---
Goderich, Sept 25tb. 1866, ow a
V3- Wedding Rings always oe Hand
4 A
tained from the St. Galas is Narselies, 1►+
Mean. James Stewart d
1659 1 H6:NliY (1I{TET, (lege
JA ,,,, oncl6.med in my bonds will M
arid a the expiration of three months to de
- e tl
is to certify that
Robert Gordan aro the only persons so.
-'- --
Drp'Irtmrntal, i',IrllameRlSiy,
Rind Aar.,
pipe., Nbsk, Qr, r.sks sad Orlaves, S•stkm.a's, If .ham'., and (Nib)) • Pawl., P.ensrmn'., D.C.
Chopppng Ax -a,
Auguu.. Brun•ra. Haw..,
t� E1
authorized to loll tines from my uenerr
11 It. A N 1) 1 14. N g
.A -'
HM., 1.4 risk. sad Casae•, Martell'., Hanes,••, (N•td, Dupuy k Cots, Jules Rohn h Coo, T
,ay expenses
0 T T A W A.
1 Trsn-nrn buanres ah the Cr°wn Lied. and
of he. ,aov,rnmrnt D.,wrtmrnls; T.kesout
P.Irat. fur In-,ml.w.I uM•I.. Int,rpo.
asi con roc -..spa.- by Lrtlen P. I.
atm; f/rslt. and take- charge Or
Private HAI. during the Qee•
-irn.hc. , for Pa else.,..
ud,ng elsewhere.
Hos.4.Caur.slr,CAre- W. M. WILaua, Esq.
mo.o..r.l Crown) Nor,or.
I..nd. Ho".1.Caasd.o,Los•
R. Jrvo, E.q., fl■tml- don.
Inn. R. BULL. F.q..lnap,e
Maw. R Lrwi,k Son, rofA•rnewit,Coto6.at
Toronto ,Lite AmorsarcCo
THE 9uMcribrr would lnf.rm the Public it
tenew, Ih-t be has no mtenllun of heavies
Ibe Town an .,Send, s •oma ,v.1.0mr.les
Cpeera.". have re,wrled, for the purpose of Injuring
►f s,
Ovalench, April JMh, 1.97. .. 14 1.
Gaa�l)) ^' Hort»,) Y virtue of a Int m
T.I w,t f}1 F,eri F.rle. tesned osl
J of Her Ma)err•• County
puhrt nfthw trailM leo .fest W York .d Pew
gad to me dlnn•IM yam-* IM land. .ad tone.
me s. of Tbngss. Calan,.) the ant W the Cas)
Beek, I h-ve erl.nl and taken in ,.pet I- all
Ibe right, trite .ml Interests tat the sent deferdea
;b«sa. C.N,_, a a.A la Ire .,..torr 431,,. ,IN
11.9. n(f 7lnt.n. Io Ihr 0...17.1 Heron...*,.
W -ins by aAme-M.rn.ena oM r d W lad, for
the Nat mall As ler, which land aad acre.
menu I -bee .Ger, Ioy sale .1 my at�te m Ih.
C awn H,r...r, a Ilia yew" of O„derleb hA Tits
day, n e Iwtni7 serenlh AsT W Angus rest' a
.has lit or of I oral tr of the clock, gong.
- tlbeM'of Ruroe
P 1,1114 I- Dtlk , ooda,y.h, t
-Ithh May, lsfsl. t ---- 17
1 se Mr lb tnneesan. "f HutlM,... lb
bo.akeT"hng this was.. 1111rh .M w•Iloe, sea
Oasesst -11 ora,. O,Iaad bard+e.ud sed. wwl
wale"if I III .err Amessee. tt~,
wets sem •al• balls .i. WON 4osewf. Ill.
Itlflbf ps" .,_ - ar'fFT A N X I . ng abs �psnw.-
RANK171 IsA WIh)N.
lie, 171►, 1097, sol"
Mill Privilege for Saler
THF, Subscriber offers for safe a valuable
Mill Privilege, situated on lent 2, con.
17th, (lreenmok,Co..Bruce. A substantial
.ram, (securing elteen feet head of water) has
already been constr°cted, on the site.
, Termt monk uberal. For further particalars
apply to the subscriber, Paisley Post Office.
Greenock. April ftb 1867. w126t
F O �t SALE,.
GAIT, Esq.
"I'll's property is heaatifullir situated tappo-
site the Town of Goderieb, on the
North Bank of the
asd on the Banks of Lake Heron. ft con'
tans 31 7-10 acres of Island mon or Iso,
with Dwelling Hones, O■theam 9'.blee,
be., with hares (;sad", Vinery and Orchard
Tba Wood Land consists pvloci} all) of Oak
ael the cowering Linde, ('Mny, !1(&pie. he.
TM Otsune6e air In very good order. There
*n three weer 6iung *prior of pure water
a tM Prorerty. Themtalra for • pri,ate
Iwside•as eserot be surpassed In the Pro,
For to rses app!' to
7 HOa, ((ALT, Essig ,
narrtate,, Tomato
Jia(rst*rr Ooder[ch.
Ooderieb, 4th Jet,, 1441. wwl,flt
THOS GRIFFITH OL CO. a- Allarlicles warranted as represented,
a a;}The best quality of Clock Oilat 25 ,ts
a Foote.
aederirh, Now. 14, 1866. 1016
$1&11 OZ t2x"
Large Padlock.
IF Vl: & S :
O t,y a'ir
, 11 1IHv
Chests, ilall'Chess and Caddies, Young Hysons, Gunpowders, imperials, Twanksyn, Japan
Young llyson, Uncolored Japans, Congous, 8ouchongs, Orange Pekoe and Scented Caper
E3 UCkA EtFI :
IlhAs Porto Rice, 110s. Nos. 2, 2 1-2 and 3 Yellow Refined, Crushed Y and A; Dry Crushe
and Ground.
4c"VIrP_UN :
Beg. La Ouayra, Rio, lava and Yoe\a, den. RoaMed and Orngnd.
"1Ir013ACCC71.,,N :
�CO. `
Asitia, Ih, Paddies BWace, Twist, and Dark and Bright 1.2 lbs., eoxos (Nd Vlrgiaa very light and
w1loLtaAl.t Ann R9TAIL
Buses sand Half Mittee. New and red Valenrm linens, It, . as, I as a sad l III_@ Yew Layer .oil
M. R. Mai.nna, Boxes i and I t. n, oa La ere, UNnbhe Crown Leven, WJest Fd
Market SGnare, Codel ieh,
Layers. („-y prime)
K,p and I Ker.. S-Mlen. Mua-ael. I Keg. M,,n Rai„ase It.rrrls Pashas Curnnn, end old)
HAVF. now on hand • rep.sand well ar
Flrme sill., Prones in ken•, srt,nN and glar )*ray Unn((e, Lesion .d Cirron Pee s, H.Vled and
Cry.taliead F'.Au (In Fancy Hoxe-). Boxse and brume Sultan• Rruma, Bap •d 8oxee Jordan
1J sorted stock of Hardware, coeastmg to
par of
At. fl Sbsll and Vdene.* Al.nonda, W.laub sad FJberla
Rind Aar.,
pipe., Nbsk, Qr, r.sks sad Orlaves, S•stkm.a's, If .ham'., and (Nib)) • Pawl., P.ensrmn'., D.C.
Chopppng Ax -a,
Auguu.. Brun•ra. Haw..,
Uordnnk Coo,('u P, Surer x Co,'a, Lopes.t C.'4, Pal. sod 001det Sherries, Bargudy and
Preach Pors of carious grades, (.Iasmpg.es, Clams, Moselle sad Hock
W.W. tl.xea,C..do Placa,
11 It. A N 1) 1 14. N g
o tarry-CnmM, C sod. R., f bsg
Fnrk.,H.yr Forks, Fd,s,iflor,Wk ,P,U
T.n, Ondaen,.,
HM., 1.4 risk. sad Casae•, Martell'., Hanes,••, (N•td, Dupuy k Cots, Jules Rohn h Coo, T
Goals Powder, Nbrot, Cep
Cbdo.pu h Cute, sad Other brisk.
Hmga'•.I. ke,L. Imo,.reel, r ns N1.r1,
HuM, spokes, Floor I.A, Bu
L= Q O 3M 11011 a
Land, Lamp Oksers, fAokmg
Pesch". Jamaica Hum, HFA. sad Case a O. uypr'. Ilnlbnd a J &"his (Kf Tnm OIn,D°sa"dM'•
Glass". 1-,ki-g• Ores
I -A, Mtew-ts's •d Harvey'. Suns► whuba,C..athan Old Rye, Mail, Morin.'. Tally and Cases.
Plow, Horse 146.1.,
nine Whe.k-.
Cut Nada,
A T.�1 �, PORTMR>iE. efbo., 4nbo. b
And Hotled (al,nefasolr.e,C.00,l,Me 1vinery
BM" Oms.e..' ^water, Bar' and Yownger'. Also C-adM° 8oltlma Co.'. Ales sad P.Mor, Caw
Wrnerd'. O..ger Wine, Boh-lam Nchahpluildf much Ligeuun, Cotdule, A-. hr.
Oil, Yam„h, Paas .d Coles., Coal
oil !.raft Plough M.'I
Male Ilaws,t7ntea-Cal
Jaw., Had
Ric,, I.nerpnol stoop, P -I -.t sod Froaeb C.n3ho. Notion SFr, Fig and Wig. Blue. RI•mh n
1-11IZs k,.Nl., N,dce., 11W.sa•.,flynrp,Cerbe 4i sad W.vhfsg Rude*, aaglrb sad Canadian Cheer
Pot FI h. Vest, Jr..
[it' The►beve will►esoM rheaplor Cash.
Crosse and Blaekwe'll's Plekles and sauces,
9.11 ,o afar )-n. Y.'rit-i .d Vets,s-Ifi, L, non_, W hav, Candlowi•k, Room-, Wnppreg
Paper. F"gtlaA FnmeA •d C.naA•a V mrg.r �.g^. Ifeer-d Win.
Corks, B..X., poll pen,'(. me
less.,, Pala, dal Cords, Day kl
ad m,a'. sal I..mh'e Hk,k,ng, h,., der.
A L 8 0
Agensf.r C.mmereml 11 -Ion Ar■reare Co..
Nk-'%lora., No. I Ynud And rwhm" 11+•t H«nsags, NMe ad Kan Maikeesl, Table Caddish,
n I l,s salam'Kagled�
Iso Meer Doll- a wee
Drphy, H -,.,..e Is," ad small e.xee, I"'as'pool CZ; .d PIw Soh.
_ -_. - - - - -
FAa Agents in Tornntn, for JOWPA A Boa's Celebrated Dome Blackleed.
Money to Lend.
The Ater" will he (u -d run mepstA.s the heat •armed Mteek rrer o9ered In Toreslo, and will be
gold lo. for U.sw, - ng is - t«sell Ine •ppentred pp".,
(-�y( very rssinnahle tress. Arply to
R. 1. DOYLE,
Petrillo'. new Bingk.
Tnr.ml., Neveretrr 22, a"% w4
Gaiderieh, 0th An. 106A, tela Iyl
ON (�
Fp. v jpCVylsj
w °c I�t
j.1�vl3IW W
O t,y a'ir
, 11 1IHv
H i v W
C n
" . i�
4 r � I-
m .9
4 1 ► 0 ,o
,Vg - a
O C O c� !L C
i i
p � O
M h• a
Tft ■nakrs,grd Wert"[ perehaa►d the Moln-
ngt M.n •d N•eh Fert.ryew■od, •d or-
11-pual y Donald Cumming, are now prwpsmet
I., carry oa the ►r.a"e.. sal n a.wl•rhrn\Ig
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Mouldings, Flooring,
.d \u ktds of
k 1I"CI.B: WORK.
seek a- Circle and (aaAWm Baso sal Proms.
They akin► Owe Itself .xparlo■ee Is /tlalesty
We'll. that IMT ase a'"e aw,�a•thva to all low
ma an "of III, wkh . ,all.
J, e. --A 11 1 &largest s the tree.
neAmi %. Me-% 41h, 107. ON
,1111 hele contras.
D. W. 11RAn1.E,
25 May, 1866. .19 lye
TIIF undersigned, Agents for the eke"
Numerim are prepared to fill all calm
in their (roe, and as they make their orb►
tions personally, their patrons may rely"
itthat no pains will be spared to give salt
Joao let. I.. .
TAR undersigned having purchased tun
large stock of saddlery and stirs
H A Ii. N is 8 S
0 U 8 I N E a 8 I
of Hr. norem Horton, wbo has been se Inst
and favnr10hly knows in that capseAj, b•f M
etas that we sn prepared to sontmw Ib
businesses a the name favorable term" to to
chasers as the, have hhbe to enjoyed.
The Rehserihen base on hand d tlim
Shop, Market Square, a eery Isere A4sgr►
Initial mo1f{� p?? y� �,p t�Lq�{�
GJ"YJI >A3a,fJ.D ld1(113iN19 ,
Ix also* 11"I.t.
Saddles, Trunits,VAHSA
Aa., be., ft Mob they areprepared to ono, 1.
Ilio public s1 �natty mdmeed prim•, rnrcob
Pursues w{i) do well to coil and "'I""'
(Mir meek end pries. Mats• pe rebe"" sm
as sa eba•a M sel&mwr rteud-
s. A W. MARTT11-
Goder(ab. Ost. letk. D wed__ _
R1ntool Brothel's/
87 A of 84. Rulrcon xArras STatgl.
Advaasa9 WAS on gggglga, "I# *( h"
floe* to tlgo"O olasg•rls sod gg►.r iMA
IN Brest arl6lll•
Sgpt. i 9", 60
......--d-J..1,:... - __ -:-.....i.,...ti,�..., .. -... .,... - - -