HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-5-17, Page 3,f .
Lor.dun. Mar lt, IBOT. TME 16REIT ENGLISH REMEDY To t110 � 1 A��1+ UL -_LIP x 1' —
Fall Irkiel, -V ab superior i 2 ie -- Free and Iadepeattent Eleetore W ALL PA P $ IL • Q r f arm Gall Village Propert�l
N rim FA•al,do, SIR JAMPM CLARKP.'S �oo�� ��10�� w
Fluo , per lou la' . • • 4 fJ (l�7! 4 t6 •Celebrated Fam.le Ptlle. or THE aT 7 tlk: A GOOD F'AfiM. CjjU,IVSiVO F16.1 I
Iluter ........ 011 �; 0175 Pr Bred o,ri i re"rf fi ,NORTH RIDING OF HURON Q a sena M land, abut • toil. from IM
Pe". do,..... •.,. 0 61! 4 070 Cla ks,ALD.,1'h P,•ian Extridinar, 6 S1gna� r �ffiCB. VILLAGF GF HLUF;VALF.
hwly, .., du, ... .. 0 61 lar t%l. Queen. WM. DUNCAN being the eortb half of lot tishipfoof T fur
Uala, ........,10,. , , .. , .. , 0 60 (}y _� OINTLZMZN :- FI'LI, swnf.Oeal d .11 IM Naw Ng66 of A9 received •t Lu store WV I .d, Mar Arm coneerlou or Ihe 'l'a.Iwhip of Tun
•' . _ ... I3 00 (say 16110 Thlt Inratn■Mn mr.hrme ,e nmbiL• In IM A IGv 4 pslwn, from 6 noel. to 01.110 pe► H berr will be wlit uu pudersto tart", Part
lir] t Roiny been nominntrd b the Re• ket &just*, '• I•rge SOunner pluck f 7'
Montreal, Ma 11, 1887. cure u1 sll'W1.r pludul soil J.•ug.r.w• dbara•rr ] tall, jn.l cprenl. •u.IrWe fr • fluid d bhoew, wkNfo viii br r.ild :u , credit. Thera ave about 26 ere* cleared, A
7 w able the to. ..."iluU•w is +Object. 11 f°rm Cml•enlinn, brill st 1'Iu,U.n un rhe 4lk I 0" ~ry ,good tram* b lore, be. Soil election,. III
Floor -9u rior Film ....9 SO a 10 00 ,noo1.•r•tem11.i.r.andr.,uovu.allut„lruotiuO•, of this mouth, as e ,&„dldule fur the Repre- Parlor, I {r�� II,ICQ fF7 R 1 `1, It wool lienar,
Wb"4.-lr ,,�.,.,•,,,,., l 116 • 200 •uJ wap•wly.a" May b. reb-dun a°nlrliuo of lumr It,d„Id iO ilia/a,wl l.�rm_ Dining Room, LOW PI11U�1 1 OR � A111 I Abo, 'I rat Houseam lM 1i'IaKe of ]f,H1
U►u-Per 32 Ito.......... 0 41 a 0 43 TQ MARRIED �ADIES IYlaro of Ilnlalio, ped having i«,•ireJ so min, with good warden and urchmad, and
Itarler-Per 41 The....... -. 5 NU r 6 yU 't'a p.•"firr y .used. 11 wi, , ,n • anno time, !uraner° of a,p,mrl from noon, /rirudK neer Bed Room, I ,bowl fuer acres of laoid.
A•b.s- Puts ..... .... , . bung ata u,r ...uuU,ly P.n .l not, r.fularNy. the Yhule eco°litueorlo, 1 h4•r oecepled the P<1IINELLA 303T3 11. HALE,
du PraIK ........... • tl 25 a h, 39 Fasb koTtlr, prn'r lata Uollr, Iron she (ler- nununotiuu then marl,, sod iu doing un I and Hllll. In goal vatinly. Flats 85 eta upward!. Clluton.
•elpi 1tamP ul urc•t Nnl, to J.'"..ur cuuo- Lo to receive a enrdu,l w d e ler•-us &d c A I..,11, r
(Naw York. May 11, 1867. a te,d. rt 4 1 � w13 3m ai•
port Irum }7oar, to wLnm os °'4ruslyd the pre April 22. 1887, p.
Fluor-noper6ue • • • • • • • 011 45 (id I2 R3 (" A L f1`IAN, vii- 1 lr;}' ('.mil bId inslwtt, surd y"u rill he cure � - -
21w. P,,fnA-r/d rree/Ydrr Avl easlee4""'4r ge of l ,. f and is,, Window Shades A * � ?Q�1 ��1
•' tetra • • • • • • • • • •l'1 T6 (t 13 86 /b FIRS1 fffKih' A/U.N7113 ,y' Pr.g My principles are Trio, such &a to salisly 9 to Ley. WM. LL:LiCAN. AYiaf�NY■ ,i'1M1G ■•
eboice ..........13 90 (4 14 65 money, a. rA,y ,,. a.,r (.hong saw AJi.ra,- eve •bade of whucal o miun • the arc, AND 0
\1'hwt-Milwoukw....• 1 12 (el 2 33 rwg.,0w o,..rwk,, if., 1As,,,,,.0. ho`erer, Sa is well known t t ma'lolso ,hal fivferith. May t, 1867. rIS
•• w►IM C.hforuu • 3 b0 (.J 3 60 In al row. of .Irru,,,' ud Sproul A4i�cnunt' is guard -b, refuse, abet iscuoruld ped ohs.- ' , 11,��<Ar ,_S JV
-I, 11
Pe,°•'° ",~ li■rk ■ml l°rat'+' F.I:°ut o » b Borden��s i�� New D e)f �fIS Mortgage sale of Land.
Cb.... 2 7 11, 186T. °acnes,, 1'e rwa , ewe Il, in, (f er,t wl• ■red telt, enJas econo is •ecus nghl .to Vo O I 1 ��0�0G���� /0 �
WANes, she.. 101', wn6 wfra-1 • .ere wLrr all men(, in as economics • mrno.r se u coos s{'af
\Cheat .............. . • • 02 TY w 2 9. EPA 1' 1.'r luviwr wwr•s m».Ir m Ili.• rem '
Wlnr,n,ans A... fe.W i .aJ athuurh • Iwvrrr. ai-t,ni with sale, . D .i ■ MungY�r I. t r leis Jnhb lr„II iL1.
Carrs f.o.b.............. 1 0'J yl IYI Lal nmw/ d„ .at oo'ts,» enol. ralumrl..uu. J Cheap for Cashe Y _
Y• There are ret uesiions before the ublic peri, u,r I.,.°, • b.rr-nc herd,•w- I
Taronlo, ms I1, 1867. •y m w,, or ravth,ag bunMl Ill Ih..'"'Iatesn• q r j„ Yg 'np.p O THE P R 0 V l N C E,
b : 27 Full Jurranun. u, the A.roq.hlel around a,h of gnat im purtrure, 1'unfoden.Uon har'OX • • I rr1 Ili 11. dal. tie F1ft ash buy r! lA Sold I.,
Nprivg wheal ............. ~ nbwr►ed all uthnu, it ism Jrmv Ikat t '•bio 1'Iw fuNowlr
F'lor................... 09 2M1 fdi 9 GO Weil "whnh ■hunts Ire curl"Ay pre+.rvod t IYW rn wnl Ir to uy
oulr sgral /arlha Uartr.I sWce&W Canww., shoulJ ,recipe a Irir 1, ill, h+mrinZ lhrl t FiSh1Dg ^� e • Publw AMnM e1 U. bl. TItIrF.MAJ'ri AuchW, Wl rli A
Oats .....•••--• ..... o so (;t 0 62 11,rans en she New & Ma niADent Sk Ll ht
,IUB MUSEi Huchntrr, N.Y. will hath* ,gleans of slloviog the seenionul A FRBill STOi K OF 9 y- g
lyrby,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, O 60 ((! 0 6/ N. e.-81.00°.due I., I,go.L+m la, enrhaid jeAi tin is* that b•.r su•Alung distracted the Twraly-third day of April neat, at 1.2 .SND SPL^ENDIDLY FURNISl1ED
I'nos..........,......... 0 73 (t� 0 75 td°ey°rrb6nted ■cent will in.nna tmtllr eua. Gauntry. Fishing Rods, v., n, under the 1•,we'. r.n.tam«I in the rr fol XI lJ " M
I&ta.ng lttv Pdl, 11 return y�»li: flavin been actively ent°T►d lir the Irl \1,.r grgr• via t-I,.N. aY+rbres (les w th, Her• r
,Hamilton, M.. 11, 1467. . OltI�IIRI'I A LYMAN, ;. Fish B a sk e t S, _
Amar TV heat...... ... ... 2 UO (ra 2 IN N.wr•i'lI"C. W., arn.r., leu •ran u, our mumrq,wl affri n, Ihe yi bur Yell..." "a "'er•nue..w L, ode cl We.t r (( ' [�
Spring w►.a.............. 1 60 (oR l bb ag•ml Wrt'sl1.da, pirro-"e. I have finned may. it you ,o. fl to Fish Hooks and Lines 1 °I_ct, in the T,•wn ul'0,A-+, h. benne.•.-n .;r �i • L41 JO ■�i,�ON
ciccl me, tors uviol in lunb.•r un prop nip, , err+lrl. IAvdln Ir •,yen uodrr lla• trii-,m.
line ...... U 50 (,4'. 0 5:1 gp-Sold in G,.Icrorh by Pri,li dr Castle and P JUST T) HAND, lamed I■ Ihva.id Jturlgapr. Fur further y..nieu
y .. 0 33 (4 033 F. Jordan 1 (inducer of Co., 11., y1frk1 i lames -Or tr ipul and °a°essmenl lora. Il mi hl
/ lad........... ..... ... K lien clip Y Iv I �) F.liri to mhwln b.. ori Wtrous, adst IM puNn
..... 0 63 (ay U Ty lk"'n-m. Nuruydlr; J. P"b'",Etele, ; J.H. nes serve any useful purpose to Co mt4 &ri At the Signal oftlee.] 1). 51I JI GU'1VING, , Xup h.oll r• Ilrat Lr bar, apt n6' i* 1111 It
lila • • • 1 ondr. Watts h Jobb, V• 101on,:4"I"O, 1 lit- I mall up for ruuw», m STE W ANTS' d A B,Tck
IMmedirse paady cl e, iioc, but 1 bole ruin C.,deric h, April 26 18C1. 14n..• . fur llw Wg :t. M:.ni. roroer .x Msln Juw Mere( &nJ ignore,
.. ___ _ -__ __. - _ _ -- - ouw; E. Hiekw&, 8,slorlA, rnJ ell VSK-1v lb° content tui,,, crmm„caw, lar marl ]ow in - ife,rd ;Gib latuerr. Iv.i. _ w::U I i,,en,h, o. ,"ch ..ve wr(w eel- th.r il,e
• Ifrwle•. w31LW rariuus place• over the ltiding u, make et• - _..- - _. Anna u. Ibecou.,try• and the blot ad■ptaJ fr ,hr
lglsla0>es O! rOCTQr _ T he •buy, sal. is r..Ip.,,.d till Thsonsi Ifo. w.•wo ..luna•ut W ant-rl•r wurk m Air deurasc
�( plrnaliwu, and set frith mr viers at greater T ( l ~I' I r I•'. PI
a eorl•m.a a•l .veered I« ye.” br N-fmv es 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 le rig, h, and until Ih%t time, i would Mk you N. �el.9 r blmy. lsi7, a Ibr•,mr Win a.J of OvauWe an. T7,aae dr.nw. til ka•ua Fro-
t).MNW,l..m la.r►,a.d al lar dam•.(ywth- f 1 v Wrc• of
Asses tM m•.I ,Mien.»� ! ma.Jerh umJrsl lar rrfr.in f nm Hal in,., )rear inbuel,re •red 11l,►fiiNa((�■■}r. r t1 D. ShW Ofdb
el,whasswi was t.r J.,wk.. r(w0.1.g he&+.il,l s dew• ,"tt .Is" th•r o t �R y E � Ca\YA� 'L• h'��� ■ � f 6:, �� 1 z 1 ]• >;_Z �'.� x
...I(n. u. an wk. r•ee pe or. n,.p..rad dumet-fir asppurt W anI art my npl,.mrnts, M Thal lou LE s s E
..abq tk. n.p. n...r ,•� wa,h ►e per eared. a• CANADI IN PAIN UF,irrkuYF-R I lay be in a pu+ItiOn lar iiudgr fur yourselves _ TIP ulf are sale is further tf•'ttn'allorl anti; I.". will pio"obrug m the murmng.
.eve.."6rr,.. ^.a. by u •.tvrmr,'or agMrlwc A, ■ rn,uty INr.hrme, h is well slid 6.nwnhly me W oar respective menlm !.• 1 7T Tuepdnl, the 4th sal til June, liG7, bl wine PlAot plus tal[0II LII OvOTy RtyIO
w alar b1.«resrn, know.. rel..yisg tauuesade Int", P•m. ur the I ren, ewlema', j' I 1, 1,0 1Z IJ ��
MHN U.0•DBN. X J J lime rend Plrw. known lar Ihe en, nal UTA Ambrot•pcs anJ U.
Nn.ir. clonam ollL.Naw yolk. side, Hs, It and ►e.d.rou,hs, ('Wds,•ore throat. Tour nhrJienl ac nnnL
raua, Nn,/e Cnw m 1'.e �rwosr h, wlb D. R. GOODiNG. ±uneIXyper evpad a Phut.'lrnyh r, w lolge
f ti w - __ - , Luca a 1:,11 ruJ How -Wold F,.Mr°.1 ways oar
- — chajorcwefbY.,,ty., or.,,N.welr,ra- THOa11A8 CIBSON. uF' r[[!':
7grRIU2as ! W HTSH>LRa !l pwul., Nmn., k-". t'rurl Hew, Ilowick, A ril Gih, IS61. w 1 i tf hand. At, ALNI' My, •err •bray.
Facts for the People } '~ J ' ° r.,an,mg Il,ank. I„r ' hMral
�r.. AI, Jrr. NOR I II RIDI�� G ! I I.1l41.49 W,be P.N, 1-1. rt,.lir,1 that rarrr.t
tsr.L. O. Mnvras•('er,du.lhr rroolewl Nun Tha fib NAPIAV I'AIV UE+TIIIITER bar ------ --- --- nuyrurrmrnlr. ill.nablu Lon W n'. ail. cuul,aw„
•titer M les w.aw, will rtwer Mn.:__ sees- now Gere behove Ihe raubl.• 1.w a Wool, o Wr. 'JI Qp1f f! p I ..” *ad .8e.car til the ii
,.,ban barsw wort" .. 46.f "of ch,R; and worrev..u..et w wellhked, erverf.,hnr To Dr WDolts 8111113of �ta(lif:y 4 L.L.JJHS80N.
&ever keowe as Mt. A..n Prs lur lnrl Lem (res OF 7 11 .:
u o wngsed, °4a•Io .,, pe.. eras ,ell lwh O. j t � V I it,U I,....c� dal lees, l all.k• . fi have. uuaricb, Men�h 1, IhG7, w811
to uy mpe dawnw.uf t..m,(gs mend. AJdr•es U,nwly uar.l, ani per here never kM.wn • wweW r}•� Ihuruu(h U-mihr IMwerutrnng Wpm tAa• arruo
Rrays• 3[ Co., 78 N...0 8d , N. T. c.-e.a d,ratidac,...e -have the dow,00ne bnv.' r•, COIIN1 1 OF HURON. •,1 bwno a In... 1, I+an ■ knowWi,d fe,� Ilia - _.-
(Nu tatters lafo.o .ape j,raymi6) 0'16 bee„ I.,ayerN'rar0ua•e+1; 1».1,,t" Lha e, trarye ell dNJ 7/20THER8p wrha trstruy 1""' Ir 64► ru,rllxrArn..r.' FARM TO SELL OR RENT.
.. .._ ape drhrined with t. operas "es, . pail ,n r1.l.teN r•TA aT Ll.►LTU•• Or lila .nJ Pr tJvu!. a iso well lnowe I:H abet Ili
— ' --- __ - - The brlhA Wyms til ria nrlura.ad guagw.■I .I- - C,•u,- p4M.,'J a i6d --
NTRANGE, 10OT TRI'F.. feasts. , Leelon r•omenrrr•lnr Celle e ( OT NUMBER 8. in the fours-e&tb
N.,, r.n W,a I;fr„Mean.,rn athu,noiner.hee- SOUTH RIDING 011' HURON• s 1
y y.wnr l.ly..l t.nr.,.In. Cput«I mI.M pro (i E1.\'%'L6ME.\' i aonrerlun of the 7bwnsAi of 11'aw-
.a. ►w Goner, e.ry wt" ,•,,.sax .f,..oegs ►y '•r "'ted,, IA.1r.,iu lily, aW Inert lore nhw who , II ltd �a'pl i rHl r' P
+ anush. The farm cuasiats of .event -ei� ht
rnr. ...t ler. w ,I..rr.l. ,. le......r,n, ani„- a. •n4+nr trio °rev of Ihr r. �n,Na mt. boo G E N T L E M E N :- � 8rving received Ihe nnminmb«1 of-Ihe comM,we tlu se two ee.rll til .hnlmrter ,. ,,. Io J d
r ` whirh d ,a e,ra..rYn fe l u.e d•' uJ u a nr ., acre., shirt five of which are c!eared and
nod. Thu.,.. -It.. -.4 brier wnewrr.d pew Y W W i:eform Oinveuliuu•" and brvioj been re• s Crafter client lh+n flu• ooh cL ern Ie L,uuJ m J
..bSyr N on .....a d"""'L AY alarm e.11 0"" bane a To•r gli It.nrs 1 have had the h mor to receive your Oily unnlar ts.ti"16.16. ,rus,*& It m guoa hardwood land, s d wain
estb m,ha,wb.d.., Sa.onL �' quoted by on of all akadca of politica to
1 be oda. rel.,o• vdi.urc til Ib- ('.,.dun Pain ver] reolwctnLly slut numrnnnly u;,nrd re uR r m •If u � trsvdidase for the CrnrJiro It i. YnynrMnan h.v • f sal tlur ■ br trcurr 1 a&lered. Pur prLeulars app, L.
TIHIA. P. CNAPMAN, Droereo,rr vnnr 411. ,for•ree Fw w►. -L it .. J 9
y relues ••kms mt i bo•in th • taudidule eunolxr oI ,van, m .1the n t tour,.• rut CY11L5 AWSON.
rtl/.0a ml aruadwq.Nrw Yak: R••, A„�.,sdd. send ,,, ,undo rh,T curer, u •1,1 - 1 Huur• Of l!POrwOM (of ]our Iliding ; 1 sen i'ullrgr IMn •ia•ml rA ' WArr is Ili- Pn•r,wse.
IO rCp oral, l th,e lidtolg lil Ihe 1oor w UI Y
hoary Ihr 1.wnurmr p•�.b• of HLe,m,u,.m. a.J , now in Ibe fie1J claiming )our suKra�ea'aa Y end ,i.al young man rune Inas U,r Irir.otl r,1+1 e.
rrbrvu.r N•-no"r AII..,r•a.. r•.n,k- t v, a h:Lo I:uonmn„a, rt tar eMard rlee'juwt lye whieb Ite rYxeatrtive. til Mi..,w , , .n,l •' Alto, to rent • fro of fifty acres, cleared
TO f�O11riL21PTIV6Jl. Ileal hlr►lo•nottaii s1„ P Ip onnr, ticnr, wnh tOr"Pre.e
TM mdnnwr, Mrrur Mr■ rawrrr4..nhl. .■ • rink ,n I've iw1 w nnawee n„ IM .c , ly"its,nlr. I occept lib nam/ria• inle.nun. u1 anrn.nor t. It i. n 1 n 1 that a»n.N roll (04!0,1. Apply l0
+.-ta N• v.q-.rpm r.,r.er.anr, Ions, ..1. (/ser. orc,tit m 1n,.n Alydbrmr IA'.Ivn w iron off red me by so large a number of in Aa (ken art oio groat questions now Ir-u-sac».lu�lc mo�::..,vnl. Wu u1r a -dual,. w RANKIN LAWSON.
.::7k$ his virn .u.s.arrr. wyr.r,w. w 'd Iw,u etch, a,uwtry Isar 1nrlae. -o1so.l.ar, and aneuti.l elecwrs. 1 base since retvircd Ili~ proabil,endr befure Ihe 0"11111,-Cu1Jtd.,a, t„ rat Irv, war h,g►rr m tae rr,•rPrw.a w March 27tb, iSG7. .10
eReh Iration.g w to for u..,aw1 wan•4a.•t,on a un°nim. fis nomination of Ibe liberal Coo. tion briug at accompliah,.d tact -it is pen Iw.dnrr men gr,rrrllc, 11,-u Ile,..: til wher
M, dr..A dre.wr,. c.....t,.,w-r .n s„ra . r►. gei•cr. ••um.m000l n,lWlrc And tui. fs•-I w vend' --sal - - - -
&..w...U.hls,w-..Ib-,.,hrn„•r perry.. semtive 1•b lata at lie Clinton CO41 r vccrua ins nAnrt lsddrer hie this to
To.m who4 , 1. h. wall.-,rd.,epy el f.. rr,.• TM r•&ah.s Pol° 11,WL T , nrcrr u.l. .0 r' h Ire lo. ,lie, In, -1 Ilial they I... Ihe to 1 • Itirb-
.opn..-d(w•e•lehr.r1.w°lrrM res,rarra,_ ••eu,aavua,ortlel. Alleora)., de.len►mp toJ”. deculal.onriotthefutureearl.brinjj1gvo.q uo1u14dh,Crn.'•ud1h• Cuu,d,Iec.. is C A
perms .d wnr to- row. work ,hay wan a.d a •ra. N. rn)..r,.n. enjoy sal uai ,t ; ud a. lannly To the porliotn^ntary electors of the Soutb or to .ubmbt ray yarticuiar ur alerehc pl; A .'. ;.uorM. first fires es ors hn baMrd, dre ,.rr I A II T I 0 N S L E
C.•s Ln,•..rr ,,Taus. Anew,. Mau•rr,•w..'m',», will le witnun(n ane, one. Uyug .0 I{iJ,o4 Cenrrnlly. 1 ullrr myNlf Y • candi,l frim. 1 roe)'. Luwever, M] th•I 1 well ren• ouch ear in 1. •nA..n, to+,i In.� v VILrr ri'v til 111
r,r.ad °11 T►ny WI Lanka Ae.r,aw. TM.rdT Prem only R.1 rob per raMtar. its, sill h WI lar ree'!ly! Yue lIICrUW sat ,-' brute this r.rr'iept ,, , tUnlly of'vidmille each GO-ade. AI.J t uui.0 • Intl 14.,
oos.c,.f,.r.lrrn,aar ..,rd.e , h. 1`n.•np.,. ,.. ell ,xdrr...us. 41 too °.Idler ria • ° J e ) 1 r"' A SIIPERIOR FRAME HOIISE I
M.Mso u..ar,ad. u,A .wase .p-..saw+now .n,n hr NULL [H .1 1 LTM Af, Pont. '.icalit] hi the IGdmg oyd exPldm my •ie.s
nt.or-laatd•..JriA.np .r.r..nrr,r I.irlr and full un both lowland eneral $150 IN CA3r�I end C�ardenr
:Gory.. n- aI ra peri ..a s Cb. ..ewr. ■ad Me.carlr, G.W.. Tu lhr onosl rel y'"i i urn noI oak norar J X
p7 van -„,,,also,,. : (fenced A x.•,I lnr Csod.. nanny; ben a enniun6u. re.J••Iot int Ih� maUrbs; such as the ure•K+,Ir of eoroura)( wdi beri•a1tu M•JiNrTuuteJ awY.la ey,ry+l%TT'
e.m ►..,.,,.he rk°°.n rein, rd ILNJ n', ua,de,. 4 b I -lkn'.k crolu„ anJ y h u, eYngrruon, our trade, with the Umar d x'1111111 N, wh., premier or it,-- 1'ropn,tur j I1 � O Q 4J r 1 O Il .
yr.rrap,w, y Lr Y Hldln,•, for w l,eihal rel thin two ye&r old X
w.11 pls.r.4drar F. "be; Gard.+,, 4 I:o. 8•r Wali Jame bariur during Ili tl time .beau. t � 4 all the 3toslV,-reonnmy ii lire management of nor ( lull lou ere .'h�lan 1,1” In .:rod ro.. r,•.. __
N.•,RDwARI) A. ICII.A011. N.-ath.m. K,,K r b'Icf J. Po. kanl, Es•or; 1. N. , 1 Fur finisher ,b,•ulan eu,a .ddrer, nob
11C, 4.Whole. kine. r... Nrw Yurko difficulties ►,.J uiv.li,ws . 1 w lati,l rdr public deparimrrtn, ruJ the wldurl of the W PI
Lawrie. W allo at , rV CJrth..; .•Luce«dl, ,Lora- I G. M, T R U E M A N
nes, M. Mrwww, raraswN, cell sal, 1i.'.to••11ua hie, u rah .w tilled owmerora rl,cl,ce and beers abrin of the cou(try. .Gifu.
.-°Irma. n38 other hi hlv ,rsporuible olliern, therefore Meantime, J JONEli, 111 nulroctwl by the propralw Mr. William
Prin••,I"I of nJo1. cununen•pI.-Alrit ` tIII-y. to -11 by Au.-nu°,uf the
aecemnri ] torr oiMny years I have tins° 0 N T A R I U AUC 1' I O N 111 A R T,
�ilM I1t111g1tIflt�gW.' -- ' - 1 base the borer to be, lay our I . ea,
pnsmlrentl] hr fore you, and I ekrl:rnye °°y Gcut4aen, N. m t a-rn:r d"II•n *.0 try Arr • yru9
--•------------------ - non tHnowHim. mYteutt.fWlrto*.oltbatlwron;;rr. him to Itiub,Mmllel:unt.,CtfusurnLu.AOa.as. ,n Tbar.ly, IbelRlh Ly nl Nay, Ih6'!, at
tae anallcsl Miller. 1 itrrr 1, ray I' at Your ube'nt beryl, 1'lon drdjore M ■d.°°arise vah.e •I,.r for r..nn, -hot `Sopor.. rFr or Il--. ■t preens in
WANTED We h... keard Ora man who ,,ward • ime .o.frntr h.. v,.trad U,e Ao.rl Hoomse ole. lhv aka Ihr..(Us. J nM Is,W&,.Yn1.,.,o
eoutae sa to tndrj of elrt, my IYrixC ¢av W r
s knew rhicfo hood Iw•en fur •Lang lime wAlldrd ,hoald ape ria. fiYta ,Leet' me. ll4vin nu Joseph Whitehead. ?fa»A.n•. can c,dvr .,f*,n U,-..- 1rr,,,. 11„It �t,N 7 I:ruai...d gr,„d N.rk' Ktrbrn. win Len,,
AFAIIM SEHVAN r. Apply b 7 r Wal, •lt -r woo, h. 1.44mm 11 w l Ie ur,ed .1 ell tianlen alta, bd. living T.,wn I.a Nu. 11,7,
.nk a Chrome CY&•_h, &,d war Otberf.se In monetary wm.i, &end none dgMnd,a.t oar me Clio ton, April I-th, I -C7. .11 P
• r eund,t•mr ; he at length n•aolvrd lar purr• slow ar m adv -.ire. Fs. IuruLrr tYWrma- toe .,1WIa t I r, r a r o R ar .n .l 1'u a til
tl. ❑INCK, &SQ , l'oo � far .nec.mr from Ile )wblic cheat 1 du nut - - - - auu pe.r a.Mrer Wel, mP. ,.Ien.'h, a Ilia rear til Urrk'a Ilutal, Markel
1t0aegmrbad C'ultod,, 4th sell aim, and doll a, for n vrn tnq.uy Gum. wish for• rimy, would sol arerpt. from lie• J. W. MvKi'l.l..11l. ''lar"rc
Some 6 or 6 iii •fterwrds. ben m•t Ihe 1 ermm�,l On lucrative O11i�o, u, tint d,sor wl .. ,Price' ll 7 ERMri OF YALE-L,benl, and will be wore
.once«tun, O.Aenoh. 1 J 1 1 *.I..
parwu u, euom h, had Gold biro dei ring • bow eoer lira• food ra,tblull lar arern } p 1 sal'• ' lnI... to nue
Mgl1,.iA7. w1a11 d gr J J. To tfe If�ahpendefll EIUCIOrs ----` 7u. nrurs, u., Ilor■ nv■teren-
• irr.utiful burs,, lull of I,fv, aril trmel<kd 1' • m4r•a,e u1 the count in wbldn 1 hive preop, pv. p
ha had nth -r exehrlgwl him lot this w 7 Q6` to LECs, en unlaoteJ mime. as •lenre lora bar+iurr ,urn, a u 1. vrrr nnudly
_ - - -__ _ _. _ hre+f ., ,won] ]ran, and to whiek f Om army 3' ape (er rept. Ap1I to 1 cue.,.
-� pa•ch.m4 .nether : but J -d;, of hi4 sorprine .,,c,mtinus 1 am sincerely Ntaebed. "r t ret If1+P M ANYC.AYPNF:I:t.• ,:o1vr,eh, Apnl t6, IN60. wUtd
,n learning that the horn res the naw foe There ere an leading question before the .wall Lel ma.Tes•kebe.rth. Harpurbry,p.o. ---- - -- ---'-
/ r . ` x Md pn••i.w.ly ow nod and eonx.d•ird of ,n ab'in at recant, Lb1 ahosJ 1 be e'ect d, SOUTH RIDING C HANG E RY SUE
t\.� Il/�J• inlfe veto,•, Ion ennar.v an la what bad P _ —_-- -.. - _.___ __
f eAwll enter upai my duties lith"art ulo•,ilig Or nIt
rf ,-cted so Crral a than!,, he wt" told Thai to Ihe mi., air of Ihe dr ue filetfnus TO THE
ALL those iodekled M the lain Arm of R J 7 7
'' ilarlry's A•mhlan IL•ar. Irma+ly and hion.sod will osnim to the utmost of .,• COUNTY Qi $ V J:1olC r OF
A (i, F SV..rt, either by nntr Or buuA Co.rd,l...11 Mrd,,..,, had d ane it rhe. er UI N D E P E N D E N T E L E C T OR S Pl
w(r�mno, ape requested to ra; the waw to P In,wer in cmrrri,,t Out la CoufrJel'latuo V A j UAD1 J TOWN 1 OBIS,
p•, olluu has efr.•cied same remarkable tui•", scheme iso a hher.1 a irlt. GssTi Ls.x,-ILaing heee nominated al 1 li Ll ll L ll 1 `1 L 1 J
G. F'. 3wwart al user, and rvn tete. IL memMr the n.me. and see that the P
O. F. BTEwART. Tottery m-Oaure cntculalyd tP advnnrr. fhnl'un,rutionofthe Ljlenl l:ou.ervasnve` lrF 'fllE IN TAE
R, j signatune of f/Y"rd ¢ Co. is w, each ,Ior i,,,ercdt, had .eil.,ainl of the Ciungy of porgy. field ■t Cllntoo oo the :9th p't., es a I yORTH AND SOUTH RIDINGS
Goderich,Feb.Isib, 1,16. tl pmck„X^• Iloron I. will give my undivided attention, Candidate Lr the repr"rntatinn of this TOWN OF GODERICH.
\urtArei yym.,x, Newcastle, C. 1V , and twat support. �T pp ^ -
pr�p�wwtorl for the Car.&Ion. Nuld by &I! I sh:dl hr• r„ advocate fur Penmomy in it,e I:i lin;; in lh, Local irgial»run M Oneu i0. IOP ia V R VNg
--•,�— - - - -- Yedlriue dart, n. n12 l,n publlr arnica, ur Lu xa'mnr u, cunq,&lrLle •red bwvine rerriv,d nve.rraw aranneee of (;ECTLk: )IL\: ilUMl'ANT fo s Des•n•e •red Iwro enlrn
. OW tm44f..i1001. - - I .ilh thntuu,h ef5, icncy ; I °hall alwrntr Support from persons or various elmd s art H.rmAIn+n reyu,•.le.t to npr•„nt ynr 1 ,adv in a crnan rrur l,evJrrd 1r tA.
e� IM T.Plo-r-h la•r urncral of Ile Conwty u 1 l;uun art l'hnnrory u!
1 mch .1, rs nor, m rhe customs unit vicl•r political opinu.n, i he,n mor-nind to offer b iron,Crinwry Nailer per now ••IGr our •. 4 ('hon Nti va. HUTCHINdON,
�q RIATETT, b: to announce th., 10 O A C R E S O F L A N D• y•
P dull. s u .,II be mast hon'hci..l to the wu,l• mrs,•If fur ur suffrages at the election in siva, lar rrpn.rhl rile at tM rent. 't oo t'►up,
she has opened a juvenile •chord, at lTw0� �ALL�. rn.l means of Ihe ,r.tr•t nu,lller rd th,• br )" ,;a_ 1 ,envoi hefon, there will nIr .,1,x1 at Put4ir Auction, by
ft" -- h►Litwula• k••eyinR in siew the maintenance trkr plrre, lar ell probahililr, rt Ili di•1&ut If., .g I—, rew.Jenr. of,he County fur . GEUR4E II1 TRUE�AN
East W/ •� YIa6Attla Street. THF..nW,.I:ned •,8. n fire »ate oM rrawMabl.• oil the public credit. peri,d, nwu(N•r of ya•r•. eMl n,N haven, tow• fn m,hr )
l Ierm...•it,. I .' , Lm No. 1!1, ,e ,I.r 13th a 1'errm',1 ra,v■re, In .I".- ,nrh,nr Ie knew
Tarr puhhc J.bl-re�ulaion Lf lrrdr, ant Iv ihr mrantim-, 1 shall take the nPpor- .IUCTIUN$F,R,
TZNN 02.00 Pse QNANTES. ronav'uon .,f 16. I �w,,,n,P of tt'■w,a,.1 it elo usent of comneree-tM I -e,. one c,rw, d." I"', e -.t gn.'.1,0,. o. tut• day, per
N. B. -Mien II, hes s•O & ebr ever] Adds•.., (pre`M..I) W til Handy P. U , (--I) P Pta«a ovnify of vinic i,bg fur--vernl munir;pnl itien, wurlJ Ira w -tmt the we •rr...rd.+qv in f r•» r hs Aertiun \fab,m IAr Tomo rel t:,nlenrh, ash
Grin,..,(.. W, vire-,hernlrrgrmentand impruremcnt of ,.r',MlatLti.w, pnrrand.mple. VA.,11 ('•r) •,alMrdm 23lAof A ril INST
Tae'•da and fbr,wlo from 1 until ►s11 post that you mny Ireome Ieuel urgwir.lyd with �. p ,
1 1• I PATNI(1K CANHULL. Ibe inland w.Vr cnmrauuirasicn wnhi, UJ, LP.Jw and (.'Arfn nor+ra rr.mr ,r awn,,. w.Ih the .a MUon of Hrnr '
5 o'clock, for Plain S*win,, TaslinZ, sed APnI Illh, 1.67. wlt,U km Canada-Ihe Railways -and gra-nllor,si th' rmime,tt which 1 n,frss, and I trop, PPr" Y Mselermat,
P CUNft;Ut:HATluh L-y„Ma»ur ultW urJ nwrl, a UuJr-,r A. the
all 0'1,1, of fent] work. 60 ed per month. ever will advance the w-Ifre and importance thatthey bill he fund en to seonrol with tPe wall warnlY wp,wnl. M.e,ing lbu th, lol'owmg vislaahfe Town I.A•, Ie.ng a aub-
God.rich, May 9, 1867. s l6• DI3SOLUTIb$of PA$TNEIiS– „t the Dominion of Canada, shall receive my y,+ur own, that you will Le cuaLled to give ,'lupe nn,»u tws sok.• pin, r u,• gr,OWr nunJr r J,ra1.M w Los, AanJ A, ,a Goa. •• A•” L.nnerly
- - brat atl.mion. til .loris a alt ne r, lid r” malr the un...a mon• .n the township M (;wicnch, known as the W u-
-.__ ` "`1crE it hrery ling tea Ili, pvnnmA,p me a generous support. enn.p'nr. )I', A„r, . Lngr .1,. 4 ./S,_.,u °un Solve
k re..it l ear -rent Icsw.en MatMw i abwll take an ra sal] apPrManAh', br ,ei- 7•
No611aoo and 76,»u,. 141:, urd.r Ili.• rein,. tun eleAtnae c,wna off, nfa•silnR lM,princi- r amt jr,nllemwn, Areal,w•AirA ry red ,N/ rA.vp Via.: l'Owa IA,ts 1, 2, a. 4, 5, fi, 7, M
nyW. ■ad a,. or •• %, ,to. N W ll,'• .. r.n PAI Inca�itiea i:, eRch munirtipriity, an (t then 1 our oh dient servnot. ANNt:AA I ION. 9 l0 11 l3 14, Ib• 16 l7 ltl 19 20 21
3P o Is COMING "act 61.1i'b sir• \'dire if ."per sat, wnr rhi• ,.xnlum m vivre nn Rn ♦tib' en like) lar ISAAC CABLING Me d,rddh nPrynre, ehhnaah we yno Y2, ll, 24, 28, 26, 27, 2R, 29.30, 32, 86, 37
4y dr.nyel by mm»al .•onw»rt..old tow Iwo- J 1 Y J umeserl W one rf., k s large la .,( N,nl cake,, 14, 40, 42, 4:{. 44. 46, 40, 49, 00, 61, 62
nes wall he b,enoef.xlh ra vrd on Iy Nu•hew come a.un lire Ilou” o1 Cnn:mo..s. Hob call es.( h,wren'. In , ,kc.
N,N,e,w.•n non•, slid The .u.I M.uhrx Rub•rt I Itrive the honor ti) he, latter, 2r•I April, Iri'.7. wl laf Y teal N. 31, 64, 66, 56, G7, fig 7I 60, fit, 62, 83
rmueatha,mrltud,.iurg, el dafw. awl rc Grntlenou, - I:U11('ATh,\. 61. 6G, 66, G7, Ctl, 1119, 7l 112, 7S. 76, HO
11'. ale Oncherld IO ft" the Igi know that »I. 82, 85, OG. 87, 8", N9, 90, 91. 92, 93, 94
a•eIt* oil cr.vta, un ., a •nM « Ibe •.J p.rinar• Ymtr 1'usli rel ,. rv»r 1, To the Free and Inde- per are w11 u•C 6 )I,tk 1'°e. for 11 no. Ibu.r
1� ~ ship, 93, 96, OT, 91t, 99, 100, 101. 1 U2, 107, lON
y D. H. RI TCHIE- pendent Electors of the . » ret 1°``'• rl1`r» ""del do well W rill a
IwW at halunh, Ibis t•1 dry �,1 Ilnv, IpG7. :,sAUA i[ UAv,.'a. 109, Ill, 11:1, 11 t, 117, 119, 1?U, 1?1, 122
M hOHEK1+UN, ilayfield, Township lit Suul,y, AHNICULTIINF.. 12{, 12:11. 128. 127, 124, 129, 130, 115, 1311
~ T'IIU". lih L i .
4 esu••ld ^ K' 30th March, ItlIi7. w l l tf Outh Riding Huron, 137, 138, 139 140 141, 113 144, 115, 14G
,aA to* Il•t^`nw•r , Jts 11. Hanes+, y.. D', will emm�ro era hrvwv )not rrrrn•.vl s naw m , r
.nn.••a'w 1O tAe P ' ,rail M iise.. w,.i :II GE(VTLE,IIE.V : peda•k u1 Field. (smeled. °red c Weer :4,.1.. b.•me and 148.
e/k ,cr"fiellof n� )papa( pees".lit � �,s�� _- __--_ _ pen and mn n•J; . I°ne a-,ri,evw of Thele Ind tre near tire.hone ML.k. Hnnm,
„ thor A, ,tin,_•. ra,wlm-rel f}�Ql'llefk and %M11aWa. Lae. To the Free and Inde- Having rnrei"d the onanimnw nnmi Sorel M,.tyrM°nd Ag, uuhursl Harywarrewt, arl.. od are very desirably ad Ml.d 1m M,ldon° Por -
a,4 („si and �I nation, at the Cnnrention rcceoly held m peg,err che.p. r,-.-. 7 M•rcd ant d•rcnvery ofr4 toTheneugli-
w LOTVA5 sal �.�(,� pendent E' lectors of the � Clanton, for the Rep""llt°t•nn of your IGd 110\IbNTEAD LAW. 1, ebood wifl au noose here Ihe eNZ-o of r°Pdly
/ T H E s 'A- !o ` j( K R mor M oat iAr n,pldauun .1 the town.
C „ I} r4 North Riding of Huron 'ng in the Canadian I lobar of f7ommmin, sod We *rc son,MIT .lurch d fr, all IMnivs h+rnr Each Lt will be pt" rep wenn-tel,•, the p ol.
��y�7Q , los having arrevted first nomina6m. I ■m now v.,d boot,,, 1F. he,.e o Incur A ,"I.,M.,t of ,hoar,• the time m -Me .hall Pay d awn , dr -
9 lr LJi++ ilio. and U.l•.miwi E.re �1'rouvn.s oo hu,.,,
_ W roar rens,,,- Y IiANTL►.NL`I, In lie field ;-CaudlJatn fur ynr suBragn. ,,Mu equdw.Clnl:wrgry [IOO uI,M p°n•n.•e
s of c win. -h will le put up in Ihe mq-t work,.nnko ,,,,,,I,.Y and w wl R.e,ea. sum within les-, wceho
/, ,oAin sow dam -t CATH des' asst n! to.liberal Said generous support aI ,7. _-1, f. .,,• hod n gri d~rel art,■ enrr
`y (,•ad^r ordinary eiremnwinnen the term u hands. f '^ after Ihe Sale lar make uI nue north of the pur.
og the ren. a. p,,,•,1,id. A 11� I yu "th0-•hurt one. We gwravlee rn..cnun. l draw many tlw bak°aw W M around
O M�W*Aaue"" ( _ l 1 I' " of the prn,nt 1'ron,rcir I'a,lnn.,nt would As Ih. E onions will not• in all robahilil (hmwa wN. h7
m■•ibr,' Ihe Per SILVER SPRAY' P J 'memo. " , Mt a -W in three• er re ye.•ty p.y_
�ermuul- m r few J, K bol .,ocr tA. I:ut
O .,, Re � Y Inky ,data fur +,mr Months, and w Ieraon0l I]IPROI'F.MF.NTS Menu wish m1M•a rI r,g1,1 per rrntnm r on-
l'I gen.rsl HeeUon, very ere.,t Political and c»nyroa would he iuei do-rii, until annul the 1 Rum. l6o mon s.e10 be
D. ROWAI\r 1rLa$�r curing(",n,nrl ebwn¢,° have 1.4 a ret plwcc.0 tach M:,rtM Mw Cumw tunaM. We ,rr .4r,nnin• f Pry p.rnlby lAr V°nd,x.
r}, y e,e of Ihe coms°r1, may I hope that in ►Ne et 1., Leyp up whh Ihe aye M °h "nprovrmenl° �,wol• r as the eapen.a ot the pnnaarr, in, lhorr
V calls for an inamcdind drasolutoon of Pair- �n 'Iotwero• Ther ,.twat .■run i break, orroge'lathec•'adinon°ofwor will to the .,utl
Q711.1, run m cnnn.runn wish for Unnd mr•nt m.antimn, ]Oa, g,nll.m,n, will withhold X
• n Faclurwankould g,v! m a rail (Yf Val., ¢,:. be brained M Itr ('r•vn ur 1 hope,.,, °red m -e
'Trunk R. It., daily to .l'.wthmmptrli roar nmM from ouch regnlaiur ns of an b. nbu.,d own app,- I...n et Ili, Lsw Otlk•r
TM•e chars qwn .en Lund ,err•-ary, in LUYA Ll T,
°ad return. liarmit Gudenrh ,very even- now b,ing indnolrinaely etrcYlrled in lSe M Mambun war alt Monte. in the 'fnw. of
A. iMITH , ■t 4 o clock w11:n; at 6,nersom , In consequence of the many diMtalties ►rif&g kir{ing ]a met a. Bn ietik practice, and ane We !'•Ince m. Thardw,rrw. ari•eehcrrar y.derwb,end0uhe,7ramhrnnfih.onl M°wer
1 6 , out of th^ ro per carr in on, of rot naible $.w.I Ile'.eh-TMdos, H,6r,w ohldo mi Io para• I I:NRT MA LUEItMUTT.
Hcrchant Tailor. terburon, Port EI In, SouUamptott, wind P 1 J N, Lao that 1 l,npv will never pervert .ill, ('.,,•,Iran or. r. 1, and b •.. dao will .h, w' Ih,tr at•
Z government Under Ihe ITmon Act of 1940. Eyeb,ri-who rise r fair, fn•c, and Donor Y a Ma-tr.
Owimwk. ill "9h►. IN7• and wnoteer permnitnl' in 1865 a Cnaition Government was form- P 1 trout rn v tMranw in P we dvaobte. IriA►C P. TOMN,
peel. able ew,"1 far ahs•. Arid bey and • men Our Pn.n oriel Gam,. PAn TecmmrrarM• VenJun Nohri'rx.
RETURNING EVERY MORNING : ,d for the prpow of devising a remedy Ra tempora,} polities t6tomph), and ,hall Inn OnrC-nolnwnon n ern, -t (ria). DOW this t5l► ur M°rch, I:df7, w9 It
the exming -rbl., unit a t1ni, n of the Rntiah will rot Irrm d in Or inAuancr and Our Ponnca are 1 inw°rea
having RnutAamPten at 5 o'clock• ar on., North Amori•an Pfotincer pew proposed and sappnrt fr my op)aneI mtY in the ('°seam° Urr A...radu,ou-.If boaAl el Jobbing. ---
T Q C and amvin in ("erich in time to wince' .g,..d anon. and o -t o my the ('octrrt, 1 shm'I hour ., tfe have Ili, hums, Ie, llrorrty i POSTPO N E M E N T
AU ■ I 0 Y with Oran�Tnak Trrin. IJndmr Chit rrnngemnnt we rn t0 h»ro • ,opportunity befnn of marling Irin fNe Too, ou°d.ent ,,,vent•• inV 10, 11, IA, 14 19.16, l;, 27, 111, 40, 69•
Tiekvd (nr SaI- for sl points oo U. T. R. rboitral (tg sflanre end w Lnwl i,egulaturc, 73 &ad74, lily having b.&..old. lt" helence M
17HE s.atr;hgg has yeor..d insltbulioes to (a-. expl.irmst nil ,i..n and expounding SEA RLF ` DAV I8 rr IMrdd at Public AurwM o.
b ogr far lila and all points • rat. th• former to have, charge, of mallen of lh^ M"P• Y
�t,� p J. V. DETi3OIt A SUN. 1 GeeOaral InMrenl•, aff,elin the United PIs• ml pnnili pl-- pend loo ab&II Aave hmrl rn rep Clistos. Awl tl, IM{'1, w4 3t"/oP Qol,„nlity, tae Inch Jar of May 1,47, at 1 M the
0: lhA 18th Gadericb, IIA• 10, 1867, w16 g p xldnjq of Ilius judging of our rw,wrli•e . __ _ . _ __ _ - - Mask p. m. em Ili, pr-wnnra
Of MAY, 18(117, J - •meet anA the hNer to h►ve cbrge Of Local goalifieatr,ne for the high trust w• wok at Detail April 19th, A U. 1847.
At TNi Malfrrm. yt, H U C H D U N LQ P p HENRY YAcL)ERNOTT,
yr hands
( Coder those eirca Mints co s, i bate eon Mum•r.
ITi Meantime, 1 have lM honor to a. 'j` t1 1 j , r) it .
H111iON AUCTION 1[A$T. .,mei u Ihr rnpmst of rnr,] nam Lunda
AT of sl political,ree.fe in year riding to become (lkMYm-n,
+ • Csndid.te for tun Id"cal (,egslalon of Your mMt M. V. wt Shr•,nl. NIAT POOR To tRi R.tSa or MIMRRAt,
Twelve O clook Noon, ) �`l,t�j( [J� - M. c. cAMEHUN.
Sf nm pnvO' dock of. Chas - v 1 lv�r Ioor riding, °red w inn wbn ha, r,aielad Grido,riekr M,s,,hh INth, 1461. WPB. W f% s� T S T R Y F. 1'.
,• mart],eors in the ntrtk riding, and who -i � _ `..--.-_ -_ * p Q
VALUABLE BTOR E taken a A.ep interest in too welfare, I hope it To}h) Inde e n d e ret H'13 LUST RECEIVED ar P 1 O Il h11 QICtB.
mltudtsA nn lel Nn. 966, fbeint the ('nnrt rgtHK Cosneil of to Corporation of Lha el-ot*d neer to l ekal the front euofid•1d w
Hooks quare, WA now net.pied by Mn. 1 Me. Electors of to South
Warrick. Thtt is one of then baa hu.Mon Ei► polilice are to amppo-t tM btw.b N A NEW 18TOOS I -•-
Hurls Is tied To" of Godrncb. The build the Coalition in rare in ,rut hoent ffi. in. Ring of Huron,
OoTant� of Snroa• J R ) otr , +ENDEE.gs adAlmsad ts'tke Pomrarler
i is nowt sews *tit (milt, and Treaty 6t. Vntenrw of the Quebec •ek,ma, sod Wa to GEV TLE.VEV . - l4nerol, wd1 b• received at Oflaws
ted For tsruls and lieviare • I will mem at tho Court brae, Doderiek, support honest men and honest Me sures, -
M Pian PPI Heling re,w•ived the nnmia-time MIM rntil :i.wn, nn FHII)AY, 7th JIJNE 11107,
and to do ell M mI bwmhl .bilis• 1. an -
4 J A M i ll S M A I L l open as Illsorotam hold in Clinton, nn lb• bath {fest., �oOD fur tib opo elance tr Hr rwairJ s, ”
••ncr ,b* int -read of los, riding ud IM w pfrm CoLAi4ats M► the 1 M ANu nn a propem.d Conle.et erc for ;err, sa
Artirwe.r. Monday. the third day' of JUNE next. or lfirs of this Ts2 native c",ntry. rmhly of O.,tari,, f .r South Nwo@, sad .�:ix� under, on and Gum the lel July next, b,twMe
Geds,iol4 April 4, 1807. w1I MI I am -well acri.amt.d with many in the h.nug aecoptell the same, I sen am prop,• jlfll
_ _ rETP.R ADAMSON. villose, but I shall shortly milt• it mJ boo .l to take the field, and hope to em tie a Orediton and Devon,
-Jon 0 i It1l� Corm, Cteyk. ,saw to cull ms.dinfn in worst different town IitMfat w rt W►Kh M V prepwrcd to make op on Ihe Iwice par .wk w.ck way &red
_ • Goderieh, Ma, 9th, 1A67. lidn ahlps, .ken 1 shall eiplat& my principles In As the le�o.etinn will not, robaW take "q9A 90 nmk► wAwNwt Rpprnv,•d °tyle,
r &till] and hn t o meet other os ,niid rise a �' Wingnam and rlietlanaof
I"' P pl&M for tomo time, i,hal ba ohla al the l: H A $ 4 I,. g 1� U h 1: R A T R.
TIii9 is b wA1f7 Ant Ihe Is.O ppaarteer.hip - [— rT ❑❑ tt�� I kdwnn wh-n YOU Leis tiny* an op romenify of proper p.ricid to make a personnel aMw of three tow" per ."it Push w°7. Printmd
bm-1 tofbw esisliwg betwe..lr..•tc [Lely COLONIAIJ IIO U SE1 Judging es to the respricU•n wpakilitiw o1 tM Riding, where. At MWAIngt to hew ter All a ilk o pesonally attended in. ,Mie" erMfatnnjt forth -r information w In
sole a lSoas, was ibis 461 dimotked by Molest I the esadidst". M, the views of both portion pen fora .".4 111 i -I April 11, i867. w49d rond.t.nn° of ppru8(wed Contract mq M
tone rt. AR "6 due sat" Aum am( Ili i may Say that i am an afmiror of ""limb ami /me red ; toll in the mMnlinger i Trust ___�-_ "*no and bink Iran of Tender may w
Ti F. lubaer{her seals keeps Ib Iargam eoeresti and am " red mt an lima to obum.d at t►n Prot O111cw suets o.&floe-
pow to Isaac h MadA►rd J. D -laser, who T P, Pa 7 or will wise to ay Otheeelvw ►y t4ywsidsY a
tarify and herd Meek of A ht in the field or 1n an Other s ban in WANTRO ed •end a toe 011ie of rt" ORIFFIr.
wRl eomlinM t►. m•nefinetan of nroeam of f 7 0 ne Mh-rwnw to r0] Mbar wnd.d►V. t
all 6eowiptmm. lits, to majntain that enno-xio0. i have the honor to be, N at Carter. A 1 In the GILREIIT OHiFFIN,
[RAAC DoO tAON, HOIBERY f� (LOVES I [ r.m.,n gahtlem*n, 1 r'fjgrygi rr J P. o. 1u tae.
IN r11R COUNTiLA. UenYourm end.nigaed• la tN Go!•ywh Wools
• ,� d. J. hOR,gJY, Yosn mow( nhediemly, YOdr mrnt Oir•dient w•an 1, NIJ Y. PMf OffiM in,peetnr'a
RORRKT DOB.10N. 4 Ofilee, Iwwrdon 1'. W.
Gud.Iicb, March let, 11187. w1►tf Godericlo Assent 22•d.1866. PtOa Godeneh, April S, 184T. wl l ll I Goderich, Marsh 19th, 1867, w6 Godonp.h• V.• LL f867.• wiS If 26th ♦pril, 1447. 1 wl6 M
FRIIIT TREES &cd `"�"""a"= ACT °' 1f166 "'" ala
--__ 1 Province of C•Mdw, 1 I N tM CHaty l'r1AM a/
Cuumry « Metva, (j ,w C• i of Dilrl.t,
Nf„V oo kand and for at my load”, Ir ash. d.slr ag ,Gatti Maorah, 10 I ra. at. 1.
lM tlalyd *% Itis tl.xla day r ;Illy err..4
Eesl til rnr t, R, J►n,gaed �II app11 w IM laden• « IM arid' ,
A LARGE Pf OC K OF PLUM TREES, CGarr. hx. Irehayg. aA", me.aa Ar•..
BeasYr,►,.Y3t►dsyul J,A, U. IN7
besides a quantity of bps All.nury, W 1110,11. *16 tm
6rapesf CarrautN, Gwselerriea/ INSOL�WT ACT OF 19" AH Pbe6:
Ac. Alai, nn bond a non,her of pr.wi;, nrrearfa TN Ibe ravoly lr,»rf es
1 Hale's Early Peach to Ill.. •d n■r"».rl IM t=90aq a Hr,w.
f le 1Ac masvT of JeNyA 't', WI, a I.pYlvewt.
(Th•earliest and hardiest variety follow.). UdBet.rdryflr riiil8'dayof July nest, rt"
Alto. several other rari.lies. u..Wre,gue.l ell: •Ppl, no IM Judge •d IM said
Inleodil. r•rcba ore would do well amen, wr . dsmo►.,a. a...k, ,hr .aid A0(•.
f*�} L 1 ,-catarrh l,.th day of 1p,d, A. pp III
to call at nuc•. JOW 1 71tUTT,
O,iderich, April I6, lbOO. wl2tf bio Ati r y. - i I6 Lor
I!13U \'LN'Y'Ari' OP INN Ji Ill",
Privies .0 Can -de, ( M M C.•dnly Ca64. of
` Guw..ty n( Nun., f a tar C..*aly Yt Harr•.
Ir , a.ulri « Jub. N,.tl an fel •ly.ae.
r r}
APP� lJ, [[;;I�r Uu ns,..da r, 1Ar Cgia Jay o(l,ti se Yl, th.
KEIT E SION U,drn,anrd 0,11 apply to tae fool,• ..rase wall
OF C'oult, Ili edw' hvR.*ea1,r,As w11��ill lel
I� J•esutA, TDnb Jay of AM)JuH141"4.0111
DESERTERS. by B, C. M.- A11,1HEY,
Lia Attorney, oil limen- wli fter
N U rrr I C S 1 80CVZN_ ACT OF IiAr4
Pmv.trw of Cuarl., to Ihe Caunry ('ort atfi�I
I S HEREBY GIVEN, county a Her•M. lucent ,.► Hineve.
THAT the h,ll.,wmg reward• bill be pool for ba IM Muter M 1teMaw M. �•rsh u1 Inarlv.as.
the mppnrl Omain til 0* T'hrrrday the nhlm,efh day of Meg' ora,•
NAVAL DESERTERS, Ifo.e.a,,,1 -,. i, --s,,,.1 ,ti,r..J .NIM
esd C'urM, fur • ♦brM..rre nwdvr th Ani ape.
In■ny pan.,C area l., and faiof, ,I_k.J- Ilatedeal. hole•, that'ehd.l*fMstrh. A. De
tun to lire coo nau.w "1 .wrwes eav rUug daa.n• 13117.
era. a. INTA Vinn.
1. -For °pprehenro.o olsockdewrter. relating 6• MlLUOM8l7 ,(,r lae•IveM, 9w tel
the veer Ib071.A7 IU, m°d.bbu. w expene.v, -
Md m opec al r. -n, a lankrr ,,turd w par,(
w•Pac,elc,rron,.r.rw. JoNSOLVENT AerOF1864.
l. -Penalty ran pe,malding prrs,es to done, Or
improperly .6scorl U.esuadw... AX, oaa-Lslf t- Prove cur o! O°na le, le I.m row«y Comrr ere•
tin ,,loner. ('omit, m Hu,•a&. li Casae/y W Han1.
A. --Penalty for °riling, concrali&r,barboor- I. the Matter W William &d adwnN COwaw,
uv, or..n,Nuy,og J-wt•.a, A.R1, .Ae.bell t. the J.WA Wats.
inf.O,ar. On Thirrdsy ite fAbn,efh day of May Mi.ir
4. -In ald,no. lar whu•h Wrrgo,ug penalties, the rnd,mga.d will apply W be )edge a th
sns' p,..oR girsi ierorn.l,ua lending to lb• as'd I;uurt tow A d.- h.,ge emit" Ihe-W .,i.
rn 'I.un til say par.. ur Ili,&w. yrueunag, lA,tid a Chutua, tori Ihis day or M.re►, A.
ro6mmg, o, ar, •Imo .learn, rs will ,..ore • D., lb7.
frtha «red art 1: I0. WILLIAM COWAN,
Penwr (Nk-,r• Atiurn.• for Inaoloou. 0. sat
al. Lowre.ve °red I..lies .d CuuJ.. _- -.------j- -__- __
H. t".8. •+Amr.•re.".t Quebec.
Mare►12,Iph7. wil._ Insolvent Act of 1884.
Seed Potatoes &c rronyerel Nelson 4 IN the ('.>�y fe n e
r l'awnl of Huron 1t" Cur of Hen&.
1. thl Maslrrut Healy Hank*,ea lrhN4rat
Nonce A herr Lr ,.•wo Ibut oa Mosel., rho
i17HR Sobaeriber has just rece'ved• next lwcaly se••mh u., otMry finsl..1 Ilia h,•.r rr
1 door to Nolan h McMask's Blacksmith- Ire of rhe ~lark, in Are I..n.ww, ora rose re
ing and Wagon makers' Rhop, oppawite the romrwl van u. hwtd. Ike rndwag.W will sp,N,
Iluron Hotel, a quantity of u. r h,- J.dae.1 Am Said curt lar ado h.S. w
Garnet- Chili Potatoes, '"Iia pew A'1 w. A.1) e
(tuJeyich, 19th Yew:►, 1. D., t.
ahich have been proved ne.rly proof w9 Alt.rry br fwe,I,eaf.
against the rot in the C~av of ii,ant, and 1N3ULTFrN F ACT OF 1864. -
deferal other sorts. Also, a .tuantay of _
OATS , CLOVER SEED , Pror,aoe orcaes.lh, f I■ the rtnos.y eoerf of I►•
G"U.ly « Haro., i r.w.fy o(Hen,..
BLACK-EYED MARROW FAT PEAS,&C' 1„ 11„ M°tier ,.1 1 ,,.r St...ih..d tr-• m C -,b
Afro, expecte., in ion is •day ur tri a as rupsrtp�efe.ad Pet.rrinrmlk( lRYMWOWl,,
Far!oud of fine ground Inhet orne
Ur. Ili. Ihon•.ntb J•y of Ma► ,.alt, d /sa aN IN
PLASTER OF PARIS e,;,. ,,, 1J ped,. a peso, ft" wnArnnO.w .p.
, pry-tu thrJ cot theardr.,wn,as hie r►amltm.,
which will be sold at 35 eta per cell. M rfw'I own w ua•ferlcb, in mud esu,, fur m
HARVEY ILO W ELI. dr horye rear tha rd Art.
Doled .I D oder. b, m Is, Cuu«y of Mwr°n,
Goxlerich, April 20th, ]tlf,7. ell l• tkts Saeurdd-v of hoar: h.A D , I8e7.
"o-p..Inrn 1aJ
1; uanty of H°ro.,) j) y virtu, N twy penia M MET kiR 9TRA,.A. ,,,.,.,y,
o wIt: ))l)V°dit:-, Expwws aad M C.CAk,EHU`f
Iwo wrisuffere Fm.•dw 8QIrmi fur lneulverss. I•
...ort out rel iter M.y,rl y'. l uu 1 of l'a•..m,M
Plea. al.l('uun til Qum..'. fi.na h, ■ad lar me ------ - - - --
dtre,ired •gems the lona end eform. . M IP3OLPLRTAf T OF food,
Hvnry C'.0■mhe,Joba .,as1 sol Ira Lrwi., yes
a1 the /ets of M.I,- 4m Mepliscroi The f oau.
„ecu. seek n1 ('..ad•. C-e.wge F. Munn, and Pro,inw of Canada 1a tie County Cobrt •1
The H.rik ,f Montreal, I Karr w.Sad °red taken C.:fy l Huron- 4th. Couvt, of Harrel.
in ,xrrolnw that oerlor np. reel o .roe l w lead In Ihe otter of F. . Armstrong on Isao►.
ir,ne port of Let •' P" WeN-n r1).Vm.. of iha veal
Towar6.p w Colborne• sal mor. penrolany Un to F.bvolh day of J,o. neltt, til Iva
.troop p t a Ili.. aww Irum Ruler, awfloo 0( the clock in Ihe f•v.aOOn ,r,w4
Unnk.y W Deed Levers end WrIWr Iwwrow, r ,tire m.deni
mood r°Wylhe progeny n( Ina late Juh. usla, will apply b the Judge of the said (-.arta of
together with are m.•h.rery oavd in driving Ihe his Chamber!, in the Town of Goderish, M
•ow mill, .im., the burWr, agar Gad abet aid Cooney, fur a di rberjad ander the said
m■chtoe,y eennwirJ, Ilia• up,sAt pew• .red .Ir,
the m.ch eery runm•eaed with Ibe cmnofer pew, Act.
end the Carrugr til she -.me, as ■I- Ihe tor.- holed mt Godetie►, in fire Coow g(Raeo,
w g.le►.atm the SaA mill, the prup°ny uI the this 2916 day of Marsh A. f). 1807.
osad J,.bo 0.11, which bud• and Ie.em..0 I I•. W. ASUSTRO16
".If offer f r sale ■t my oars io Ili, Court N iaw'...
Hou.., u1 the town al Godwricb, un I or.by' M. C, CAMXRON,
the.e,eeth ,jar u(M*y t"•1, &t the hour of
Twelve.flheclu.•k,01.1°. Solicitor for insolvent. W102M
DAsr. f,_ Jl.
riheno J-D,,e.0od, 7. go _ - .-
lath J•sury, INa7. 1 wl -- � -- -
The ahure Sale u luither postponed until
Tuc'.day, 21st dry of may joint., at same fa tow Maier of laaaw %blame of Gwdwiah,
place and hour. w15. •n Insolvent.
SHFJLIFr'8 SALE OF LA 1115 ,' ,e , he ban a the te•Am.nt, mmo const-$
,bat Ae hu mode Ro Aaso�naawt of fore
.elate and effects. under the above Act, io
Cb„ ', of o a 1. I�T ,tope of •pent or Ven me, the Sawlrrnigned Assignee, and lfory .r•
'f:. W.n t e l /d,an, EapuMrs end uired to forntinN et" wNhM ive, IYr ndo
Frn Feria» rewdnr, eared not or Her M•�''1y•. req r
, linty Cuwrt of,bv Coum of W.-ntaront and from this dale, with their alai els, sp�/ri fyfmg
W me Jimmrd *g. n -f Ihe Tends and leUrmtenle the security they hold, .f any pend tM value
rel John St,-Auly at the .art of W dharo Ihlrnnw, of it ; &ad if runn, statins The feet I tkc
I hove rr,aed ■od taken in earr•unun .II Ond wlinle attested under esMi, with tLe ,og►nn
singular that p,rtrcu or,nM or land send prem- is w sal 01 such cl sisn..
ir.uroata lying.olIringm Uu lo...btp.4 PPo
On.r•rs.e Ihe G.wnty of 8rw•e, -1.l ng by JOHN KEHRr
e.bn gm,-rvmmNd-. h.oJh d ■erc. M land. be Ofbeial Ada,gneo.
Ihe -a now w Wes• m 4 being r•ompurd of Toronto, April t0lh, 1867. •.6861
I..t nuudwr,Irren,m Ihe gnerul. o,w.+-.un w
the '.'uwnwgM lead., an ,. the Uoue,yof i o-, F A L--� REI )ORT.
,w,vestd,w•nich tents awl leu,emendlrMll ,Orr t4 ,�L'
f r "I, at n y renew m rise court hue.+, M Ih,
I, w or Hnderrhl am 1F,dnr.ley, ,Joe les",y-
arv,,nh d.y of Frtwasry, ■t toe hoot of Iwelre TII E Nil,. 11,or would n6wm the e.bbc is
w Ihe duck, n.w,a. a gearnl, that be be. mh Mt.,r,w y'4f-, � �S
JOHN MACIXINAI.I), the Towo of ,aNfer:r-t. as ro... ev. �"a^P`--r
rili H.ron. prn.we have nno+red, for the pnrpees wlgwlq
SMnO'- Omc., (i.,lrrirh, f h m.
11olh Jnmury, Irn7. 1 wt ISAAC FRED[RiC)r.
Oedrerb, April Imh, 1'411). . w/4 t�
The °hare 4.W is p.q...1 sue week, UII _ _ -
the 5th oI Marck, LWJ , IN U N I C L P A L r O T I^ A
The above bele n fur, iter pe -•pored till 19oh
March. Im67,-,n. place and huar. THK roan rel Neirmoi br Ihe Town.bp of
1 Uhy, will 1•e Yeld a w.. Dan.ee' T°,eni
'rhe sl+.•c ule . further p,wp,sed till lM 7th Tnwplw Grct, on kloual°y toe $Nh ,f.v of M•T,
May, Ilobl. .13 ,net. at 10 rel the nock, e m P.nu.naalers.
-_ Pewodbvr)en, and IP, a ti.wen w.11 be ap
The allova "II in further l oned until P° ped nom° oa"
Po11 r MM.(iNANT
Tuewd.y, the 14th lost., at lime place sod T..huhp. � 11.
hour. w13. AinkrtdN, Wer Ili. IN7. wltw
-The above. °ale i, fortLer postponed until C A � U T I O N -
Tuesday, In-2`+th inot. w-10 r�+
SHERIFF'$ QiLE 0 LANDS. 1 •ff' f. In f..ri w .ny prr.w nr prt.rm. p.r•
von to ur nr(.,asml too" nW" W hard
draw. a In,.r .d M'a.•olm Mr[ a --R, e".i�
Cumnly YI Nn -on. j �Y vwllrr of • 'Wrh a each, paynWe three sad bear vo°u after longe, no
e pent f Tendmlom Espoo.• ,m• tba wad s.Rr• beta bees peri.
.peri uusM net Majarry's Cm,nh 0.wrs of tlw ALES. MO(MACH.
'our. tr or Mvidl • w, end W m, ,Ii cl.t °garret aah9eld, M AuJ. HIYI. •1411
the I. -ads nod-fwnrienta of Jut" Colt' as The - _
.,is of Leino Hervey, -.Th mod Anne I•mnlig
Fwrrr, 1 blo wGant. end take. m f. ."oowiba '
jo.irnw pro, erry, via i all sod herngs, lbR N N ALIt, ,h. !leen Nfeeermolk, almost rs
ronin loss or Ir..u• ofland• .nd ptaonedse p,siss,i e 7 A. velar-thrr ,s going I.im r,
ndunle lying anti Ming ,n the 7b,rn'hbp of Ters- east wdl -11 : hap. Apply lar
tern, in low row.ty.f Hurn,. ad Prrn•w M JAMF-A NTNACHAN,
Cori roatslamg by a.lw4lesrn•ment owklp E.al ,-hart, (farferrb•
tile, erre. M the'arnw .rare ar Ives, ler., cum. Apel Sb, 11'0'1. wIJ 11
woad, 6n1 .N IM wlwb- e! tort .umbw twrety-ff.e
,n c.evielm an C. rs the estd Town.bip#.i,,w the - ___-. --- --
ve"I ei 618,°onel M. wNk-hby onwr ere- Mortgage Salc
yf•ywl W r,nw.mmwl M. lyalkn, by tm.jonbxN
herr sa dale the lteih My of IAsrxw,h-. A. 1).
IM5,and mr.r,.11y mfIM Wh;. of IW numb.,
twy,nly-umrn.oa.'nosios C, a the whl Toro-
oh,p,ri."=he vl-M- y MIT° orm W Ibe rd r1+tIFRF. wi 1 be *old ►y Pnhlie A•rlinw
IW n.nev r,Mveyed roofw Heonthon Onglth at the Hero" HMG, in Ib Tows of
hyi-denlunfR ringat.600bay of Nop-_ Ooderirh, nm
hrt, A. D. 101 i, wbiak bads read Ie:ameew I 1111 2:fid 1tiG7.
.hall o6i•r lw este. as ra r &.., so Ike (:oars Therfiflaj y ,
Iidea•, m Iha •ow° MO --non. un Toveday IAr
ra,erwh day dApnl-at,as the hoer otlwMv° &t 21000, the f"llowma Lewd• and Pnmirns
d(lbe ,d. ,nnm t'ur ant to P41wnrs of 4010 ceremon*d m
MIN MACUONAI,D. indentures of Mortgage, wistah will be Pro-
8foxn6'e uO.w, nndw,eh,) N►.ri6 H, dueed mt tM trona Of }a I•.
IM.Odk welnbt ` 1. llw R.°l Neu rest Na 116, and We
1Vest Half of Intl Nm. iib, io the N► 1'.eb-
Tho above nab is "prooked nwO To•dd&y, eossioa of the Tew,ship or WSWWDe•k, 200
Ibe fourteenth day of May melt, at ,iso• eynaa
place and boor. 2. A P&A or i,ut "G," i& thin Wemaes .
r vi°iera of Ills Tewsa►Ip ref CYIbome. me-
Tba shove 4.le fe f1rrther pdtPMed ant" gaining 1611 acne sad sere. we" of so
TTuessddaayyss the 213atth iinned. }��V IS ,len,
i l(DEUM lg4dTDeab4VVo rheas f delft• m t v-ry vale&kb.
, worthy or It• rtwllM M Fesmen .
IirAVt' &few b.,h.0 of Ili* "eabbrsud ;arms payw"% will be •mob
Gonderiek Saudi, ` Petatoee " for not* kaewn r fire Base sf sub,
at Mr. Job"oo•s (4 1o, r the followin F I Yr, mom • In
prite: -Forty (inoekrieh (..say rrly) a i,RTf4 McMlf CH a%& -.T ous
!1 r k. Gowan at 01 b. Mltni••,•r iw, Tatrew�
Cali att81 per peek. Alga, orange eaady rbJURN ISALl1AY, R&rt
Antoine( Kitlue a at 15 to pp*er ppaPrek. p, K. TRUrtMAN, Anetleawr.
Groben.►, April 26, 1866. W14 1. Tomato, let May, 1947. wU ed,
t a
a .