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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-5-14, Page 4
a,,...,..,s.,.«. ) L tillAR Akv Tit, STEPUf'Xti Qi: R B1:RTS A,R R ESTEDo They are sent to Canada NOBLE Ai.iION OF PRES.1i1HNSON. He dowrves cai.adra tl,.uks fruAresAt.1 PEi0IAN UBIEFS, wtta ALL C A 'A N11 10 ItIa, b J J t Sworels, Bayonets, Rifle And all the mut:) kinds n( &,,,,% and wa Il.altell'6 a,uintt4d in TANINlANY H,1LLI ANI) 'M()b'h'AT NtAN4410N 1 For the I.n thee• erra, to;other with large variety of Tankoe, 4olrlatn, • French Inalisit Nbtions and tlix-N u .1:', „( wb ch h•ve been se Lt w EUTLEWS air A. JouYsrus, wore l,wy ar. up•u fur C.had;auo to fc their eye. .p•,u, L.1 chirp, and kbrr ns mll,'a.f the Fenian Collapse rt' a <) V ~I Of all kind- f, nor i Silt ll'nrk to a Math) fr'1'h•••Adl.¢ X.,.,t'r e. A Ten large. stock ul t:eeatih,!. rvy roof Mwa,rI&,ev, . H -.ink. I- ; ,rice*. BIBLES, A LBUM3, kc Cheep .t BUTLER) Godeeieb. Dte. 21, Ir,.:G. w G 0 D E R I C I V .01, I / ' . ! S' N AXE FACTORY.? TH N S,d..cr b.r baysmp recuwme .d the A BI..n:. - A1' T K E OL 0 STA inr I'r„nrr.•f Waterloo abd Light -Neuse Street Would Leµ Io tnt".1e In hit "fe mend", .nil no..y orw rhes as I.euur. I,- with . va[I Iiia 1, th.,the w,'I,,r,sl„•e.mraeli. WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE, CHE alw .h1 one. jurnlwd .t a -m.il ,-.+1.19,-1., Ala le ., bba, lie. t .N.Imn ..n,e NAL -A I... eum,arr u, ble.. b. on hand. JOBB MLP L. .iplrw,.h, Ulf. Mh, ItMti. ATJAIN P. Q VLEAN d .0 tia, '..`. ,p A r• o -l,r - o J < iir m H r ?o nA1 Jf'aT RECEIVEII A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOT Conseti a pen of LVr.I lit Enrl.od Orr elotbs, 8....r.• Hebden., I:r"nk,n", Fu English rtrou h, - rad Fn•mh-rw,r,i-,r.,h.,e Doskan-, sod . ino rt, of C.".dl.n l'b•r Plain. N.t,n• •rel Yiowrra .l Ve+hnp., .Slo of,,!_, r. vas Ar., der. H: feeh,rruaJ.ol or nrmr "•u.fa, I- to wLu may t.""lo'...Ih It -,.,,ie,•. , TWFED SUIT, (.II wool)tl2 seal npwa lW N.:i.-rutting• done to Order. Odderieh, Sept 2',th. 1966, it Cheaper than eve .j J I1 HI: Subeeriterbari❑x mored to the St( orm door east of like corner of Kiugu Street rod 1LrLet Syar.re, Opposite Mr. C. Cr: bb's Bloc ' fon,.srly oecupied by Messrs. Parker GWP, druspou, ot! n Are safe . TH K LA NORMT. CHR.A PFPT, 1IMT A." MUST FASUIUNARLE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES of *ray Miss; in town, both Imported and „f Ills own 1f1nuht-hll sompri.ing „il it,- "e -At ST -4 of 1,:•dit Genu, mid Chi 'dn•ni Hu to a,.4 Shot which be is dI lermined to Mill at a stual! ■ Ta„ce ,In Ctal, as' rm..0 t,r.I:ts .rad yu;, return&" is his meal l of dni,.4 lms,r.rr C} Collated s:'e before pm'ti-iug ci: */here. 6. FURSE Omaerira, Apel 15, IS67. .43 aaa. _-_-_-_..J - I . s ___ I 1 --r LAUD$ j;U;\j I. iIUU Ii l - - LT TERRITORY.- ___IUCTI0N SALE I • -1. $ i( I ( q It $7II!,." of 83_ lir CuuulynrHnrvp,%f.. .t . Writ ,I .1 sews- 20 ACRES OF MALT TERRITORY THE -COMMERCIAL UN19W a • d L M. ~ 1V,1,( ku.."u,J am r(otr f mei■ sUa NV so lease, •1tWlrJ „11.nd adjacent to 1'HE 11 NC$ 1 F I Il N: L lir: U$N el kl M+ Owas q *Anel w t k *,grJ qJ; x tYY (h• Rlvr Nridrud, euJ just rut of t Its E A L ESTATE )' r GA &. bet. yw.aww jn, ..0 R"I •u4 w wed,lw•Id J.sephiur'a. Alexander's, Joutia's, Dushnr (l+ederivb Railway ,lal;us end froatin ~ ASSURANCE Cq*J?ANY. Pa.. .1 IL. t'-%.od Irurnuow ul Uavd Lave backs 1; Alnaaudnasiu wbdw, block and y I Ran BIC bul,r uMr b+ems ree.•ivrJ rpamrgY.n, ._..l_- T P F"' y I P I IsA and Jnor. (7u,k, enL, .0 t w urn tt•.L U. T. R.ilwy-tern Dour ouievt fur a sidlor T HISproperty rt ht hctautifully s!tu"ted o , o- ,, )I,,,,!r, n„t osis ,r:zad. od takes mrilecuuun rotor►. '1'Lr Iar¢Ta Stuck ill tl,e Counties. into nutiu line. 1 reser W.U.,+luua, l:.q.,w .Ilor to. ' ""Ic T^ if* ,the Town of Uodench, on aha th, wt!ow u w,lc.a,r:.1,uud a ,-uta that CIIA8. P:. ARCUILALU. 19 AND 20 FORNh1 LONDON ENGLAND " ` _ .. A11'ty l .a tit.. , ) c • ' NortA nine o(lLu cram p+nN Iw test,- lend snJ lawnuw•..nuawi Uoderiob. Aaxust '22nd, 1863• awl! r, WMATHERALn, Mort ,.. _T N1V 1:11, DI A Irl LA Nor Uioo. , w•g t le, Wid ,-"aura 1 C'-1 V -e, te Huron Auction M rt ! I YYnr w ,r.e.I..,.J Pr.,iwe .1 c•ealm I t Qaaeritba (IN c,>.i,aAt Full' Sure ikd - - - X2,500Q y0y0 Sleflin,,gp • frna,unte 6,•.'wp..: rl waturlcht aJraitsere. i ROUK BARK WAPED •a..SO.taG6. . W ✓, ) .Vvr ` •'p• al,d Ow t • Ranl.ed jib )1Yro6 Il tui the "we g Vn•.r lama .Irws cowl •rJ .1 IV, _._ _ _. _._- _ -.___ __, ._- Iturds7, the 181h day of iIS), LS6 i , Ia VESTED OV$R, 02,000,OCO - DEFGSIT FUJID IN Ce NADA, ISb0,000. ter,., 81 -10 icrys OftLand mot• or less nest het a,M a (Ln at, ,n ,.n,,,r,•,on,Vlretnn "P' With Q.uee, tsa(bousrs, Stables, d, orgr•.ldo•wnl,np, trhrcb La Me : HEe*heeribarwmiaW0codsef Hem ..11ld:1.a•:,no,n.Na•apn,mu+IyJi.p,ssJul, Ac., Ihlat✓elirrJcn, -iur p"t,dUrch,"a'$memtrarJetallopi!tuetp.kt.Iwpu6.•e.iY took Nalk,(at wkkhtk•Iri,tbest markrl IMPROVED [ARMS [of SAIEI ,4.1 .o'"bw v wit laud I, t J, uu rhe tub FIRE DEPARTMENT , t1A Wood un.bu pru,cil Will of Urk Faun Flores In u•.. L'uwa ul utrtr,x►, w pl iei will ber paid 1.1 cash on delivery at has .L."e.vun in lLe Tuwo•hprl Jolla,nr TLr.e The/i.lulsuuluLlr pnnr.,le.d lLe('uuyony hul.aen the e uWrsannml of Heyuil.ble claulU- , I. tui lw.•,r, wthdr ofJuueurxtrtlbe --- and the tlu.e,ing Lin kr, Chr, rp, epic, ic• , ) y pard at the Dock.-, re V-M.L anointed amt Iw. alvIwe arrcs, e.noa, rtes tssuF mrfl c..,aa prunrm )dul.nwurlr 1. unr r.L, .W ultwohe..1,rt,'1t'y L,.e... .u,I sh ores. m a a. -I .Irl_ ul rulu,.fiw, with ',tlro weer., wiw-k has wt, ..led I t omp•myk ,1xr.I.a,. nos bee. such se fully to s• .se the 'I'htl Gruunda S4. inr,eq g.VO miter* ,I0 JOIIIf 1r-\CDUN ALD. \\ • • 5AI•Ac1''• TOT II Con , IloIM 3 100 14, 50 . a i.rpe Irr,w• 6.ru ant • „rwrJ L,g L,u•r, uud nu,al ..nuuinr ra PrrWlrwr w Ihe Ihe, u•., wP•, Iia,- rr.e!re l W rareud the bY.meN more a.w.1v, we 01TV *ever raili , T aprlrl* Or pa • She17Q H, .s■•••1,I acfea rrarl•J, elves he Sas 1 1.{, \Va. leorsip rn ra l-,ii-fe,wu, urd n.w oder LII-. C'auao,on t,Yuln'. on lbs roperty 'I he situallon for a private OOL WOOL! WOOL t acresvrsxrct , suit accts Wil tL.latter 100 ar god 'I L " I gran ,• „ne o, Ibe 6•a In Ihr Town.'' -,p p kFJyL'T $UU="Yr aranteed by largo Subscribed Capital, end Invested residence cuuuuhbe surpasatd lir the 1'rue Sherds• Matt ISO?. i Puy.' y. acres s to salt credipurcht give (inn ps rosin end I eftol-aar,loursnnlv.1. 1 half a...I,lens,, Fu ince. 19th 11rITh,1yfiT, s w6 E +uExc[iLel r pr:lutedto Ia the aResoublecreditsirenunapaymentLet.. thrNunLr/N'llr.w'I Xt d, at.l ,adv . rrry g"' y - • Li bexlmarLYr price toaur quauuqu I Prow Pl . etlknu'nl of Clsl*yIr nircc,ae. u,J U,nrnl A,ruu, bring sepl!eatea luse4r ee. _ _ __._ - ._ _V. J P ♦1 T'itkeiedlApatahl•. Apply t. .h n d,.,.. re •new the ,J. M,Int. 'I erre a aeedio Cuw,err,e, vin trete Abe•, al cud rru.u,rw4lLe •ww ul s4 "c"was,sM g bwlun lksm. ]:lir lartU app' r to SHERIFF'S .SALE O LANnS. weol. _ ZreO4, V ALT, aY 8. FBALICn, nrvrr•1.,1 or.. craw roau,•s Ilan,Iµh if., lar •• 4 I + "w( Dingle. pent'• '1 h," I. ran a haurc wwpanna :u wild . - - t IF E DEPARTMENT. , RsrrlNer! TUfOU lO (•„untT of Heron 1 77 r ri,tur pr . wen lir / DAVIS g s YuuJ 'I I, The Cump.ay oo rr 4rmm 1. *Lose .k.nag Lnr A.wno, n unaurpas•rd b, any L,G Oa,•e, or D. I;IIADE CtUt7 n}}NL), - Io wlr : 1 l..) Fieri hciob ,1-014 Iwe 7" " 3/0 O Tt(a> >ixtt 1.Rg6. w 19 ?end.ral 1'a-sypi-I4rlurLeeeurlt,-1 oasomy of w+r"sruwm, loodmg to i4er.a.e the Bonus Itmri,•tery Godeaich. artier blejo ty'. Uieoly Court w the United NPA N V KAcTURGK AND DEALER IN Balt Territory j Anil ,m *►*wine J. mrd .slur tour, I .Citi CYYNIrs ulHunm swl lkww. u,Jwlae d,rr Ned 1 Stover PL,Y n. "uJ ('xatirp. lit evtu'y JY- p Y .,1! • . u. nirr ens ..*k, sawed w•nuur bu r *cul.1 rust• see dlriuble. . Ooderieh. 6lb Jule. I t,GG. s*90f 1. a J „ M W I c V _ -_„( • uuN l LuuJ. ruJ'1'rur,yculr ul A*J,rw It. ,;,n rna. Ili[ nap. 1 pnJ b4rcl lruu W are.rt oA., Ior win I.1",w. paid our r.m11b "urs pr. of I,I Jr.tb. -- - - _ - _ - a - LOT S • 1 BO AND 181, And utbe• aJrsatss,., wbn h limy Lr seen.. the I on, panyl. 1'rwprtyut. [70 A V (Sr A (tO Tj I l+uum!u , w the au,: vl 1„hit \!uNau. I herr ;bp `IarsY LiWVY lJrput, MsrLs1 yurre, UOdr dii A aS A H E 'ee ard s,.J 1,Lrn m Eir-ul,on tbn follows- rich. t``IIE Subscriber -Ben to amp person or web buid,rg. then.',. manual .Ill Pa.k 1--I, _ Morland, ww atson a1. Co.,Co p r rt Y• vix ,1 the npl.l tele •nit rete seer w Q O O tompanp for a royalty of one-fifleetth N tl,e I.w. • I ti,.I nv.. 1'u, ac L ,. Pie will Gsaerur A ents (h Cana. the eta d.MnM. uI sod t.. tut umi1M•r' b,ly z' nlualrJ •a n • very -loosen eel ban u1 the C at.e, j f fr tlY FULWKIX4 \'.U.IAYLC 1'rGtCIt7P .ra•u J.n'!i -urrty,m Iter P,ILpr..t rr.bntll.,n 11 d the pruJuetiun, Due half acre of laud, with sown. (hr h" I.O then• .i. a alert +uJ a nae v use 1 IhC t uuoly w euro,., wh,ru h:ud. .uJ Tew•- '110LE: ALE AND RETAIL. .Cort (our hundred feet front. failed sitaa- Aow.,•,I•run-(end on ,ul l%I rlwo-•tory Lame 8eertf,Lry' In lk Tonaid1ownshjp of(`,o1!1'rirlil ureal, l 4. dl offer h.r Fyle,*. wt' oUirr,,m us kT.Oual 0. I L" 4nj e.,&e. Illdlron,l'nP- t"d about eigLty gar ds from the presto{ UFTWE,-JNO AND 1t7, ST. PAUL S ri(BET, b1UN1'LLAL. (. ! Court Ht u.•, m Ins lost, offl-4rn'h, o.. 1'ar► I r,grA 1. Kn;. N trots ,eL,u1" and Shra•V•t,u. Gude6ch Salt Works. tu.bhlit, and well .da1.t.414, law Bawdy , .11 te uBa' d (.r on the Aiwt rwowbb•a n goal ,rpu.r roil . dt lir •dJ sheep• wreryrx. /naper(o► nil Agencies, term, t ti : Ter dry Ihr rwxnly tinh J"y .1 Jose oral,+l Ihe hour i „Cru ru exe4•nC.. =11 For farther parlienlan apply by letter or pones- r.,IrnJlem to pup -h- call -fly. 11- Mt:hKU, M.%Tax.L. 1'.l' IVf>US'r0,4, 1'. L. S. ul lwrlvn t ten close, nous. _ _.. _--T - - • plrWuullp to., F,:r '_:men lint u-,.ptnyt•, 1. IA1 962, NINA slrtrq aJjoinin¢ th JOHN MACDONALD, sMAf L, y bl '., st"nj, sLner.. $iiBBIFis SALE OF LAND$. a CAMPCounly J A Ill EJ W'nH aq Mr1 1 C►or• m G %tench.' i1 11 (IAKDIVF.Ii A(7t1., ArenuL•r Gndench •ul Luck,..1 Wu. Ks. W, 6ua*nliaet J7ebus 1• Keeper lof County Gaol. a„ Au,fi.nre Ltanrs.m, W'slk.rluu %md - Sau.rru. ,1.71 2. Cuts 1b euJ l3 uu l:w curuej of We, Shengy(Illk•e. Uwlt•ria•h. G.deridr, 19th dlareb. IS57, w1UW sed H'rllin tou Streets. vn 13 there is a Mama Sm. ,bbl• ,j W I C.tosiyuf Ifurem-t uY """',or w er a /Brit of GaJericb, Dec.nGlh, ifSG6. w"tf --- good frame honse r,ml baker,. _ 7u Wit: ` D Pun Fac,rt irweMarl _,_-_.. - -- _ - . 1 he" lots form no excellent site for r of Her A1q[hl Cumuy C..It ul for Crated . ffiarto'ag'e Sale of Lands. f I .•,,.,.I e- .,Ile„ n nail 'I is r. euJ Io wr Juer(rd _ FOR SALE. b.tel ! SHERIFF S SALE OF LAND$, ._a nil for L.,.,!, ..,,,I ,,,i),'rareo. a J,..r 1 1 Idol ll.t Oa' LiglLLkon" .trait, opo. C(wnly M Hama, Y e, rtue of a writ of ila,o.n.t..1 the .mt of Amr. kid, hell. 1 nr,e DEFAULT h:Irioy berm meds in lin pay. wklrk ken b alar$e frame hoose M or I; w,arJ uspl tutee •a ksecubuu .II toe rytht UNr I , j f it r lu w It : P e, F•rw I..uad rl "r!,1 ,,,Irp'.l of ,br wiJ Jr,r n. ant JorpL Hnhr• Il' subscriber ORM 101 sale ie Ile i•il• pt w,•nt of 1i.r2r_,e m -dr M 'I 4orn.s It, mot•;ed ea to secommo ale three famine.. utllrr Mu).•ly'+(hurt a t„•L• m *rad to L.,t N.I. Le klgrcn .. the loge of "Joel. lit miles fromaGuasrich, 'vl k:.rrY N, I, Wx_•« Ifu¢hall (uud their 4. tut }91 o'r the curers e( Heart as Querela 14•n• h. nett w um duulad .r.uual the r;-ts '.in!•r: fur Ihe pts,. ,a ut hurio4 COLON EI'nstreets, whkb then is a aural Lamr•■nJ'1',-uru,rnlrul1Lmy Ruw•11, at.ae IouIrro!Louc..,unotor.'f.rN.MP,,IIaw• .rad :Ilm;laaGum f.uclnow,ua th0 Nurlh• a, ) , ,,,,. ' .. r h AL HOUSED lP )Pon s r n L ,n the ,.,..IV .Winosr o.t, of. ',:I ,-ux e, d ern Gravel Road, d ,re-,) late, inr date the -• A pt mer, frame house mitts good orth.m. .,t,,, Hon lbs fin, 1 nary lar""..uJ nese ,n I Irn.•nrn a . • „ ad2. The fo^owing nr,ert wPl he sold k:Aa, anon Ihe fdluxrnt v.rnc, r:r: sdi ter A GOOD al.dCA'S.U/Ti! . '/lI) I 1' , T 5. fort lot 14, con. "C " in Ihe Town. n W live arla,u I I I Ins sees ►ell •, ro ,4r w,vu w U aM,. u, un i' / t /I/i'♦ Sel s M Ihe .slit dch.I.I lit i■ •1',".v be Mwb Jay of July nest, s, the Lour to wh,ch there t& attached a good fame ".J I'uh .r A action of G.:J. T 1'•"4;1"': , 'y p .htp of C lerieh, containing i0 acrcm of ex- +lid br Ihs,strsen.in srtrra alit In,I. ,I Lrad ! doel!nn ltu, vus, on ill* Tailoring & Outfittin Department I Cellrnl I lid. Upon this lel the a is an ex. .dwle 1 - and 1---v in the tuw-lo ..f Alla•• I w twelve u'a lu••. n.wn• LaMar ; n gaud Ndq Of inn Here of eo _ g g p ' t muie,m lite veunl I I Iter I Ion h JUHN MACDONALD, Antilles, s swind dal ('f Apnl ot`Yl, el I. nOOn, eellent Tis ) Story R ick House, F4 naso e.. L, r,o„ x y •r4 .cr,A' llnrJn, ends good wells f ter.' a ko t one of urru,rnl two hua,InJ rrry .•1 land I r ter ! lLc hca nip f f under the •ii.r.7 - and outboNdiu2s. Also, a good beano; ,,,1ol. ,,,,,n• or ,..a; Len:_ , It' . d .I LV'• num I roe. ,fl'. (titter, f-uJericA, + f I DA 0 r of which in the Itl Moay.-s ru;onalae.l is the said Mort ,) d y g 7 P berall ao,l 91,14 the hot ,+•war• •ia, E.w w 1 lu Alrli, 1,07, ( w3 .old chtly Cf Iluethe 1\II which will be ¢Air ,is: L'd,vnninr t umber U, e'1'hnuaur,d 1 ilM: iubaeri'•erhe to infirm his man cu.b,mers urd the p*bli enerail that he keeps orchard of chuico•Cruit. __--- `- __ sold chse u the ash can+tangly en hood the la,gest vat iety and brit seleclion of C j- This is one of the best situations for ■ Ihe Kory It"sol lir the .1-e.Iral wwuJnp lit Allw. p, amber is about to RO he %', F'.IIy ciAut. nr. tLc H:rahnr Flat in Ih„ private residence in The town. ! mol.•. wh" l I.:wdA u,,i I rnrn,ew. 1 shall offer I un a farm. "Perms C140u, half dura, Abe I ,raw.oll;odeticb.'ren,u(a.horermlit English,SCOtCh,Freneh,3wit;sdtGermanTweeds, {, ,ANESCELLIfi\'f. FAt{ 1-117acres. (i+"•a"I'pYA'•re,.terItn,IIluu„".toter NIONEy T© LEND restmmneye•r,letssuit pnrcbpsers. For ibeAs. he. 6;r ', uud-r the aIsie'. c•mteiar.l 1 taiww of 1).sb .i, en '1'„e..M,- Ihr FtPhtr,„tn wlitulsrs s rl on the remises or b i IN T1l c,)GJT'r4Im ALSO A LARCH VARiETT OF Lott 9T and 13, adjoik.ing lots, one Irtnting P' Pi 7 i' , 7 day lit Jyu.•. rAt,.1 me I,, or lum.r. I the AT in Lwt;agr For Wilber owticO.,n.ppiy to on the flacon K„wd, and• tLe otl.ir On tLr , t letter postpaid to L.SHADE(;i1O111W)" Can><ldian Manufactured Goods e1u L sine. 1:I('rIIT 1 t:ll ('r_x•. NFn. cAsfPitart,, ;k,liritor ler 1lort••N¢rr seventh carceas,oa, in the 1'uwuahip o[ JOHN McDONALD, „ +co or e Goil.•neh. 4U here- cleared and under eulti- `'henfl „( H,non, Belfast P. o. Township of Ashfield, ualed i ,ill J-ll:uary, 1667. .;,30 ENGLISH, FRENCH & CERMAN BROADCLOTHS, p, ,1' 0. s : L tr IIme. u 8,'u,. QP.t flu:Rlr(d Dollars and upwardb. Count of Huron. ration, upon w uc tM[0 it a trick d.cllin V hen ll'. orri r, U .Irnch, \ 1 lu y w UAS. .41AIE,It1':S A. I)OESKIN1`i, house, frame barnsod. y Wu Marth, 1,-0. ( w7 PPY air)>IJ A MuorlP, ]-nosey 3l, IP67. W26=q TM a►o-ernie i, po ty'used lilt TLururla)' ENGLISH A N D FRENOIl BEAVER A N D- PILOT OVERCOATI\491 A LARGE 0h(JUARI). - --- x`J'eee' - - t11r 21Id da lit I4 ,y, 1sG1, at s:,. a nine slid Tbis Lem is sdualrd S mites froom hoeerich. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. a iIADY'41 f 61~ DLOCK place, y OVERCOATINGS OF ALL OTHER DESO- IPTICNS. ri.•b.leot. tR.lkb4. slat FOR SALE. ted 7 from Clint-, It is goal 1 -Mug land, Having secured the services of wALwater..l. nod Las a good gravel road; un County of lluron, ( I t A' ,-tIs. ,4 a writ of l ___ _ OT No, 16, :;Id can Wawauuah rem ru- ,The alms,• sale is further pooffinned untl to W a : ( Hest Fw•,"s, weed out i I p 1 ,rr• Lsr, the 4th dap of June Ib67, at sass• MIL* ZX. CARR, Vt9 C7Tj,MW37Ti, two a;d;•x .f it. ,filer Mw,e.tv'. County C,aln of :be ('unntyul a& Q Zv In Y ,lug 50 reset, 1S afros ekreed. 'fhe land xa lime r,td place, t he it ir, ored to execute all orders with r, m Nitude, ar.1 in a at'!e ensu- mrsrd b ar. For terms and eooditi.ns of sale appl to 'Wurrbx•,.nd u, me J:%.rt.,l +s.,na teas Lu,d, 'Ya!lunteJ 12 unles Iron (;,Aerich, &,,I will P P P l ) ) y T gF,UB(rk.NItMAIIUSl, mail le"r...eu AT r 1 ,r Aph.n 51,11 holt tea J-Innl-m be sold no rc►Yunsb:e ter ills for ca.h, :lpply w 1:, I1.. ; GUUUI - - 11.1NC1'.11'1'Cltlill mlbs 1' pelf rt'E, UiGta sed ...re -v i. Try Bim and mWlfp jour- l .f1hr and ,a .glomal C. Luis and Joan- Cows. 3MI(iT1T I-N:ft CICKit to J. It. (;U 1•:F whims. A rr G•rl't •muse .Witold wr,rrc inarnre. Gotkrieh, 17th dull, 1e1i6. w'Stl Yf!f , T' Ilse P'auU,U.I L.ve.,!a I .nil,skin .n "e,uuon T Lent On Mortgage. or E. ('A it AI(,. ii NDg Notice to Wool Growers. CunylanCy on Land ,be LAliOE$'f STUCS and LATEST STYLES in -- -- ---- ,•It dirt Lwnuin priv„ lir u.,l ,d La!al end perm- I i3 • Nw. 23, 11106. w14tf. at the Gaol. Gentleman's Outtittir+ s o t Ever Descri tion T Rintoul Etothers, slush, 1„nr anal I mm „ the T-ra,d Apply at _ S. rI1H1•: pmlvr.ilneJ wuu'.d hr j to inform hie E i p Fu'da„h In that Tuwn-n,p ill Howitt m Ihe 11')I. 4. K.AiNI'S __ C U JI l I ; i 1 1) \ U E t1 C If AN T'' -S t'ount v( Hoo* runteuunr Ly-'NenWMLCnI t'[ SALE. r--moor .lid the I ublic tLat he w ill AMEt:tGAN MONEY taken at the bi,;haxt rule. Y - ! II UK [] LE• "lain, durint Ova rear, be Lound per mnxll, g7 A r9 Sir. Fe seers Xav1ER STRICKT Thirty k•,s Lt.,w. m.r. lir Isaa4um eworu d Chancery sad Low Office, Crabb -is h oek Chas E. Archibald- uf"Illh.1Plitt 41heAL!t amu MI prup.nrr Godrreh. and Y Q N T R a A l . rru,oh lit lw,m.• .tart lir the ttrw•n , l F.,ntwu'k Gwlerieh, Match ?th, 1467. n55 U: S s s(*If ) nae• a, te IM IabnsAl e In aurndanre .1 gh! 1V. Wil C'vdiuQ and Clntb Goderieb, Asgutt 22nd, lflae. ew le3 i it bwiuvs. at the old stand, Pylons Milo, • . e1"" "oil "2. Ili" with .11 tla• l - W1,19. reeled I P AP oat it hi4 new frc tan in loan lie e,ml•;a ted. Adran•e" made nn ennn,,nmrnte or Pm R,rreua. Whi. I, Law(. sod 'r, nenrruu I Asil l • `Iuler axtlper•cre I Ea.tse • mla der., u1J Lariu¢ Lail ILP mxeLiuetr rum✓card duce to Liverpool, Ulasguw and other port od.r h.r .ekri at toy t W,e. to IIIc C..un If"", - - - - - -. e.,l,rlyquarwir I lot 1 in tie Ylh run., W . I)., with tire some put ill x ma w44e,j order tedall _ in (;real Rritltm. -,he Tow er w l: u:rnrt...0 T .e.Ll raw .."It l Aahaekl, 04 per "ne; .ml .o Town 1•.•1. Ia der his own personal eut,etioleucitioe, cox Cowignments of Ashes, lt.11ct, 'AL., re- Jay, J Jw,r matt let the 4uur II Taveicrw Ihe; U„dnu•Y,ynee ew.,al e"rb ■ns Winward-. Ap t t•twa may rely .pnJ eati,facwry wu.Lmrn i spectfully solicited. dw-L, .a,. ` plyw J Sep6a.1^G:. e.'2 JOIINM.ACDUYALiI, 4 \ / It SALE fllUd H'E.ATHI:RALD, : t .hill. rp _0S G F.FITH & C0.9 atltti Hr. 1 t:. rrlr. N D -Tit rclar;[irg thanks fir the lihrrnl r - _-- SheriR'a O 1!e, O••Jr"rich, --- • - ---- su -rt of firmer ars in the abovebuai 22nd Feb t IP67. " OR TO RENT. nes%, lie hopes by .trio attention to tht,same HAVING OPENFO, FIR WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, - r pts rr P go• SASH AND DOOR T TERRITORY n t)slillrecr,veashareof!•uhlic atrmnn 1• "(IIF ATk:LLKNUWY SALT 1L hIlORY TrIOS. LOG,A N. FACTORY SPiERIF)e SALE LANDS' aitlandville Hot/ea Gad.rich, 25th, March, IR67. w9,f NO. 39 FRONT ` STREET, TORONTO, O, ) i FOR SALE CJR- LEASE. - NOW OFFER F0it SALE fruT "',1uroa,► Y Tn • .I" ,a_.(I T,. ern: ( A!h. h,nFa': un) 1'tCArE11as the risers wai.e iII nit. ITHIN i , Iso f*c,sa .d prow al lJ,aln,r► THF, u••Jrn,cnrd h"emc pun.he..•d Ihr Plein- oath Her 51aj„tc•» unq l ort ,if the ur.det ♦7 Greer{ Rn..1 ,u Lurknow,,rtrp pule In r `• gilt N,.rha. Alr,, G. BARRY & BROA, 'I' Ia: S 1 ,nm Mill emit SY!, Fa,t„ v t wm.I..nd ,N•. !'.untn•a ,•f 111.11...d ,..r, sial Ill u e dtrr.l.' Elden, h. wuh,a unr I...ndni ..of). ,y Ch1-., flelf CLeAu and C.,ddirs, Poon H son., Gunpowders; im *rir!e. Trank•ps, Japan Iop,al by 11...!d C, ........ r, are now'p,rl..rel ed.x.tu.t ]be Lind, am reueru.-uta of I ba,tr,' yard. ,•) use ':.deur 1, SA[A W ORK- now to I: A R 0 I N O . L A I D S i L,... r R 7 P r P P to Sony w the Ipyrneta w w.namn-lunag Ur.w." •1 sheeted w June : tiekean.•, 1 Orr j. e..Uon, 1'hu yrola•ny 1. h•w Iw111 e.I eon•, N.•ut 1. Ihxt 1„r.l(ty App *l!t• to Yuung Hysoa, Uncolored Japans, Cu,Itous, 54 uchon;,n, Orange I ekoe and Sce,Ited Cupet o y •r,:Wil sail uk u.rnw e.e of,, q, a,l the r,Illd 1•,r a Srlt Wrll, ,unlammm un. arra .v.-. JUIN RE I.L r., R . (}1 Ile live. Sash Doors, Blinds !Itl,- rad u4t4e,C of tl:e wul - Ii nil gut. ,a At lo' .•hit, ad Imn.I, with • Inrr« Iwo- Nun' Annyk cella•► ` r r v So.uitw, T the N„•Ib bell lir Iwrl Monti- 'Twenty in the , floe 4, fbly sea by toov.aa, .0!/ !! *.raw lidil ' G•.Jrn,h, Ia Dec.. 1166, w4eU GARINRt " is L C*A Et H : ltiliouldingR, Flooring IinL eon +.a,■ of II„• Tow mM or Atorn- m Ih.• .I.rltl 4 Ibr,- to wp4 µWino Man, inQ un1 „T,rr • MAKERS I Irhds Porto Rioc, Br:s. Nara 2, 2 1-2 and a Talloi liefiued, Crushed C and A, Dry Crsab• ,Siding, . ('manly wdlune. r an n.s .•n b• loe4 ., ,c., Ou;.bus!!...., I 1 ye v, ar'e. bn!u," .Prins "t , ( and (;,..ad. meo,e or lk.•rwhwb l..nd• as.a I' . na-m" l -eel s the re.r , r': Lr I "'I TH] xu ff--t I., .. I1, Y a I HATI t l O T I .TT jt F t end dl kinds of nater ler ^air. "Lwy u:h,e, nI ,,v 'uud Morar, I(te wrtwr riyu:,cJ xx Fdr nu a C.1t We4. - L1 11 J1 U \ C61 .v I:ll':s i ,u tLe 'fawn w l:.dr,irb. uu 'l'urrl ler h,udh AIHO for So:., IfAt NO. ilttt• ,d 1 J 1 1 ' C I R G L Ft. osv j3 K "s ,lay of June next. "t Jw h,•ur of gwa rr of the Bass 1.a Uusyrt, Rio, lar" sad Mods, also. Itor aced slid Ground. r to the Town w I...let ,,h. aterte I w he R'eM '1 I .Yoh *. CIn•Ie and l . tL,e .ase and FrBmea. r•lor L, "ow, 1 rat,,AND IIrlDEItTAKET'S rro A4 U4( )I I:rl 1 ..le.I Vklw(:, .rtes*, * r..,rwr „ ",.x ,b.• D Q t1 ALE. They (1•mk linin Ihr. rslav ,enrro ro Fuiury JJf1N 11 A('110NA i). p..imn■ ryrtrry', w, b • Br re.e .ail r e '" ,.; s f nut., 10", C"J.be. Sul•ce, Tw"t, sud Usr sad Bright I.21ha., B, xw UIJ V,rstais very hsht sod Werk, Ih.t Ih••r ..n pnY..t,.lecl,.n to .II wu. Jherid 1/ Fri.,,.. g.,hlr ,L -;- -o l ebur.,, m. IA dor Ihrm wnl, . ,-a I. +hent'. t at.,, G,aler,,b, I And also Int . 1017, R Hamilton St Goderich s . .-A I,lx 11 Au,ovut t. the Irsde. 211,4 Fel"airv, .bbl wS THE ofpen the following land rf ) *fuse. and Hdf Ouan. New and (lIJ Vnhv,te Iter,(+, Ws,%, { H„saa, .nil { Ib:e, \ew L -VPI end JAS Ill'CHAN AN, Ip the Tewu M e:a.h-or ]be w N; YaH► DAVID I,%WSUN, , !r L".1 Ire.,. , .r It.,h,,,rd . ,-I-,*, A farm In Tueke►smi .O.O.. K,ll. lid I .,.:-4 :"nil{..his I en,Durh:utin- 1trees..1V.,,( uJ sni,. ((rrry pit o1j) twithait-1I .a,nrl,ou.oredl.rµe`I.1•,tliorr•ds. , h o e L' Mainerad{ Krmse,I.,L, 51,-X. . { br s g,.n Liam• It.rrrl. P"tra.(Lrrani•, (orw u,d..!J J:AS LEXAN DE I,p aan;{ % Ipn } Ilei,- kit 22 tin. ,r, CL'Ek'c,oalunt'yml u,df real a uli• s J Rt Yra tlrV UII 1 ra IJlall Sl r un. q t 2, Lu m inert'1, I:Iwur elµ., I'nmr. m LP...I d.au and si+.• ) -, 0-ot •, L,-w,u- and ( 'fr.. feels, 11, 11: d ", ' r dencfi. M.rr 41h, 1.67 0w.i6Plea to their line, such as h _ A clear U.kcyw M slYen rent:, wrl1 un'a, 75 of which art e,drr colli• • Cryul,ttrJ h' wu (.'I Fairy 11""..). 4,a...) Huar..nd r+nal- guluua Ra.tm,, Kap. sad *leas" J.rde o, _ _ _ _---------- ___ _ TLa• nlaue pit namely w,il lar-:, „n era... Me "i'lie Inns is of excelit"I I .!,!p, w.'11 water. w 8 Bodptoads, Chairs, Tables, Orli YhrN.Na Vale.t'L AInr.."I.I W'.Inuts nod Fit Zia• ISJL&7im cxf tkilinp - 1 m. to and ,I,"..'n. For peow'.1an apply µµ Sof is Etc• NV I N >•r Fit .aM 4 IIAVIN(1 routed kill rawl u•, t!„• -"tore LE, Itrrnafrr, h...;(;• Ih it h. of rd, and with 1ardwoudfilLr. Th Tow t}\11 Linde of wod'turnintd ne,/othe• PI IIhJa. r (s•ks.ndlhlm•r b.mb Large ■ adlock. it Ik. lithLAAN,UuJ ,rh,.•rIM•.uldiuital, chip it knownluhe ur,flh '"64 n 1'p r . g I'c-• Q . we'..( r.ha:n'", "rad Ulllay'. Port., Pemnrhn'", Ih.6, lab•;jr occuinrd l,) A. F'. Lu.11, 1nr Ih,• ~ ('. gHAS'(rrN, Car,da fit farmiu Ile lLe IN thin lie \uu{ u.ta, stair bane;+itis, occlpokvs, Ac tip nl••n t C'd., ('ramp, '+„o-1 Y 1',.; ., I ,,;,ra Y 1'„'-, Psle sed U„U ,u C,he r-, to,j-Jy .w: above bsainass I am now re Ld w NrrisK t u' P r I' WI" M..,I i1IgT'p.,fOonq"*e, ;mord I:r,mr haunt, fram,• Ler , .rad oal- rRln'k P."..I --ver gr.de., /' hatepasae.,Olo„ tin, 5luwalr and Huck r Always on hand, • cumldete , fa,vilics with Yr unry IWh. Ib. It. 0 1* I ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS 73 ars A 1v I) t 1; H 1 ,y)r: r ^ chat , lit 4Io hearsp,ing rad. AI . Qta,a or. • Hl.b,l-1 Caah".nJ Oats•, Mnrtrll•a, tl<n n,•Yy'r,, urJ, Du)my ,Y Cu',,, Jules RuLIn dr Co'", V { , w-- ) Crocerles and Provisions c1ald,.r:rolrraringtrtes, land•iIEAWIEtoLiteoureas"04irrte,m chaloupma,C'o.'m,ai.JwLerBrand.. - whichIshalls,AlatCieLuw;al Cs"hpaces - •F,ARMS IN -------- ORRIS Ool4rich, Nay 3rd, 1f164 Is.6m• L= T7 C>It19as , P•wrbe"Jswucs Ilam. Hld. mod Cu. YU%,F.". Hdln nil and 6nan'. UIJ Tem (7rm.f1am r llr•.'in 46 Flour and Feed steins 3:4) crca, com f (d A k ;. 3 .ad d, e GODERICH y 'r r + t► i ; TdY 9 k M .r r Y !'Vt RSL- WORKS, I W. C. TRELEAVEN. Monmeots, Headstones,l amps, Tablets, Tablo-Tops, &c. i Ohio Free Stone kept on hand ror Ruild ing purpn.e, xu, h as(,spa, Sills, Ba saw, deo.. Cheap for Ca"h. QODERIC.H C. W. .-- ----- In h,.P,rw.ri "sad IL.n ,) ":45i,h W hrakres,V+ AJ'&n Uk1 Nye. Alall, Morunr'" 1 Wily and Corn_ t - kept constantly uu hand. ,,..a W h,akie.. ",iris% A share of your pialronalle will be thank AT.27$, POF.T77R8. e$o., elbo. a H. GARDINER & Co., fully rec6i 1 .,tit h6alin!'.r'.Ili,•.d-d tit. 1'M.(in,nnt".' nortrt, tlr..•,".I Y.unrrr'a Air ( ,n.Aben Mooting Co'" Al- and Pone,, Co- `'Ines RRd LI 11019 froek.r lie,naid'+Ummrr Wine.*d,.,lam+tb- P.•,.Vwt, 11 I upsrers. Cordial., dre..,dre. oil),,"A.E AND RETAIL y , f TOGFTHFI' WITH 1 LARGE STOI-K of and Gla%sWaie,FanevGoods, Tako Notice. ` ' Hardware Merchants 1.1MI'Fi. PULLOCK, F late Deputy Iticr l" r I Soap, Yr Itadm,Wit an French Can'1rs. IA „ c i)al (`:I tOr d ,I ,tI Blr•• Fi • n Se. m ► ltmeal ?u `` sheri!r bis Irrrn spuria tflieiwl Anlligw 1'•a P. ,. rad Ind: Ill. . r•r. l, n f f f U ' , Porte F, It.r,Sour-, .dJlaa.ey Syrup -,C obese* n .J Ir•.nmQ 4uJw• Emr,ub and CanaJ,r•C t,p,•.e Market Seuare, Codei, Bue!ilthirat Hour, e* \under the ioe„h'ret A l "' 1u';4 (or the 1'ollrJ Fr h, Meat, \'c. r {V1: now „n to uJ a romp strand we41 - ITniled Counties I I Ituron ■ mace. Crosse and Slackwell'a Pickles and Sauoes, II a.,wd stork of Ilardw.re, c.nastu,• In `I' L f R.w• Office in Camcrn's lock, King- , 3dt ,n ,Ja,elan.31scearun, and Verian•alu. Lryul.,i Whiling, I snallew,rk, Rnwms, WnPp,nr par of C (D A. Ta O I Z. I stun slrCtL. 1'.p..r, k:uau.h, h'rrncb and C•n.ban Vnh'pr gat• (leer snJ W,.e C,•rkA, Ileus", bdlPevar,Cresm Ad't'' ,A\Tl 06 ' I .fee, I'll!., Bol C.M., Day sod MAruar'. an,I Lsn.b'x his, ae„ dee. ilruad Ase., :ebruary 20th. 1 6 • '• w50 chippp„rg Ax•*, COAL OIL LeMPS• A L 3 O A.glnm. Itnrsl•e., Orrvs, c ! I Witomon&.e.,Ca•yds Males, I). FEII(;1'l4ON. - -- -- -- Khr.-. men No. I Bursted &MI Lial-d it Sol t H• ,nn't•, Md. nit Kit, M",.kerel, Ta Lie Ced6.h, r(•hunm, Curry.C'ond*, U,•rdn,e, Dtins r,plry Hrrrmk.mivme.,nl...If Its se-, LiTerla,ni Cu.w sod kine n.4. Fork., MY Fork., lidv..Olw.a, li l..., P. lir. P. R,-Oooda-will W delietred inanySole , ,pmts in Toronto; for Jamie h Son's CdArated Dome I3lacklead. Crain Tin, (4Pindalenes. PosI 8h.1, ("Pr partntthe tons. CA_CD0X r7__XZI(JS umetr" Wil, L,nd.. Iron.:-trel, SPnng :tree, Godericb. Peb.2od. 1866. A swd5 1 The "I. ,i •r,l! he (read nu m-I--tn,I. Ilse beat B-vnrd St. -k ever .1-tnl in Toronto, srJ will[ be ItFul., Nl.,kc., owl lent .-Ind. 11"1 tt M RR sold low for l'A,n, or .n fiber.[ Iran. for appro"d lope,. Leal. Lamp ( ila.a.m, I-kmp :. : B 0 0 vii FAGTC iyLY '111US. CwIIiPI ITIt dlz CO., Gln.... Ltx,Linp.O'.q ISAAC FREDERICK ' 11.Ir, I.z Nails 1 3rd FRONT STREET, TORONTO. Uut N , . Turumn, November 44, Ibfi& w4 K n w ' t And Node) U,I,r„-nxuime.l'nyfOd, At•chlwer, ",- a Isaac Dobson C)i. son. 0,1, Y•rro.h, Pun..Rd Color., Coal VII L.ms., Plough Mollis, . `,, A e iw., ILod a AVING ESTAIIlAiUY,D A FACTORY Saws, ♦ H fineke mumf.(:lura of Brooms in God- HURON FOUNwDRY!•= Lto .11 ,d tuin, their are prepbusi es attend ► •TheaboTt willbewldCheapforCed, to allnrde^u id their hit• of bwitea• from VATCi1MAKF:R dt ,T$WELElt, any pori of l'rndr with promptnru <D) I® Gf I« W C 11 GUMNGadd STURGEON TWIN WHST3T:,GODZRtCn, AT'WHOLESALE ONLY- . FOR SALE O H E A P. NEAR THE POST OFFICE. Th, -or facilities for masefreture win, tee A deals fur Cnewneers l tl•ionAasennee Co., 'feel ccn6a,•nt, enable them to compete wh ollwnd,.n,Kaslaad. A (loon As.nnroRNT or any establishment of the kipd ill the ouun 1i''""°ml-s w4'- Gold and Plated Jewelry on Hand' 'ry' t,l - 'frzt.-, - , F R 4 - z 4301ricor. - ------ _- - - - _ 1HISistocanJ; lkal the C.- MIershi, I- GOI)Enl('It s- 7 w Ir 1---OV`l.'! Z Aftl lose16, W" xlatug (dis*A i 1. y Itnh-I *ae A Sorra rt' err dap dw.,lvad by muw.i t AdrON &CARRIAGE ,w.. ., -,._. ' . 1' . rr,e .,d; , ENGIN4-WGRKS 7.. karr` i.«,..at. til dent. d...,iJ lien w,,a .» e"'I w I•a.a, A bt,d,f.,J J. D..hwrn, who _ T- R. R U N C I M A N lif: C U., wtli t11UN.W t;. Wan.(as,nln .t Hr..ma ., % , i t r -, R .D doo"' t -tai, ISAAC UUU90N, - - lir Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills . 'i'11 I N 10Itt i 1 (d. J. ix)He.)N, ray expenses • I, ItKdr1Ju1f*I Y. s ' Circular, Mulav and Sash Saw -Mills. edwieb, Yank lAt, 1n`T. of IU - , - G*DMCW FAIDfNINQ Zx- i"AM I NtI""iit3 (& ""DILrs'u 9 Ti()TTC Ir. Maaule%a'torp. '--' - THEw M.•nMrwmwl4y •.xorwrele t►. Mk p„ ` TIIT2AAHIPTG) 1 AC11I1iN1i;F1, AL1, theism iA'ht.d to the Ince firm of R. A (p a rroqu- fl r; Ihe,- by nova or book aer„anr an ngowr«, M, Pay tko Mme l0 or sten,. -.4 ffeas- Ihot it* h".." bond row..lkr., wh,eh will he m„Id cheep f.rrwh er spo wi-4, ledit. V-rC.rn"rrs, K'otowe.Har sppro•rJ .'relit, nn hand end ler se ,-_boss,,, SEPERATORS AND GORSE POWERS, O. P. Rsewwrt at enee, cod esus cote, J011N PAKS1411 11th,, W47 R. L O• Fr STEWART. °'-1rr1.4lree,.(Ial.44 Aonilal Ieet1 .44der Mowin and Reaping Maahinss, Wood Mawa Q p l; G,w1sYl.h, Peg lith, tee. if SUPERIOp FANNING MITIS Al PUMPS, ftewo*Mi,.nk,ol&rty n}yw.nentlua , COLONIAL --- ,___-_ r'vLW31. V Az'4:31Tt `, e:.}aivCA- 1'iaovC as, - .____ IIOUCE! MONEY TO SEND 14 r., i:asUng ofainy end Ill.ek.mi die, to rk dolvr. to n seat llandsebsltwlialln*n.*ri CutingaofnnydrwrApmeih-11 tinorder. .atan,tIlb;ndeo(maohinery _ TFm sole'eltOfllwaysbeepe lhela,g.& 17th, O'er nmoh,f t ht.ee.' A ashaunli.l r.nalr..riinn.hn.tnrHit.. Alar;alotkot , 1840ty and Mat!Incl, of 1)N tM PR(IVfn FARM-. AT 8 PEh GENT I MOKING, MOHINQ PARLOU4 AND BOX STOVES S^ Ti1 r •p ROMIR' AY &r GLOVW 1 -Al hit,_ , Alware nn han.1, Kugsr R.Utlm W'"¢nn d Pip. Rnx... As inr poll*"@ of ill. shoe" or* I IN THR UVI[INTIRA. 50111! IO Invest I a TOR- ilr0 rt F y J. H. RORIX) it, of ills tune( eppreemd hied, wo would .olieft an Insp.ellrm of Dor stook W -re pare►ywng awolo rw, ne we am #.&,, tw 1M store at rho lneost r.mwo*raNwpri,-ae fee rrrh, n► far ap. r71r A. P. A ill N11A IJ). Asrri,l*r.b.,Ge "dCr•ilt. Old M*tal, lune, Copper, and all hledt of odete taken in 'Rehango. M Pe . Pe Oe/erkb. Ase*&* 22"4, Inde. aw102 GodrrlA,Seol.l3,Ifif1. swi-ll &*$-i I Oodsrial,0etobter,lM2. w31 Money toXend,, WATCHES CLOCKS AND SPECTACLES } me, nn ingston , beet, opposite 'Huron Hotel, Add rep, nN eery reasonable terms. Apply b • IN OtaAT VARIETY. ;ISAAC DOBSON A So Golierief Fill , C. W 0 n. L. nOYi,o, - RPPA1RINU IN ALI, BiIANCHRQ December 11, IUS. waelf 13avaje a new Rlock. inns on short notice in good style and war. Knted according to aill"fnent. " "-- ' Gmderleh, 9th+ Jan. 1fl65. .. ' w.10 kyr t r -, R New Spring Goods T Q Juhe Ltt uaslumrd m my hands will fie ..Jo Welding Hinds always o ill b T ' je W V 9 SEY1aYiiUEUR!, sold .t ten expiration of fibres, moat be W de 'i'11 I N 10Itt i 1 AT TiiF. ray expenses • CHEAP CASH STORE e -r All article* warranted as r* r*semeI C j -The best quality of Clock Uil at 25 ets bntth. ! ' l I`1 , ( T E i U L 1 L L 1 A, I , a . Gelarleb, Nos 14. 1A66. is to tp -. 'w, Jest oprmeld a 1•arge G*DMCW FAIDfNINQ Zx- LEATHER Flit INGS ! awmtYolent of GENTS' and uoys Z.011MID 1!wjl,(ntprr y i Ore..Aer. GODERICH, C. W. ' FELT &STRAW I'llF191'RRQIUDER 11POS TO INFORM 1►riabhiva•fm rebr*sry lar leo, e1 taw Castello& of Ho"a tad ItrwtwNte( he. aril l Msnuurterins,swd W47 v- -r' I I ,a rr mss• I t l_ her oa band a "ember of hot --- ----_ ' J, end Cloth CAP$, SUPERIOp FANNING MITIS Al PUMPS, ftewo*Mi,.nk,ol&rty n}yw.nentlua Mill Privilege for Sale SAO' FROM#24 CRNTSUP. to bl MItM.s.Iawill wwrraattbel"W"s, wh.olftons AI,SO.-ov" IM paint\\ 1 - mf Looklie(t', 0- 1. K= pe eels, rorklr. eit".. Are. Pal ps er", a ,biter *adersrs.slwL Per Petr• .p ]Y11row -_ ' 'rII9 Sab,eribar r,&, fair safe'a Tdwahle Mill PrIvfltr, aitoalad on lint 2. non ■•t Us, lar..' a me. 1st c ops" P,,fartecrris •wlCwwAefeR sit. 17th, O'er nmoh,f t ht.ee.' A ashaunli.l BOOTS AND SHOES, Ai-n,oteatinrt►s.ebor Morgan'. p_etlol , ,1.m, (as"wring fill"" fret hood of elaMr) hit alraady 'bee. rmrmtrwet(r11, on the .it. Q? 1,01"I SMlee, CHEAP FOR CA11p. .mgt%I '.A1Ia tr"I('UI.TITATOR. sI hit• n.... r.. """Ev"'"I"SOMlontoI- inr T.arM wmrt q%,,,,l. Pnr fell- panlealA/x apply who AMi 86111' A $IE'rl'$, I bells "04"' .is. $ENRY to the sabsenhrr, I'".IrT i'".l Ufflre. Wlr.hl.\M HK.thLRY. DODD Ooderi"h, Marsh 26, I967. w19 tiuLrr•t AI,ISONIA J,*. ' e Greenock. Apel 9th L46i. wl26t ,on u, nears ; 2 acres ander eallnsr lion. 7 It, Innd ficin of first goaiity thJ i& e moral drsirnbi. fn, , Alsn S. 119 eon 3, I no .err.%, no e'carmg ; and /4. I of S. I Is, "All 3, 50 ears, all Mat quality of food. Terms reasonable. Judi, •.utabl. title•, For particalan and terms sept to ALF:. r,A trR>`Ll, Ira 22, 2nd con, wI ersmilh. Scaforth p.o., March 22, 1}07, ' Wit 3m 1;msuns No,rici,. jT. UTHFRINES NURSERIES t"..ASMUCII *m ce/tal• per -Wins WireBelling Uoes in the t',madeeof Huron and ilruce r thefalse pr tcnM •that they are ob d from the .'1. C"JhOrirs Name, ies, this is to a ptif] that Moslem James Stewart red lirrtrer 6;44n an the tlbl persons now autbn - d to sell trees frt> ru.r.es In tk oIII111 s. D. W. nRAn eta tot. 2s key, i M. I8 kyr 11 iPF undersign s,l, AgentsNfdT11, a -bore )turar•ries, am (e'ttrld. tot filII oder In lhrlf Ian*, uul as they ina.eit &else• III peramtelly, their pntrnrls asly upon Ill t no pave wilt be spared soe &alts I. ' n. a. "+• STElVARTA MRDOFr. June let.I:dt. _ . ( I yR a `e NOTICE. jR andere:grsed ba,inj purchased tee Imge stock of !Saddlery and s"re H A RM 30 113 8 . I 1h Afi* . qW BUSINESS i' of Mr. dors*" Horton, who lite here so long Brad f..orably known in that rlifift ) btt "tale that w" are Pit,pporod fn erfr 81 j lboo hilrin.ao no th1 same lie-raNa terms to rife.shade as they hart bithrflW agjoysd. 'rhe Solawnhon h...'oa ked at tboir shhoragel, Market %lura., a ..rt' tarp»Arora JTPAAYYR MA211noi 1. n *easy WYLIN Saddles, Trunks,oalisft- A,`,'Ae., which they aro pitpared to oM the pohlie at greatly Mdw-A ptwa rlI, Arte free w will do will In roll and lespld Iheir otoek and prle" woria pnreh•mng skrl when, as eveh a chanes is seldom o0.red. I H. A W. Wilt 1111 GOderieh, Oct. 16th, to". was ' . ., . J 1 '{ i a. J , .