HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-5-14, Page 3•••••••••,,,.. OM. 'ON.' EMS101111 OF VOLT/1. A Using; rho sacred or teen /MS 11.•••• 0010111y, Yr lum Lemy, &UM* elleem el youth - e l Milmeretioa. will for the sets otmilkrieg henaasiti smolt., 10 .11 who used It. the recipe 8.11 illmelloas ro nAllssalho simple remedy by which he +Mewed. 0, • rers wattage to prod, by Me •Aparlsas S141 40' Sr los adereesing JOHN II. OGDEN. Ku. la. Cho...loans 01.. Sew 7,,c8. Wm111111in t nr•f..• 0. is.,......doreofte. 410/Mattel litiM Whom in 111.• woad. well force Wsumor• or Mws- inches 10 (04140 on Me smoothest nice or clue; Weer knows to fad. Sa,spl• (00trial sem free ou any 00116coiros•of Waling 114 men,. Adds... It Jr. Cu., 78 Nawsu Se., N 2. (No totters taken unIca. prepaid ) wit OTMANCIE, BUT TRUE. livery young sadness geudsumnicithal:5414464•1811 1ese Soar emeribucp cog such 40 60,1 04ionata/18 hy ehurgai. by .4.1,..... 6. weer - Thum haring toms./ Pons humbugged will sblig• Wein listaMailweard. Alf odiert, plea. addetailaistentedieui serrein„ TH08. P. CHAPMAN. w11 -1y.•• am Ileum was. el w Terkt TO CONSUMPTIIVES. The ad...sr, mum hems reemmt to health la a •or works hr • very swipe raiiiply, atter henag set itost kr meant year* with • sewers lung Mketioa. 00 Ma dread theme. CemeniMion-l• anzioes to malt .11c3r fellowmelkm, tee toren. a 0070, To .11 whoever< 11. he will send • eopy re Me pees - 0.11.1011011 used ing000gnougia with Siestas. fur pat ipanng owe using ilie Same. Winch they will kinl• •us era. for CO11.11'14 PtioN. Snow. ei no. Comma, Cocoa end an Throat end Lune Ag•cocus. The only ote•et alhe •J•ertitter is sending 1.. Pre•erippon bewat the colleted. sad spend infornminui erturti h io 4.41 inc./mete sod he hop, seam wintry he remedy. 0.11 wal east Mem nollang, 4154 searlewevigtharaf i n„..eoptnitt, ra ammo mu ED WARD A; WILMS. *6,U.utitherg Kings Ce o New Twit. Illftrttuarnts. .••••••••••4444.4W4•444/4.0•••4•44•••••••••••4•4.4••••••••••••••••••••• NOTICE. rpm Council of the Corporation of the County ofHuron. ill meet at the Court house, tiodericE, upon Monday, the third day of JUNE next. PETER A DA NINO N. County Clerk. Ooderich, May 9t6, 1867. 16.0311 :New School. m188 BLCETT, begs to 41011001110 that shit bas opened a juvenile school, at the 'East End of Kingston Street. 82.01 PSI (MARTIN. N. It. bas also a class every Tuesday sod Thursday. from 4 until half -past 6 o'clock, for Plain Sewing, Tatting, and all kinds ol (army work. 50011 per month. Goderich, May 9, 1867. • 16 Goderkk and Southampton Line. T s 811 AMER SLIVER SPRAY, D. ROWAN, Mines, WILL rue in connection s01l the Grand Trunk IL 11., deily to Southern' ten and return. leaving Godelir.h every c•en• ing at 4 o'clock, call;ng et Kincentine. In verberon, Port Elgin, Southampton, RPM and wentner permitting. RETURNING EVERY MORNING: Leaving Southampton at 5 o'clock. a.is., , and arriving in Ooderich in time to eousect with Orland Trunk Train. Ticks.. for sale for all potnts on G. T. R. aad all points emit. J. V. DE ri.on a SON. G...derich,Msy 10, 1467, .14 Don't Know Him. We ham heard of • man who owned a horse which lead Leen for a !..ng timer with • Chronic Cough, and was utturreise a poor condit,on ; he at length resolved to sell him, and rhd no for n very trileg $em Scene 5 or 6 weeks afterward*, be met the person to •hone he had sold him driving • • beauttful horse, full of life, and concluded he had either exchanged him lor this or pa -chased another ; but judee of Ins surprise on learning that the horse was the tome lie !NW preiriously nwoed and conseiere01 of se• little value. On enquiry lia to what had effected so great a change, he was told that Ihrley's Arabian Heave Ren erly 1104 Condition Medicine," had dons it. This pre Iteration has effected aome lemarkable noes. Remember the risme. and see that the signature of //erd 4 CO. 1111 Ou each package. Northrop # Lyman, Newcastle, C. W., proprietors for the Canada'. Sold by al! Medmino defilers. wI2 SPRING IS COMING would re the z."'.to the 1.4" r ,1enrfai. 111.1 .11410U,, 0,110014 0 7 t 1•11asd choot liassort 111 - CLOTHS C1401111114°1 1,..;1 MON A:111.eirias;01. 0,4SnIaler,L- 8. ISO,' 5 place el bor the "..°4 "1 no% abie. r so"' A. SMITH, Merchant Tailor. treelerieh, March MO, 1667. w117. DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP 1%,T0TP.E to hereby elven thau the partnership h retalore costing bet mess M•ttloore IL-obenaori •mel Thomas HAI, under the •asse. style, awl ion of o Hiltons.% de Bell," as Pen- ton MilikerS in the Village of Sealant, was the. clay desedire.1 by inmost comm., and the Mati- nee, well be henneforth micried on by temehew Robertson nely, and 160mod Alma... &ben. 510 25 methonsed ea dmeh•rge •Il debts and re ones all amide. no ammurit or Ilte end partner - 'h resod al Seeforth, esi dey ol Maw, M. hon3nTstii4, ?atm. HELL. las H. Hooey, W MINS, w16 31 COWILIDi. 18H 18 is to every that, the Co partnership a- heretofore existing between Mae Dols. sow A gone, was this day deneolood 87 inetaid coasont. All debts due Odd 4111 pad to issae 1 Stoddard J. Dobai% wIts will mamma the mannfaetere of Breese ef ell.drtweriptions. ISAAC DODSON. S.J. DOBSON, ROBERT DOBSON. 1odo. c8, March 120, IPS?, THE GREAT ENGLISH HERM SIR JAMES CLARE'S Celebrated Female Pills. Prepared from a prmonjulioes of S'ir J. Clarke, M. D., PA yeic ian Extraordinary to the Queen. '46,. iliv•Illabla Ittedmiti• 18 notailing dm eery ot alt 'bum painiul and dangerous disease. to whioh I he Mingle eilinnilinion le Mihyrict. 0 moderates all exceeds • ad Minor. all °below' toa•, sad • aperody cure may be relied ue. TO MARRIED LADIES die peculierty rutted. It will, 111 • 611411 tIM., Ming un lb* moutbly petiod with regol•roy Ruch bottle, price Uae DoW. been the Guy - ',unseat Stamp of:0MM Swain tureen'. cues- erkits. C A UTIO214. 711••• Pil. Dameld Ie hakes asJimaler donee ase NIII87 TURNS MONTHS of Prow sums', III due 004 Pitr• to Swag eet Mower - nags, best at wog siker MAW tAer rale. Is all case. of Serra. seal Spotter Adecouss, Pail. la the Hack mod Limbo, Fatigue on alight exernon, Paipositon co tee Heart, Hysterics med W Mem Pill. will elreet • vire whet •Il other norms, li•ve Wed; •nd •Ittioueh • power- ful remedy, do 001 Owtain 01111.• morly, or anything hurtful to the consliution. Full dareetioes in the twoophlet •ruciad each package. which aboithl be esortu.ty preweved. dole agent tor the United thateaand Canailas, JOB MUSES, Itocheeter, N .Y . N. R. -$1.00•ntl eta podage metope, enclowd to.ay authort zed agent will insure • b04110 iron• tattling any Pdls, by return maili NU ET 11 P LY5fAN, NtiSeM14111, C. W., general •greit torC•nael•, filialeriab by Perk., 3c Cattle and F. Jordan Gardiner of Co. Bayfield • James Benthum, Rogerville ; 4. Vick•rd,Eseter ,• J.H. Combs. Watts & Jebb, Clinton, Secord. Luck- now; E. Hickson, Seaforth. and all Medicine w3M-Iv Dealers. .134ci qqqqq; Amoss the mow importam of modern ntecbc•I dine 'venni 111•11,1* the CANAIJI IN PAIN DEsTOGYER I As • Family Redwine, Iv is vont mid favor•bly known.. rotenone thousond•truen peon to the See, heck mot head.CoughiliCoide.-eare. throat, 8praine, linseses, Cramps in Poe Stomach, Coolera onorbus,lhoienterv, Howe) C0. p15151., Surma, Saida, Frost Iliac., arc., arc , arc. The OANADIAN PAIN DEPTIl TEK sow been belore the politic for • length 0time mod wherever used is sell liked, never Nilo, 415.,.')r tral•nee to give permanent relit 1 whe I110e1y ti•01, en/ we have never, lower• sang cue of Oiematotfeetion where the direction, bite been properiy followed ; but, ion Ihe contrary, • are Fledighled Willi it• operation•, •pake Inc highest terms ot in virtues and sumgcril lects. We •pohal, frunl alperienee In this matter. ha • ins tested it thoroughly, and t metore those w aro sutlering 1ruM •iey of Itie complaints to which it is recommended may depend epos it wing • Stmereisti Herrady. 46. mtorfahing etreecr iit the Consols. Ps( Destroyer In cerin( the diseinee• kyr whirl. el i reety iiiiii ended. mut 1)14 wood. elin NICK. IN Ina hong the torturing riailt of Rio iiiii anon, •i.d 1 rehertne Nereotis Allect iiiii a, While II to a hip roma in the 1,01 04 feihrehes toi thew r th-derg are co.song in from Medicine Lhslers mi pools of the t•uuntry ler fun ber suppliee, din melt tedttying 00 10' the 55,1.1.41 salislarl ion , givee. The l'•nailoon l'ain Destroyer never lials 1 irier lininellisie relief A an, it. Popsicle. imler ii*i• 11; soot sto 1..111 Sill he Wit; iiiii t it slier once trying it. Price only 25 ..ent• tier Al) orders eliould la intones to NORTH 1 rrLYMaN,_ Newcrione,l'. (feeler.) Agent tor Canada. grPold or, f;oderich l, F•ravr 5c CCU, sad V. Jordan ; 4 1.0. tt•inettl; Jame Bentham. Km/revile; I Pi. k•rd. Exeter; J. it Watts Ar Jobb, Clinton; Socord, trtork lar; E. Hareson, t•ealcitln. sad ala Medeme cetalere. altt HU CH DUNLOP, '1' A_ 1 1.1 () 1 . NEXT DooS To Tin illaak or NI WEST STREET. 4., HAS 11.781 RECEIVED A NEW' STO CM I ov a h'imGOODS Nifki101 Wh:ch be is prepare d to make tip on the very shorteet notice and most approved style. CHARGES MODERATE. Cr} All orders penctaally attended to. Goderich, April II, 1867. w49tf _ 100 ACRES OF LAND! F`s.:SX1. F. undersioned oder. Mr .14. 0. reasonsble terios south b.11o1 Lot No. 41, 14 the 1316 eancesonon of the Township -14 Wawannosh Adhere. (prepaid) West Homily P. 0 , County Carketon, C. W. PATRICK CARIGILL, April 110,, 4.07. .4210 3m $654x) TO LF.ND, on Ifripeneel brow. •1 tee per cent. Apply to MISS MARYCAMPIELL. elht 20d eon Teeketwaels. Hartnnhey,p.o, M40 -11 -1 -IE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS 1/P THE NORTH AND SOUTH RIDINGS OF HURON, GENTLEMEN Movfne been reqneeted to represent you hy the TnIter•Moster aenerai 0(the Cone', of Huron, Colmar. ti•uery, ere now MAW 04. OW - tires to 01.41001001 805 at Gm large Tin Shop, Base Icee, tinton. Having been resalenis of The County for • avraber of yaw', sad nt4 h•ring time to make • trerSonsel Clintraaa, 1.. lb.. weehtng to know our views on the great yneatiOnS 01 the day, we world beg to state that wear. oectdedly in novo. ea Coaloolition, punt •nd maple. CA." Coal Owl, 'nave end (.41.41.00414110 ire& 415 401.1;. CONFEDERATION We 40111 warmly support. believing that the more UnWW Itt•I Fake place the ir••••., amnia, of ernes a ili he remorse to make the 051.41 1500. COnljdele. We here • !arr.. mach of Sid.. Ile 4•••• • akirA see reid sal sAceep ANNEXATION. We decidedly oppow, &Oho's. h w, h•ve jam •nnesod laoor rah a large lot of Bird copes, Baby carriages, (76.1.1retes toys, dee. EDUCATION. We •r• Inclined to 144 ,41, pub", know Pod are •re eellom 6 Milk Pen. for 11.10. hoes., large dairies would do well to sell at Sasat.a DAVIS'S. AGRICULTURE. We will enc000rege, 6.....; 10.4 nsreived • new Mock of 8.14, (hoyden. and 62.,.'., Seeds. home Fiona and imported ; a Isere Melorlindirit Steel Plough., mad Agriciottur 11 Implements eel.. lag Wry cheap. NOM b.STF.AD LAW. Ws are erorwly intitelt^d to all peruse haven; coed bosses. We bath 1 large saimorionent Too toed Ushrenised Ear. Troughs ow head, which will be put Op in IMF inapt workresnitke manlier, hawing had • pest deal at esperienow in the shove lone. We guarantee satisfaction. omen • ran. IMPROVE** SSTS Oa*, the nem coeetitutin. We me &o.n.o.- keep up 150114 6. aga e• •It improvements is 'flowers. Thom shout Mania; Clears Farogrie wield give ne a call for Fats, 4.0. lAWALTY, W4 wows on. Those &eons. perrhmong g -orl Howeetsoloadiag Mlles wined do woe to rove es • nall, sad by clomp ell .be tAetr at feebly». to the emus which ere sdvonale. • Pnimorall Wag • R.. TOC•ITRII.11. • oneitencey 15 005( ('ie), OW Pointe. it. team., Oer A ineetheesta -all koada of loldweg W. hone Dm Imam to kt.,14.ellem••• Tow omegas ewe sate. BEARLJ & DAYI8. climes, aril ol, 1ro417, w'43..I. WANTED. 414 stparianeell carder. Apply he the mileraigeed, at t he Oedema *mien 'Cs. T1100 . LOGAN. Ooderieh, 14.• 1s4, 1/1417. w15 If Mice the, Free and Independent Electors 01 1111 NORTH RIDING OF HURON COLNTLIIIIN :- Having beeu nominated by the Re- form Conventiou, bald at Cliutou on the 4141 of this month, as a candidate for the Repot - mutation 4)1 70140 &dins in the Loma Lop* loners of Outario, and bane( received ruo auntie's of support from many (anode, over the whole censtitnency, I have accepted the nomination then made, and in doing so I hope to receive • cordial AA goner... mop port from you, to whom is •utrusted the pet- •ilege of the franchise. My principle. are not seek 114 te *Misty .0007 5604. of political opinion ; they are, hoverer, a" 11 400!) known, tx oneintain what is good -to reform what is corrupt aud ob.,' bete, endeavoring to secure right govern- ment, .nu economical a cuanaer ea is CULI- ilialfoll with safety. There are 110 questions before the public of great importance. Confederation having absorbed all others, it is my desire that it should receive 5 fair teinl, trustIng that it will be the means of allaying the 'sectional jealousies that haws so long distracted the tountry. Having been actively engaged tor the last tea years in our municipal affairs, the ex. pretence I have gained may. if pie see fit to elect me, prove uaelul in further improving Oaf municipol and aaaewroent laws. It might not .00.11 a117 usetiti purpose t0 go into an trontediate personaicaotram but 1 hops wises the contest fairly commences, to meet you ia various place" over the Riding to make ex- planations, and set forth my •ises al greeter length, and until thut time, I would ask you to refrein Corn pledging your influence and support to any ol spy opponents, so that yOu may het in • position to judge for yourselves se tO our respective meries, MO, gentlemen, 'Tour obedielit servant, THOMAS GIBSON. Dowick, April 64., 1867. vellif To Dr, Woods, Reeve of Stanley, AND 772 OTHERS, TAMA AN i N.TARY [LECTORS 041 01141 SOUTH RIDING 01' HURON. GENTLEMEN. - I have bad the honlir to receive your very respectably and numerously signed re queition, asking Me to become a candidate to represeitt the Riding in the House of Common", .1 46. ensuing election, fur which I Mel highly flattered, and accept the eosins- tton offeivel me by so large a number of in- intstial elettuie. 1 hare since receierd the unanimous nomination of the liberal Co,,' Immune delegates at the Ciento, conven. lion/ To the parliamentary electors of the Scioh Rollo:, generally, I oiler mysell as a candid - els, mid trust to Melee your generous sup- port. To the most of you I am not unknown, hawing bee° a continuous rent/eat in the Riding ler a period 111 thirty too years, 504 hornier Merin,/ thm tone t -ted all Ilse difficultiee mid mivations ut a hockwoods Ide, as well tut filled ntitinfirCotie elective and other highly responsible offices, therefore neeesanri y for many years I have bens prominently Wore you, and I chartings any man truthfutly 10say Out I wronger.. bon in tbe smallest mime,. I refer to my put course 11 .0 index ul what on Notelet may be, sbould you see ht (0 ,1,01 me. Having ou monetary watt, arol moue depending on me for 'smear from the public chest, 4 du not teeth for, nay, witudd not accept, from Gov. **meet any lucrative office, Puy only desire being energetically and faabfully lo isecure 11* inter-sts et the country in which I have lived au many years, and to -hitt flow many msociationa 1 504 sincerely attached. There ere No leadiog qoestions before the public at present, but should 1 be elected, I shall enter upon duties without offeting to the minstry of the day any factious op. position, and will aaist to 1)10 ,1100.4 of 1/17 ;meet in carrying out the Confedenitioi, 'Rheum le a liberal spirit. To *eery m iiiiii calculated to advance the interest5 and wellbeing 01 18. Couidy of Ilunm, 1 eill give my undivided atieniton, and best support. I shall be an advocate for economy in the public service, ao fee as moth be cocupatuble with tlen-ough elbciency ; 1 shall advocate iiich alienator e 111 the 0511111415 and excise dioirs as will be moat benefiriall to the wants and means of the greeteat number 01 she 1, 14,8,41,10, keeping in view the maintenance of the public credit. The public debt -regulation cf trade, and development of commerce -the poatal see - erica -the enlergement and improvenseat of the inland water comraunostion within Canada -the !Lathrop -and generally whet ever w,II advance the welfare and importance of the Dominion of Cenada shall receive my best attention. I sholl take an early opportunity, befor• the elect:no. corn* off, of visiting the prinei• pal loealities ia each nouttimpe,ity, and then explain my views on any subject' likely to COS be:ore the House of Commons. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your faithful server!, D. H. RITCHIE. Bayfield, Towiehip of Stanley; 304. March, 1867. w 1 1 tf To the Free and Inde- pendent Electors of the North Riding of Huron OLNTLEN EN, Fader ordinary circumstances the term of the present I'rovineial Parlearlient would ierminste in • few days, but since the het general Election, very great political and constitutional changes have taken platre,whieh cells for an immediate dissolution of Parlia- ment These cheers were faand neeeseary, in consequesee 04 4.. many difficulties arising oat of the proper carrying ou, of responsible government under the Union Aet of 1840. In 1866 a Coalition Goarnment wee form- ed for the porpoise of devising a remedy foe the existing sells, and • Union of the British North American Provinces wee proposed and agreed upon. Under this arrangement we an to haye • General Legislature and • Local Legeslaiure, the former to have charge of motors of (loners) Interests, affecting the United 1'-- 0)5054, and the latter to have charge of Looal matters. Cater these circumstances, 1 have con- sented at the request of many .'arm friends of all political creeds in year riding 40 14..,-,,. • Candidate for the Locei Legislature of your ridine, and as one who leas resided many years In the ncrth nding, and who takes • deep interest in ita welfare, I hop. et elected eeeee to betray the treat confided to me. My polities sr• to sopprei the hands of the coalition in carrying out honestly the in- tentions 01 1)50 Quebec wheelie, and also to support honest men and honest neessures, and to do all in my heralds ability to .0. '500e the interest. of your riding and the wailer* of this my native eoentry. 1 son aequainted with many in the rkling, but I shall shortiy make it my bus insets tO mai meetings in Tour different town• stops, when !shall etplain my principles in alai and hope t tweet ether manna for bonne, whets yoe cam have an opportenity of judging te tite roomettes sapabilities of the itsedidsttes, 1110417 say that 1 an ail admirer of British ,01 •01041, snd me prepared at *ay Limo to fight in the Aeld or in asy etas* sphere in life, to maintain that ecomerkes. I remain geselemen, Yost' meet obaMestly, W. TORRANCE RATS, Ciadorieli, April 5, 1807. .1111 WALL PAPER! AT THE 'Signal' Office. AFULL smartens. of all Ow sew ones 41' 11,..us Papers, it0O1 6 cent• Ur VIM pm roll, mat opened. mutants for Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room, and Hall. A I .S0, Window Shades, AND Borderings in New 0 esigns ! Cheap for Cash. Fishing Tackle! A 1•11Eill K Fishing Rods, Fish Baskets, Fish Hooks and Lines dliST TO HAND, At the Signal office. Doderickb Aril 26, 180 . FREE & INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE NOR'! I -I RIDING OF TIE COUNTY OF HURON. GENTLEMEN, fleeing lee -rived Me nomination of the " Reform Convestion," and having been re. queeted by lose of all shades of polities to offer myself as a eandidete for the Canadian Ham of Commons ho. your Riding ; I am now in the field claiming your suffinzes at se Representative. As there are no great quertions now prominenely before the count,)- Confident lion beilig an accomplished Inct-.74 it tie necemary in • short address to speculate whot the future may bring forth; or to submit any particular or specific plat. form I may. however, say that 1 will em- brace the earliest opportunity of •isitiag (tech locality in the Riding and explain my •icive fairly and fully ott both local and oenetal matters • such as the necessitv of encourag nig emigration, our trade with the Unitod States, -economy in the management of our public departments, and tbe conduct of the general ethane of the courtry. Meantime, I have Me honor to be, Gentlemen. Your ohe'nt sere't, Joseph Whitehead. Clinton, April 1818, 1e67. wI3 To t he Independent Electors 001041 SOTrr1-1 01 Titit COUNTY OF HURON 01501 11510,- Having been nominated at the Convention .1 18. Liberal Conservative party. held at Clinton on the 29,11 alt., as • Candidate for the representation of this Hiding in the I.ocal Legislature of Ontario, and having received numerous awarances ol support from persons of various shades id political opinion, I hare consented to offer myself for your suffrages at the election to mite place, i, all probability, at no distont period. ,1. the meantime, I shall take the oppor lenity of visiting the several municipalities, that you may become belle, erquar3led with the sentiments which 1 profess, and I trust that they will be found so to secord with yxur own, that you will be enabled to give me • generous support. I am, gentlemen, Your obedient ser•ant. ISAAC CARLING. • , 3.) April, 185,7. *1111 To the Free and Inde- pendent Electors of the South Riding Huron, GENTLEMEN: Having received the onenimons norni nation, .1the Convention recently held in Chilton, for the Representation of your Rid ing in the Canadian House of Common', and having accepted that nomination, I am now In the field ;-Centlidate for your suffrages. trustaig to • liberal and generous support at you hands. As the Elections will not, M all probobility, take place for Some months, and • personal canvass would he inexpedlont, until •hont the eve 04 18, conmet, may I hope that in the meantime. you, gentles..., will withhold yosr names frogs sech rermiticns am are tom being industriously etretalated in t5e Riding te most ur British practtee, and one that I hope will loner prevail with (anadian Elector, -1010 prise r fen. free, and honor able eontest fsr above and beyond a mere temporary political triumph), and that you will 'them from pledging your inneence and support (0 517 opponent, until in the Canes.. and throughout the Contest, I shall have so opportunity, before you, of meeting him ham to face. explain* my views and espounding my principles. and you shall have had an op- portunity of thee judging of our respective qualifiestions for tbe high trust we seek at your hands Meantime, I have the honor to be, Gentivosen, Your moat obedient Servant. 11. C. CAMERON. Gorierich, Mardi lith, 1847. welt. Toth3 Independent Electors of the South Riding of Huron, GENTLEMEN :- Having reeeived the noneirmtion at the Convention held in Clinton. on the 1518 inst., es Reform Ceedidom for the Legislative A. Nimbly of ()uteri', far South Harem and hamng accepted the same, I am ma prepar• al to sake the field, mind hope to neetive • liberal support. AGMs eieetion will not prohably, take plan for some time, I shall be able at the proper period to make • personal *smear of Ili. Reding, when, at eneetiagn le be *repast - ad, the vieos of both parties ean be mad and sotaperM ; and in the anomisie, I treat yea oill not pledge yeersefires by romisition or otherwise in say ottor emaltilme, bem the besot to M. Oevetteesen, Too 044151 ehallent eviveent ROSIRT GIBBONS, Goilerith, Marsh 19t8, 1947. AWFUL CHEAP BOOTS &SHOES WM. DUNCAN TOTA3 received at 6115store West sale Mar - I .14 ket Square, • large Summer stock of Boots and Shoes, which oil be suld et trey LOW PRICES FOR CASH! PRUNELLA BOOTS la great variety. From 8.1 et. 1)10411 44. CI.- Call and inspeet, and you oil1 he sure to buy, It M. Ol'!"SCAN. Gadench May 3, 1867. Mortgage Bate of Land. 1EA11.ThirasaLbrrn1,anetot11cr.,..:),.40rimiLy..1,wlub,.t:(b: See joining tor the pone" of barring her dow. er) bearing Mite the Fifteenth tiny of December, %CS. Th. sdhiwing property will Pr gold to Potato Auction at O. M. TtIllEMAN'S Au. lion un the Twenty-third day of April next, at 12 •m,n, under the pewees rontained in the ogid Mac Esse, vio - Lots numbs -is Otie it I he II•r- bur Vim. end ,.0t Fifteen sole ot Wen *greet, la lite Town of Dud -ore -to . Terns cash or credit Deed to he given under the ln.w.r wn• 1Aine..1 .n he said Mortgage, For further peon, bore •ppi y to D. SHADE courn Hobs -nor for Moingeeees. Dated lith lssuary. 1947. VI 7:11 The oturee ..I. 1. peepsood till Tiniest., the 1444 4.7 ut M•y, 1647, at hearse iiiii mad Mace.. D. flhasho Gooding. Th. above side Is further predenned until Tuesday. (6. 4141 day ol June, 1867, at seine time end place. •15 D. S. GOODING, Mail Contracts. TENDERS, aditressed to the Postmaster a General, will be received at Oita., until Noon, un FRIDAY, 7t8 .11.:0; 1467. for Got conveyance of Her Majesty's Mail., on • propoeed Contract her four years, a u nder, on and from the lot July nest, bete,. n Crediton and Devon, twice per week each way mod Wingnam and Zetlana, three times per week each way. Pritien' notices cootaining turther nformation as it conditions of proposed Coutract may seest,encl blank tonna of Tender piny le obtained itt POW (Ace, ishure mention- ed, and at the office of the suhscriher. GILBERT GRIFFIN, I. 0. 1" Poet Office 1nspeetor'e ) 1"t". Office, London C. W. } 26t14 April. 1967. j .13 3t Facts for the People! It is an under...14e tact 11.1.11 obould have asonor,th traininglone entering upon thr 114il• idbus.,,... OP. It 1, a knowleMreil Mut 16st Such 0 Imams Montd hr. b vornprehernur• .0.4 5404011.0!. it is • well knuwo rict 10411 111 C111/10' 91(70004 54 111. Loudon Commercial College and Seminary eicatmes theme two emenital elosomcier 5 cs to • greater etient thaor the which Mt he toosod • ley wool.t ossiiintion, h is unspeentoin•Ny • fact that a far greater womb, a Soden. aillend this Coombe r, .1 College 1114,11 ortend any other in the f'a ;awes, and that yming Men come Mini the tar -01f SIAlm ol •nd Conneativol. woe h thee express ntentoes of attend,' it. It 1. a to that cannot 01 e Isotonic geiragyeel. that the gindoate• 11os Co:lege totand higher 1110 estisitat000n "1 Imminent men generelly, th•n those set attic, cominierciod colleges. And thi. fact le Virriltj.41 10 the other tact that they tase the hint • 11,..- 141110 both InC.,.. and th• United istes. 11 re • noi•hil. fact thot expeees la board. arc ,on notch hr. in London, then in may other city uf Caaada. And 11 ,..l.., • 11.116,1 $150 IN CASH will hereafter dretributed ainufig eVerVIX 4''. re7ilo4;24T24, who purchase 04 the rroprtetor lull course wtholnrshipa lfl 1.34 eolleges. For farther monocular. please onisheem, amino. J. W. JONES, Princepal of bonJon comenereted co4leae, 1.0101on• C. 41 N. H -Twenty dollars swill pay lor • 70111.• i0•t1001 in the 4FUDRIRSCH Aar Ift/ Ten dollars in advance -the ••loie Mier the modems et.tered the Ao.loth I Bovine. elem. Sunlen1s 14111 1•111f eau thew- tern. Mild ;Rept *0,5)1,, which aohiderwhip wit he sword •1 .811 prise, pey•tre rn advanoe. For further on lortn•- hon please •ddreas •11111 mp. J. W. McKELT.AR. w2 Princepal. CHANCERY SALE VALUABLE' TOWN LOTS. IN HIE TOWN OF GODEMCI1. DeRNCANT 05 Decree snot two orders 1 made in • certhin 00114141 pending is the Court of Ch•neery 04411024I4 /1111 TCHIN.40N, there will be modil at Punic Auction, loy GEORGE M TRATEMAN, AUCTIONEER, on his Alin ion. Ns,,o the To en of Caderich 01% 81111110rdityry. 1111111 et April, lad?, with the spprobanne of He•ry Meelmonott. Esq., hIgnier of the mod oun, at ttederneh, the tooloowing y•Inahle Town LOIS, he.tlf MIN- Oi Lrose 2.,d 3, on Co.. to A," I early .1 114' township ofOraleneli, known m the Wil- e.. Amery. Vis. : Town Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, P 9, 10, 11, 13, 14. 15, 16, 17. 18, 19, 20, 31 21. 23, 24, 25, 28, 27, 28. 29.30, 32, 34,37 30, 40, 12. 43. 44. 45, 46. 49, 40. 61, 62 63, 64.1%5, 66, 67, 619, 69, 60, AI, 62, 63 $4, 65, 64, 67, 614, 60. 71 72, 75, 76, PO 81,82 85, N. 87,118, 449, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 95, 99, 97, 91a, 99, 100, 101, 102, 107, 1041 109, 112, 113,114, 117, 119, 120, 171, 122 124, 126. 1211, 127, 128, 129, 130, 135, 136 137, 138, 139, 140, 141,143, 144, 145, 146 and 148. These IMs are neer 1110 41110,11 '(1.41. End me eery deairably situated tor budding pl., . _710 mor o dmer, tof toll i,*85 ,Mod will no soothe move the effeet nfrapoolly ierremiong the nemelmns 01 ,85 Meth. Meek will be pot up oenantely, the pro rinser on the lone of Sale adisell pay elosero • do. Wien equal In £l00, every WO of t he puretok, toone• •nef a soalleletio Faro arable Deo web. g oer ihe arde to make op FRS tonrill of the p417. .41...moirry, 18. hellenee tin so emend by peyote* In three reptel vesrly Pay- ments will, waves et eight pow rwelorn par 50' 5.01., the mortgagee, he remove hy the Vendors 11011e11••1 at th• esperne at the porehaser, 10 ,16.14 ohs ra,114411100.1 01.1141141 will be the Wend{ awe moonlit.... of the. Col* s*( biemeve and reey be ohimmed aline pt the Um 0608 klmemans Them k ia tlw Teen ef tiodench, and at Mei 'heathen of theses' M•ster HENRY al•e DEKitorr. Ma.ter. lia•AC F. TOMS% VeNdoressoloo•er. Doled the Path of klaroh, 1087. of at POSTPONEMENT Iasi, 10, ti, DI, 14 th, IA, 84, 94. M, 1111, 0127 71 and 76, lowly homes hese erold. 110 4.11,0.. of the property will he toad at P.M.. Aoction row Iteterstey, the INA day of May tell, at the eterk 41. oi. mu the pressisma Dosed time Inele, D OR NT NA/ DE it MATT , Mewer Farm and Village Property, A GOOD FARM, COMPRISING FIFTY La.' acres ot Mod, shoat • oil* from the VILLAGE OF BLI.JkiVALA beteg the north half of lot thirty-four. in the fine eoneessiou of the 'F.anship of Turn berry, will 8. 50)4 on moderate terms, part i.redat. There are about 20 acreta c:eared, a zood frame bun, ic, Soil oacollent. haul wood timber. Also. lea., Houses in the Village of Bud onto, with good garden and orchard, aud Mout lour acres uf laud. LI. HALE, Clinton. April 22, 1867. wI3 3mp,as* ALL 111911T AGAIN PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN THE PROVINCE, ni A New & Magnificent Sky -Light AND SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED t.3 . E. L. JOHNSON BEliS lo inform Isis utd patrols*. Sixt the puldse A./ gen..011r, that he has. at much aspen., 6tt701 up los rooms, in STE WAR IS' New Hoak Illock corner or limuiltoet eIrivl and Square, Liudengh, la such • at) le an to render them the MVOS in the conoutry„•nd the broil adapted f or the am.comploshioient brei-clem work le his eleticate •nd brew dul an. Thom dem:v.01 4..v..i, Pic- ture* of (.3 II 1 I.. 1) It t•kes war pease hriag ,,Ib. morning. Photograph' %ken in every Style Leona to the •n, end Old Ambrotypes •od guerrotypoti coped •6 POutureplea. 41Isere Stoves .40,11 ant Bow -Wood Frames gluey...ea hand. Also ALOUNIS, eery levees. E. L. 1 , 41 returning thanks lur the liberal petrontage ol the paw, noels admiral that sewn! 111114100e1114.11111W1i1 4111•140 111111 10 1C11111 001)51744,. 0411.7 •tial inclease ol ate baton-. E. L. JOHNSON. Godersch, March I , 1867, welt FARM TO SELL OR RENT. -- r or sumBER 8. in the fourtwenth 1.1 concession of Me Towitahip of Wow. annals. The farm consists of seventyei;ht acres, thirty five of which are cleared end fenced. ha good bard000d Mod, and well - watered. For particurare apply t,o CYRUS LA WSON. Aliso, to rent • farm of fifty serfs, cleared old teLeed. Apply to RANKIN LAWSON, March 274., 1867. 01)0 1867. Now Is the time 1867. to subscribe for THE SIGN AL which is admitted to be one of the Best Local PAPERS In the country. Besides a full epitome of all intereating local news, we have special aorrespcindents in Now York, Texas, Ireland, and in various parts of Canada, who carefully olmervo and mord faithfully many of the interestiog doings of the outside world. No effort will be .pared during 1861 to keep the Signal up to (ho standard it his attained. The Weekly is :published at 11.50 a year in advance, and as the time. are now good, we are nioet desirous of carrying outthe eish principle in all cases., The Semi -Weekly Editio.2 in puldished on Tuesday and Friday afternoons, at $2.50 per year. - We are happy to ay (hat its circulation Imo steadily increued 1100004 ootocucaoc- meat ia 189. TO ADVERTISERS: THE SPINAL prenear icilitica of a high order. Our circulation is much :creator man that of any paper puLlialnd in the Counties, :and we are at all tint, ready to show advertisers that It extends tO all parts of Boron Anil Bruce, OUR JOBBING DLPIRTIENT, ‘i hieh is entirely seperate, is in charge of experienced workmen, and our facili- ties such as to enable us to execute .11 orders for Plain or Fancy Printing at greatly reduced prices. Officio, Key's Block, Market Square Ooderich AUCTION SALE A SUPERIOR FRAME HOUSE? And Garden, In Goderich. G. M, •TRUEMAN Instructed by the proprietor Mr. Wallin. L Gilroy, to tell by A ...mon, st the 'ONTARIO AUCTION MA RT, Ion Thursday, Hes nth day of nil, HMI. at coon, that +Superior Frame 1101.1e, •1 present in the icromation .4 44,. John Mdchett,commining 7 'towns •nd good Beek Kitchen, with Imo,» tionlen winched. Being Town Lot No. 4407, end tionstil MI NrnanniS Bowl is the Town el node.. II. 11 )1.. noir ot Dark's Howi, Dart,' eq re i ' 47:115fit OF SALE -Liberal, and er.11 le mede keown Rt 11011/ of WIS. Toile poverty is well sdaphel for • provat• rene- dance me a bosons* noon, 05 11 on very convent. Weeded. Dederick, Apra 95,11166. 4014t4 Prelitlum-Seed Potatoes T ['Avg a few bushels of the "celebrated A Gooderich Seedling Potatoes " for sale at Mr. Johnston's Garden, ay the following prices: -Early florederich (veil early) at 111 per peek. Gleason at II per peck Calieo at 11 per peek. Also, some early %shires( Rainey' at 25ete perpeck. TH9MAS BUTTERWORTH, Godenolt, April 26, 1666. 1.14 2.1 AUCTION SALE THE Suhseriber hureeeived intimations in offer for sale On the 18th day of MAY 1867, AT TRW HURON AIItTiOR MART: AT Twelve O'clock Noon, (not pooreously depressed of. I het VALUABLE STORE situated nn Lot No. 964, facing the,Court Rosso square, and now nmespied by Wm. Rfarnlek. This is no of the heat business Woods in the Town of fiorleneh. The 6.4)4. 51 its Pearl/ neer, soll bnilt, wed nosey fit, sot ap. For term* and particulars apply JAIIIESSMAILL Mallow/of. Goderieb, April 4, IPA T . •11 4.4 be FRUIT TREES, &c INSOLVENT AcroF11164 AND 11180. • yi ' Province of Casede, y TN th• County Cori at County ui Herron, 4 1 llhe Carroty of bloom. In awe roamer of Raters Hannah, se lesvolveee. On naturday, the atiath day or J uly sem, tam usdersogned will apply 10 the judge 01 Ike said l'ourt. fur • draeherge Nadler tee mid AM. emokorth, floth day ot April, A. D., M67. . KODEKT HANN Alf, by S. G. hicCAVOHET, Ala Analogy, ad IsMill. MIS %a INSOLVENT ACT fJE 1864 AN6 • • • tii,,wor id. 1111W/11. 1114 l'ealtity OS Shargii. Province of Camels thy C unsay flieurt In the metier of losers Trott, me loirolveirt Oa 8eittarday the pisib day toe J.Iy .oest, 61.o usderaiouso will apply to the Jualse ed Men d mart, kr a daisolmrpe under Dye oaal Act. Sealants day ut •prel.•. U 1,47 JDOEPLI TROT?, by S. 141•CA VDH he Attorney. .11 tre INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864 .'.ND lase. Province o4 Canasta, # 141 the C. rot, Court rai county of 1114,0.1, A. las Coral y Hems. In the m•tter Jobe Wett, an losolveret. • • ontuiday, the day Joly rest, ihe thoierogoed will elosly he lodes tit Ike esicl lor • Mauls the under stos, sail 401, L'esfoortts, 2616 day u/ April, 4. U., Dr 7. JUkIN DKETT, by N, C. 140CA l/GME Y, 1• • hI. Money, ml Itlefal. M1117111 - -igt01:# tier ACT a Darlrpunos -- • • . of Canada, l• theConaly cowers. c000ty oi Heroic Wormy of Munn th. Matter of Douai' Melee.' ea Indelmopl.. .1 bai,day iho tiortieth day VI U. Wale the untenigned will *pm y to l8..SO4. et 46. mild Conn (.e • decimetre wader Ike Doted ail- 11110..11w firk day of March. A. 11.: [Ma. • . 1). blIeTAIONIMI. 3. MAI.00 N Attorney for lemalseal. 9w MOW on 8.04 504 for sale at my garde., " East Street, A LARGE STOCK OF PLUM TREES, PEARS, CHERRIES, CRAB A PPLE:4, APRICOTS, AND NECTARINES, besides • quantity of Grapes, (arrests, Gooseberica, A.. Ala., 00 haud • ouruber Kale's Early reach, (The earliest and havered variety 46.4110 0). Also, antral other varieties. (er Inteudin4 purchners would do well to call at once. , WM. CAMPBELL. Godericb, April 16, 1800. er I 2tf 141 APPRkiENSION DESERTERS. INT () c 1E le HEREBY GIVEN, , rrHAT the following reward.% will Le peid for the approbeiwoon of NAVAL DESERTERS, •tly pert ofCsim*Moieti ("rot oomation 14.4- .44 10 the co0V01/011 0e0s3n3i.M.110.111des.11. ens. I. -For a or...tomato% 01 15111. &eerier. (during the tear 1647 1.4.7 10.,. adaltUott to expenses. •nil in •peeaal owes,. tunher reward ou poor '4.-..-'.I eireummencea 4.- ressity for persuading rumens to dem fi ur improperly abacus themselves. -C20, Oar -Lan to the informer. 3.--Penalt$ tor ...,.1,S . concealing, harbour - mg, urenipoloying Juserluts, uae-hel I 10 14.. informer. 4.-), inklitom to which foreg000f pe•alnew. •ny pertain giamg pud,ug coorteluin 01 any pereon or p...eop •n• •••t-tme cleeoceltrs will r0e00'e • norther rewent of 1:•0. A. 41.11. DeHORSKY. bellow (ogee r. St. Lawrenre sod Leanly( Canute. fl. M. S. amours," n. Quebec. Slarch 24,44167, 4011. Seed Potatoes, itc. - - TUE Subscriber hut just received, next A door tu Nolan 3 111c3la4.'s Blackmun's- •nd Wagon makers' Shop, opposite the Huron lintel, • quantity of Garnet Chili Potatoes, which have been In -owed nearly pro01 against the rot in the Cooed,' of Brant. Mid several other sorts. Alio, a quantity or OATS, CLOVER SEED, BLACK-EYED MARROW FAT PEAS &C• Also. eSpevieli In store day or too a cat Joad or tine ground PLASTER OF PARIS which sill be sold at 35 eta per cwt. HARVEY HOWELL, Goderich, April 20t8, 1867. 4013 lie SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAISDF: er BY 0411•111e 111 IWO Writ• of To mut: Venditimo Capon. and Mau Mril• ,441q, Facsa• issued out of liferrapony'• Cout t l'wuntion Plea. • nal Court • Queen's Bench, cod loy me directed *game the land* end tenements ot Henry C.G•mtwe,Johis e•alt tied 1ra Levi., at the suns ct Malcolm Mo Mormon, The I ono- inereta. Hank 01 C•n•da, Ceorge F. littotre,•nel 7 he Dank of Montreel, 1 hare wised 5.4 416.. in •RerUS01111hat erri•te 111110ee1 or 17011 or land being pert 0(144 o I)" Western Donau,, 0( 16, Tuwoolop ot Colborne Alld 1110Ie pa el lc istu rl described in iwo dee*: Iwo Robert tirsheal lhonlop lo CIII(/{1 Laaraun aind Waken tmeracce. •nd 1.1.17the peopnrty of the fate Joh• Golf, together with tar mac Merry used in Miming this •mer moll, , the boiler, engine and eller sumehmery connected. the ighe saw. •nol the enuChIneryrtialIeCted W1111 thy cirenlar Sale, sod the carrege 01 ihe imam, no also the eurn• ing lathes in the said the property. ul Ina said John Galt, which lands and tenements I email offer for sale et my often in the Court 01411•1`, in the Iowa ol tiorIcrorb, on Tunday, the seveuth der 01 Nthy nest, m the loon of Twelve...! theo.lon k, noon. J1JIIN MACDONALD, 8411 11, II. 24herilre0dIes.fiodeeerh, y toth January, 1867. The above sale is further postponed until Tuettday, 21s1 day of May am., at mina Felon/and hour. w15. SHERIFP'S SALE OF LANDS row ty of 11111110, BY Voltie of • writ of Ten o vid Tdamn, Exponas mid Fier! -1,•ci•• reendose, &sued 0111 04 Iler Honesty'. • 101017 Conn 01the County of Wentworth, and 1,, m e dtrected nestu.t the landill RW1 lenetnenis John 61.Auly at tins suit 01 Wtihsrit flarlteg, I have orient •nel Wool in eiectit.usl sIl slid songol.tr that ',Arden or tray1 hied •nal prem. itie• snugly, trine And bruntI In, the loWnehm of (Joon ess on Inc Gounty o.f ftruce, coniliateg hy stint, enurement one liondloil WIWI of hand. be the estine mon, ole... still betng composed J1 lot monitor elei eq, to ihr I/C.01111a (0011Melon 01 the To wnsnop (terms% 15 1041 lIounty Wilmer •ioresaid, 111111r h nine). •no tenementedebell collei for sale at toy office in ihe court lnotoon, to Ilur Town of lioderoch, on Welluessl•y. the twenty- sev.mili (ley a February, at the hour of twelve 01 the clock, noun. 1011/4 MACDONALD, Itthend Huron. Sheria's ClInce, fiotlerteh, 10141 .1 y. 1867. f we The ebove Snle ea postponed one week, till the idh M•rt. le , 1146 /, The above sole 14 furthe- r peremoned 4111 19.6 Marc),, 1667, game plants lid hour. fhellICOVO sale la further postponed 1,11the '7,11 May, 1867. w 16 Ts. above Sale is furt- her postpotted nntil Tue•day. the 1418 inst., 11 141.441 s. .plaeand hour. Ye' 5. ".-The shore ayle 0, turther postponed until Tuesday, the 28th inst. w 16 SHERIFF'S SA.I.E OF LANDS. C,otinvy ot Met -on, f DY virtue 101 a Writ of To Wt. I 1.3 Vendome] F.temoss 11, ✓ ued owl 01 her Aletemye Comity if,,ort of ths hourly id Middle. I, • nd to nfe Atrected •esinet the Londe enel Tenement. of Jelin Cody, at the smt Lew., Hervey Smith •nd Allen !moth !Ninon I have monad sod (54,0 in Exeeetton the tellowine rot goy, vox: •1) sid comae thaw certate penele or trims of bowls end Omega normal (yeti 404 6.4,; in the Township of 1 tern - neer', in the Cenhty Moms. and PrOentier Of C•eada, rentalaing be adtbeasurereme meaty eirree sires be the same "00. 4,? le., bell.; cone 4.o404,1104.4i41e whole of ho number tvemety41.• In remelt...eon the mai Town. hip,mirriel the westerly itny 41,44.$o( 6, sales lag, hereto- 4.05 .541. Tepid to one Memo,. M. Walker hy indenture !retinae dseo the 1614, day Illats!entluer, A. D. IN66,end secondly 44 .4.. whole ot Mt number larentyosta te troneemine of the Mid Toe a- slopoomemvebe 400M0060y Ana 111"er• 01 Ole Mod lot wrretolorecoencyed to /4 Matron fIrsakik by huleottree b..,,,.1 4,,, the 141 11 elsy Septet*. her, 41.0. 14626,tehoch lands sad .te Femmes 1 shell oNer At sale, at my Pike, te the Coln Howe, ve the town of flodenen, on Tluteriliy the ...Walk day of A peel west, at the hoer of twelve o(,1e olock. nem. 101144 MACDONALD., . . . abetif 011tee, fintlywh,f 19541 Mare+, 1,017. The shore male is -prinposted-..aotil Teasevy, the Inermath day of May nest, at Seale place and hoer. The above eel* se farther poetpored uetil Teeslay, the 38441 .6, w 14 INsoLvENT_Acr or 1864.% , Province .4 Geoids, la ow County Court odds% County 1111/4111. (1'115111l4 0)Hun In Dm Malice ut sod Edw•rd Cowes, loodvose•. Thoraosy tie thirlteth 4417 0. M•y ment, the reds -reigned void apply to Ow -hedge or the 0•01 t.ouot nor ft duicheiree ...IT' , bated lit MUMS, Mot 440.. day of March, •. D., 441467. WILLIAM COWAN, $11WoRD COWAN. S. MA LCJAILION Attorney lese Inedvents. /wire Insolvent Act of 1884: • Promotes of Canaria fINI6. (7unont7 Court • County uf Huron. A the (70411n41 la Hume. In the Matter .1 Hoary Ileache, an )ntuit... • Nolte. is hereby gores that on Mankth the, twenty -•eyenth olAtry nest, 1.14 dm burr O. len 01 lbe ISMS, Is la• _)oreitoutS. Or •• soon. •• .0.4145.1.5$ 1,. heard. usitierstgocel wilt appl) to the Judge of are mid court lut • discharge re der the.sion Act. CoJerich, 16th March, 4. D., OW. W. 'I% HATO" • • • wl Attorney foe 1 melees. . INSULVP,Nf ACT OF 1864. 2/ Promote of t'anadre„ iTesle Gamy court af Ctatoi y of Huron, f *0.411)1 01' HliPon. • In ilte Matter .4 left., 841sitlo .04 0.0.55 Cowan as copeetnem •nal Peter Stealth, inalyWualty, Insolvents. th, the thirteenth day of May nett, •1 ten of 111.• clock, on the furenms, the undo:nieces will ell-, ply to the hod, e 01 I be mid court, 111 htechatableft in the Tow.. or 10..30rich, in wool coust,, foe • dim Imrge undet the mod Act. Defoe s1li44es...1, in the Cathay rol Hume, ills mooed Any ot Merch.A. D'*867.. th:R SKR.% tritami courrs es reepertners earl PETRA 311141I70, sadinesally. M C. CA111611011 bobeitor fur leativents. tNSOLVINT ACT 4iF Province of Canada In the County EpAyi ot County ot Huron the County of Marna.. In the Miner of F. 55'. Armstrong an laseh On the Eleventh day of !goo stet, at ten, of the cluck, to Me forenoon,the underaireno# will apply to the Jailye 01 141, said Court, at, his Chanebent, in the, Teem of Goderiebe Ins aid,County, fur a diecharged under the sea Dated at Quderich, in the Coos', of Harm; this 29th del of March A. D. 11367• F. W. ARM STRONO; an Ineolverse. M. C. CA$RRON„ , Solicitor tor rnaolver.t. w102vo INSOLVENT ACT OP i111111. In thit Nfatter of Jiatz:07A *boa. .1 OodsrleI,' an Insolvent j ' • , o' '111' he Creditors 0( 4),. Inacilinint,'Arii notified. • that he has made ,on ,Amiengsmat of bits estate and eater's, toider the alvoira Aet, lb Me, the noderaigned Assignee', arid they sea required to furnish me, within two seemilse front thi, date, with their dorms. specifying the enmity they hold, if ail, end site valuta of it ; and if none, stating the faet ;- 4441, whole attested guider ostb, with IS vouchers in support of such denote. • • JOHN E FAIR, . Ofheial Astognee. , TM -onto, April 10t4, 1867. 6.6851 FALSE Subecriber would inform the entire ea cenena, thsit 8. 41.. no intention of leap= the Town of :wench, a, owe,. .0 4-14.. room hem* mooned, fbetke purpose, at injuring o ISAAO FRENCAICIk. , ()Wenc)1, Aped 1eth,164'?. w14 tm IHUNICIA'AL 0TIOK. erne; roan al Hevolion tor the Towed., et 1. Grey, will let held at Wen. Mentes' Terme. TusrApk4 lira', on Monday the 70t6 .4.7 04 Nay, 4,115, S't 411.,r the chief, • m loarhinsaterso iesuedheepers, snd Eencsai feater11 will be ... pootteti name coy. W 51 NT, t, Township. lerk. A inleredle. Pt" 24. "41' wIfol Mortgage Sale: • wi I he sold by Public 1(5.010.5 at the Iluron Hotel, in the Town of Goderich, 00 . , Tlursday„dy, ird, at noon, the foliate% Lands and Premise.; Pursuant to Powers of 8.1e contained in indentures of Mortgage, which will he pro dured .1the tome of nide. I. rh. F. eat Half Lot No. 3.5, and tha West Half of Lot No. 36, in tbe 4th Con, epsesion of the Township of Waitrawoih, foo 50)65, , 2. A Part 04 1.01 "0," is tire. weer"?' Diviaion of theg Totenslop of Golberse, tai. og 148 acres and seven.tenthe of an Sere, These Properties are very vatordtbs. .04 4000187,4 tile attontion of Parsers tied Caphaliats. Terms of Payment, ie., will be undo known at Iles time amis. For eerie -yam apply to • LETS, ex trititv A ROSKR$1101e • 84rlicifers. Se., Tomo.; or to JOHN fIALDAN, Iraq 0 0. M. TRUSMAN; A Toronto, 1st May, 1047. Wil 41&, C -r 1 N • rum,,aiok,00 .01 Wee* et penes' hoe. en•ang ot ruyerefai mg two, mates. 01 newt drown ,.I.,., ot Slaleadas Me Leeman, 1650,0„ psysb'e three east low emirs after dale, ee the send mem bees 41100010114.,e Ashield, 10 Asset, Mr. will M TO BLACIBIUTRIP FOK 6 t LP.. the atiessennire pea el fhodeneli Themaernbre 61 elnefahluldnIfs and will gell champ Apr" lo JAE% rut Fr. ry. Aped 411, erl,