HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-5-14, Page 2• Ji 1: T A H I. E, G. T. It.
•tJ f►AI 0 ANl (.OubalCH uu TpICT,
Oeseriptfow of train. T7 sor.
Ateramodatton 12:30 a.m.
Lennon moil . 9:00 p.m.
Mixed 10:50
Dere RT.
Ezpri.s mail 6:311 a.m.
Amemsod•tio° . 1:45 p.m.
MlRetd . 4.45 "
cnti'`nIcchln i(j nal
b fl
twDEHDI'H, C. W., flay 14. Iti67.
While the tory press, from the Leader
downwards, was sounding the •'Vo- party"
ery a few weeks ago, a wu noeorioua
that in every oovetiturncy of Ontario the
the organisers of the party w.:re remmng-
tog through the dust and lumber of put
electioneering materiel for their strongest
men. They wiehed to lull reformers to
step in order that they might, by quietly
working io the dark, aeoure a majority in
the House which are in future to govcrt
the a otry. '\'hey were deeply i° love
with a ooalittoe ministry which they
thought could be worked advuu.ageously
after the work of Confederation bad been
accomplished, in so fur aa the old admin-
tstratioe could effect anything beyond
the completion of a few necewry details.
Great was the worti6catien felt in the ue-
pesite amp when it waa asoertained b -
yond peradventure that the liberals o! the
country were deterwiued w meet thew at
every point, imprea.ed with the belief that
u the Reform party had been the direct
means of securing the greet representative
reform involved in the Confederating
scheme, after years of determined effort,
they wen the best fitted to assume the
responsibility of working it out. Then
came a ery of alarm from the opposite
racks. " The Uuioa is in danger,"
" Will Confederation be carried out,"
n Annexation," and claptrap of that sort,
ad iwueeamn. How absurd is the idea
that reformers could have adopted any
other course than that which they ars
*ow pursuing. Were they to be bond -
winked into inaction while their opponents
rushed pell•mell iuw the arena ? Cer-
tainly not, eke they would have been ex
posed to the charge of pulitical poltroon-
ery which would have ruog 10 their ars
just u soon 88 the conservatives had gaio
ed their point.
Take our own County for exam
pl.. Messrs. Carling and Ritchie, the
nominees of a coneerrauve eonventioo,
would make it appear that they have
buried forever the hatchet of party war-
fare, and intend, if elected, (0 support
meoasures, not men. When they appear
in •strong reform section of the eoutrtry
tthey try oo the humbugging story of no
party linea, bo rrat political questions
king before the country, no raano why
old d stinctiooe should not be wiped out
and all and sundry join in securing their
return. Do they think people are blind
enough to be led away by sash shallow
nonsense? What is Mr. Ritchie, politi-
cally, but a high strung wry of the old-
est of old scheels ? W hat is Mr. Carlin g
but a rigid cooeervative ? Who brought
them iuw the field, but the stiff 000,er-
wetive lawyer; or Goderich ? Who ■re
their right-hand men except each series
u Dr. Woods, Wellington Connor, B. V.
Elliott, and Co. ? An 1 if they are re.
turned, will the fact not be heralded to
the world u a grat conservative victory
-will they not be found iur•riably cast-
ing their votes and in6uenoe with those
wbo have persistently denied justice to
ifpper Canada, and who, had• they not
been forced to it, would have refused to
grant us the increased repreeentatton
that we are to enjoy in future 7 We
call open reformers throughout the non-
stitueney to beware how they allow them-
selves to be deluded into the belief that
they are ,verfeetly safe in voting for men
who io the end would laugh at them for
their folly. The resulta of the contest
thus far ere most satisfactory. Neither
the specious milk -and -water promise of
Mase. Carling and Ritchie, nor the
sneaking abuaivenem or gross fabrications
of their organ -grinders, min influence the
adherents of the party of liberalism and
progrcra to swerve for a moment from
the path of duty 1 They know thin, and
in their rage they search io all directions
for mon elective weapons of deface', but
where shall they be found 1
a Fine Cllsaat..
[fere we are °ear the middle of May,
and the indieatione of epring a far oft
apparently u they were a month ago.
The true still awing their bare arms
about i■ the cold north wind, every
shower is followed by severe frost, people
almg to fun and overcoat*, and, in short,
nothing but a spirit of the most admir-
able Christian resignation can prevent
people from voting the climate of Canada
a disgusting tailor.. We fear the booted
bealthf.lnees of the climate is • papillae
elelusinn, and it appears to bo getting
worse from year w year. The eoetent
rep tition of sodeten change* of weathor
to which we ere eebjne', favor lung and
throat diseases, se well u rheumatic
affeeunns, utile and chronic, to such an
exlmt u to become alarming to permed
of feeble onnatitetinna. Hnwevr, we
must bop. fan a lash of sunshine byand
Belie AATO.DAT.-The ant nom
bar of this a:matleut paper that bit reach
ed .s for weeks mime to hand nn Saler
deg. HIs it not been mailed regularly
or is at .ebbed (se brother ire rya) by
tela• Yankee pnst„ds• elerk, wheel Itte,-
tsry risear'ebu have not extended a far
r Vtaaklie's Rrtreela ea Hne•aty ?
31A,91f10.-The regnler eonu unnies
tin .f Iffaitlaed lode's, takes place, in the
, dirt..veafng at 3.AA,
'Pae gaeea'• Hlrtalda3.
The iodisation. are that the Birthday
of lice Majesty will be celebrated in e
hart)• mahuer by the people of God.nch
this year. The steamer Clinton will give
a cheap Ezcursio. from Saginaw, which
will be patronised liberally, no doubt. -
The Saginaw Fire Brigade bit been iu-
rited by the Firemen of Goderich, and
we understand the "bhoys" will be on
hand with a good band. Tbe Spr.,y will
give excursions from up the Lake, we be-
lieve, and the er Iuuteers will fire a feu de
ioye, u usual. sere presume the pro-
gramme is not complete yet. At all
events we have not amen it.
GuN-Bonar L.teu ui.-Tlaa Windsor
Rernrd says, iu coneequencu of Wcrs
received from hcadquarwra, the gun -twat
Prince Alfred lies taken her detartur.
ft ,m port, to bs laid 'up at Godericb.
Iler crew•, marines, Ae., are to be scut
back to the Aurora, at Qaubco.
EXCITIG Fool RAog.-Ap exciting
toot race carne off iu the suburbs on Fri-
day afternoon last. The contest wit be
tween Mears. L. H. Roberton and A. G.
ilodge, both of whom have received
medals for their fleetness in distant cities.
Toe dieunce run wit 150 yards, and as
beth were considered champion runoete,
i • Lire uutubar of' spectators, assembled
to witness the sport. .Then the word
was given the contestants dashed off at •
ripld pace: At tient Hodge appeared to
k •ep ahead, 'but ebnut half way Robert-
s m spurted ahead and held the lead to
the goal, winning by a few feet Coo-
aileruble rums of money rzchangcd hands
oo the result.
URAYal.t) JotraNAL is to hand from
Mr. Muorhouse, from whom all the late
pgblieations may be obtained. .
LONDON Socterr, splendid a ever, as
to matter and illustration, ha bora sent
es by W. C. Chewett k Co., the enter-
prising ahtionen of Toronto.
Igor Mr. Cyrus Carol, of 1t roxeter,
h a been ■ppoiutod a Notary Public.
Oar The farmers in this neighborhood
hive got pretty will through with their
spring sowing. The fell wheat is begin.
Hing to reouver fro9,the effects of partial
The Council met nu Friday evening
last. Present, the Mayor and Messrs.
Gibbons, Ilorton, Cattle, JlcKenzie,
Smith, Sey.nour, Cameron, Kay, McKay,
Hays an l Clifford.
Minutes of lit regular mating were
read and approved.
Petition of John Mclseod, praying f r
relief, he being in destitute circumstances
- efcrred to Relief Committee, to report
at next meeting.
Petition of Charles Well., &eking for
r moneration for boarding a .ick man by
the name of John McNabb. Same de-
Petition of toe Galerieb Cricket Club,
asking to be relieved from a portion of the
taxes on lot■ used by them u a cricket
ground, amounting to $20.10. Rcceiiv-
el and fyled.
Petition of John Stewart and other
for repairs ort Hamilton street, from the
Square w Ralph'. Tin Store -Referred
to Road and Bridge Committee.
Petition of Sumnt4 Sloan praying to
get the aunt of $3:10.00 refunded to him,
he having lost that amount the last year
be had the market. Refrrod w • special
committee consistiru, of Mears. Cameron.
Gibbons, McKay, Putnnre and Clifford.
The cemetery committee reported, re-
commending to the o•msideration of the
Council the applications of Meters. Phe -
ria and Hopper for the ofce of keeper.
On motion by Mr. Hays, eeonnded by
Mr. McKenzie, it was resolved that the
rant of 100
i over en f a 1v
b e tb f.ea
e b•
granted to the eem.tcry keeper for one
yoar, for the beautifying of the grounds.
Aeoount of Henry liorton, 11.00, re-
lief, to be pard.
Mr. I'haris wit appointed cemetery
Jlceera. Cameron, II.ys and Gibbonn,
were appoioted • nommittee to report at'
next mating on the advisability of abol-
ishing the 'Market fees.
The Mayor, Reeve, and Messrs. Hays
Clifford and McKay were a upointed ■
eommitte" for the purpose of getting •
flag -staff erected, end the purohase of a
$,g before the 24th cf May.
The rad and bi i Ig., committee wit
instructed to view Mr. Longworth'. fence
and give such instructions regarding it
u may be satiafuotery to them.
The Unlincil than ■ Ij tura,d u till th n
last Friday of the month.
Xew Addrrping Machine.
For some years bask the Huron Sig-
seel hu been addressed to mail subscribe
eis by machinery, the article used being
what ie eallcl "Dick's Patent." Al-
tbough a great improvement on the old
system of direeting with pen and ink, thin
plan ie open to serious objection, inas-
much ea 11 will frequently happen that
the gummed labels peel off by the adore,
thus rendering it impossibl, to send the
pipers to their proper destination. To
obviate this dilflculty we have purchased
one of "Campbell's Jlailin;; Maebinre,"
by means of which the ad Iraree ere
printed directly oar the paper or wrapper,
thee ensuring delivery, if platted in the
hands of postmasters who can read Eng-
lish and attend to their bneinea. The
machine will be ready for nee nett week.
EARLY PLA!& ie. -Knowing our predi
Ieetium for horticulture, Mr. Itutterworth,
gardner, hu sent as a number of early
ahbage plants in splendid ionditine.-
W. wnnld ■dvi.e those of oar readers
who wish to parehe•s Arstelaue garde•
planta of the hest and ewset eerie/tine, to
giro Mr S. a ee.l from ttine 10 date se
the season advaauo..
Oarless 111aeae o1 al. Crabtf.
It has befit kuuwn in town for slam* days
that Mr. Grab* lies ill in Montreal, having
take lee scarlet Beer, but no great daeger
wit apprehended until yesterday (Moeda))
moniug, weep be ceased a Wkgtam to be
sept, ordering the store to be chord, and re-
questtur his wile w c..me down nth all
baste. It wit further rumored that his
medical attendant" had declared he could not
live lunger than a few boas at farthest. At
ell vents, it may be inferred that his ease ie
an eatrea.ely critical w.s.
rz - To nee a must tempting show of fruit
and coufestiou.ry eel! at Hingham s.
( ' We hear that W. E. (}race, FAq., u(
this lows 1 about 10 Collimeuce • salt wall
uyar the harbor.
f There will be Divine Servlee in
St. Andrew's Church on Sund.ty first,
!9th test. The ltev. Uamiltou Oibeou
will of iciate.
Nova Scotia Senator..
Thu Nova Scotia SInators uodur the
new constitution have been selected, it is
said, and their oamn have bao publish -
id io several journals. Six of the names
have bay selected by the Government of
Nova Scotia and six by the leader of the
Liberals, Mr. Archibald. Four of the
Senators have been taken from the Legis-
lative Aaaembly of the Province, if the
following publisher) lint is correct : -Hon.
E. Kenny, Ilon. J. McCully, [toe. J. H,
Anderson, Hon. T. D. Archibald, Ilon.
1(. B. Di:kie, Hun. J. iloltues, Iloo. J.
W. Ritchie, John L take, E q , M. P. P.;
J. Bourinot, Esq., M.P.I'., C. Bill, Esq.,
JI.P.P.; W. Miller, Esq., ll. 1'. 1'.
A Threatealwg bylopooag.
Flout is 320 • bar.tt. W. are skipping
toddy gran to the west which wit grown ie
Caldorma, wit shipped to New York thence
to Liverpool and back, sed now goes through
the can11 to ltxhester and Oswego. A abort
crop of wheat, owing to tete (routs of last
year, and an extra demand fur corn abroad
aid at cue South, account in part for these
piaci. But 1iot altogethe . That in •
c entry when land u two dolien an acre
flour should command 320 a buret shows
that somthing is ori.:Malty wrong i• the
course of production or in the coudiliun of
the eurreuey. Such extnrragant prices
always precede great mnnetaty, c ,..uletons.
Ln 19:t: agar wee imported frurs Ude.da, o"
the Itlaek Sea; •nd shortly afore we had
sweeping panic and baukmptcy al! over the
land. The same symptom hu proceeded
other monied couralstuns. It is likely to be
the precursor - of soother noir.-.flba.y
1faT' It is asserted, upon information
obtained by the police, th it a conspiracy
ezi.ta in New York to originate a sena
or riots, for the double object of pleader
and vengeance. The eelorecmeat of a
strengent license law, which has chocked
the carer of the low groggeries, seems to
to have excited the hatred of the lawless
against the authorities, and many secret
meetings of the disafl:cteJ have been held,
where the language used ha been of the
most violent character. Special detec-
tives have followed the movement, and
are now in possession of information
which hu enabled them to anticipate th,
• :tion by p a eiag no the lea lei a TI. ides
seems to have 'boon so w interfere with
burinese, by riotous proceeding+, as t ,
force a conydromis.e, and allow of the re
opening of the groggery hells.
A Srccus.-The iron ferry -boat be-
longing to the Great Western Railw ly
Company, ueel for the transfer of oir,
from the American to the t anuJian si It
of the Detroit River, has been suliiciontly
tried to warrant the belief that it is a
complete success. It is capable of onr-
veyintrcan weighing two hundred and
ighty tone at a single trip, wi'.h saw,'
Her power will enable her to carry 2111
Oars in twelve house, which is sub cient
for all the traffic this or any other road is
likely to need fur some time.
d _"
wt. a
A telegram was reeeived on Saturday
from rlewegn, by ono of our beadieg pr..
dame deal,'rs,whicb epees that the Potted
States Government had sent an arbitrary
order making the duty on peas 3) per
pmt This a but anotler evidence of'tl e
fraternal ar.d friendly spirit of our neigh -
boars The duty on this groin since the
repeal of the Reciprocity Treaty hu been
3b per cent. if intended for meed, and 10
per cent if for oonsu aption. It ie now
apparently ter be 30 per cent. on a11, or at
the present value of pct, 4e. per bushel
more than wheat, a specimoen of legisla•
tive wisdom eminently Japaoue.-01o6e.
Canada at tae Fair.
The Paris rorrespondent of the Detroit
7}tbrne, writing from Paris the 24th of last
mouth, safe 1 -
The English Colonies have a 8.e repro
seuatton at the Exhibition. fleginnieg nth
thou t home, 1 should esy that Canada
has more space than she dturves, bat i meet
roofer n is well filled. Her native woods
mre ezl o .1 l • e, great gaantiti. a of glide.
in solid masers, which give an •dogeas idea
of their wealth. Her few mineral. and err-
eals are diaplsyed to mach advantage. '1 he
dnplay of mai* and charts of her country i.
rieb. Nova Sca tia has • very large depart
men', and everything she possesses, from her
huge tea's that dkper% of/ her roast, tbst u s
herd -handed inhere drag in every day, le her
ew.papets and •'book literature," ere well
shown. Une could with Ihet any one of the
stales ofthe Union had u Inca reprwMnts
tion ; it you'd alit immensely to oar meagre
Q} Toe eienatinn of af6M In Metier) la a
pule.. A week or more ago es were told
t►at Manat.ug had led n defeated fue .
us from Queretaro. Today it is stated
that hegallantly beaded an attsek ston
the liberal forges ; et it k admitted
it a Ihsy were driven bask, but a doubtful
lie at the and of the dispatch acus that Ibe,
rallied ad lwce.avdtheir lest groand. Wilk
alrtka eoea,etieg repnrte that for soothe
purl hen Olurrd through A m.r(ean abaneto.
hoe s it peaYble to arrive at any fair ennet.
ties wile rages. In the wee wines tbe deart
od Rmpsrs - wrgiy wish sW naolatioe
and spirit s -
t} It G sported that la soave sections of
New York Butte the peace bluesuw base
been w badly frosea by the resent cold
weather u w ,yep them le fell of from the
c - A (ower wrote w a datingui.hd
I scieutibc agricaRorint, w whom he felt under
obligation for iulroduning • variety ofawie.
"Keepected sin --1 went yestesdy to the cap
tie show. 1 (uuud several pigs of your
!species. There was a great variety of
hogs. std ',was a*ooisbed at put suing you
Loss or 8TOca, -The F' -ries .Yew KC
govt is informed that many of the (•tun of
Uualr•za are suff.riug seven looses in stock
this spriog. It is said there aro but th farm-
( en is the neighbourhood who have out lost
one or more e( their cattle or sheep. The
dues a t.be your quality of the straw, rmader-
edao by the eatnmely heavy rues of last
harvest, which have made it almost val-
aeleo es (odder. _ --- ---
1 be Para ourresp on:deul of ten New
York Tribune, io order w give his readers
aside. of the rise of the exhibitmo building,
asks them to imegte • structure 180,000
yards square set in • park three times that
size. As ibis snakes the building cover as
ilea of 32,400 000,000 square y r L and •
park in proportion, sea submit that is 'eking
lou much of the imagination.
Man killed on THE G. T. R. -The
Cobourg Sentinel stats that on the 5th
inst„ the mangled remains of s man wen
foand on the Grand Trank railway track,
near the residence of Mr. Grimshawe. He
wit about 5 feet 8 inches high, black heir,
bad an old brown overcoat and • b are frock
moat witb U. 8. A. buttons. The only arti-
cles en hie person wen tt pocket•book cuo-
teirttng Iwo eumba-notbin` by which be
could be identified. Tbe body wit much
mangled, Ile brad being cut iu two length-
wise. and both arms cut narly of He ap-
peered from the footmarks to have been
welkin toward. ('obourg, using a wa:km,'(
suet which 0it found pear the ■pot, and
nnukl have met the train which caused his
death. H Mason, Esq., Coroner, held an
inquse on the remains and • verdict of
" accidental death'' wit rendered. I
Robbery.-Last evening, must the St Ca-
tharines Journal, of the loth inst., some per
sou mitered a bed room in Mr. Decater's
tavern, Ontario street, and took away a trunk
t mtainiug valuables to the value of about
310. Mr. D. was around the premises him-
self, bet his lumily was absent. The trunk
alter being rifled was left in tee nc Dity of the
A Royal . Man-Eater.-The negro King
George Peppel, of Bonney, proctor.' to visit
put. A eorretpondent.o( the Inudon Sun
says : -•Among the illustrious strangers who
will grace the exhibition is a aovertgn of
Dote, • nigger King of Bonny, who,, it is
• id, hat • p.lace eoestructed art the bones
O vaiagwshvd enemies, ani rho can give a
human scull to 100,000 guests to ariuk Goss .
as nth tee loving cup. The kingdom of
Runty is situated to the north of the coast
of Guinea, between the Niger nod one of
its confluent. it hu an army of 60,000
men, and 100 pieces of artillery of Enghnh
manufacture. file 4i•hits of the people.
'aye • Frena► writer, are very simple, and al
they do not leve ooa uwtber they love
Europeans-paricularly alter their fheh hu
been cooked on the gridiron and tf they be
fat. This d•scriptiun reminds me of a
question put by a traveller to • chief of one
of the tribes of these niggers. The traveller
e.ieed,i( the chiefs people liked the English,
'Ok, yes, taid the chief ; and so do i-1 have
often ateu some of them.' They sue w
illustrate the ed,$onitioe to 'Love they
neighbor as thyself.' tits agger majesty,
mils the account, leas not eaten any bnman
gash since hu journey to London in 1861.
and the lords of his court have followed his
example of ab.ttnence. The people, how•
ever, mull preserve their primitive taste;
but, in virtue o(• recent law, no natye of
Bonny rantoech human aesh without the
permission in writing u( hu lord aid master.
Tee blank king, it is sand, wall bnrg with
him panty of gold in barrels, and so no
doubt be wi;l be welcome.
M Tee Snider breech•loading ride
bit been adopted as lbs military weapon
of England, Belgium, Turkey, and Egypt.
stir The Ottawa Times says that the
I1on. J. S. McD,nol l is to be opposod in
Cornwall by Mr. Win. Mattioe, of that
town, for the House of Commons; and by
Mr. D. L. McDonald, of Montreal, for
the Local Legislature.
Wao:graa, Yav 10th, 1867.
To the Etnor of the HatopJ 8gaal.
1 do not feel it se es aey to advert w the
garbled statements that a pears in this day's
tuae of your luminous contemporary the
Star, lartber then to sty that tbougk alone
In the contest leaf week, 1 am eighty grafi
tied with the fee.mg displayed Wwardc me,
hawing I am info, rood six out of sine ober
mer who preeded over my uppo cut's
asnulgs m my favor. 1. refereaco 1, the
Audit Committee which would never hees
ban mentioned by me bet for the reckless
assertion mode by Mr. Hay@ Irum the Toes
Plot of e:ree upwards that it east SW per
garker,$360 manually, a Amlayville, Ishow
od that oar committee, Septe liter 1865, eoet
$14.70 my opponent maintained that wee
Duly for one man. At Wroxeter, be sad die
tioctly that the Aodit Committee cost the
saw above mentioned, and that if he ;meld
n ot prove bis statemeal he would retire from
ski tem cat asking me it he made his stair
merit good would 1 aeapt hu ehalleaire. At
the Irma 1 wit holding the moon.' of tbe
Comity Council for January 1867, in my
hand open a page 135 of the Treeanr'a
Sutement, and seeing Ihet the Dee. 8erio'e
of 186d moat 328 22, I telt perf.Mly este ,D
aecepenr his challenge. The foregoing east*
aaknaatiated if necessary by fifty witnesses.
The Swr creme to have the faculty or his
friends for t le of tnwatiu. se well es per•
version, es i never made a statewent as to
MIG trent any rimMrter. He wilt and hta and'
health permitting that as a " Thorough
Briton'. (all the good he gives me credir f,r)
that ne surrender * mj mntto even though
the aide were aguat me which i am perfect.
ly atis&d s not the case.
ittealmost certain that tet alertione .ill
n ut some o4 for wme time, previous to which
1 hope 1, hove the pleasure of •siting my
weeern fronds.
Hoping yea trill give theme nsarke ser
itestio. in year ext week's I.aa•.
1 have the honor w be,
Years truly. ,
THOMAS 018801!.
ANbttlbep Ma•eia bow (brined of the
Pope en indtlg•nce of one yoar w .11 who
"hall deroeny orate the " G'ori. Petri
e ast '• Ave Mana," with the i.eeatnn of
abtaini.j from Ood the perfect nennrerno,"
.f the tingle► melee se the obedi.ne. of tl.r
faith este teoo.eii/alba to the Omer d Ser
Prom the utuhe of &relay Iasi,
We very much regret to observe the ex
tresue coarse being pursued by n lop pur-
tieeofthe Aati.Uuioeistaof Nova Scoua.
Ther not only denounce the Imperial Act of
1 Union, but declare their determivation w
1 Heist iia operation by every menu in their
power. and to euutiuue their agitation until
the me'etre ie repealed, It is deeply to be
deplored lbat men who had earned the ad
miratiou of the people of British America by
long Jean of able and patriotic public ser
vita, should allow the paining divapotut•
agent of the hour to betray them into tin un-
seemly attitude they uu. hall, Confedera-
tion is • settled matter ; and it hu been set
tled, sot only with the aWul cf an enorm
ous majority of the people to be affected by
it, but with the hearty approval of our fellow
subjects throaghtont the British Empires.
Why, then, should the Nova Seething- were
they ergo unanimous against the measure,
which they are very far from being -resat
Ngoier, it"acefatly into operation 7 Why
aol gin the new Coastitutiou • fair trial 7
if the evil results they now predict should
tell to be seised, 'bey will be able w rejoice
that their anticipatiuus were unfounded ; and
,should their predictions unhappily come 10
perm, the ean will even thea n at be beyond
remedy. We trust that better eouuds may
yet prevail ; and, that while retaining their
opinion on the abstract question of Union,
the dissentients of Nora Sancta will gee it
their duty, as well as their tuterest, w join
heartily with their feller colonists iu endeu-
ounog to place the new poll ocel machine
wtafaetorily an operation.
In Lower Canada and New Bruuwick. it is
very obriou that the vast majority of thuew
who were formerly unlsrourab'e to Cuoted-
ention, have either modt6d tbeir opinions
or bay. resolved to give ibe yew coosti•.0 •
city a full and far trial. A ats•ll party iu
both of these Provinces still strongly de
uaunce the Union ; but their wee is very
dffereul from teat art the Nora Scotia die
sentients, and their numbers are too small
to excite tear that any esrio•e obstacle will
be Hired by than in the way of the
new state of things about to be inauguvaP
It Upper Canada, there is bat one semi-
mer.1 prevailing througout the entire popsle-
tiun. Thent are those amnug a wbo alrose-
ly condemn particular features of the A;t of
L'uico; then are others who greatly fear the
cost its working will involve; and there ate
still ethers who ohj-ct more to the way tee
maarire wit carried than to the measure rt•
self. Itut among all classes through tut the
Province there is entire unanimity se to tete
propriety of giving the new machinery a pati
ent and candid trial ; end of studying its
practical operation, so that errors may be
detected ani hucteam en'i nests made u will
tend k) the great sad of all contieton.-
good gorernmene There is pot one news-
paper in Upp •r Canada; and Dot one public
man within our knowledge, avowing • desire
for repeal of the Union.
Throughout the four Provinces to ba em
braced in the new Dominion, the aggregate
number of persons openly betile w the Con.
feN-arion Act, and seeking its repeal, is
tbere.rore comparatively insignibs.nt. We
regret, however, to observe that, notwnh•
@ lauding the palpable lact,et.Jied ,efnrts are
being put torch by the Conservative press w
getup a ciy of "the Union in dancer 1 "
Every one conversant with the hereditary
tactic. o: the Tory pert/ of Upper Canada
perfectly understands that the meaning of all
mach cries a simply -Toryism in danger -
the loaves and tubes lit danger 1 When
Robert Gnarly asked for an enquiry into
Tory Land Jobbing, the Tories raised the
cry of the ••Constitution iu danger, " and
banished poor Gourly from the Province
without Judge or Jury. When McKensie de•
mended adsiuisirative reform in his Colmr-
ial .4deascal*, the Tories rain. d the ery of
"social order in dang••r," and threw bis press
and types ink) the bay. When the Govern-
ment of Upper Canals was in the word. ofa
Governor(ieneral too bad to be worth de•
feeding -the Tunes raised the cry of "Reb-
els" against all who ventured to denounce
their misconduct, and succeeded in forcing
on that wbch They 11 d pretended to dread,
When 107rd Sydenham and Sir Charles
Begot had established Responinle Govern-
ment, the Tories raised the pry of "the
Crown Prern i•
at a in da er "
g i d and by meso•
of that slander contrived to upset )taldwin
and Iafontaine and hold office for lour years.
When Lord Elgin re-established popular
goverowent, and thereby ousted Sherwood,
. ad McDonald, and Cameron from ofce, the
Tories raised the cry of "Raying Rebels-
(Iritish connection in danger 1" -and u •
proof of their own loyal principles, buret
down tbe Parliament buildings, and egged
Iter Mojrety'e Repre.entative ! When the
Imperial Parliament and G.,vernment con
dersie-f their inceadmry proceedings, the
Tories raised the cry of " Ituin end De-
cay," and signed a manifesto in tavoer
of annexation to the United Stab..
when tee Iwoerals of Cpper Canada demanded
rhe seeuladsauon of the Carey Reserves, the
Tories roved the sry of -"the Church io dan-
ger," and deaonnred their opponents as
$ eril.ginus moseter.; but when ofce eould
not be obtund without it, they did the sacri-
leginus thing themselves, and drew their
salaries fan d tug ,t. W ben the floodgate.
of railway corruption were for the first time
thrown open is the Province, the Tories
raised the cry of "public "morality to danger
Masunsteeped Wo the lips tr corruption !
"art the elections ones over, they took to
thew embrace the ver)) men ttey bad .n
denounced, and wslloaed k) tee deepest
I.plb in jobbery and eorrention. When
6. men in Irt58. on the Sat of Govenment
g ustion, the Tories resigned ofes and r.ised
the cry of "inert to the Queen 1" -but that
n ot anewenng. the ten Toro Ministers won
•d thentelves back to otic, withoet re.
el•etiO. by .wearing solemnly in the pre
Attic* of the Almighty that they would ds•
charge the duties of erwn oOees, wbch
t'ey ed previoa:y determsined never even
10 . ter upon I 'hen the Reform party
eons totted year after year for Parliam•aa y
!tato,m, and for economy in the politic rer
glee, the Tories retard the try of "Faett.e•
tea," "Demgogues,"-while thy teem
asl►es voted down •eery proposition ie &grave
jade se Upper Canada. and harried through
every vile job that their Lower Canada alts.
demanded 't their hands se the price of ke-
•.pipg them in office. when the Reformers
daring th• late Americas war deprecated the
ad andympathy eateaded to the Southern
ease by I ory journalists and Tory politi-
cian, rhe Torus raised the ery of Asses
..tnwi.u" and w,re prodigioaly .erre
against all who wished peecea te the Norte•
nee ease i hat whoa thaw rase Tories had
the effect of their howling before them, not
•any swaths after, in the repeal of the
R•eiproeity Tnmq-down they west oat their
s•avew-bests ta Mr. esward, and fuel his
•aeeptoaue of auesewioaa so in)enous,
ee alp redin1 to ('each, that not
flee @ane men in the Province enuld now he
hoed to palliate the met ' When the gnat
worm pntly of Upper Cala& uambad in
Cewve.tlea is 11tH, eel •1 at.d menthe
tioaal allaays basad o. 1Lpraumatioe by
Populates, and loyal coutrul over all local
affair. -the Tories raved the howl u1 "lte-
eblresukm"-"Dtssurbers of the Pease )"
bst the reaulYtun* of Chas wait Coarnoties
lureigb.d the bans art the Cuoetitulioo that
has just bern ratfied by the Quoin 1
Reckless and uupriaapled w wen thew
and many mon of the erten raised by the
'Poria iu peat time, (here was put nue so
reckless Or uupnulapled 'aa this welched
bowl •the Uuwu is danger 1" Well do the
furirs kuo. that then a out a shadow of
doubt es to the e•rmasence u( the Union,
gasps from their ewe shameless speity.
No lunger able to lean ou Ib, French phalanx
that rwbed iu to v.,ts down •very libs,al
propwitiou at the tiukle of Monsieur Carter's
dviswp bell ; and forced w realise the feet
that the Government of Ontario, with all the
power and patronage attached to it, will
certainty be m the bands of the Reform party
no one can forest into w►at eatva.agance
the Tories my not be arried. It would he
but io keeping with thea bereditery political
tactics, if in despsntion at the lues of the
spoils ul odic*, the Testes should ecu. the
cry of the Camerons at Brampton, and go nn
for the overthrow of tie new Federal Coo-
stitutiun, and the revive' of the old Legisla-
tive atumuuetiun with all iu attendant •huees.
T►at u the only nal danger that now lbrca
ens the strbility of t►e new Dominion.
The idea of the Tories setung themselves
up u the defenders par excellence of the
ew F'ederal Coasututon, woald I,e wusip
wen it not so audaciously impudent. Forced
after fifte gd years u( biter boei lity k) rep
rescnteta.. rearm. to choose between yiel-
ding justice to C r Canada or aspiWon
from once -the d oPriies swallowed tee potion
their opponents bold up w their hp.. The
1 of les veld and the Reformers t ought Iron
them, Representation by Population and
lural control over local affairs -add the
prig asreed to he paid to them wit the eta .
uses.. of the Tories in uffies soil the
m.asure wit carried. Test price has been
paid. The ikforsers bave pad the 1 pries
their stipulated eoncde,ation,-but they have
secured by .t a full rewand for their maty
year.' sed. Not pie@tble. such a meuurn an
they woad tMmrlcea here framed -but one
infinitely mere just. iufinit.ly safer thea lbs
Constitution of 1841 ; sed happily cooen
I ing within itself the means 01 amendment,
should necessity at any tont. crier.
It u not from the nen who have scent the
beat yeas ul their lives in accomplishing
this great reform Ibis any daogsr to the per
nereuee of the Cnion can by postiillty be
apprehended. To them, this new Costae.
I uuo u the realisation of • Lops that hes
carried them unituchiegly througth many a
had contest. To them, 0 greel assurance
that dff*,encs@ amuag old political friends
ere swept aaay, and that uu subject of vari-
ance now exists to prevent* hearty reconcile
pion of all sections of the Rerurm arty
The local pest sectron•I berri•n. that sit lung
pr.renued cordial rune, rt of action between
the Reformers of Cpper and Lower Canada,
will not now intrude oe the Federal arena.
A final settlement of the Sectarian Sebool
question he. been made -grants from the
pubhe chest for @tennis. uses ere no Longer
possible -all churches must naw stand cu
the mune level. teed look alike for soppert
to the eonsioction of their adhere s1s; and
the Roman Catholic Reformer will no lenge,
be deterred by eeelesacastieal Nanos fn.m
ssslinx his cute with the party whore pulite•
cat prtrciples he approves, dud fully sharing
in iu suetru es. Aye, wren the impatent
Reformer, whose gouts have. sometimes
beep beard that tee policy of the party was
over sten-that the advantage -a of office
were aacnfieed in the gout et for a just system
of representation -even he my sow grumhle
with some j.atice if hie leaders do not win
spews alter the longings of hu sordid soul.
At last t►e day hos arrived when the Upper
Canada Reformer my speak out plainly no°
the fluor of Parliament the sentiments and
opinions that you for him the esteem aid
o ,ntd.nre of hie honest utterance' .111
debar hiss from what a termed "sutees in
'mp.►lio life" But far beyond all thew con-
sideration- This weir Cocstitution gleed hope
to every true:hearted Canadian throughout
the land, tbu tke perpetrators of grand stunk
jibbing, York Road ru',bery, continuous
•,out deficits, double shuffles, and mom
thorized expenditures, can no lunger hold
the hem of public aflalrs ; but that earnest
and apable niers wall take their pieces, ready
to sweep away the abuts accamutated by
their predecr..or., to infuse vigour into the
wflule policy of tee Government, and t,
establish efciency and economy throughout
every brunch of the peblie srnib.
News by Atlantic Cale*
London, May In (.•tee- ing) -The trea!y of
the Great Powers on the Luxemburg ques-
tion, will 1u formally maned by the parueip-
ants to -morrow.
Leiridon, My 1I.- The Globe says that
the treaty hu been signed by all the Powe,.
•' London, May 9. -The fortress of Lux-
e mburg will be evaeute.d by the Prwsiao
troops, and need w the ground. No troops
will he retained mein the territory of La '
emburg except • force which my he neer.
eel t e
o m iihlein &der and reserve tae
peace. The pre.sure which wit exerted oar
the pieoipowotiariee in the congress by tee
deficit attitude which the opposing powers
maintained toward each otber, combined
.tib the knowledge which the members had
of the great wit prepuarations which were
tieing carried or, on the continent, lad to
very speedy action on the part of the eon
ference representatives.
" London, May 9 -During the alone of
the debate in the house of Commons on the
Disraeli comprorntse reform amendments,
Mr. Gladstone said the government bill was
• shallow, transparent and dissimulating pre
tense of • measure fur the extension of the
trench*, and be despaired of its ever being
make • good nr beasfiaal ole by amend-
ment in the House.
'• Mr. Jobe !Light de irered • ■peeatt in
which be declared that the Derby 641 was
the mat unjust and offensive merwe ever
subm,lted to the Commons of England.
•' Mr. Roebuck and Mr. Disraeli defended
the goverment bill and plan. The debate
cloned after the speech of tba Chancellor of
the Exchequer. Strangers were then exclud-
ed from the Hoes, and the division taken,
Wenn the doors were opened it was deslared
t e cote wit thea : for the government bill
321 ; •wind it 256 ; majority for the govern
..•rel 66. The announcement o` the rose t
was reoeived with loud and protracted cheer.
Ino hove the minhntelial bench.@."
London, May 10. (evening)-Tbe sateen
of the Derby government on the vote oo the
reform bill misuse its preservation,
London, hey 11 -The Prince of Wates ie
at Paris.
London, 1(ay 11 -it is sail tbat tits
gnu,nssal of Greets istarde to buy seven
monitors from the United States.
Fla., iM•ranna.-On iia 0th inst.,
says the Leedom Fru Preaa, the ham and
stables of Mr. 1 boast Irwon, lot 6, 2nd
Cone•sion of North DorchesterI, were come
plebly destrr.yed h) fire, with rNircontent.,
eonutta( of seven hed of 6e "aids, a reap.
'ng machine, light waggon, fanning sal,
eulttv.dor, sd • nastr of other (arming
imolemene. The 6re originated in the
sehle, hat in what sensor n ie ispneihle
tt ae Ib. Irwin estim•w his 1ma sl .Mat
31. eros, H. is mored in the Agnaltunl
Mutual Aaserano• Asoeiatioa fee $600.
-A gutloms t writing fens Little Falk,
N. B , neer the Canada hued.•, • few days
age, slates that the woad• in that vieialty
were fall of wow, sad that everything nor.
a .here eppeersse.,
3r' The Chinagu Poe( say. that bu.i-
o eIs wit uever more active in that city
than now. The struts are thronged ;
stook. aru rising; there is more building
than ever before. It is thought that
thirteen thousand houses will be erected
this seasuo. The pity is ezteudiug very
rapidly southward along the lake shore.
PROVINCIAL ElataiT)oN.-Tbe King-
ston Whig says: -Exhibitors of sheep
at the nazi Provincial Fair, to be held
in Kingston in Septewber, will hays to
bear io mind that all sheep intended to
bur shown must be shorn sloes after the
25th ult., and nude *horn before will be
admitted for ootnpelitioo. This a an ad-
mirsble rule, and will have the eff-ct all
all • fair chance. 1t should have been
adopted long ago.
Tali Erractr rev Lana, -Andrew lactsoa
wit ones making a stump speech yet west, ire
• small villain. Just u he wit concluding,
a friend who eat behind him, whispered,
'Tip 'em • little Latin, general -they won't
be contented without it.' 'the man of iron
will intently thought epos the few phrases
be knew, and, in • voice or thunder, wuuud
up his speech by exclaiming, •E pluriba,
uuum-slue Ira non -rte plus ultra-multum
iu parvo.' 7 be effect wit tremedou', acrd
the floosie,' shouts coeld be heard for
A■ incorrigible Rascal.
7 he good people in London have a stand•
ing esoution is the shape of an ubiquitous
iudrvidtal, styled ' Slippery Jack,'. whose
hares -aces. pranks keep the servos old
ladies and timid damsels of the city in • cot -
staut fever of excitement, and (.&stab •
never failing source for local items, when the
reporters are afdatd with • dearth of other
meteriat. It is the custom of this mysterious
person to enter the habitations of the alines
during the solemn watches, and perpetrate
various tricks, sometimes introducing him-
self into the aleepirg apartmeua of ladies
and cawing great cuusteruatiou. Bis ad-
ventures of thio description are unnomber, 4
4nsri ig the past aim muntha, three and four of
his visits at different places being frequently
reported in • single night. The daring and
agility of the tellow in invariably effecting
his escape. ootwithslu.di.g the city authori-
tieshive offered • reward of 3100 for his
capture, is tensely remarkable. His I itest
exploit reported was on Tuesday a+she, when
the slippery customer actually entered the
domicile of the chief of police, disarranged
the (ernilus •red inally rot away with •
gallon jug of old rye whiskey, which the
vigilant ofcer of the law procured to pro-
mote the ends of jiat c by fortifying hu
mdivi dual system. " S:ippery Jack," like
GAOL.- W bile the prie,oete in the gaol
yard were removing and repiling some
wood on the 9th, a boy, Wm. McEwan,
Itis the others and piled up against the
wall at a place where the main wood -pile
eonoealed them from their view, end N,
vigorously did he work for about hulfau
hour, that wbeu the disnovery was nitde
about 4 o'clock, it was thought be had
made good his escape. The turnkey lost
Do time in communicating with the Chief
Constable, and McKwan was subsequent
ly discovered.-Adverfierr,
-Strawberries measuring four inch •a u,
oircumtereuee bare appeared as Alubile.
-A F'reuch engineer propose. to build a
hrtdge tram Celai. w Dover, to cost 400.000,
000 Innate
A lid named Street sleek two 8ie Brack
er. in his uuee • t"w days ago• is 111mi10on,
anti applied • match to them to order to out.
vie hi. eompentons, who ►ad exploded some
whilst holdiui ibcm between their teeth
Both exploded The effect prostrated the
boy, aid u un exeminatius it was found that
the skin of hie face was seriously natured by
the powder, his nose fearful) burnt, and hs
fl s completely closed up. It u thoeght he
will lose his eye sight.
ida Lewi., daughter of the keeper of •
lighthouse at Lome Itaek, It. 1., is • second
Grace Darling. On Sunday last ah. rowed
out to aea several miles, and rescued • man
who for hours bad been lying apoo the rocks,
act from the storm, and .absummd 1u body,,
his boat being cspmmd. and then being no
asses of recap. possible. The brave gni
took ep the half maniteste bod , placed a is
bee wherry, and ppollee across the keenest to
Ne w'. ort. The Ptuaide•ee Press says this
is the filth tnunce in which this notepad
young woman hu reudeted valoab1. assist.
use to persons io peril ul • watery grave.
Batu a W -(Tbe great pablte
remedy) have oow beet in sI. over twenty
yeas. hence at cannol be said that they are
oa trial. They have been thoroughly tried,
and pron000eed (on the nothotity fo those
whose lire. and health they Law preserved)
a be • cure, harmless and eminently sal-
utary preparation, and if taken iu season
will icvariably cure colds, coagts, son tbroal
and all Bronchial affections. One (air treat
will convince the most skeptical. `bold by
all medicine dealers, at 2Seto per box.
el- The huff to brokers are running
• •lust each other to secure Canadian moey
w h is now quoted •t one per cent pr.-
mium, but the run is nothing compared nth
tbal alter tee "Canadian Pain Destroyer,"
which the people have found out to be the
very he.t tbiog for the eure of colds,
rheumatism, Dore throat bowel coaplamts,
te. Bold by all JLedicite Dealers a 21ets
per bottles
Conengcn, May 14, 1867.
Spring WYheat. .. . 1:80 (i4 1:87
Fall do 33:12 (en 2:20
. • 0:40 (ti 0:50
8:00 r(i 4 8:50
0:50 (4 0:57
0:55 .4 0:65
4 00 6:00
6 00 (4 6:50
6:50 9 0:00
0:14 (9 0:16
0.60 (ed 0.75
2 00 (az 7:00
13:00 (4 18:00
0:10 (4 0:00
Chickens 0:20 ( 0 25
T.rkeys 0:30 ( 0:40
Pork 4:00 4:50
Cliows, May IL, 1067.
Fall Mh ut *1:96 (4 2,•00
Spring do 1:76 (4 I:M
Oats 0.40 a 0,45
iI•rley 0.50 166
1 ue . 0:65 0:68
Batter ... ... 0:12 as 0:13
Flour 7:50 8:50
Seaford', Ilay II, 1867
1:96 (4 2:00
1:70 tad 1:75
the pitcher broheo at let, will possibly pro tla
to the well once too often. Such a fete Floor
would certainly be a calamity to the Lo.dun
" locals."-Hoaaillose Times
Tale Hritteal F'Iag Tulle d Oewr
by 1•'ealas.a-..1 F'lagraat
From (Ae C'(erv(uwd Herold.
Oa Saturday the Bntish schooner Elk
Ceps. Gobble., from Toronto, arrived u
this port •lilt a load of lusher fur Meseta.
Sturtevant, WII and Can.r,ght, O■ Se.
d.y, shoat 2 o'clock to the afternoon, .hdv
rhe venal ar lyeg at ber dock, she was
vaited by some teeety•fl . ur tb 'y mon,
w ho ranged themselves on • Railer pee
o•erlooking the duck el the yeewl. Two art
h tr number went o0 bond, and d •mandcd
of the captain that the fiiush g..g, .tech
wit flying, as is threuetom of all rreew4 un
8end•y, should be ukrn down. They said
u,ey were Fernieun, and bad fought that beg
at Lite Itdri, and other plans, and would
not consent to see it fly.a,g to tbeic face. here
or elesvihe,e. The captain told thew that
they should consider what they were doing,
that ret was a grave offence k) insult the Nag
of any nauuo rn a fr r ,dly port, and advised
thew a go away teaeesbry. Tney ioented
on iu being hauled down, and threatened tt
do the work then,setve i( the rai te° dal
not comp!& with then• outrageous wishee.-
7 h. captain •011 reteaed to lower the d, o
tits sewn, when they took the halyar it
their awn hands and pi'Ied the flag down t,
the deck of the vessel. There were but on.
man and two boys on board the vessel a1 the
tone, and.the ntptain knew that it would be
u( nu use to oppcew them-
Wbde the two men were perkying with
the captain he ,eked them their nnames,
wbch they seemed wa:hng to glee, stating
again that they were Fenian,. 7 hay gave
the name of Mike Hort-igen sad .lobo Foley;
but et u dosbtful it they gave their tree
The mutter was laid before Mynr Buhrer
this mornw an
rel, die est to work to investi-
gate the whole affair, and bring the guilty
parties to jatice, it possible. There are no
words-too.trong to use in eondeennatioa of
the outrage, sod es bops oo pains or ex-
pense will be spared in ferreting nut and
bringing to punishment the perpetrators.
At a meeting of the Tars Circle of the
Ferran Brotherhood, on the 7th, that hotly
repudates the act of the mob in the late opt
rage on the B h schooner E(k, denying
that it wit dons by Fenian,.
A Wasbingiou special despatch to the
New York f xpres says :-" It is ascertain-
ed that the object of the visit of the Japar.es
c,mmiesioners, was to look after some tbree
millions in gold that were sent to New Tork
for the purchase of • vessel for their govern-
ment. The money, however, it seems hes
all disappeared while nothing remains to
show for ft *serol •,mall ewe' of no real
account whatever."
Reef, ' 1 cwt
1ddes (green)
M acid
1 ay, nese '31 ton
Fall Wiest
Spring Wheat
Marley 0:46 (dal 0:50'
Oats 0:45 rir 0:60
Pees.... 0:65 '• 0.40
Potatoes per basket 0:50 " 0:60
Floor per bbl g:50 .n O;OO
Oatmeal 5:00 " 6:50
lereab• Rutter per I► 0:12 " 0:14
( Eggs per dos 0:10 " 0:011
. Mayon per Ib 0.010 '• 0:12
Reef do 0:08 " 0.12
.Ipple. per bushel ... 1:00 " 0:00•
llndes per 100 lbs.... 6:00 " 0:00
Sheep Skins 0:50 '• 1:00
Pork. per 100 Ibs . . 4:57 " 6:50
Wood, per eord 1:50 " 2 00
Hay, per ton 12:00 • '11.0►
Landon, May 11, 1867.
Fall Wheal, 7a hah superior 2 00 (a. 2 18
`4nriog N beat, do I 1 90; (y 2 00
Flour, per 100 I .. 4 2b (4 4 75
Butter ....... . 0 11 (4 0 124
Pees . do,........ 0 73 0 76
J. stn, ......... 0 80 0 10 ^
Oat., do, 0 50 003
Montreal, May 11, 1847.
Ploer-Superior Extra 9 50 a 10 00
'Shat -Canada 1 95 a 2 00
Oae-Per 32 Ito 0 41 a 0 43
Barley -Per 48 Iba. 0 64 a 0 68
Ashes -Pots 5 80 • 5 90
do Pearl., 025 a 839
New York, May 11, 1867.
Flour -superfine $11 45 (ii 12 35
es era........... .12 70 as 13 85
" choice ..........13 90 (est 14 6.5•
What -Milwaukee 3 32 (4 2 31,
" white Calilnrnia 3 50 ( 3 63
Chicago,;My 11, 1867.
Wheat . .......... $2 12 (4 3 92
Corn f.o b 1 02 (3 1 121
Toronto, May 11, 1847.
spring what 00 3 27
Flour 39 2A 363
type 0 50 ( 0 62
Ruler " 0 60 164
0 73 0 76
Hamilton, 1(ay 11, 1867.
Amber Wheat.......... ... 2 00 (r4 11S
Spring Wheat 150 (3 1 is
Barley 0 60 (4 0 63
Gate 0 37 036
Pea 065 ((4 010
A shocking crime has been co mmitted in
the neighborhood of Birmingham. Some
regularities had peen discovered in the books
of • young man named Scott, who acted rs
cashier to Misers, Redman and Pryce, of
Aston, Scott wit informed that the dis-
covery wit made by John Pryse, and, on
Saturday evening. he shot that gentleman in
ha office. Mr. Charles Pryse, who wit io
an adjoining room at the time. grappled
with the murderer. and finally overcame him
by striking him a blow on the head with the
revolver, which he wrested from him. Mr.
C. Pryse was wounded in the hand during
the encounter, and Scott wu very seriously
I jarred.
The North German Lloyds. have into -
deeed • novelty which cannot fail to promote
the security of pameegem, and is wnrth imi-
tating by Mher largo errs•. wimpsniee,
they have received nn Inn than 5,355 cork
jacket. which are distributed among their
mean ccean steamers, so that then wi11 be
765 i, each -a nolleirnt supply for the
passengers and crew in can of any serioa
Accinser.-The Edenton Ness Of the
10th inst.lays:-A shocking aorrdent hap
paned this morning at Pormm oth, which n-
sulted in the death of the .rebel. A young
lad of 16 years of age, named Angie Mein
lash, Inn of • guard of the Penitentiary,
went into tb• .team es. mill teI(rind an ate,
ad unfortunately gel eanghl by the belt.
which carried him round the shalt ad mar•
glad his so fearfully that he dad in • few
Moa Law is kn i'ctv.- A petty et men
nasMriag shoat thin es•rebed ono Thom
u 0edbart not et the Taylor eetet jail nn
Monday and hong hies en a trove. The partire
pN as • reams• for hanging Galan that
M wr a weeder.& sd a peat to society, ad
week probably esape the law If triad,
On Saturday, the 11th inst., Mr. Pm1N
Miller, aged 83 years.
Ndc Xbbcrttscatentil.
A TARt18gityANT. Applyto
Rouge -land Cot , 4tb
M•y 14, 1867. •ooaanon, de.Mb.
- 1ii )TIC E.
Ali, throe. indebted w the 1•te gem of b.
A O. F. Stewart, either by noes or book
seromnt, are regaeeted w pay lM rsa N
G. F. Stewart at once, and Isms usu.
Onderteh, Fab. 13th, 196. a
THS Sahaeriber always bap• the'arra
rarioty sed bet Stook of
Oodarteb. Avomt 31.4. ION, 6.103