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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-5-10, Page 2
M 'I - V f ; V%uv, FF., b. T. It.- -- ell, but, u wi l happen its the bat a e,t►alp ARD WDl.luCH DIbTpWT, tatted oboe io the aounGy, * fpmsdftswta.tVi 1tas*. was overluukad by the person io wbM it At+eumudr+Yes,„...,,.».....,,,I1:30a.m. was handed. When Mr. liolwskpyo Express a ail .................... 8:00 res. the ,,mark ecu pl+ccd u it wan to bring MLoa.................AS ...... IQ60 " I him into ridicule, he states &*bat is nett oLpAOT. correct. Ile is ridiculous euuu h with- UProm than ..................... 6:90 e.n. i out any such assistance. Mi"d faao......... ..... 4.4 p.m.I The word hadaced, w insultingly used -, I by him in his elosinh( sentence, was never [ -( l+ nr --J et used by us in (be,ouuectios he hints at, col fillllloltf k ar 1 ] and bra is well aware of the fact. -- - - Dbep Casual. OD$AICH. 0. A•• Nay 10• I1f67. A writer is the Hamill ai r _ _ __ _ oo .Byer las 4RiTL'ITOUS ADVERTIff:YG Dries tike construction of a shtpcaual, luting as iia termini 3awilte , and Bay A certain wry .hast is extremely liber fi-ld, lie argues that the Iiay&W sod sal i& its mode of advarti■ing the Signal. I Grand riven would act as feeders, and Is its last issue it devoted wore seven or I that ilk route would be M short and eight columns to this Journal, which it it I otherwise batter than by way of Lake h s any steal at all, will prove to tile'' Simms and the Gewrgian Bay. We hold, public that the Signal u a wwspager of j of course, that Goderich would be the oar considerable importance. We have no ly f6mable point on lake Huron for such right to complain wb•n oppoised i° the I a krmiaue, and Ba)fielJ next, dimaurion of any public matter, air iS the _ _ _ __ niticiamofthepublicsetsofuymaowho Ckgl('HE'i' IfLATCIt mpires to the highest position iD the Lift or' Between married and single eleven, on Sat• the people, but we du deprecate and Beery I vday, My 11, at 1:30, p. m., ea l.uag vigh"hinging perwm will deprecate that ,rorth's Point conduct of those memo and cesutemptible MA■rraD :-Messrs. Gordon, flaps, Fin enough todra[ ptivatc character into their ley' J. Y. E• mai, Alardermoft, 11'addor, writings We pry the small wul whio6 KLrahsD, Clifford, Mo-tgostsry, Dacey, Your house. is ineap.blo, through sheer envy and Sirens: -Meares Hodp, Dickson, L. H. malice of anything nobler or better than Robertson, C. E Robertson, V. Inwood, petty detlartit"r Beller the bludgeon pill, Hold", Ibompeon, Heald, Gariew, or knife of the midnight assassin than the I J ,hZnon. Inet►•omee attacks of tote Mae who Ise P ayen ore requested to FA pertual. deavors to stab the character of another CRIME Iv LORMt,,-Loadon the lit - that he tn y occupy his paition. We tlu is becoming hmnns for crime. Bur - have faith erWnuh in the generous in- arses are of nl,;btly occurrence, almost, •tincts of nnr oommon humanity to believe t1•d • fellow who sojoya the Dame of that the carer of that vilifier will prove a ,. Slipp,•ry Jack " has for many months failure, Sod that be will receive u a rov onooeedeJ io eluding capture, while he ward for Lu develish labor@ the fullest mtlasn" Of Contempt that esu fiaw from indulge* W hia ori Mumb ring da through toe LeJ-rooms of alumberitrg d&maele.- the hearts of those wb•.se enteom and By oke .my, " Jack " could do a gooi friandohip is all that we can orae of s(rolle of business by publishing a hi: - earthly good. fairy of Lis lila sed adventures. As•tnor }.ruler--frlesa ■r. Too NEW Dontmtoi. It i, Stated, Hadwvw. on sathoYity, we presume, that Ute Cor.- Te the BMW ofths Hroa Signal. federwion Act will take efesL on an after Su, -In your last Signal you were I the Id of July next. It is thought, how - pleased to devote your leading editorial to I ever, that the parliamentaPy elections will San giving nm &I the same time a D*w utlo• Le staved of until after hsrvrst. Mvery game you condescend to notice we lately you do w under some mew oamo, so gW .H. M. Gunboat Prince Alfred is lDat it s likely before fn• sn done with o1., in port. $fie lost eleven moo by desertion 1 .kali have r as"y same u the voeowo• on Saturday last, at 11•iadmor. The' ed Shut of Penia. I am am surprised that aurora ii rid to have lost some 130 sea - yes should w this cess artillery, it a just I men in a similar manner durl-ig the put tee right sort -the rent, Aoor.T-dotes target few monlbs nest, which the modern of the Sigsta/ can- __ _ sol WI w ncognre aad duly appreetata. The eorralsuodcnt wLo int ns Wilk regard to tee meecaug at Daogan non. i aver said, either there or elsewhere, the report of the meoUngs in North directly or indirectly, that the editor of the Huron, writes to say that he should, to a Signal was a bad man. or a m" unit to M e.rtain Ince, have mid "Mr." or "Wil- baieved, (Mr. Yose to the contrary ■ot• P witMtandmg) Lot lh it man tome out ever Gam" McKay, inroad of Angus McKay. h■ real nam•. std 1 will prove him a lar by -- my nembee of saitneasm i cover used the WROLLTAr SOCtAL.-A very irterN- wurd yese ; I cover heard it used until I am I Ung social tea meeting came off in the to Canada. and tee first man i herd maks w of tee word his name was Cos. ileo mach Wesleyan Church on Wedensdey evening .fast tine verneity of Mr, Yost, your 1h'ugan- last. The attendance was Ism, and the Su" s•unespuadent ntabla roridcd b oho ladies •11 that Now, air, baring told yes what i did sot P J say, 1 win tell yes some of what I did ay. could be desired. After tea, our towna- i said that I eever gwwm"rd with any pr' Mao. J. 8. Detl r &mf., who a a graduate sew, ,tear sod, or was sued ; I rsed .hal yes aad rtlaling to my private character : of Victoria College, delivered a lecture on that it was wiepro,teMDlo. I and that thus the subject of"Man in Rclat;on to Society" coming from m7 gnat political enemy speak- which n sa an intellcelasl treat indeed. reforms. A wee who, in ba action of the Clauson Convention makes we my what I fhe idea advanced were cleverly or• honor said. •or the rarpum of holding off sap ranged, and the langua:e used chute and to public ridicule. He makes m• say bat refined. !t Is evidel.t that Mr. D n 1 al m e n - .ill he c ded lb i ad " I o it e0 P• We Cocas of Huron what it ecu." R6u 1 posoeescs ■mied of mora than ordinary did saw, after MpIcting whatt►e Haven Tract force sod clearness, and we hope to hear was oboe I settled or it, what at a &t present. &ad Lite pubhc ".Lew that 1 occupied, I him on mw] rotors com mons aid that " I hoped that tt would b• ,,peed - - - _ a and that i dmi.ted in makut tee Cosnty SUFFERING AT T11R MOUTH whet it a." Thr I mad could be prom by - a•1 "mbar of witnesses, both friends aad By private correspomienee and through ssemies 1 rurther said that w)an 1 aad the prcr, we learn that tits people of the *"Mae$ i meant p"litical fre ties for 1 di I wt Wank that I Lad an enemy in the world. Southern Steve are mufrring from ass i also mid that when 1 mass before tee actual want of the necessaries of life. public for election, 1 did expect op- Time prices of provisions have titan ho ppositito from ,ke 8rgwal, het I ez&ected an hmmnhle opppamoo ; toot i bd not the a starratioa pitA, business is at a stand - least nisi tl.& tee editor of the -%Loaf still, whole districts have, been inundated world stoop w tee low, contemptible sabno fare d dstorting my words, aad daesnlarief by the spring freahoto, and it in not to be m} utio"S. even (0, political effect. wondered al that all who have the means Now, w•,h.vlayeo d yin what I JH rick -Sy, are anxioua to lecfo for the Nonh. Few and .hat 1 did say volatile " you, trod se 1 bay* baud ou my that yon wen Sl.ar+ people iso modern Lima hwe h*w called .111i" to affo•d eby perww.ho Sud boon spop to pan through such tenible trials, Indaeed in lee train n of les Sigwal an a .d when or bow it will all and it iy epportesity of pultio,t matters right, i hop• , IMt yoe wale b• pkmsed to give this letter a impWsibi4 to predict, plar•e In your next Signal - - - I ass w, rap.eltull mai Te[ STATE sap ITUR011i Is fe*FOJ IIN HOLUM by Sony careful observers of the mignm of Holaaes'dial. use A, 1867. Yes Umes in Europa that the Intere- RnIJ a&s.-JI r. Holmes has a happy tinny Congress in formation cannot evert kaook of mootW6&g up any pint is Ilia- T'te war aloud which ►oven over the for- pNe is a volume of words, the tendency I tram of Luxemburg. proteans and Prussia of whieh iyto attempt to prow fn a I are still busily arcotng, sod the feeling of melancholy sort of way that be u an an hestility between the two onuntrifo is be- appreeiated and mush -abused man. What spying bitterer day alter day. star u w*aax#d r to the nature of his strictures considered inevitable, and some think the upas tee editor of the 8igwal 04 the winter it comes to brink the prevailing Dongs.mm meeting wee apo, the outhori- frelisg of suapeoss the better it will be ty of intelligent and diaintemted per- I rot fbe world at beige. dens, wbo icfor%W so that he had most deaddedly accused our humble wH of Seri• ggr Our Saginaw friends have caused ons inflectional misrepresentations, ■nd if some trounble do the authorities here by we in hated such ■ behind tia"tamp et- O"og river two defor"ate lunatics tack if wan leo saw thea could have bow One of them yesterday attampted, while expaekilL Oar sorrw,,oudont mid lir. is a state of almost complete nudity, to Unlmta sed the old Irt-b word " yeses' draws himself in a puddle of water on ad deks is Wfgmmtly deniod. Suppose the street. They have bee" lodged in Liss wad "yea" and by Mr. Holmes gaol until a decision is arrived at as to ea►d Issued like " yes" ta 16aglisl , &wan I what Shall be does with them. It is too of Oerman cent---+epprM a mw "rod I bead shot they should have bast U rest tan G+x did nm it, don Mr. Holmes mean to the town in any slob manner. any }bat there is any thing to be •sham- I -- _- - ed of its that 7 We wouldn't give a dR The Qtohee Daily New slat" that the fbw & Mae who was ashnned ear the idiom I C ram,",onor of Pablie Works ban given or• of lain motbsr bongos, The eloquence of dgrs for tee imraodiafo removal of all one*. tee slat flnbhtd ontar d Cassda, T: pmts of the Pocbammn55 Hoe&*, an ordu to D'Ir*y McGe•. 1s roplefe with oho rich ansaw** early prover Gel the hwildiat f.e tee om of tee LegldStan and &Mese co► rwnaw whish slings to on Iris1 nxteif with the es. Parliament mf the Pro &gap=, ak6nsRh It may diggast Mr. -nice of Qanbse. Reye very match to beer it. lir ----- Relwa reitraW That we infAntimally A Lowden writer d.esrib. Jok. Btere udwup*s o d a mark he wade at 116* I )rl.li personal "pPoanS" i ce alight and 011 0w 0 ti*e olnd mlytte►w the frail, ha raise " foohN sed mq"ima' m r rine' W*atim, std hm n"owan naryowi/ Dei b Ibh Is +rt fo hast kit pvpoM. rapier a" w .,.els an drat •brined I"l j. It, Yin wN *oho► his or'pot•bow M will I ab o.id anddenly I n.k down. TM imp," W a espy cf the Alfwnl, Sed if he luau• nn" o Migltrmed-at lout is lee Hsi" of M _1 M wig /std t160t sur Comesnme --►y ha odd habit mf compWdy (r0 ) r plow stepyl foe 1"New a n( a aaemeal W two. M/rw bin w ssyinyf " be /ietmf(hl It awe "nice bio bomb I Ito bin Area to see. retold be w.W.ded h t hod bees isstrn, bet kin thcugtt0a AM► Nascent ger • BMW • 6 MIsking 1160 Coal what it 'old ulnIseee ebba mv.lr Adaked wd eewnee- .: /e try PW ftbsen *0 Wood ere- fro w Us • sseesm M1,■. wane iab opa a #U& des at a+vw miss event of-ahmally -for eosdIltat'a, but It is an Obs *gmp{dbus', was obangeIl to eoOraf m, ` Mer q"ice IsEw1mTa►y «•4l)t .- I l Cr erro.lien y 0 I ,. ------- -- --- - - - _ ___ -- - - --- - ---- ----- --- _ N BTS 8T7bT Q picots of nalY&*y t►oan eSt. obit. A Weaefal AUStrlaf0 TtlttAtyJ Canada Aed Denacele ". edfor*6ry, but, deeea•ed by the ahollusig nstri4Oi10ptgO117ALw oAl• v iLaawe/ Ways i• rppurnud the Goal n Lo.er r IP diawoaiva fol kis dnpar mtawd the alondOr POUT. moot to everything, b• tuuld swaely be os- A. to IrWr life the felloabg w The Quebec AIrrry 1st the follow• body of tib yes lr ad aldrin[ beeWy boob peeled W kick out the Arpuon erwiv% d{ tours! of 4 •ppoling tradegy, wkbh noaat• ing :-" The lhbw fol Cambridge •o/ t0 Nue', the era°ll, Looked "a of bas herN hopw*ojbr afw 8.nrd Ip Jb. yaflaa, R_ 6 Y &W 1 lh0 belt d tee Social and pulled tee 2boliaa (Iir.rwr ar Ge{.rir . ' e had thrcatam•J W Ile. totes• Slums ly eccarreIl ST W,IhRiwed-rf. SOar MeiIlrag. Nwkiugham and B•ri kLrSll, i• spe&kia[ 1211. IIAYay MBLTIMCM Htim" were both well rowifen and intend pr l beck with had into the collar. y; to with great aumaar. Thio taswti oto Erapt Pw4ee, for"o yearn oki, married, of the espdieucy of Eogi&ad's guanateeiog i i uugg While t6sd tb Ai oMIshr u! hu viotoriow }yds, - y • - I WILOxaTSL Sl Ce least a too third maju,.ty for Ti Ile• and the father o1 thrsh living ehlld,e&, all the interest no Ihe lora Nceesaq for i6e ye. he loo: Iwps r h regarded ►amssff, and . .4 • In T formers. They nest pro,Wdcd las Bluevae, boys, had served fur eight years is the limper. construction of the lubrcoluuial Itallway 160 natml blee .16040 of has diapsditiorn, ITbms7 a.m. S Nut being at Ory Of the meetiD(Is pre• w .en Mr. Phi° being called to the chair, int army. wben ha duunguished biuunl( • 6are mr et pl.iuly indicted lee immedute bans IurtD t° ilio asdawtiun : __ a $ 2 • 1 6. I 'i - rilow to tLia, I ► unaLle w sac K diem, Nr, dye prucesalct N• reiyitriafo the Outiwed 1a.,..r, (oke putltiWl a it•1 hn Dk° fur guuJ •oadaet •nJ bn•rq, and oD• and r6ief o►j•ct of " Guufedenlwu." Treat BnlMrs, take can pf younalrae, tee' Im-'1. ----- w that the ublio and the grnd(dalw 11 devils has ut me." I Yw.,aprJ ta aJM elM n. 7 l4 ses*lo N bore) vupring mfrlately luw bas Milled Iha greet silver modal lar valor. Is object was such united colu°yl lagrl•tiu° g Trw. M Avg 1 M.1 lt• t o} wdl Dave (u su wit to lbs vencinus cute tender for the Clerlship ; •std acme Jicrep- 1H55 fie received hi Conga and unforct ilio with relerense las a road so necessary for TM sa6urtatius war belfor loheyd then Wed, MNy I OM 74A N W N 1 o I aseios an Sp nal fu his statements cn- wrwite of tb neral Gu Com tr in P"th, .sty be Dad dglavared edea tee pullot-ba Trus. 7 Jllo w g N FJ to menta of Hoye' rfa•Ilitt, "the $4w man. pp&• !' • M 7 militrry as fur euaswreisl purpt»ra u would liwuda .II tlnJ aad tell ►im Ilo ha late. ! rn., • 7 Oe xx a t. I I 0` ce,umg Ilia Otrkshi At Ainlaynlle he which hn quoted w 1ti65 fur the engineer eneble the Imperial Guverumeat with safety Amon 16s est wanaahnwd locator M!, " 4 sur so's Si. 7 t0I IOtf A largo and cup ,labia bindle log the nlee- ,v,dered to tat a citta& I at ;toam,I fie ask dielartmrat of tee Southern R•ilwy. f sP&OJ , (- --- ton met it Gofton's llall wben Mr, twittered fur Hr. cKaf, AnJ ben h0 In }NGS tbv Southern K+illy rcducd las to home interests to guarantee tee ammYnt who had rum the first sapprrsed tee flood ma TM '• Vele sty of the Wind " n esprv,rr- ' tm,deroJ for Dr. Stokes, but Il all ended in staff, said P u was dismissed from its sin. of &*forest our a given capita. Without a w be waw diisatic animal, but, boiag a •Pp►rrau,a'uately by aoal.re, Ihw : u. C.I., I John Miller, }raving bred dec4n! chair- coua,lidauou of British American interests loveruflrn, amt willing to sec a secondly 0. Yrlerolo tial•,10 very bewy Harrwwar,.tr the manner of she nu°acceptance of hr tore ployanoi, and compelled to seek bis broad 1. (The"eawu .f.far olwided. m u man, intruduord Mr. Hays, wLo tryted der, mud the Squandering thereby of 1158 of mi. here. A gratlemna chose whole foil aro sutheient utiou could have boon taken. kept his thoughts to htmsell, and pail*. sumD.re, }rum las w 0 rhe; lo. 1 awv f y Who v6+re Nura Scutia s6oulJ bare D to • m+rlkiw wrtb others its their (tan. fiat tee sk / dr°`a•s the audience w a rehearsal of what their L""orf moll"). The Inspector of weights be bd ear,•it um death ►y S cuur•geous col ad t y u c r..ed wash atelab, 0. t6m u u and we0wres sur aleedese&nseIl epos, TM at tee lab of bis own life, promised to'jet wbo Naw Itraaewiok, aad what (evade lie tght rt licoe w iaurfere, ad, ssaNi MY curend I s.d 0 Iver n r perl.euy cku, es r,easo, would be It " Tom Gibson' mi ht out wit► difcall and not without in • itch kmt from the fire, exprewd ban sa.ossrsy P Council makin Trsnier (" Letters] Juggler him r ph.•e m the Froms Jowf Railway ; 8 ) ) : P was elected, such u " as Luau i*'nt it for the Council) a present of P3 for s&!sry, usher ho s were held out to him, for be ecu almcuoleut beau been moorWoed. Now tee dolerstn•arioo W resew the peeeo►gr a Hi{hew Eerum,anc prrswr0 dar,np t►e web k when "hones sturtf , little 3aadaeef d "would known and era cwd but smhw eeme of u different. England hu only W du permit in the attempt. was 29 Oft u T o'..kuk• a m• oar 1,rid., grrnnd, 'Com Grown ,,rile wtmber,' L On 4 j g with ('&meds, Nana Scotia and Flew Bnru "Do°'1 I don't I",boat ed w•enl. tr suer H'^ °'eine preeauw 4n°g t►e wank sur have dome it lot the ew he sated that them. His aariOR■, mud o smell trim °! fe 477 et 7.',duck p m. ase Noadq. gave a sketch of the Ainteyvilly meeting, both those individuals had told Lim they mmxey resulting from•* lawsuit which he rick Davinat( been merged law it, ppoofiliral1J -Take along tee Bible, it you will go P The llama herwuelne pookin a Ota lee weed, acrd chat ed Alt. Gibson's est orters hod mado m much as $25 int one day lar gained last May, ndosliy melted away, and comaanreiail rail legislatively. The .bole .RLgestd "other wee ta.t►U6, g' PP ` tousle hu coma tame, fur belle, or worse, "W Dat dloan lbs dnil sun fur Are 1r etW vasuuraraa. stampis welsh%, and dW like annt/► was it Appears that • hes days ago bis whole 7 with trying to Onate a disturbanoa (a 94 per day ; amd he was indignant at the worldly wealth consisted of two or times&Bar all i•teresto saw identical, their hopes and another. (BoomOf observation i a.m., 1 p.m.,g p.m.) e:atement fur which Le afterwards apolo- Council fur taking Traicer's word all along iw, Un Suoday evening, at wren o'clock, wahas the main@, and thin mut certainly But, unheeding the ssggwtiew &oil leer Higbawl Temper Lure darn., tee weOY w" m 4 feol to the eood of the whole orbeaw ass ilesuuu°s of concern for bas misty, ke u I -',lack, p. m. on aawrdsy. ); ad.) lItl tLew gave • sketch of oke fur the amount be mals Iver day by the he,amu borne, &ftsr " absence of come 6 Low,N Te enure Jur r0.[ ♦I, &Wes ping, an well u their taking Res', the boon, in extravagant s inls, &rid informed have Deets t e chief molly* for bnsgiog sic pwhd IoW tee cellrr, sdsd the &ulmal Yy .t 7 o'cl.it P. a. tau t,N oday. alma working of the Union let of I84V to 'fre.sarer's Statement in re and to hu r h a state °I tbicgs W par. Thal Lhv,rmd will one of its bortLo, and dragged the struggling The Mu■ Tem aero till tae week wse Y d'v hLo wife that a length u had obuisd em per 41.11 ! 865 ; next of the Quebec msitos. His litical rixi les ettin a ploymaut in :he Schellerlhefer Tile Manufec- Ota°tribute largely to our means sit defence ram up sen, catling to tee utunished penia Wane" dy dunes the watch was w y, $cbe us t>< 9 Po P P L Y Mews s eor:e ler G,sserraiire, and muse Irtritrry tory. He farther dnclwrct hu detarmiut cannot oro dmpated and that tc mwI ape° up "Follow M 1" Ths hound devil was Id is C tee Mae Tvury,rnture Loma ht.14 COnfederatio0, ■nd a firalent attack • •sit earoait of at re+sut almost wilder mum followed b tee ecclesiasti sn tee ukisse nay d -nae oke weak wasea extended to some of the merchan of the tin° to celebrate this good fortune by a little P cob' y ej Ihe Mesa'fra Thsacotell wpmn Ocerge Brom and the CG,be, which Coarlr Comacil, were the ,pat noticeable fest, and sect his wife to parefle" beer and new temtory to tee bugbrrdman, the lumber midst of the costliest. A momentary ngb- pensee Dotes =L(M. oints in his utitical mews. A re mtitiuu the uaterials tar •a brew of awteh,' The man Sod the merchant an beyoud question, tog Slid bungled dorm of be" ew°ed• but JOHN HALDAY. Je: ke oharanlaritha r is koly, a st of P P f while it will recmteile all CIA&"* w each the par Sao" was too ludicrous to admit of A"d ase 4t►day "tMay' Ion. evor thin that ecu "Aug orf, and of hu bei. tee '• Nan fur Orley," «• cru elder boys. Yasqua and his coif& A% end an. ^- y yo «iced &full eodoeesmant froan oke sdlenee, dank to mbrr, Iwt6a1, joked, end wase ot6cyaprmotiag prejudices end aatendieg th&t wtwr reduction, Snd load peels of Iwghtet go-ri." (Tile au hence fully D,lieved that m"' of whoa appeared to wish line then. u irry. At nine o'c oolt tee father and his ki owledxe o(esch other's exeellsocies and bunt from every aide, daring wbleh Ibis r SCrD►r a Paau..-The Bel&gruvia theft were his true sentiments in regard J Mr. Gibs," ecu treat intrcdaced, ford u sous went into t►e bedwons with the ►rowed req°vemasu. which cesurirs of met Louts. was turned out •t the door, tee person .been- Magazine ban an article om the obsonmen wt a prucseeded to demolish his charges isteution of retiring W rapt, but l'.ulua do cams could nut have efucid. las Eocl ltwwl's ld himself without ceremony, and the sports of Sundry by the working pea" at Pura, to it at the time of Dickson's election) ' against the County Council as a body, std glared be would bare one more glass bwtom IIPcesb there wan • Little something worthy of the enniog wen rceucoed match better We quote ,-"Thossawds of deneat Shop and then went into County Council busi- against Gibson in prticu!ar ser the emial going tobed. and ordered hu wife w fetels of spoclal alwation. The ruble lord virtu• apirice,bau ko,U - kwp.n, with their rive mad chiWnm, trwP meat lof all that was had its that Council another of beer. She at first refused, ally laughed at this bugbear of our " eat*Dd eat tot ple&saat IatU, vi re"Il Paris row ; the Cowteil he desnuocad as thO I& regard to the Clerkship, be maid Hays' but at length went out, brou4bl in the beer, d fronuer" inviting aggreesiou. std heio1, Mr. Glad"ono as a Leader. aad make ibeewim througl ly lisp" Sade mat iniquitous Sod corrupt body m tis application ecu received with unanimous wild then went into her sleeping room, where tm a mafrtary same, tauspa►le of defSlose, in title simplest eoodhi mw Perhaps their dma. Province, and cited various facts toprove d •ri aoa and indigestion by a l the members. the oan est child, a ho of flour mouth{ as fencing the gallant aad sueaessfa defesee The Safurdav Ancient, which ban said r tin&tion ma be 8ao"s er Yceteany sex y g f of Portugal • .set tee welt disc ford ma& hard Chimp as anybody •I" almost Mr, &.am TOM •n a down otic WDalwlor misfit be their political'priuoiples dd, ecu cr in •std andevourod to wothe +f" 'Pl )) ►dors hu pAsiti'A, such u tendering for the , in m;ard w the Treasurers not making a it to sleepy ,loo two elder bolt& had al(e►dy military hated" of Ili First F& lean b, Gladstone', management u u party leader, beside Sseaa& b whit► tee Aadmlare of Ike Count Clerkshi for Af us Ma Ka , correct statement in re and to hi r unites• undressed and were in bed. Pre entl s I Watlington. Then dnttot M • tlembl t6u fires tee following judgment of bas ctusan to Remissness soon leoca w head lab Mt a 7 P fR ] I i P" 4 s y be more °umbers do act invariabl win batt) that position .-" If be a not to lead tee when its scenveb of a chap or of fresh Slr. laid tender beifig refused, dtc, Ile best lin sa,d tee Ccantl oficialm ren men who (•ncimd thrt she lis+,d bee enm yrdetic, • nor ern e[ need countries al s Subduct. liheral&, .6u a ,o teed then T h i serinewly Pw helo.ct of uarual 4 and Ieould be trusted, and the veracity of Sandy ild of sere°, gespin[. Taking the baby I P f 1i 1 poltUciame, dcaousoel party, and had hilberlo arm- . Ro.$ was unimpeachable. In regard w is her arms, she nshad into Ihe Ad'oini, Wen that so, when would even )fnnas at, meant that he u to be placed under a wase I a within very toy reeah. Yor Sea etas as 1 f thle hourb T Bat the esperieseea ref 1811, out Whig peer, who u W ` coach" him, ouaibw euovof* one from any part of oke ducted hla canvas upon " n0 pSrly " J Trainer, it would scarcely have paid tee room, and embed her Dwhaiaft what was the b and show him the seerets of W hi art 1 C verify for the Council w pave fol!owd mallet. 'Iwo him cone,' ■neared Year u., 11, 'l4 arrd"16 cannax lea surely ke fur- L city ; Sind rasa uri•&d, then u • restanreat, pribciplee, bat in "ewer b a gussttoD , 1 gotten. Then, u now, the United States, Let a hope that at least this at&g* of poli with • deliciously fresh g►rdem a. whieh to him wruand and euwinOd fully wto the it u SII uvea My childron erg ►}reedy tical deecrc nladR u over, and Chet tb Ke- from IY. G. Welker, Fwq., bas caEt: orf .iampiog pence ; fur his art he world let caved for.' He had even both he a •ams 1p we&lih and m lilory strength much sur p ,at, and with a cook who might be ao•eled gg 1 g Canada, but ,be r"tall was that for a form Bill, d n dues notbinir miss, will make by wme of the pretentious hotels io the ►wet the fertile, and &tool avowedly a CioamR- have cared (or the office ; he was sure Mrs- duan of peal,. wixgd with beer to drink I- aneh &o &ben da im AriDle. Nol cul Y ser wan the same, but perhalat 54. W . T. I Taking h a wife's hand he invited her to drink year Caned&, io tS* m.me of England, hold 7 P 7 I of the tows. A Short walk throgb the park vrtlre' Have would have done it for a - coaider I with hi poastssion of Michigan. and, on the declare• then no rival w him in time Liberal party, when on fine Jays the gnat liorfai coo)J ►e iq eying, •Ll u nut over vitt Yee i I tion of ace, was in actual mill otcu then u int even a second to him. And , gee. in about in the sun while deserah' 11 r. Gibson ecu nest called oD by the ►tion, however as bio friend Mr. Aless••r was sothm ca° wro me. Uur foot to da was De W' Pu i A - g y tion of a i,ortaon of Maine. W'ar laking place many enpects De u one of tee very chief of to a casual friend his inimitable coalbod df cbairmtn, and in coming 1'urward alcfmnd• upon the Srl& .es' l'ommrttee, he might, not me of joy, but death.' Shn etru cled Uhenl le&den. Na En Iib etal"ns&a sauce perhaps, throw Some more light u ,00 the nolo him to et louse nor arm aad womb lead there would, o(cuurse, be much wfering in g cockug mucronm-brings one to tee villarg ad the Count Council, and did so to time I g Cads, u there would ale be in the United Fox ban had u much of Lha popular fibre. of Bo•loree, from whieh t►a Bou takes its 7 exlnvall f the County Council.- halt emptibd glass from hit hand; but he No livin statesman i° lir best momma sitisfaction of the audience. lie Deet Atter explaini. lee tot r e fie intended N tightened ha grasp, and swallowed thin rest Stater, but such sulli nog u a contomilanl o: Y T■ nom&. T►e see Soother stall of ballu ►oar t ue if eiecie he said that as for u Hats of the is n at r dr u lit. He then sat on essay w&r--tile conquering "d the conquer strike nut words ►hoe breath and though% or w through the by-paths of tee wood ear gave a graphic description of the Misdeeds p° ' Pu " Y ed safer. TM ural so+tion ig-would t1■t burn w vivWiy is the bears of W ri th. vu n Dor to ax Clood. Yrom oke ecu c a,cerned hu (Mr G.) would go in by ac• the bed and tried to Undre s himself ; but tee y 9 7 f ofthe Coalition vernment, which him o (:&nods, be after a aonte«s of longer or motion• The real distinction, which separsam first w the last Sunday of that m 16, a four 6'o p- tales c ly o ti oho election cors staled on the basion eat sudden in bo deer, and hs, tell aborter duration, con uerd T That eurel o" Politic&*n from mother in %bow da oft►. mat obstn roes kind a bade wit►m pouent wain avowedly intending to sup •e acrty sit ILS trerwrer's bucks, Dul its tLe bSck drat. Thr two buys were alrcSlir tile• 9 7 a the mode ria which lin re The t ; ps meaodese, he was detrnrised &bat he would I lose, and the r woman wan so horrified b •dine of doubt. W rib t6r Mains of obtain (`"Sed• its the park, e-Sf ander the very ni•Ilows o1 Port, be instated apoD Cowfedtention itself p°O 7 ing men, money, and material of war from and so on@ sarpaesee lair. 611ldslooe Ia Fim• the cal■ce-r fact whish dsakn N tang la w (ol:ow II►ys w the lute io Iha canvtm,. •He oa terrible *pecable, that she man wiled England gaiekly, Can.dS eoti)d he helter Nrth o1 ►a pe" Zloa about t►g ponrr the dermt&sd why the Emperor sbuuld D&d Ike bring an accompliabed !a A, and that the might hm" erred of its cummeacement in with ,evulsion, and the sacrament wan ad hr new of hLo views r w whet ass he Coalition ministry came to a clow when fO:Sg too ba6ful, but he woe getting river ministered to her deriag the night, no hopes furnished for tee strife than the Coned »sag fie Il&{e water* of Vichy bvnelic&*l to hu cowtits4w outer with all their van resources, could w, riot as a pooroo aad benevolent der&* that m,.uth, and wh the Ma mgr toot, oc he would have to think in Hays' thing eafooriined th saving her life. All bei■ but "a men who sms the etas e4 f y P file Dcw parliament was Called Beth^r ; („r knocking w.De o(hu ern Dross inw ►iw Ih&t sues fuand in the utme"% roan two or P'es,bfy M• 7hty wooled Da crippled on t6r f• shoal° M w &nriow to nfi,es► Dercel( alta sup sea -board ; En land's tout would be clear, the pour the tr.tric side of English Idle toe roti urs of the seanos La oke mad ar be lbs" slated thSt bi& covin=iplaa wen ?he spcekcr resumed his seat amid loud three 10 kreutx•r butes, the empty poim a No one else Unn m sir wa a mole! hico x y ob en• bottle a table, two beds, and • few old cloth- and if the ucs••n bighray for tee passage of 7 PPr &*&res sal Hiarntr The file it"If a oke Ilcfutm, and had alwa]a ba..D w, lhtt hf -- her troops could be kept unimpeded, her tin eat of the first requiva" sur the leader. ■-aiut of all co"eeiviab]e gatherings" M sun. Sloan ►rid ilolmes, oleo buried *s chi of the liberal Srt and it u not w cow not •man with two or tbrco faces, the meeting, ►rd Air. llolitr*e ►avingI greater monetary resources world ulumatel) V P y+ ire her the adranra e, the v , inereum Io!at,os hi re emamence to ask him to rw- ooe for crtlr difurent shade of litiod ase+teed wtufaca,rily ■ queeaon Iro:a K'm. g L 4 y L In Newark, rteeoill, Therese Wew, a 7 Pro Pcar•e fc•eling .n Prnrsla-ire cr•ihrlion of the 17nited States being a die. train bimsel , to beep down the fury and 11. Ire, L, m re rrd to Ins sore on the &pmt Pe. married lad becomie hi hl enn o inion, and that he iatcsded, if elected I plc uppr.►ot•d to TV ar. adnn W herself and an &drama s to w porins of Lu lanpwge, utd to andenund 7. f t f gad as P , Leri loud qusation. Mr. Alrswr ma■n luud'y f what those about him are thinkir and ma the conduct of the wife of William !faller, R,"d called on rot his ex lanstmas &bort the invading force, composed with tee time tr6en 1, Consent what ecu and remora p A Beriin kine is tee Sia'c, u * :- io g y C"UMA Official saluae. In rexard Ie t►e J her territory %u one sent wilderness, te- L• _ determind to give that lady se6astbwsat; that cow corrupt ; an to IDs result of the 7 'The preset political sitealiun ie the miles from the serpo►rd, aad im netraWe section he had not S doubt, because if LlerkshtP he wid, t6&t wL&terer Hyl might Pe ILECO.NlTRUCTIOM. lit, for fear of befog arrested for theoM6mw, asy to t4 conln be believed be tendered capilal, and consequ.ndy in •II ?Iorlhern ate [edian juntile fur cevalry, inf.nlry or I artiller It is surel ratif in to know, She set out be hel(in mile. bl en& hirhe til r. HSys oun*iderod himself "the main fur the Clerkship Mr himarlf, &sJ it the I German), i much leu nramed than the 7• 7 L 7 g t Environ uonro$, Nay 7.-Thg cowl and set out o° her minion. MUnWrg the 4om the beet s•ereee of information, that got Galway," tat (though not "the maD ' Council bad given him the offrq his father Peru journals seem to think. Even in tke gratifying reports here bees s Stateb from io-lew and bmt6erm-law bulb I,einL in the Canada u mot ta he denm,td o[ Imperial the vegmtration ditncu of t6a Stale ocrlh lady is out of the public streets, &be tweed. Icor Gawa ecu uodoubteldl thu mos army was u °int dourcd. In the country troops, and that in hich quarters -net bei"9 ulel set at walk d y ) 1 .0 ., J Cmm cd, rt routed hew made a ince of tee .Irmo Hever, which (urnib eonelway* 7 °[sing Ger_ 1 datrieu people still november toe burdens milita even -the ne(tnce of Garin With Ihi s doeome to for the North Riding of Huron, Rod ro- little rmaly compact, but they were unci- ry andenee of the co citatory maawr in whac► ty Par wad w n ssesaoIl ta eo,I. in refusing. Yu,m of the members whicIs the communes had to . suponeK to willing hearts and basal& u nut Ieeked upon the iabaLitanu avo reesiwttg the eegassring tits eusa, tee hSchend er Mn. Kew gamed his seat amid grekt applauds. }.halite the Government to undertake its last me ho ,,ler. ,, _ _ mhsevorl that If....n-1d ,.nlv r ....Aar rh. .- . . .. . . i officer. and au w thea is rhe ,re.ti ,,. .. heDDebae ta Dads that ma.•- - - .•.,..,,-... we. res• -•• -pl-, viva• I scary r a reWurng tee. Ana ria own the inde and finances of Prussia would have explained the difference between Reform-' o,:ioson was that Hayi services would have I wired many tears fur their re-amaillVA ere and Conservatives, then touched a m I been dear al nothing, for the office itself sent. Whatever the Gama% sod Yruri■o P would have been nothing without the trim. journals may say, Austria it sot alone in C onfeleratios, u tee Buis upon which I wings He (Mr. M.) did int are whether still feol,;n tLe effect of the events of IPA6. rind rtructare of Tie Kio om of Ca- I be went back to this Council or not, bat a. g if on one ode aro fmai the Ate When bf I would say boldlif Ae would ney*r'vote the Nr.ionalvereas, who &'ready see a their ■oda sur to be built ; he next spoke of Hays for any o(Ace. in retard to Hayi the Intercolunial Railway and reduced wanrlag that the moraine s of the Clauson dream• the whole universe an vac d, or e Convention were set o st a True at Ither graded bi the l:erman r■c. ; oa the postop , op^sed op tae nort6wcat, which P olh r, sound thiekers are nes wanting eather Dan them whtal, Mr. Meawr soloed that he at Berlin, air in the lar o commercial towns ecu noy kOaoki&g at the dour of our UD- ecu then ekes the eaneSe sur hod al a of Nnnh (ierNany, who ask with good in- ion for admission. M r. Sloan was listen. was a Conservative one; and roe object was try con what would become of the trade of Ham otH•s'fohe-' - t r Im lee oar W t of tee .ralem P 1 the audience and bar Bremen Lribeck 4 sur ease of • ed to atle0tively b] N ■hip. Mr. Messer hw.mg gees Hays a L' ar eche France.' Cooled the 1' is" nary pvatedly ahecrt"1 u he made come telling thorough dreraing, rorumed Lu seat. 'f6at k"p the se& for •angle dry an face "' the remarks, and having n sumed hie seat wee meeting was ■}mat ananimosa in (erne of the F'nnch ,easel& f I have not been, thererore, Krl,rm assdiiteles The Win,(haa °,e•etiOI much sur reed to find it observed in the followed by Jtr. Ilolu,os, who, on risme, fbe neat d+y was nearly a repetition of (.rm- P oomplaiued of the prtvium Spwkere col leer- er pro"edwg•, and sxre • large uo•j.,rity Mo"(Aly GaltUs, a coopalar journ■l of large to the Reform caand rev circulation, that only the enemirs of Her- ing him time to deliver himself. Ifo recnun• corny snit France* old pambly desire such td hie long and faithrul services *aa public a war." man, and challenged any can to *blow that Reaferab. . .- during the whu4 time he was in parliament - Free 11inooary. ►a had ever voted tot • bad memo e o I , May 6th, 1967. The Tel.anre. of }hltimore, hu • ma' agsiut.a good one, be nest •dwarfed loathe I I Lmt week the weather was arfa•oanble to (armors Nein vdd and row until Satur exeelleut artrde on the profusion of My attic hesefiu hs conferred open ds widen ao tee' day, whieh winery wet. Sw,day wan mild jewelry, and conclude* thus : back township is regard to lee gravel l end pleasant Sad the weas6er wiw " kfe wbo fir Deers the *object of Mumnic rod, and form me questions, staled ha pol;- predict ween weatifer immediately. Bus"- teaching■, who amts his lodge sight alter 'tiesl principles to be Conservative, and sat mesa is doll and market price* stand the same night, ■rid finds no improvement in his r last week. i due". Thu wotibg sur neerly esw,m mord condition ;whose boort a cul enlurct An old resident, Jowthen Cuter Esq, J- with lore for his fellow i who f.els nn rowth m favor of Gibson. 8ioaa and HOlmetfw 11 P. died on Tuesds •erdn 30th ultimo, at f 7 ° f of ke hi moble &ir generous dig, a is tg his both poll • eonsderabls vote, bat Hy* lid has residence F.gm"nd•ilte. He wa tette+ed maks Mm • boner oc, a udi) wring bas a at the ghat rf a choose. TSe e•ondidat,. to the grave by all the early settlor, u well time, sod hart hetter neer hire been iatrecl- A the people of Seabrth end ligaondsille. neat proceed, d to L,eehville, and Mr. R.b'. din the (,lie art. As the funeral paved t6ruogh de&forth the •• 1.e1 so one in.ei&e that hecaaan he hu Leech hating been called to the chair, Mr. r m-rchants out of respect elevated their shut passed through tee cerestoniea of the several Hays pfocwded loo Sri"sp fbe "iniquitous ton. Tbe doeeseed was a Van* Naso■ and degrees, and become a 'femplar Mato, that and corrupt Count Council," no ext& pan, was buried with Masonic hnnours the order r W Masonry kit don@ iia work apron him, and g•therin/ from Mitohell, Wroxeter, Clwton, An fire honest mea in lee Hurmo YoAom, ha that tMrelure he is bright in the noble oct, Ainlrywrtle and Sesforih, end con•,)Jed ham and that all that remains for him to do i* to slimier copper$ wen pagaant:y furosahed wit► 10 the graveyard At B•trwrhe/. Mr. Car- adorn himself extorwlly with Masonic em impertinence saoce, and to such • degree dd %r wag as of the first settlers in Tucker. blems std provision to the world that he a a be anathematize Reeves and Deputy Reeves I *male Rod highly respecled by all who knew luminary in a,& sacred temple ; bat rather Iha mombets of the ►cineol yeoman made a him. let him seek to adorn his mind and beam mistake in regard to the election, aad im- with its noble ppriaeiplee and gensroes .dined he ecu wn hip, I to M Reew or affeefions, by atuelyang its moral teaehi,.re, u.Pnty -r lhr Wwnahip, trtstead mf . nt.m THE DOWNION OF CANADA. and axpsuding the mane +asled o , these bee sit t6s Loyal Irgidature. Br nlilical I J p uyens,we emblems in drying the teare Rf /rincipl, hen were ultra Conaerwtive, ad QUIll PROCLAMATION LLPLCTLD LAR- the widow anJ orphan, cheering the heart rid fin sp,.ech cn~ out of the Leader to suit' LT tan JURt, lee deaolute, so thief when he knocks at the the rrnhgbold of Comwrvmkiwn Is the Peak. TM chairman having stated thus Mr. iia,g -- door of our Graod Ladle above, our supreme eco Oyidenttr the t"n w repneonl Mm, etsotr,tws loo nose orr tr ararlr oR ear. Grand Master will say, " Crime ye breed beat intrdueed Air. Gibson, who, in reply L, lawma. of mf Father, inherit tee it,ngdom prepared " the fry or bunnemm" stated that he never for you from the toOslI tiers of the world ; &te as .T.wr or drunk a glands of whiskey,-OtL&wa, May 8. for 1 was ■bun ere grid ye gave me meal i and keviuL app■rently take" r leef from his It is probable that Ike Q,xm'{ ro- i ecu thinly an yr gave me drink ; I into a opponent's Aonks, Mgm to criticise him P stronger and ye took me in."' mat unmercifully ; he was compelled (n clamation, creating the Dominion of Can- etoP, hnmercif u M e roe bid }aft the ado and appointing members of Senate, Exsceylox or Psovncus..-A despatch roo♦-roporfed In he sick. In regard w will be two A in ■bout three weeks, and from Norel, defeat thin 3rd, any@ :-" Proven that tho ant will fake effect tee Ane week cher suds executed thi .morning at hall -past Cowry Coam•K tesallev M said Mu he bed I I o'clock. fie did not maks any doclrrA- ",if given one we" Asea he eat" the m 7aly, when i.ord Mal will be swore tions, kept a good eountea■nce, and died in tAm al that he ece d not mooyrtentatively in ma the Ant Viceroy ofl3overnor-Gener- three min°lei wat6nws bey, conrulood. apprOw.•f, and that wan the boom of g1 o0 a, Then will follow the app intments Tlo„ theve "per"%* from •fl hrto pf .the loath, given to tee WWe., Tmaasvort and of Privy Councillors mod Lieutenant. eomntry *en prsasnl. Pro•eneMr walked Clerk, • aw.uvo pro1,l - lir the Ifrmr e Gomno and feral wtim of Arm and erect w the seafuld, betraying no W wan o" ucmnt of tee extra I&her en1a01- n' . ai w of emotion. [Minn ha sic. ed the ed on %am &unto by the Separation of lee the departments or the Confederate and L two Com,tioe. Id regard io poWin, be par- Local Governments, it is supposed the infold be requested the ex.eatinuer to pas wed the sum course, be did at Wroxeser. elections can hardly take law before tee mps an had oi p mthe srorit big Mresn '"non and q lm&e followed, bel u Ao ust or 9r t*tsbet, P neck aural he had reemi•d i the lot ritm of they appea•cd to Yaw so'pr"yl p g P tee eLDrcs ohen e. sail it p bei p mad• u tight •+ pmsihle. The cep being put mer agriast an of Ihi Council, or their Barri s, A Dfauyshsw Sroaa. f/o I • J y deg • re, the ►nit ecu dle,gt ■od tee lied either N $nmOml mfdrifl a►ei, n& snm• • b , roppod Yearly lee length of the loo poria", or O-rimms 06 their comswYs suppe special t•legdnt reeeivd ♦om Haligx lea Oammll w" almost tnstantaReoa, tee pine match tee sy " u bPrnx•tar. At tits night, that the Consul atma nalli China ceasing W heat three initial.& after the fall• a.etan ihe ('oasrn■u,ee acre in fed fe,eee, whieh rearhgd that port esb•rday, had r Tae scaffold was erected is rear of the jail, blit many of thio'. ahhoug tlley •wall rete J Ii (aseisll Mar I a d it a seid thet hip compensate ie aware. for Holsw►u • wmecA OoesmFAUO ,•Ilrd J 7 TY& ees &wept it ,mlla"ibte In swell -w rine n! the H,hrrd !neer the chip ee F', y Irl, Ifl* horn ('"rine Finsctalt. who a owsitiuf • live thro lAh the pnaslla Oa& Scanlan wee doom, had to be dntrgadfrom the wiradew of $ramp, and will a three wen foe O,hwin saw ."hid overhr•ed. •nne a all. Nest day ttaey to • C. CogswFh, Fiq., of her all, w anx-ow sur gee to .iltaw the 8elmo ., whee Mr Wm. ♦ icg B&lifaa, sur kdld. Uan w"n bed hr leg er"ucaes of Provenmhw7• A •port busily Boomed eMlrmo, t Hs s ►goia anolal hvolven ; two men Md their r"ees frightfully crrealated that mAttempt would be skad. by i Mdg.•sA, &*d boon remained so oil f. Ike people fe destroy tee gallows, r eke) rah iW Scr se •P •kke Nl y it ecu re- Many coal$ were eay milia In1wvo4 T MNd t" Mve the.vec°tioh We pie" ,Fore, ehe* a ►ed Iid7t e u hll bf$ meotinga, Bois. P. Mitchell bed on. of hr 4ik(" Ig a.lnlo. The I;a m&ase e0&COnres wY Order tee tree aad b Il&peadent " iwoi(food that "ivied. TM same, nim ram torments w ly and gefet." that &lmrs was • gw" =stake *emanaued lir = N. Alward wds I! eta a -- avwfo pearmem esu pwnalle, f" wee in•dt&*g W, y7 ke' The aililar (m no. i rel i COwal T. 'lays to Una4 oysW spread, Aph vz im• Vuhe's, N. B., y.ennfsy- (tecJkp• y a P 1 a° s, -"• ' ' lteoid.sts laame, body cfdr'lilfe►y ar,Il engfawrs I66L a to t.. bags lith the Coon The Oracyns Stowek a roak whle Shnclr"g of four troop e( tee tsllltary train, W he m vow. He pcLtnce were Osmoer. y*tiva F Ile to sappoA o (OalitaOe tAe Lan►i,. iaPnda ea T+foley, aad Mgs"' miNweMIL sed oa•gawalled pensionlon, 01 Mt so WZ10 &m m ON w, CA#r low ni espidv. Tlby,be. wee " qew w ghee -O.I. gg sf dniream gmrdsi ,he IAt► afless when 76 elwkaf-w "Of Matas' +eek of 'a" block. it • m+ie d ek is &boq W46". I. t M .100& he wneN bink fbdew cwt to bw7TtEe, teN IwpssmsaN lane+rs • leltdlen M r- Z.'ky spat tp r4l yN . it A mppo)kd dM .,U bq foal . a raid y «t#e CnkiRnam Oarb, lhr+lo e"g{m"w% frcitn "f' DYeWlas! Miiwwrd In a6"°t Nn dory, Volives won last, A stay (ff wfJJitgMsisjar O of iMeY of fe$r t• fl}vie In tee .row* lad De rtme.t, ■r was dispes•bed f g the pemngmtt refo ml nlNr even rot►er "Llmeltts N rid Mt food$ of action would be the dey wenimg, tin tbA1efull stvongt►: - . • measures of the riecunstnction lint. 7 he u ee nowt sr • mea aealmg a lowy, aad. A Dci$&Caagbt ParsN. almost rod (relmg exists towards tee calor• I with trot gallutr %y 'pitcbed &*to' the ops. - ed people now that tee question of th, Pound rodrs. After ha•iag ring►1J hast►• io one of tlio small interior tow" of Few suffrage u setded. The espitaliMs ated rood led the arriant of !1-s. grittier, he fend, to own@n aro beginning las see Ike prime vote bas surprise, that be had "rarely wb,pped England, where tee both a th o! our ss d creating modes of empic newt and are hi own wife. Mn. Weis ." rraauds for eeswrs call posy r •bold on tbm people, tee I an us"!t Slid batter► os Mn. Mellor, mid' facts occurred, a few years sit.ce, of w6ach ofering their lands oe favor• le terms, and lee following a$ a trot narration : Sod furnishing them with agricultural imply he:d to bel. An bonen (,mer and hu family, preparing menu Sad ma *.Wes. _ _-_ to celebrate 1 bmksg"nix •t ha .ire'■ T\c dlee USN ieglow. Contain Hoofs. -The Toronto TWor I'nth••,'oin an adjurot town, .en burned sap: -It n melancholy Wce.tke rr rover sod cou(usd extremely on the day pvocdmg of Conadi.hs who, an Ihe wry extesme of that festival by the multiplicity of things that 1)ellerdle, My 2. want are ewternotg ve their satire tend. must be done before they could lea" home The Daily Inle(figence, bas the fall Within the la•t few weeks sone of vier ebmi. with safety. The flown .a w be ••banked Parlieslan of the rand yesterday o" the table institutions have been ealtad on to saw Richardson mine, from which it appears that a 'and the kanin of the harvret-c►b from utual .rant nrmhen of thew dvotit P. L ee ■es bags, wrrripO, end so forth -put inw the the ohj,nct of the parties r«e to saiu(y them- nturmhiT andrren. Ttntpted Dy tee drsin cello, that IM external entrance lhercto wives of the truth or totally of the libido" fe len t ritbnemo! the mine. Proetaeal maven wbo g bey eesrce keen what, many al might he closed for Thr• seven. !laving ear 16.m loll rood eitsrietan rend romlrutahle went into the mane and investig.ted thorns h - rid in the ve[otsbin, t1e Drays ren du hnntnie f`anufa W seek lhair ferlu,w ,r patched to the beru for straw to A 1 the ly the r"ok paartr, state mat pa,tivrty I t 1►e Stales. A beef but betl r experience pawge aith, while flat good old man himself itneeed what they heard, and that notbiag ban tamobt not a to. of them, that they so a• Can ex•:ead the richness of our mine, that tee ecu bay on the oppaite side of the her". Bond tee seMtaner (air tee shadow, aid Ylack quarts will yield !)001,000 to tee that the ani bhorin An old nm, the honed patriarch of a Y R Iiepsblae a noI an E/ inn, and that from one grout of cork l6ey Dorado, wleevomeear is eertaae and tortes large dxk rot be eco keel on the firm, hiring Reached 113 of gold. mai. gal a net o(the 0cstfond canha[e le&vts, unobserved motored the char and silently eon The sserardeww nine. 3rrrtu sae tan Ssaw,a -The iteas"a Ca tinned his feast. The avenue through which tholie church of this tow" wen broba into he hd entered was immediately closed UP. The Module roneep•edent of tee Meatreal and all the neeewry work &:td arrangement. Gazette in bis report of the mud on the On Ncandl hick, lute and • SBrer ,house i bein cram leted. tbe lar er bo s and ilia sed nmd hetack, wired .adeno, takes there - g P x 1 t F4c6ardsmi mina s.ye :-'Wrow ono of ilia from, TM antseremt bad entered h end set off on foot in high glee, the dog running. Masts, 1 lean from .hat I c-oad,r r reliable thn .inflows with the .,ds ob tet of picador and barking before them. snurcq (w fur yes tan (rant any can, 1 M Boon after, the .rents and their little se these was no attempt ss•ds as wet_ p when gob obries ■" being told) that the like domecntian a rt from the perfdlosa ones having put oat the fire and fastened tet second blast detached a pie•" of uarts or pa doors and windows to Ore out tLieve star q ort meehnned. Ns clot ►en an yet krs P s, aper, he tumid not Un whieh, •bout the roan Ind for the same destinetien. .d a patent pail perfectly studded with, snit ohtatned to the de%etien of tee - ---Or On The afternoon of ro.do, (.flowing the bald together by gold. The value of this of Ike bel deed' -Brit. GLadi*a. festival the family returned home &Seo epi li lump is variously estimated. Mr. Curs!tou - - - d by some young cuastns. Some of their hu made the statement that then was one g RDbttii titttdr. youthful neighbors of both sexes were invited seem in the min@, from which be believed he in, and quite a men, Thanksgiving Growl con d cut out a slab four feet long, rd 6 a 4 was ao fall tide of suceessfsl operation when lichee wide, which wou'd be held together one of lee flays, wbo ted been sent into the by the gold, and all eke hese had say cellar with a little tow wick eandle, which t6mot to see the interior d tee shaft. `'ta't' gave enough light to make darkness visible pronounce it the mat wmnderfal depart is te draw cider, res }sack iato time room, with is the history or sonGroan diecoy*rion.' r ' gate glaring .tion I at. the D•I(-oris iVTOTICE rating axclasuGcs t Waive .t •tiff7ed LaNrere. lr v ' "The devil is in the cellar I" 'xha rearkst race of skilled std edosstsIl "P,wh f" aid oke fitter ; 'yes has only labor in some dolvartments of machanic, is TFIE Cosnef of tke CorpoesllIsn er fly been frightened b7 four shadow. (live me eeormoos. int widow -clam f"torisa 04 y tee ligdt.' Pnuborg, t hln.er and 'Matron" Wnid y otaimur s. gymgg tees, M seised tee Writtle-Ir"•ing rector."big "1260per month, while • the Candlestick foot in the had of tee boy- few of tee most skilful often resoiw am high will asset at oke Court fi•Is••i liadriaY and boldly reached to the esIla Sloan i but ss 120 per dal for their services 1 Boase of s before he hd descended AaUof the steps, the the '-r,elberm' in steelworks receive (roan O large Unmoor eyes snit esormom koros of tee 120 to 122 per day, Glrrsil•erers, in Monday, the third ady 1f JUNE a. ram cawed him w nlresta an mach tenifiet works where the arrest and meat expensive an bin eon, saying : macron am reputed. received very high PSTLR ADAMSON. 'Sun enough ; the devil a in the cellar. w&1(of len fact, ,l a rad that then ate not The good esu & sod tee great Bible, and hal( a dome of the really progeNet, in this Colair Malt, attempted to read, but tee candle burnt blee mi&" of workman, in the Tyaowd slat". God•rielt, May Ot►, 1847. . 149K and throw eeeh a Noble light m tee pages, Not rine in a hundred of these w►o =sit N©W C 10- OL Slid rhe book trembled so much in IM hands the attempt esu ever arrive al the regraias of'be reader, that be scald mot dWi"ppw► degree of pro"racy in thin busine s to born ono word (too another. The little children wt fintelan work. The skill in bet► time MI.gq BLUM,j lop M aaswses IW' ,.rid std along to their mother; t►e girls silvering std steel -melba` Y ie the quick cal obs fir misstated a jovtbuile esbsh4 4* n"Ue l otos- w their teternb swains, and th" and proper preception of tee syn. Tbo mases the ho°" was $helium with agitation of its hall nenarks are also tree Cf die-eNmn for type ]Cast W of "i t*1 tet„ doamnld inhabitants. Gree bright thought, founders. however, aecarrd-aad a mm"ager w" -- ---- -- :WAS 04}.00 pgE , sunt for the minister W some and " ly the L°mosviry.-A le. dqa •go • colortd N. B.-rr 11. ►ma alma a syn .mop devil." I mw based fisher, • 4 at Covnwall, Tuedy and rhoesday, from 4 moil bdl•paA I0It )cam of nyO, appeuwd le octet ae 4 o'clock, for Plain Newlon T►etlis "III TM mors akb `` Pathan, nod one pier, peed Utlaws u a wNnees to provR the den► of all kinds of tency work, Mioa r. 9, ., a edotily than the silent and M, I., S n him Iwo persons -one who diode IP03 and tee a nSall d sur anM ha pocket pot ea Els Oonlerieh, My t, 184}, .It benole .rid ear nee, }hat M mi ht • ar .. otM. in 1814, Toa old sone sappetnsd - __._ P L saw to be the 1"t Canadian slaw, i. 0,'tM Isar Oltf erlE all, dNl a■I*ti toile. torm,d.bl. t- bis gem ►rid Sed ening-stet u d t%mw em&"eir6v b7 fbO skatuas •holiah possible, and basteeool to the relief of h.s ing lover, is tj,is eeantr,. Ho a still hSla da On c p.rishnww, sed hearty, SeIl Lo light of bot r a man rel T ii IN S T 11 A lg 1 11 On t• -ming fe the hos", tee reverend eau middle age, wan flailed " & dolivsAr, and arriplored by sal le"f a deers •mist n tee mama m"anOat to ♦ nlMr 'ser o ukinal' coq wan" W r drive tee de,i1 away. tial few mmmte% from fort Home r follows : G■ Thursday ware Inas In asking gaeetira s whieh m as* morning foe Few" em•iets who .ore ". ` •g g c *mold meaner. Mforo tee ping* peaked fw- tented file 71 /ran Rush to tee Riagston L7jg1VL` iL4y UA it% ward u t leader, with tee Scerg penerioa Penitentiary r , . Port HomeLLthey hat. D. iteWA* Yore{ light, into the cellar, IM most enurageewof fag escaped how the pr6". what Ivey ' tee Coanllpay lS.piaL dean behibd him. no rewhsd then they pried, One of flier IWI.L ns an wstoMtiw .hh kh1 hooted MAW tiro deet or t stsita. TM eyes K Than. O'i onneli, of CbsRage, aniseed & I" Teak H. R„ daily ao Goodamom fire, Ilia N•Ao w7 nalgno of /he avers" of his i& l:eiuhw. O'ikrusell says 1M liked rNM. leavinngr Godal lt h -ygyw t/Os► A,anrA sssgn ton fold al bast by the Ott ran d era•ppee wsm aeiTlg OetsIlseloIl (ase ing et t O'eljel, Mymg-* ] b' ,erof tbnw tb" bohoyl them, rayoesd all .beet I.e wseli, flat a boas woo is nodi. forborne, Psrt,ilfiO. leen wiw dooK ,f any bed Oriae d in ►ga anind, r t" ata to tells teem &n tee anat railroad Gallie aad womtner POMPOIq. the hAeaal gat" .fthe being w1sh which within half a mile of The prihea T►.y wrlo U iNa 10R11iN6 he had to mewed. edited la hassle atlite ianwed•biy d/er The afi,o o igwemU) fill tis bi$ Insweti sed tee hit Tis colitose and IM IMh won Ltravi Smalu nspl*e M A t%blalb with atpbMd 6n4% Yogi to ping le bis ■ntll they rosehsd rereato, e►Su amaa"d and om Cr ret► W wast Mvw"t `a"mt. The tem, act edh. lee ga.h M lohnni w, Tiby ou tee it%rlpI with (I T t i df&mlNt tee Pince man's ntnA'•.a, bat eek views ban a" g {s and Toronto. HO TiRdb M M e1 p n e any fhe ".tie* at bh, ha"*a the ba mr t►at emb of 1 sas wan prOwNrd .ilk a turd W pmmto% w•„A 1_ wan duns`` ►can t" a batting commit, made yoi",. O'DifwwuM d1T Csleasita by tY t r 46TW1a , • ON trill Ut him w11b4 at bio sapptlssd 4 P. los. train "y fee Cbasage, 0AoriefirYw Nle 114141. w7e - i Its