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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-5-10, Page 1
81i1�tu8s glircctor8. � .'� an Ue. P. ♦. lkie Uoamal ArLL BRAT 111011111101111HUH FOR COI N"UL Wow u w 11 e'elock, a. a., every da W,Itvreitass isateat a.I be.I all. rwarate raigll or toy. (D.O Dh.■.wen, rig.D.. . YI>M+ri[et OOID r aatu■. 16:sall DIM. NULKai, - - AND HIT DHY3lO i BUKVBON. CUBUNSR_ µ �_ 141 ,t.. utralaeYod , M�lollsl� - W. T. COY, Editor and Proprietor. QHYa1CL1 3,.rtee 1.d Aocoasheaq $2.50 PER ANN. LN AD,1 I Yaechrter, C. W. - Ur. tltanb.ary, IIasilltss lrilircctor�le +8asinetas iDircctorD. GRA bUATa of Oil Mt.eal Dep•tmvel of ` ADUA Rosset,.Tre.w,■iJI1.Ntbe- Ge lJ1d; �.►em:JIMS. N.. I N $ II `8 A N C B . - ■ Rule B■yaeld. vets amen Malcolm Nicholson. SUa01CAL4NOMECI)ANICAI.DENTIST, ELECTAUPA"ritIMT, tc. RosEaT J. BLOAN, M. D., fire, Marine and Life InsuraneesTRETH inserted is either Pis . puraiQ1AN, 80waeN, Aw , 40, srr[C ran Oa •[ =ave AOL [TsaM A. tUa, Uuid. Silver, sets YYlcan ird Nuhbar un rrawnable trroa TMaim Teen le 1• tbe 11. N. A. daring ORtee-J. F. C. fi■Idin's Law Chau, n, 4Tw over ms Pat Oneo. W«t tltrra the late war. Ur alta/ rwrlMt m,62.6.I B.y'a Rluck, oorner Court [louse Squat 1.d C.rlenah, w ea U. a. Bhsepnsl floeas.or •• U. A. Ian■ales." Was. St.. Oodtricb, C. W, Cruetaal eoraar (w 7N► Anuy Corps all JOHN IIALDAN., JR., "k "'a. Mar,, Ac Ones.aat N..wnce.-ser. T. 0. l.clason's Goderie►, 2741a Sept., I 861 w36u The Liverpool and London and Clobe fewer Wry\.to. N R4.WU' ab•uee. on mrgro■I cases atwad- - - - INSURANCE COMPANY, ~wmiww, c w w: jhwllln, .0 am• MONEY TO LEND, \ am r< THE HURON ase ERIE Invested Fonda, 115,000,000 RUSTRR 1=11 tiaNBY-A7 InreatfwmC... al, 250,000 Cea■ky sevlNas AAD LOAN SOCIETY. GaagA►r+eaa3�0uMre►r7aa•tilrut..UMe T\.elaretl•K,equp.epenJtomake FIKF. DEPARTMEINT. a Co House TIIn40- ;S �rJs AL DVA INSURANCES 'TLD ON ♦u. rs.Aww 0r sena a7.Oa•a•fobb• UN 151 PRUV PRoraaTT AT Ul'r[rT RATa9. [[��l1tR[STRB, ATfOxNEY. CONVEY Fvlr 2`13'1 pr Jp©Y.1�� FARiIRISKS AT SPECIALLY RSDCC90 RAxs 1).weea.re,iNMoarreetONerie►,caw ON MUS rADVANTA(;FW'3,r5 uYa. f�,�t a6laekaar alk: IV.lher. -- The ruse of <11-t.nR . Iw,w or, 6. found WTS gA� "melt lerer.r than m alter Fa•'et". set o eimdar UFE DEPAf11T3f E1NT. 3 irk► T soLle(r 1 Ill. CON- utvre The anent a .fin, &,rruwer u rallied ■� •ttAJa%aa, tee Once urar l\s Ste`. of .. the fart, Ibal Ye wJl reretve 16e full ■uunmot INO.1dl RA Cha for K YtarF J I Osllm Jt tsa. aedencl. •,e Lose., w,thout say daducnoa ta,ug made f1. Fifes is Defeno3 of lawn COIILLTT. r..-_ nnn. or ylnenle sea ad-oca. - .Sohn Dartson Advsee.a may be sped Monthly ser Yeuly, I�1�� Policies for the beneAt of Wife o [[j� tRR[SISO.ATTO KNEY,80LiCITOR ewto.J,.g ever a ae-d of f,um nae 1t. finer. S�Wldtfrs a * aseure from SOWL • D lJ uOhsecery. tc O'see, Market S11ere years ,4, . "reditors. Uor• .e rol[iaaato&Street,Oualne 6. flea FOR FL'LI. FARTICI'LAZS APPLY TO I PO. I - aur $1000, be the Uurrawrwt 5•r P O L L O C K + Mon.. Nrne m oral- at are 30, $01.70 • rnhn Bordon, AF set a.d V. nt., A-, la. '.,Way al Gudv.-h veal. Fh•nJd t t.n_4 P.Y.N. ■ser b year. A+Ti'UTARY•AT• AW, SOLICITOR iN ' UeJtI'l, .W„Ia66• rw13 onc_`unh nl 'he Preromme arw rcturoed, .aA CThs•ewv. Maury Pe Mat, Crvepaeer, - the Sum arured ; ff.n e, !O .sera, sets -h■! ■n H.. fns. Lsead• est. UnN na • rrlurueJ alley 30 ve•n. Ibree•founbei aft. r h• a.a►i' of Wait Ytreel, h.rddoor(roml\e 13Y I�iYYIt�Eit3 : 51. Ih, Stn AAaared a d -Wed, sed lbs Feu. O re.alLoaes S9uare. may rl. m. SAM I I _ 17l'I■me Payahlt one month alter Pro., D• yhade t1ooA1n 6. e i doth.O ARRISTER, ATTORNEY 8OLiCTT . F.C. BM11 Hr BteuJenl term os,to.,U•Daatcr, C. A--drricat ll Mery rao.L. UP A. M. RoSN, A ant Lir U.der.ch ; B. L. St.". Matrass Nlc,rk; Aweal 111.1 antr.erp EIlwa, fnl ETrwt, W. N. K'.bon, for S.al•.nh. 11.*after wait of Ol.agnw 14"". ilk OodenA, Nov, t,l Wa. W41 '1br•s AS Moore. T'TORViR9,SOL[CITOW14, ke.,Gnde eash,0. W. Ones-CRABB'g NEW 1i'"'r We Me SAVACE, . •cg.rose. - uaee.t,n.0 .•ansa►.Ar [ust77th, tabs. awlo3w3l gQY3 and sells Ne. York Drafts-Orren• Buys Co.reney - State notes, ti paQkmm T Hays. endk,n�uerreot moor), a correct rate of t�r�RITRY•.AT•LA W. SOLICITOR iN FRESH OYSTERS !xe \a ,Yea■ryP■Mk,Cunvsya„rer,hn wwol swat [ A,rP a[un., 19th Dec.. 1865. 1.47•Irdi O d'noif C.A.--0Iaco, over C. E. Ayr\,fila id'. pee,.,(:r.bb•e 111-k. is -19 BY THE KEG, CAN OR COUNT Nosey ti Lead on seal Prooeny LOBSTERS, SARDINES, _ _ --- A 14I1 "'A M;L NEW PHOTOGRAPH GILURY w. v. ue,awe FRESH LMURS, ORANGES, DATES, k[ Bt Reis T l` R, kc., GoDt%ICa. C. W. Cocoanuts Figs, Crapes. - O Fj4aai„_s•agi i Nem Block. 1 p I pas. bC - - - - - - &C., 6tc., &C., at U J. V. fCtv►o.d, E- B I N Q H A M' $ e O ATTORNEY • AT LAW, Wast ,late of Mark" .vOadT`!. W I3 Cun-i•yanrrr, kc. OR,w-Blake'. Bhmk, Uodanok. No•.30.Ia66. awpg pa ; erpperftst,►Pow laser, a. less. sw37 .i.rwncle C. 11a3dan ATrO��T.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR iN C\ 1.y ('eavTeeyyneer, arrear Order- . -b, C.R ad lsaytetd.4 W. OdoA-[a)'a ilk., 9cel;:; h, Ceah, •ad Mr. P■hd •on'• Ryon, II -Adel, r7• Mr. H;W.a wall be a( \,. t-.ek cakes, ■o, weld, Germy Mond.y naw to A. m. sell A nen. William, R. DATA. B. A. OZiAN aERy AND LAW OFFICE. Caa'• Yaw RdILDIwes. Kaaaitrs hrass G0DRitICU. 14. B.-Le••eyMeiny Wiref Not oe rwnaabi• lwa rs. D.&AIR4. and defective tale• W nal elute Quieted. 0,Aericb, Dec.2t,-1866._-. sw34 C. F. Clarww, + TT(1R!1[T-AT-t:At1, Soli -nor to Cher f1 eM. N..f.ry rowie. Coo -Tv. r, Ans., chat.., C. W. wit ( \a 9rER Auurry. aolioner, to &c.,I3 CII • C. b, alt MONF,Y TO i VND. t�IIL•m Fra.rr, ArraaYSir.AT-LAW,iOL1CiTOR IN tteatyelaner. alt•. 1►efd. �Iww Cr. Asm" e1M16r1T C(vir, �Sj4R,1ND PROViNCIAI La Tow. T. Puo4:rrl,O,d.nr. Li,.$1L mar s' N C(vild S`Jfi1NRER AN YURYF,YOF LudAttwalsedConrelaaa r,[ncawdtw _ tar Consulate of t nuoil a 11440, A K�''1p'71C L I Art O llee bnure fro o ofeb$ka, a- era., to o clock, p -m.. � r 1! _...'_ `t 4MAvi MCHITECT, l ise, PLANS ANU Ira A AT1� A of sail 1.g.t 1sQ Adka_t Ir1h•esa apt adk irl, or k,taawye.fsodsna►. tsw•1a71Sty m). NICTI."aail LrQ°� wNrRK,DAYFrELI o gsAr sees 6.1« ....Irlfg.., ...n ••te.11♦alaenAeda., versa rel roan O:e at --l. Gi41At. COMYISSiON AGENT U -rl■ Qa�ed'■�elrr�. tort■kui aelN.IsaA•rueeso =.a aroad way.Idla4e,g)Fih�N.ayw. ':: 1 �■f Peter h1* "St's L1O0WARD1h&- 16111411 CONVISa10) 1 Ymeb•M.k•re•eaao�, C.N. awsu Aaaeea • .d. eAer e(i 141 load sa r writ pito tglllroesna►rox�ptatu.tint. Vii1/a• +•e• &.1 ".lt'OItNAR1) E lase 1a1 CA'�M(titiltili 1Rerekaatl • `4.1.994 IN ALL 911.1. er TKUJ>�')Zti•AQ r' �Alwl;, 1gy1TSl 1►., fare, t} ltlealp for drat elw HAvdae rd Fir seraaee Companies. Ii NA q!alit 01741.(lwl.vlrA. C.N lost] HFNlift[`tL}ltlssiT. isee De1„ r Lis 1" -I 1. AND 6T AC CENT 'D T A W A. Tr•'M..I�.alna•em wnb the (;move Ltd. on aryl �; .k � t PigeN.ro�y 4tyt oat ono dMyJ N ►aver MIM dw.WNov ler. 1ft* . s, - Nee �klLZgNCBd: L O,.wa.ew of row• • N IL IS {fid., Atil.us,l..e Ms.wa ii.wra sawwl.awi�i T'welle-. AdareieseVO. NORTH BRITISH AVO MERCINTILE FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Go. RATAm.tsgaD 1809. CArII'AL L2,000,000,sTEGLING. Fire Department. IV3ITRANCES erected on all elas.es of risks at moderate rate.. Lores prompt ly paid. Life Department. In virtu oflhe ruar.nve .horded by their large Capital and accumulated profits, this C.mpan)) ran adopt rates lower than are nraeticabls by mai.y other offices. To Farmers. Bpecial low rates have been made for farm Rildings and other isolated hake. - Tbe ■nd-silgned having bevel appointed agent of the above Company for Ulderieh and surrounding country, will he glad to re. crave F 1`90061,18 for insurance in both brine\- as and will •Iwai• he rrwdr to Riee isrorm.• Lion to perli^s wishing to assure. Wmr,RICUARDSON,A�,eeat, Rank of Nontr.il, lVrot St. Oodwrieh. Maw Iat. 1846.--- a 10 FIRE &MARINE INi4U111#( ; PW&NIX 1'11119 AMW HA9cK('..p.ny l.uad- Era Wd,.r,WnMJ ,n 176• ons rl the oldrt, 1-jir 1 and net olaro,o'Mada. HORACE HORTON, Agent. PRrtTIN,'Itl, INStTRANCF. Company otl (1mM, Head 0011" lomno,. JI 1■k, rnN ee Cm,ntry and May IT,f-ir. Mann, rub ekes a ■■law rte Wo any ghee ■nl clay ono. • RORACR ROATON, _ Agent. MONEY TO LOAN $2Q �1Mon eoodrero..,conlyp. able lel Jilt. f� l roanmetotwelr, ysu� K. .torr retai.rd o, ■Asa nr� HORACE HORTON, Agent. 3ndereh.tianh31 s1.IP6a. aw7e v1dalia Qrgaa nd Mefodens t1. At.t.tatbtntak,T.rn9►. MutrAi.d Oatalogues Free. ADD81;,S-ft,S• Williem Toronto. W. 7. Cor, Esq.. GoderieIt P will seg 04 eatal.rwn.s : 1.6• New MarbleWorkE Pollock's Block, 73%V&x0A awn, L�:01&lagm. AAM,)Lnlston UONITMRTM, 1AHAiwIrNRR, Table RI trap• PMt, k+. jomM, of every ddeerft. tion one of wnlitasaship, rofw[aMd on in" flrA ar at the lowest prier M rb111•" seal reAvetion ma'fear e. All aeMsto paret.etly attended tn. Designs of Mars- maets ase.1' leaf t1. /Ns at Ibe gbep; 44ft;es,Tiee. to. 1146. Wily 17T to f. I_. r0 ildr. AoeNr rrltbs (•. tr. llw.rr 1.11 04WO69 w■tv qmd• F. 0 rA C W � H t:0 eat A If'a. tV►1t10a LIQtT 4*0 TA.Tg",.QO■S. Plcrl'a[E twkei it every alike and in all kinds of weather. Porcelain or Opalotype Pictures, and TRIP HELIOARISTOTYPIA, OR '-BEST SITN PICTURE,'' Taken in various styles from gl 56 to 020 III (adored in wave eoloon or oil. Ufle.Sise Phnl.graphstaken onressobabl. lerms--e,fhrr Plain or minted. j PItiCF.8 LO W Eli thws elsewbere in 'Canada. D. CAMPRF.I.L. I -OPdericb.June 1e 1?66. sw27 auction alt Commission. (40DE11ICH &CI INTON I :wtat)1 f IahPa1 1 F•f,'i 2. ALES of Y1.crllanw.ne Prnpenv ie Cn)wiea •erY tlt u•lay, •.d a Clmtw every Wed• Moary, .d•an-1 on PrnPrrty L I on.m'ale sear ro,1 ph.mpt rrtnre. re.rM Fuse Mark anJ oter Sales punct Ally Wend-' ,d to tmurhaar tM r ouny. O. M. I RU EMAN'S Aura— Man. w61 Market rquare,O.deneb Ilionny to Loan on Real FAtRte. APPRAIOe aR to the Tram and lin Comp.n) al Up err (;.rad.. U. Ad.'1'tUJEM AN, w6J J Marke18yul"'Cod•neh. ` Land 000n, ;k ] RIOISTr of Improved Fwma ad W,kL Lead h,r,al., O'M.TNUEMAN, l hrlprkh, N■rcb I, MI. 1A rkrl ?gran MONEY TO LEND. ON FARM PROPERTY, AT FROX B TO 10 PER CSR T. Q} Costa wase moderate. J. PRANGS C. HALDAN, Solieittor, &a., Ka RI oc Oodprieh, April, 1867 y wllll D.QA'Ya 1867. 'iTTiNCS of the ween] Division Courts for the Coontg of Hotfoot, lot Division, G"dprich, Monday, 27th May. a 6th " Clinton, Toswd.y, 28th '• send " Besfotth, W.dnatay 29th at Downej s Iinlel. I lift " Ai.deyville. Thorsd•y, 30th May Ali '• Enter, tWeirdq, Ist Jana, at Drew's Holed. Tth " Bay6dd, Monday, 3rd Jon@. 6th " Dungannon. iuesdaT, 4th " AlIt o'elo•k a. a. *eeh ,fay. Friday, 29th March, 1867. (81) 8 BRADUG[I, J. O. C. Howe■. 1 re miff the @hear• to he a free appy r .wterwd In the Divivk.n Coact Roomed Bonk, p.rrmanl to the 8talow. DAN. LTZtRY, \\ - �I .lark of taw Pesow, Hoorn. 04N of �M(lee I of t be Pear, asderlelq flab Maratha, TMT. 1 1.17 TI -12 OLDEST ESTABOWMENT ZN '3A<O W.N_ MARTIN A X &N N 11WIS To INVOR1f flip of n CNTAY 1 erg, that be is till ahls to sell hew sdsb, at flafrtew tastes, ju „tans er roittt Mir Athols nn Ki -911"a street, Opposite ass rM NMol. Ooblyb. Give ►im • rR. otdwwb, Oot• 1, 611414. s411w2t 11 The Greatest Possiblo.Good to tho Greatest PNsible Number." GODF.RICH, C.W., FRI1) AY. MAY 10. 1867 �llt3{UCS$ ]�lrfitorj� �1• iEl E V J1 N A II A Permatnent Building & Savings Society Di••�Z,IrI i`Z1Y. I INPRILPARCu TO YASa Dyl Fililp Ek VBCfiANICIL, ADVANCES OR APPROVED REAL ESTAlE ! Ise2riAT,f1- r,eb,C. W. , SITUATE IN \CFSI FRN CANADA, Rooms over) rr.F.Jordan'aDrurtl:ore ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS kT Teem sxt,.,tod wuh-t pain by ser ,•I Amou.t regrind to .•deem seek $100 Waroace.l in .........sees S serves. to 7r . I6 Iean. rrcot,c . n ` ]t J.... ry Ilia., ben &-I IV 1l ,$)aWe haK• early ............... s e e s ........ Ittob .6J _ _ if yarab4 yearly ................... ........ sees. 16A6 Ie.14 19.31 1,..- I proft- uunsto rat.. 3, e, a. 1,w 1l Y.... DRUGS DRUGS! The.b. lnualmeou a., lo.le • S.aA.ng Fu.al, whets say, ofr t\s Innrp.l, as well u the "he afM Lt.., to Int t the ester .n tel lM term nf, •eel upon abs d.M a snits) wipr.l reset. 'f be full ! amount tel tM Iwo .s ad n■«d, anJ w•' a+}un.nt a relal.ed itefon the ed a( tae ►W -year F. ..W may be .wade iwa.,v..rs, Wood n,trrM I. allowed thsnfur •ser ase nor m.T bo IWeem- eJ .n f•dl .l awes r„sr 11. b,»n.wr dr.•ee, oneq ut.Wr tenni F,VY z STFIL''fLT N(iD ERAT E. Far further,•lwe,afw., •PWy (M' pawl) to HORACE HOR.TON E.On.. 6ppra,ser to the43omety, GoJ•ticb. J. HF.RBF.RT MABUN, Seerelaly and Tre.murer, Toronto. w38s.14 F'. .T O ZFL D A Ise. Galerieh, 16th Oct.. Ia66. II'' �L� 1i t'(d i s, ii i R•yII)gsl t, OA�D CLEAR"1111; BABE C.err-J►.t..3,..-.,Ce1wr•rA , DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST FOR ONE MONTH, th.leni,aadies"alerel AT THE C}F'NUINE DRUGS CAwarwaf.,Pn/wrov,, EMP ".I, r.-th. and Ns,l Ilrmshew ORIUM19 H0RSE.h0.1TTLE MEDICINEF OARDtNat aD$.at:..aD. GREAT RED�QCTIOH IN PRICES ! Orler.from g1aJP .....a pandsdlyatsade. . u fi,w.r 7rvl. P,.r... � N.K.-Ph yoa.ilse's Pnsenptioa raref.11) Lae. u.<.,.Ir 0 od•neh J u 10.1661. LIGHT I LIGHT I LIGHT 1 C A S II CUSTOMERS. ROCK & COAL OILS, -• o'�•'- BumingFluid,LampOils.TOE BALANCE OF OUR WINTER STOCK WILL BE OFFERED AT For Sale by 1 tf.a.n..J.w.17.lhar F'°BO so. MARVELOUSLY LOW PRICES ! BI�TLWAD HOTEL, GODE1UCH HOSKE R.a•PRO PRIIFTOR.d .H: CLOTHS AND TWEEDS AT COST. 4.0 t,..<1 ems; --X at verloek u, the H.rbul DRESS GOODS AT COST. and Lske Haror,-grwA Ihrh•,do, UaNsse ■N Kure ,W.lk..26-oo. B,fuJ$sred•y l.tegle SHAWhS AT COST. 'y..IwrNed..36e.at. .1.61x1. yjj, PRENCE of 02111GE MOTEL MANTLES AT COST. `- DUNGANNON. SKIRTING AT COST. A )tr.ACll, HOOP SKIRTS AT COST 1 I�VvlTrlet.>r. Am,J..,x.wnm,aV,.,nr 'h•.- IN- amt jr-d N- "�—kt•r w.1o,, Splendid Bargains in Boots and Shoes ! -- -- - AND CANADIAN HOTEL, ]READY-MADE CLOTHING! CLINTON. C. w. - I/tllmilrai%• ..,.....--.seer I*eftsau tar M fill"d did f LANG LBSLIN gs/l�alt0� Arse-- tete/ Yew d•e+f fr*-' lees (r.ta tygwsesa that sees Y fie" l 4 M... f«•..r• wwu.' Mr, •■r Iter 6wn s e■a 1 wear, whlRAv memo area r atmf Itla love .did.' • Per above„ ase trot• sets war •set kis t►m4 v wets ne. lO•a L.r.,aa Tben'e b..1 hely.♦ w• W ark r 114/1.1 tewwce ........ «-ease rM•.e ; sees.. he 'a .w twy "11,11eL Wolf Not" - W-07 A.. ' f1,b awe Art 1st. owmb-..Fd" wed te.'a Ya. W, m. r•••" ■s sewer r use. r...-' seek, hs based IM .r.rs -- wbse. r VOL. 5. --NO. 73. tar'`'e"', at. Nrr roses Waley N.drtt,ryb, • -be., hr I &, .w a ; He noddte evened was Solid- ase NJ" M Ar.ire, ver., to I /ase. aye M uY. .eat M ■u.• W rove ..r W ; JOHNWow N f1. ■ R R I /f I ^ 1 .•r pe I<ee4 wWrlaAm• eM'R bre ea .■■Ir W4 J O H��i afYaa fMNa •`S J CHEAP CASH STORE 1 °"..tMawr'.1►t,vba•.be,r..r'w+y' rove. arae eA t I.esaw•. u,p. Mk. a ,mala' M hfa rasa, wser•.,..."I leer. Ing. • r,ady aoWoee has lave THERZ HAS MIT ARRIVILD •large seat Jta-larM..'vuYru•sgNete•krl'aWr 'leg -t a rtnret of /ser Laa.e, ata. CHOICE SPRING DRi GOODS ! or t,rys dnm:nie, wl' et.r Crew,* ad sere; wharh have been Selected weh tee ateloat cue. ■Y wnfl bawl -e Mews was, W MIND me•, et 'fhe IraJ.ng norrlt,esul tM lead. may uuw ba hdw.; see■ .n gree, venv'♦ sl hu eat■Wuhtem He dub be •'.e I.,* ow'n few aay, kat sea blm .s determu.e l 1e pl,a.e, it poeubk, ahke r em areas pnce, Qaahty ,oJ gaud g.rd.. Anal w hu ft Shur lar c.rrvr. •taws banner .1.'11.1 gab bag 4•r• even Me l.ahsw Yla�^'fir �ta� to any lootow r■ than dora.a-, be on./d.■t1, setae Onreh. eolw,talhe puWic te..0.ad..omme has Mows. teat Ve•a••ae. which a tom Prfled m pan as fellow., •.a: Pa1NTS.$1mcolors, on rsawsaw variety, evealv'r.,d%F.rgwee■Artdriernsawnas . hum 10 t. 20 <e■u par yard. Aird Olwker a' t►. M•rr•e d.1a to a)r OW ald FA Ly URIC+aO wUDtl, "4_01V soliped A-16. er•...e.w r..s, oaHawar.e u Ub ..eLgnttl in Style and qu.loy, riser 16 r• ser Five bit. .V.W e% '." ma era e{ ase war .• d M nuste, IW Y•^L .ed at_ 1•USTKE4 AMD COSUKOS. La all grad-, ta„g Le.sw A♦ b1. b -laved sed pass.. BLEACHED CO-rTONS very. •try Ow.p, r.dierf onit., w,' hl, persayl are" wl• awdry wr4 f... 10 east. N• T.N. !)sera ase hate•. se re.hy as sew ..W br•r sew W IDE FACTORY O(Yr1'ON9, from 6 nun wawp 6,1 by.; per yard. d..m�e■se A. ase atrleo. sad ,.rov,�.■ . A/ R?• Neveral bake celebrated (:saadus Mesa. sear. i ' f.ctl d C, tion. lo, rek, enter by the bilk r A waft rya To we" ew"lw.eo Y.66rsksrk and .1 ala d. at w\elenala pease•. M- Shaw,s, (ibining 14" Life.., ase: M anttes, Towsh.g Id at. Vlach. W..deaa Iver lake, (b• ttarsevnne, 1b., pf.erhre se O. Mesa, RJAwaa, T'..'ed. lbe' rsr. W See wr ..e lade p., be 1.-r. fewer J `all. Crwf... do* -4. Velceu Ono,•g 11 N a'Aa ..r. Straw .• V-, hr ample 01an Lame [ t1. kY lWoa M,g►, bin, me and use Iral kOLIA, ow 01, r a - I -la sea yes. . yes L -o., A. &onkel. Rvpu• Shsnmg iii4rrrraY Shla'Dg tllripes der Ire Tants tapbbesa the'rg.aa hr womf T 'k w am maw Caen- r ►n Tnmmmga PI■onrlt powtW try hldy ear; Hu -k la Cwn..as Uer part rte, 1 -h.$W ask ser r b -P Hupp Kk,rn Window Hollgnd. U.-7 dn'aer arseb tea. 0101 local -&,des sen se ....•a ke-ate., dee. lay lafoole An. Bak. of Bram lMgo .D both cwt- 1.14 hee. WM. OAx./TTna, err) cheap. A•ba,e. Ma,rb tr, t@F). MIS and CaprSy in77Fildlless,,Variely ! object - C L U 1 Ll 1 N G . Tse great object in the •decal»• of 9" sensible Ming, tmgbt to be, the develop• 0(-,'E � i. [L,� asenl-the espooaraa,- o.' that tv"ie"We Cr R O CJ F RI E S ! canine, the mind. And its trot tiltivaOo. If-plow•J. of Mueeresid. Sugar. rrry , h -P 'abae ,t -Hb those aural sod rcrifiues pri.- 10 Barrels M-th-al Retnwd Sugar, Very ciples ah,eh shell shed ■ predose 11g ht along cheap. ser pilgrimage •neandwe n • wNeum• te dw' 10 Barrela Broken Lwf and ground Sugars, eealad of the blessed. very cbrep. lfduestion is aur a maltsr ofd.►lan or MetU A. iesmear Mock of Tr, vmt~,.g :- -of were Arithmetic and Urammsr. The Young tlybw, Confront, mind has a tbirsting fora koow1dge, y taw• Japan,-Rnoohenr, plant bas for .0 ,light, and a t or irf r Twankay, P.ho•, da., je. necessary to the one cam se in the ether ner • like polity governs in Nth.` kl.gIoto. 00NIVIR of various qualiteia. "t ce, the reason that nno Is gifted with Csn■wn Viso pr eariwit or an impelling spirt to mak a., Rt•ea Mn.ford sed to �, sod it in wby It is so •titre to Rot Snun chddhood. Mgo fhb rW,�'• }ia,eocea Youth r ackonwledged to be the true seed f 1W of t we utesch of Ids, for then, u the mind, r to speak, u a Pink ova Pt."h plastic State, ready to reeaiv. whatever am - S. oma. Pd, prerior may be gives t• and the pnoelplew l:ohawn L.quorwe then implanted, like the IlogM•d•r•i s sled N raps N eat meg. ere sure to spring up and bona, lh•it trails M^lanae• ver., Ye,• dee. either to huuor or dishonor. TOBACCOS OF ALL GRADES i Haase, it is the defy of arety pitons, and of Wary idstreace of youth, to bwaeo Law Field ad•Gardea Seeds. . be pl-as in that traillal suit, mad. ase mi•• chref, 16t tba4 deWol taw• god. Be IY' The principle oflhe Bu.ioer u , rook or who JAIME"* to -give malreetims show M Produce. imbued with sprit of Ifuly Wei\, leo Ibaa it rho, -absenber bass to aekaewiedgs hr any fool he ►aa a duty to feah•t[a Swell I►ank•!. the •,ser dativnnc recon....... nr.i. him by the (is" Aothof of salad 4ead, •ed f- t\. paw, and bop- the eoodect of Ike be highest embitio• should be to sed W1 bus,ner sea£ to town will be 1.,h r to mem mind to bosom• in all things wortbl d the, run nnord f:von. No eR.rrt will ba Spared W Uifer. sell Oow Ovale cheap. . Tl. U. B reparltler. -��- let - -tenet ••a uwla:fled Wo the part of ,■tend. &:)- now,Wheat Tell" of cehlorsis Y bat. Tlllr,i •e„bl .nh.n,enl .seen, a1h...taw, l w -.,, tbn,l the ea.i.g wryfmpornset. A stoo eat in *low.ln�r,mr. ...rnt..l nrinr WHahinq t0 have our Stork greatly reduced before thearrival of our gnat. .Tau Sea Praneiseo Ralletis Of the 7614 6tH, - Spring Goods, we are note giving Decided Bargai la. JOHN He88ISo •hen the member of sacka received to be ROYAL U•AIpn .7.K HOTEL, 4 00-%rieb, Cmm•f of Market Sq, Gaal Wow 92,632 against 31,164 is the ma period LUCIKNOWp U. 11 1:;TLOIZ, AC UU. Street. lot Al,il, 1866, w29 of I.W. Si•.+ also fink of January last the GOnF.RICfI, Fehruarll5ta, lAii. 1.16 told receipts Lea "me" the esormoes JIMES CAMPBELL, Proprietor. 1 - - - amount of »7,131 seSOeks, wbich s is Ctreasm - O L O N I A I. II O U S E e of 638,897 socks olfen Compared with that DE.1T OF WINES & LIf11,7()1LN. mem date •f yin pwvi•es lose. A or. READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT THREE PRESMM ! "opo'"'01 "Oomiy is shown to have live. Gad Aetlxemodation for Traveller., The Subserib.+r hes the la t j L SAL •epo`ted N the •eta than, Hist 161,667 • -To- sacks. the vales of which is so dowel at tNtOn MTARl.lnO AND A7'rRNTtra eOeTI.RRe LOT H I N Gtr' S .T 1O G $ 11,851.646. neva exports at aoalp'nd Loe2now, 5th Mare6, ltl6t. .Ref in the C eanties. The beet gnetity of Goads m Every Sixty Student& with th"Lfe psriod o[ IAGZ we th se tier THE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOT EL r grcaL At the den refFrrsd to above The LOWEST PRICES in TOWN 1st. Sixty-five Dollars in Cash ! than der. Ghees vessels of the port al Ilam IBM 797rZ"M Re f}C•ll, examine, and judge for yourselves. Ametfraa money token of Aighw rates. 2nd. Fifty Dollars III Cash! I Francisco, ibe told toonatr amnntol (da ANOUS )Ginol/ D, Propr'te or. CHAS. E. ARCUIBALD. _ 61.0+63. Of r►... Vessels twelve sew,• 3d, Thirty-five Dollars in Cash ! Gr,drrieh, August 22W, 1868. awls y Irt,,drwg fav IJvevpe.l qwd theta far Now NO prop, will of ae &b oa the pert orthe TBE 'how* i1. will be diatribavd Proprietor of the •I,evw bawl to ander , K E R R BROWN & M AC K EN Z 1 E 1 r 'rSixty twely Added 10 these t►.re ..o abM the see il, 19ty whn ,awes. L�� his hover all the can fie regeirad b� the 9 • titer taws lot da of April, 186 T, pu•c►..r helve •ea•a tbaliaed bot hNa W"awf9, lrerslGar community. Gives bis' cal . of me, Fall l�oarm Aehnl•nhips is the baf w6icb cuµ likely will M •ag•gaj far' -April 11th, 1867. %12 II A lei I I. T O N, London Commercial College and Sewinwy. time mrgnw. The reports go to show J. D. CAMERON ANNO('FCE TO THR TRADE THE RECEIPT OF A PORTON OF THFIR BPRiNO .Lid distribution .hall aka place i nesediats. that the stock of Whet in the sane 1. ua• ! ly after roe% eoreeative sixty scholerlltiple mall lar e, and flat as far r it is at ng• w.. ta.., a. went, Tell C..T1.L To l t *�� IMPORTATIONS OF •re prtia4sed iw,sartoo mawnrr of which • P rrlt,e Bayq^Id RQWI 1 majority of the stndai.ts tbraselree eb.Jl ant •sf.rt.ioed IM y{•Id of fhb' ab�hg 111 1317 AarveA.iaeskdNsll Wrier ` r A n 1 � �j A n a rove, bead welch shall sea each alad►a the Ist of Janna tothe 30th Mage ,^ (f�resty kept by Mr, Lal,.) (J f1 L11 IIA'/ AND N L F t� I� (' R GOODS. there. I as rgrl thane• of ob t ow 1)00 barrel. of Flaw bad been W ped t\em. if '•ml watch ■1tladaN skeY, at tk. p CCONSTA NTL/ - head, she beat n( lAq-m, ° time, be absent, ha way a point any other direct to the New York mar vi(- Tara Cagan, hc. oral aA .,feet,- L enter, .ad sees own, a" such "nee .ere 1,61.1 w They wall ceotiar b open out daring the pen■M month, • very comyleto assortment o pesos to represent blm, a Rises It?olll.l all -1"m 1. Mare loop` to manf . Ooods soit.hl• for the r I�kt■ \r v .lab eouad.rable regularity by sew dared'p. Mro S. I . 1 I� ` JII� 7 I' CUMPi (TC . 66.0 1 Yompp•utstor m the market .,It do Both Baykld, M•re\ 6, 1 1.7 em f F i t ' • fill taws eantsd b the fallen of w aro P 1 1 � t(, {Q�l' �'RjQj (Q���(�� Y�y(I�t `� A) f A A D `V �„_, a ?a CwW/werelalRet4l.aalte\e1111;.Q + +a� ++ �••'•D +�'�+a++ M&MA) un rNW trw•.•;;es.d��..aaaesgrst sevtytrl Cash and rosea nn dealers art articular) invited to call sod inspect. jia11Ma7 Q■�■gtslt•t1 6for. a P 1 particularly flACTICAI BUSINESS COURSE Uamilr.m, Audi fir 1N67 wTW'$a J -- ORN HICKS, Proprietor. This is At. tea A veryimlinrt•.tehe+•use Y kat t.rrealand tr•t(. airy Haat ,a wool., l i (� U Y If!/ K 1 11. ,I, I2,'.l' : G..regta an in it. passage. A* I'I x n %..ad rh.rrr. .. moderate.. .,r Hve. LOWFAT FIGURES. gee '�ni 11 .w Murhetl. Nage Pruprtwbt. Ooudramagtw For Clrewhlr sats Order 1.f TR=- printed• the mode is whir► the Sinking F.N x10 H,wiSs. Horesa rd Carn.ee. far Nue .w UST xEatiYttD AT THE .r to ►• invested ver leA a•drlst Shorts; No 1I+i J (rear orclevel plesre slawarees vwMta ••dl wive T T C ♦, the intention w•4 se a toaster Of 'uoere., N -� C O L O N I A 1J O {LJ 1J �' J. W J O N E S I p•rehw English Corral.. Tile Dgleg•M•r 1:Maelp.l l.sn•na Cnrwteeri.l C.Ikte, however, ow evaded, b osern the t f HU resevoLL'RiQVIA.RRATET) WATCH M 8PNO STRe1:8RalliRTA, in ath. Invest W. g �r F•H style. Tbae . ,sets in shope• fl ish, Andgaalily'n •o &r td any other make of shins March 2'l, I ReT. 1.2 2mg -id Odle that lh• iae.wmwl SWISS, M MONEY TO LOAN is Amodea. La hitt they are the ladies Skin of the SeaaAn. mads to Preaf,@i.l or fklusas to d"ik». THE COLONIAL SRCURiTiEB COMPA g6T LADIES CALL AND EZAIt1INE THEM AT -- than seeking a sovinq of iat.tasel of do ASIA NY OF LONDON, PNOLAND,�t� �f (.renes b14er"a 3 r 2 ands pot fi ah. egg, HAVE a largo paount of =oder to Loan C. 19• ARCH IJDALL S- M lease as h0atlaiN I too r>roar"bg W the satinet of W Jaw 1140, upon the enty of iseprovee Farms for OsdeMrlsla, November 6th, 1868. 1.41 APPY to nearly bog the tires. Fire years, .poo the toast favorable rtes.,Y. C. CAMtttdN. • For arms sed •11 other information, appal to TO 461-01LB 1•�Irmf-Clrltret�l AI'1f1(�Ic Of Goderieb A emm" elwgrooe wbe but r MiLL1AM iNTRNIN, d TER taw tory serrates ebeekW .141 N k� Trgawver.Tnwr►iplfawastrm►, V ' people br setgng,twel•• psr .rt 00$$11 D•.gg'ann�. P. O. CLOTHING! -- Monty. The do.... . ted .Inca rto CHAR WM)iTT,Clintne. P esd milMy alsiod sgolsm taw A, LK Ro y, , Oodsrick. y G O TO �6.l this all rjnk1Aod. " r, wired W soaredj will r� r ",'•RIR`►'• 1 L ogan s Woolen Factory Store TAILORING pot pis." The dr,aa,' PENJ FRALiCR. n , alb a.wlwo r pant • RRNJ RI.I.101T, Margate. 1 > Whoa yeas will find a large •ad,oried tock of Filled Clothe and 8attrtts, Two•ds in gter D. 8 :to a Aa go the delighted i bel r they Wow• to themWt N. R. -Deposita weekend an seenent no 'Wioly alUaNf Htfa MofTSINCaNeTHANgp .. eetog. lot I ekep" a sand to thea prieeipal .l res tin" and ism wl aeaared R feilMrer bttw •..ars &et►►r1, let see apir •sen t►at L lbw cel' of6 .cowl w aaarm. White, Plain, Grey, Strlped sod Obeoked Wlne•ys, y Ise• gem••' b• b•• «hr .net tt)Y t.N twotee far pt p .4%omdeam. he, uwmsa d hr.owe sa Oade p•' •�' 4* Jsmesg3ra,ls6T. rb2todq A great variety e( all •nal ►ome•towde abetted ewneM, rase ward likewise `fell not be, aDtrleeeerau ower n.a-►.I cea)•wrataillgN.igbtrm' WHITLr, GREY, SCARLET tat FANCY FLAI'�TZLB. tbetiree►atweeglt to kit I..rew•en., b""s An sed t d...,' 464 t NHINews fwealli r Ww areMfrdib. ,fer �y ►� A L')T OF FIRST M AU ALA V KRTB, EIGHT TO N1Ntfl POUND• PiR PAiR illiberal isrove � w•�, ►•td vu ~ tMe. *� de, bene Isco •alsq Stocking Ywu, Fine Fingering Yarn; rieeey and Ca(nigi4� WeAYirel� 1 41. r� sen=ma:. wP,atf.g bat wNbnea u9•e9ea" • Id•ee FARM FOR BALD. Berlin Wooh, all in endless variety 6"I' t'.wJk« =f »:"•:� Cdar':": eletown r m,.iead tl�, kionalf, (X)2fTA1VTl1O At *am of twain` Thr"or ellb a eb.ies Aesn■tayA of ..twmt. artaere tM PrnNwa..\sMgs..rred.. Them as OIL i orrm4 OM to V reseal abase $I sOn•,.f "",04 don kAMsmeosssnwy•NweoamA0JrM:� e" wbI •sets •San" gp 044m: .OWNC ISO boom � I�..w, hdoq Cellan, HAndt FdRk, A4ius, Impaled W146 s, p.,..+pelf.. b� Gat N Y tyle Mw M rete s( M P■tsw I aMYbtoe• • r • n1e 1., bedsosl tr .Isl 1bM l Itad taw alum 1 toil■ (rem 1 of 1' 1WaMeg., d, \• stoves t• • eArr McMml b w carter a. t grevel rest, Pill i. MN A 'ifter KsadL-msd.9Mry esat tT,i.ees g Meemt •ad cbtldrese rlo.is •ad llan•kieg. 1 if 6166 bsrr'is I 'n. p•f�iewldwf • •i te • 1r••a elf 1 tI•It V ti6li.Ftet1. w - .• `AN *1 1a gad Yet taw. salYbar M smallest 40 es JJv�11[�N1 l)Y, THO1� L04A# . . b1neat tdkbaos0404it0111 � ea/ .t asea.essewtWra b.9sianaboo dpamp I^ i welaaeewe"sx...lrtMeeaa) .,eaN•�wrafeeewAesseosl. bad •n taw wb.w si We M% grfl • Odruse ideaeb 16, iMi. we 106 a.pbeaA•r, Is". 11 •111 { 1- AAJM dal .w11a1l"a" dngtgbt