HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-08-31, Page 13RUNAWAY TEAM INJURES GIRL, 14 Shirley Humphrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thus, Humphrey, Tg.ru, was shaken and her legs bruised recently when she jumped from a side delivery rake being pulled by a runaway team near the Canadian National Railways station last week. went over her legs but bruises. It was bejleyed were frightened by an freight train. The team The rake caused only the horses approaching bolted and was separated when it hit a sign post. Men near by caught the horses before they reached a river they were headed for. The rake was smashed,' DOON BALER TWINE w All Canadian Twine Manufactured in Kitchener Approximately 225 FEET PER POUND Pay Out $28 Million In Death Benefits Nearly $28 million was .paid out in death benefits- by the 60*odd British Canadian and United States life in­ surance companies operating in Canada during the first six months of the current year in the Province of Ontario, The Canadian Life In­ surance Officers Association reports that payments exceeded $27,700,000 in settlement of 1.7,896 death claims for the first half of 1955, On 7,113 ordinary policies, pay­ ments were about $18,701,000; on 7,126 industrial policies more than $2,201,- 000; and on 3,657 group certificated $6,798,000. The Association says that the in­ crease in the amounts paid in death claims were due to the increase in recent years of life insurance in force. WE HAVE A CARLOAD IN STOCK AT $7.45 Office a fire smoke than YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER A FIRE MARSHAL PROBES BLAZE AT KITCHENER The Ontario Fire Marshal’s is investigating the origin of which last week caused heavy damage estimated at more $20,000 to two King street stores. The fire is believed to have started- in the basement of Allan’s Store for Men and spread to Antell’s next door. Cause has not been determined. Bundles of papers helped feed the fire and build up intense heat, Kitch­ ener firemen said. The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, August 31, 1955 Fags ThlrteemONE LEG BETTER THAN THREE? for guaranteed t W» L September Meeting The Bluevale Women’s Institute will hold its September meeting at the home of Mrs. Stanley Darling on Fri­ day, September 9th, instead of on Thursday, This Will be an evening meeting. Mrs. C. H. Hoffman and Miss Emma Johnston, conveners for home econo­ mies, have arranged a demonstration by the Bluevale Bells "The Milky Way,” with comments by club mem­ bers. There will be a reading by Mrs. W. J. Peacock and music by the "Belles.” YOU* CAR'S PARTNIR IN POWER —Central Press Canadian Seventeen-year-old Janeen Wellenkotter of Woodford, Wise., proves beyond doubt that while it still takes three legs to make a milk stool, two of them can be pretty. Janeen, who has been a milk­ maid since the age of four, works on a one-legged stool.. When Janeen gets up, the tie-around stool goes along with her. The stool, lunda in Switzerland, has been in service for almost thirty years. FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 298 Wingham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing: Dudley E. Holmes „ Listowel / OBES Wingham Wingham Biscuit production soared to a i more than in 1946, record 115,364 tons in 1952, 55% 11938 output. For Tractors Guaranteed Workmanship. Goodyear Factory Approved Material. ONE DAY SERVICE VULCANIZING anew f BEFORE IN PLYMOUTH’S HISTORYI.NOW BEING SELECTED BY MORE CAR BUYERS THAN EVER KITCHEN—running water cuts kitchen chores—laundry and dishes aro done in half the time. BATHROOM—all the conven­ ience of a city homo to protect your family's health and add to your comfort. Why lug water by hand any longer? Install a Duro Pumping System now and enjoy running' water as you pay for it. Save time, save labour, operating costs. I, over double the BARNS—So much easier to water the stock... and so much extra protection against fire. Tl-54 BrassEmpire Mfg. Co. Limited LONDON CANADA / (local Branch Address) AS LOW AS 10% DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, too The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your com­ plete water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all buildings and the cost of installation. You can have the whole job done NOW—and pay for it over the next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of the cost of labour and material worked out on the EMCO Budget Plan. Then consider how much work it can save you, the extra leisure you can enjoy by installing your water system right away. Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay Ontario BRIGHTEST VALUE IN THE LOW PRICE FIELD . CUNNINGHAM MOTORS Personals Misses Foster and Hopkins, and Mr. Donald Darling, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson and family, of Drew, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold New­ man and family, of Harriston, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling at the week-end. Mr, Harry Darling spent a week in Toronto. Owing to anniversary services being held in Belmore Presbyterian Church, there will be no service in Bluevale Presbyterian Church next Sunday, September 4th. Last Sunday "there was no service in Bluevale United Church, Rev. R. A. Brook will return to his pulpit next Sunday, September 4th, after a vaca­ tion. The Morris Circle of the Ladies’ Aid of the Presbyterian Church will hold a tea and sale at the home of Mrs. Roy Turvey, on Tuesday, August 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sellers, Mr. Alan Breckenridge, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Bit­ ton and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie King, were among those attending the mar­ riage of Vera Mary Zettler to Ray­ mond Schmidt in Walkerton Sacred Heart Church, on Tuesday, August 23. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt will live in Bluevale, Mr. Schmidt being manager of the chopping mill here. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Fox, of Brussels, visited the former’s sister, Mrs. Alex McCrackin. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hoffman visited Kitchener and New Hamburg friends on Sunday. Mrs. Ross Douglas has returned to Toronto after a holiday with her sisters, the Misses Duff and Mrs. M. L. Aitken. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Master, of Tor­ onto, and Mrs. Olive London, were visiting community last week. Mr. Earl Brinker, Mich., was renewing ance in the village recently. His early years were spent in Bluevale. He was accompanied by Mrs. Brinker, John and Keith. Mrs. Donald Street, Linda and Julie, were visitors at the home of Miss Mary Duff. Miss Flora Stewart has returned to Toronto after spending several weeks at her summer home here. At a meeting of the Community Hall Board held last week it was de­ cided to further improve the base­ ment and to plan a concert for the fall in order to secure funds. Gallaher, of friends in the of Sandusky, old acquaint- Phone 148 BROPHY BROS. tee the reasons yourself in the sparkle of motion-design sty ling... in the glow of colour-keyed interiors...in the flash of thrifty 6 and V-8 power You’ll find’ thrilling beauty in the motion-design styling of this long, low Plymouth; In the trim, taut lines that stress its Forward Look. Or turn the key and let Plymouth’s engine whisper sof| and low. Then step on the throttle. Surely, this lively power is for you. Take in the glamour of Plymouth’s smart interior. You’ll find more "living” room than in any car in its field. To try the cal that puts a gleam in the eye—simply phone your Chrysler- Plymouth-Fargo dealer. He’ll bring a new Plymouth right to your door! WINGHAM, ONTARIO Raise School Age For Children in Turnberry Township The regular meeting of the Turn­ berry Township School Area was held at No. 4 school on August 25th, at 8.30 p.m. All members were present also Inspector Kinkead. The members of the previous meet­ ing were read and on motion by Powell and Kirton were adopted. Holmes-Kirton—That Mrs. Nora Moffatt be engaged as music super­ visor for the area. Carried. Mr. Hibma was present re - getting a permit for his child to leave school and was advised to see the Truant Officer. Powell-Holmes—That the overflow of children at No, 11 school be trans­ ported to No. 9. Carried. The Turnberry Township School Area Board has decided that on ac­ count of the crowded condition of the schools, only those pupils who will be 6 years of age before December 1, 1955, will be admitted to Grade 1 in the schools on September 6th, 1955. Powell-Hardie—That our area join the Howick area in the school fair. Carried. Holmes-Hardie—That the follow­ ing bills be paid: L. R. Greenaway, sidewalks, $160.00; Harvey Cook, cleaning furnace, $3.00; Allan McGill, trucking earth and levelling, $25.00; Beaver Lumber Co., paint and sup­ plies, $210.87; Huron Co. Library, $58,31; Huntingdon Laboratories, Seal- O-San, $146.77; Harry $16.00. Kirton-Holmes—That adjourn, next meeting call of the chairman. Hugh Mundell, chairman Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas. Elliott, labor, the meeting to be at the DRIFT 32 MILES, TWO MEN SAFE Two Toronto men drifted 32 miles across NOttawasaga Bay in a power­ less outboard motor boat and landed uhharmed at Meaford, 18 miles east of Owen Sound. Alfred Way and Anthony Picher said they left Balm Beach, near Mid­ land, in the afternoon. Their motor broke down and they drifted helpless­ ly westward. Nearing Meaford they swam and towed their 18-foot craft ashore and took a taxi back to Balm Beach. Building Supplies Tongue and Groove Ceiling Tile Gyproc Products Panelyte Full line of Trim and Molding Asphalt and Cedar Shingles Insulation Twindow, Pattern and Penvernon window glass Sash and Doors 2x4 to 2x10 all lengths Plywood products Plywood Sheeting Sash and Frames Pittsburgh Paints CAMPBELL -----and----- GORBUTT Sash and Building Supplies Edward St., Wingham Res. 840M Phone 1-J Res. 481 BE Goodrich * A * SAFETYLINER TUBELESS TIRE trade now. BIGGEST ALLOWANCE ON your OLD TIRES NO TUBE TO BLOW OUT FITS YOUR PRESENT RIMS COSTS NO MORE THAN A REGULAR TIRE AND TUBE Phone 84 Wingham: