HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-08-31, Page 10Tlie Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, August 31, 1355 Need Extry Strength?Meat Cleaver Used Departure follows altercation on street BRAWL EDITOR LEAVES TOWN Irate Merchant EAT PLENTY OF JHacJntyre’s Thread We’re in the dough all the time, but only because we kneed it WHEN YUH GIT TIRED OF CITY SLICKER BREAD TRY THE REAL THING MacIntyre’s Bakery We deliver to yore door DON’T DEAL WITH CITY SLICKERS! ■ BARTER AND TRADE WITH A LOCAL MAN YOU CAN TRUST! POLICE INVESTIGATING Softest Seats in town latest talkie PICTURES Usher in attendance Handy hitchin’ rail -No extra charge fer back seats □□□Vance's Apothecary SHOP DON’T JUMP IN SEND THEM CLOTHES to ^VmFage’s E'ER A REAL CLEANIN' JOB! e clean everything butV e clean everything but yore kitchen sink ! Special nttenshun to gravy on vests. Only finest quality acids and lye used. Watch yore fingers on our knife-edge creases. Powder stains removed, gunshot holes patched neetly fer small extra charge. Ef we cain’t clean it — it won’t come clean. DON’T LET THEM HOLLER We fix all types ot GIT A HORSE” AT YOU! arriages Whether it needs a bent pin, a piece o’ balin’ wire er.,a hull new engine, our meckanicks kin put yore gas buggy in shape, reddy tuh beat eny hoss in the country. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO LATE MODELS WITH STEERING WHEELS Hint connection with New Publication WINGHAM, Aug. 31—G. P. Dingle­ hoofer, editor of a new publication in town here entitled the Slab Town and Rowdy Hill Bugle, left town hurriedly this afternoon after an al­ tercation on the main street with one of the merchants of town whose identity was not disclosed. While details of the incident are sketchy, eyewitnesses say that Dinglehoofer was last seen heading for London three feet ahead of the meat cleaver in the hands of the unidentified merchant. Town police are investi­ gating. It is thought that the incident is connected in some way with adver­ tising appearing in the aforemention­ ed publication'. Where Romances Start!! Please check shootiri irons in thuh lobby Not responsible fer children left after 24 hours Relax here WHILE DODGIN’ SHERIFF BRENT Alias the LYCEUM THEATRE If’n Yore Figgurin’ on ft better, amble down to •W an’ git fixed up with a ring OUR FLATWARE guaranteed to flatten yore bank account WEDDING RINGS in thuh smart noo ball and chain pattern LADIES’ CORSETRIES Spring steel ribs or genuwine whalebone. Easy to tie up—no winches needed. Yore hubby will do all the work. DIAMOND RINGS thet look a hull lot bigger then they reely are GOING TO THE BIG SHINDIG? GIT A NEW PAIR OF BROGANS FUST! Furniture Styles gurries •4i>€- iiitimiiiitnitiiitihiiiitiiiiiHinHiitiiitiniiiitiinthiiiiituiiiHiiiiiHiiniifimcHtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OUR PUMPS DON’T NEED HANDLES THEY SLIP ON EASY-LIKE iitHfiiiittiniiiiiitHitittiitiinttiiiniiinHiiiiHiintHihiihfiiiiiiiitiiiiiihiifintiiHiiiiiriiiiittniiiiHiiiiiuinhuiiHHituiitMitHibniiti Shoe trees trimmed, pruned and cut back W W DRY CLEANERS HITTING THE TRAIL? In danger of being run. out of town'? yourself up with a bedroll from our complete selection of KENWOOD BLANKETS at the Walker Stores Limited Fine Indian Blankets Idee! for home or sleeping out. No extra charge for Indian, or, if yuh want to be on thuh side of thuh law, we have Mountie blankets, too. DRYGOODS A SPECIALTY See our new stock of ribbons, yardgoods, and • staple lines. COMPLEAT LINE OF STAPLE GOODS IN STOCK LATEST FASHIONS FRUM PARIS FOR THE LITTLE WOMAN. Bring in yore wagon and let’s hev a look Ask fer Gentleman Jack at R^eavie Motors Verne Dunlop’s THE MAN TO SEE FOR ALL TYPES OF BOOTS and SADDLE $&&& -WW SHOES W’W • IRISH ER SCOTCH BROGUES YORE CHOICE WATCHES biggest turnips hi town fer thet opulent, man­ about-town look DOODADS OF ALL KINDS fer gifts, presentations, weddin’s an’ other occasions SHOTGUNS FER RENT white er reg’lar iniiHnniiiiiiiiiiinittiiiifitnittittiiiiiifiifiiiiHiiiiiHtniiiiiiiiittHHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiHiut . EF YUH CAIN’T SEE better be seein’ us. We’ll fix y’up with a noo pair o’ specs that’ll bring everything up clear. Hamilton Optical Companya FT /-» o-r r O • uiinuuuiuiu „ i „ LLaSV A Cl 1X1S . Pay c:ksh down and nothing a month for the rest o’ yore life. • J ....................................................................... .............iliiiiiiiiniiiiuuitiiiiiitiiii .........■■■■..........iiiiiiu............hiiiiiiiiikii............. Everything fer m’Lady at the BON TON SHOPPE The Latest in Bustles fer thet forward motion look I Assorted Fruits in HIGH BUTTON BOOTS FER THE FASHUN PARADE Boots fer ridin’, walkin’, dancin’ er loafin’, with er without hobnails Heel plates, toe plates, arch supports er spurs installed for small extra fee If’n yore kids' feet er actin’ up THEY OUGHT A BE SHOD VERNE DUNLOP St Yore feefs best friend fer yore new spring bonnet Foundation Garmints fer the new dior look Frontier Days Special — Ladies’ Suits at Half Price 10% cut throughout the store for three days on all summer and winter goods. l We also hev a Compleat Range of Ban jangles and knicknacks such as purses, costume joolry (costumes extry), these yere noufane-lod NVTXMV stockings, children’s wear and flore coverings. Seo our Selection. B e“ jxxiahm ON SJHOPPE Dll rdnn LADIES’ and rUlUUll b CHILDREN’S WEAR - 1 Otherwise known as .......