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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-08-24, Page 10
WESTERN FAIR PATRONS The- Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, August 24, 1955 OUTDOORS Ul G FOR y POWERFUL k GETAWAY I Western, Fair, London, September 12 to 17, will be the Mecca for all Wes tern Ontario families this year. Visi tors are promised the most outstand ing show in history, from prize live stock housed in the most up-to-date livestock pavilion in Canada, to the greatest six day grandstand perform ance Western, has ever offered its patrons. An added feature for the first four evening grandstand performances, Monday to Thursday inclusive, will be Priscilla Wright, Canada’s 14-year-otd singing sensation, who will be directed by her father, Don Wright, London, founder and director of the Don Wright chorus of international radio fame. Nine George A. Hamid and Son all- star acts will be headed by a brand new Grandstand Follies, presenting ‘Stairway to the Stars,” a brilliantly costumed extravaganza with a line of lovely talented dancers. The famous J. E. Ranch Rodeo will provide thrilling grandstand enter tainment Monday and Tuesday after noons, September 12 and 13. The great Futurity trotters and pacers will take over Wednesday and Thursday after noons and a brand new rodeo, the Cherokee Ranch Rodeo, will provide more thrills Friday and ternoons. Afternoon grandstand for adults and 50 cents with two reserved sections at $1.50 per seat. There will be a bargain 25 cent admission for all children Mon day afternoon only. Evening reserved prices are: $2, $1.50 and $1. Saturday af- prices are $1 for children, Bl Li TOP ALLOWANCES MEAN ROCK BOROM PRICES AT Phone 84 Wingham Building Supplies Tongue and Groove Ceiling Tile Gyproc Products Panelyte Full line of Trim and Molding Asphalt and Cedar Shingles Smith-Chapman Rites At Whitechurch Whitechurch United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Sat urday when Shirley Marguerite Chap man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chapman, of Whitechurch, was united in marriage with W. Ross Smith, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph E. Smith, of R.R, 1, Wingham. Rev. R. A. Brook, of Bluevale, performed the marriage ceremony, and Mrs. Lance Saddler, of Holmesville, was soloist, singing "The Wedding Pray er’’ and “O Perfect Love” to the ac companiment of Mr. Elwood Gros- korth, of Whitechurch, at the organ. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a waltz-length, strap less gown of embroidered nylon sheer over satin with a full skirt with a wide flounce of ruffled -nylon tulle and an small embroidered shoulder jacket of nylon sheer. Her fingertip veil of nylon tulle had a halo set with rhinestones and pearls and she car ried a shower bouquet of American Beauty roses. Miss Doreen Chapman, of Aurora, was maid were Miss and Miss Mary Lou Jamieson, of Wingham. mauve ballerina-length strapless gown of nylon lace over taffeta, with a very full skirt and small shoulder jacket and a large picture hat. Miss Wright wore a similar gown in powder blue, and Miss Jamieson, the junior brides maid, wore a gown of pink nylon net over organdy with a headdress halo of pink roses and net. They carried fans of pink Briarcliffe roses. Mr. Hartley Smith, was groomsman. At a reception held parlors following the bride’s mother received guests in a turquoise linen gown with white ac cessories and a corsage of yellow roses. The groom’s mother assisted in a rosewood gown of French lace over crepe with matching accessories and a corsage of cream roses. For her wedding trip to Montreal and New York, the bride chose a dusty rose wool suit, with navy acces sories and a corsage of pink roses. On their return the couple will live in Toronto. Guests from a distance at the wed ding included Mrs. J. W. Shoebridge, Washago; Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Rich ardson and Mr. and Mrs, S. Baker, of Aurora; Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Smith and Frank Smith, of Markham; Mr. Alfred Wright, of Richvale; Miss Agnes O. Farrell, of Toronto and, Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Smith, of Tillson burg. Few hunters have even a vague idea of what constitutes fair game, especially birds, in the opinion of Conservation Officer G. C. Matthews, Guelph, of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests. Too often shot down, he says, are birds such as the Arctic owl or big hawk-birds which help keep down the rodent popula tions: mice ruin fruit and other trees. "One farmer recently told me about hunters shooting at a small wood pecker in his woodlot. It managed to escape only because rifles were being used instead of shotguns,” said Mr. Matthews. "At this time of year when birds, rabbits and other types of game have difficulty in staying alive, they should be protected rather than shot at by trigger-happy persons who call themselves sportsmen.” 0 - 0 - 0 c At historic French Lake on the northeast side of Quetico Provincial Park, 90 acres of forests are being developed into what will be known as the French Lake Camp-site, accord ing to an announcement by W. T. Foster, District Forester, of the Ont ario Department of Lands and For ests. An area of outstanding beauty, with sand beaches and tall pines, and steeped in the history of the settle ment of the early West, the new park is on the route of the "Dawson Road.” The ruts of the old portage wagons are readily visible to this day. 0-0-0 Applicants who plan on tree plant ing projects next spring are urged by the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests to file their applications as. spon as..ppssible, since applications are treated in priority according to th® date received hy the Reforestation Division, Briefly, regulations provide that the owner of a parcel of land of at least two acres, exclusive of any area oc cupied by structures, may obtain nursery stock from the Department for establishing, replenishing or en larging a wood or »shelter belt. Charges are at the rate of $14 per thousand for Scotch Pine and $10 per thousand for other species. Appli cations must be made on forms ob tainable from district or other De- partment offices. o -o-o For vacationers who like to get back off the main trails, the Depart ment of Lands and Forests has set aside seven parks in this part of Northern Ontario, ranging from five acres to 1,300. not yet been developed but eventual ly will be equipped with the usual camping ground facilities such as tables, benches, fire-places, toilets and garbage disposal units. Most advanced park is at Mesomikenda Lake, already extensively used and accessible from the Gogama road. With an over-all area of 412,582 square miles Ontario has an area ap proximately four times that of the British Isles. The population of Ontario is in cess of 5,100,000. its average yearly increase is 119,000, or approximately 10,000 monthly. I r P.C.A r. j •• • • MO&U.S' ! ; i in Jze Five have of honor and bridesmaids Joyce Wright of Richvale, Miss Chapman wore a of Tillsonburg, in the church ceremony, the w »WM»« >«» ! a » Relieve That Tired Feeling by CORRECTING those FOOT TROUBLES SEE MR. S. LINDER, of Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, who will be at my store to give relief to those suff ering from Foot Ailment, TUESDAY, Aug. 30 WEDNESDAY (morning), Aug. 31 CALLAN SHOES Phone 12 .... vZ S w Wingham Feel Free to come in and see us' RCAF Career Counsellor F/L “Pat” Patterson and his staff are making a special visit to WINGHAM THUR 1 SEPT. He will be glad to see you and answer your questions about a career in aviation and about Air Force life. Drop in for an informal chat at Wingham Town Hall IAJ it Now’s the time to find out what RCAF Aircrew training can mean to you. There’s a future for you in aviation! I I I I I I I I I J I I • I I J I I I I I I Royal Canadian Air Force ^1 ■ only Advan«® Sol® T.«k®> HoH®« «« ell9‘bl'> * seoah £o<h “tt’s^rdoy, Sep.. V. All tickets n’1us* be, , j’w which will be mad® “• ,oh® eligible J®, d.owwh^^,., in front of Grandstand. 2^rodeos .Harness .Racing' Ghildrerfe Midway / 4 Horse Show &rtt£e, Show* ^-Mthere’sa western air at V* • » SEPT.QI^toOJ iL©M©©IM,Ont. W. D. JACKSON, Manager / & & * r\i 2-55 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: MASON’S BOOK STORE - STATION CKNX More'extras"at no extra cost in the great, big, beautiful EXTRA FEATURES AND FACTS DODGE Car“F”Car“C” ■ OVER-ALL LENGTH—Dodge is longest in its field!207.4"198.5"195.6" FULL WRAP-AROUND WINDSHIELD—wraps at top and bottom.Yes No No ADJUSTABLE HIGH-LEVEL VENTILATION—fully adjustable.Yes No No ELECTRIC WINDSHIELD WIPERS—constant-speed operation.Yes No No REAR VENT WINDOWS—better rear compartment ventilation.Yes No No RESISTOR-TYPE SPARK PLUGS—last up to 5.Jtjmes longer.. Yes No No ORIFLOW SHOCK ABSORBERS—self-adjusting, automatic.Yes . No No DUAL-CYLINDER FRONT WHEEL BRAKES—more even braking.Yes No No BONDED-TYPE BRAKE LINING—longer wear, more grip area.Yes No Yes INDEPENDENT PARKING BRAKE—separate braking system.Yes No No “SAFETY-RIM” WHEELS—help hold tire on wheel in blowouts.Yes No No total 11 «1 - DODGE Sure there’s a difference in low-priced cars. And with Dodge the difference is all, in your favour. For Dodge at its price is best in every way that means value. Dodge leads in size ... with the longest car in the lowest priced field. Dodge sets the pace in style ... with the balanced beauty of Motion-Design for The Forward Look. Dodge,gives you new “highs” in performance, too . .. with the long-lived thrift of the PowerFlow 6. Or the dynamic power of an advanced-design Hy-Fire V-8. Your Dodge-De Soto dealer will be happy to- arrange a demonstration drive. Best of all, he’s offering trade-in allowances that mean even bigger savings for you now! Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited ,S.— If you’re looking for a good used car, see your Dodge-De Soto dealer’s wide selection of DEPEND ABLE USED CARS. ) Insulation Twindow, Pattern and Penvernon window glass Sash and Doors 2x4 to 2x10 all lengths Plywood products Plywood Sheeting Sash and Frames Pittsburgh Paints CAMPBELL ——and—— GORBUTT Sash and Building Supplies Edward St., Wingham Ren. MOM Phone 1-J Reg. 481 Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor //What a thrill! Bony JJ? limbs fill out; ugly hol- / lows fill up; neck no longer scrawny; body loses half-starved, sickly "bean pole” look—because of poor appetite due to lack of iron. Thousands of girls, women, men, who never could gain before, arc now proud of shapely, hcalthy-looking bodies. They thank OstreX Tonfo Tablets. Contains iron, vi tamin Bi, calcium, IIclpi build blood, improve appe tite and digestion so food gives you more strength and nourishment; helps put flesh on hare bones. Get Lovely Curve* As you gain pounds, you gain lovelier curves too. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets today. See how quick they help build up body •'skinny” duo to iron deficiency. "Get- acquainted” size only 60<. At all druggists. They’re tops in town for value! WinghamPhone 710 raft ibm L