HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-08-24, Page 6A A HI l /' j Page Six The Winglmm Advmico'Timea, WWncsday, August 24,. 1955 COMING EVENTS OAIID OF THANKS —Mr. and Mrs. Mel Keating and children have returned from a week’s holiday at London and Leamington. FOR SALE MALE HELP WANTED JBEST CUNNN1NG REACHES now ready, bring containers. Govenloek Orchard, one mile north of Forest 17:24* GARMENT DRESSER wanted. Apply to Templeman Cleaners, phone 323. 24b BOARD WANTED ROOM AND BOARD wanted foiT 5 _..... _ day week. No washing. Apply to ..............,....... ..........■...........I Mel Nicholson, c vi Rural Hydro PRICED FOR QUICK SALE: modern | ^tetrie Commission, rangette, Beatty washer, chest of drawers, kitchen table and chairs. Phone 532-R,...................................24* PINING ROOM SUITE for sale Rhone 57. 24b | I _________j 1 wish to sincerely thank my neigh- ENTERTAI^IENT' at the ^ Palace ^ours, friends and relatives for all Gardens, Formosa, for Sunday,! the cards, letters and flowers sent August 28. The Ranch Boy Trio, i to me while a patient in Wingham featuring Reg, Bitton, Bossy Mann and Ernie King._______________24b BIRTHS hospital and also Victoria Hospital, London. Thanks to the doctors and nurses of both* hospitals with special thanks to Dr, Corrbv-Mrs. James Soli. —Mr. and Mrs. E. Edighoffei' are visiting in Toronto for a few days this week,% —Mr, and Mrs. Norman Geddes, of Toronto, are visiting with his sister, Miss Anne Geddes, this week. —Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Young and baby Susan, of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs, J, H. Sloan. CHINA CABINET and buffet for sale. Walnut veneer. Phone 721J2. 24b REAL EF1WYE E()R SkkLE MODERN DUPLEX “"for "saleTTwo large apartments with Oil Hot Water Heating, garages. Excellent location. W. W. Armstrong, Sltuter St.. Wingham 27:10:17:24* I I I i 1I HOGAN In Wingbam General Hos- | pital, on Thursday, August, 1R 1955, 1 to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hogan, R R. 3. Lucknow, a son. GIRL’S BICYCLE for sale, balloon tires, good condition. Phone 265. 24* CARS FOR SALE | 1 GROCERY STORE for sale. Approxi­ mately $1,500.00 stock, plus fixtures. Good location, living quarters be­ hind and above store. Will rent or sell. David Draper, phone Wrox-1 ctor 109. _ 17* I Wingham General Thursday, August IS, CARDIFF In Hospital, on 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. John Cardiff, R,R. 1, .Listowel, a son. IRELAND-In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, August 19,1955, to Mr, and Mrs. David Ireland, R.R. 2. Toeswater, a son. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Russell Girl­ ing wi%h to express their sincere thanks to the many friends and nei­ ghbors in Wingham for the kindness and sympathy shbwn them during their recent sudden bereavement. Special thanks to the Salwtion Army and all those who helped in any way. 24b —Miss Doris Fells, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Tlios. Fells.” —Miss Marian Oliver of visited with Dr. and Mrs. last week. —Mr. and Mrs. William Brantford, W. Davis Sones, of Hamilton, spent a few days with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charlton, Josephine St. 1950 AUSTIN for sale, low mileage, new tiros, now battery, lady owner ggpo West. Apply Bert Armstrong garaga, 24b j MODERN 2 BEDROOM bungalo on Josephine Street for sale; basement, furnace, double garage, large lob Apply to Lovell McGuire, Surge Dealer, phone Wingbam 593, 24b SCHILL—In Wingham General pltal, on Saturday, August 20} to Mr, and Mrs. James Sehili, 1. Tees water, a daughter. Hos- 1955, R.R. 1949 METEOR SEDAN for sale. Heater, radio and snow tiros. Low mileage, good condition. Phone 601-M. Mrs. William G. Keith. .24b j FOR RENT LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 20 PIGS, 7 weeks old ‘fur Side. Ap­ ply Stanley Marks, phone Whigham, 729J4, 24* NEW”"MODERN service station for rent, ideal opportunity to get into business for yourself on a very reasonable basis. Contact Supertest Petroleum, Wingham. phono 2SSW. 17b McLEAN In Wingham General pltal, on Saturday, August 20, to Air, and Mrs. John Wroxeter. a son. Hos- 1955. McLean, BONDI In Wingham General Hos­ pital. on Sunday, August 21st, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bondi. Wing­ ham. a son.: FOUR ROOMS and three-piece bath j or whole house for rent. Apply | THOMPSON—In Wingham ; box 66 Advance-Times. 24b i TEAM FOK. SALE—Apply to Rossj_________________________________- Button, R.R. 4, Wingbam. 24* • APARTMENT for rent, three rooms" | and three-piece bath, Apply Joe'! : Clark, phone 229. 24b | WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING , ^VANTED T0~KENT — — ASSOCIATION - —R^M’^ELF-CONTAIN^ heated j ’'Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Insemination service for all ’ breeds of cattle. For service or in-- formation phone Clinton 242 may 139rl2. collect, between 10.00 a.m, on week days and 9 30 sum. on Sunday's. i MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT apartment wanted. Apply to Derc.the Comber, Bobcaygeon. Ontario. ; 10:17:24* ’ or Mild- 7.S0 and 7.30 and 9rrb HOUSE WANTED TO RENT, on ■ East side of the town. Apply to Box ■ 65 Advance-Times, 24* < SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pump- • ed mid cleaned, quick service, ail work guaranteed. Apply to Louis Blake, phone 42rt\ Brussels, 15rrb GROUND FLOOR apartiuen: wanted with hath, for elderly couple. Phene 541W. 24:31:7b LOST A PAIR OF DARK eye glasses m the Presbyterian Church cr en the way heme. Finder please call Mrs. Scottie Rc&s. phone 52SW. 24b family, of Marmora, are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Bateson and Mrs. J. H. McKay. —Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wall and Mr. of Paris, spentNorman Pottruff, Sunday with Mrs. J. H. Sloan and her mother, Mrs. Robinson Greenwood. —Mrs. Keith Tomlinson and child­ ren, RobeYt and Sheila, of Oakville, are spending two weeks with her par­ ens, Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Hamilton. —Mrs. Geo, McKay and daughter, jJlary, of Hamilton, visited over the week-end with her brother, Mr. A. C. Adams. Mrs. McKay is remaining for a few weeks. —Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tiffin and family, spent Sunday at the lake with Mr. and Mrs. J. Reavie, Linda and Mr, Smith. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred White and family also visited there. 'CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the /lowers, cards and expressions of Sympathy shown to us during our recent sad bereavement Special thanks to Dr, Palmer and the nursing staff.—James Stokes and family. 24* —Mrs. Geo. Egleston of Calgary, Alberta, is visiting at her home with her brother, Mr. A. C. Adams for a month.i Perrin J. F. McCracken, Mrs. Mc­ Cracken and sons, John and Harvey, of Kingsville, were in town over the week-end. —Mrs. Norman Elliott and son, Douglas, have returned home after a three weeks’ vacation with her mother, Mrs. A; DeLong, of South­ ampton. Karen is visiting this week with her cousin, Miss Judy DeLong. Here is Priscilla Wright, Can­ ada’s 14-year-old singing sen­ sation, who will be a featured attraction at four evening per­ formances of Western Fair’s outstanding grandstand show this year, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only, September 12, 13, 14 and 15. Priscilla will be directed by her father, Don Wright, London, founder and director of the Don Wright chorus of international radio fame. W. J. Abraham Passes in Mitchell —Mrs. Isaac Davidson who has been visiting her niece, Miss Rollo San-^ derson has returned to her sister in Orangeville. —Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Aitchison and children, Joan and Judy, of King­ ston, are spending their holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Horace Aitchison, Victoria Street and with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Campbell, at Point Clark. -Early Friday? morning. Aug. 19th William James Abraham, eldest son of the late John and Mary Jane Abraham, passed away’ at the Ruston 19R\ to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomfc- > Nursing Home, Mitchell, after a long son. a son, tbaby expired shortly? pHuess. He was in his 72nd year, ■after birch.> In 1909 he was united in marriage to Amy H. Lomas of Hamilton, who ; predeceased him five years ago. He "resided in Huntsville for a number SMITH-CHAPMAN- In Whitchurch'** Bourlamaque, United Church, on Saturday. August; at Kirklar.c. Lake, ‘\kh Shirlev Marguerite Chanman,' two daughters, Helen daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gloss^^f East O^mge^ Chapman, WhrtechurcK to W. Ross ‘ ct Mt. Mr©, JcsexmS. isA R.K. X. TOnshsm. ‘ ,Tto. ^7 3180 ■'.umve.. Mrs. Margaret Willits, or : Mrs. Edgar Higgins, of Brus- rssmas EL. Tumberry Twp, and ©f Fargo. ND Ore brother Wesley, pnedteeased him in ij "" _ _ .... . General Hospital. on Monday. August 22nd.»; —Miss Maxine Cowan of London, spent one week of her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cowan, Centre St. MARRIAGES —Recent visitors at the home of Mary Ann Cleland were Patricia Car­ bin of Toronto and Elisabeth Tuer, of Mitchell. —Mr. and Mrs. Howard Packard, Elizabeth and Jimmie, of Longueuil, Quebec, visited Brophy over the Mr. and Mrs. Jos. week-end. Foxton, of London, a month’s holiday with —Miss Barbara is spending her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fox­ ton. —Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie and Master Eric have returned to Port Colborne after having spent the past two weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McKenzie, of the Bluevale Road and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wilkinson, of Teeswater. —Mr. and Mrs. George Coulter and daughter, Miss Mae Coulter, and Mrs. W. J. Coulter and Mrs. John Craig returned home on Friday from a ten- day motor trip to Rochester, N.Y., where they visited with friends. DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal..’ Telephone collect: Palmerston 12SW» i Durham 398 or Wingham STS. GOR-! NOTICE TO CREDITORS * DON YOUNG lAMPTED. Irrbj ha^ ---------;-----------—--------------- ------------,^the estate of RICHARD JQHNBTON.y1 24 HOUR SERVICE on all furnaces Gate of the Townshin of Morris, in mid oil burners. Apply Hiseler & the County of Huron, Farmer, de-1 Son, phono 426. 15rrb ceased, who died on or about the ’ •---------------------------------------------------’ Tenth day of March, AD.. 1955, are« IF YOU are buying a car on time.' notified to send to the undersigned. payments bo sure to get our rate on or before the 27th day of Angus© on the financing end insurance. Our ,'195-5, tell particulars of their dsims service is complete and inexpensive, in writing. Immediately after the aaid 'yryp. Phone now mid ask Stewart. A127th day’ of August, the assets of the.! Scott, Phono 293. rrb’said Intestate will be distributed ---------------------------------------------------.amongst, the parties entitled thereto,a SAVE. MONEY by using our storagehaving regard ©W to cdsims of which!! kickers, available to town and; the Administrator -shall then have« country citirens. Sell your cream,«notice. !! eggs, and poultry to your Wingham | DATED this eighth day of Airgust. ; hce On-operative. Ask for your Cash Ca r n&cc ' I On* 'PfflWs Wmlt-rv i!** ’‘1 ij CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON. Nn Wingham, Ontario. d W: ■Solioitors for the Administrator. J 3®:17i2.s4b >! CRA Co-operative. , ■dividend for Eggs, Poultry and1: Cream. It pays to deal with the Co- operatives in Winghsm. iSrrbij SAWS SHARPENED-hand. band sndl{ circular saws machine sharpened.} May bo left at Alexander's Store, p _ ___ lawn mc^rs^arpened. Apply ‘"rtsims to H, L. McGuire. Belgrave, phone: ..... . . .'634,12, IS’1:15“'-Ag ;! sgarnst the estates ef EMMA ROSEi- ................TA DENNIS late ©f the Township of .! Turnberry in 'the Cbunty of Huron, ; Housewife, who died on ©r about 15th iiday of November 1954 and WALTER. DENNIS isle of the Township of Thrnbeny in the County ©f Huron, Labo-urer. who died on ©r about 15th ; day ©f July. AJD 3955. are notiSed *’to send to the undersigned ©n ©r ■ibsfore the third day cf September ’tell particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said . third day of September the assets ©f 24* j ;ho said testatrix and testator will ' be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims ©f which, the executors shall then have notice. WANTED HATCHING EGGS WANTED by one of Ctoada's largest. and oldest, e.s- J tab-lished hatcheries. Eggs taken I every wook in the year, Big prom- i inm paid, For full details write Box ■’ number 5$ Advance-Times. ISrrbSl 2 USED BABY BUGGIES wanted, in good tendittom Contact Mrs xu.dert Gteitsma. R.R, 1, Belgrave, phone Blyth, BUSINESS OUTOKTUN1TLES fLAWLEiGH Business now open in Huron County. Trade well establish­ ed Extellent opportunity. Full time Write st ©nee Rawleigh’s Drr.t H-45MS9, Mohtreal, P.Q. £4b START YOUR 0M7N BUSINESS. Eu- i©y u steadily mc.wAs.iug income. If you like meeting people wrttc for fwo booklet and details FAMTLEX. ISV* Delorimier. Montreal. 24b ! NICHOLS - IRWIN—In Mtn: i United Church, ©n Ssturdsy. A- , Ms Hinxbeth Irwin. .; gh'ter and Mrs. A Russs '! sen < i of Stratfc I a I [IMrs. Jas. H. Mitchell were conducts m FOrmer Resident Rann xuneral heme. Stsnaay 2 it S ssxm, by the Rev. A • Mrs. James ,H. Mitchell, of Toronto, BtcsseCs United Church.^a resident -of Wingham for many by the Massste Brethren. years, died suddenly in Toronto East ziaoe’dh Hsmilten Cteme-1 General Hospital on Sunday, August 21st- She was in her 78th year. Born in South Shields, England, the daughter rhinabeth :'i Canada in 1887, She was educated there, ’! married there in 1909 to James H. iliEtchell. h£rs. Mitchell was a resi- -Mr. and Mrs. Carl McKay and —The August meeting of the Wing­ ham C.Y.O. took the form of a picnic and social outing at Goderich beach on Wednesday evening last. Members wound up the evening by attending a dance at the Goderich Pavilion. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS of the late Thomas and Sisterson, she came to settling in Toronto, and was SPENT 22 HOURS IN STORMY LAKE NOTICE TO CREDITORS s • ALL PERSONS having claims against 1 TRIUMPH TR.2 SPORTS CAR. Stan- 'the ©state ©f EdwSn X Mason. tate efl dard Vanguard and Standard Tbwnship Ctf East. Wawanssh fiwsr. ■C'.vmb.int' quality and per-1 the County Huron. Farmer, whfej ■fermance with Jw jsrter and are real ijdjeS ©n ©r about the SSth day e.f; ‘'April, AD-. SSNs. are nntified te .send.5 ta the undersigned ©n ©r before the tenth day ©f September. AJA. particulars ©f their claims tn! Wraling. Immediately after the sard! tenth day «f September the assets cf« the said sntest&te wEl be <disiributed;! amongst the parties entrtted there!©.; te.cr.ej1 makers for Dealers There i may be a Frattctese epparturuty mJ your area-. Write Ste&dard Motor; C©. Ltd... The ESisabc-th Wuy, 498 Evaus Awr.ueJ Toroute 14 Sib J’’------ ------ w -------* -------------------------------- ___________ ________ __________1 having regard only -to tSsiteSs which "Binger Sewing" Centre____________jthe s'jmdhts’l.rairtx: shall then have for Wanghani and dirtrtrtt as :■ notice- and service reprcee-ntallve. Train- DATED this ■eighteenth day of August- Ing provided. Salary ©.'.mmis- ‘A!D. IS5R 'Sion.' BxteXknt benefit ■and ^AWFV>RD & HET'HERINGTON pos^teitty tee prwottesa. ApspSy”' Winghass, 'OnteeSa Geo. Hendensch.. &S OAthr.g ’Ter-; BX:cit©r$ ter 'She Admin-.st.rxt.rtx rate or ©SR MMM BETTER 'YOURSELF NOW CARD OF THANKS --------------------------—j---------------------- The.Big Sneeze August . and September are the months of the big sneeze — emanat­ ing from thousands of Canadians who •suffer from hay fever. The ragweed plant is the culprit responsible for most of the misery. Its tiny pollen grains fill the air of every province except, perhaps, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia claim freedom from the weed, other areas, many municipalities provincial governments carry anti-ragweed programs which have resulted in a greatly reduced pollen count. In many communities, the chemical weed killer 2,4-D has been found an effective weapon against ragweed. Spraying large fields of the pesky plant has helped to stifle the big sneeze and make the summertime more pleasant for everyone. who In and out GODERICH PAIR TOPS AT LOCAL TOURNEY I The Wingham Lawn Bowling Club held a mixed doubles tournament on Friday evening with 34 rinks playing. Bowlers taking part came from Clin­ ton, Goderich, Seaforth, Hanover, Harriston, Blyth, Lucknow and Wing­ ham. The winners were: First, Mr. and Mrs. Price, of Goderich, with 3 wins plus 24; second, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. | French, of Wingham, with 3 wins | plus 18, agg. 46; third, J. A Wilson | and Mrs. Joe Kerr, of Wingbam, with 3 wins plus 18, agg. 39; fourth, C. Draper and Mrs. Elliott, of Clinton, with 3 wins, plus 17; fifth, E. Downie and partner, of Harriston, with 3 wins plus 12; sixth, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Browne, of Wingham, with 2 wins, plus 16. UPWARD TREND FOR COUNTRY SEEN IN BANK NEWS LETTER Signs are not wanting in Canada that the set-back of 1954 has been overcome, says the current issue of the Commercial Letter published by The Canadian Bank of Commerce, that the country’s economy is once more moving forward, and that the momentum is increasing. There, now seems little doubt that the forecast of a gross national product of $2514 billion in 1955 made in the budget speech last April will be achieved. The advance, although broadening, is still, however, uneven. There are important areas, particularly of sec­ ondary industry and export trade, that have not yet felt the stimulating influence of the vigorous recovery in other lines of activity. Also, uncertainty lies ahead in the shape of the outlook for crops, labour unrest in large and important sig- ments of industry, and U.S. decisions in regard to marketing abroad its farm surpluses, particularly of wheat. The upswing in business activity in the United States in the past few months has been quite remarkable and should favor Canada’s trade in that direction. The prompt measures taken by the U.S. administration to stabilize the economy and prevent a run-away boom are also reassuring. Prices in Canada have been fairly stable, and consumer buying well maintained. Savings continue to grow, and debt is not of unmanageable pro­ portions. The Canadian capital expenditure program for 1955, issued early this year, called for an outlay of about $5.8 billion, or $310 million above the 1954 figure. The recent mid-year forecast increases the earlier estimate by - $146 million to almost $6 billion. Most of the increase is accounted for by reappraisals for capital expendi­ ture in government departments and in government departments and In the manufacturing sector — largely paper products and non-ferrous metal products. In addition, employment, industrial production, the*construction industry, the National Accounts, consumer credit, foreign merchandise trade, balance of payments and foreign ex­ change reserves, and the agricultural outlook, are all touched on in this issue of the Letter. Weddings - Funerals PHONE L 9 s .—Oettetu Freer, ■CaanfliKEL When. tedl-rad of Hurri- etne Ctonde was making 15-fbot wwes ’On -the north shores of Lake Oat-firito, Gerda Weber, a German .teaaigremt, was in the lake water batStag for her life. She had gone Jot a swhn "“just far fun” at Scarboro. OhU and Z2 bauri later the lake threw her, exhausted and -nearly '«»• eoeorficRW, cm the shore at Mhakm, a boart IS ate OtataM. ROTARIANS PLAN MILDMAY FROLIC Mildmay Rotary Club will hold its annual frolic in Mildmay Community Centre on October 19th. President Howard Johnston said tickets will be sold for chances on a big draw in which 40 turkeys will be offered as prizes. Taxi and Car Wash Located on Josephine St, North of QNJL Tracks CHARLIE LEE, Owner Desirous of setting up Territory Agent in Wingham Area. Write Box 65, Advance- Times. Specialized business TRAINING • Practical Instruction In all Commotohd NubJootn • Courses Approved by the (HbMhMt MlilhW $oboob Aimoftlntton Modern IHunlvmtmi TWW MM BaUa WRM 0WM WUBIWR « GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE East Street OnlfttUi I'hmtc 4S3W