HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-08-10, Page 8The Whigham Advance-Times, Wednesday, August 10, 1955
You will be
News of Belgrave
Bly th, Auburn Guild Ladies
Are Guests of Trinity Group
•L ’ J
. :-a
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Well, it probably doesn't matter since they
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If you want your pullets to develop uniformly, to
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SH UR-GAIN Super Growing Mash is the way many
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surprised at the economical cost.
The regular meeting of the Women’s
Guild of Trinity Anglican Church was
held at the home of Mrs. Clarence
Wade, on Thursday afternoon, Aug
ust 4th, There were 36 present at this
meeting when the Guilds of Blyth and
Auburn were guests.
The president, Mrs. Clare Van
Camp was in charge and opened the
meeting with a hymn followed by
prayer. Mrs, M. Bradburn read the
Scripture lesson. Regular reports were
read. Mrs. VanCamp extended a wel
come to the two visiting Guilds. The
next meeting is to be held at the
home of Mrs. Richard Procter.
The roll call was answered by the
members donating a tea towel. It
was agreed to ask the A.Y.P.A. if they
would like to Sell Christmas cards.
Mrs. D, Philips gave a piano solo, a
reading was given by Mrs. T. Cart
wright, and a cornet solo by Joyce
Procter, accompanied by Mrs. Law
rence Vannan. The topic about “Hol
land before the War” was given by
Mrs. B. deVeries.
The meeting closed with a hymn. A
bake sale followed with Mr's. Wm,
Brydges acting as auctioneer. Grace
was sung and a social time and lunch
was enjoyed on the lawn.
Mrs. A. Nesbit moved a vote of
thanks on behalf of
Guilds to the Belgrave
Knox W.A. and
The regular meeting
an’s Missionary Society and the Wo
man’s Association of
Church was held
noon, August 3,
The president,
man opened the
welcomed their
Band and Baby Band
mothers. The worship service was
taken by the Mission Band with its
president, Patsy Logan, in charge and
opened with the call to worship,
followed by a hymn. Members then
repeated the Mission Band Purpose.
Scripture was read by Karen Ander
son. Treasurer’s report was given by
John Campbell. The roll call was
answered with "Where you have been
on holidays”. A Psalm, read by Barry
Logan closed the worship service.
The following program was given:
piono solo, by Linda Coultes, piano
duet, Margaret and Ann Wightman, a
cornet solo, Ruth Michie and' a read
ing by Jean Hanna. Lloyd Michie and
Ivan Wheeler took up the collection
and Patsy Logan led in prayer. Birth
day greetings were sung to several
members. A hymn was sung and Bar
bara Krug led in prayer.
The W.M.S. then held a short meet
ing which opened with a hymn fol
lowed by the Lord’s Prayer. Secretary
and treasurer each gave reports.
Visits to the sick and shut-ins were
reported. The president, Mrs. Edgar
Wightman welcomed all the mothers
present, also Mrs. C. Krug and Miss
Agatha Coultes from Nanaimo, B.C. A
card of thanks from Mrs. F. Cook was
Mrs. James Michie was the leader
for the study period, entitled "We
Must Share.” She was assisted by Mrs.
Stewart Procter, Mrs. Harold^ Proc
ter, Mrs. J. M. Coultes and lllrs. E.
Wightman. The meeting closed with
a hymn.
The W.A. held a short meeting with
the president, Mrs. George Michie,
in charge and opened it with a hymn
and meditation on “Send the Light.”
The treasurer’s report showed a bal
ance on hand of $474.63.
Serving of lunch by the afternoon
Auxiliary closed the meetings.
Mrs. David Armstrong has returned
to Dundas after spending two weeks
at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Armstrong and
family, of London, visited on Sun
day with relatives in the district.
Club 20 held its annual get-together
at the beach at Point Clark on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hayter, Glen
and Darlene of Varna, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ander
son, Richard and Nancy.
Visitors over the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. John Anderson were Miss
Minnie Anderson and Mrs. John Gor
don, of Weston, and Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Anderson and family, of Tor
Mr. Jim Brydges of Ridgetown, is
spending a few days with his mother,
Mrs. Thomas Brydges.
Miss Mildred Thornton, of London,
spent the week-end with Miss Joan
Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Ansley and
family, of Thessalon, spent a few days
last week with relatives in the dis
Susan and Irene Jones, of London,
are spending some holidays with their
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. John E.
Mrs. David McLennan was in Tor
onto last week attending the funeral
of her brother-in-law, Mr. Raymond
Darby. Mrs. Darby was the former
Minnie Walker, of Turnberry.
The harvest is almost completed in
this locality.
Miss Wilma Johnston spent the
week-end at the lake.
Every Canadian, at birth, becomes
the inheritor of 45 acres of his
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There are over a million square miles
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long to the people.
.Wingham -
Head Office
Phone 152
500 Greenwood
GE. 3368
the visiting
W.M.S. *
of the Wom-
Knox United
on Wednesday after
in the church base-
Mrs. Edgar Wight-
W.M.S. meeting and
guests, the mission
and their
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