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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-08-10, Page 5
|T * I WHITECHURCH Honor Bride-to-Be The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, August 10, 1955 •Page Five the Annual August Layaway SALE! Boys' and Girls' Warm Snowsuits DESIGNED for RUGGED WEAR 100% NYLON WARP FABRIC i.' SNUC FITTINC AVIATION MEUMLT 7 /j 659 Each WATER REPELLENT loo NY LON WARP :& J.00 DOWN Holds Your Purchase ONE PIECE STYLE Sizes 2 to 6X \\ ) WARN. QUILTED KASHA LINING WOO L INTE R LINE D K-A SNUG ELASTICISED WAIST A 11 i $ I Wj !»» j-® Ready for Chilly Blasts Ahead .. with all the features that assure your little Boy or Girl stylish pro tection from Winter's worst storms. .<1 I X Choose From 4 Practical Colors: • Navy • Red • Green • Brown <€1 h $>?<:■<<- >$■ :&:■ 7 r *I Mail This Coupon [ Walker Stores, Limited I Please send me the following I snowsuits at $6.99 Name ............ Quantity Size Color 2nd Color Choice PULL LENCTH TIPPER THE STORE WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES FARTHEST. < lddreia ............................. J Caih ( > Char»a ( » O.O.D. ( » | % WROXETER NOW.. <warm air heating engineered to meet your . home-heating requirements New ESSO OIL FURNACES years io pay Low monthly installments' Backed and guaranteed by Imperial Oil Limited AlWAYJT LOOK TO IMMRIAl FOR THE BEST Powered by the famout 1SSO oil burner tervice-proved for all heating ••• ••• •.............•• INSIST ON l$$O FURNACE OIL POR COMPLETt HEATING SATISFACTION Wingham Metal Fabricating Phone 760 Wingham About eighty ladies gathered in S. S. room of the United Church on Thursday evening, when a miscellan eous shower was held in honor of the approaching marriage of Miss Shirley Chapman. Mrs. Millan Moore was in charge of a short program and several humorous contests, and then little Miss Janice Farrier, with ‘'Master" Dianne Coultes, little bride and groom, drew in the nicely decorated wagon, with its load of prettily packaged parcels. Miss Chapman thanked the ladies for the pretty assortment gifts, and the ladies served lunch. Charge of Services of Rev. W. J. Watt had charge of the services in the United' Church and at Bluevale on Sunday, and will also be in charge for next week, after Which the services will be for two visiting Sundays. withdrawn and three the week (Intended for last week.) Mrs. Alonzo Sparling, LIstowel Miss Hazel Sparling, Wroxeter South, have returned home from an enjoy able vacation in Detroit, Kingsville, London and Seaforth. Mr. and Charles Bodfish and family spent last week-end with their cousin, Miss Hazel Sparling,- at the home of Mr. John Hupfer, Wroxeter South. (This week’s news.) Miss Hazel Sparling spent part of last week with her mother in Listowel and returned home Sunday with Mr. John Hjupfer, who spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walter of that town. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McGee and family, Wroxeter, have returned home from vacation at Bayfield. - Little Michael Stewart, Harriston, is visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Clark, Wroxeter. and Crop Report Light rain fell in some sections, of Huron County this week, yet in other sections it is still badly needed reports il. R. Baker, Associate Agricul tural Representative for Huron County. The harvesting of grain is nearly-completed in all parts of the County and reports indicate that early grain gave excellent yields and late oats considerably less due to the dry weather conditions. In the south end of the County, white beans and corn are still suffering from drought conditions. COLINTON BY-LAW LIMITS OARAGE, SERVICE STATIONS A by-law was passed at the regular Clinton town council meeting regulat ing the number of public garages and automobile service stations in Clintoh where gas is kept for sale or stored. The by-law limits the number to 16. At present 16 are in operation, with two non-operating. This by-law Was one of six intro duced by Councillor Bert. Gliddon, chairman of the by-laws committee, and all Were passed. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Art Scott sons, from Midland, spent end with Mr. and Mrs, Lome Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Catton and daughter Marjorie, of Grimsby, visit ed on Saturday with Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt, when they were on their way to their cottage at Point Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Scott and child ren and Mr. and Mrs. .George Walker and Clarence, attended the Legion picnic at Kincardine on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson, of Forest, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allin Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith and family, of Kitchener, visited on Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston, and Dwight Smith, who has been here for the holidays, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMichael and children, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnston and daughters, of Bayfield, visited there on Monday. Mrs. Mc Michael and children are staying to visit with relatives here this week. Mrs. John Morrison and baby son returned home from Wingham Hos pital on Thursday. Mrs. J. Burnet, of Owen Sound, spent last week at the manse, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. N. Cas well. Miss Annie Kennedy is haying a week’s vacation and is with her mother, Mrs. David Kennedy. Miss Margaret Taylor left on Mon day to spend a few weeks at the home of her niece, Mrs. Morgan Johnston, of Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rintoul and children- visited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mack Car diff, of Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs. George Caldwell of Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Caldwell, of East Wawanosh, visited at Mr. Rintoul’s. Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher, of Kitchener, and Mary and Sandra Fisher, who had been visiting last week at Kitchener, also Mr. and Mrs. Tobi Jantzi and family,, of Milverton, met on Sunday at the Fanshawe Park Dam and had a family gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Elliott and children, of London, spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, and with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stokes, of Turnberry. Mr. Stokes has been ser iously ill for some time. Mr. Ross Smith, of Toronto, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. -find Mrs. Russell Chapman, and Mrs. Chapman, of Aurora, has been visit ing there during the past week. Mrs. Jean Kernahan, of Vancouver, has been visiting during the week with her sister, Mrs. Reuben Tiffin and Tiffin relatives in Kinloss, with Morrison relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter James, and Leonard, spent Sunday at home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Finlayson, of Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moggach and baby spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pratt, near Tillsonburg, and little Bonnie Lynn and Paul Moggach, who had been visiting there, returned home with their parents. Rev. and Mrs. C. D. landport, who had been their cottage at North with E. Wawanosh friends on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buckton, of Lucknow, visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buckton and Miss Marion who had been visit ing here, returned home to Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore, Stan ley Moore and Mrs. Arthur Moore visited on Sunday with Mr. Arthur Moore in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Arthur Moore is spending a few days this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Dickson, of Belmore. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mitchell and family spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and Charles, of Feversham, and Miss Janet Candler, of East Orange, New Jersey, who has been visiting with Thompson relatives, spent the week-end at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss and fam ily, of Plattsville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beecroft, Ron ald and Kirk, attended the Legion picnic held at Kincardine on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Coultes and family, spent Sunday with relatives at Elmira. Miss Agatha Coultes, missionary at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, is visiting at the home Qf Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Coultes, and with her father, Mr. Robt. Coultes, and other relatives in this district. Mr. Chas. Shiell and Mr. Jack Step hens made a business trip to" Toronto on Monday. MS's. Jean Fox, of London, and her sister, Mrs. Jiarold Cook and her sons, of Blyth, vjsited pn Wednesday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Purdon. Mrs. Robert Stewart and Mr. and Mrs,’ David Moffat and family, of Langside, visited on Sunday at the home of the former's brother, Mr. Donald Martin. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Siebert visited last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Thompson, after visiting with Siebert relatives at Windsor and Shiell relatives in Lon don and St. Thomas. Mrs, Vipond and daughter, Miss Margaret, of Atwood, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Deacon and five children, of Guelph, spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Currie. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shiell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Teams, of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thompson and family of Preston, who had been visit ing last week with her mother, Mrs. Arthur Moore, left on Thursday to visit with Thompson relatives at Cale don. LLASHMAR ■ ■ ■ I ■ and Roy the 31 ■ ■ Cox, of Wel- holidaying at Bay, visited B B 1 B | I CLINTON, ONTARIO Next to Clinton Community Park — Open at 7.30 First show at dusk. Thurs., Fri., Aug. 11-12 “Here Come The Girls” (Color) Bob Hope Arlene Dahl Sat., Mon., Aug. 13-15 “At Swords Point” (Color) Maureen O’Hara, Cornel Wilde Tues., Wed., Aug. 16-17 “THE COMMAND” (Color) Guy Madison Joan Weldon Thurs., Fri., Aug. 18-19 — Double Feature — “RED PONY” (Color) Robert Mitchum Myrna Loy “Pride of Maryland” Frankie Darro Peggy Stewart Cartoon and News at each Per formance. Children’s playground, two shows nightly rain or clear. Children under 12 in cars free. ■ ■ ■ I MacDonald-Fox * A quiet wedding was solemnised. at the home of Misses Isabel Fpx and Olive McGill in Blyth on Saturday,. July 3Qth, at 1 P-m„ when Letitia Georgina Fox, of Hamilton, formerly of Whitechurch, was united in mar-’ riage to Thomas Lorhe MacDonald, of Peterboro. Rev. Glen Campbell, min ister of the Seaforth Presbyterian Church, officiated. The bride was becomingly gowned, in a pale blue shantung two-piece dress with hat to match. She wore O corsage of pink carnations, Mrs. Roy M. Patton of St, George? sister of the bride, was her'-only at tendant, wearing a pale pink silk jersey dress with navy blue accessor ies, with a corsage of white and yellow mums. The groomsman was Mr, Roy ML Patton of St. George. Luncheon was served to the guests- immediately following the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald left on a short honeymoon after which they will reside in London. POLICE PROBINGGODERICH THEFTS * Provincial police are investigating the theft of machinist tools and 2C gallons of gasoline from the Goderlcl Alfalfa Mills at Carlow. Entrance to the building was mad< by smashing a rear window. Police are also investigating the theft of two coats from a car belong ing to Douglas Cahoun, Sheppardton, which is in the same area as the milL Llashmar Drive-In Theatre LISTOWEL Turn at Armouries on Hwy. 88 Tues., Wed., Thurs., Aug. 9-10-11 “On The Waterfront” (Adult) Marlon Brando Eva Marie Saint Academy Award Winner—Mar lon Brando, who played the role of the ex-pug who broke away from gang domination, won an Oscar for the best actor and Eva Marie Saint, who appeared as his waterfront girl friend, was named the best supporting actress. FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 LAUGH NIGHT! All Cartoon and Comedy Show Com© and bring the kiddies Sat., Mon., August 13-15 “The Black Knight” Alan Ladd Patricia Medina Tues., Wed., August 16-17 “SECOND CHANCE” Robert Mitchum, Linda Darnell Thurs., Fri., August 18-19 “Ma & Pa Kettle Back On The Farm” Percy Kilbride Marjorie Main Cartoon, Added Short at Each Performance Children’s Playground 2 Shows Nightly, rain or clear Children under 12 years in cars FREE! Genuine “Davy Crockett” MUG OR BOWL with every $3.00 purchase of gasoline at Huron Motors Ltd. Come in and see our fine collection of late used model Cars, Trucks and Tractors. High quality, combined with low prices, make these used cars hard to beat— every car sold with a fifty-fifty guarantee. Huron Motors Ltd. A. D. Mac WILLI AM Ford & Monarch Cars Ford & Fordson Major Tractors Wingham Phone 237 1 t I I X K 5 s = E 5 s r ■ H ■ ■ B H ■ s' £ K