HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-08-10, Page 3DOON BALER TWINE All Canadian Twine Manufactured in Kitchener Approximately 225 FEET PER POUND .------•------ - WE HAVE A CARLOAD IN STOCK AT $7.45 ’ 0 YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER Charles Pickering • Skilled Technician Ground Floor QUEEN’S HOTEL PHONE 11 WINGHAM Correction of foot ills’can be accomplished by using combination of right method and experience. Miracle Foot Aid is the only method using "exercise plus support.” Plus over a quarter century of day- iby-day experience. If you have corns, callouses or bunions; or arthritic-rheumatic pains or stiffness4 associated with a foot condition, make it a point to see Mr. Pickering on Wed., August 17th. He'll show you' in a friendly fashion, just how Miracle Foot Aid does so much good; will even arrange for you to have a practical test on your own case. Then you’ll be as enthusiastic as any user of Miracle Foot Aid service. First consultation is without obligation. Wingham, Tillsoliburg, Listowel, Zurich, Kitchener London, Hamilton Something doing all the time at Sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Goderich 4 BIG DAYS ■: ■MONSTER BINGO SPARKLING VMIETY SHOW at 9 p.m. each night in front of grandstand Top TV and entertainment artists from Toronto. Comedy, Acrobats, Accordionist, Ventriloquist, Magician, Dancers, Novelties, Etc. Completely new show on Friday and Saturday night. HAIRSTYLING S FASHION SHOW Arena Auditorium, Friday,^August 19 - ’at 8 p.m. I I 1. 2. A regular meeting of Howick Town­ ship Council was held on August 5th in the Clerk’s office. All members were present and Reeve H. Gowdy in the chair. The minutes of the last regular meeting were road and adopt­ ed on motion of McMichael and Gib­ son. Carried, McMichael - Haskins—That we give McIntosh Cemetery Board “a grant of $50.00. Carried. Allan - Haskins—That we give a grant of $150.00 to the Wroxeter Cemetery Board. Carried. Gibson - McMichael-—That we give Gorrie Cemetery Board a grant of $120.00 for the year 1955. Carried, Haskins - Allan—That , the road ac­ counts as approved be paid. Carried. Allan - Haskins—That the follow­ ing accounts be paid. Carried. R. J. Lovell Co’., office ' supplies, $40.30; County of Huron, hospitaliza­ tion, $139.50; Dr. Brown and Dr. Hoover, certification, $20.00; Listowel Banner, advertising, $7.80; W, E. Whitfield, supplies, etc., $11,60; -J. H. Pollock, pt. salary, postage, etc., $96.00; R. H. Carson & Son, supplies, $1.90; Partridge’s Service, relief, $12; R. H. Stephens & Son, relief, $4.00; G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. CASH if you live. CASH if you die. Protection for the family Comfort for your retirement All in one policy. CONSULT— FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. Mg I DRAWS FOR PRIZES $1,000 bond. TV set or 10 days’ trip to Florida for two. TEEN AGE DANCE Thursday, August 18 - 8 to 12 p.m, FREE ADMISSION. DOOR PRIZES. GIANT FIREWORKS OISPUY Saturday evening, August 20 HARNESS RACES on SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 Free-For-All SADDLE CLASS at 2 p.m., at Agricultural Parte 2.25 Classified 2.20 Classified OPEN RUNNING RACE 2 PONY RACES SEE THE INDUSTRY. OF HURON ON DISPLAY GODERICH ARENA and AGRICULTURAL PARK Harry pane, Pt- salary and equalizing assessment, $310.00, McMichael - Allan—That yye do now adjourn to meet again on September 3rd., or at the call of the Reeve, Car-? ried. H, Gowdy, Reeve. J, H. Pollock, Clerk. Anderson Re-union Held in Belgrave The second reunion of the descend­ ants of the late John Anderson and Mary Ann Leake was held in Bel­ grave Community Centre, on August 1st., with fifty-one names registered. The Belgraye Women’s Institute catered for the. noon luncheon and evening meal. During the afternoon the presi­ dent, Earl Alderson conducted the business meeting. . It was decided the next reunion would bp held in the same place on the first Monday , in August, 1957. The following.officers were elected: President, Rosa,,Anderson, Belgrave; secretary-treasurer, Mrs, Ted Hunk- ting, Auburn; historian, Charles An­ derson, Teeswater; registration com- ’mittee,. Mrs.. Te,d..flunking, John G. Anderson and Donna Anderson; re­ ception committee, Charles Anderson, Mrs. Nellie, Gordon, Mrs. Ivan Mc- Arter; program, Roy Mundy, Albert Coultes, Mrs. Harold Price; sports, Gordon Anderson, .Bill Shreiber, Lloyd Anderson; grounds man, A. E. Coultes. It was hoped that the reunion would be catered to again by the Women’s Institute, t A short program included numbers by the quartette, Lloyd, Jim, Keith, Ross Anderson accompanied by Roy Mundy; a song by Karen Anderson, and readings by Clifford and Linda Coultes. Presentations were made to Larry Huff, the youngest present, Jim An­ derson, of Kingston, the ’one who came the farthest and Mrs. James Taylor the oldest. The sports committee with Ted Hunking, convenor, conducted games and races for all. After the evening meal Charles Anderson moved a vote of thanks to the W. I. to which the president, Mrs. Walter Scott replied. All enjoyed the social time and are hoping to attend the next one. Services Friday for Mrs. R. E. Campbell A well-known and respected resi­ dent of Wingham for the past thirty years, Mrs. Robin E. Campbell died at her home last Wednesday, after an illness of six months. She was in her 43rd. year. The former Minerva Jane Finlay, she was born .in Howick Township, daughter of William J. Finlay of Gor­ rie and the late Pauline Wright. She attended schools in Wroxeter and Wingham and married Robin E. Campbell in Wingham on June 19th, 1930, after coming to the Wingham district five years previously. Mrs. Campbell was a member of the United Church and a past presi­ dent of the local Mary Hastings group. Surviving besides her husband are a daughter Grace (Mrs. Frederick McGee), a son, Charles, aged 12 and two grandchildren, Janet and Bobby McGee, also her father,. William J. Finlay, of Gorrie, and. a brother,. Charles Finlay, of London. Funeral service was held on Friday, at 2.30 p.m., from theCUrrie funeral home, with Rev. Alex Nimmo and Rev. N. W. Caswell,: of Whitechurch, officiating. Interment was in Wing­ ham cemetery. Pallbearers were William Bain Sr., Jack Salter, Ed. Marsh* DeWitt Miller, .Ronald VanCamp and Arnold Halli­ day. Flowerbearers were four members of the local Mary Hastings, group, Mrs. William Bain Sr., Mrs. Dave Crothers, Mrs. Stewart Cowan and Mrs, Vance Sanderson. EAST WANOSH COUNCIL MEETS East Wawanosh Council met August 2nd, the Reeve presiding. The min­ utes of ihe meeting held July 5th were read and adopted on motion by McGowan, seconded hy Hanna. McGowan-TayJor—That the road and general accounts as presented be passed and paid. Carried. Mr. W. S. Gibson, insurance agent, was present: to renew the Township’s municipal’liability policy. Hanna-McGowan—That the council raise the Municipal liability policy to $100,000,00 inclusive. ^Carried. The council agreed to have a water hole dug at the Belgrave creek °n Clarence Hanna’s property for fire protection for the village, when the shovel is excavating for the new bridge. McGowan-Hanna—That couuncil ad­ journ to meet September 6th at one o’clock at the Belgrave Community Centre. Carried. Road accounts—Stuart McBurney, salary, $174.00, bills paid, $1.35; Ernest Walker, wages, $107.33; Murray’s Machine Shop, welding, $5.50; Camp­ bell’s Garage,' reflectors for culverts, $4.87; Purdon Motors, army truck repair, .$10.50; Merkley Motors, 10 gals, Tellus 27, $9.00; Reavie Motors, oil etc., $25.g5;. Canadian-Oil Co., fuel and grease, $82.72; Gep. Radford, 46 yds. gravel at 50c, $23.00; Joe Kerr, 21 yds,, crushed gravel, $15.75; cap screws, 72c; Almond Jamieson, 6% hrs, Joader at $7.50, $48.75; Dom. Road Mach. Co., transmission, $1,219.23; Treas. of Ont., tax on fuel oil, $22.55; Workmen’s Compensation Board, $61.77; Rec.-Gen. of Canada, income tax, $5.00. General Accounts—The Workmen's Compensation Board, coverage for W. F. Sprayers, $5.88; Village of Blyth, share relief, $31.05; The Blyth Stan­ dard, adv. and printing, $22.68; The Huron Expositor, printing $13.75; C. W. Hanna, relief account, $44.31; Mrs. Stanley Marks, relief account, $16.39; Town of Clinton, pay on D.C.I. deb., $224.03; Jas. R. Coultes, livestock claim, 17 pullets at $2.50, $42.50; relief account, $15.00; Geo. Walker, livestock valuer, $3.40. Orval E. Taylor, R. H. Thompson, Reeve. Clerk. CtIBVICE) IS YOG LIKE IT Prompt to respond to your call . , . Expert-to, motoring your set to prelr perform­ ance . . • Reasonable to eoot p The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, August 10, 1955 Pago Three CLINTON ADOPTS adopt a new system of handling fire ALARM SYSTEM Clinton will be one of the first' towns to Western Ontario to operate under the new dial telephone ex­ change, when it copies into being next April. As a result town council decided to ANY FARM TIRES TRUCK TIRES GOODYEAR FACTORY alarm calls as outlined and offered, by officials of the Bell Telephone Company. Said councillor N. W. Trewartha: "The new method of fire-alarming will be a necessity as well as an im­ provement.” VULCANIZING SERVICE GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP SIZE GRADER TIRES PASSENGER TIRES Al'RROVED MATERIAL New Goodyear Tires - all sizes in stock. ‘ BROPHY BROS. Phone 148 Wingham REDPATHREDPATH MGranulated Sugar CROWN OR CORONA 4 E*ASEALERS dozen I ■ 5 v : WHITE OR CIDER CANADA VINEGAR --- RUBBER METAL JAB BINGS . 90 JAB BUGS CERTO LIQUID Bonen 270 8 OZ.$0(lBotile fcjgy SPICES! YOUR DOMINION STORE HAS A FULL VARIETY OF SPICES TO MEET YOUR PRESERVING REQUIREMENTS ‘JUST ADD WATER — LIQUID GUDE STARCH YORK FANCY brand KRAFT'S SALAD DRESSING jw* 790MIRACLE WHIP REAL VALUE! RICHMELLO, LOAF CHEESE L& 910 ^COHMTCtTS^MARSKMALLOW JAM SANDWICH BISCUITS Ns®** 290 j sweetened ’ AGRAPEFRUIT 2 SWEETENED AORANGE z 20 GE. TIITS 330 270 290 330 ft*?2 370 PICNIC SUPPLIES — _ _ „ REGAL serviettes Sr. 180 papercups STONES DRINKING ___ 1--------- '77_ . STRAWS 2-^.. 250 SABAN WRAP — MIX YOUR OWN BEVERAGE! — LEMON-LIME, ORANGE, LOGANBERRY HE J CRONFELT’S SYRUPS ™ '350 SNACKS CHALLENGER 370 SALMON SUPPER CLUB WHITE ROSE BRAND PICKLES CLOVERLEAF TUNA FRESHLY1 GROUND SWEET MIXED 16 Oz. Jar SOLID WHITE 7 Oz. — Tin Mm. Aj10 9C KEEPS SANDWICHES FRESH M ft. & 100 FANCY SOCKEYE 73/4 oz. Tin ■> B C i RICHMELLO COFFEE , WHITE OR BROWN SLICED SICHMELLO BREAD RING BOLOGNA ... 1 LB. BAG 24 OZ. LOAF NO. 1 ONTARIO POTATOES .... CALIFORNIA VALENCIAS - SIZE 288’s SUNKIST ORANGES......... ONTARIO FREESTONE Peaches available by the lb., qt. boxes and 6 qt. baskets ® Reasonably Priced . 33c DOZ. . 33c VISIT YOUR DOMINION FOR FULL DETAliS ABOUT "FAMOUS BRANDS FORTUNE HUNT ] ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE IN : WINGHAM I 1 Until Cloning Time Sat., Aug. 13 j OUR GUARANTEE AU mcrchandlee eold at "your I Pcminion Store'1 !• uncondition­ ally guaranteed to give you I 100% satisfaction. DOJ4LN-IO N STORES LIMITED FREE DELIVERY l