HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-07-27, Page 7ONTARIO’S STONEY LAKE Stoney Lake in Ontario has 1,100 scenic islands With names like some­ thing out of Tom Sawyer or Treasure Island; Devil’s Elbow, Elephant Rpck, Pine, Breezes, Big Otter, Little Ottpi'i Plum Pudding Bock, Horseshoe, pip­ er's Whistle, Juniper, Pampadour, Kiluna and Eagle Mount are a , tQvr names that stir the imagination, WHICH CAME FIRST TRY TO REPLACE Boy’s fingertip Doctors are attempting to replace the tip of two-year-old Donald Wylie’s finger, severed when it be­ came caught between a back door and jamb at his home on Ballantyne Avenue, Galt, It was reported the youngster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Wylie, was standing at the back door when his sister, Cheryl, five, came through it, slaipming it behind her. News of Wroxeter 300 People Present for Gala Opening of New Broiler Plant The Winjhajii Advance-Times, Wednesday, July 27, 1955 Page Son* fUPM CROWING MASH RONALD G.MCM Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Bldg. Residence: Rattenbury St Phones Ml A 4M CUNTON - ONTARIO Friday night was a gala occasion for the people of this district 'when Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke held open house at their new plant. About 300 attended and were shown the very modern building which will ac­ commodate 25,000 broilers at one time, Business cemmenced on Monday, when 12,000 birds arrived. Palmerston Pipe Band were on hand to entertain and lead in the grand march. The Fordwich five-piece or­ chestra provided music for the danc­ ing, A group of local Women’s In­ stitute memoers did a for the danc- rushing busi­ ness at a booth. The popcorn booth also was a busy place. Many were present from a distance DOON BALER TWINE AU Canadian Twine Manufactured in Kitchener THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG?Approximately 225 FEET PER POUND Well, it probably doesn't matter since they are both here. But, what you are going to feed your, pullets during the growing period does matter. WE HAVE A CARLOAD IN STOCK AT $7.45 ♦ If you want your , pullets to develop uniformly, to become big strong birds, to start laying about 5 months, to be up to 60% production or better at 6 months and then climb on up to lay at a high, steady rate AND to give you larger eggs sooner, THEN YOU WANT SHUR-GAIN SUPER GROWING MASH. Charles Hodgins YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER SHUR-GAIN Super Growing Mash is the way many poultrymen are fitting their pullets high production. Come in and see outstanding “high efficiency” feed. surprised at the economical for sustained us about this You will be cost. as far as Toronto, Fergus and Brant­ ford, Supply companies and the many who helped build the plant had good reason to be proud of their accomp­ lishment. ' The new building, 300 feet by 37 feet, is made of cement blocks and is heated by a propane gas furnace. Mr, and Mrs. Burke have for some years been successful in the broiler business. Their many friends wish for them continued success in their new venture. Sponsor Kiddies’ Camp How would you like to give a needy child a week’s holiday at the lake? For some years the Howick Lions Club, in co-operation with the Llstowel Recreational Club and the Rotary Club, have sponsored a holiday for the children at Kitchagami Camp. Re­ sponsible leaders are on hand to' look after the children. Swimming and handicrafts are part of the camp life. Boys will go on Saturday, August 13, and the girls on August 20, Registra­ tions for the local group should be made to Ken Edgar, Wroxeter, as soon as possible. Last-minute registrations make arrangements more difficult. Parents are asked to co-operate, and if you have no children of your own to send, perhaps you know of a child who is longing to spend a week at camp Kitchagami with the rest of the kids. Early registration will be ap­ preciated. • Women’s Association Mrs. William Fraser and Mrs. Alex Wright arranged the July meeting of the Woman’s Association with the former leading in the worship service. The meeting, opened with, two short poems entitled “The* Breath of Pray­ er’’ and “God Always Answers Pray­ er." A hymn was sung with Mrs. Harvey McMichael as organist. All joined in repeating the Lord’s Prayer, Mrs. Margaret Douglas read the Scripture lesson, choosing Psalm 61. The roll call was answered by sixteen members with a verse on prayer. The president, Mrs. W. T. MacLean, presided for the business. Ten tables were completed and presented to the church. Arrangements were made for the annual picnic to be held at Sea­ forth Park on Wednesday; July 27. Menjbers of the Women’s Missionary and Tuesday Starlight group are in­ vited to attend. Sports committee named were Mrs. Lloyd Magee, Mrs. William Hart, Mrs. Harry Adams. In your last loving tribute, you will want a service of quiet dignity to remain forever with you as a cher­ ished memory. This quality is our primary concern. g>. J. Walter jfuneral ^ome Patrick St. Wingham Phones 106, 189 FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 298 Wingham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing: Dudley E. Helmen Lietowel i fast DEPENDABLt WinghanftPhone 710 i Even a glance tells you that Dodge ’ is no ordinary automobile. With Motion-Design for The For­ ward Look, Dodge js years ahead in styling. With the longest car in the lowest priced field, Dodge is way ahead in roominess. 'With a wide range of rainbow hues inside and out, Dodge takes top honours in the colour parade, too. / Just a few minutes on the road will show you that Dodge is also the standout car for performance. Whether you choose a thrifty Power- Flow 6 or dynamic Hy-Fire v-8, you enjoy instantly responsive ’power, long life, mileage-boosting economy. A brief talk with your Dodge- DeSoto dealer will convince you: never before could you get so much car for so little money. Your Dodge- *- DeSoto dealer is ready to deal. He’s offering top-dollar trade-in allow­ ances that will'save you real money! So come in today, or phone for a demonstration drive. Take advan­ tage of this opportunity now, at your Dodge-DeSoto dealer’s. Don’t buy just any used car. .; get a DEPENDABLE USED CAR at your Dodge-DeSoto dealer’s You can be sure when you deal for a used car here. Sure of honest value for your money. Your Dodge- DeSoto dealer has a big selection of one-owner, late- model cars of almost every make. Every one ready to go. Every one priced low for quick disposal. MOTORS The remainder of the afternoon was spent in qui^ing and the usual pot luck supper served at the dose, * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bush, Rochester, N.Y., visited last week with Mrs, W. E. Weir and Miss Gerty Bush, Miss Zelma Stamper, London, spent last week on holidays with her par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Stamper, Mr. and Mrs, Stamper and their dau­ ghter, spent Sunday, with Miss Hazel Stamper, at Auburn, Mr, Bill Timm, Listowel, is spend­ ing a few days with Harvey and Mrs, Timm. Mr, and Mrs, ’Ed Jackman, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Brown. Mr, and Mrs. Jack­ man leave on Saturday for a, trip to the West Coast, and on to California. They expect to return’ in October. Mr. Jackman has just completed 50 years with Consumers Gas Co,, in Toronto. On Tuesday night business associates gave a dinner in his honor and a presentation was made. Mr, and Mrs. Scott Hunter and Susan Jane, of Strathroy, are holiday­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter and other friends. Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Hart, Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents, in town. Mr. Bill Hart, of Barrie, was also home for the week-end. Mrs. Frank Sanderson, Toronto, who has been a guest of Mrs. D. S. Mac- Naughton for the past week spent the week-end with Miss Helen Arkell, of Teeswater. Mr. Arthur Green, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Harris. A number from this district attend­ ed the water sports at Southampton on Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Wilson, St. Thomas, also Mr, and Mrs. Al Barclay, and son, Jack, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke. g Miss Gloria Hunt is holidaying with friends at Ajax. — Mrs. W. G. Gibson arrived home on Sunday following a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson, at Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Vanvelsior, of Hamilton, spent the week-end in the village. Mrs. W. E. Weir is holidaying at Amberley with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weir, Toronto also Mr. and Mrs. Al- lister Green and family, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. J. Camerop and fam­ ily, have returned from a holiday at Perth. Their daughters, Betty and Patsy remained for a longer visit. Miss Gertrude Sangster, Detroit, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ruth MacDonald. Miss Sangster is recover­ ing from an illness. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Miss Gail and Master Paul Statia are holidaying with relatives at Flesh- erton. Neil Paulin, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Paulin, Clifford, is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. Peter Mil­ ligan. Neil Courtney, Toronto, is staying frith his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McKenzie, of Lapeer’, • Michigan, also Mrs. Robert McKee, of Grand Rapids, visited re­ cently with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gib­ son. At the same home over Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown, of Elora and Mrs. Margaret Filker, of Harriston. • Miss Bonnie Gibson, of London, spent the week-end w^h Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson. WINSTON CHURCHILL IN ONTARIO It isn’t generally known, but It’s * fact, that Winston Churchill owns and operates tourist cabjns and a gas station on No, 11 Highway, just out­ side Gravenhurst, Ontario, The name of the establishment is Sunset Grill Cabins- The owner is a native of Tor-- onto, and, no relation to Britain’s, famous statesman. He finds the simi­ larity in names quite a magnet in at1- tracting visitors, and many ask for “gag autographs’’ to fool their neigh­ bors. SEE CAMERON’S billiard's for guaranteed WATCH REPAIRS ... To print your own," that is. The Bank of England has made the counterfeiter’s lot an even unhappier one by pressing a thin strip of aluminum foil into the paper used for making bank notes. Seems the do-it-yourself enthusiasts find it virtually im­ possible to duplicate. It is nice to think that there will probably be a little bit of Canada wherever this new paper currency circulates. Great Bri­ tain imports 80% of her alumi­ num from Canada, and in turn represents one of the major mar­ kets for Canadian aluminum. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) SCOUT CORNER Thirty-nine members of the Wing­ ham Wolf Cub pacK together with eleven Cubs from Lucknow and two from Brussels enjoyed .a three-day hike at Inverhuron Beach over the week-end, under the leadership of Akela Jack Alexander, assisted by Bill Rintoul, Pat Carmichael, Barb Ed­ wards, Marj. MacKenzie and Alton Adams, who filled the roles of Saw- nee, Baloo, Bagheera, Kim and Pon­ cho respectively. District Commission­ er Archie Gowanlock, of Walkerton, in whose area the camp is situated, did the cooking for the boys while they were in camp. Mr. and Mrs. Mike McPhail were present at .the camp on Saturday to assist with the program. The Cubs enjoyed Cub games and swimming during the day and on Friday and Saturday nights a camp fire was held. They arrived in camp Friday afternoon and left for home Sunday afternoon. There was no meeting of the Scout troop this week because many of the Scouts were attending Cub camp at Inverhuron. The next meeting of the troop will be on Friday, August 5th. Ninety-eight per cent of the auto­ mobile industry production in Canada is in Ontario, with 479,649 units pro­ duced in 1953, Salaried employees and wage-earners in this field total some 36,000.. How “Skinny” Girls Get Lovely Curves - Cain 5 10 New pep Thousands who never could gain Weight be­ fore, now havo shapely, attractive figures. No xnoro bony limbs, ugly hollows. They thank Ostrcx Tonia Tablets. Helps nut flesh on body skinny duo to impaired appetite because bloda lacks iron. Improves digestion, nourishment^ increases pep. “Get-ncquaintcd’1' size Ohly C0<‘. Try Ostrex for new pounds, lovely curves, new pep, today,. All druggists. “THEY BE BLIND LEADERS OF THE BLIND” ♦ (Author’s name below) Listen with great caution to medical advice from anyone but a Physician. Sincere as these friends may be, they are "Blind”, indeed to the necessary knowledge. The practice of medicine re­ quires the specialized training of years at Medical College and Hospital internship. Symptoms that appear similar, may have great differences to a Physician. A cut that does not heal may be a simple infection or a warn­ ing of a diabetic condition. Your best insurance for con­ tinued health is to be guided by your Physician. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McKibbons Phone 53 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE • Pick up your prescription If shoppirig near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsib­ ility of filling their prescrip­ tions. May we compound yours? PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ♦Quotation from New Testa­ ment, Matthew Copyright 7W455