HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-5-3, Page 4,7,K7 -_ _- , ­­­ -- I .1 __ , , , I I , -,;­, I, to . I : , 1, "' f I . . I I I , I I . I " I ., , , I I . I - I I I 1, ---- __ I'll - --- - - low Me- ;. ; I,- - ---- __ ________r1r­_ - ­­_T­­ % ___ LONIAL HOUSE I BALT TERRITORY. - . . pRop I Ty Slu-11IFF'S SALE OT LANDS. CO - . ­ .1116ji.63CL cncr t3art " I I t RiBb . - . I - - STAW141110, Nvx*..' ,,t..I.f,Inr..,J1r V.11 20 ACRT.8 OF SALT TyltwT I I - n L3 -a I ntf000, , 1 "D FOR SALM. .1, . Nk I: it,, lot_'.`gZ'do'--'1r1iIi V-1filiffRi 111n QRVER to ll-aBe, situated on and adja 254111, , .1 I I. iI,•. ' 11 ou, I 1..... I gook L_ ark„ ` . . .11 ' . 'ut''IHE LA,,IU,LV#N at it., Moop-my'. ('­, tylc­ 'A go" I the Killer 1111-itland, &old just east 41, I I I I 0 THU ffoEh To I I I: stations .f yvris 4*1 . ... . .= lgin, a, Allessudec's, Jouvin's, D-clools" (Juderich Hallway -Mation, , re +,..,, at David kwk.&, Alvalaudi m in whitoo black "it .,aud ,froodoi - 'STOMM. k3t S=TS - 4 AL V 13 - . old tb. L..Is .ad = . ,ltnb ' I " " • to ; . A 'Alf, C, T 'k ,-d Join,- (lair . I W Ian ft. Is color*.' Tho largest Stock if, the Counties, 9. 'I" H.ilwaj_very cob its for a t. t00 , "' '"' ' " AI , ITH[a property is he6viWaIll, situated oppo- . .d .utdl:k­ let- , W-ilh,'V III111111 "to %I I o,o I CHAS. K. ARCHIBALD. Motomain111-e-A IR R E YED-I . Department NL site the Town of 06denelf. on I lot th., I" ;.". ." ­­ _. Arrly 0, - I ,,*In, , ",.*"", 'll'..*14*.",,',' ' *."!'.".".",.' ,, Godetri,lk. A.,ru.t 22nd. 11,163. OW10 -. WEATIJERAL11). - - . I I North Bank of The ,art.l I.r1e. I - I , .. 1 . Woring & Outfitting Depax 1%iog:.od le,. g kilignoT,,ito-hwil 0-11­1le, -n - ___ - __ __ - - - __ V They,,are sent tO Cant,11,1111 ,*-* ! . I 1 dn'e.. -wred I I... . - RIVER NIAITI,ANDI,b,, ,,(.--,-,Y ;,.,il)mna"d",-T,-"-dfirc",',&.da HULT1 PRKYANTO Nov.29.11AGG. I , I I - 41 ai;mllvl-, .. in ureoriet gone no ____ ------.- 6431f` ` I -oo.-T- , . q Is ^ , . I .11 leforilt ,fIIKRubmatihor *gptui,ifoM6k,utnY'OUO'M*'a sudthill bliterosee"Y 'bs%l"Lv"ps sold on the planks of JAke Win,ii. It col, be it,. __ .,i,-, , two. bring e.st-oni .1 got -- . . I -I llk a ribig of L.wA Millions or lead. " I ­­ ':""'I i'l,IF...ho,rit -,rw.intaIDOOc, rdscr Ifern . . I ,- . . _ 'r NOBLE AUION QVPRES. JQ. N', s%- constantly on liaAll the largest vari,ty 4A I ell selection or gains 31 7 a noun'tio., "I... i Ili. moth .J.77t ' , I - . , .. , .%I with Dwelloias flosq, "uL OWS, lit1thles ­­­ W lil-elood I— hot ..& it (,%,it Bark, for which the Ihigheat market Ho dopeirosts,$x"6611 tkLw for Arrinittax H,* xti go t CIO gUsh, Scotch. Froneb, Swiss & German Tweeds, kc., .itIllarxi, Garden, Vinery st,d Orchard 'reloeblo,018 1 611411 Vdii-I ,,I Sole, Ill ..,y oth, , I. -a will be lount iu cash oil elivery at his , ., VIVOL"A . lbe(,uhr, ljou coin tic '('own 6r(I,Ar­b.a% plit it 1 Pli's ', Lh; A SKI&IL I English JX TlIE COUNTIrS. ALSO A "UGE V.kIt1r&TY OF .1 , ho'%Tdod Lord coudgmus priuvil tidy of flat, 11 'Jose nextiog the Yard at the DO, L. [IMPROVED I - . ",.A. 6 7;,,I,( ' " In I:.0o`I.`b.!jll dly., . W. M. SAI'AGN. It. $oe 4, Holick 100 ac.,,j, . e'fl,,.,i,% Liudet,, Choi ry, "at';", `kc bolZott)".all I 4, of'.L 3POKIALN ' ORIBYS, Hardware 'XF1 I­Pjha' Wll Canadian Manufactured Goods, Grit ds are in troy Food order. Tinges JUILl; .lurk, Lo.traft C194W., 01911 Lilt b, III . , I i am thin* silver failitiol; -prealls Q&TAM wittier bhul Iff 11, T-oO, 200 sp K I 4 re,Codeflchil' I & CERNIAN BROADCLOTHS, I WOOL! WOOL I %VOOL! 'IS, .1 16, full" 0 Or. ;0 . ,, ENCLISH, FRF,N on %he Prope- ty. I he alto&' inn 1601' &VrifttO Showittros office, Uoderich, d to Puy. I he "Two to suit le,urdr owes. T,,roat litorai &A4 , ; 0 ._ lo Jr . 4, 10 i I a 0 U11 x r4o 11, 14AVITtttLf`6_gsPwW,JgQ4wwiI1 , r, i ,1111,; ­I;scriI,(.r is I,,ej.,,,ry re !Ind al"lo. offlardware, (;A.N - I r,.,do,u,. c ... uot lie sworpatosed ill the Prow .8 ftsoldlair Ii -.,I.1tI--ItI,:S & I)QLL-;Klms, loth March, 1867. . I joijiff4l M&r:bCA price any lifusiottly a reasonable i si,tu Vu a pajille"14 2% 11 - . __ __ ____ - - ,.0 TitItbiudisputatil.,. ill 0 I swords, 8121yon% etc, Rifles ,orio, iNAVER A, N D PILOT OV Iver. -_ Apply.1 e NCH For terms &IV" T I u . , a WW" Arises, ENG 1,1141 AN D FRE I BEMIFF'S SALE OF LALNDS- -'A - _ - - - - --- ____ - _ - a ;ItALIC" i , And all tLe ,,,, fly .Liud$ of U."s 4W fir ­d As,., I 11106 OF ALL OTli= 111100,; XPTIL)NB- I . L .-ollveto,ol in I f4 ft'I'LlunIg A" OVILSOOAT 1111U11. UALT, Esq. I . G. No DAVIS Ituy ll t, 1RCA. Diuslt.*' I 11 , - IloorrisitrJuiusito wIIII, , '""', 'I t J Blavin. secured the servicies of Cover Hume ( By Vol" Of 9 Writ 'if - - - - .*441A-4olic, IFxI..t,1 . Awtu­ I;roiol .*. 1"14 or D.511ADEGOUDING Iowa: ; Firm Favias Issued 01-1 10M U ptlit VEALKIt IN - _ I -V,­lr&­.,Csd4.I*VIRIex., V(H.r aet)Z,u8(,t)uOI). j,vott of the LTelted we to to sorry d- A -,(I) . &. A 2" 3M. CLAMXUM, am CrCrVWW30TL, L 61;rrii4er, Go"li. lh! No a darectoll ISalt Territory I I I: ""'"Z. kr&ra with promptitude, anzi ill a style unsurpassed by any Goderi,,h. GO, ol"IT. 1,-66- .W901 coloo ghI trur..and to in Irun Warv­2 ,r­.noocuts ot Andrew H. qto.re, U.J.. I Cu - UT C IOU", 11 Ills 1,11OVINII. bo, 011 I it"uttroilk, .lIi.00:.s J.un libill-u. I hole 6 , I . I I 1. Subscriber ullars W Lay JAM1,11 Elf t . . I 4"AT . uss f ta -EMW - he is P'nuff"b" - __ - __ - ___ -------.---- ___ soinum the Lsl,doo and , orgatig MOkI, 11 I K q e For this 1Ibat I mriva'?* ols, tostiollieso with , 12L , :ftlroo. PL do up- MANUFANIUMStraca"Ita all 4 4identst @"Wed. Try Lim satisfy your oa It,. iloil.,woul Ili " 1,41.4!ftrijfl ylif .i,-- A. L ... I.. I ro". -Wel, .- , JIM I I a6ladd &,.d toolo­ in 9sel-ut, . . 11.10, 44i 1600, end Neill , I A per(art fit suarentellitl in every inflarre. - 1130 and lulele'd lud -1 L , company for a rv)alty of out,filledoth & Lw -d. Law I. tilasass. 11. ,i:ir(V, via: sh the rifthi T:2Lsft!Z.Pqr=-n, French . ... , :, Y, - it' W 110 WAN E A K01111 I , .. Constantly on Laud IlLo LA STOCK and L4,TRST STYLES i r a .-end.1.1 Ill %,.it 1.1 Lot roew,t­ lorry 00 AL 0 of the Juetion, ughl half acre of laud, with soloolill of hood" it Joist front. - ulail'i., 1­4ulli. G:." w rULLUlKiNtil VALLAULS PROPICATT seven J-., -,.r,-ev,,. Itw vom.ge .I seah-orth.sa WLIOLKo-`gALZ AND RETAIL. t, 1,&,,d at,,,, i .. . fl.w.11 14•a Gentleman's Outfitti,-ligg of Every Description 1 T11 , .h,i-b I.nd. slid T.". o9i led sh"ut o'ghly yatold f,,,= the famentir libiti * .01131.3 _n . A hiz•brax. he . ' fir ke.,der. tmdlft*,C : I I , " " .4 ki "'i" I LJ;U A51EIUCAN MONEY taken at thoti,;6lot rut.. . I . oil .if" I- sale, a. noy ,4-, In Ill, o -C"'410" Ls V1. I . ordeiekisips and ShoolZme Godo.rich 6*41, %% orl, , I 05611114NL • . Fu further partic,;. apply by hotter ol , ow na. - In Ite Town IlEd Tow CudeTichl "' ­u'lly' ,f0ud­, I,. ---*I'--& I per.111irs". Kegs I Court tit use, in lhl,T ,wo , . All --twb-cls Is Ire bees seat to 1, ., ,I.. .. ,,., Ukas E. Archibald w"I . And ,toiled! 00-n-1,11,4-46, 8 lo';. ,,_Obl ,;103 is offrit-4 fur sale, oil ILI: wost reasonable Jay we filth alstank . " ­"",_ - -N 2 (-%q , , o.,,l,,Jq,a,.t A's"'I....li 0. undoticb, llljv gnst ?2rva, 1044. term, via: !"LIV.11. 114c,l-k, noun. - - :::; -, persultally to N E I I '.., roe, V,- M"Wols, I . F. CAMPAIG, BUTLB-c- S ,Unit aw"Crot000-L'Ist .1 I 1. Lot 902, 'North street, sd oinin; th JUHN MACDONALD, I . GODER10H Keeper of Covoiny Gatell, w.. Ilaud I I ,11lovalevan Methodist[ Church, in Golfo. ii h. . she'.'e, LIN'tior. I Godsociall. L)o@. ". I"L A erd•.. I L ' I - .4 1 -AL"MMEN era. JOBSiw.'lv I 'Ili '. w. . . , I . 2. Lots I 2 and 13 on Olt, canter of Wert S beri 0 is I. Well - () odente h, Mft& srksjjg - . . _. air. and Wellinfitim Streew. On 13 there is a March bill. 191,11. __ - All --- - - --- - w 041". JjJ,M,6JWIf,r,Cj,#M,vi ti) IAW lt3- Thirst.,* --it be -old ells-Plillit;&6lit- - & Co. - stand (rague li,­se and bakery. --- So , I I F - . I ­ - 'i r bvq 'm .4 0111" 40&, ft - I d FOR SALE. I kin"`uo to li-,,,if tie ..-rand THOSI: ' GRAFFITH 9 hZ Total: luts form a., ex,ellt I,,, site Lr I, SHERIFF'S SALZ OF LANDS. , . .1 , *Ltno and =UON TwTrt I: y,-1 Ilur.., V on .f . writhe r_ . - . ";o"I'l.. ..d,... . [IF, babaggriller niter for sale in the Vil- ' 3. Lot 11:1 on Lighthouse street, upon I %I. (B I'll, . Fenian' lt xf I J S pVw ' E JLAVJNG 0111-NED T1101. WHULESALF WAIIENUtsiliv . -am house, so or. C...t Jr.. C..n .1 .- I I T loge of Ileifast. IS miles from 0 , FOR SAL take@ Co., li . M ar.'roal the od=, _yi* A P. there is a Jorge If of tier 4(1,y S; , . 9 FIR ' EET, T6R0NT0v1r-!c&" hme fami ell Queen's Sen. It. and to not dizliv I I , W 0 KS I .ad 3i silty firti., Lucku.w, on the .iutj , .,,: ".1L,.,,,, ,,,I*. illeas N 0. 3 ONT ST R as in accoulatiodate to avid 'I toreine.t. "I Mary HU.", at -be MARBLE W 0 ' ern (;Meet Wood, ota;,IiAdsr,n...I" ,!t"r,(.,L-t6a 4agght" 4.. 611 191 Ou the corner Of k-5 &a L""'i" , ... join 4evanowl. to I ... 1 W43 - I Elgin 4 1,11IM .ba .1 flanoven ,I'll. I have gained sod tattoo It, , ,y n ­'k,: _______:._____ - __ ­ __ friigh ot Cle, ul'o. the (.11".Wks. properiv. ,.$: .11 Ili. A GOOD BLACKSMIT11 S110P I f-rlolir, "I,, I N -­' .-.-- - N0"`7oF1ZR Fez S"'z 4=p(A olift,b there W. C. TRELEAVEN- A were horgilskjork of -ighwatin'tai ' f- or u. ,,flo. s I I it iL good orchard. ng6t too. and ollarow .( it.. -I do frod­1 n.• to which there is sitnelied a good fosme , or P-­VilA 1'. .-!.. vent, 1,4.1to i . . York lot 14I.cus. "C" in the Town. .jIoIhqa,_,Iu,. p.,orl. and trij,.t. .1 L.a,l CANKET ftllfifegsl C,*Mo, pLIfeberts &.%A Cad joct,Young IIys)n-.Gunpo..Jio,s, lmcer:ald. Twanksys. Japan It r of Ooderich, edonunin I 0 ucrq-e Of ex, at'imate 10. a and Wing ;.,the towholop of Allw. house ; a good garden, I of sea &ere of liked, BIBLES, A, L 6 U ovol •'of- &C-, _____ . ,joulliii 11 I&J11, U 1,coluted ,I&I ajss, Cull,,us. suucIIuo,;A, Viaugs 11clavis and Scouted Caper 6 I I - .usllo.h, th,, roopq ,.I wuvo-, r..Ia ...... a by ad- 0 as, be -,If ,,f w.tk r. This it one of - eel ent land. Upon this lot there is an Ill ­. , f land It I 1'. I J ora s, the •fraud fur a blacksmith in the Che,,,1 , I . . I'MIgil o o two b..J,,d so Nionuments, Headstones 'wit s% F, .4?= - Pedot. celit. at Tw3 Story Ill ick House. Froogao barn ... ea..r,,:,,v.t I ­h ri . copeni,,gs 0 _ . . - OU4rk.A tt%4 3 and outbuildia. &. A!sgi, a good bear;q- "'ert vorfir leao,16ihip. -do 4 L.00 onto C"unty I Burva. All of *Ilicli will be - ( "Ok , ?i1j. ­ Who a I and 32, it, to,* l'urth -u. e -.,,r, Lem of -Tops, &c. so the sobscriber is ab.ut W - '40 T L E IP . I , 1-1 and :1 y,11ow H,ofined, Crushed X and A, Dry Crusbe orchard of choice fruit. I the "key jl..Jog the olumse-d toneroulop .1 All- out bol( done, re 'I" .111, I Tablets, Table sold cheap, 3 a 48 , , I ulids Puerto Ri.-C, Ms. 'Cos. 2, 2 . G.-I'liell. ties. '21. 1666.- . _? 11NIII, I CJF- This is one of the best situations for a nark, wbu-IlLarulasatIT"werienta I oball oEel Ohio Free Stione kept on hand fur Build- oil a form. Tatooll Os L 11 -, wad alound. - C ­rt H..-. in Ija t in ons year, if to *oil Forebasets. For _ . rivate r it ere - __ . .. V ijence in the town. . Ezz'..."..-i +.,."- :: -T-watell the Ligisaus to , ing purposor-4 sorb as (I app, Ile, Bit- particulate •apply on the preguists, or bJr ! I I , a 2 C00 IL -'.V- I t! C M_ 2 . IL Ael"EXCELLENT FARM -I 17 servo. , am, &c, Clicap file Catih. , I I - ill I Ill, . Lots 97 and I d J i i lots, owls fronting def ill lana Deal, at 6", . .1,11ishus .7sho letter postpaid in ALLAN P. kIff &CRAN- to. 11J., 3ave sod Mocks. .1.,. r.Asled .ad oround. .1--k a-.. GODERICH C. W - Wit La Utley 'L u .1' & NEIL CAUPIJIFLI, I on the H rou Boa2,,'ogoA1nJjtho oll.er on the JOHN MiWNA, D. , .1 () Lbb I -*.5 IN T11 - COUNTY. 1rC3o13,&U4,,1L,b1-.,04 2 plia"Ill - rhor". -_ - -- ­ ---- Beffast p. o. T,.wnsh,p ,,f'As6Gtld, I ,,;N. C) (TUE 001 -*5 d seventh concessiva, in Ills TowitsLip of 06 P. duits. Job, ceirlics, "aloo, Twist, and 1JGtL'asd rnotht 11-211so.,111ozoo Old Virkisda very liffbiles to 4" SrWV L . County of Iluron. ­ . . Goderich. 40 scroll cleated and tender cult;- Loa ftllla I . %,Js ( L I 0 D. GORDON11, vinince. vation, upon which there is a brick dwelling I ftoprifils V 0 14 I ;aIlleary 31, 1867. a 2 Gmq' 1. IL -1.11 I U 1 V%,4 8 . bit, ==. 'I %7 - -_ - ' _--- , A •1. "t 1 1_`IILIVII N' 1.1111' 1%1;d`11k1-;V.I[? ligo,go.anuillatfrtuxup, .%4W*1k1a.d,jrak,k,.l. jig..... IL.x. ., J Roxe-, and J ll.zes'Now Loyei mad house, frame both ntid " - I i - okoh,n lAw'.. It onbi­ r.,wn Lm%L.M, Wor.1 Lod L-yo,ro. ("ory Int- ,:z I I.tit old '011CHARD. s F'S SALE OF LANDS- . FOR SALE. IV, I , • ANDVOIDERTAKER, -M - D. I:a;-,,,-- filits-to I and I 1,, I A LARG H rn 44,4 -ed_ 3,160.stels. I ,,. s,,u roo,hill a.rwrito -Patras Coolant%. (new a t 9 •>r1 = metod.ew". so's Us. .­. o'. h.n., a ea .... 1.1".. Keg. 8..4 i K. I 1 !­­ to$&. ['fill... I,, kea..­rI,.ns am' . Is. i.r.,oring.. Late" -I uavoa Pool., Illoul,ol and -rhi. ,arm is situated 5 miles from Goderich. K -z- a, ; 'ffat Redtlf:11(111' I OT `o[ga. 16, 4 4 con Wawanosli, vowliris . . ujjaalt 114honoo, units and Jjoxvs Jordan, I )tori rolling d Ise of too,so writs 0 it l000 . . o' ...."t'..r.11 1.1 V qr4,I,A,,•"t Is'. Wnwr­.* it k, ,,Ooin , and 7 from t'lititon. I is o r g fan , ' ' ' " '..'. rOr':jBt ' oo",.,,,fV.xp:,,.. .old ILacr-sclearid. 'Ibuland I li.kit .IT1qT ;tIgrI?IV1P D A L-AL-VIF along& &,,4 Fdtcrloo. - JLqu , _0w u 4no-', ev 0 poor Pov,se I .r , I 11 PkICKS AT I Ilk t= - . LT. GODERICil, ";T'iI""d "oil' (in F."c" ikjx..')W itte. . to J 7 ST ST= :k. erwill *bit V.1 .... a Allooludit. orelf-waserm. sad bee a SOW gravel road on is 12 LuiI.&i­cnG,,de,i,b, onJ Wil! I SUCTI As AV I N, S." F4 : two sides of it. hookell giii. H Jelity'is ('--I .1 C.-nitho. . 4 1 MAMMOTH ImooWsojnaou.at,oy,rhof­t--i,. Apply I olegliado, [fair, p,V. ."%.I-.Qr.rqa1j-a . W'I 1111o,tawro, SAndehi.oloo. thshan's. an I f)dwvlo Pon. P,emernn's. Duff.' For %crew and ciand4i,ens (S •sala a I to , ,"viot ,u,*,,,* In, it, and I,, an. Ilu""'I's ' ' . on, I.,notizAt C. 'A, Palo slid (1141d.4 able", Burgundy sod GEORGE 31,11AH'S.Z, d., ... " I - IW and I.Renothas of i * to J. i(. (i [1111111:;, ESQ I _ AV)OUMENT OF 01,01116 on., ,I , -11 ,ki 0i . t "t.'alding :1. . N, L .,., C­uP, 9.1eir at I ­ . . _ 1. HOOT A 81101 F. cloth. IS- orrr.. . &.1.1 1'.4,iisig III .uiotsoe. wsrj,, Jy ,441 hl' :e ' " ' S T 0 It E. - ad Co.., 1,1 V,,44r h ", . a Cinusewnw.n gi-ttrof Wavat Saarland P .1 _. 'Clarric'Mi.Aho­111-It I ", ho aa \ or I - CAMllAI(;*N,L - Wh-141"'oo, 13,-o-,I.l­, Fury t 61-.tu (wer.,)wr--d--,C*tleioPaaovS I G 3derieb, I Ith July. I F96. 12MI ., 'he suits. I . Mool_.; :.;.,att Jr. Lor.a.. , Eng!M . in Il 3 it C ,,%. I .. " - sot. 13, I gm . 4 I, f. at the Geol. , ­!, N 'vr:.,Z I I . ____ ,,., ...Zt..s%Fmauh rw-old-.4-od, ., -is - 114111--_ - - . K 13 1 ji-' N s . - - mor, u. _ .. 1 - -_ DI -L. -wv .f 1 4 ...ollnoft CC, : , 11). Ind limled 11h I.. 14 Casks end ca"..Maroo,11".. Illovinowit'g, i 'gold, Dui-,Iy & Cu'$, Jolts Ralks & Cosi V n I be Ii.vit .1 M.ntroal, I b -v-- 1 -ted .,,it taken fiE veakellawl,l) 1'. *OR SALE. , P, .4 ,oi.. ...., I. 1. e Ill I -Veot ... it., . -' blrt- to T a- on *.ad . I.,,, - .... I D 41^qs volvilva ." hand a er,nal'Itte as 011 E R I C 11 ""' W_L I 0 P. 1; .,­;­ & c..1., s,,d.tharJ.­I.- .6.2te,-unonshatetrianir -l­J;,rs'1 oilsod t Z hiods"U.'".41son"Sce. I 41,4 , 'ric'...it .of ;;4Ey1XS. 4-, 1KRAIVARS . henifill.niulh- -'I)" ere -,-n '.01i. .1 & ,&. andish­ it Zge X Q TY CIO 3M M I ceiborro., lo"d mor. poirtol.l.riv, A ter W.1 I..."Joelt.., . hK0* "ol ,6 ,- - Pnocio-as J sonsles ,turn. Hbde end Car to 1h.kg%.p.l,. I 1,,I,AnA &I i W­ukls 01,1 Tran n N%. A 01,4 ji, lZon-j"J" 'I I low,, d ­J. It'.. K'Lla 'l illit"b", ' . 'k -Wen." Lane. -,as, f ()7'540*dt,p.np. l", " Ile l,,an.h.P 9 W sit .rtr. w`,Vxi.,:df bsj,"`-,- Tit It H. . in,Durinvillale Inal, I itionlorm. , r-! ,.1.Iskl*rsnd "ir-IstoodtIllobla in z- Irg.h,:4tse..,I,....Jit.tv,y,.S,..s hW.,.-L,,., -',a J., LXJA;yo, %1-,;t,Mo1IOA's rl'ld)iaudC~ I .- , ,0, d oo l , I I i­1'.t,.n.1 -%Lk - . , 4 ,_Q , j),.hl,,i, to, David I..w... and M .'t,r L-n. . I •I J r'lilrilvir 2240 por."ir ; t..,.l 2.), .'is, .8. " birds. 0o,'.o,T.*p`,."il. #,.I , ..!, -, . I . _ , .ftJI.LAyIhoPfl.J'.Iy L-i'll.diltiteJI'll. 6-4, -C. 't,, , '. "..""'....u.b.. - p..I.rk-b.2Ttk4)o,1-.Ih6 look W iakild - %-ol,, 161,11311111JEU11111, & 1 ...';o".it n..,o;r-., ': ,ter I ,. I.. T**0$Vb%f;rip,iJ)U2*A4PK ' c V I iroo-MU, Z­,-JoXLVM"3MS. C*3406, c9ba. 6 A.. ; - L".. 'a aW 0. ILA-0voling droue+y Or4er. moPill _ I woroboer w-th I-, inach­,ro-ol is d ­lax t- : I k .1 4 40i., it *oil 6. •6,4 I .1 I .A - , I N -.W Inall, .12, the b,"Ie" oranow, sea teller , I 1,;u,k,,lirb,ferieor $ju.-x- ,act, sou vilay.rds. Ap . - .&At F.'a I ..I,. OfidetiII& 3-4 250. ISM . % sw ji -' ___ - --------- -t C...,d,,, Itallingir.'s Ahoto and Porter, Cases ruat,horeryc"hoe"trol. the up- ill I Asw. sad also, I . L . I G-.`A.)L2-.1Z;1i t,'AANNING ka1L Mdon"ohness-0,ortior, If*k%'an4,T,,evi;.11'- Ale- a % ill.runcloth.,ye'..'a"'I"d wall the en,evier saw, I% Ili. DI'NCAN rlIUS, U LATLLRALP, 4. , U lehoollis n A 'haefilat", I'ver" go 114"'"Is- C'rjl 1 &e - &C' L I . A-. A -, I Ilovemorillimaire %V.uc. - le, I end Ise cartovis. oil Ile son,ew asalftv The turs. It .., I lhal.ron-h, Ik­ l" I'W . I),-J,rs,b . GODURicti 1.11111111-,V V1x4L-t4D1-y I TO0VTHI'R WITH A LARGE STOCK OF i`/x IG I "boot booth IN. sael aril, the ton ,,I Ise . W47#1,.,., - _. --- -_ _. - -_ .- - ­& 'L . I &-tar, 11i Ino'at old Frenris C..3.". Rog."" A or, Fir .ad luj,co little, Rts',b " Paid h. Gall, wiln-go I.n,l. @,.it teriesneol. I - - I Ill" .'_ V,r Itive. 11"Verpop vvs..Quldw mo,s d k:. ­d,.0 C I- ISAft TERRITORY, . ,T,t , A 741 1 1 1,01:3,11 .- ii'moi."I.p ;InP,.Ui,I.,..1 $,,.I Ill"'hi.q: 4.1-, Etl.g:..h no .&-It .Oct A,r .*I. at new air-- is tile C-urt * AXE FACTAT '"'Jo tutill 1101 It VID'i, . ijou,,,, .a the tow& of fluth. %.b l ,Job 'I be -dry. =%=c:,.,rfl,Wq ,I I but'ik. pi, Iqvl V, h. N'tat"Ve. . . - the vowtutli dev .f.vay bear he hour .1 t W J 10*1 0 A - L fl.k,pn. T 11 . , - FOR SALE OR- LEASE, I , . I", I 11,.Zr f 9 114,guall-0 , Crosse and Blackwell's Pickles and sauces, .4ohnocrAwr having recoverecorlid the Aze Twalteofilloclolk,moo-a. - I . I I ro- -, 1 o6 h-. I ,i ....... too -1 h.. gLit I 1. 0 %is soon. slid V.•, ...... ell., j_;_,,_. N%,I..I,,,W, t,*.,II.w.c.L, lhr..­,,, Wr.pp­ T 11to'thoo- J1JtW MACDONALD, . ITHIN 150 5."I. ..I the l­­nI Und"oh I 0 - , ,x__w.w.bw co,6., Huagw, :L alLi.i.r, C learn . I filkorol, A. SHEHIFFI SALE OF LANDS- W V.11111I AL... I SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & F 'U'OPS' Pfyw" :7a;'1:74 .... 1i%IL:'"s`IIa: Va"'217ill It"bil ligl hors, tire. &r. . AT THE OLD STAND. sb..r ox,o-fted"",ti, . ­ iWa curd%, V Real %I run Local L 'A It 0, hi felt, " P... , suits Ilsonery. IIIII47. % all V A R -A I IN G L A N D S t . a oil 11 o 11, -00 , -i­lolrfo , ll w .11 .... I", . on Ili. t'­er,,f posavr'l'"llionn.113y Vninte of a wil, tit I -w it I,v A I , rorn A L 3 0 , It " : Flo - F-,,-* I-ved not v,isvew.4 go that , , ", loulp,1411- "'it" I;h..,,I,U,,n N_ I lt­,,d •slid I,,, ­f r.q,-1 I H ­v -x1, H 1. T&U. Coolfish. Water!00 Is Jig . _. Jur. 011,1011 tit. evil K." .%Ia,k@to I , ,.',,,.,v ,,,, . %I, .._ i_ wilt warr.,m4knots, I,,:,, ___ -, r.d Light-liollse Strects, - of Her 1111sjoilt) is C ... IV C-11 "I the U-111"' Pr . . L - -, t, -, I itlIr , . , :::o,,o,.'r-",,,,to-,d"e Doctor lJ,­no;svroI-,,-r-nd ,-.i jt­_,I.lo,orpo,4V.,A­a -ad r --or -Sail. W.111d Ing to i"Wiliblor 1. hh, 0e. Irio,"J., 0.4 a. coupetiew Hunband J!ju_..solr ioo,d.,oli,led o nals at Dor Vo ­,ho,, I., ,,.hi ­ , 4, 'Ills in T,ovmlo, for James & Lion's Cdo,bratood Dom an, or new 0 . .. ine.-Iono high ­lh "I tile "-do "it """Te"' "' J' - ph - 0 do - 1 C" ""- IF" - L'ole .%;:, SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS- 'No I , two it., listmakta 10sio1orsollit"' 0 Blitakillead. , a call *..it is - , 6, robta, OrA will be trial, j".1 he mom prootu. a ..it sella . - - -k I at iho litint A A,ibor M,wh, 11, I have ­ - - -;& . . -%-. . .4- .11 .4,, ,.'_', ,*,. M. ,ojo,k e- ol,ftd,n To be It....loo in Ficeboon all the ,,g%l litle, 1, - % . . Theill,­ -.it! lie f,.,,n,l .... in-peoli-with-be,olftnalrbed 0 ­" .ad take. VIA it Fift - . too, By -Flue 1'1,lw.n "',"""" and .,,I, r- ,t of the "PI itrieno but J -Ph "-n- ME ft T3 xx .:r -% ory t C-21 -T- -Y . conle at Njorgenot, proninsou wo!J 1,,W lot t Airl, ­ In 111-0 ICIO's r 'r orpftived Pat..' - WARRANTED410ME.-MADE AXE, CHEAP Courtly of If" A,.­,aAel,111111111 .,wito-ki,base,wer yet - Id or- lunq,ed rel . ...... [­,-t. 11.,k., &c., to, wt,: , F.er, it. s 'oil**) I .t.tLk lo ".it to Uwe iii..rher Fateork in th, L 11 'k.1 W "Ill - lit"wi,.: I.:. r, ,,, b,c -14 ­paI.awUt411VATWi its to ­ - t`hu of lie, Mitfo t%,. tLvoi:I_nIh e__%,ft ,40.T.wo-Inp-of Ile— Owen I I .1 .I It. r nifft qatiolpetion, tolarmers who , al STREET, TORONTO. %led, sad .-he. pinted as -h-t A-,,- county ('oro I .1 ill. V ... terl comonroo- 4 If.— ,,-it n I;. CO., IV of Uar.'". ill h,l.b foods and - .. - "I, ", c , tit bent. I T11O.S. GRIFFITH & CO - I :err,,.,rtoq I ,halt .A.r f- -11, -1 IToY -1111r, on TI , Tof'"', ton ., , t, , o, to lito be. '. h."'d, 9 FRONT ST N.B.-A - . liond,er -t :Sleigho,,n bond. sod denote. still Io on, iihow-lo'd W -1-t $Ise IA -d- 966 do Clow x lade kVT.,h`I_r.,,I._-,-. VVII.C.­1116'. .. h v*..*-jIi-.e -1 I 0,v.p (or,ovah, 111T=T D01111). Toresta,N-leholiet 22, 1 66- .4 " JOH11 McPUERSON: .ralleninnentool loli'lln'. U...h1wr "ol 4J.-orre , .-Irl In'"ar, in ,Ile town W flool'r,vil, con - a0wilillift, sit " A" "' lf .`. ,..: - to . r,: .1 o-• 9 hirr .I thor u-., w I'lionlato C- o I,.ln Koo r I * 6=8; wen's. 4 I .ad I— tallw.h.ap, oo; ul.-., 4. VIt . . . . Ginderk.b. 0all - 301 111, Iftlill - ' '" L ('... ­ shot U 11han, _W. M. ­y, and I Tuor dolv 'lot fliallo dly OfJ-IY uell, at tile hour A it in Tuck ir ItN , _ , John fir, ,ft welve ."otgam arcus. I - Paul ,4= It .%J,6mom, - ­-­;V--,---r- . I ___ __ __ __ - -'s"I *,it .I.k-,. " . J 04N 34 4fil. DF).% A I "' I _­ V1. .Votortmoligrost Allodol,io 0 . es"Inn.@•oil the "of t. Wfe soninnow,olA of In,! I Xhir.lf l"; ­n. DO' 1 212, eon. 2i Llu oa 8 .ry, IW ' iva ,644242 I I W49do ,4C2-C3,25=xtx10J= moommuffAm U .."It lead ."I#,,. ,.nd to, it.. oloirth !.all .4 1,11 ginagroniffistv,Coglewich, I dirro"", * Of4wilach are mr.d,r Itivaiinn. . •. , tit wt h or, in the third v,-,...- oll the .., I, a to ------ is & is SEEG It, i ,OR """'"O"'nhere - _-, 4 9 lot April, P7. 4 Wit Tie land is of extelletil epality. :1 ".let . ,r..b.ig.I­t m ­,*,h, tile C,.-,,ly ,,I tlw,,,,. to' JLoosia. . I 11 O riVAL IN :% 11 ;,,]Ut N_ ! "" 1._ ---_-ed, a"' nigh hardwood "'llbor'OHMic"Ryll whoo-h inna* and irpi,ii.ent, I pit -11 ,der for sa , Ili skip i -i known to be one tit* tit st in I'pjvr 0 .14 H E l 0 0 1111,111'- of AlI. , it, Ca.adit,for faOn the 1% iL,.,c Ise".I. at wity.41,to to 1C,-uag wtoic. in fire Town Irons at reasonable I. I L 1 ...d.3,II.e­,Iday of Mo?11_*41 I I I .1 I seate,goo.r.i'lV..1he.,Win*. MONEY 10 'It:C.CAMPRON. gord fr; heinse, me To#and out. , 0, N% . a, Ill L11 """"I"i'sJulIN MACDONALD, flindefrits gstocopo.4.Ahju a good or. .--4I _ I I I'"'IrERCIAL UNIN ' 3hvwdIJH_ , . closed, o,,f 50 lotating trv- -. J * %. `Dobson ,& SOU. DEA jEUS' ( . _ __ lexle, A ,,, I I . . ASSURANCE. COMPANY. IN Sher.11',(Iff.'ettloodericb, I ", . 1 2041i January, 160. . wt ,S,-.- .. 'I _____ __ MONEY TO LEND FARMS IN MORRIS, , , 4 ,, * AlItV A 11PACTORY is, 0 BEMW k 1,14 SA" OF L."ifi. I -1011T I'Ell ( ' I '-N 1' - &' 4 :;:'o "c"" ""o""' it ol S, J 3 and 4, . ., ITA VIA Air f,.r , menu! terve tit nro-ms I" 0.41- 19 AND -0. COEINHILL, LONDON, ENGLAND. LEATHER H!JITINGS 1 n "L A LrIch, the 8, .rri-,ers Pop pmrs,ed to attend I I I I . I Ile" ­" . . - IN at Hit oil con 5. 2P0 urrea ; 25 acres under cultsv&. I L Nail or.:" in IlAr li,e of Luoinvaill front CAPITAL, (FuLy Subs(TI64) - - L - 12,500,000 Sterling. MEIN C. W. cildly.l.r.111-yok, By -11"' of A writ or one flustilM Dollars add opwar4h. tion. the landi)ting of first qunlily the is a I any .at I qf cm. :ill from, F;eri Faenisvit.bed ..I flyle no most do sirshl. Woe. Alin, t'. J 19 ern . . . 1A_1!. I[JIVUST11111 OV= $2,COC,(00 - DFr061T FUND IN CAKADA, 150 000. Fo,b,,,.rvr 12,1 V01 -1 w47 f fire M.j*,sit'. I ...... A, %P IftQser,s.nov'rkrvn;;..,d %.JrfS. lk . . a . '4ZALE 0 -, __ -t- _ - ___ --- __ .oho,I,c.of1I",nn o,,d 11r,.- 1131h A 20filtir" I me- AT WHOLL I I NLY- I c000rl .filk, ITnillitil It . . I 1. r1ofKao. rem 3, 50 servs, all lw,l ittality of lend. - - T" o. 1­4;lid. •f." As;ilrilsl uitu,a ,sill, 111t), DEPARTMENT, . and;, ,...Jrnsvteod orgals.1 the load. and Terms reelsoval,le. Icidisralliblo title*. For . I '. I FIRE Rintoul Brothers, ,.e.i. ., rrativo, 11, ivar, -1 ,le so -t ,J B - K '13, pRrticuhft and term In . __ ___ - __ foop'I'll; mlidslitit, oug.1.10 liSt-as cialgirtle *4b lin,djashor"JobaLle porvir4evol the • 4*,,n,joP% losoolt" ,lie e-IsfAsohme.tof &a equitable ,:Lsndl- COMISSION MERCHANTS P,irk an, co -4,11 h,,- ­3-il ---I nlh­ In riph.perl. P11.1pio'.. . . + . iro.,*,ir -, .11v--- - or,o­!", l".J.".....l. Wit. ,..it. .T,i,-,Ili,,q all the rair-11. till slid inter ­l "I'lln. - , , 4 *Irk. ,oa- ,.,t,NIi,hmo­,l ,of the it a lz Chun 0 . - ____ -,- --- - - ALE CAllolegrLI, I - 4 .,or.j.", to .J.-I.I.,"'. I... he- ..,h as f,,Ilv I. otiLse the 67 It S9 ST. FRAVC010 XATT" STRUT, .*.l,j f;.wI.nI on and IM ,na-Ser "I"Onthe lot 2?. 2nd ell". Tackersorth, - -% ry. I he .fie Uhl, h 1.4. alloor.dIrl Ilk 1%T 30 _Sr ;61 ft, . ,:norv,hp , M C:)I 1 W m­i­..nJn­ ,tw.vI,I,­so,j" florrit.,rit. vob. h­­eou,I%wJt­xh,.dIh. hu­ ,srn-,e .-I&IT, a 0 it T a CAL. ,­,rih­n­o­­," .I it,, r,.w..6.1 ,0 A-iblold, Onforlity.o., Motels 22, It's?, villiss 6 tAs - , r-.300 Fiat -tog 40, IC I ft Strea no . ,d., ,.,It, Cin'.0'. I . - , . A N; , - I 'I , a . nn co"si-runtretto of Pr,, •-,-,g ,,he houirood -room. olorlir of, I­, wh it h A T - - - I 1 3i ") rA.4 'A _ gilmhutet y .V30 Subscribed Capital, and Invested essider"d.y., ... n. ,or the Covorly of Huron, c,tri " IV 41 ; n I . . PITMZCT 91CURIT If--: I ( A I I' I' 1111 -AL 4[11-;.1S_11 SPECIA L NUMP, 0 A I I J " , 'o , , , , ie" , "" di I Altragrice, r, 4 !anile 'Ittl tenement$ I *hall offler lor onitte ,I t,,v , , Aig ro""Folill & sr"t -tJrA lure to 1,iverrol, Glasgow and other port W 0 Qqie.; h W. A; 1,,..., 'it r-etth,h w.,.,t ( $.I.,.. T , th", I—. ."d 000tort,l A.-,.. I—., r ­l"..".. I.,c,lr '.. 0 Be"". ,#j,-r.o the (:,hrt Hollov, I" IAM Town ,;I Lent on Mortgage. ,n G.,dot0v nsTatrinlayrithoo-onsth day,,fM,,) & to -- , 4 or, ;1 I- w fl( l J;.,hb*rt,-V, Will t.klj liberal l.nd 1­1rit,io-like ­ww a,, qu,,Uvrov -1111119 hti,ri, tit Io- (= I .ext.millisisouroitirove.fil, vI­k,ro­e, A I,I,'y ,A ST. CiTHENRES NURSERES I's 0-3 J. " IS ri,vietrattoomir'I'l. 104. ' . =1sorAlikell, Better, &L. re- m 0111 - . , .---,---.---- I_ - LIFE DEPARTMENT. -peelfull solicited. I . JVIJ?i MAVWKNALD. W.Al. K. HATN'S I;d . . .- I fir 0 in ­ Sept. .1366. sw2, Sheriff` 11 IN.tSMUCITsperri.in le,ratins arvotolling 8 ISAAC ICK The II'volontiost *ill" le'so' to ill- -10-4101 I,We t -911 -l -'r "'"""I""" in' spy " ' I Jjnr,fP,0ffl­.(1i.dericFl Ch%npery and lAw Office, Crabb's block , !4 .. 5 FREDER ilind.1ble Pre .... von _r.,wct,,-bnt­j­,rvnv oroo.nalls'nefti. le'.J."a to ,ncroon6e Ili* &001 I ' 25 J anti. ry. 1 K7. 1 wt I G0,16,4114.0,11'. trees in the Counties of.Harr,n and 13twee old 0 __% - , . y . to I , oltl_w .,a perIt, ip.un, ou air, on wh,-(h. 0 ret evrt of Profits ere ifiv-sillic. - - ___ ___ - C ... (1 --rich. IM:%rch Sill, IR67. 55 ut or the I& pr*t.n(. flat it,. ,e ,,b C1 .1 * , __ , 4 , , (,..,... ra,d m, Moott, *fter go al ,111dr-1h . I i - gained from best. C-tlle64 a Norm- ", ibis . .. , . . 1: *1 -4 ­. " 811 I- EtIFIF'b ALE OF LANDS.- r - -- . 'lie, 1 1.1 ._­ And infi­ ed%ents9es. win' b MY I- we" no 'be ( 11vvP`oo`)"- I'll -l"' ­ .111111tookes I U-11111' ,s to cemily that Vemrs. J...s Stv..'I Rood .. ­ I If. ..'_ _ .0 I ,141111, V ,- . h1arland, Watron . College o(Hur.", I I , y vi -to. ,4 a writ 'if Iluthert 0,.rdan are the Wnly persons now 11-A, I - _A" &Co. BASH AND DOOR - ? it't, t I Idej. . &a . . . . Gev,rr'l Agenl.,ofw C,ina Wit: I Pert Vwt-.. loova,,f ,wt a&u , authorized to sell title fli,ol my tierstries , . .. F,ICTOR Y, - " in the" Couraties. I n .. ,,, g , ,IrHri lifeir-tv's County Court of tbe (*01inti, (A *f T110KA, Propriet6r. 0 I A I Etito. 4741. 1 wonlerl'ov, a ... I I,, ".q &Wsoal against the 1..,& Jon. his is th D. W. 8EADLE, ' I* . - 11 ,i) _4V - .- Seerriary, -_ F I IV • . . flE,,,,&ro,g,nod0iKav,vg por,!,sk.d the ph,ia. and Teinowre-a ,.f Airliver 11",-11111 tht dt(Vd,,,,, i.rpr,itian4 WatCountry Ilote in Wester !?., OVVILE­34. A.NIJ 347. *T. rAri. S I 1:IA.'T,Y(l.NTI:f.A! . - mgmo .ha -,wt, F&vtorv.w-I,,-nd-- 11 the ."ll .1 M ...... C. Lutil ..it Joule. Costs. If ".a plopirl..;.?. I 01. . %VATCIi'4A*1.t, & &WELER, T firi,ida.srid nh.rx,,o as , Z 9d, I4, I "do'•.1 `4 35 May, 11.966. W14 Itir 0 - . ". d ,,,,,6r Ill-port,w of Agoineirs, rnpie,l by N,,,.,,I Cu.6n,,ir, are oo,vr prepared 4101':R-"lDR-lh.m.nmiw,146 1.0k .$;- Exe-l". , Mitchell , '4tage Per. or, on as ting I'd• . I , on etirry.in the husmeabW thenn,facturiag - 'ft thm coort.," parves,,r frot-it ,,r Land .,,,I,pr in. I C 14.7 '. , :1 . Q wMatift St.. GoDultIC11, H. Mill .; , Sr, ...... Ift r. Ll V I US I U.N. P. L.S. ,Itoaokra.plorvessn Carrhoggesror H'It"t . . I . .-a s.to.tv lying mod two-fe is T, wo .1 4h­Ie.1'NQ%,v, ill: lindcraig-tirfl, Ar,ont .. .1 ; whi. It...al" N.4c."I've ; J .h., 0 'I ii fill all order H , .3`1 "the I A f,,go the Above -1 IUAlt, THE o.sT OF170E. , ,,,a,jxER A Co.. Bash, Doors, Blinds, go d.-n-ii,,tibe r,-wri.h-p ,,I if wi,k in ..., - N T-fti,,P, loop prepared I 04 .. I Agent, f,ir 0,, leni,lo so, I I -k -1 oqlruv of Hutton rvirristriong toy sdruen r,rre, I I till I . Pool realkabs, W.Ilgenon and - 14--s-0 - -w74 . , Flooring I FAPtAr 1`01ft SALE. "' thv"ir lr.e, and na th,x mate their Woe - A Mouldings Tilley Vista hares th­,- or I. -.sI ­.q "Irl -.1-1 W A ;­ 1, ,%.$ ;11.'NLNT-Or I 4all that part,41h, Mot# -,to' ".M. - IT - i: ­% permorially, their patrons may rely upon -1 0 - . - I Siding, owl, .,Fi,.mpn ,olowet.0 it., I :1 ,.I'tC1g`"1: CON AINING .'-0 serve r,fg,rA Viorming it Lat no points' will be Pphred to'llive eight. \ F0 I't 0 )""I itnil floated Joy, elry on Katd. _ - k_ ____ - _. - ­___ - -_ .1.,,-.d wit. then .,ill all the Wild ... go " - I '• C. Allot all kind. .( e4wcted ) Lard ah(,ut .15 ,Mmes, of *filch :re clear ti ction. 1-1 ILS = Win it lAni's and T,serr.lruis J,.holl ed, It iA we,, wmtp"d, lo;T br,o,,, v,j `hArb, STEWART A 00 P r I Ili '.'. A"'juff") CLOCKS AND SPECTACLES 410" 1 IR I I 14 111tv C) Tt 11 sale. at troy ( IN, e.." the 6 -ort Hill,-, , WK M lot nnVAT VARIETY. both a Coot, and (s,othic Oasa sold Voomee. ,a the To,% n o(I;.br,ch,,,n Thooday tile r."Inh aiiiiated 2i miles from the villace of fees joh^NI". lzct. I I I ..". UN A.1k; I I IV,% N C-V " - . I ".1, 11roon tb,,r ,spowlerve in losetory, day o(June neat all the hour of i welva, of tile water on top gravel road, will Ile sold. A - __ _140T1ftr___ HURON FOUNDRY! T1h.'1Tk.`11;1aI lh y, ."give knoijaction 60 all woo elve it, been. * barrain I For partivolArs ftpl,14 to . I am 3: 3W "STr I& 73L *TU . RI.Il.`,IjII,N0 IN ALL BR.k.NcnEs I : ing. i,p,.r il-no wnh a ,all. JOHN MACDONALD, JOHN M GAN, .0 .A. - Arripe ,", 04*4 entaics, in R.".j style and woe . 4w;a CD .3 ;D = o'. zip. a- qK::J iff-lawfir I .-A liberal diov.um to the 1-1e. Sairriff Heron. . Trimester p. a. Tl.'? nndcrx;gntd having parcliwill the uav 'Iftylo , . rant, J ac. o ,],no to socolanq, It. I JAS 131-CIIANAN, zMerro; Office, 00derielf, I . Codroxii, March 10, IP67. 09 large stock of Saddl­y and entire (.,,(); ,r . ­ !, il. DAVE0 L%WSON, 22nd Kinuary IN67. J war, - - - 1-1 JAL 1-1 W :E F3 8 I \ A990V28. . '.LK :sap -UTAII. !r'r W41w Rinp sbalkys 01 11114 . '. I . I JAS ALEXANDEPI, ____--__ - Horses for Sale. *. I \ t000deri--h. March 4th. 11,61 sw.W BREUFF'S SALB OjeLANDS . it :! Ignl , I _ &d. 011 Ire, , - jobs felt sololanowed in My bonds will bil . I . - - R .4tile hr Ilic Ssiba,riber a !omm of good 1, BW C * 0* ., - Fat.b r.rsn f-... C.Pl. . ol .., V,.,..l Perin. . ir. , . *" slierep.-Irfe. $*A Rt too ot"i.so * but of tbrige mcp1be to do . ., . I Ceara ter Koros, I IJY Virole of a Writ of . -fiatmwe. 90 1.1 I . To I Allen fwr, Facni-o-nootl FRIFf'DEILICK AVILSON, take" ." v, ­ 6 o,,t ille"r"%]:Ajo4t)-osr,mj"tyt""Ilrt orthennit"I I "'griblijeld Farm. r 9 I , J. J. 11,11'et INT. oar arti A,i;el,q .. ropm-rl.d. - I Tako Notice. ;i` 0 . ,nion"..4 an . 1.4 11 I I I r• ron,t­ of H,., -n and Iloner, and to - di ­t. ,1,.I,,,, 1. Top. A t,,.l Ili, I IA7 10.11 rr• r sts"el:.." fhf Otto T..4irt'lo AIJI Oil [)*?*I. . r I'll'. hest Junlity of Clock Oil at 25 ,its , , r , ., I .. M .Xit­m oho, I.nd• and laoian.-in- .-I (hart" ' , S I,xtz 1, '. ., , 1. Pl.,W.Iatl.O...t (J,,"[..14,!Ii .z,e, I like. FO'R , A , G., 1. .. h .to In" I *$-if - - 1.1 , , , I ­ ,z , - - . 0(jol,r*b, tf^ 14, 12",4. sit . . 'r ... . .. ! - ., " . :: 1. -,w,l 0.1 t.k n ..I,, ra,-, wt,. n, ell it., rwhi 4 ,- - - `_, !,it, "A ... te'vo ,.f the ...d,h.fi-.,I,.oiI. mond to, SA I E I I 3T i %*rr CNG " _ZZ a " aR,ia*­ . A A A a - 611beAlLI* Floylski. Ftmpi -­` r I , - k -la the , ,Ilh h.11 ,,( I"'t N .... tie, 'I'm,enly to the a lif 8 I ii K 8 a I , , 2131107 *13 Land, R. R U N 0 1 M A N & 0U.9 SAMI'11,1, POLLOCK, V-2., late N,puty Alih..,,n---r.a.,(Ih ,T.".,hip,4 At ...... . n the I ni.my .-(ll,vr­v o­nt­n,ns.­ h.o.1rord .,ft, ORTO RENT. of Mr. 11 ­nre Ilotton, who hit been on Tb011' She,il,rhx,th­..pp,,mhr ,)ffiei.l,%,o.j,,, , I-*., nrinv, h I.rid -%ont rene-ol. 1 mell and favorably known in that capacity, beig to MiUS .0 virork, ,lin i1noolvent Act of 1444 for lb ",'" to THE WELL KNOWS N we: y re is.n.ble terms. Al,Count;" 0 oil" to,, o-sle. so ... y oill". ,A it., Glatt 11'.her, " , I' - 0 I-ly to Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring I Triiied Count " rf Ituron and 11rure. no theT,,wit .1 Gv.I,­h,,.n T,,e.i.y ibe I..nrI trate that we are prolparvoil to contines tb10 A 1-tv, .104 k"A 41fen! up 111hol. mr," WAr Office in Comet -it's Black, King- ,toy or June next, at the h,air of twelve of the business on the same favorable terms to put- . 11 at,-, v ve.-aflaild by A' F. both. for the P. I.. Pnyl,r, ctrivir, soon. " RaitlandolvilleHotol chasers so they have hitherto enjoyed. above, ,,, .. . I ..a u.w ,,r,,pwv4 w,.r.i.h lt,%Tq,-r', now Block. . Circular, Xtilav and Sash 88,W-1dills. $tron titreet. JJIIN MACDONALD, ITUATED ,in the 1-11F of the N",lh­n The Roubscribeirs have, on head at their " I February 26th. 1844. W50 S fasith" :.t;. , r. ,odiirleli. flih .I. ,. 441 65. W58 lye I Sheriff "Wrote. (;, Go. -1 Wiftoil I,) Lueltrow.olle little from Shop, Market Square, a very large Assort- wor­h, ..it owoh . ,,,,e hl..4ftd stood Ci6c6clZIL 'an, Prooloislone, - . I Irli I ___ Ai.., r.,,ft,.("v, .-h, f wil y.rd.,of the ,;.der,, -h dAfA WORKs k,al*:.y '".tit of .ad 1.1ahr.q...11. to "fort.;,.. I'll,. ph,plely 0 t4Mu,fh,ily -it"alrod &51)' W" I .'-'I a . V ' hot . of Well. ­on.,fing nor gone "A nor P:8J)Z b . I At "71,rovo.-o Ilotab ,rites R I N G , 9 N i 11,11"I IS, ' " 3 ,T_ ?% A I)A 11i'r 31 a 1110W111113 i,a WAAWIM50 I IT A I LO , 3 " 2" MONP,Y T0 IX ND. ____ - ___ - .',hill ,,( horul, with a laripl,t two-san" Hotel,, IS attlivir A?T1 r, . riour a,nd :reed , "t f A- 1W. & C', I I T N I -_4 M . -_ - - -_ or . Ill I I 1 It 11IL'"A I I I THE HURON & ERIK SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. .4,-A' ""i-homm! I".Tvh`bT 'to on" 0 1,11" 11-11 Saddles, Trunks, Wise% reviled #,,-I SINIIAI.g.nd "Ill" k4pillostiftatintill'o"Annol. - 10. - ^" .9%. 31111 SA fh, Ion,lrfhip-, 'Ij.­-.ar%.r1oo.Inojj.P,nnrsI Ar., ill', ftkirh they a". r d to oder to ,or Jos, 06,,..0,IsA% 0;11 U tUak ijjI1.,..i 6n,,h tit, m(,w`f.4iNt I, kv rilANKe SAVINGS AAD LOAN SOCIETY. .. r inioll.-I In Supply all th. Uhl h! at will r-dol"Irr"'i", for full. f4allilal. _t,h­vV.It­,.ce ...... 1-11 "ll", 10 611, SE POWERS, Th..b,,1e1,,,eI,n,,,wja.,m,.MAks c*"Tfy Wf,',",'mnlBy,,T,.".-F.'.f(,",.',.v.6",t'" f 1, b pe z. I -" `ro-,h1',,.,Pr'd' low," .. ,ti to g a Nail I I W , I, P room 4 A,141,!Aiolol .71y %tte, a d 1,o. .f.:'o. .0: :,""no, ... ... I I eel ol Farmers w I n up,11 to call and fftffpet , ........ ,.I _I.. S Her Val-ty's ('-.-IV C.,nrt .1 th, 1,r,,,d , A I- fbT gs* Lot No. TTA,) 9,1 their st"A and Priem before porThast"ll 0108 , it ' I ool-­` 1. FA ft Impsoll statil Littionsiolli, Crockery to, h-ri-1`1 *1 -`-11 tn"­LPI . .dL30'V_1k1%TC:1JMA5 Cobnorto of H ... tron and It .... . . 614 h ­dt,-Mwf Ill~41101--wi,ol-0111 1-1 I- I--#- 4 too WN lMPR0VFD nc­sr the !A.I. *,it Too ­em. of Wall., In Ill. T,,Wa M (b.1veivIN. winaloof ." the wool *her#, as aunh .I chafto If toold-ern lettered. - P.Wd Gl&xx*4rJoX:l au G jods, . .*W •vol-nred is dadni.;:, ,0: Mowing and ReapInK Nfigrolifnes, Wooti Saws, J.'10 1.1= 3EMr.4:b3p02.t7. A l,t*.,I.,, Al the *vilb .( Adano 1I.W. 1P. A. • a.he .1 Vic'err.. .1'rool, a ,­,­ 1.4 "..ming the It. 411; W. MARTIN. 14 A ,04 , onissibtill, CotrasseAl, It lu ."lo :04 J.'v.. J, F'onno, I have amovol and InswAs lo -l'", wok a firitiff, House sod, q ofi 013irleSS [XienSiVall C:ITT3r-WZ_V",-QL 1IrC>X1L0, ICAALWGIV 3E1X_.4C:)0TTC;l,-XZn, ON 11408T ADVANTA(4rouM Tr. -INN. toljr.i Fseew­ ,h 6,11­,ns F'orne 15,00, them, 1 "retch. Oct. l6th, 1846. W34 . . 1 1LI1111111PAII F11411 . I to. it kotti I to Jr. no filloiliell . 1.2: Wild Rlmd TAt 'So. 1017. I'll.,,,-. or P"Ing a 1,42 It t- f ...... I .11 the rtph: late iond m..aq 4I .*.I L(bold __ . ra", ar - C8111111, It (- gsp,% idil seliarnithe'vorktinne I" sn,ost%ud4uimtxnflaIIn%nr,e,, .,,vh .w.t then in ,.Ibor steol,s" !let ent.no sod I. Im stionlair m -%-,n I, ifooloo,ili ""- fit tile Town w (h,4,?,,h rof,,alood .1 the 11vorlh I 1 4w 1 ­rnr hill agro-I'lls'lloodtoonlow, , .. ."" 01,ONIAE ROUSE1 I so ings tyf any,106-1101 lo" made to order. Also, oil kinds of machinery Were. Thr .It.-nt­n ofth. W, ell of 0 0 sell =.Tpo tier "losirealmothorinotive. Alarigestrieltot - , the A, 1, tholl he .,It roor,ow, I " _r Is '.'led "'we ,!two r,,wn*j, .r(l,yhi t,,.r.a,"Iv.t *W,,, F ,%X.. ke, "• " . he lives hip expittleh, r so Clot A ,, '.., Orwell, lo"WIh. Raill-4 Nl.ndft, , re of . _A r t L * T to A I in 0 on " ' ' " " "I I 'r I 0 As R a attend I :rum Y d* 'a - ' , " I If In ULU 114 I I -1 4f ., . -%, ,t, ? . 0 e PW41 1; - IO&RP 1K X & I L I , I I L, , , , it :y ­" its 11i; 'r I * I ill ** '(' ` , . 07T 1-1 F I livi,- - v -, , `t" III I, 4 ,4 Por - , ., ,I _. .., " 1 4 a. N L Y. "ll, , . .11, ,• I - . 0 0 11, ". .1 _. .q . is , " ,'In. .." I he -1-1 - S rojjjol I - of , .a i" 5O , - k. r S '. -Wt Giadverts Is ? W. ".... " . - , 0 , - 6'r _ . - 0 C3 (" sp I I I I '.. 47-C 1 1 _W I 1 1 P 9P <> AF, JL 3 I 1. I W­,41.".""liffairew, ..e.boveir, ", iw 1.11 a ..... . 0, ,4 H."'" , of. " "or , lo, " -A-1 onwve he far motoo, - . r ,, - he II.A.. and h .... I any 41,1111 i"„ be ... 9 .ada ror mot, - to-. wism-to I," .,it Tan..* I .hall with a 0 ­I*eavro, fboake Q"A I -Mitt .4fahko th"b. . flon.", , - te.­vlf on,NAlo ... (.,It I ;: .i , "".." ( .1-ind .1 P-ir,nonn..'" 4.1"we'. otter low Male, atm 4 " 1, the I ­, 1". n. I'll F . q blefillbe k4o (), I.", AND - P. I . - I -7 ft, _1 .,_.. ". CQ01ING. PARLOUR AND 180X STOVES , I i vlowthiloorton V. r' -ft lo,Ili. .hel ty and begifflAock of I I . 11 M, , visa .41, d,* -. ,..w be repaid 114asifill he loosely. ,, 0, T on of 0.4- -Io, ,on 7n.W., I'* (,N, "' ""' ""' ,., ,JW itis ".. .( 4 PI , 1-hoh-11 .we, •a sarvin! .1 from on# to i1spon ,,_,h,%v a(way Witt. at ft. No.? 41.41'a bf term, I., .0 V1,, hollows, For towneolaft aro, Olt., I.Axpit r tb ool§Nwb ft #,a hay.1, 4,9VT It, ,III,%. Wi,­A ard Pi" nox, . Aq no, pathorria tit tho, tho,ol mm -4 Tl., .N- m-prry --it IoM on newano.11, o(9AL , Aw 0%.#4 kis,J, we voiluld I I i,,n "I'l,n, .tock ?-to" PereSsare ie*m th. ,I -b, ...a. HOISERY & GLOVIE431 ., Flo,wIlligilli I* A`n"`w"`-=l' %a r"'Ifos"lave. in a hi go,k r I o n $,!;,It hn inapot I I) ON. I 4'epvr", n 0 1.1 at ' & ,, M110t Ali ... It L. 110) LK, fineena." 1O.elafsra,Ve120 IATHTNO CAF BE IWATIr. eve -b000, as I:: Are ,,116orms lli*'R tove At the lowest reshernorstivo, prittes (me purI. or for its, r(lit I'VIA, PARTICULA"A APPLT TO ' JoHN MoDnNALD. 'Io M.TKUKXAN,G.ftvh,h y.IL.jn,sjda will he delivered isof4y.h1:4..#n,q"dAqrhw -treigot.bliello. proved ( redit. 014 Xf-tal, firsini, Copper, and all kinds of produce tak.a in "thongs. Showillifuran, .t',-;h`.'o:=,'. a."r I iN *rHK COUNTIF.3. - ,, S- POLLOCK, 13bor,#'.(i&,(;vd,n,h,( 101[al'oi,1n, ( C,ollorwono, C. BHAN?((P?t. 46 too town, ".R 'I''mrorloo"towal. Al=ad Val.st., for the Perkilyat G.&,,hFebruary. fth Im. I - ITW4 a CRA& P.. ARCHIBALD. po 116 ",I '11110,,Iorich. Feb -Ind, I844- OW46 2 4wI7-JT1W"4k (Idilldrileb,ifictoolaor, 1962. V mb.('.W , IV". Wit shroary Lp" I Goderict, Aorw 229d, INS. awl" . . I I , _ -..,-, I I I Iii -- A ___