HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-5-3, Page 2\ f ---r-. 1 9 .1. 1: '1' A r • r i H ■ m at offee Time and *gifts we have dir c A ( cwt) I ufcariuH l vary par went Iiaea, we prem a e=au buttes w the wall , V Yat tae 4 Yineae do to Gad.. L(Grwt Hnolg name rJd oder the : . ! L • 1 a 1 , AhU ol,lrl HIaN t)lr-71 I, T, lkld i• eounrel*d bat w eloctrie win conk • torula. IRETEOBOI.4IGICAL illkJe A bQ or Dncwt F.urvq,_A AKRIV R ed rt:sutiuu to it, but, uuthwitlmtruding above par is demanded fur stock 14 obs Ituaru-Am*ru." bargain, hu r going to gal I r011t!'. moa who rr sr e)• ellOw forth gs 41ey aU the eivilisiug iuiaeuca-/, Cur whish •a OudericL wit well little afar=, the cluyper u( which keeps uu up the row 1 nl&tee the Oriole yes of train. 11 u Y tum as the butts is ra Mme lridb p eswau bolo"ging to e t J '( Y [ y acid. The crmsde agxin@t Chisew boor o° the :. .-i- jrywr■/ ay 1 /r JMr Ruder, .r Helios mvt under pecut. ri wM Acd,mdrhur .................. . 1 1 ;((1 a.m. pn] co dtarly, it iacreasw until ►t tut it Litt rte kind from the burro° arad the alarm P&oi6c c fast .ewe a he menYwg u via. Advice to tlwryl111• r U,4.riA. rermel■n Exprce■ m-il.................... 300 p.m. I DJ4 aretomu intolerable. IPP pay coma Our scow Galt well u sow down craw Tbis pnacipla • French jeweller Luer. The fiva"im, of San F'ranolwo, is _ _ Gli■srvar Tk.r. aur two w Viae a,Je &ad fort • I - '$ • M-- other any, thereinto, there wry,,,,, era the Mud-••••••.......... IOc.,U $41100 err 413000 a ywu to kee u a free 5UO feet,yamd the work u pwgreriug' he& adulated to a cravat pia. the buub of cluing all it tan to ext prblie opiuwu right Siad tie commeucemnnt of the Mom of = Y 1 to Le •:.-. ao 8xbt. Hat its urJ•r to h+lenee the sum. Dtl'ART. I p P ri mumu Lha pits u int vrriuue derided, It v • ban and Wpr. •ear t red Iwn.cufiuu. !n •ata- Ibe Princeda of Weles, Ibe Prisce and !'rue con• r s'=' o school, and In return the youth of the with a outlast err a drummer with hu dem, cent X.rial r wys Ihr tlaa number of eon cod l4sr medical •drusen hate been s o bee, uu" of the numeruw party joiasd Ili• E■prras mail ..................... 8:311 a.m. or r derth'e lard rilb • Lowe under ace, err l;hi"pa*u in Catdun,ir u but Int r awl*r I ny«rrhelmwf with kunrs til uJv.w ruJ n• Tw,1 a.m. + - of olhar aiJr, 'bekase, buJa,' De said, ail ru Aa"lomlxl■ti as ................... 1:30 p' loan ries•■ to nurse us tO Our foes any 'I'Ye \Ight of tare 111vbloas J R ii33 i _ rl1 $ p,,, 3 4 , M t .D o a., b se. I ce it road p' • dug. Whwrr,r %,ch iy lin wear aust a our thin it LY bora any ume o the lent , have been tion. All lcoda of embecia.e s I 1.67 I lick fro, cod eserp1 1 fur insult aur wive/ and rislero un Ilia ublia Ibtm, i err ,e -.' __ i P pin b+s cobnuted w,IL .t hJ • wire • =mall 6rtenn Jan. '1LaY who .n out traders I haw beau amt • the w„at varied s crmrus po ) oke streets. And, now, the rate paytra are F e copy Crum late f'es as interesfiog •lrclricrl ballet, in one of bin pockets. Hu awfitly preur lin rufk rodrpeaideutly Ca the int I*ether, loll and uu apliutd ; and *flats*- Tww "Alrel to IN 1,110 zi.1 1 N W. I I If 4 hit el • to m" r a~uq r'f theses hr,,,K a p1 (1 f pp n• sketch of u.* •unw ,s Ilan 11.1u of Columba uu bin halal auto bin racket. touches' ten mine err Y ardenrn. lin Isclori•a and u° cod u1J worn neon tie" of thin aWt I P all r Tbe rat■all r:y " ' L ` k T 111` I I iug themselves what the bwv I , u I `' I b 1 4 R ( ) g W.d. r. y4 sOB 177. Ili. I to that ba and bin a•w iri*ode • rur 9 Pg9 7 m ti.e mat Dt of the dirsiuu uu G.alswu*.' upon thorn std OQg,wa oh* pin. The bare the ratlru&ds they fill places which white me° 1 varied character. P One good soul from lie- Tha s. , 16 JIM 403 y. r f w kouetl did he 6 Lt. one Ti 4t'w for, if rowd fiat of the worst char• ameudmeut : P J land of course reocmaeude that a putative be I vs.,, r 96 .1671 410.4 f 4. f 1 0' y / F'x• _ I ! I 1 ►*„sea to tap uu the t.bur, the drummer to would not take. Thu cernl Paeifio rurJ ' -- aster u W bat allow d. It may bo AA'r pour oIJ Ituo•bu. k, hero comes Dart un b s drum, oh• dnrlh'a heat to elaauer Jld uul em lin & C mew bbuurer until tutu ; old r Ialy wads r targe yard u1 or SAI' t71 N. f1t01 flit I10DER111'11■ Ct W., 1W & 1867. Rerr•sloid Hope, who un tea r burred ul d•- ar,d Pull lin h„rnd eyes, or ,L" dog to Intek sum llad to du eo D the death of sb to I Binary oil bilk, wb,ch she feels cerlaia from • Tbo u Vrlw ay of the Wind'• ,s exlwra*rd j aakcd R'hat is rho rrmaJ 1 1Yii are . is J - -. _ _ e 7 9 loucrrry with a date tatiou of I),*Imtll, slid and sii.ap, N ben the Lund u llped from I&bauren &ski:rg double the wades laid lin I bar own tlx{srrieuca would effect a con. W e •PP^'iamadf by auml•rr*, thus : u, (.lo, ; " - nut somploGlu Isid and lhr guilty patio oho fluted hrmball' i° r d tiuncialiu" int tbv I the button ivataatly all is gaiot. Chin amen. Yet the builJmg of this rued ere it at.: zt, in one iustanee, a J.rnrtios 1 6. bludrr■a Irak ; IO t'wy hrYYY Hurrar■Ye,arC. - T'HE MA1((1j 'I -S ' TYR OLU tiTO11Y.` I Foray leader which war Yrlu,thu to me nil - - • • hu oire°rd quarries, se abliahed =Ilia cod of E2 win Forwarded to come nue who bed I t Ito.••ral.rl nf„f.ky,loudest •• a ex •re*.etl pewisLcJ y R'u anaw_r, that in most by cumber+, bort w w 0, Iliac 10. ai n x,e ahowiu how much ,canal &ivas is ori 1 , Tha i anal•" occupies lbr" out of machlne shin s, and started several torus. rut a g butt'• of embrocation. Phis [unit I nut the Av u -socr„f wuh cwwle, 6. toot 11 s When a sem waist wroth i0 asigu es" it a imlrst..ible W sinml! out the f I p CODIIR1CUs 9 I under rw,• lora, "j1w, a°a•ulr,J anzesge." or fir ,u eri ai reserved fur tba short hand So Lha ploy h milts of ` s Francisco, whin► have been ender very prvuliar eircumataocies halt coteraJ ; sad0 Ibe n al.-rl.wtly ck■r, May , (187, menthe is conquecrd. When be raorlt I worst offrn•1 ars, and n•ap,staLle Citizens ''I knur," mid Ilotr, whin rich auto, wJ •"ten, cenui.. other yen, wch a the now employ huaAiedo of akdlyd wbita okra -ace rerllJ furwardiad at all in reatard fur *Aborsras, Spring ani s al,.... to lirs- the refuge Of fuula-he ;Lows tot ere aver•• to any such Publicity, Tht h K y Jfand'ird, the Dai! tors, Ac„ hare each f t K do •••••. 1:60 1;66 &Im,,.t r ,un.•nu uN flan rmda, '•that d mat y • ora@, Cuul I °eater buva been uuderokea the advice err IDs "mbrurfifiva. Tu here Hi nest rLnnurlrrr *euro Junin th@ Werk Fall .uajvctMyselftugIll.&from urn mem,Uerof Y I •••••••••••• 1 LO. All is w call anau rJ oar the art of wrtLuut the chow r l'hinese Irbor. l° the •eat tmthar *ecu moon of th« multitudiutY Pvr O' H4 u r o"e teak. y ur era 1r wr r O 1 10 r 2:00 ■11 ■th,ut Lim thut .a i/ not oval beaten, Tamed we cute at a cru ,I t!lia: L t the Loodoa s, that there u nut r sits I I R Low.,• Ikmuw,-I,,. a.u. use %A dco meet esu •tea...,•„•••• OyM 9 J b I J llw U.,usa”-Acts a daggerdook aT U,uJ- P•Pe a Gree u( dumrtic wrvice the cumyetiliuo rod aro doubt talc scant prrscnplioly and F'losr . OIb1 Dot tLat he cauout,avaid dis la in the 'Imine*, `lufrill err coma utlier re:itblo ••but ,bat• tram come darurt nag ser whith can boast of burin • s fw.taU u 7 a,t"" • °'' un alurJay. • • ••"•"" 8:11 (( 8:64 F 9 6 Y q ht be cum Pal R perlrl s••em+ to Dn more iujuriow, lbuugh the Iembruerti.,ut, Ac., forwarded, w„old pare 'Clw Mean harwreine prarun fes the week Harley •... ,w......... 1:61 /:5T • (d ' V:imrnla Ia ars honest men 1 lien baro °r' ° yruce*dingt. Tbn orgrnlsrliou int the Br/kpia wJd that these who hire Cbiuer inrolvcd rn exlanuw of many huodnd* of wN aY.tlll, Pets , ,,,; •,•„ • • • •, 0:55 }'''' =hereat wrantiras of his noun. Juoh ° r"taLle be pat i a sp*ciio sum oa 000di- 0:63 I lunger out of 1'ar,iament than a, it, freeness, Tlaes' spurt hand 4rk u wunderfudy tar. rerraols would, iv their •bwuce, do the work i ouutnds, Then io a large bus full of each iwsarorxTsa. Sheep......... • •... ., 4:00 ' u the amdact Of deme oP Itlessrm. Ria fiats that ha clear lh• street comma of the I would never fall down and wurabip the tied out: The weal length of its repot of of the Duuw themYlvee. The Hsdktin lotion. 7 hu a al. aye w on such occraions. (1Wunuf obwrval,ua I r.w., I p.w.,9 p.m.) lieef, V awl..., S:OU Ilyde@ • •••” 6r 6:50 the l wrli&mrutrr debate N Crum IS to 'lU gown to the frets that ,he men cnarua, I K'Lru oke lute 1(rag of Yurlugrl cow lying HagMmw 'I'rwyrnwre Jun..g rhe w.ek woo B 0 (green) 5: •hie sad l'**lung's enpponen. 'They yOans row li y who &,D re,; its, nightly goaden rpa&gs set up ib the Jrwus of Aroablr. 7 Its Lisa Course u( trio + e h, columns, eal ,lo .r enerall ab,ot fifteen t l u', lu.•k, , un Thuaala 60 1: ►eel tLat that* cause u lust, xnJ cuunot *rem of •ht to ton o'clock. Tun foci;;ht of pr •c Utdrarli with ari f J .f Y' 1 arlwn kcepers, burtxn, Ac., du sot com ill wuh Iyplaund fever, come one wrote w Ur, p• ^ f• beater..... M - pt int the moot rffje teat short head mon, -elle Iaait til Cr., ole competiuur., cod &drives the Jenner wain{ hum tkrt ■ certain cure Pas Laura, "I'rul;r mmure during the week wN t7J p,.tatoes,,. ”"....•••• I:jd 0:16 no of tuut.m -Lir'i Made haw f„r t:.e •t 7 o•rlw 4 a. era. o,a SsturJry. • • • •. • • •..... 0:61 O.TS• help, to Ih, it ■n4nr and tbortificalion, I Lis be,' a and a Lot arrcats will excruise ■ Insolent a Mephistopheles, merely sa1J how Iwo of the principal editors attend each cit- Pnbuurets to follow w sensible and wouly ' to la ru ahre , watt the lower part u(ohe house, ('he Nae - it . .raw.. ser ane week w.. s"Jn W omad.. • • • -• • • •... 0:6 Ile.ce l' dlralt tla Ila REFACED L\ IN(), I oftNw wholesome lufld:llee than all the be enjoyed the g,n'leatl s ,aircUre. t'P tinj Irl Urder W *elect all that ,a nl„at Iia Ur an eZ+=pl*. and CwCiY ad by wgtratitig plat It Dever- ltefrl,ed, Je' dans Iter week wN U° Frr,c 1i•Jr Nw' two ,,sees' ( 9:pe and Ji.ltu.ting liillinesgate. Otte of I afoul locluret that O,ul l bin Ives io a h ave always regretted the •twee• u( rattle. test and iuleresling i• the dabtes. Lis --,- I Ary sheep might be a nut over ta entes.- IM Nran ienywr war !rant 40.67 y' Eggs........... , ..h0:10 S 15:00 e B are I o.0 aur debrtea ; cud 1 waare lee n,,a •ill girt you w idea of the vequi-emend rbotograpYtsig a Canno■ Ball. British Medical Juurnu{. COldest day dunes the week waeua ratwda Chicken ”' • • 0:11 ( p00 them dishes up ■ report or the C••&forlh I Jas*. In the interests of society we orable gwaileroan fiat wLrnever he exhibits end staff int such a paper. NotiruhetaOdi,ig __ ,h@ Mau Trm;wnturc b•m* Lf.70 !r 'Curkr • , .... ... 0.20 '4 0:23 --- .a J .......... 0:31 C:10 meeting un the YSth, which doM/ out i /posy lhouwnd, Of Julian on eduction, m ibis Huux, I atm alwys cnarwrJ. Aad tM box+ungd o! Vle Amnncan prcw, uiidli. The London Jurrn.tl of PhdugrapAg A Yurxa GuC k.seureu *aur lzpaat, JOHN HALDAX, Jt. pork .................. 4:00 1 a..ce hr DN apaken of Aslr; [ my n=ark (nt reader. alwry, prour nue number u( the gives a very intere,nn,l rceuuot til war -la nue of the raids mrJn by flan Comruche VVind Ihaa Yoh clay ar Apr., Itup7. ( 4;a contain a w,anh of truth 1'nam begin0ing a Id lbe intrnata of acfrly imparatively I that there s a Ifatadua gree• about hu e . `imn to u° of the New York Harold. The az{wrimenu is the photographing of guns laduus, Per Son Antonio, Texas• awe CumOa, lly 2 1NT. hc,iGur,a which takes the t n u *Ira( true sal im arlirl ro ort in • •bile beim; fired lu the p:clucs which uuuths rte, leu young starts nom, rl Yeager Tare Madge Gold Bylo■ PVI 1YDul ... c ......11:113 (ey d?. cr end, and wpich winds up xi,l ILe exile nd that t mo larvate sum should b. { nut f ■hat p p Paupr warn ilea, Ilan =n=eat h.d heap w •:red p Sprig do ......... h- *Sys.” Thr allusion w llupe's U,kwtal like the Tlmrs u nut nthuul its inQuenca up- y were cu in" un the rutakts9s of Finticruka ..... 1:75 (g 1.80 a great s whopper that " lbo meeting w s oxPrudd i° the wap we hate p oiuteJ oat. U J {' 1 g or Ili@ clsracter of Ike roc'eedw s in a bac •, r Ise miles distar,l. Auer the u° The M&lac A(rrcrr w ' Uau itch ancestr coo letei tdrurd the lac P 6 P J .... •• • .. • • (e9 0:45 t°°c a + J° Y n rot 29 report ...... 0:40 a great earoeas fur tLo censrrvatiyrs 1" 11'i 1 JIr. L_oarJ, .Phu is sin wail (unush I u; on hem, and be ant IO„k ng very rpnebl. haolrotary Jrba,•. Mewben rcmrmber Thal F rutrudwg from e.ueuzsieuot the n ' nt, wN ruuumwd, and is now rt her hum*. that gold MPJ he•a found ere tut 2Y i• the Itrrle] ................ 0:50 ii Gat fin iu uit W the Ltameal •• d with kill or ourla ' remedies fur role y err ............ 0 043 . rteps,ycn l , 1'hr re a u,aLig that ynducrs aueh &n up AaeIs turd that falls from their lips will be while, Y we a,gbl Yy, in the rely act of 1)er swWr wN mu red. %% hurt the wen 4th concession of Y+d,.r•, about a couple til ...... 0:65 r; p;y6 oC Tucknrawith I A0,1 all Chu is dune I desperate Crate, bring the matter ap ■( Purr til mrinmrut i° lis Il woe u any ku.J merlin d lin the a r ,e iNuae ofta n nllonng b u" as ofwhick eh ez of the m ehutum t.ptured,•both sten mounted upon owlru miles from ahs, village of Bannockburn, un stutter ... ... 0:12 (rd 0;17 A blu,rdar ; a,J last 0 ,th, three »err w Us-. R I { r u berlew 1 t ec•. eco was secured• hones rod mstaut y here led •any. 1 he elder FriJay IYy bas n&lurdly caused •trash vac- F'Inar ... ... T:SO ( 8:50 its the iutrrcdW of oily Krntlemen rho are ! the next meeting urthe Town Council. un• of the most nw"ing htinX (r.m Yr. pubiia, fes it s cutmuuly aid in England will be interesting, It wJl, of course. be sister tu1J Anna that they ane„ aCape err doe, caw of *zcilrmrnf. J be repair aY recrireJ Potatoes ...............0.63 1. t, !banks to the the who:• ouloa e. ideot that no run, however d•lic.te hu (09 O:TO' repremctitod ata parnln,ns" O( perfection- I % - L,cle, wb0 Ly lbq nip of Ibe taugY'I pro, M N•pr r Pe lh+t dee ruYld uul be Crrrrd OQ entre, and by come sith lLr rrrliug u( iucnJulLLJ •Inch f lYzaro.tTa IA UCY asU -11'e bare n.•taa-el toe words '•household suff,age" u present at the parliamentary debotw. perception, could set with sufficient quicknee I that she preferred drab w the tan which is grow•ng more prevalaul, said cu Wodues BW,)nh. Hay 3" 1847 the un mt of the art -ter lards of _-. to ei lose the late at the exact instant war eridee,ll on tore for them. 'I wice she , dr after a Isl,se of come days, we beard F■ll Wheat 1:93 1 p ! h Id, Oar wmn Jaye p int, 11 fp 1 of miser■ ''La h cowled wine ." A grcrt deal of i f y y ereatioo -p laon,6-'atiaas of all that is t ` curisity fellows every t°uvrntrr.t of Mr. MAatuOz °rax lahlax CalarT,l A W"ITx d,•slre . Il co■ld only bat dune by means as jar=ped f:,. the l yras and endeavored to I that It had been pronounced r humbug. We Spring Wheal ' - 2:W D.y tuLl wratb,•r for the ori;on. Ou W rleclricit A terewcu Im mmnn u ar rexh lh! ehrlxrrrl, but rY erth limn Itave harrvey hero ahoau amu of the guk i,.,I_ • 1`71 (a 1:13 Diable in huwdnily. Judi let them now- ` 24Tansgh, the sew Tw Leah noewber, boo° ur.gr.-The St Pad, Mian., Pioneer ro- J• p . o:46 R50 11',•Juwdu vat„ruing I net it xa i ante wrthr int rant or M Hs u rLenled ince seek tfN (ullawnag:-•'Hula io-the l/ay, Ihs ranged with • d'uk il, Inial of the Leasco, no- brought batek old laced u a tb bort.- aeturl - ebMined b entlemen who saw the Ow............• . part the *thief of tett mte:ine a it file I ! l a,lebraled Indian h' votvn or its hi I P it R 0:43 warm, end we all r• ' ,ie: d m lLe nos t lhr lluuwa rate wt ap on •bench, •sort C nets liar liken r tier wife, a Il r ax n. 7 s tisk liar fro holes Agtu alar utempted w exµ•, *Heli es ti- *tuff lin w4ch ,t -N eurltaed thrown out of Pru........... O:b/ this time voryibg the re nmmn b ulecti❑ its ir, other Of which eau bra modes, b its I 0:65 •• 0.60 I acrd its thO Siymrl with the Wong err P fuhng (rum Lu Lips to the save. Hs by • P g ) R 1 ylwratrd the errrger Ihr{ th-J aprgag elrw. the sh.ft, and who washed n themselves. Potatoes per b*gbel........ 0:50 •' 0:40• Iles cuneoeh•d u0 tui, it behalf, it not with I udden change Of rough, liredthy, and strong Iri.h lace, amt A *bite woman as hu mate, Yr. al l Mn. 'ecrulu0on, lin rsrrespond with the tale of I bar and bee led their wwak■w►s its her brain. From about leo hei,Jiu:s in bulk, r bullJcient Fluor per bbl... , , „ ,, Of tprip;t weather, but • t ....... 1:80 1.10 wind to the Northwest reluerrl the tem• Parrs ny:hing fur the eanusiry with which Ilou-in-the day are •t Iprrst•nt stoppueq• at C n lease•. A circular spring is sttoched to Ha11 dead oath fright t,0 horror Anow ►u'• q"mite of gold tillable to the oeked eye, w Oatmeal- .......... ,o 5:00 S: SO thole song o li t1e m Lave we )II4 " our he is us welad tbrcusb the o;aera- Imre the Mrr.habu' hotel. M.e 11., ser under t..e dark, fJ&t wh,•n wt fuer it will =aka a ' tered hem,: lin be carried uff without Come citrWesh the ,robablo richness of the mise, Fresh ]tatter r Ib . peri u1r ahao: t to lLe I'ncsiuo int,- 1 f half rear,doctiuu with the uickness of • dash ' I Fa 0:12 ” 0:14 aur w lung W ate the artnn w,apOus a oar► ' lPr• which lhd Syeaker naw permits its Ila gel eland,' Wea • demotic employe) in the lawn• q , altetlx;Nwg to eacwp,r. Alter emu mock. the ata* uL'riur 1/err iuhoncuu-(are of Eggs per dna.............. 0:10 Oa Churaday afght heavy clouds arose, le,Le. He a rich ; ke, foxhounds cul all dry department at the hotel in W Nbiugton th,•reDy bringing ones of the holes its a Icor , Luo of itx Indiana *ere mucked. Hon the whom is a genfeman minwg ice Australia)- Mutton r Ib •. " 0:04 oppOoo•.oe, barring the In•d 1\'n eou.d W when Flale irlhedfi and lana tante acre rich the loners, and aJmluiu the li •►t fJr unlurunattl young girl cow treated hurnWt. upon -Luo we can rely, have fun.aDed r I Iirrf Pdo """' • •- 0:010 " 0:12 ari I its the wnm,ung l6e 'round will white floor ; u m.r,ied and hu six childn° all of 1 Y a •........ 0:08 " Q12 DJvu raked rap wane iiLlu facts wbivh wLLL auow- 6 e whom, it .a a roulfcrt to ki.ow, haw* arms pulling up during the recant treaty confer •i instant. tier harm we, cut orf and several times s6• with the IvAuwio xrticulm cooceevlrg Ap lee per beshel.......... 1:00 +' quite an utsprowlsh,g pro [ I 0:00 Alr, IoM Liu auu1J nut rnlieh, but we ti ard Ings I,kr ether fulls. Last eight llarun 'mce. fLs l hrppsws IL 1n.Sas s.w the young I was bn&Wa ruJ la cvrrta•d w a lrinbt• mets tbu new unw :-Jur. Jubuwn, who u cork Hades per 100 lbs...., 6:00 " 000 peCt fur fLe 'Jed of \lay. T!fcre hat been, Ituthadn d wan rtes -heeled In w rote; his an in gacstwn, who mss come'y to para,•°, \ew zovuland. tier. At len th spa war ,•tared W her nog the mining clam un the Gardiner tut tbeep 84iw....... n. have endmvond W *.•traits Cmm the of course, trill or no vegetation thus faro Lo -eat Ifmbe &n pa-alyw-d. Ila voted w.th aOJ bethought hams,.lf ■he r„d.J m.ks a friends upou their payment of the buu tty Ice gauwd bud experience In California,ldabu Pure, r 100 IM ......... fisc &ceO,aiun to his harem. Su he r Governor Sir George Gi ,•y writes an se• fiord o pe . 4'57 ” 6:50 Ditterucrs uC past cuu8irta R'c could I and we eau 0011 ho a fur rho Do's Glods"'ere. IG u a -hite-headed tad blonde ► opose pun by her captoa. The other day sad Cmraboo, and M• a ass,sa d D another Wood, r t. TLe eornt of •recent tour i° New Gra anti Ha J Pi cord............ 150 " 1 :00 Dave told the electors that in the Kravel I old seen. with a good and intoLigent foe•. ed, alid wnh.,st m,.ch a,lo or formality win ,,shop Uubuis performed the rate of cuufir- prsetieul neither. Their prel,oratr y such Hay, per ton,,,,,,,,•,,,,,12:N • 'l can fidate tat ho w ll advocate the ,reeti0e Chere was wmethin , hard .nil feelJ in Nr. married after the ma oer oCChristlons. Mn says:- Ou m recent ourne 1 bare Yard 1:01 roaJ malt. r, throu,;h cul Ible me••lect is ] 1 I V ■sit us a't a first c urfir end. Anna Mct:ger as ila show at once to POJ am ome imttat•d _ P n g ( liladstones voice and manner that Mlrayrd H. u n young lady o f modest and imtelliget lhruugh the \oath ls:&nd, lnwniug in ern" war nae Of rho Ent eouhr=rd, the scnaoee o(roto roi sur that the a►e -__ Due of his calculations, he sad lied upon so a coy wisi n nn a &t shut out the IIu'. appearance, He"o al hwband, we under• trial and mut aeens ii districts, parsons til Y J Oia knurledga of ILestremglL otthe ora wuh { l rDieh Lrd nut been viai:ed b an Euro ser° -- - _.— no murices in there Dwane,, and lh.t they ltiffrtl Ilarun lheaum of right phew-nn+l dull.rrs, 90n illy winJd, with any pn.dpt•et of aero which bra had to contend : may s curiespmid• stand, does root drntgu to take her to Crow J J 1 m•:ant work.' Thr hate carefull oxm will deserve the he■rt sin rt of it eras. abual Dirnr;i-• ubrlrnce end Wing, w by koro= of belt doarn or mese for several Jean I war everyrbere receir Tare i/tzleap Npolle. ,hoer y ! wleet•d sts(llis. which it ahuslid nut have been called on to ' ! ppo g j ed rich , t d re'uicin the uruve *round ; they camp o° the spa; and - `-'— ---- -_ _„_—, I tt.e shale C'mufunit g pJ bumor-*hick sbawed that he tore hldis wows. Tbal would not be very plea- J' J 1 r h they baro ,etir lar;• and Islluwr with they pay, but ve didn't. We could have _ _ _ -__ - _ Sated hi/ triumph. When the d:bate was •'nt fur Ibe IYl MrsH. He desigme living., Population, ereu in Ik w diatn,u w)Im Now Orleans, April 30. - Parti.•• arrived wast enable th.•m w keep I their drills in AWF * ovar, a,ad Mr. Uodwn-s gwnt!eman i° felt St Cloud, in the tyle and manner of ' whin their I -4v@ .d men during the war had bran by that tumnaug r atilawer Fund she Mexim° fret -rate working order, without huesuf titee. QL CHEAP Chrrxed hies with bruin ( sy.lewaticnlly I liuY• At }kiuDurO, reermll • .fellow forks.' Ibis abund•nt1 r.ble to do this. as he large; bet three me° hW all fallen in place• border, sport that M.uamoras war foerrged 9 wh whin meant and "I sh -oo bow=, 1 In f et, n esu the Orly iosrucs our iulur shirked the m.:ut Of his oat ro r• who is rat rut, d t, a mach better adapted cons Y4 irleud of Phe ape&k►r-orde • iA °1°•O °( ro=uts trot their urn Loreto* ,where the sant met Pith, During a r:Iel ded aeura OOT g P•9 1 lx ] L Rreat morula, h ovmr a I int, m- J y lar a ter drys o. CIt is b and who war eco SHOE S some Y amnuniYs Gem the orornmeut rod kid 1aM lin )mn their lelluw our.; ry mea rode fur Tai ice, It u believed "J that tion o(tury, but we didO'b 1Ye could fur rcligiuus eonfwen thio Owls d.visiosi it -Y Y LIN paruog of sheep mrd Y r p w which he ear auTlLio hka minoraa .o IM 9 KT 4 t A large farm well atockeJ with horses, cors, rhe war* is arms asttrst us, and Ortir sur I t'urtueY will br ig hu army F, m the north proper series of the d:pth of about 20 feet • • p' guru. 1 ne hr Cbe the parmoen are pas.rJ twin, relations •Jostled nn the must unie and lid w ex hat Gelanrrl iterrinsabal Gra= haves ridiculed his wful c•1Laru a! ora- wLrat or ,Lifeco a"keJ if it was nut a g Pae. o"► reetodiit Lu Ae., besides h s rewnat on nl a mile ignore pe, sod the soca w the.* bate w Ire east With wM. V lhroa h • tickrt t Cmw W m He is barred manner that we -ere nor to blame for the NCwN t sap, but we lard bowrle of a•npatsi,rn. fact that tbe.Sryndfe iuiuenx lift hese vale; deep by drop lbw eoud retina to TFan toot lar loss of life which had b.keo ac-, n,dicatu that Otte • r t'umsdip■a Thu err ;y urge t e.e w eonlinw their work. l Malay little thin. i, autst le of private lir , b ought Dy Jlr. Whitchoad. 1Ya ata ll .ace. Then they pais ap said roar like a "ry 1a►ry kind. g lie u, th" slmart to man e• ulatioa to bra now m I gats tat nal ri► r stn;l •lir* end amhi Their u m -A u im Jud bat Paler is the AAS received at Lu store Wes, ado Maw. P h tribe, end ha,. lo° been drni alis of limn„ ! comet er the "tire pal t use u ome } wale°% of Mexico; ,bat P' g ++ whirling fl- A. The° anti• ore sellers who 'e '1 1 DIF M&fl ileelf, sad 61 what aa,mer from utylcea 8ytirre, •large Suomer clock of which we shall ms n'et, mJy Ae touch, d ■owe tLal he has arrierd at this pen• after the style and manner of his le I.Ce.1 • b'uer oboe Ibaw 1 ►res eater previossly I Ls wal roclaim Lis firs ruelamauon from int•rseeu••g it ; ►rad the gold le fam.d i the I Doctor sad Sboom, which ■ i!1 be sold at r bs ewghlsight til the jet wnannuunerd PA D p ap at a pinch, nod " Pct him laugh who ! olu>iun b•eJua,• we refus,!d to' print his fi:ures. Uiarrr•li sits with quiveAng mouth ; briethrso. Ha &mbifiOU eaa now la grafi knows id. rhe notices espree greet uexanq the ►eras mar (brres{wradence of lM dnhru lbw c"ra.rd lin the butt,=fo rad mice • r fid,' lea Europeaasshould wttu amens them. Mexican and reorder x r* confirm the ata a LOW PRIIJ S F'OR CASH wins P' it a oke ro'fil!peol of na the drcrma its Cots lbs cheerful) cot. fear= lin the views nod r P from -Mel, after eery blul, it ubrlyd eel letter advoo.ttigq the daimm of his Da•am rugby to him. h u whin *red •mon the —' ' — I 9 tare of Puebla tad lbe mara■cn of Ihe unw a beckel, u:d Iheu heated up and empb fricDJ-Dr. tile=• 1 d IiCnIIL of the rrlucew of .Vales' indeed of ey government upon all marten; ulfimen of the g&rnson• ied onto r tr,,ugh. In this way, mutt err less 1ty T p A POO19 UOIIGJE. Tnriea nto a c ly, ehrrylJ, they bunt, he indeed, theJsp(anar to drain w bat d.roctn{ I dig V j/L /bA _- - and 10'1, into acry-s ecre&m-at jay. The _ ant w be •howa what aha stou:d do to W'rahin6tun, Yq 1. -Beau* Rooern, the is fou .d eve,y frm', bat nut a Jet in what W f Ocfal LYwlaelstoo. crowd prr•ses to -Pard, and atreral 1 unnranle I'n,w w. Boo,.to N lq1 l.w col. Apd Irl y I Mes:con M...i.vr, ncrared to da ,Lr F IIo.- tau be called p yang qu,.ntires. TDen ie is great Tariely. From m5 eta opw". \Ye andent:md lh d crrtiin candidates digsiwrirs are almost tnmplyd down -Gab g teed.•* prwcticeMe • npld amalg&mrtiun y IJurin the whoM of b.t week IAere cad between the Europa* and tI. mwi,es. I I Iq,p tole,(rarn from the Alex,ean Cunaul al enough, however to attract 'numbers to ere laying claw W papular support, honer ILrdJ among them ;but nn moue*- ►ren litue err no progrece in the tate oaf the artere w Ner Urkara :- watc.i the epoetin" viC oma end toren. In all commuaitics mala be found a raw knee sial rya here, i° nhs di+trica s hich hal f Y II;} Cali sad iuepttt, slid es the opposition is silent-fbe big m..jari.y J' of her Hoyal Highee.a Ili,: Princess " New Orlesrs, Apnl 10. -To Mr• RC accumm,d•tiuoa an .!malt mocking for visa 7 will be gum bvcauae flay ere"pn:pared" W "g•, for" 01 K&Ar n hers regaidrd, rnwte, the utmost rash cc, bdfvidurb who seem to deli ht dein rola nut, 1Le }louse u crus/armed to a ■ +l u■ ThunJ■ •ratepsn ee• W b°7, •cuttin down dl the salaries of rur I K In 8 I apd 1 :Y treated-it'f ■ rnndneN w &u.•nuye =wens Nrxic&n Jluuatsr, tJ'whington, U. C„ lin, m ;Se malt of the turret where tba• R Rebel, and the cheers ria out over dee ,inn cartel which Confirmed durirR F'to dT, I - • mine is situated. 1 he Nme enVeman ei W:1 DIr:iCAN. the DYvil'@ dirtiest work from pure love I,,,pg„n as the r i ' g I -Saturdr nod wrla rn 11PI shat it Was gout luuistiou. , oded M u decal owalet rirl Correa du f Oade ek, Ms Coubty Odl^nils until rune but the I g eat clock t'aunds,n tests , • haJn d Sa"Ja1, ester a good deal of I Leel con 'bat the European puputatwu, D.udeJ-5!arquea eowaletrly deiesb:d- Mbilyd to w a IitQ • pi ce c I rpyart; cootai■- 1 1, 1811. alb or mischief, ss completely regardless of o'clock, ienew,d ,ndamiiwo ",case . TLa /print ser fipJin frog ¢ Done Pkat tl,e roll Just a bow ■pocks of tu!d, ,rum lot Nu 8 -- — -- ipatriotie work-for-Outh:ng-and-board-them- I R 7 J 1 y can again (jun relar,, tak'n-Max,,oi:;r., hidd.•,.. --. _._ _ _ _ the characters rduthers as they are them- - - - ,bill d i° order W ease the limb ; alod to safe) tnverw the eaten= " 'ir ned , HO MAN S• UTAZ" in the Tits cu: crmion of Tud,r, on -al by selves gentry will teeepl of them. This T1!C GRAPH CROP. pminnat th. sin which matt h&re bell )) O( ter eorntry. ( 3 ) C -o r lmbs:h,; the d:.im (rum which i, DISSOLUTION ofYARTNFRt; i sill hetia to m grog into ell arta of u, P solace daruid of every noble or uprigLt -- esoa •d utherrlse bJ the neersw y uwtepaenu I P -'j?' " - ' war ubf.inrd, home.**, Mlorgin t„ Mr. ata kind of preaching will harJly be n•ceiv,d dee ulaieg the gnat rnourers of vrlu.be Pars, 'Agri 30. h, erer,in, The Hesi• 1u this ectulry, the culture of tour t via ee 'I Th E u,rr uvea fbe, Phe tx,w'eroho, principle. IO high life th'y prustitnte gram e:os is harform the ministired tenter uint , Carsoo. We learn Ili.& kir. U. 1bum,s.,n, I by the honrel yaN.manry of II amu, who 1 ehloraforw war aAnnmutrred D Nr. 1, lortr dutricu .Heli aro cow buL Lathe koro -u, a,.d I J '•thiol y annuuncra Ih•t °*.len of I I 1 r ►erra.wr• al,tn„a belw«e. Mants.w nest ntical f ly M •mat ime nee ssity f 7 the alvance of this norther° island i° wraith : p Q •*e"bin' n, On Tuella acquired pOluh to their diabolical nn rase have hers itu'J u uu In. Want arhtsry t. o'rtalmd some HYtrwl«x ■rd 7btH".a tarts, atJ.. the ..rias know—and all the sophistep in the world i rl' or vid,n4■1 farming Gem Ilan brcerory of with the &ppsrotw wnicn he lira intoe Vd for aid population will bs co°se,luently Dance. preparations tbruugb"ut ranee. portieles of,tnid, weaned f o=riecaled q"rix I •iY4, ■rd Mad of •' H„h,r,wa h gen,'• . , e,1 and in the lOwet walks IhaJ an jaet a prorad ng fur the rastent•tion of dtatk tbg Vurlx me. Un SdurJy Mr. ('les .r trkru *but two feet from the wJae, on • 'nen M.bn, m IM idl.gr „/eYelwl■, .ae Ike cannot convince them W the contrary- forth very rapid.” Rm'.sxu, April 10th, ewntnr.-TLe Ilei• deg dn-it,,*, by •fust ronero, sad fb ours w il] diceerwrd, thauKhj more hi,leous i0 Ihr ily • long g a. g The pPartice, mow Hfiwkma and Mr. liearte ['uauck wrrc call- - - , •__-_ , I Sian fovea neat s ab menlin,•r its palmary I Int a Tory short distance death et Ihr village ver mut by b- -i-h ,-.,meal os G 1i' are - tSat if t m)n often b do a settsin h&ypily hecoomg w tererrl, of nui■g runt n eotwtl4uon t t►e rcqunt of yr. i'r ' - of Queewhoro. Mr H ('. Sill., of M.due, 8ubrnr.■ ,, 1 a,,,, ,h. Nal M'mby geh. . paint of wnrsl uRlineY }low elearl Bmwlan Afinerica. NIat rshmeut, and prel,anng to raids a °eco y, amount of murk lar nothing it is =ovally 9 crepe, to soma extent kawnm lh• canL•- gob They Could, bowe,eq that ILe conJi 1„rn. informs w that he aim washed tome Soto Soo u aabrrwed w da.ero■axe ian de Me ■.r rat such characters are hil off in the following keeper's dependent« on grace, but after &A it tem and treatment ortbejowt were wch an outs *Ila• prswnee Of other {rsni er on Phe ''flet* all4i..la, u■ arms** a lar wad .ve Pr_ certain that he will tautrive to epml o a the bi hest ire rtance that abundant no: to cu;h fur any further eat, rstron or for 1ew leak, April 30. -Thr. St. Pctbrs- Iume lace, which u w tsvd •k'p• Cmm the Darn of 11. Rat, Beecher. Our fi 1 ' Rd I Petitions m b -•w tireolated in Tex: s P plat to be a circ T anmlp A W re=unite lair_' for hit line end tont rif y should a preen led, Kith A^ =weer of change Jin*• BunJrt the burg corresPa a•lrnce of rho London Ile• . ntin the q rerrry tut. The u:d was taken raw• b l'•t•g rt se■Iwth, ahs tel day M Yev,rrstt. rraJrre will have noJi cult In flsttsln Leal Of ba any roots, :n 4fd,llrla t0 Cam- t't ammrtary eondiunn afthe )Ir l Ln, valla ratty sa9t.- l lie *part that rte (i„veto• 1pro it tl in t onenl g^vemment l,l drvde w V©erne&n a ecYlalaP rho hats s neJ H sut%f•K7-lSN, In,ahlr. U„con upon tach arrest Aum- y g P J ] 1' pa ta, uoa* to be called the m' 4 a. ff1Ut”. 861.1-. bags any all aha sspport them, ll:e mi=re hale predcutaJ bvforc lht 6pa tortab!e shorter for his animals, the farmer is I e1, unit is till subsiding, altnouth it has not moot 901,1 the Itueaian sattlements to denten Sate of Teas ; the reason alleged W Putcbaw the farm of Mr. John livid, J.rts H. Hanw.m, -- . .- _ o''a trio in (io•lerieh :- indapencleat and may crule defiance aC Ili,• Jet pawed away. Her Iwyal Highness's rest Amcri `a was Al first thought w be s I is the to alt of the ultian of the ro. III 13 its the loth roocewion of M.doe, fur ltnevr,, Sest and bardest winter that u ever kuowl,' y, R ! J P"'1' P w13 h • I m bas ren Iderrbl cud this week, ex&•p, urnard that originaa•d with apeCul itnn; C bpd amid.H1, farJiw: r ,-i darn W hind I. bar _ The c 1 Ic u nota! whp never arty a good i i Cmifida. I ml W1•dnNdr m ht, when it war mock dor osw'i nor Sta. tad Clad. re etsnoe of 1 ------. ._ f H f4 Yl ItC H AP® O/ N6 V l!w ) ' J g but when it was aeoertiined an a fact I wcrsaf ml its m the utter pa ow. vain. 1'battser ••indimUuna” end ' .n,,.a y C N I C l P A L N 0 T I $. [•i1'k:It I\f'LL`BJrC..• quality e 11 man, and never fiib le seas Thr ides tAfit any Je+e,iplion of IrnJ, haw curbed. The pomi.tence of the it.iammrtion _--____ f cm a►rat Fars moy Le eepurted, muton w bad one. IIP i, C.• hewn owl, vigil- ever oor will *rile a,,d tendency to rela,se are natural. soursers come dia."atiafac,ion was ezpnysed by ■ ,, - little. Wltbaut the t: ienJ,ture of murk ! p t grass u etenelvrl. I y o rtwo u( the ubhe; but ware soDcr woo *resent indicia oua see flat flaw (tial of I r I,E Court M Herr. on ser Ino 7owaehrp t a rl In dukes da soy blmd in h It moa - en•erlainr0, end ales Ihrt ha roe ba eco” °( anxiety, and the moat careful watch a P' P I Jrff I)*via will nut aka lace in kivbsosd hard labor, end of t ,r a ler"ble capital in 1 (it", will I r Dead t Wm. I).mee• ■ &laced of the aup i,rt.n of the Lighly K ( I y batt n ;ice wisdom in elfin riJ of who was on Jlooday, Dut Uu, a maekiosr 1 miOin Y We ata4J m th,• ' Towe I x r,.' oia Nand.y Inn soli d. T ' ing fbe v.•r•nin an I sever Perin • nrble Jeer after year without sin Iii Iola b P pen a l the symptoms ; nathrng Loa, K K Curtner t mos. t ora..! she *bare y°( y•f• U 1 R north ken in I POA pCreMnt 1 R' I' Rt f • T, abo e -re c, le" tory ant its ever •sea : J w Ouse will nil bi iYel to I I m^ens of man,. re. it she Jd be known men burever, oreurrrd 4, L,drerte u,] ohange in p g r\tfiar IurtLer drprecia- wdl M atssdo. Thr a•h iwb,lny of &dmil:,•y' 7 ti a y prune re ' • m Ytnm..Im, ,_rime. Thr cynic put=all ho=ne 11ccrpt- the buture of the inflammation, err to lead b, tion of the value of the &,unity, the cor- gye•l . msoermiw. pouWlkorp„n, ■■,t reace-vwwen w,h be .fv- rI'Ove-iepteneb W,] cnsdidates ha►e ar- widely than it is clival timutht, vane of the ihris to bail N sow bring eomiderNl, po,alaJ eyrie fay. in two Claterd, openly, bad find au l aicref- s -favorable an ahem of the finial result. res adept sa s ftu.six would have beers 'kveral prominent personas have Mrn la4•ly --- tat^rted that the influence of the ,SiysulI ly bad. All vlrtus anal neraoi: and mods *dairy end w tel imeme sub tree in R I" y W M -ORA NT, gat 9 r.•ge,rts gory much the Nme eubrlpncw is Cha Pre,aess bas not Prat a •ah, tad ala* hN s gainer had she got ri I Df it with)ut re- '''quirin t, n,wiling the case of Jeff. Devin A odtneaz eat iia Slnuz.-.Larne• iowoNgckrk. Da been punh,rar c( L) )1, m.rt. Canyon 'J tui°,;11,, t•dnesm aro men•I the ■ ■r- nu permanent *ear+ or sufrerin or es rewon with fbe view bat ul,lmn trial OP release. Il is ween fu &lung isriuA haw eat admnitrl Ainl yrdle, Mev Ice, 1111!. wltW J ppr the cod n Brun crops, in md'r to be groan ( P o:irisg au7 PgJ• 1100 Gy of Rte always utep to the •rtes, Of K'a'rl• bat s,16•h ■t the Lntwm, wick profit. The failure of;trnaa crops, ufien of anxiety i on Ilan Contrary, she mavens oati asserted un the highest authority that the I flit fbe moan o.seaed ■n limos herr, bol lIe hu da U.at ao man d,ra ■ thing czaclit retardal as a mvateri, w sorry u.l va.uely her happy sold venial characteristic+, end d ( -- -- -- gaaverum ru uR•irrd to release Uaris on hs fhat I.n iti p p ` Druety of mos who attribute impure ready Its tae avnus0, and as kind) &aid v,rari- own Jade, bat be itire' declined to ( (Movements in Ytronomical in. $l7a/lJl! TO LEND, oil improved fie=•, u f r pn.fit, The eff'ct of him ennernxtfon &t t',i'wbe to fAuls in rhe, ed or prculi..i. 1 Mr. POWpNys Acquisition in PYO ] F1ov 4 siruwnN, st seems to M willed shat tbt to pwrnnr Apppplf w m oliva to other•, r.nd we Lel certain that 1 Spon your feelings is W chill and sear tine in the awdsan, if mot w til d en••nsiv, , 0s a* when in her best ,tate of hea,Ib. TV ea. arm freedobr unless uTw Or,dilionally.” I'"re"wry hxa a ms 1- ane vrtil ere t tha wlNl Leel M1 vel. 8Y(,AM PRELL, if Ihnx who are maw Joing a each Lisa th,. mfar.o of wstke, •' bad lack," a often end !•herr Id, of C^YtM no Ifundaunn fur the •not 7uckvramrth, H■Psrrhey, p •. 0 m, to trod Ou era rur bra, rumor that Irr Ito al Ilithueas is •bout to The,sherif Of the C.oaua til F:aeci yin R )' ] 1 morrxn. . 1 a pM.e, of about n" carter o(a wile ib for Nears: P.ir<l.ir and Carling are Dol His eritiri, era true eaplanstion in the impovrrmSM roll• rmm,hr s,,.,Iamh An-ir.n. hen bt, e■ able of rur ,*tin -- _. - _.- _-. ma and insesJoes fall Indic Irk• ejnurny to Ienmxrs fur the benefit til B'bal the m on intelse hrlicyen i° ILe tmun'e, according to the Record. A -nil the cxlcu'irioos Of YruP` t,auu,Ij1te"rdr,eg l0 1NSOLVFHT ACT OF 1864 AND lAfd. d ti ,n o! Inn sml, and at rine" its pr,•r"W its° buts ht u slrerr, e.ilnivatel u n ever thin , like front Ler native err. The P,irMew is Got in r was ineued On Muuda lel by Aihert Flrure, , of the Cir _ 4 p y, Ihr] fwuld be: poi• I 9 Fes I X any core in the eerichm^rll of Llan Lmd. Monroe doctrine may hen bei cord to ) . einrnli ot,aarTutor ■best the 4.ith rt uP` B aaerm. If s pian i, said to be ure Another im portant matter, Lnd one that eandifion to Le mored, lid lie quuGOo has {,Law the unn,. os hehall Of Ina COr ra0ou of Eavx, J) lharrd Indy mrd b ,m x at a eery rkePP P I un, ement n( Int nrch.ue pO M pwvnce oo Canade, + 1 N the rentry f;.art d P . faire, Sheriff JI c•Ewon. to imo,er 13,300, of &n wch til menury-while oar nom ce- Couuar of Hurw, f( Poe Co.nty of Hw,oe. at chafe, h tuPworo : Te+ in the Jay c.annut he fns troallJ presaed upon the °'l Lien eutrrtamcd, of 1(utnan America by the ('sited Staten ;here rup ports 30 inrhex. ll i. sin rare Lh&1 la ihe oats** t r", Hten, on lane' Y rape. 1C p4lv..g th n that r nobler hili- i whish ho is aIle ed bat Ds in default on Y- 1 Un esmrdo + I eN' P roue, iCa women iP pnanrmcml ♦ieluaua, attention of Calls (.*mens it Ilan cdtirn - -• ' --- vat would be vain (nr us In avec= t lin gg n ezeredi the m• at prefect vacuum thel can yt Ili,. eta day of J*ly near, Phe eiple Iheme h:d th:m tltat of t e. d. the hr sill res 1 Muccesm and 1'natmre Im I,Ife, conjecture, P' P c,iuut tC fanA Try sale*. .1nOrher writ esu be pruduccd b tb• tat um t7a4.rn(reA well sp r w the lad p y : Yca, na gel. Dlr. A., im re- """ of clover. This wi.l Ann ilia in soil of hat Mr, Srward's special Coo out nidi"! lain frit lrY other nit was y, p p A t Kuropean Pt ge „(the bei m,pI Ito, ca;amt , if it nun tams aooJ nio almirere may have looked fur is rhe ume n,trar erne* msml&inr that teflectrd li ht cfn. ('nun, Ice • dem-hro rgr seder .he cod Acr imnKine all others to be a IPwiarly hung Ii,Sious ; ] rs, on timndaya. Mr. H. hes J -- aid at own thousand fort ,new. d Rear, R seefunh, !bat► a■ f p p p',rtto11 of potash, lime, and RJpsum, while A writer in thfQStu:day Wiese remarks : line of nrli•,nol xlory and hatiannl .regress, fano■ ■n ■ppn•enMr that r ec lint ; fur ke Y u A n1, A, p., ;;,,. L%ctLcr as tLrm.a, het. We def all 'Jat1"fined hue church : Certain the "Th" eebancn of nen F Ilrowu A Co. have Anaught an when •}loin,* q JU, D AH1 TT, 9 J 1. the treat a santages this pita euaun or, p ¢al ,•n,lom Is to Ltke we do nut prwu,n. w Calealrte. Put eine for an Mm and whack will be tried I war iatale, by A three rout Iona, W effect a by s. C. M.(.AI CHET, r+ippnrler of th, it nnlshi" sleenote aro oowin c Ou. The mibis:er Of tl.s world ea w" 6na It end wake the best of one thing a alimP now that we bore ovar ' most delicate and tensible thermometer. ►s AN-ty, ■d htrrm. 1 s to prove that ti obs bed in whiob it grow., rend'* it of tt IM s rwcbin wtf>d we haw sold fur ipeue ice Wan mob Or thegnl lwl ie oJll• d sin r:un;d'• of dilig,!nce Th.! hidhpst value. Clover wads its roil. it. The nn•n Phu never Iclt en.y can b►rdly home file* &t hood, ib wLirh the whole PP g h^vat Am see. The I --__ ,. - I I it is his Inde. Such a win i+ generous: deeply Eno the soil, living to a eonsiderrhle bare Ce't emulation-Theat is to say, One lit mato Of the ars o relioi err discuwed- t o.,gee in PAN caw are also laid at two Darin or Tae R❑ e@ST MAN ox Fn/Nix.- INSULYENT ACP OF 1864 Ati lhisuund dallore. In aAdiriun to these cocoas The Count de Orrffdhr, whn it reported to • D is". party. On ILe contrary, it tat wall known of vallate m^vats mnna•y. 'Chit min i. "u•nt nn the wMuil, end what is daivrd bJ the most valosuble Antagonist forces to elute ,hot the Jea =tic t!.rorea of Euro ,e are net F there will tx one againet biro charging eta I buys been the richest mar in Franre, died on Pro•-,r"of Osoe*ga+ TN the Client ('oar tbrl we Larc hal ily exprnrd tvong-Juing I'•b i. : T° lull suspicion and cheat the action of its Iray. a from ILO ■tmospher„ , rad fnralrq which w• poozw. A mica of shaken a theireeutrc ; n„r, &pparrrt'y, fire Y ti eat There is no better trees initiate than a cro , Any toughness of fibro Arun selects am ,ng its they shaken ■t ad h the latest Pereltionr torn on. The °pnsscution, It it said, hone the Tlh of April &t the age of nicety-Iwc, l-'wnly "1 Haran; (1 the Carenly of Huux. ca u. This ,an is 0 ,right : llo I 1 been edvird by a m•!mber of the 0overb• flu rotten@ i• wetimatod at from forty, to in( hr envier of Hoy” tl onrah, ■n 1 nrolvwl. whets in a n.'uu,t fry " cense-lo use a F of cioyer pluughcJ under when m AlOoa cenrepapunnrm and mala lea• oho err of Ma l3eward'@ msnallow diel oawu'7 =oval. n : tunley, rhe ttlslh Joy err rad Ritchiei-m -ail, 0'.0 wool l hate y jd crura« Le is green. Tlt°a hu eye abrins 1'Ms pltlt nquirY a dwep. dry mil, •lid likel] to nn it herd in the eros of life. A 'there sixty milliooer rhicb he kY wthrd to Y ■•al, ,be \ ir, in the lording Hntish j,xrdats, -1, bd nephews, Cbarlts and lien da nndrnuned wdl ePdY Io flaw Judge M ne cod era *wry XwJ glu ny, sad lakes m Doll soon can the season it is sown, in order f:w gaalaa cf envy Jo not work much harm • tune a( prorukigg isdiRercnse. Which Y GreRul- l7,un, nor • durhargr usder the w.1 Art. mucL Lett(• It is nut ■ little e.t. ctloI" ,bat lard-as'16",!, tare, -hen in the b' hear m Ibe bat itri the stn WRWSP,'Prtad. -The Frenob are ex- be. eg&kMb, IMb day o(A M, A. D. Tbb7. Y ,ben the nut M er tine , r claw string R' R i 1 . the no set d can hardly ge, .Se the irteuse relfapppreaie tremsly calused and interested b the JlOH6H"T AAN Duwcyar, W (earn from our po itio,I IIP rens will sail b ring Rorke arnt Drnl* *lire the gain is ray ed, or durumrJcod hJ w°ergoSa iwlo vigorous &etitily. Bet nn wiw t tomes of Ihr `hcretary of State. Nub„d 1 A D[rn■stt” than.- In lbs Crim'an war Ly 8.0. M t AfTl1HE 1gAN, pOnent► flint the iuiu.!nog of the .Si aei ►at fu=rs like on arrow darn upou ILe Turning in Bartle •n•i abeep during tl.a fall. =•s continues to hrrbar sory, atiJrr any Seem, to care about tl.e thing. If the peop dis la] of 1:nghth new■pnp•n publixhcd •n t;ngliah entin.er rcpment ned a dor Ar Arh T, 4 &=rU eare"M Tb him religion it Lypoc- TLe cwt of deed deters many Caroler' from preference or provoctio°, w a setlle,l inmau Of British ('o:anb& bikes bad their ■nxletiw pp K r w_Y1:•l I't•r*• wldt(pa id eouridered se valuable. Au, doubt rid r ll-ri l a preparation for fraud, virtue to En land and the ddoniem during the called Snob. which war in four Danlos and growing clow*, but Pith • I ,tle "nrnn,,,, or his bosom, It woo crYcs lu timulata, momrntnnlJ awakened, it Lea only been io put year. They seem somewhat sawn- wait sabsrgwntly decnratwd with a blue " iN86LYEST ACT GF 1964 AND 1666. awe o 1! mealy be Ind H s hand. on y besot o rtumly, and wnl6dinhlo and thin it{ arfi.an a ural to comb. \'oft•• bun and •pedal, Th• ren=al dNd t Chat - }N p L' pij PP^ and rare ihia dAicua) may he obviated bJ J a way which DY imetified their unanimous fished at the immense number of our poli - some trite to get rid of its Opposition be. woollya trteticialb, I'be live I*ng Jn] he wdl farmer•s.growing Their ownlsa«d. tax bt the most insensate vanity CAn lead a declaration i■ layout of admission w the tical, literary, artitie still indnelrirul to- ham barnrks in England last month, t an Province ofC■..101+ tN the Cmosr (,.con d euoily sit -itb Scissoring lip, ettermg sharl, In caftclwiou, we will duly add that gram Oa° toneek for triumphs in many, perhaps lidtsb American Con!eder■tioo. That, alranre I nice. 'fbe de *ted Snob is morn U,•defy of Huron. I I Ibe (,-&,fy a Harv. Lore chi y u a duce with tLis eonfcat-Ib @irech«a in the =Otto* m&neer, and n, m mora than one or two, views, magazines and petiodeals, ex Pa In the rstarr of J,+rph Trott, an l Par, of 9 e ops Shen gnome par faLirr, eh:ald M ca, prornncrt OI by itself, is not •Yery great diplomtie gun limp ad by hes fellow@, On Prturde Ihr such Js of 1st lD,] Iwva u t en above maki lcalsfied phrume tra"lining every tharsewo, e, r A lar enuine work. To acce t our inferioris o fur Mr :fewarl. 'the tendon %\met, cow give of every shade of political reelinK sad A ('nrrrirex .- ander. m y J Joey &,at, ,be gg J• ro spary of the Ley et Is ed R o tenon. 1l Ie with Coolie T The Fra ror or Rnsll K rd'r'I' •ppiv w the Ju l inditeet or. flares in that line already • plat s 1, yet ted. llu words ere wft•r al urea lhs serntry r rendered worI lea your proper portion in Pall bet your ow, think, rather bats The na.l on the brod, aha ■ P gs of admire- having heard of the desire a uwrt, lar • d,screrge under the Pi r of aha bei/ s than Oil, Jt thry aro drawn awords,' Ps. or nearly so by bring allowed lar stand to" domain i, rapidly teen to be the merest it attributes The origin Of the Nme to the R i inrowrd by I(or aemlonh "ll ds d An. ,a tion, nut nnmirr Leal with envy, th t the I si" a, tate •particular kind of Bntilifin • a Aprrl. A• U. ttM7. t IAy vat ea► snatit a rJrrt: eat =atone ties •. Z1. .tit this to the young stems a won- long. it should le cut while the stalk i. Cnmmon ewe, llut wh it, it may be Nked, ('tiled St. tela Govrrnme"Cs dear@ to retali- "Otributorm W the French press east long(- coR.•e, Ihr rxcel4nce of which lied Men b s, Y•('A 1T(fR Juts6pN TROTT, their lives. derful knottiest of human mince ; t6, y yet len f• r acid full of notmir" uiced, inn ifyon are I eaten os Jber uwo ground 1 Th' ale non the PPArInCw t. y 6T, Ienur •man who appMn to bate f=end ow never left k, mature seed, ■nlece the erop i. J i r f irmii.( a ing Xlanors of these productions of Cho Rm.dy praised, liar cont to the eelebrtad hu Mlornel• w161k•. awawer n Inst, if uu an Maven ahamPar 11J ppaoti&"I Cn oa oaekr the Rritiah moverei,rnty. intalL•Ot of t free parrpIe, n :eha0klrnl by m,nesfro a qua■city vat Io enclosed is a moa, ipFa They begin lin indulge them ilio" g own Inn tM proetxe Cosa ping acrd. er . and bopsleY!y, it is ant your ground tall, Thir fv erfwdinalJ probable. h ie not box inlaid with Ilan most prwcroos wnpd@ WANTt • sa Ft'auled t \sgtat Contin- "' eiPPA'tt snrrn ; enA with sin reilietlu and Int gasify, not power; aspinfion, not altogether rMishrigly ro end a eommunrty by the dread of what 1[cwieun lea Can- p Fr al for keying feet.-Ca,wdirfn Fuw+nm aura wily soy or think, of Brazil, and of Llan root dzgnidite work Yle. I brow, nod inpudrnt tongue wAggnt M an _ a _ -- i *spinners, bad led you to enter it. Your of three or four millinns, contigiou, w the w mansntp. N szper enred Carter. Apply In the emery bruin, eels W "nghl the wi:to We Af F,■T"■assfxxav eions or Pill -low o. fr:Iure* pant M made your mut pnciow ia ['nitrA Snalrm, deliberttly praferinq to A undesigoed, at the Oodench Woolen, Are our pawn fiuthoritir aware of lbe lung tried, rnA the rebetsnls. -la 1M woods near Breslau C. W., oar I: st strict ,q it you aro but too Connued to let e.tahl,sh a stem of fin•eromaint on primei A Totaa paper tells of ■ yoaDg caa Is Mr. Cb■rlr Bisncr,i, Ilia qll bsown them tench v. And the bet wa rhe clo I on horseback, ae&am anis I Irish car rn rietor, whose Dralils Aas been MJ.e. fret that it is my tae•ihle for an nnpnatte4-''- •- ' -- g+tsrdrir Ike 77tH, Icon young Isda+nwm J" y to Icok pIM as p°rslJ m muehisl Y lD-r a which r p a f's' P 7 p . p THOS. IQOAN. :,ecidr uah) ppixnn by enting • rorit which &1 your friend+' decC"es end laurels u t, Scitate th • foundation rif Ihr Itnrish lain, A eb•rgy'man who wits lo, mire them.- '^ • Procanoe, *tests for some time, is no- eJ I&Jy W px, dung the aid,-wrlkd Of ATI'cnpr TO aRtAi JAti. -.i day OT they bppras@j to Des the wild p&renin. TDey consider them outward proof uh&t Phew per- ,tit°tinn. 7 his s what 1'anlydrntinn The lady's fthr•r gave ohee",land xa "m, Goderich, M■y lot, IR67. w16 !f qq train` from bns{n and h...r annouuced (or Llai= sewn durioK cy.•n tAe ear Iy lanae of veru age 11 rnuple op n:an, who am innocent w+re eons of Jilr Abraham Cummer, she @'n• hrv@, either by Irk or good manage matrix in its broad sense. Thrre may M overtaking the party when the on, irlwn as'w Ais 'lin"a of n sd," mora Than forty in 91WE1 FFA n artam tier Clear W i(redtxu, and -oro rn„int ! 3 find °vent, found thtlr app,opri■le work, which other efemrnu of o)li,.n than flit of • eon slid to her clerieJ tri rad sett I "'Imlrfr, dl in perfect eoran.g order, the as di•io OF nae,w ado evening, without o,uh uthsd i uthoo I ofeetired to feel eosfinemenot liners] cs- IS years old. re+laertN@Iy, Ind Il r not re,y JAW are sure w do d Jou are humble and mon adhrwnre to the inanarchist s tem ; C 1 ]Oa oldest bating bern establi*hed in 1819. He Coot) of We” ed by the g=ape of f col-mouthrJ youlhe dravorrd l0 1'nres'all the " (irncral Gaal tul to comprehend how, at tbear years, they cuuragow enough to snwratirdiy geek it and the *Ili•rte bend rif the Confederacy, as marry us ad we run y'• The idea look, war Mloro &t MI an aigMy-urs yeah • O. rn 1/u ; 7 7710 vnw of a writ aTM• Il •liter Tbw h.w Aad, neer* Jorbt, Lilerce find we how Often pointed o t, is like) to bee Y He D d,bom F.x lsonY ort lnngreK■ted ■t every stn:et corner i If y " and Says the lawyers trouble, c'o°!J hate committed ILe eel which ennui tn- y aced hr• rommrnoaJ the ritual, and just u came ll Inland Jneig t red he e ai fin itis• fern o Wo nridrsw,,,rr d, „til M x Ms'. yh lel Ili, td alm all instartt dc..th. imteaA of 'iwpl uinl nrnta in abundances, lhnu,eA y;,* in bpwndanc•. Berl asanwhJr, lh" acaemn the AriJe'e father olubhed her bridle, reim l,root priuWl or. He guts^qurnll gaited `OOnty Cann -((I,# V*nnI of Wuntwor( iced the] ■r.• not, eviJerlocr, fs forth&,ming at `t sc.dtng the Real wall. TAr AeJ m& not k■ow d them. hu two miAs d anion, r u danM, dew take ohm taro lAe der }man onnnnehl the beers m Clonmwl u •rafter •red ! In me dowrlwd yanst flaw ;scads end Ice cm.es 9 A egtnt rap &rap ea,tng Ilam woU pars .ip, ,a J F 1 Px tore !, gilder. UDwrT o1 Joha NrAulp a nr no, M Wdhan I1.rlr■g say moment W prate mut distinctly that rick ed a (use small Gx,lholJt (or that par• 'they A:ul mlrndeA, Inrr appear to tfir@ go I e;actlJ alike : and who*ter or whne,erou op • dslih'nte drrlararion in Gvner rif &n and wffe. Th" fxfhrt sea cos plsaMd 1 irg lbw went nC •hasp ronvt)Jgnaw in Ili@ I hew arrnrrl end ikon ata w:rrnlwan ■fl n axone of foie kind aro eneeteA nightly- I {'°gats but Nr. Campaigne, the gaoler, esu I h° d of n rrrot of m.urt deadly po AtAJ be, you u&n der aaam•ih,nA. it u much anti repoblieAII xJsnm. It Witold be a pity with the dashing action that, fie the ever loath, he started t ,ufitie ter Mtrwn Clrin- +'eget** f lail porr.x err rrsrl nr IsnA sn.l icon, fM in J° J mal u,d Caair, { prm loo •marl for ILrm, any bruin ht the em- half rn heats* nRer eating ir, en@ Of the Indo for it long eo xgh, Muer than anyba{J elms it thio should gyre rite b heart-hvrnin x a°d this esu Ihr beganning ides •'rest', lying and MMt .a tM rn w"ah,p o/ scenes whieL would disgtaea 4rKr viten, K d down deal in Ino mixt@ • an 1 the Hut i1 future only wan Joe -d y •e an Ten On oOe siM, ria rorrioinarmns Os the Other, go'vl he gwe them = blermg. of IM inrebe e@tshlsAment which hu iia Oa,P w n the O w"q d Rmr', rosttung h and which are araiOly diy(noefnl W s a'rpride fn a summary &mclualon. olhe , ■ppwheah...4 s like b,e, ran hem@ hg•d•tro"R And va"' to tote in th@ lesson Weate.@r the ConhrdeneJ wog dewlo - nmifiealiun• m nearly ell the couolir of ln• n@mhm$'Tbrot moo, h,ndre I:, M lend' b• small blown like Galerieh. %%'a declare - with All the yawn( of whi h Le was eapaM., "•avyd by rtemm misearrs e►- our ;Imlf into, P" Trs RIOnt Mr". -Thr Pte Sir Henry land. g emnpaes. d Ivi The American Agrleulturiat i,, in in n dm M aemrc mrdiewl aid, if pori Me, Nr 1 P• g t, R ! •t present it u wisest to rwgsrA Smith, long H. P. fur COlrbeaser, war Ont IM nnmMr akwn m rhes id f,rc h res& npr of feel hupaorl a .Yin hope.",, Y,x Ili@ acAsm@ Y nn@ reaenliall tovregaal -,-' ah* Towamip y,!sfrrso, .■ ace (Ia..ty M Rarer pnsitiyely then @rp.CiJly afn SNad,ry Our waimtion, fay in alvanee of any A&Te alr.ad aometM„ R y i of lM lorits of the old ask-[, and r=est Q? A earthen mats" of nmternd ten. a'orid. esker\C■ndd•ad a"•mets l oAN1 °M and =torr ,hem orlho fit' which hoot befal J R more rnn,ierin to its t horst*@r ; find qo gn&Mr -@akner IM advnrsted of reform hi, wadun n eva,inpp, it )w fiMlnlah ly im]x rrihlt fur t Other sgriaultural paper in the iTnitcd Inn Mi hrmhrr 1(ut M twA hardly get tri thab Mose• and lbw p opheu /(and It goo raald M dhu•n rap any oauida kn ser ppbei darn'* in the canine iter war stated the f:' •Ice •' "', °elan• in the -mart hove', a rhe the house when he, too, •mired, uarinr Ihr •111 not t•k* he'd Of tet, You will not be tAnn to take ■mht&t* t en Innrrnlonbl tion to ■II ch&ays gate ►im • npattlon for offset day t • milling of ,lies Rnriwn d-Arrli T own o(aiPrd+.rm•h, nn W.dntst■y, rhe twwry sA] fa p,at the prineilaal C.mruen nn rho SWta.. The No. for Nay cont sine man tri,d xh ickrn rents w Pere.tled, tboa h one rose from the dead." Parrnorship whirls thretros n"shin and ns• filly and nbotinarty which was not hone not million ig Paris. A r do , I .I. d.) Mrms. , t IM hour of rweeve 9 M =earn oyer ,M 1 R R I Ay his red ck• act@r. I/n nee oa•cason he rA of Mr Peo [, Ming drprir .Y the ernrF, Soo■, o equate without brhW[ subjected W insvlu I valuable hints f0 farmHs and horlieul- %simrly &'ad shocking death of two 01 th, {r----«w..._ lady ;whim is s enarwmwnM, nr hwld fur pleb was canTanling m t`e p=once of namwroaa sad he Lel ins meteor. T11 t you pp, snnka 6ncy tee a mb t lame JOHN MACIshor LU, which cant h'r Coed to burn with =dig• turista. . ('mitre.. Elegant Ind enn.wquentiat lady: " I won't bmr to►e s"h hJ tendo mast immwdi&ul a te=em fhwnf Naar. _ • . o, 'aces t in a tr sts car ; then tarrAt'd, slid -horn nn n• J e frwnAa, and on a•' ing a heavy pCoking farmer migAlily wall enA'r ,he regi=" Cf,Pe s milk, aharan acAle ' (Im.lerirk,! s■finn, ion, 'ten If st+eemptoial b a - f P xultinnd g wi )tomo* r . •nv for lits Total, the man nrned mi r.l Icon tl. wk► Je■n■ry. Ifa7, ff 1 Among Ili• wnedere Cf the Pvis F.xhibi• oM,a' yea to hen on", and oar mAa/l." er s@rk fn diapxrsaw, Aal wick IAe loss o, R took refuge In footit on gear, _ pentleran, hese res are lia lt fo b@ pro— The gunboat Cherub list gone sn lion is the past naw iowution in the we, nl mommrdumg npsriulenA•m : " CertainlJ)t =nth awlp napai r,, I'd •nR fat y", Sir henry, Y Y"I, only Phis the poor (near mother eP.°Id not bene t crenae to Collis weed. r rawlet in. Thee to u ►=rang ennsJh eaa'om, certainly, I'll order os• imm *fin g 1 tn.' Ma'ro wuh &fool . TAr ■Ian@ Prof. is F.Mpodw nae work, to frosed in & •rill mors p.inl'ul litnwer, an- g 1 Ir n wlrrMm I hfyin[ Ilial nsither n And rhe ttempt.d ray -,wry moons in Am Phe fah o(M■re A, ts17, • ons' - - Fe rJAnd has Ae"n h or Mllo are Planar i., .II but that baby in your arms e,n'1 o on it, tn• pr'N, the rham"n " Rir,l• sm 1 Y' rwlnrtwd fir Henry, t►e" power w Pre -rd her Fst•r child from du. kat her eomp•ninn carrir a tont tad h. A&- Cee Mr. 1)bne,It's advertisement the )) Y M t,' nor lh@ gnwer, I'm the ,•r man to ropesoent yml." groring aryl/ AJ eaeA uernine 1anA&• TM sl.nw NM w Arnaer pns•d lila IMS R* new hntela in Pune heel a" anA Naw mate=; it most stay in the gentlem'n's car meet ri( the mother errantry care to he wnrh tpae.ww This •ging mil shoalA 1h fttopperla sad of clasp boots any alines. 1 nil. In&u.d ofp-Plant the loll and mok %t r a xrak. ' ed torn a carry over Mr. r4ward /sew polar ten ee and wit► • load lgsR►wlhe premed o s", &ndlroeoiidnedl heralft war rn no lar klereh, IM7,wme place ■cod hoer, ,ng It ring by &a lzerlies Of met li&oical territory. it takes IWO to Make • quarrel, his vo e. t t0.her disfiIII at• fb@&Mve esu u unbar pe■IyweN all M TM ,a. . [ h NAC, {N7. colt I ,,a 1'