HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-07-13, Page 7FOR RESULTS POWERFUL GETAWAY I HARVESTING EQUIPMENT MASSEY=HARRIS COMBINES All sizes—80 and 90 SP Clipper and 60, SP or PTO y * » SWATHERS A SIZE TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS 16 FT,9 FT THRESHING MACHINES ALL SIZES OF TRACTORS USED MACHINERY4 1—44 M-H TRACTOR 1—22 M-H TRACTOR 1—No. 4 10-FT. SWATHER 1—No. 26 10-FT. SP COMBINE 1—6FT. IHC ONE-WAY DISC 1—COCKSHUTT 2-FURROW PLOUGH USED BINDERS Charles Hodgins Your Massey-Harris Dealer Wingham Phone 378 1 Attend Convention In New York Mir, and Mrs. William Falconer are planning a vacation trip to New York, where they will attended an assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses. This is one of a series of eleven conventions being arranged on this continent and in Europe. The Falconers left by car and 6 people from Wingham attended! The eleven cities chosen for this world-sweeping series are Chicago, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Dallas, New York, London, Paris, Rome, Nurem­ berg, Stockholm and The Hague. The Watch Tower Society is making ar­ rangements to send over 4,500 dele­ gates to the European assemblies, CONTRACT LET FOR ADDITION TO MITCHELL HS Mitchell District High School board has awarded a $104,000 contract for the second nine-room addition to Mit­ chell High School to the Bataglia Construction Company, Guelph. The contract calls for completion of the work by the end of October, and construction is expected to go ahead as soon as approval is received from the Ontario Municipal Board. 8M $3 L' Never before a tire like this! Si K pl The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday July 18, 1055 Page Seve« EPORT from & PARLIAMENT HILL & • By W. Marvin Howe, M. P, Wellington-Huron Another very interesting and im­ portant debate that has yet to take place here will he the one during which we consider the second report of the special committee appointed to consider with Mr. Speaker, the pro­ cedure of this House, No one can deny the House of Commons credit for try­ ing. For years, well aware of the pub­ lic criticism that it talks too much, it has had committees studying means of saving time and speeding business. Now it has before it the unanimous report of a special group which would limit members’ speeches in commit­ tee, the House does much of its busi­ ness in committee, to 30 minutes in­ stead of the present 40, restrict de­ bate on the Speech from the Throne to 10 sitting days (it occupied 16 this 'session) and the budget debate to 8 days (13 this session). . TUBELESS ) Super-Cushion ^GOOD/year Whether or not the House adopts this report (and there ar,e always die- hards who are dubious of changes in procedure) the trend of thinking ob­ viously is towards hastening work in the House. For the last number of weeks we in our party with some assistance from the Social Credit Party have been conducting a filibuster against the Government on Bill No, 256 “An Act to Amend the ’ Defence Production Act.” The first section of the bill raises the salary of the Minister of Defence Production to $15,000 a year, “unless he is in receipt of a salary as the Minister of another department.” (Actually the present Minister of Defence Production is holding another ministerial job. He is Minister of Trade and Commerce C. D. Howe.) The second section iB made up of eight little words, “Section 41 of the said Act is repealed.” Sounds innocent enough doesn’t it? But the real dynamite rests in those eight little words. Section 41 in the Defence Produc- Act sets a five year limit to the which gives incredible power to Government. It was passed in so that July 1956 was the time BELGRAVE Costs no more than an ordinary tire and tube! • More blowout protection • Fewer puncture flats • Fits standard rims • Quieter, easier riding BERT ARMSTRONG PHONE: 181 WHERE YOU NEVER , HAVE TO BLOW YOUR HORN ■A ‘ seconds of every day t i buys a new Incredible but true — this is the amazing result of the ever-growing preference for Chevrolet.- Day-in and clay-out, Sundays only excepted, there’s a proud new Chevrolet owner every 4.19 seconds. You see them here, you see them there, you see them everywhere — enjoying the pleasures of driving Chevrolet. And because motoramic Chevrolet is such an overwhelming favorite this year, to a greater extent than ever before, Chevrolet leads in popularity — value — sales. (Incidentally, while you were reading this, four Chevrolets were bought!) A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE tion Act, the 1951 limit. So now, Parliament is being asked to give these sweeping powers to the Government, such as were given in war time, permanently. No other Democratic country in the world has given such powers or allowed such an act on its statutes. Why is the Government asking for such powers ’at this time? Back in 1951, when the ’ Defence Production Act, with its five year time limit was passed, we were at war in Korea. To­ day we are not at war anywhere. In fact, last week in this column I quot­ ed Minister of External Affairs, L. B. Pearson, as saying world conditions were much improved. True, our guard against Communism is strength, but it does not have .to be a dictator’s strength. So, why is the Government asking for such pow.ers? My own belief is that a clash of personalities is taking place in the cabinet. You -have only to sit in the House of Commons to realize that there are a good many unhappy Ministers listening to the debate on this bill. The Prime Mini­ ster himself, and the Minister of Finance haven’t even sat in the House while the debate went on. There have been no spokesmen among the Liberal members on behalf of the bill. I be­ lieve it is Mr. Howe’s baby and he has forced it down the throats of his colleagues, just as he will force it down the throats of the Opposition and of the people of Canada. Mr. Howe is not a man who likes to be crossed. What will it mean to Canadians? It means that the entire economy and manpower of Canada is placed in •the hands of one man, the Minister of-Defence Production. It means that any or every contract, including union contracts, could be over-ridden by the Government. It means that any plant, any commodity, any property, any in­ dustry could be taken over under the guise of a defence project. It means that the Government has power to dissolve any labor contract. If the Rt. Hon, Clarence Decatur Howe thought that a certain industry was paying fringe benefits out of line from other industries, he could break the contract between management and. workers. That is why I say bill 256 is dyna­ mite and if we have to sit here until August, Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposi­ tion will talk against it. We can’t win because the Liberal majority is too strong against us but we can voice our objections, 51 times at 40 minutes a time! In closing I would like to take this opportunity to thank the local news­ papers for providing the facilities through the medium of which I have been able from time to time to bring you these reports from Parliament Hill, and sincerely hope that the summer season will be a pleasant one for you all. Shower Bride-Elect Miss Lloyd Appleby and Mrs, Gor­ don Carter were hostesses Tuesday evening at the latter’s home for a surprise shower for Miss Marks, bride-elect of this Guests were former ’ school and the evening was spent games and bingjo, Mrs. George Fear gave a reading. An address was read' by Miss Ethel Pierce and Miss Marks was presented with many useful gifts. Miss Marks made a reply of thanks, and lunch was served. Knox W.M.S. and W..A. The Woman’s Missionary Society and the Woman’s Association of Knox. United Church met in the church basement on Wednesday afternoon, July 6th. Mrs. George Michie, president of the W.A. was in charge and opened the meeting with a hymn. The theme of the worship service was “God’s Plan for Us.” Mrs. Lyle Hopper read the Scripture lesson, the first nine verses of the 34th Psalm. The secre­ tary, Mrs, Williard Armstrong, read the minutes, and the treasurer, Mrs. J. M. Coultes, reported that there was $725.68 on hand. The W.M.S. meeting followed with the second vice-president, Mrs. Rich­ ard Chamney in charge. It was decided that the August meeting would be a special meeting when the W.M.S. would entertain the Baby Band and Mission Band and 'their mothers. The Mission Band is to be in charge of the devotional part of the meeting. The 5th line group were in charge of the worship service with Mrs. George Martin as leader. The theme of the study period was “Trinidad and Canada.” Mrs. strong read the Others assisting Michie, Mrs. Earl George Michie. Enjoy Wiener Roast Miss Ada Dow, teacher at S.S. No, 5, Morris, and the pupils enjoyed a wiener roast, at the school grounds, at the close of school. The pupils took this opportunity to present Miss Dow with a wool blanket. Carol Oke read the address and Bruce Campbell presented* the gift. Miss Dow thanked the pupils for their gift. Personals Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Krug and fam­ ily have moved into the manse here, a hearty welcome is extended to them from the community. Mr. and Mrs. George McNichol and family, of London, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. James Michie. Mrs. Earl Anderson visited with relatives at Westport. Shirley month, chums playing Williard Arm- Scripture lesson, were Mrs. James Anderson and Mrs. BLUEVALE Our Canadian forests provides work for 370,000 full time wage earners. Primary and secondary wood usinjg* industries produce over two and a quarter million dollars a year in pro­ duct value and over 700 million dollars in direct wages, “GROW OLD ALONG WITH ME! THE BEST IS YET TO BE” * (Author’s name below) Modem medicine and science is succeeding in continuously rais­ ing your life expectancy, are going to live longer was expected when you bom. Medicine and Pharmacy's You than ■were task is to help you to grow old in such a way that “The best is yet to be”. Your Physician will advise you how to keep your health. In our prescription de­ partment we have all the im­ portant medicines and vitamins he will prescribe to help you enjoy your extra years. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McKibbons Phone 53 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up shopping deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsib­ ility of filling their prescrip­ tions. May we compound yours? your prescription if near us, or let us ■ McKi boons! ■PHONE 53 WINGHAM PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ^‘Quotation by R. Browning 1812-1879 Copyright 7W255 FEEDS INTO FACTS FIRST, WE TURN " SHUR-GAIN OemoMtrotion Form, Maple, Ontario ■ ■ n CHEVROLET! C-325SD Wingham Motors Phone 139 Wingham Presbyterian W.M.S. The Auxiliary of the Women’s Mis­ sionary Society held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Eldred Nichol on Wednesday. The meeting opened with the call to worship and prayer by Mrs. R. J. Mc­ Murray, president. A hymn was sung and the secre­ tary’s report given by Mrs. R. Gray. Mrs. Harvey Robertson gave the treasurer’s report. Mrs. Gladwyn Campbell chose for the Scripture reading, Psalm 27. Mrs. Burns Moffatt had charge of the topic, describing the teaching of the children of India and now only 2 per cent of the children there are Chris­ tian. Mrs, Raymond Henning read a letter from Miss Mary Gehman, Reg.' N., of Vellore, India, The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Eldon Kirton. Lunch was Served on the spacious lawn by the hostess and her assist­ ants, Mrs. Alex McTavish, Mrs, Har­ old Grant and Mrs. Raymond Elliott. 3 ■ M ■ What tells the story of a feed? The tag on the bag? To some extent yes, but it is the actual feeding result that tells the true story. The number of pounds of feed it requires to produce a pound of milk, a dozen eggs or a pound of gain and the cost of that feed are the real measures of the worth of a ration. At the SHUR-GAIN Demonstration Farm at Maple, feeding tests are constantly in progress to determine the feeding efficiency of different rations. It is on this large 500 acre farm that the “dollar earning capacity" of SHUR-GAIN feeds is first tested and proven. When you buy SHUR-GAIN you KNOW you can count on good results—because you're getting prov- en performance. .Call at our mill soon and let tis discuss the “dollar earning” SHUR-GAIN programs. WINGHAM ■ ■ g g g 3 S g g si