HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-4-30, Page 4rrsrsF.i4r>I a 8 BERTs VVILVl1 1 av U N-me s vw v w Tu Thin __1 i3 Iwi Ysaia■ Iwd-•w R n/ GLOM ■w ela T ACR66 OP 6ALT T R: ' THE RSSIUENCE OF a%. LA1S JUHN chin e, M/jeMys Courcy court w IM Ururd H1D GL01L0 aaY GLO1Li8 w Ie•N, sihmted en asd are. • ' fi•m UALT, Eay, C"rfrsW Ywk •W Peel ad w oMJirxe•Id Juwpbiw's, Aleirsdtr's, Jouvis'e, Uuche« the R1yer MaitlandJ and Jett east tK W • . v !► ', T s .ave the I.aab and f'e■e u w Ard (mer banks A. Aiwxor,drw in ■hIN, black,= Goderieh It -'in 91-.1 of attd frootMl,y N A R REST E De I/IIO/III 171HIS property i• beautifully situated o Ll.,t .a1 J.sw Clads. of Iter coal w the Beat 0. T. R,Ill. ..r eoa...iNk for. • r • 1 pp of Nuwma.,l Nva Mixed and takes IuEaaroUM colon. The lagwt •Sloth in the Coumw■. V- ) akly They Taaloruig & Outfltting Department Tillie the TOW. Or liNetsel, oa for f►rfulww,.ePrupny,vu:.h.,d.nFal.,tka CHAS. K. ARCHIBALD. inwmaiDUnw F Tfie are sent to Canada ^., ! 'North Srdk of the ,vii l yanrl lir trwtul lacy s•d ill "t.I-* Goderich• ka}wl 22nd. IBif. ;;to AYiIIJ ar _ Ira +nJ Iurg m the 1br.sku. u1 C'a,ibura.. m '1'. WSATEERAW - RIVER MAITLAND fbri'd.., of Har'Y W Prowimeswl Canelo it NOBLE ACTION OF PRES. JOHNSON. Ii+HfL Subscriber leg to inform his mYJ owbwra add lis public generally that he keeps and on the BY1s of Like Horuo. It 0.1. oru,au9 by Wmeamma", Wn handrail urns ii EM N "K BARK WAVED E,D xee. 21,1848. G ' X16 14 I $. (}ARDINER tit ofsNutlJ on* build slid largest VYieIJ and Dot selecliu%ur turf.•■me mom or kr, baoF oemFwed of lot _ - torr 3l 1-10 nem of IAnd awn or km. oumh , mmeu the, Dwl4 cwaraau., WeMara He dwarves Caredi■ it make fou ArrNtisg Co.,' ice English, Scotthemch French Sivies alt German Tweeds rnh Duelling House, (tuthooeN, Btablva TZ..rofl►e•aid u,aidthr• whack LreJ■ a d '' HBwDaoriberwYtsl000e1tr11■ef Ho DR __-RRuu a `I` p weOL"1Li AND aaNIL 6 + • f • Ac., with larJ• Gordon, Vinery slid Orchard 'r.neu.au 1 shall w Ssls, ■1 illy oi,w. is luck Bark, for which the biR►est market IMPROVED I'a111Y1s For s111` FaNIAN CHIEFS, Hardware Arehants, IN'fH6CUUNTIES. ALSO A LARGE VARIETY UM The Rood l.wnd consists pnutyall) of Oak theCwn Haw e•.. Tow. of Uudrii.•h.me pt ice will be paid in cash on delivery at bel , 'r end the auwe.in Lilldrr, Chen Illi le, Ao 1 uaak t►. Ie.«r IAA day ufJaw mextor IM yard at the Dock. MIT} ALL 4 7. P kola er w.lw rf 1►ehluet. egva. Canadian innanufaetured (i00ds9 The Grounds are if, rely goad order. There W. M. SAVAGE. r GT 14, eon 4, Howtek 108 ,myr gp ' J ( Market Souare, Codaliohf .n three serer futltn ■yin sof n .urs JOHN MACI)UNALD. 1/ r / 1 .Els .ow oa band .e.mpete..d w.11 as ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERMAN BROADCLOTHS, g P g p'' Sharif H. nen■ elfrarod, also Lot 33, coo 14, We. Swords Bayonets, Rifles IIa'r`"d f(oak ell Nanlwarc,00■/Wu, u CA`.3tiIMEliL::3 tt I)Ulal{I1r . onthePropelt7 Jim mwalionfor* private Shsritsoffice, Godericb WOOL I WOOL I W160L I-aao■b, 200acres of the latter 100 or 20o y , pot of residence eannut be surpassed m the Prow 18th March, 18{1. .8 HE • lubseriber is prepared to the seise w Beit perchmNn. Terme Ilbeml And all the motif kinds of arms and war Ads". ENGLISH AN D FRENCH BEAVER AND PILOT OVERCOATINGSI idea. -__-__-_-_-___-___ _._ I P f pay 6reasonablecredit venom aa8 Broad Axes, For term a 1 Ai4Mst market pit" urn♦ quantity • 8r Paymentdoww. matvrirle collected in 'R" '' PPJ to . Titluio Y table. A IJ to Chopp,.r As-*, :. OVERCOATINGS OF ALL OTHER. DESO. IPTIONS. THUS. GALT, SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS. -cot- •/61 it Pu PP V. TA HAL.L1 Auru•..8,*•1•«.tlowx, E•q•r a.FEALICa Whits" Rua«,Uffmado plana Hawing aecered the serving. of . Barrette I, Toronto g AND • Cws,y of Hurl-+ Y rirow st ■ Writ o' *a 'Chat", Uu C,m.4,Curdap .lAi• or D. SHADE GOODING, { G. Aid. DAVIB ^r p / r r d A 1Q tf a A, . to w'l,k: ,•iiia Fsrw• orality uw i1.J nay 1844. MUFF'A'r ALANSION! Parks, Hey Purke,hh•,lilw,tJ.M, Puu • 1)arr.Nr, Gederieb of Hof Mslowly4 Couaq Uoun W Ike lilted 11 ANUtAC'I'UMER Ahl) DEALER IN - w11f For the last three ve m, together with • Gwu Tu, unrducor•, YowJar, Sher, Cip M w Mpared to ai.C.N .11 order rash yrooptitttde, any in a ■tyle s■surp■f•■rd bJ an1 Goderieh. Iib JuIV, 1,66. ■w9)i Couoliwo No sW Bruce,■nd w me duecktl !Invest Phwrh. and Cu1i.p of swery de• S H.a sal. tlnds.lroo,8tes1,!pn , New-4 MANU PACTURER m Am PROVINCE, Cilise net tags sJ. Tr him Yd MINE err- -- _ _ ■ q the L■nd. ■ad Trorturau of A■Jmw N. r •rf we. 7.tn,l' 1 aaJ shewl lwa W■n•xE Balt Territory Inge rrrialJ of M , • •Jt 1 7 ) - ay" WM'"' YLo . LA=p and Ira. ug, Bar selves. A rfect lit uaranteed in every instance. r, hy g, A A UKEI,wuI, it sl the esn « John Morton. I herr Ibe arbelhove Depot, Markvi S uarc Uods- I.w•d, Letup l:l•mes, I.dok.a, 7 W g LATEST STYLES in Wllo Wa ♦ jf r r0 MiW a,.d taken ■ Exa•unon Ibr fulluty, rich. p q ' Yanh 3e, i rlTl +IIs French Of&~. I.wk... r. ulaw (Oselantt on band the LARGEST STOCK and t oa 7`HE BDbaetiier olio to cal ,Alcoa til► pruprn y. rel : oN me n,►1 lick and I.wrr+l w Q O A T O T company (or a royalty of ose-BHNa* F.IIgliah Notions and Nix-N•zr Wase,Hot" ally,skis, Gentleman's Outflttings of Every Description 1 To-, rDLLrwtxa TALVA%La racTxATT tie «rel Je'ra1.Pl to mad t.. LW on... ber forty A L L , L'al Nads, servo J•,Yw' •urvey,.a law Vdl*p.elsrabtlh.n of the our uctiom,rune, Ogg baitnewsef ,lWIIV All of will-ch have been Mut w K ■ w AYEl1ICAN MONEY take. at the highs. rite/. fi rr,a 1M . oua1 W Hero,., w►w•a Irak sal Team. VHOLE3ALE AND RETAIL. about fear hundred Get fron6 (gyp And Relied o,i,ow■sol' o,C"loll,YaChrnery tails/ i/e •Sreihibald. lot the Tows and Townshlp of Goderlchl me«+ 1 . e l'odrr h,r 8akta. m efikw, In lie k3-V.alfhl Lmm,,s,Re.,4rr. Otd Iro.,Co,• led .bout eighty yards aro0 the peed Gal, anuli, Pauli sad (M ods, Cwt Ooderi August 22od 1844. - -. 6 oR red for sok, on the mat reasonable Coon 11, mar, u, the Town ofUtA •h, ora Ture- per. Brave. Ratio M unlpkkup lid bh•eptlN G^derich Salt works. BUTLER'S VII u"' "rA Mould.. •br 4 r ew1/3 day file trruty huh day o ill" next, at the hour atro a eaehs.:e. lilt Yak 11.67 and Carl Nrm, via: FuraunMrparlieolan apply 16Y seller K w' drdre f IM a•Iwh, row. awe, Hand _ 1. Lot 802, North street, ad'oi■isg tit __ - personally N JOHN MACLONAW, By A. aoaxnu}, S■•■. Wadey a Methodist Church, in Godetieh. GODERICH E. CAMPAIGNE, .•IAII,/. JJr. rare when they ave upon for Canadians to fll"l AO' 2, Lou 1! and 13 Its the torpor of We" sheril4U•ee.0whir►, Keeper of Comely tlyl t' t'r TheaMVe will Msuld ehoaplorCNh, lid SVelliu too Sheet■. On 13 tbere b • M*deb 51A, 11417. e.6 " Ooderteb, Dew 6th, 1860. w{ill 5' their syn utrda, buy cheap, attd ad Ir*mrghv.w and bake keep se relies of the GILLING and sTUliGEOH TWINE THOS GRIFFITH & Coal4 These btsfdr. an bakery. .i fora - - . _- , _ 11 ' ter y SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Fenian Collapse.hotel) - - FOR SALE. HAVING OPENED THEIR WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, Count vs Hu Y rimae of a writ of #t FOR SALE O H E A P. 3. Lot 113 on Lt h1ho11N utiles, ppoa r ♦ , I I r w VIA : Fvn f•cw• 1••wd um r) It )O Y Apnt.lor .urmerculU+IoeAwnseeCw' NO 3y b KON 1 STR E r lORON I'O -44th tbeni..barg: f•.me house, b w. H HEsubscriber offers tee Bills ill 40 VI'1. O( all kind. from w Relt RI tele it. M"hl" of l c Woe,Earbnd: • ' • T raugrd u w tecomwtodore three families. of Her M•j wy'r fiat of T In Sstera4"• I • •- w4p Queer's Ise-f u lid to ., dura•tH ar , .1 the Irg Of ffrom 1 18 milgg from OaOeskhr I:. dor Thil rcalmg Ne.dlwa, Now 0 F F 1 E F 0 E S A L B 4. Lot 1!1 o•t the corner of Essex an IsW,. soy '1'rreoroa w Abry Nu,MO, a sae sod 31 mile■ from IAtknow, ou the Nott►. • N stork ort Beautiful rd Books - -- - - --- - -- - ---- . -.x •.. b..:_' Elgin suwrts, u D welch then u a ■mal amtw itemlwit'lill. I lisve rr„rd •ed takre Ili 'fir, itis r r a WMARBLE erD Gnesl Rood, ",elaucous liwto tur P,esouta VAgINET WAREHOUSEL r.V 1', F4 ! fnate bang amd a good orchard. Eea uuw Ibe PJ4.vmr pn.Irny, rent ell IAS ; BIBLES ALBUMS, &c.r S. Park lot 14, con. •• C " in the Town. Fluid fall- and aafen'a r/ the uaI drA•W,al I.. W . C. T R E LEAVEN. .l GOOD BLdCrSJllTll $$Op + ChNts, Half Cbsets and Caddies Young HJeon+, Oenpowd.ie Imperials. Twankrys Japan ■lid w those iski ,inns and Ira•ts W !seal to which then V attached a f Chu to . ' Your H sos L'nfiolored Jr re. Cou ou., Suflehoa Uran s Yekw asd Sceotsd C. r .iip of Guderich, containing 10 acres of tic• .,fuel. lyl g are. Le.nr m the wwoatup of AIIAr g rflmr P g 7 r P 4 gr Y Pr nglbent land. Upon this lot there is an ex• mark.!■ tee Corso, hoew ; • ood n, of ma nen of land, a'1 Nrner, n.nlwua pldr { er /. c Y kw. > r 4t' .d lid a oo w.Il of ester. This m oan 6 U T ERAS Nllr%1 Twp Story Blle! Haruw, Fnma Narn ueuurcn.rel Iwo buI Jwsl a re. I+aJ Ir for Monuments Headstones l ombs } s t -+ ,, IsL7ck-'1 ICS1 ! and outbuildings. Also• a good bearinf •..ase rnon nr ,re., beer vompoMd W Lou. num 1 ( I ►W bow opening for a blacksmith L the. Godarieb, Dec. 21, 1866. w48 t) bee.31 aW 3!, m tA. lounh ,vw,-r..,on, E«I ort ,N Hhde Pono Rite, Brls. Ne.. 2, 2 1-2 and 3 Yellow ltu6ngd, Cr shed E and A, Dry Crash* orchard of rhuice fruit' 14r Uuy R.uJ «clic 14 rewd wwn•A,, M " "' Tablets, Table•Tops, ISA. CuwDty cf Harlin. All of riiN win len - - _ ' •+ +. and Ground. ibis is vele of the best sitnalious for i nark, which LalasW 1'enewrw 1 shall a,tev sold cheap, u the uiscriMi V about b `(e Ohio Frye Stone kept on hand for Build. o■ • farm. Tara 880V, half dor, the y. t/f + d ( _ ±,l pflraV vs. ,it er In the town. l„r.lea 11.1 .Ili% t ,• toe l'uun N.wae, 1e If,, P 111 [1VL [Ji AI\ j,( f'C) U• l 1> I :Ei i town of Godrrals .. I' wad• f h' 6. AN E!C('ELLF;■\T FARM- Taerer. y Inv t,ahkeat► log pnrposw such N Cepa, Sills, Be. riot in one year, if w suit purchasers, Tor t-. - .-,yr' Sap La Uu■yra, Rio. 7■ra ■W NocAa, den, Rw.lr.l •uJ Ormond. I "` Lots 97 and 13, ad pining lots, one fronting day of Jure next, at tike bar t1 I we've of IM aIle, Ae., Cheap for Caeh. ,rrnieelan apply on the pnniNo, K kg ee 11 A (Till OLI1rtil IV THE COUNTY. TOIk3AUC.4:)Uf i on the Huron 11< and the other on the clw•k sou■' GODERICH C. W. letter postpaid to J IIN Mcth,NA1.D. ' r• Sutn•14•Cadlws SolNe,Twia, and Dark ad Oryhi l-!Ili•., Noxu■ OW V.rgiat■ Very hg►lead seventh coraratiun, in the Township rt y ✓•'hrnfi.f Hnron, NEIL CAMPBPLL, ,, = •, ;;r o D. GORDON, rboa:e. Godrncb. 40 acre. cleared •nd under cuhi L.I. Ilmw A S,uce - - --- - -1. -- Belfast p. o. Towmabip of Aeh4eld, ( •_1131\ l:'1` .NI-11Cl :I,1 r l2.t71 1(wl z vaton, upon which then is a!rick dwylling MMn/'•etice UnderrA.! County or Hom. iI , f i = Box. sad li*If Roars, New ■■d Old Vakm a Itarnn•, &,%t o, I Hoxe•,aW 114,es Vaw Layro Md house, frame harn and bib Mono, Ihn7. _ _- e.7 „• January 31, 1847. w24M I, „ • AND UNDERTAKER tt. R. Its..m.. Box*• I ■W I London L■ver., U... UrI ,,,.a LAy.r•r Wrat EW I.■yen. (r.ry ynme) ) , , . _ . 1< N•.uta..urr. and uu now „n nuns a cnm'1.1. Krp nm 1 Cru arar*. Muwvla•k I Eer. S ,u Nswu. N.rmlr Patau C'unant.. (new end add) A LA Iir(I 1: O It(.;1I:11t 1). $HERIFF'6 SALE OF LAttTOS."."' '_ i Elwuir t1R", Prune• m k•.a. crn.rnu and I • air. Urn . Lru.oa •lid l'ltrou Perls. 14ol:rd any y, a 41st. ikh '' .worts.a.,t, Fa it.turr,■lhis Warrr.wn.s, ► •" t rhi, farm u rrtualed5 miles fio, Conerich. IitOAS SALE. (.r .1.1 -1 F.utts (.n Fancy aloe+). =m any puma ,"u taw Rau ms, Wp and Soave Jud*■, E nAJ JUST RECEIVED A LARGE WEST STREET, GODERICH, St1 Sicl) and Valencia Almond■. Wdnu.. ■lid FAlerts. and 7 from 1'liawn, It is good rolling ]slid, Cuunfy of Ilurun• 1)Y v.nnr rel I.. writ..1 ,;real Reductlun ' erll.wkier.d. and by a good gravel road al o wIt: Ve.sfu.om I:Fpm■. ,W OT No. 16, 3rd ton. Wawues►, ta t • nrrw sr VV I .NiL : ;!ri S - in, b0 sere., 15 acres .lured. Tie tied ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS 3.,fas, RDreane, Tahlee, itedateads, Hair, two sides of it. f e., wrr,1.J Pin %1-,o. n rates. AT tux lip", HW., Qr. Co■Lr and lh•l.ws•, SanJema■'•. Unh*mts, slid 041.)"& Pastil, Penlsrtm's. Dug. For terms sod eond:tinr■ of sale • it to '•wad out rel !ler 31.I,AV'. l our t rel l'urolWm ,• sit d 12 mites iron GodVrielf, o%A will Con•Yre[ is part of Wruof E.gi.W Rn■A C;,ur and Wunl-seated Chain, Gilt Moulding :L•rd.m Ar Uv'•• Gaup,Sulrr at co.'s. I.o(r■h c.,,a, Pair kind OnIJ•m Shernr•, Bur uW ■en ply? 1'Iru .ad I, of llvren'. lkmh, .1.1 b,-mrI ' M.1 lMU'rH Dave r eWtu., Baaern, Won.eva Hear•kna, Fs. ry tnrni, Portant vanuur n 1' a Y GE0111:F, McNAfIU\, ,', M Gold un reasonable Nrm. for h.b. A Ir and Lnnkfn;t filame.,in variety ,of 6 dee, hampsrn«,Ubrvu, 3l..acllr ally Huck Ihmrl,J ayeln,r fix• :. ml. and IenrroeLt. rel Cp I;. 1C.".eh Nrzk,aalFrench rw.wi••I■.h.nern, Goderith, ITthJuly, 11,66. •2511 Il,nrvCAv,mbe,Jl.hn I an and Ira Lrwu. 6BU1 ltl J. B.UORDUN Donk,x., amt ■ veiny f CkiaW.0 Clwha; !love ]l.laaTitctgfe and imported 13 li, A N 1) 1 » _ - el the ""' l M"...dn. M,-Psrnon, 'fM f .m.. I ` 3 T U It. E. or E. CAYPAIGl $y b 1 lora. y.na, nal tkwred V«d■p, Nhrn•. D. 0. h■s al-■ra on hand a cam lelw .s H W'• 1-t casks and Case., M•nrlt•., f{•nnwy's, curd, Uupay Jr Coo, JWes aobla Co'■, V - - - ^• mcr, u, f4ak .dl'snada. C..,rxe Fr M.+err, snA Now. 'tA, 1866. w44tL et the OeeL Owe«, 1•a,w, AIC.,A,-,R ' V ,hsllnpm k Uu.'., ■W other Draw. © j r ■ 7 br IL•1•k ell M,mlrral, 1 W. +band .nit sal.. 'TIIF, Falrrnrred her• , Hr leek e,.iAent of via[ ntid.eho. td •, irtiaout of COFFIIts. Also, REALISES J l/ n .xee. ulro^ Mat r. ns,x inset or iu t of Isal 1 .,.w ow aeJ a lel . --- jj ( ♦ /k • p y►►o may boorhili weetM r omen. - TO NIItF, L=Q V O,Ri! 1.•mx 1.11 .1 IIA "Ia" 'e+lrre Ihrw •e o(the1 •i.•.►sol fixe.■w Dh... i' IJ I , , [Ri j• r$;i ft:jpLa oMr and Cordwood takes la g. Pwebres Jelnuc■ Mom. HW and Car r llrRuv,w,'. Hullaml ■r J s x tk'.OW T.nn ftu,Draerdk•• Nps Df fmN,,.top w (,-Ilwwne, .ad more ysnrulrnr I r' a Ir.t '. unafx lel . " TWEEDSUITh(allwuol)S12andepwards. chanrefor Furniture . In•h,+.rvl.rtsaWN■rrey'•Soweh Whukir.,C.uadsnUldhyr, 5Llt,Murwn'•'1'oJdysadCum a '9,1, i J---pellet Ie..- ,rid. trom N.drri er■A.a, aldrin.', LWic•',.a. mot Wb.k". ltT1 F sod r, n■ • a. a 1M IosNhl MW N. ' -CettinR dOtN to Oedet. g HI*Isriet.l7l►lld..l hi o,! `* i Du^lop to lh,sd I..— n ■mal N.ke, Inw.un. ,ru.lrnnam, [ } P • •f r - A=.873, POR'ZJ03MS. Ca10., :a?O.Is g 1, telely for prop sty .1 xee lee J.hn l: *It, / Yu quoner prInt2 Can lA sero.«swdb <. sy 1.xel herwlh ter uur4,rrr, uaJ rn din a. Ibr Ia 1'HeI'.RA, 4k c, eW«sly qu■nrr ell lot! a Ia. llh re.., W.D., God.riab, Beet 26t►. 1844. se. S ave null, x , IAS ...,it. r r, u.4, • W offer \ II rel who wall 4 cul. Asaaei.d, ,1 per felt; and !0 7vwa L«s Ie. 3IIDESICH PANNING ►LL NM■Omnnc«' orlrr, B+m' oral Yuunger'r Alrt C...dun IWtthug Uo's Alves •nd Putter, Cases nu, .U.11, .12 , The term Ru.krwb,pna•r 1311Je, e,eh ear oriels. ♦p, AND Hera■rd'a litn.vr W 1". Schiedam Lh•hatipps•, Ewile is LWilemse. Conb■t., Are , Arra p•.rh, rake. •std ■Ir, urcr eon C'..a. f) Vii, Ili. n._, Lu,ery I,•nnrl ted with the rur•d■r uw, ply to G DERIUti rj Y18111 lls 1'♦tLetOPy ! TOGETHER WITH A LARGE STUCK QF gyEf ' . and oe r.n'.Fro,u.r.el.r,..el..lbo IIIA, I ..eA•nce .01;NCAN• rH08 WEATHE1tAl.D, : r A rON CARRIAGE r , Rwv, 1 ner,00l Pvp, tirlmoe/ sad Pmnek Cae.tk•, Null" R N. Frs aW InJlso III Qurch o lathe• in sue wxl rnh, 16F pruprny urs' /A, 1n6G _ ___ _- _ __ - % I HE 3CBSCRIBF.R BEGS TU iNF0R11 orwwkinds, Syces. MWa..«,.yrup.,Uarl.rect and Wabhw,,ioJu, Enpuh and Cali Chews. add kelt, wt.uA lend. and I"rm..t.I {psis 1►nnbal.ls ,t.odlboe.umties of Haro. Pwed F,b,Mrel,3c. ' AXE 'FACTORY! •,••ll-D",).,r sly ■t mY alRw a Ihr (-„an. .; r17 - - ,,,I _ aeJ srucet 1,41 he.. nI l Alarutbnrnnr, lid►u ■luxe, u, Ihr tuwa of f:.alrnch, u. T'rr„d•y. SALT TERRITORY ' oe hand a...bet r a k,. Crosse and Blackwell's Pickles and sauces, -- these.-«b .Inv W ■y Ar.., of the hour alt I" B*I:m f:lam)an,Mscraroni owl Vre, wrll,,L4uon,e, Whiling, l■ndlewick, Woum., Wrapping Nl: nb.cr ter baemr recaanmenrtJ tet Axr'TwrheoflLe cfua k, ru••n. ASE: !` SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS& PUMPS. i-.Tl,. Tlcuun.•.. IUIISMACUONALIJ, - FOR SALE OR" LE P' R ■P', ilrerak, g, m Cork•, Suu6•,:dtyrleq Urr•m • pr 7 A .- _ -_ i V • Ile would psnr thusly draw attention to hi lark r, Puts, 13•d Eurdq Day Mon1e'. any Laa4•s rL'a. k.rg, sr.. Ace. AT THE OLD D1AL I f"It" 1. A - 1P WITHIN 150 yard. d Ike pnsvN Oedeneh ,i' STAND, I+henPrUife.l:odn lch,) SnJ:.lilt't'a iliiLL Ui LAI1fDS. WITHIN WW•. Also. m: Mrlb.akl we wane . romps W Ick order on the turner, of b T ir 1t s O loth J ■nary. fAN. t vel Cuunrr..f llur".+i,Y intoe .f a lain: of FARMING LAND 8 t .w,eo.•kk. Chian, ice. PampsmWeto order ' l D +I and narrowed. 6bs 3alow. Nu. 1 Raid and Lobrsd r 91J t i(r, ane•, Ftlds end KAr M.ckeml,.T•bl. Cod4h. I{'llefl00 aid Light-TlOose StrR('ts, To tt Ili Fwn Pu.u• .e.a.d out csve.eor 1. IMI lonld . ♦ plyte c,P y Dl,by Reams. to large aeJ mail Ilexes, Lwirrpuul Coo- .ad Flew S■II. P,rrbr}ea Ndsar •r. sstwse F,•bNMIr•r w.ald 4a Ili intima a In his oic friends, sml a -- f Her M.)e.ty'• ferny Camrt Irl the t'atlwl p eawaUr• o. Horne lid Itrw•w.•.mdlr mw d,ral.d JUN) BELL ItUR0011 r•i !- • - uJ Cawi.0 Raaf. ' SOI. Apests is Tngouto, rot James A SOO'a C[kbnted Ibme BlNklead. I.say new r. iii favour• him, ski, It . ,atl and r tlwlrmler. 6e.serteb MaT1l-' - - -- The ets,ve will he f"ed" in.pway "the tial a•wnrd Stock era ulrrtJ .e Tnrualo, 1rJ wall 4e ln,l, tl .t he Mol yn,dul. rnJ i ll • SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS• a•a req Ili I.Q. dal Terowenn w -f air pb Oldeneh. IM Dee.. sm. w tuZso to Jr y• ALso,arentforkhesaleofM.•rgan'spremlam •Wdlowfout;A•e,woedbwolil wefursppwvW paler. ', &..,JI.L ,.,mtls"..I,.O.Iltbe,.6,1,11.11Ir Ha,rt.b-k,eliiw-u,IL4ArihvrM4cbrll,Ihave 4/sf 11`1 ' •mal ateact ITLTIVA'Mil. which leu never we, WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE•CHEAP (:dwl of Huron,y) Y •.nue orfwn wnu„l •r7tHE..tr eHAsrwmld...e..ee,e tke,n6lk yy t Y *al ulfrnn rf the .e bde4n, ell liar -- TukJ!w ev emenuah«a«watolamars rhe TILOS. GiIIF iTH & (n■. .•IJ nor• . Jnt s.ma.l., •1.1'irks, t r., to ir"; I3 Fen -sues IL.a,l'1'A A ``♦ P/Haroe sad Bra" that he b■. do head u' u ' I""tau ear .l •He., 11. w,', .,irk .n srnl to Len !t .na lir rinrtn a ,kr L( DAJ FOR SALE °Y; n• uaedt hem. qd willmabteor,lerC•.nu[ra, Wfgoas,Har. t , MndeuJrin.Ien.d ra some nWxe )• Iou,Irr".b u.... I­.­f ilr'i.okol , fit... • 1 3J ! IWN f STRUT, 'fORI)NTO. Coan1 (•..0 I M Ihr I'nn.d C.w nr. W Hn,,mP n towalaid, w►eA On he mo rhes torr«h or HENRY DODD '. N.D.-Ale. • nmuder W BleiaM on hand. nal N urc,.nda. ^,r d.rcatr,d against tie lsnAs " t r. tale eonriv ell Hu/ore. rb.ch land. any , P . Torwtn, \uvemM,lt 1.84. ;, e.4 :lea ,":he 1 .hall dtler lar wk, •1 m deli. c, m /rpMrved,•.radlt. 0■badu SSMO cheap, •d••r•': A.) 01111--j fi + JU1fN 11CPHEIHSUN. .edir k,...roj .s Wu1. ,n (•.refer .std lJ,-orFr Y I'liF.Seboerihlr ofen thefollowteglul JOHN YASSMURIs, § ', a l:attrwh,(/r1.3Mh, IWtR, 40 (;.,he,.I th'.0. • l fh,ana. 4".►Run, K"' r ".7.vt hlArar, m he tows W lhakrrb,w11 I for ole, Vis : -`. Y,MngtsStreal.(dolk49t ___ JuAn Iln,wn■nd Wru..m .rbaa Murray,.W 7„erI•y'he hathdayof)lily Beat,■lthehour i AenILf.1"} Nfem GLODii7=tIGS / -- - - R1,lolphu• 1n0t d, 1 lure ,rant mild il, e . .9Iwrhe.1.1-6 aa.,.. A Farm In Tuekersm , JI W l SEEGMI LLR' e.Ir•utu•n lir nal 1, I'll, andi.rr.r.t rel 1M JOHN MACWNALD, •`••w '; living lot 22, con. 2, Has" ISar"y, 110 M •. dr4 m1 numany co the wurA ,all LA SMri!'s('fikw,C *k/wh Sscngllur sting 0 0 iii ACTO RY uumlrr b nr, a 14r IIsrJ 1 anrr•nn■ rel the r + e, 7A Uf Meath Ve rrtdlr ,vllivaliori V ?, m ± 1♦ ,i1 1_i j; _ 1st A .rel, lao7, ( w! The ,and if of cee.•Ilent fin Illy, well wales r 1 / , fnwn•Ly . (Mores, m Int ('mmly . 1 Ilan•^, 1 v n' ' THE ComMERCIAL UNI 0 N a,ka, tits ..d ienr-,,t H 1 .hell I fief Im, ..1.. _ __ -- __- _ wale and .illi b.rd.ena h.he.: Ti. T'rwy o u rep "tit, r w the C'. oris Hu.r m ILS Token of I!1[ NE Pj'K t4 1• i ♦, "9-' , 1 ) •.Aenrh.ue I w•.Asy,iAe ..".III. d•y of May R to Liu a na.on►bla rate ■Lip is known w be one of best is 1, ra Gi 4 e* ,'I Isaaa Dobson 8on. U L A L L R 5 mixt a the bawrul'1 wrlrr ort lir •ori, nla,a. .lpul . C. gland f for @boon,. Uo the lot liken, so f ;.,4f ;0.,''' ASSURANCE COMPANY. 1 n,uN 51AUW\ALU. u. c. c.\MF,RON. gland tome AoDse, roma w.., .Dal eat ,y 84er.g11 Ooderich budding* t" correspond. Also a good er• I. ' J O Nher-fi'•Oicit.G.Jench. Chard, of 50 beari.g tree.. ' P. AViNO E3TAIiLiSHEDAFACTURY " ' ' .GibJ....•rr,lb67. ( wl -MONEY TO LEND H for the mauufncture of Brooms in GA. 19 AND 20, CORNRILL, LONDON, ENGLAND. , LEATHER Fite DINGS ti - - } ' trim, Mile ■ubn¢rihen are prepared to stromal I SHERIFV6 SALz OF LA1VU8. •' FARMS IN. MORRIS! I ,. lel all ordea in their hoe of business from - .&c.,&r. 1 .1(i 1 1'1' 1' 1•: R (' 11' N'1' livi g 350 urn, come proved of S, t end ! any part of C,nada with prompt" CAPITAL, (Folly Subscribed) - - - X2,300,000 Sletuo6: GODERICH C W ) Ir s1'es or con 6, 200 acres; 25 acres ander ealtrr► I, INVMSTBD OVSE, 89,000,000 - DEPOSIT • C"ret o. Hbron. Y node or a .rel .t p lion. 1 M land Plein of first gaelit) lbs r • r.. A T WHOLESALE ONLY• _ FUND LN CANADA, 4ao,ofyo. F,h„•,y 1,, I W,, w i7 Tyr I I,eI l F.r... ,..,lid out Oct IlaSdred Dollars a ad a wa ddb. g M Her ill.)r.ty•. Colmp, tppl) to al st desirable farm. Also S. I it eon 8, Thin racil ifira Inv manutarture will, the FIRE D E P A RT M E N - _. - .--- --- - _ --- C."', Fifth. /'n:INI U.mW e..dllam..ni How« _1131h A MOORE, 100 mens. no clearing •and Th: of a 10, .^ - ---- feel rnn6drnt. treble them to compete wish T • Rantoul Brothers ally b, mw dpr,-t.d .■u n.1 The InnJ• ally' Irne. NWlcno• inn 3, 60 mcbwF, all M•1 gwli;/ of. any NIwWw►Irint of the hard le the tOen• The detugukheMr pnacq•le of ILS 1'um,an\ has tern IM r•teWeatmeN of •. equiteWe cIa«t8• • nenta ret Fr■n. a Mlr:,n, y, •t ,eve e.,1 ./ R. , rare. mssonable. jnd. tab eatio■,r►. n mall eki.s • emmwm ro O'.►i N I YN I O N M E R C H AN T g P-11, .nI U,x,k, 1 hAre rnxnl and I.t.•n 1st 'CRAB• N 1g:11' ULAI'K top% le tilled. Fng 1'ti, '1le ♦ A m , , rF' F f lontun•lr lel the, n.rnl • r all U,r nen!. IIII anal ..let. N rel Ili. n,-b. ,Sept. ,.I . Ira. .331 Parti"two and Mrmt app! to j tyf 7 TM•eccrn whirl ons,trtthedthe (,mrpanr'r 'ernstuna (,,,s have such ss '!Idly to NLN IM M7Atl9 ST. FA•wf•on X Avian STmesT J CAt(PBELr1 rya r VvsJ 1 SSITO V Q} Factory on Kingdon Street, opposite 'nlrlranplinr erprrbbun. ell the Ibrertnn, who Ao,e reeelve?t.exteed slit Duwwre more .iJ.ly. ■ O M T e g A l . ' "•••I, Henan, in and w Lal rm.lrr nme, in the - ---- - ------ ALEx. nal now .Rcr In Ina CuuAnn Me. tnunh c.'f F"llma M tow row..Aq n A.1,&Id M Q IV 30 Y 11 lot 22, 2nd con. T"kersmHh .I Q N Ilurun Hotel. Address, p^ ^ 61 F EFECI' SECURITY ateedb ! rsacrnd,r'.on, min. f msny u( Ifurnn, run At Srafonh P.D., March 22, iU?. e.1aN gp J. 8 T' ^ a ;If3.tAC DOB..ON A SON, Fora : 7 SnDle3rbed eaplfsl, and In.egted 1i1••nreF made on conai!nmentr of Pro •a,n",R u,.e hnndrM area. ,nnxe .r 1.••, Which -_ ..-. J S. . Omderieh, C. W. Pnampt Sewlr1=,Iof C'laime. The Dimn,»s kind Ueeeral A,ents, brut fleatlemen Israel y en- duce to IAverpool, Ohu6ow and other port I•edil.an tenr•nrnu c ,A■u .fibr for ale It nay ICI"IIW 1'N.It CiC1cT ` Jr • Drermtxr 11, lAf4. w4{lf peeJu Commerce, will take • Iiberal.W Imnne.-hh vow of all que•Irwscuu,.ag balmttem, in Ci rcpt Hritkitn, nlfr,- in the tr.nn H,,--, in thr 'r..sr W SI ECIA L NUTICE y Consi(nmwnts of Ashes, Butter, At., re U.xkn1 h. on'I'll-fay. It-- r rnlh day of May Lent on Mortgage. ;