HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-06-29, Page 7RONALD G. MWN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Bldg. Residence: Rattenbury St. Phone* 861 A 456 . CLINTON - ONTARIO to use any ap- hopse. Abd we something isn't when the car Wingham District High School Promotion Results The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, June 2J,Page SevenMany heuewives know the exact specifications needed pliance around the know right away if working right. But breaks down, or seems as if it might at any moment, we’re lost. That's why it's so important for us to have our cars, if quently, reminds now. we have any, checked fre- The Ontario Safety League you to safetywise your car, to cou­ nt the X CLINTON REJECTS STREET WIDENING Clinton Town Council turned down a suggestion to widen King Street from Joseph to the post office, be­ cause of the heavy cost. Peter Pat­ terson, Goderich, Huron County en­ gineer, estimated that about $8,000 would be involved in the project. King street, the county road here, is presently undergoing repair, and it Was thought advisable to carry out the widening at the same time. The pavement is-now 30 feet wide, and Reeve Mel Crich suggested it be widened to 40 feet. Several ratepayers in the area have SupehtesTO’Malley, Loreen Cherrey, George Chettleburgh, Ardelle Westlake. GRADE X to GRADE XI Class I: Barry McQuillin, Beverley Stewart, James Inglis, Vera Sharpe, Gwen Walsh, William Kennedy, Vel­ ma Stapleton, Peanne Allan, LaVonne Ballagh, Thomas Brydges (eq.); Joan Lamont, Lois Goll, Alison Webb, Murray Hoover, Betty Thompson, Class II: Donald Jefferson, Bever­ ley McDonald, Mary Ross, John Wild, Anne Behrns, Joyce Moffat, Beverley Nethery, Bonnie Edgar, .Mary Lou Dunlop, Stewart McGill, Robert Hig- gins, Kaye Jack (eq.); Madeline Mc­ Kinnon. Alg., Ag, Sc. I, Type, Home Ec.; Mur­ ray Shiell, Eng., Ag, Sc. I, Fr., Shop; Esther Smith, Eng., Hist, I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Type, Horne Ec.; Lillian Smyth, Eng.,. Hist, I, Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Home Ec.; Marlene Stainton, Home Ec.; Robert Thacker, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Type, Shop; Marilyn Timrn, Eng., Hist. I, Type, Home Ec.; William Zim­ merman, Shop; Robert Thompson, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Type, Shop. Grade XIIA;—Wendell Alton, Eng., Hist. II, Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Lat.; Joan Armitage, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. II; Fr., Lat; Sheila Black, Eng., Hist. II, Ag. Sc. II, Fr„ Lat.; Louise Campbell, Eng., Hist, n, Geom., Ag, Sc, II, Fr., Lat.; John Congram, Eng., Hist. H, Geom., Ag. Sc., II, Fr., Lat.; Marjorie Coultes, Eng., Hist. II, Ag. Sc,, H, Lat.; Janet Deitner, Hist, n, Alg., Ag, Sc, H, Fr,; Gladys Guy, Eng., Geom., Fr., Lat.; Betty Halla­ han, Eng., Hist. H, Geom., Ag. Sc. H, Fr., Lat.; Mary Hotchkiss, Eng., Hist. II, Geom,, Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Lat., Ag. Sc. I; Louise Jefferson, Eng., Hist., II, Geom., Ag. Sc. H, Fr., Lat.; Sheila Laidlaw, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Lat.; Doreen Machan, Eng., Hist. H; Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Lat.; Winnifred” Munro, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Lat.; Sheila Porter, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Lat.; Sally Slosser, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag, Sc. H, Fr., Lat.; Elean­ or Smith, Eng., Hist, n, Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Lat.; Lois Walker, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Lat.; Joan Wightman Eng., Hist. H, Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Lat.; Winona Wright, Eng., Hist. II, Lat. Grade XIIB:—Donald Biggs, Eng., Ag. Sc. II, Bkkp., Shop; Patricia Car­ michael, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Bkkp.; Ivan Dow, Hist. II, Geom., Shop; John Duffy, Hist. II, Alg., Shop; Barbara‘'Edwards, Eng., Hist, n, Geom.j.Ag. Sc. H, Fr., Bkkp; John Elliott, Eng., Hist. II, 6eom., Ag. Sc. II, Shop; Audrey Gilmour, Eng., Hist. H, Geom., Ag. Sc. H, Fr., Bkkp; William Henning, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. H, Bkkp., Shop; Ron­ ald Higgins, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. II; Bkkp., Shop; Ronald Lamont, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. H; Douglas Leach, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Shop; Donald Mac­ Kinnon, Eng., Hist, II, Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Shop; Bernice McDonald, Eng., Hist. II, Home Ec.; Ivan Mc­ Quillin, Eng., Hist, II, Geom,, Ag. Sc. II, Bkkp., Shop; Douglas Murray, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Bkkp., Shop; Allan Nicholson, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. H, Bkkp., Shop; James Platt, Hist. II, Geom., Bkkp., Shop; George Procter, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Shop; Gail Purdon, Eng., Hist. II; Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Bkkp., Home Ec., Frances Rettinger, Eng., Hist H., Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Bkkp., Shop; Bruce Robertson, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. H, Bkkp, Shop; Marlene Ste Marie, Eng.,. Sc. n, Fr.;' Bruce Robertson, Hist. II, Ag. Sc. II, Fr., Bkkp.; Grace Thompson, Eng., Hist. H, Geom., Fr., Home Ec.; Ruth Toner, Eng., Hist. II, Geom., Ag. Sc. II, Bkkp., Home Ec. Special Commercial Course Class I:—Frances Merkley, Mary Ellen Cummins, Marjorie Browns­ word. Class H:—Jean Currie, Irene Pen­ nington, Mary Scott, Margaret Hei- bein. Class III:—Florence Dawson, Donna Hutchison, Anne Todd, Doris Double- dee, Shirley Chettleburgh. Pass:—Rita Deitner, Donna Mc­ Lean, Wealthie Murray. L YOU SIMPLY CANNOT BUY A BETTER GASOLINE! Reports have been mailed to par­ ents. The principal will be away after July 1st, Any parents wishing suit with him should do so, school, before that date, GRADE IX to GRADE Class I (75% pr over):—Marianne McKibbon, Claudia Haselgrove, Mari­ lyn Rome, Marjorie Moffat (eq,); Eleanor Walsh, Linda Todd, Doro­ thy Chamney, Betty Anne Stobo, Ev- erdina Exel, Margaret Machan, Ian Mundell, Ian Howes, Barbara Copl- tes, Ronald JParker, Merle Gowdy, Elizabeth McKinney, Dale Cardiff, Richard King, (eq.); Claire Chamney, Larry Durst, Helen Ellacott, Ivan Walsh, Muriel Gowdy, Marion Robin­ son, Ronald Lane, Peter Nasmith, John Moffat, Ruth Fryfogle, Ken- neth Coultes, Peter Hemingway, Mar­ ian Hoover, Catherine Leach. Class II (66% to 74%: Ruth Thomp­ son, Dorothy Toner, Brenda Brecken­ ridge, Elizabeth Pipe, Marykae New­ man, Glenn Coultes, Marjorie Timm, Elaine Statia, Fern Vanstone, Wilma Haskins, David Kenndey, Jamie San­ derson, Barbara Linton, Mary jSchar- bach, Mary Elliott, Larry Snell, Mur­ ray Johnston, Ann Smith, Helen Whitehead, Marlehe Mahood, George Armstrong, Jean Harkness. Class III (60% to 65%); Eldon By­ er, Donald Pengelly, Charlene Deyell, Loreen Wray, Chris Norminton (eq.); Arnold Davison, Evelyn Mathers, Robert Ste Marie, Murray Campbell, Patricia Platt, Sharon Guy, Lois Noble (eq.): John Mundell, Annie Nesbitt, George Naylor. Pass: Joan Arthur, Joan Devereaux, Rae Hetherington, Lynn OMalley, Bruce Richmond, Lois Button, Anna- lisa Anstorp, Kenneth Dawson, Wil­ fred Pocock, John Newans, Kenneth St. Marie, David Marks, Joyce Haugh, Lois Baker, Lionel Gerrie, Donald Jacklin (eq.); Genevieve Lovett, Kathleen Fisher, Mary Skinn, Mary Gibbons, Murray Davison, Marilyn Fear, Gwen Brown, John Coultes, Murray MacFarlane, George Met­ calfe, Kenneth Gilkinson, Francis ft Pathfinder! When Glasses Are Not Needed . . . Hamiltons will tell you so. If glasses are needed you are sure of top quality and expert service. W. R. HAMILTON, R.O “h Complete Visual Examination” Here's the new Never before such a low price on a GOOD-YEAR tire and your old recappable tire No installation charge ARMSTRONG PHONE: 181 WHERE YOU NEVER ' HAVE TO BLOW YOUR HORN Class III; Gail Colvin, Bruce Mc- Tavish, Betty Devereaux, Marie Has- tie, Dorothy Sullivan, Douglas Logan, Elaine Worrall, Ronald Kennedy, John King, Shirley Reidt, William Clark, James Newman (eq.); Isabella Willie, Roy Pennington, Lucille Dawson, Shirley McNeil, Dennis Smith (eq.); Muriel Whytock, Gail Shaw, William Rettinger. Pass: Dougjas Carr, Hilara Bruder, Ray Murray (eq.); William Rintoul, Wayne Woods, Fred Lewis, Earl Fitch, James Lockridge, Colleen Don­ nelly, Vernon Inglis (eq.); Nancy Carter, Michael Hallahan (eq.); Barry Fryfogle, Helen Wilson, Marlene Wax­ man, Marilyn Morrison, James Coul­ tes, Lenora Guy (eq.); Shirley Boyd, Ethel Breen, Margaret Martin, Donald McLean, William Newman, Albert Symth (eq.); Duncan Moffat, David Cameron, Isabel Scott, Betty Foxton, Blaine McKee, Earl Jenkins, Eldon Lincoln, Grant McIntyre, Grace Paul­ in, Doris Machan, Nancy Hutcheson (eq.); William Reavie, Thomas Bur­ rell, Richard Newman, Jean Rintoul, Gordon Fisher (eq.); Marilyn Widdis, Stuart Smith, James Bain (eq.); Lil­ lian Campbell, Ray Pennington, Phyl­ lis Fear (eq.); Jane Rann. - GRADE XI Subjects shown have been success­ fully completed. Grade XIA:—William Austin, Eng., Hist. I, Ag. S. I, Fr.; Patricia Bender, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. S. I, Fr., Type; Shirley Bennett, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I., Fr., Lat.; Arthur Burgers, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr. Type; Bes­ sie Campbell, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Type; William Connell, Hist. I, Ag. Sc. I, Type; Lois Craw­ ford, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Type; Mary F. Currie, Eng,, Hist. I, •Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Type; James Demerling, Eng., Hist. I, Ag. Sc. I, Type, Shop; Carol Derbecker, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Type; Maxine Fitch, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Type; Helen Ford, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Lat; Helen Haines, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Lat.; Betty Henry, Eng., Ag, Sc. I, Type, Home Ec.; Ian Hetherington, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc, I, Lat.; Joyce Hoffman, Eng., Hist, I, Alg., Ag, Sc. I, Fr., Lat.; John Hoover, Eng., Hist. I, klg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Lat.; Joyce Jacklin, Eng., Fr., Type; Margaret King, Eng., Hist. I; Agnes Lane, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr. Lat.; Harry MacKenzie, Alg.; Isobel McDonald, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Type; Edith Marks, Type; Joan" Marshall, Eng., Alg., Fr., Lat.; Barbara Merrick, Eng., Hist. I, Type, Home Ec.; Robert Peel, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc, I; Fr., Type; Margaret Perrie, Eng., Hist. I, Ag. Sc. I, Fr,, Lat.; Ruth Procter, Eng., Hist. I; Alg., Ag. Sc. I., Fr., Type; Thelma Simmons, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Type; David Slosser, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr. Lat.; Jean Smith, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Type; Gordon Smith,. Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Type; Sandra Smith, Eng., Hist. I, Type, Home Ec.; James Spivey; Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I; Mary Stapleton, Eng., Hist. I; Gloria Stobo, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Lat.; Danny Stuckey, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Lat.; Donald Thompson, Eng., Hist.^I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Type; George Webster, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Lat. Grade XIB:—Robert Black, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Type, Shop; Elaine Bolt, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Type, Home Ec.; Beverley Brooks, Hist. I, Shop; Reta Bruce, Eng.,* Hist. I, Ag. Sc. I, Type, Home Ec.; James Campbell, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I; Type, Shop; .Marion Chittick, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I; Type, Home Ec.; Kenneth Crawford, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Type, Shop; Eugene Devereaux, Type, Shop; Glenn Dickison, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Type, Shop; William Fos­ ter, Eng., Hist. I, Ag. Sc. I, Shop, Bkkp.; James Foxton, Eng., Hist. I, Ag. Sc., I; Ian Gibbons, Eng., Hist. I, Ag. Sc. I, Type, Shop; John Grewar, Eng., Hist. I, Alg,, Type, Shop; Paul Groskorth, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Shop; Alice Hayden, Eng., Hist. I, Type, Home Ec.; John Horton, Eng., Ag. Sc. I, Shop; Donelda Howe, Eng., Hist. I, Ag. Sc. I., Fr., Home Ec.; Bruce Lott, Eng., Ag. Sc. I, Shop, Hist. H, Geom., Bkkp.; Kenneth MacKen- zie, Eng., Hist. I, Ag. Sc/1, Type, Shop; Ruby MacLean, Home Ec.; Shirley McBurney, Eng., Type, Home Ec.; William Martin, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Shop; Arnold Mathers, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Shop; Etoile Moffat, Eng., Hist. I, Alg, Ag. Sc. I, Type, Home Ec.; Allan Nicol, Eng., Alg., Typo, Shop, Hist. H; Ila Pengelly, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Typo, Home Ec.; San­ dra Rath, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Type, Home Ec.; Cayell Ruttan, Eng,, Hist. I, Alg., Fr., Homo Ec.; Alan Scott, Eng., Hist. I, Alg., Ag. Sc. I, Fr., Shop; Ruth Sharpe, Eng., Hist. I, MOBIIIS We offer this as a Latin label for a brand-new type of barn­ yard fowl—a skating rooster. “Buster” is reported to be a nonchalant performer on a pair of 5-inch roller skates taped to his feet. Need we add that they’re of featherweight aluminum, No less impressive than this fowl’s spirit of derring-do is the resourcefulness of the designers and engineers who dream up new uses for aluminum—from gadgets (see above) to fumi- -.xture to minesweepers. It keeps Alcan’s researchers busy, work­ ing with customer companies with new ideas on how to use aluminum to create lighter, more lasting products. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) “LIFE IS NOTHING WITHOUT FRIENDSHIP” * (Author’s name below) Operating a Pharmacy is differ­ ent from other businesses, be­ cause we supply medicines and health-aids that vitally effect your life. Pharmacy is a friendly Profession, because like all good friends we are able to be of service. When sickness Invades your home, or you need, any of the many health-aids we carry, come to us, as you would to a friend, for any service we can Ethically perform. ★ YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McKibbons Phone 53 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE ★ Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us de­ liver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibil­ ity of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? ★ PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS •I Kib Virnrts PHONE 53 iz ncla’y WINGHAM□ Quotation by Quintus Ennus 200 B.C. Copyright 6W4-55 Itotf Get.Stick ON ANY ROAD IN ANY WEATHER GET TRACTION ____ WITH f'irestone TIRES< • NO VIBRATION • NO WHINE LEN. CRAWFORD MOTORS Phone 710 Wingham CROSSETT MOTORS LTD. Phone 459 Wingham USED CARS‘TRUCK$ FORD'MONARCH y DEALER EVERY USED CAR AND TRUCK THAT RATES THE.A-1 SIGN HAS BEEN Reconditioned by expert servicemen for appearance and performance Inspected and checked for safety. Priced for outstanding value. Truthfully and accurately advertised. Warranted by your Ford-Monarch Dealer and bdCked by hi* reputation.