HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-06-29, Page 4v.fr 1 JF A's\v\ i? I f ///'/< A e PERSONALS Page Four The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, June 29, 1955 COMING EVENTS FOR SALE IS YOUR T.V. INSURED for Damage to Television apparatus, Ixiss or Damage, or Theft of Television re­ ceiver? Are you Insured for Public Liability, .Property Damage, Includ­ ing damage to your own property? For further Information apply to Stewart A, Scott or phone 293. Serb . MALE OR, FEMALE IIEIJ’ j WANTED WANTED FOR FULL OR PART­ time work for home demonstrations. Above average earnings. Reply Box Advance-Times. 29:6* ENTERTAINMENT at the Palace Gardens, Formosa, Sunday July 3rd, 2.30 - 5.30 p.m., featuring Slim Boucher and the Golden Prairie Cowboys. CE29b WANTED BABY SITTING BIRTHS ROSS—In Wingham General Hospi­ tal, on Thursday, June 23, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross, Wingham, a son. CHAISE LOUNGE for sale, with spring-filled mattress, scarcely used. Reasonable. Phone 443. 29* WANTED one fireman for the Wing­ ham Fire Department. Flense apply by letter to S. Cowan, before July 11th. 29b WOMAN AVAILABLE for baby sit­ ting. Anyk evening. Apply to Miss Rollo Sanderson, phone 379. 29* WHITE—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Thursday, June 23, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan White, R.R. 1, Clifford, a son. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN MEMORIAM WERNER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, June 24, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Werner, R.R. 2, Clifford, a daughter. SAVE ON FURNITURE and Appli­ ances at Smltty's in Hanover. Regu-, lai’ stuck of high quality merchan­ dise at the lowest prices anywhere. Compare and save! Visit Smitty’s Shopping Centro, located across from C.N.R. station. Hanover. 29:6:13:20b 1940 PONTIAC COACH for sale. Phono 763w after 6 p.m. 29:6* CHERRIES for sale. Sweet and Mont­ morency, ready July 1st. Bring con­ tainers and pick your own at Govenloclc’s Orchard, 1 mile north of Forest on Highway No. 21. 22:29* WINE BABY BUGGY for sale, good condition, phone 411. 29b MAN’S GREY SIHT for sale, size 40. good as now. Also eleetrio radio in good condition. Phone 346 after 6 p.m. 29* THIRTY-FIVE to forty-eight acres of good mixed hay on the Sth line of Turnberry for sale. Apply Joe Greenaway, phone 709wl. 29b ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR for sale. Apply to T. A. Currie. 29b A STEEL CABINET. 19 x 13 x 42 white enamel in good condition, for sale S5.0C. Phono 516. *29* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WOULD YOU LIKE TO SELL hatch­ ing eggs every week In the year at a premium of up to 33 cents per dozen more than market price for your eggs? If you would, write us Immediately. We are one of Can­ ada's oldest and largest Canadian Approved Hatcheries. Apply Box Number 47 Advance-Times. 15:22:29, July 6b RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Townships Ashfield, Wawanosh east and west. Excellent opportunity. Write at F-453-189, Montreal P.Q. Trade well established. Full time, once. Rawleigh’s Dept. 16:30b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE for sale. In- sul brick; mile north of Wing­ ham on a H acre of land. Hydro, hot and cold running water. Apply Alvin Stacey. 15rrb FARM FOR SALE—98 acres, 70 workable, 28 acres spring grain, balance hay and pasture. Good 7 room red brick house, barn and hen house, steel drive-shed, lots of water. Hydro throughout. Immed­ iate possession, low down payment. Apply to Stan Kay, Lot 21, Con. B, Howiek Township, phone Wroxeter 31 r 7. 29:6* OWNER SALE, 3 acres, house, gar­ age. barn, spring-fed stream, low down payment. M. E. Phippen, 11 Elm view Ave., Willowdale, Ont. 29b GOOD QUALITY Hereford bulls for’ sale, serviceable age and under. J Apply to Bert Holmes and Son, I phone 632wl. 29* * FOR RENT COTTAGE for rent at Point on the lake front, near the Apply to Jas. S. Armstrong, seis, phone 23rl9. Clark, store. Brus- 22:29* GALLAWAY—In loving memory of Oliver Gallaway, who passed away June 29th, 1950. He has not gone from us he loved, Nor has he traveled far, Just entered God’s most lovely room And left the door ajar.—Ever remem­ bered by Ann and Gordon and family, Kenneth, Reita and George. 29b SCOTT—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Saturday, June 25, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, Wing­ ham, a son. THOMPSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, June 26, 1955, to Mr; and Mrs, John Thompson, Wingham, a daughter. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity o.(j expressing our sincere thanks and appreciation to all our friends, neigh­ bors and relatives for the flowers and kindnesses shown to us during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Drs. Crawford and McMurchy and Mrs. Pullen.—The family of the late Mrs, Finnen. 29* ANDERSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, June 26, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson, R.R. 3, Lucknow, a daughter. HAWKINS—In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Friday, June 24, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Hawkins, London, Ontario, a son. DEATHS CARD OF THANKS The Wingham Firemen wish to ex­ press their thanks to all those who contributed to the Resuscitator Fund. Dr. W, A. McKibbon, $10.00; Wingham Branch of the Canadian Legion, $50.00; Maitland I.O.O.F. Lodge, $25.00; Mr. A. Lewis, $10.00; Mervyn Templeman, $10.00. . 29b MASON—In Wingham General pital, on Monday, June 27, Etta Baker, beloved wife of Mason. Service was held from rie’s funeral home, Wingham, on Tuesday, June 28, at 2 p.m. Inter­ ment in Wingham cemetery. Hos- 1955, Jack Cur- CARTER—In Assiniboia, Sask., R. B. Carter, formerly of Gorrie. Service was held in Assiniboia, on Saturday, June 25, 1955. CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my neighbors and friends who were so kind to me while I was bedfast at home. These kind acts are never forgotten.—Mrs, Jos. E. Smith. ROBINSON—In Langley Prairie, B.C., on Thursday, June 16, Amy West Robinson, in her 72nd. year. Inter­ ment in West cemetery, McGilli­ vray Township, on Thursday, June 23. NOTICE TO CREDITORS PIGS for sale. 25 small chunks. Apply ; Edgar Dane. R.R. 1. Wroxeter. phone SOrL Wroxeter. 22b | E TWENTY-ONE CHUNKS for sale. Apply Mol Craig. R.R. 4. Wingham. Phone Brussels 29b PETS BOXER PUPS for sale. Phone 415 or apply Billiards registered. Cameron’s 29b FOR SALE OR TRADE FIVE ROOM APARTMENT for rent on Josephine Street: three piece bath, hot and cold water. Apply to Box 50, Advance-Times. 29rrb MODERN 3 ROOM and bath apart­ ment for rent, residential, ground floor, low rental plus few light services. Ideal for middle aged couple or pensioner. Phone 160. 29b WANTED TO RENT 1951 INTERNATIONAL L-120 Pickup Truck, McCormick Model 62 Com­ bine, motor driven: Wood Bros. Corn-Picker. Apply to Stan Kay. Lot 21, Con. B.. Howiek Township, Phone Wroxeter 31r7. 22::29* 3 SELF-CONTAINED apartmene or | small house wanted to rent, living quarters for adult and child only, immediate possession if possible. Phone 445. 22rrb ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of WILLIAM MURRAY JOHNSON, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron/ Manager, who died on or about the second day of June, A.D. 1955, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the ninth day of July A.D. 1955, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said ninth day of July the‘assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. DATED this twentieth day of June, A.D. 1955. TOLTON—At Lasanimas, Colorado, on June 9th, Mrs. A. S. Tolton, the former Emma Sharpin, of Gorrie district, in her 78th year. Interment in Lasanimas. s FINNEN—At her home at R.R., 2, Wingham, on Thursday, June 23rd., Sarah Christine Cameron, beloved wife of the late Theophilus Finnen, in her 90tli year. Service was held from Currie’s funeral home, Wing­ ham, on Saturday, June 25th, at 2.30 p.m. Interment in Wingham cemetery. —Mrs. William Field returned from a visit to Connecticut last week, —Miss Cora Gannett returned last week from a Visit to British Columbia. —Miss Kitty Newbery, of Toronto, was a week-end visitor at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Overend. —Mrs. Edward Effting, of Chicago, Ill., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. M. Snell. —Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bell and fam­ ily, of Forest, visited on Sunday with relatives here. —Misses Dawn and Mary Lou Beck­ ett are visiting with their aunt, Mrs. Barry Wenger. —Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Yake, Bobio and Marylin of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell on Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopper left on Friday for Manoricheleau, Murray Bay, Quebec, to attend the convention of the Canada Life for a week. —Mrs. W. Byrnes Fleuty of Cooks­ ville was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Maude Dodd and Mr. W. J. Fleuty on Monday. —Miss Patricia Carmichael and Miss Barbara Edwards are visiting with relatives in Windsor and De­ troit, Michigan. —Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ruddy and Mrs. Rosa Murray, of Fort Erie, visit­ ed the week-end with Mrs. H. Mc­ Millan and Mrs. Stranford. —Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wadland of Sarnia and Mr. Jack Bell of Lansing, Mich., spent the week-end with their cousins, Mrs. H. McMillan and Mrs. Stranford. —Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Carter of Chicago, are guests this week with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter and with her sister, Mrs. Michael McPhail, Mr. McPhail and family. —Mr. Frank D. Hanna, of Kansas City, Missouri, is visiting his cousin, Charles H. Hopper, and other rela­ tives. He s the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Hanna, formerly of 'the third line of Morris. —Mr. and Mrs. H, Hartley, of Brant­ ford, Mrs. Louella Fairbairn, of Tor­ onto, and Mrs. C. Duncan, of Guelph, spent a couple of days with their sister-in-law, Mrs. H. B. Elliott, of town. —Mrs. Jack McLeod and son, Don­ ald, Guelph, and Mrs. Janet.Buchanan, of Wingham, attended the graduation of Mrs. Buchanan’s son-in-law, Mr. Carl Clark, of Allenpark, Michigan, from Wayne University on Thursday, June 16th. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Admini­ stration. Over 7000 attended. —Mrs. S. A. Murray, Minnie Street, left last Thursday foi' a trip to Win­ nipeg where she will visit with her son David, Mrs, Murray and son, Garry. Accompanying Mrs. Murray was hei' granddaughter, Miss Lenorc Roane, of Toronto, who went on to Edmonton to visit her sister and hus­ band, Mr. and Mrs. George Schumac­ her and daughter, Wanda. SEAFORTH PLANS BEAUTY CONTEST A beauty contest is being planned for the Old Boys’ Reunion, July 30 to August 3. and an expenses-paid tour to New York City is suggested as first prize. Sponsor is Seaforth Chamber of Commerce, with the following com­ mittee: John Stevens, Douglas Whyte, Mrs. Ross Hamilton, Mrs. Ray Bous- sey and Bruce Gehan, chamber presi­ dent. it is planned to select “Miss Re- LEE’S DRIVING SCHOOL . HERE Every Mon. & Sat. APPOINTMENTS FROM 9 a.m. to 9 pjn. Contact Charles Lee or Phone 185 SjCRAT eD MISCELLANEOUS SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pump­ ed and cleaned, quick service^ all work guaranteed. Apply to Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels. 15rrb STRAYED from premises, black fe­ male collie, 6 months old, bob tail. Phone 500. 29* TENDERS ■ ■ ■ Autographed Bible YPU Presentation CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 22:29:6b NOTICE TO CREDITORS DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect; Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb 24 HOUR SERVICE on all furnaces and oil burners. Apply Hiseler & Son, phone 426. 15rrb Tenders will .be received by the undersigned for painting outside of Wroxeter Community Hall. Windows^ to be glased where necessary. Tenders to be in by July 8th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Roy Hunter, sec., Wroxeter 29b TENDERS WANTED union” from competitors designated! by district communities. Miss Canada 1955, to be chosen during London’s centennial celebrations, will be invited to officiate at the Seaforth event. 2 Enter Bruce Warden’s Race Two men have signified their inten­ tions to contest the Bruce County wardenship in January of 1956. Wallace Wilton, of Carrick Town­ ship, and Daniel Lamont, from Sau- geen Township, are sure starters and last week started campaigning at the June session. Donald McLay, of Lindsay Township, and Roy Atkinson, of Greenock, may also toss their hat in the ring before the end of this year. Bruce County alternates the war- dgnship each year between urban and rural reeves. Trips - Wedding* - Funerals CHUCK’S TAXI Insured while you ride. Phone 185 Wingham COURTEOUS DRIVERS 24 hours service Charlie Lee, Owner Notice to Water Consumers S i The hours for watering lawns and gardens | are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to | 9 p.m.■ This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less* prompt payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service, will be billed accordingly. Wing ham Public Utilities Commission C. E. Shera, Superintendent ■ ■ IF YOU are buying a car on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing and insurance. Our service is complete and inexpensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293. rrb WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or in- j formation phone Clinton 242 may 130rl2, collect, between 10.00 a.m, on week days and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. West Howiek Township School Area will receive tenders by tlife undersign­ ed until July 9, 1955, for the instal­ lation of a pressure system, flush toilets, basins, urinal, water fountain and septic tank in the Gorrie School. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For specifications consult Cloyne Michel, Gorrie. James Inglis, sec.-treas., 29:6b Clifford, R.R. 1, Ont. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of WILLIAM FIELD late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, I who died on or about the twenty- 1 fifth day of May, A.D. 1955, are noti­ fied to send to the undersigned on or before the ninth day of July, A.D. 1955, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said ninth day of July the assets of the said testator will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this twentieth day of June, A.D. 1955. The Young People’s Union of Knox United Church met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of the presi­ dent, Bill Coultes. The evening spent in social activities. The young people presented and Mrs. Chas. D. Cox with prior to their departure to their new charge in Niagara Presbytery. Mrs Cox was given a gift of money and Rev. Cox received a leather-bound Bible autographed of the group, also and tie clip set. . The presentation by Bill Coultes and presented the gifts. Rev. Cox spoke highly of the spirit f the group and of his happy fellow­ hip with them. was ROv. gifts 3 CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22:29:6b or Mild- j 7.30 and ■ 7.30 and ’ 9rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS OPEN I SAVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Soli your cream, eggs, and poultry to your Wingham Co-operative. Ask for your Cash dividend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream. It pays to deal with the Co­ operatives in Wingham. ISrrb SAWS SHARPENED—hand, band and circular saws machine sharpened. May bo left at Alexander’s Store. Also lawn mowers sharpened. Apply to H. L McGuire, Belgrave, phone 634J2. 18:l:15:-Ag. 24b HELP WANTED FEMALE ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Robert Henry Saint, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Laborer, who died on or about the twenty-first day of May, A.D. 1955, are notified to send to the undersigned pn or before the ninth day of July, A.D. 1955, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said ninth day of July the assets of the said testator will bo distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-first day of June, A.D. 1955. LADIES WANTED to demonstrate. Above average commission, plus a monthly bonus. Write to Nova Homo utilities, 69 Edmond Rd., Kitchener, 15:22:29:6* Crawford and Hetherington Wingham. Ontario 22;29;6b Solictors for the Executrix. Masons and their families from all parts of Ontario and Canada as well as visiting delegations of Brethren from other countries will converge in Toronto on Sunday, July 17, for a monster religious Service at the CNE Grandstand. This Service will mark the opening of the centennial observance of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free, and Accepted Masons in the Province of Ontario. Sessions of the Grand Lodge, itself, which will continue for two days, Will commence the following morning in the Coliseum at the Ex­ hibition Grounds. While thousands of visitors will come by ear, many will take advan­ tage of the special trains and buses which are being planned to take care of the influx. It is expected that attendance at the service will be of the largest in the history of Grandstand. the one the by every member a silver cuff link address was made Ruth Procter Mundys’ for Fresh Fruits and Canning Supplies s Week-end Grocery Specials Clark's Fancy TOMATO JUICE two 20 62. tins ....... —....25c Aylmer Choice Bartlett PEARS, 15 oz. tin ...... ........20o Aylmer Boston Brown BEANS ....two 15 02. tiiis 29c Aylmer Choice PEAS two 20 oz. tins ....................37c 3 MUNDYS' 40 YEARS IN WINGHAM PHONE R2 FOR FREE DELIVERY I E 2 i Bl 1954 Dodge Mayfair Hardtop Air Conditioning Heater. Custom Radio. Finish­ ed a smart Green & White two-tone. 1953 Meteor Custom Tudor Finished Black & White. Air Conditioning Heat­ er. Radio. A “Safe-Buy” used car. 1953 Plymouth Cranbrook Sedan Freshair Heater. Tinted Glass. Finished Dark Green. 1950 Ford Sedan Metallic Blue. Air Conditioning Heater. A one owner car you’ll be proud to own. 1953 Ford Ranch Wagon Finished Red & White. Freshair Heater. Custom Radio. Automatic Transmission. Tinted Glass. The ideal dual-purpose vehicle. \. 1951 Buick - Dynaflow Radio. Heater. Black. 1951 Dark Ford Sedan Green, 1951 Chevrolet Sedan with power­ glide transmission. Top {Value Used Trucks 1954 Meteor Sedan Delivery Two-tdne. Air Conditioning Heater. 1954 Mercury Vz-tan Pick-up Like new. m iD’cjn Miacum i.JlflWi MiTtbk way r i IKtteLR » 1951 Chevrolet 1-ton Express With rack. 1951 Chevrolet 3-ton Long Wheelbase with 14 foot rack.