HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-4-30, Page 2E i
' n ( • ►` 1 1-,- Iwrekas dry gYrici/Mrlify it the COYrty.l war Tits steamer Sproy will lave Thorough And Hulls, 2 seeress t-Uror$e ■Ij• OALT ON THU 1DUAk/P ort of tbn 4t• lore to au •stem thrl make• a
1 P lii ' (t 9 tt;7t (t b all very well to talk, solo that the GuJerio'l oa'l'ueaday, TLunday and Mri Auda•wn'• Veutun, first pr;w i and Dared ION OF' C AAiADA, it cuwl,rrrGwl uupwducurn, lhgb tram Thr IYdtau '1'roublus. I 11t 1:'/•!•:UItl11.UO1C.1t. IIF,.
-_ r Irmedirte drngnr hu peered swaT, bra dal of eaob week YYUI further uotise fur Yorb's Black Dougfa5, 7uJ du. flea tausw hi tic Nsr ]'ora. AVril 2ti- Tb• Nrrvrl/e flan I YOMT.
Nutt►ore eta. The lime -table will be Y P ver dud the ll ki u w _
GrWe Bulls, 7 seer;■■ -•Ale:. YitcMll'a ercxu'r sv rusvrtsf. her cunuspuu till of A nl 7, ollwi (bat
iiIJUbMiI'►ie V%M j 1867. tit. rewvnufStaulny will bare as int rent p° p y,e v.d rb rd
irund ghWtly. J.ek, first F'(Ise ; and Jams 0.w MIPs duuiuioh the real nwsuJs for all kaadg ul I J 1 sM r
«.....^,,,......,•,,,••,,,,,t,,; „ ^ `i ,•- IUg fiwY Uf tt, lf• La aIQWVIa !O belittle ___ _. ._-__ Blirre, aecuud du. V Mr. U■It iter Mrn Ilea fist am0° Ibn Ca. labor to Ilea neat low atanAar '1'h• lM eOlou is •lJl °„awllleJ ;u tuner, urnty 1"r 1a' lrAw O..A. w,
y _ ion •rwreYU•d naA.
g oRiewl spurts to Congret♦ showed rhea vt Ipolan vela. }'nab weunivas b] ludlalu __ _ _ _
r d V p zea wen ferrrd. The Irteal Indian read was si -
w ' s / ,^ The t mrpetwang p4s afforlal . either the volunteer movesuent or those BI W If WH leo.—It sty Interest pWo Tb• Jud n wen llal h SWveusoa. Jesse °,dun Iabgrtre w $vegluud to Xive e: ren• b the real loeaitwu ul .lmeriuo tuduatas I = j -
_ FOmel, and Juba Ratasubury, 1lg4 ra. lion, spun hu reform to lh;s sountry, of big iia One Lnu,ch of it Oa wbecb Arericros 6.3 Ovinuey- ran, where they look wwral pri. ViI I a s ■ E
who feu nobly backed it up iia the hour uY of aur tnwr raden to kpow that it i. biUasrw evil n i I lease. Tlevy come serer the Ilio tloudu , I < -
(11tU. 1.AINU, views reopectiug the new conddiuu the coma• Y J p i' ed III, -mer hes ; w that Time 7 a. m, z t3
Mr. Jahn flan to a, ti -M• P. P. is al teal. MeauwLilc, wt] .uhmil these frog■ unlawful to fish for, strait, or kill haw Srerrur m shipping. yuly Dae vessel was now bail I sod return brfure.e krose they fire hen, , 4- V Pj ?' :
Varna, April 22th, 1867. y' try nabuut to awuwa lauLticrlly. At tM and u lM Eo lob Guvtrnuout will nut _ _ _ y'
eogai lenbb pains to advertise aha Sigrel fol th0 a1e,.iJrr,tiuu Pf tis ratep,yen, fruw the 20th of April to the 20th of tug iia Now Yet, nil uuly uuu or two i 66
N ,.yk';."' dmuer getters by the St. Georgey Society at liwwn. The bun. auteu,rn eo.uluJed L aFluw us tv snradr stat veil of Mexico, the] Ie Bi
r he* peregrivatiuns through the County I _ ___ ••_
May. It is mast dairrbb that Uiu SG A F'ON'T U. Mouural, roar a for inlraductor] remwka expressing ►u bOp es fur, soul 1»lirf in, r mt us ►t duhaoce. M04.,Aprd 16 :B it66 ( 61.a y. %I 10 tob
with that al pet -bag. At the Duragru- j A GUDLaI('8 LAN1'aa,-Jjr. Ititohic t Irndid fish eLoulJ tau ,rotrettJ duriu^ Mr. Galt a thus tv oltvd;- los a,d ra row hlun far the UJWi lea New York,'April, 26. -]'be /lereatd's Fun = o 14 t, 904 t7 5 Jf WAA 0 'rs!
von wectip reos4tl he toW bis aniline« P 1 ` — p / V, Wrd. •' It z0.ako teal h W.p • S
g 7, In hig earsvaaaing operations iv wont to the breeding season, and we hope all per• The llerpurhey Branch ur the County of II* would endeavor to say a few words u of Cal ada. Sndgnck sleevelet of ties 25th Saye the tush• Thurs. •, 1a A02 lis 7 1Y. 1 U
a that aha editor of this ourorl, who eau aura° Agr;uultutal Sueiet hell their ti ,ria fo what be titian ht mi h —- • --- 1 ed between ills special Cewal,riOLen bud Yu., 1a Jets 44 7 dW. 1 7
J inlrioge a little Opera the department as. wills toterwted will •ssiml in dai pg w. ] p g d d t be our future, fint I the itr Ile send O trirlla Muds of Sioux In- sail so 26 /3e 1 ta.b I tl. 0 10
• his nue i I enem ias a b■J man, and d -___. __ . Show en the 73rd Of April, fur the Eihtblr 11UI;ciug our pu5uwn rn • mattlnal pN,int ul Toe Itrlursm 4jurrllom Im 1•:rli• -- - - - _ ,.{ p700'
P Pa 1r c'std to Dr. Woods by enquiring if the Ji•lu re reru'm 7UU rleniurs hrd base aiM'' Vel n
view More this Dominion wsa carried into 1ta aid. P Y y of f6a tvinJ ++ N etpttrsdvd
7 should not be lallieved, because he baJ Town Conroll Yeelirs. lion of entire stock. 'rhe fabib;tors wero, cruclurria 3'Le Indwms agreed t° go upon alepDnT,hem, Voy sy u,mlwn, tk.s: u, (I-- 1
I reb•paycra, ■a Le aJdrrares tl.rm penUrs• ads a -tor althuu,jh 1La pruclumatiuu had eat a tam cord. nervation .wt] lite err lta- a. a4alrnI. nab , !b Very heavy Hur"e,"'.arr.
' Uluwed • typogra hical error to a ar ly, g g PP° fur drau„bt become, Robert Duuglw-Young yet leen Isaucd, Le thought he widht m nt R°ceotly we published a resolution adopt- P 7. g } t hen• ran'w er ulna
P PPe al rt] uin W eu rt a GODiifClt The Council mrt on Friday evening lot. Cham pion ; Charles Maven -Old Rob Bay, Of h as an aecow lialned face. --mile lora ed ata cruua " of tM liberal members pa ol,cuu dunug the reissue( LurtiliGw. A Y a'I• uJed” r• ez11, of
in a short ■nnounca' ant he had adver• 1 i p 4y Duwtrrs, trwu to to e; 1kum; Io. Jeano s
W Iter, rr 1 Are not Godcrich lawyers u Present, the Mayor, lints, DtputyHreve, first prize ; George Staultur)-Young Wax. ,lot* it seI:mare from tLs rr ond re•emrJ of lite imlerirl Farlirweul held at the rear• war parry of 16 Brae Sioux came iia bur {het nLe •►y u cuhred wn6 steads, 0, Wu n W
tined is our adumne. Aa to the error-' T; 1 P duce of Mr. WiLdawne, That resolution ai4ht from Powder river dashing peace. hal(cuvrred; asd0 that n rprrl•mty ulvaq
K uJ in • parlitmrntary way ae the law- aft e, Pasmore, Smoth, K y, YeKa], Clit• work ; James of gen rat tub Ito bJ mM ;ncleraeut chmrto Crum .sang der ricer eau in eke farm of it •tuslrurtiud' to the J Y Y
which oat of tae m st feet (palate -we' T' a 'l btl state the ludissns uu a cd in the F'un uYurrra a.
y n of Kingston, Jjoutreal, or Toronto 7 ("'d• lrunsid, sial MaKrrae. Fbr hurese bur gepural par ase :-Juan h tummuuicatiun daring sit mumlher u( tee ear Phil Kearns mumrcrs, aeumbered 2,000. Hsghe•r 9rometnr prrrler• derlr ih• tree
P D 1 Cuwwrttne of the µ'hole un the 1(.f°rm J eau Cl stet a k, V `` h
} think we rndurstand our ,ueiacsa better -Minutes Of Iwt mcfel were read find yrs Flsher-llald ortuue- Hosiery Lana-Priuce-prevoutaa by a furrign country, rot tb• Bill, cud was to Mars hero mural by Mr. Twelve were killed, amen( whom were three 1 ek,rk. m•.a '1'Lur.Jey.
\Vhy teat], low It nut a convocation of the meat friend! die Deed Is Ibn wurlJ, fruw
of Walro; Wm.$vres-Y. H. Wallace. ] p cla;rfi mall were .aoudad; flwtilities Lpw%ri flarout.ua•yrwuw Jovrost►e week ear
f kir Char to rroate an thiDr' Of lbw lied io- Pro•+d cueing ors Mr trade. 'If zea refry to lbs loler;A2tl. whoa Mr. lh,rueh a11uuld mute i 1 2n sant 1 d, luck r,
e e•nsri-cifrue isra•yers of GuJerich that For Bulls :-David Youll-Fed. lh;ttglas; the Mouse into cown,;ttre 7'Le tvlegraph Drtween the .`:uutham Cheyennes zed (inn. •T4„ 61•du Bwruweaiw, w"Coneuforr he
tegtioqully iia au ndrettisew asap and oar' A very cLrmcferistio Iralrr from )1 r. U, F'. Chru,e struggles wade by the groat ower of Huois
raged you to e0wo out T Dop i ak 7- Durbam ; 1V m. Sprwt P h. r app,ivad w of t6e'reault-the ,,ii lla°cock s troops, wero reported. if these was 29.lrs7, wash
tnolivatioq to take Yuch deg aJraots 9Pa debt] Stewart, Stratturd, was r:ceifcd, real, Yuuug !Fallon ; James Dickson-Dixie• to reach the stn: d we looked w the war -he meat was ins:aiurJ by • Barjonq f 'J1- hwtilitir cuutinw, • (coeval ludiau seas u Traarei-Ta■
I(e hart of your fries Ja, step by iwpltwtir p sad fyled. F'ur bull two Jean old, H- lt. Camoohon. ali4l't say the unjust war—in Schle•rig llol aha drtert ul rhe U atiuu rte urerw hetet• ipaviuhle (Hour u(obrn■uou la.m., 1
Yoder ai y circumslruoes exisb Onl in aNin, i,. OrJer to obtalp • ase boa ear pp" P.m.,9 P•r.)
t y I -fur pity's sako I Routigantinn of W. II. Pan+ key r of Fur bull one year old, Arthur McCann. rdr g- y 4 prawn dune( the week was 67 4
]' Pe meXbt learn to a reciate lite advaa ir' \Ve are nut et in Dossewi n of • n- r . •- H, her( 3'm
I'p the mind of M r. Ilolwca. Tha tact that -- Goderich Cemetery, was read and accepted. 1'6e pates awrrJed ware, fur drrught PP tagw we levet u( tits Jc bwtr, whlcL eau Druugbr w a An Ameritwn sr, alludin b, the Ito u t drlu,•k, y, ria un tlnuavl. y.
§= be snacks the editor Of lhin'numal ■t s. ItUJllUtttl UF' YVsBs, p horses:-('kda. Mason, lot rise; Geor a bad gaiverd by our uniuu wish Nuva Scctin PsF [ Luwrst'I'ewpvruundurm t4 week wdaI70
_ P X clow uve the t eir, but au oxylauatian of Ilia sign arehrar, er e, wn aim I ubT,.in h the s
J rus4e Bio ■alooas. :Ord Nor lirmurick. liter, hear.) Wa P 7 P I 7 u 7 r'rhr k •. m. uu 'I'arrl•y.
3cauLwy 2nd do. Fbr home for +oast Ua.t the ussuli ,ussee"iva of iw passible Ibn Meta Tar, rature aur tit. week we, 37.5
i tier and lace when he thinks Le can du [ ( saute of thp failuro of tba hiienla in •
P 'ar aluCJs again orcrobadow the no- The road and bridge committee reported, rpwea:-June ,b Fuher, la ailed ; Henc had gained it, roc, not by the ex nditure of 7 i I Ir
1U { Ise fiouac sleeted uuJer the wgpio•rsuf r L;beml Jrseru of wow, vuu trace of Jrrt timber, tV•ru.ra.t Jaf dwwerhe wank wdaw slupday,
p loath imfuoity, indiCalefe reit • dcarl • recummendiu senna ,mall ;mprovemruts. r•fauv, 2nd Ju. Fbrbulla:-Ju Dlc4son, lei blued cud tnwun,.ayt by rhe waste of the t4s Mca■ rem rawer 4vapx 71J
` P ) ) W. B oP Eumpe, Away to the far Easl Y govaruweht a given in articles published rrozcu liters, incuessable mountain ran•ey Dv
' *« iz• ; Geo G l'6esue 2nd do. 'Cru ear Lloyd ul' our Drat and roust vel nal lona, bur Wi rsth r far ulrmJa wbero the cNwate s mora Linder da y;dunu. 111• week was um We&,_
that he Ent rrlLer much or it ip the 1'Ln report low rcW In committee, and tin pr y ] t° rhe Luod.w pert on the 9th. Tbns i6. Meu'Irwparsmrr 4,t]■ 111. Ig
w, AuJ f rete atrug;ling fur liberty a old bull• R. Il. l'arnochau. Uua er old with free XOral No And 1.6m dr now poredsed I/ moderate, u•d a scanty popul■ a is ,, -
short a men! h:ld through our Columbus, itespectur ordered to err out the necewr y tM Laulun Uwt hetes censures Mr JOHN HALUAX
Aalusl tyrmny whioh •became unbearrbh, ] 1 bull, Arthur McCann, • rgboard greater than that of the U States filadaoue fur IeaJw the liberal t •to
[ F'or 7 leoleel of lithe( upd trait with ihs Ind;- Voted tk,s!0111 da r Ja:
sad his present Bourse is Ihxl ioruiabl rcl rim at the bridle hill, without dale Xnnler d zea mnasund tt b lbs ea➢xciry tailun, feud more elearl oints to the im Y a Apr., Iter.
T W. W, WATSUN, SeCratar]. J y P w. Ve<tuall] loo ant, bT ria a:pws.titure Of
) and the E¢mterq Question era far fruw be- W,tb ro¢ud to the frees placed at ue foot of to harbun uud frcilitics fur C rrrying °u mwh,t„ uauw of rhe bnrkdarn i _ --
ig anued by awall minds when Trir wee- iag golrcd, etauJe za a lategl eture fur a cof F;(gin Jrraer, •Lich is in g very dangnmw trade, cud more valuable now than that ref uur ,even millinuq Vn gel1, Sitka and the Prince A coundy chrp, ■10 rewstly visited
April 29th, 1867. great neebhbur. (( finers ) And the ver race Mr. U,arrdb'a )ubihuou zed that 'of his of W■ied islands. All the rest is sedate tern the city for the first time, gam hm view, of
k" yang fail. Although we did not have the fdttere rwndaRrsti.m which may involve stat", it having been torn down twice by The weather keeps cold, JAd tint much which hal spited w to;(ether hrd firur.d ue party are natural. 'The Luid, or some odes tory, unit no energy of the American people the lidos ha this ser
pleasure Of Att_p4inq M r. Holm,ti exhr agency, has dglin•reJ lis enemy into Les loll Le sufficient to wrke mime culrii_w 'Yomewhen im aver]
m ,a of the aa[ioos of Europe. Ths JuhP I.o°[worth, Mr, Lemrd proposed thrf growth, fxm n are busy }p'lowing, and this that ton climate which cloecs our river wif- Y •pe circumference ufsil and rr-ewt that rig Igo
bition al Dungannon, we have rod evi rsaL all rill M wwia ,learn a nut much mut rovrnt our veer to the mother cdwrtr bands. Ths secret of the made g• b now ie the sixth degree, I ,nth latitude• rofitable, ■long then s allers a woman, I ll R
R 6 uerrel over the Luxcwburg trouble is It M .•built and a man ant to watch it fur Y p T sa secret. Yerterdd afterouo r at the ta•1 pp P°M 1 est
lhd pea fuse of throwing Longrortb down fall wheat sown here but what is sown la,kea lh-ough the wittier, It ensured lFtt b► thr 1 or to reclaim wilderness«. which burdtr eve how much of the huller in filled in with alas! .
f t e (hat nor word Puss as fr as that palet Rni' on,' Died although actual heali well. The market! yrs pastry much the Interwlooirl fixilwa womeul, flirty -tight werpLea ul the :iMrui she Arelic Ute Nmet] o: • huudrotha ut lend ocow much u amwuu the s
Of lbs would-be D1. P., inasmnoh at zea 7 (Cheers,) Whatever party wai4•J so 11 r. Glydstuue to s r.sr Y pmctalear du
the book al it ht] attemlowd another same ra the week Lr fare with the este deou might be the material or commercial •dvdea- PP Huron America an absolutely useless ; tit• no. A (eller wrry's a wife, mo t.46 wltaft
iitir. have not btt+l commenced, it igiw-'
bane it on !,mod authority that he trill "Bible to say how sem the insatiable a_nash. It won resolved to replace the roues of wl;valt which had, rather • downward tem taAOi of afloat read, -un which he did nut p o him that (hey would vote against the iia- remaining hundreth relay be of wme value it cuues w the 'int that M
dent last week, Mm• ,trucuun u( Mr. Colerid ir, unlesa it wenn t0 the Russians wko settled it, but rt im ter P r kms nothing ia'
Aanll t d colt in ash 'rid, C,ILonir, 'lupe of war zea ba Ica I eau. witLuul reverting w DIr, Leonard's Ian. 1 d $ 1 70 which is dear to sa a cord mow -It alum plriu than altered in the ra tbat lLr zed'rotod. Lr. his arms but reg'Ir anatomy. Ef mer is
y 9'' ,/1 7 Pn'""ia, p enough 5!111. The candidates fur the South Caannada J, r with three Inilhwu of Arco dr, 7 1 4 taiuly nut worth seven millions of dull,- to gay deseevers, rot's to b• said cf the lc
or tAe if utmuaw,hts. The idea that tits. bwkuJ by a strongly fav viable atata of The &p,ecirl committee fippuintrd to era°- a pr' F1e • 1 Gladstone had what we m.st take lents t., a nation already p. wrred of more tereiicory (Let r tub
Itidieq of Haran ■Jdremxd a meeting in C,uIJ set load ,emriu rt the rill and beck t f d eases fur a hundred and forty weizb{
Iiermame farait]g(, .nil mill len •had with aider site petition of We Market Clark, re- ietforth oa Thursday evening, but as you a foreign * power durinX sii mouths oC lbs call tie dap:orahln weak nts• w view to Uts than it cal deceat'y govern, algid burdened but laaste t real) u uu t
SigruF u char sable with abuse, enmity, l the victoria of I •'h0, proudly resiets the ported, rhat da the Clerk heal failed Io receive were then your &elf I reeled not describe it, jraor. 1 he di0iculues of comma Of tit, deviation of the frwtion ut the party. and w with debt. 1 eh fit ou Lar u wubse
esti pit •qd other ,virkmdner, aim al ro d cp^rnaohment of France I1 Linn- da much iia (ave da furmrr Clerks by $21G 1 easy remar!t \uwarer (bat lbs Cavouritr& woulJ now fe romorrd. •nil rho mtcr¢ulodlrl accrept the hur;leal;an which they liege pre- averse, gnddln Tall tLr rWnepl VlupYeen
K y 1 y p pose emu»ting of soften end whabbusa"
because it presumed to criticiae tl:e I oar 1. The Emperor Napoleon on lit, would recommend Ih it he be allowed to me wero Cle"cro° aa1 Gibbons. trad•t would ue luD r M ham leveed fur h: m. It a aur Vr. Gladats,a» b, _ _
_ __ _ gP pored oke tib consider what •re ILP relative duties of ■ Gloo my' News hose AUSUILlla, IT is oof perhalr geMrally known that Ike
public arta of a man who waanree a maw other L,u,J, Iolys to ,ceunt aha prila nl ta'o rho market fur two mon16/ longer flop ' ' - --'-- tarilys. Thn news ul ell world he lutkxd to DOl;r;tai Isay,r ud Lu luhuwrn, anJ bow hiator of ltubiown Clear» wY b-{
bar of parliament, is too puerile to be ee• Luxewburg, which would not only re. his franc. CLIxTOw, 27ta Araby 1367. with reldrerep to the iuter"t of all, d not ear i man, web abad h c icer ,t a mere' y publs-
T••si,at:tune urewflat- supra, to the interests of a mere loca4t . This b I 7 A aon"por.d'fit of Con San T'unenco had u • serirl &ton, and ,peered i° lbw
tettained for a moment b(' an man of wove . angenws Prus,i¢o1N,ie1 rf•gyui. After same conversation the rc ort was J I or rt, in which he a ria be habitual') Bootie, writing froze Melbourne, gives rise orlgeal l.oudua Poet, its bhotiw Navin
7 Let pluc a w,>rt inn ,rtant whi m Hia P Sly -In your low of the 18th int , a Principle was charactetistle of the progreu siadhlr o,d urnrraleJ. to the casrw which tilendeJ lords h Poe hundred ■mil ext g
o^mmnn aceta. Wo challenge Al r. P P alopted, 'Jr. Leonard disseutiu of fhn U S:atcs. 11'e.houl bereaCter her.• t"L.,ving review of the seats .•i Ytf aro in the Y yr;x
hand in Cure of future wars, liulh side. g latter explearo signed, i1 one who suffers," Mr. Glydsl°ne id takiat L. ts sacrificing the Australi.n Calonks:- Australia no doubt ^umberas and hatimg cern finished ;. 1,19.
Holmes to point to a untenco we hate eppa•:rr w be in a+total iia tt,t matter, ar.d Application of Mr, 'Thomson, askin Ihxt inn uuercoure wn6 16e Lures 1'wriucer• our
g ewapl.iveiveg of abs state of fhn Guderich 23U rembeu C( his patty, rho ue true to presents a better field fur emitmma thus himovalucal] segue rd that popolanq .itis►
hie a.la,] be rocredaeA to $100 per year, and three millroni, for the purpuseg of tndO ind hi -.u, to the forty-eight who re false. Hn ;. t it w lona reserved, and its 0410 in tad
written against any opponent which cur.• ,he arman.ent of lite Frvuch aoJ Prussian , Northern Gravel Road, and imputing neglect c :mnnerce, had become nearly four millions, rskin; the rrytiure,s the (rade not ant• Canada, but it u fr inferior to the l nita•d p ilk
taine an attack upm private character. arwies i" tiling pushed forward wit!, ulydriny to keep tae office epee from 10 r. n, ur sumelhind worse tp my& -If in regard to It • zed ;n such r climate w ours, ri orous u it ra' • Slates. Agriculturo will not tar a pying form from 1719 to eM present day bas Men
to 3 ,. - g
m etc ,
h b, of himoeif Dut f h D lk
w oto u ufth ,(
nth eus•r•• 1 c ° , ui i
Ila 1 ton.
s lieliry ria I b
el ! u Burin (F al ed
We rale• t tat tm so node that vt few
have coats' ublr m I mor rcaki,r f r 1L a I Fou
Iced to •e allow Ith u u d nes 1 tLul 1Lcro an 9 lm is
t a g I me g y o f fhn au J our '
t b retf w 04 that 6 ii ear h g, h
t era im ma , a 4
tuns • J ran
R 1 rc t o b
P J I ae acted so doubt
p titian ht MM cuulJ not (til ti, uLaene that ;° from fhn tarn and no i with Iarye 'd of loom for 000vume&I 'ora•
can rely tan averted by cenarerting Lui. Mr' M`he:ai0 oLjecteJ to granting sale a'wgetber mdounded, aha Creta an simnel mutirrs; Le Lias beau dcsiruw W event
well without having recaarsc to such hams prayer of the petition, as the salary had bale I this uui,.a with the Lower Provinces we ha,f F' and no iurencal erne• of IocomOuun of gn fir
ewburg into neutral territory by wulu el thew ;- given to it the means cot dsrslo diseniop aulvug Iiben's. taut is reality, he erten n q •Cas ou tell me, err." 04id • slmoger te
meago, and hope to do ao fot m¢n •tun • fitcd at the beginnin of the ear. p n aver mea- t, o navi able riven. livr latest d rw- 7
S b era ssenl ShoulJ lite result tar tear, it f T ^ d bti Only prrrru0.d • rotunow ul viable a grnfemou iia • ball•nom, '•wit, that Ia1]
da to come. Uu aha 19th °( 3cptemLcr tart, I receereJ afrcturcs which we could nut hove (oared bud beak u Der smuts psediaa ise Ike wor!4. i(
J will be a fearful otruitglo Few aatinno Mr. Smith said it would be well to put the ,. wt] remsiur d;etaiOrs from diaplayi^g itself in a particular is leo romder that Immi rraiou Ms •luwsl 's nape line secuud window -that ver vain-
• letter from the S Aiditurs of the Com trio• d separated and alone. For m a [ 7
But, atter all, why JPs+ )I r, llulwe s tt l:umpc would be era Ji(li0 rlt to oauqurr utBce up w compeduon• p e,uutry li'.e ours, where rvrryau was obli d form Its a on r pr is) g r uc:da;oD. It won:d ceae" surd tort numbers of able laalird wen lou4mg LJy T" '•Tbat a my umicro" replied
at this wowent as Prussia, and ut Mr. Leonard said on that principle he arras regal ind mr in leursuancof ul the order %,,seek a pwitiun b] ►mrd labor and mat have fN en brurr a, g0 to t dI Wore on Mr. easenot lived employment i and this a file care the raison Addressed, with a formidable look.
take our rewarko so ouch w heath ❑e y' IC u o the County Judge, immediately t° insliect dilficult].rhe peup[e br!amiabb to &ai dVast C01r;dge's instruction in its original form, all through the Aastr■hr° Culouies. ljwrns- ••N°• ^°. I don t mean bars"said the ndorts
uupossible to believe that she could un- might & well apply for the Governor Gener and to hart left the fortyeldht di.seotitnts load, IiI aback w uw,h !.da beau vel nate interrogater. '•I wean tb■& ver] I]
Ia rot rumfinX •gaiwt Ilan eJitor of the a rixtcJ dtatroy fhn vast military poor rl s P lice, which Mroul M glob to holt for auJ examine the Hold, and ropers thereon, own. (ilar, hear.) This union, whiea rt] w 0xplau their, rules as IbrT could w then womap Iranm¢ a u g[
celrbmlyd w the name of the Dommmaa OI and •linen, u complekly brakes down ; ken gaisat the liusuo,'' 11'kpt
Yig". ■nd if he has been sharply critic- o Franco, Tire world will hear with $4000, (Lnughler). wJ relerring tan W aetuuos . ,nil 8G of constituents g d the couatry. Mr. (1:■d- clition and sugar ran uts Arte nnafu•di a'rr. is m] lode." ••No, era, (roamed the
load, his own tor- !otters have appeared awe the Bra cannon -robot fired in an.cr Le:ter from Mr. Longworth, reapectiul a the statute 23.1 Victoria chap. 49, as the Lards, wm en conformity with the api,it of alone must wake up hs wind Ira what seams rimrible strap ern the sus
rhe epee. If re looked round us and oosarv. and she is plunged'into financial bankruptcy. Y perauo■ stat st
side by side with those eri'ieiamt. Aa on either nide. It is probable that Em fence. F' led, - wtharely by which I seal to be guided, after - he undnntands the data,a of a liberal leader; l'Le colon of Sew South Weirs, which baa from every pure. ••(lpc'd gmcioua I I wrk i
b 7 ed what ww going on iia the o'd world. we J
we said once before, the intelli cut ublic 1 and will endeavor to maintain her neu- Account C. Thompson, bord or indide., carefully perusing flaunt Seelio.o I at once wom:d tee lel whether he ams merely w direct the tach" Slue fur itg ital, is in a nate of ra td c ,ulJ vale Tsa undrncard met 1 mo•w
K P Tamil y once more united,estab:uhiug or wave effect w the convictions vl Lis arty. y p tit■t Llear tyerd uijrct is the mk silk, tM
can judge whiuh is tight, and act accord• tr Jtty to the Inst moment. Hea:idro she 7, :1.50. To he paid. pruee•eded )o inspect the road, and o° the a nationa'Ity of her own, gad seeking the ul I' -lecture. Har tumplat-t u want of gold. p•
Also, account relief D. Fer2won $2 t C2 1 differences Of the Italian em ire. IAe hal Fn the present controversy he Lw oBeodrd There was wme, but ail the iutlatiou founded un• w very plain• There, she s look ng da
b¢a sown Iit1W nutter Of iter own on 3 'Leh of the same arwnrh made a full and P t!,e iwwceie Ly pwbiug ernretr,esa u, , I ue," ••That .ir," sad that ulkmso. seit►
iugly. (ret y1 r. Holmen ex upd to the \I r. 5mstb sal it ears large for one wart ; seen Germ a,T entering ;uta a eodrderation upon it has collapsed, and Lrr pecuniary ggee
P° hand such ae lite paui%h difTiculf Je•tailnl raj tel w the 1'rceNdeat o) the tom pard that u di. vFcesble b term ; sial Lrr- troubles are great. A few'Jays since It zero fierce seem es, "u m eldest does 1"...
electors the political principles he carries which wuat be sl4tided to ver ague, ° 1 ■r. Leauuw hal been mm's ;n ne ward. of a far mon intim rte °azure thele tke Uld o;r dune thi+, he at th'e last moru,•nt a'1,•n 1'he saran er drtrd (rum the
J Mr. Ltunard said that as mind knew mint, uany ai requrrmd by the statute, oina;P out rm4d is tit° 14rhsmml of tkat eotunT that R »Orr sad
in that Convenient carpet bag of his, slid however brief it may prove Io be. they thought Mr. Smith vas cwt t e ku1,, ut P g Genuanit Curdc'lerntion ; end o° tits conn pay these wit i &hare kit views h ab:wdnn cleared the femra.•s, as Ill h Le had beer
the repent whish were rrguisite, and re nest wt] hrdseeo iLe baited Scated, sewnev T upwards of 1 1190 destitare prrsosa wero F' [
rselecw personal.00mpatisupae and he poly Judging from the aspect of Euripe, it loukiod eau fu ask relief Crom. Ilm is„ that %bee ref -mics should be cum. ing the mune on which he ud C a haul struck with , resentment that ■ •
p sted ky serum ;epddahed ; eriols, that u, then su:fi•r tlerir °Winn to t,O J:nucmbered 7 Jriiy partial:y ted b] Government losa.s. .. D leu der
will be math fur sur rive if tLtr euWwcr e:rt ted. J he seceaswn ul iba fort]-agLt is Thse Australia colonies have bete p"Clai'd meetin low XoiveY a ei econ s. ihfit apart.
pet du shat io co is hi ug the great public P Letters from )(way. S.vau zed R W. Jlr tire culverts before the 7th of (October, slid mi,liuece Ihuue¢udd o[ lives, anJ egreud iutiwtel Is" serious to rhe liberal rt meal is ler tluu titres setooda.
lease» over without ■ great war and Keuzse offering to purchase portion of road- mi,liuns in trcdaure. Them we utadht rest y Ca 1 a6, .J too tuft 3leey me •mbla i lana house
that y,d(rw(isrn u hu muliv0 to aCliop the grore!bnX by the 31st of the same mon h. K thus Ike dautadn •Lech, with Lr, Gladat•n e s Imd ra to lite o ,;II ar of the natural
certy. ndiug lora of hpmap life and pro- way ts the $tOyc Pf Nelsuu and Maitland IT rejuice stat our unto, had been accom P H°""d Th• A'utA•(iermuahuzutd reminds TV
and not aq ignoble desire to pOeket vii rl StrcaU. for awre6orsra. 1'he mcouah os w,ll tar; remembered low •env pliohtd without nal rspendara of ttaYt conni•wncr, rbeT hre mso. ed su iu4rct ou rbmte, sad exbibits,ai2o,► fol ire• sucor-
y' ins y dant do in •the time thus allowed then Yr. Gbdsterw's rrpuatiuu. Jlr. GisA.tone'• I J Frcuch Emperor rho Luxemharg. erre if
_ _ Mr. Mc6enxie adrxdeted the conaiderativm kiuJ, and shut re hnJ oursrlreg sol efi!IeJ dmgly. Nur is Suwh Awtraiip, of sehicl' wan Ly tbn Iruer, rr•uIJ h] no ream tom
JO1lalrs •day while P•rlismep' alta• - - earn• anly ten da s in whioh w in could be fgYil a nut to know Lis iwnorun a h, ale Adel r
Tho Imts oI 1 he Brloren D111. of the project da • rely important one. Let. y P° upon to beat diwernhaus, but a, to Accele. a 1e ie else cre pita], i° a much better ,cowry aur the r, nul s en o veil L ear,
pro;wrly mate. I therefore as a matter of nation, sod t follow w, aul with the gcucrdl nL ht ; her cu pr, uai,.e•s ■n 6;lim she 1 1
tars wen filed. odinarT j,tatice w the company in cue. rete the decrlupmeut and prognr of abs sense of bele (ulluuen .upportind hm, Ie Y PF g t1 or will plea place ria gYsepoD that dumrtic
Coawpli emte fs O Ur, XDoi a. Petition from Jus. Gordon and offices, ask• coentry. (ifeats, hear ) Mr Chairman, said cannot make Lrr Xmin p.T at 3t]. 6.1. fear stdbdu also tar F i qeh Gur hat do Daa
The victory of the torics iq the irilimh sequence uI the veru on`rorab:e, me■ro Ibn ■h,iald mast iia me far mum ten fat to Lr T
ing fur wme improvement on William street, such work, 'allowcJ an extcrsi,rn of lime Mr (i"It lite reel •• Dumiui°n " u o nifi bu.hel—w.sl 1 n»y here meutrun that sLr ,• al wa e
Io advocating the casae of Mr, RiteLie, Parliament, on the first part of the Re- eau referred to Bo•d and Bridge Comm;uee d 1'artl tit.. A°] raioe of n ra to h,m.' now &o pp:ng wheat largely l0 Eotlw,d, and 1 s:rin•u to dchcve.
r uatil fits latter part o/ liycember. Some cant, 1\'e are fill longer a columv or a pro_ __ __
we think Dr. N'wde, rnve of Stanley, form R41, was a pMat ppm=peeled event w,lh power w m.ke the reel passable, procecJueg% hav;nR been u4en a deet the wince ; we have risen frum the Position io ' --- rL.•n on inte,col.wisl tang •buts th• door of µ e hdere arra or threw lek oma m t"
1'hr inspecw recummcuJrd m.,me iw rove. whioh we .aro • few Teden •go. 1 tale world St Louis, April 76.—A-h'roea trot Gen. V'cr"ria ua;n.l l.mr sb0 v: ill in,uneh elf R pec '"
albws hie real to racy hive fag beyuud oral could never hate happened but for m •nt un the In, rec Howe, ba Corr lura Ler tar°pao their S,licitar called u; on eve upd rhe ' .l labrma' claims. OM ;s IP lM effect
damimun imp.les power, and pincer earnyd ffumock's Indian expedition state tbrt de. collators. A large number of her trrmera that Yr. Adam. u inatroetrJ rc eetfullT ro
the bounds of discretion. At a reoant dnescresions in the Liberal rank's. The dawpge low dune to it lletarred w Foe cr. my d I hal Men doll sworn previou* w,th it revponaibi!itrr Ord 1 am cenaip that gpalt4es wen received !sat night ■t herb j ate erurrdeg the bordnm to 1'ictnri•, where a
w m is s actiuu of the It". B • era urrters from '()erecta[ Custard that the they ahu,k their Vnslects aro more Bactine the rnment, t of leavi g jig by 1►s
mooting, be fetok oeoasioa to rail at God- °pantry wag prepared fur tbt chap• is Committee. that ray ■ eitrtute passed in l y dr su!se lural the gee gree who her mr--, anJ the people I Bntuh Go•emwrot, t►.s leaving tf a villose
A short By-law for chaffering that word q of these gnat Yrutiucey will be "ad full Indiana had burned fierce stations on fhn favnmL•e,
erieh iq terms which will be ra6arded by the GaaChise, •ud would, we believe, have "Council "i^ the old ae•l,to "Cor ration^ to t'ne one under which 1 had been inriructed l to, y da fit ling wnhoul dent pending propos fba
P^ to act, the inspecting Fri2ineer is rc uired to e w ba axlgmwles uC Ibn oeeasioq. 1 Smokey Hi'I route, killed three men, sealt.eit from either party. Anothrr dr•paith stares
the people of this town as iooulting to the ^'J"iceJ iq the progressive ,fele which an a new one, was read and duly passed, {mks a certaia oath before ruce, to d" O0/ think it s a thing so be deplored that them and breed their boa ins. Orden LYd A Srdesvnx Arr.ia.—Ths N-. lens k 111■t nrgnfi•tiors art To fie nwrdd eng I
The fullowive erwns fi had fur lir F' t this rr orsibilit Ave fulleu °per w• I look peer. sent to peso ua' the Saute Fe suId I T mrs akes tba fuRow;n ■utemrat : A with offers an die
biehert degree. Every lruwpery oharge was era vele eptly rcyuired ; bat divereiops gg p pp i'apect :he read, the So!iciturs far the cum- P J [ poa0 of Be, ask Cadrabu ro
•rant seller• of CMoil Keeper: -J, Frr• on it with mons pride than regret• ,11 u A ,4m,,key 11,11 matem warning all grillers to be I terrible calls, of hydrophuh;o ;s chrumicled the United Sutra.
he Could wvent was dished up into a rare of opinion, and the eager neras to grasp too rill, It. Parker, E. Hopper, John Heid find Pla;nants had not calle! mr •Ttent;oo to this tgtim.ny Io our stahilit our on fhn alert and inlor:ring Ihrro brat aha uh the II tot _
Mr. Watt• statple, and I yresume hal crerletohed it, I am Ir gr. loth old r papers. A left:* eau ghter , •-_.-_
spar of abuse, Not o0nlent with recent much when the door was open, dratroyed y Gt Idwygi sled no cin! F:d meet is d f I am Par pnspeces• We cannot indeed tet{whu Indian wai had broken out at last, and that of Mr, Alfred WersadreR, of lM town of The fol dl I:r 1
events, be went back to s period of thirty the applications were rcferrcd to tLs R Pe is in the future ; but no one true doubt that the•savagrs inn•nded to tea me to the three& Greenfield, Dl ich;;on, yrs hates r•me time [ tt a Crrent, 7r•airtis it
apps wart ao well commenced wad Lostari- Cemetery CPmmntee, Dia µ'vett d o the to be familiar with fill the Statutes relating the Confederation of the Prov' tht !rued doriser the winter. L!•nd, r a, M Luilt at Dots. Ike nm ale•
years ago, and by cowering tis prices ally strengthened the Tory goverptil g to R.mods• Tiler are numerous, and in some °vers is so M J Sade by a dug, but no oym toms of h fro' $•,,000. T,;(IIs Cement i& to
Iia char a Oatil the mater a satllyd. t,okard on as rho commeretorgt of • Mw - F T' propr;aecd ear
instances conflicting—my duty ire lire case ph •bid sere al first "haven: At length the 1•a the headquarters of lir. C. Dupont, The
of to-dq with the price pail for produce fur tht time being. The atrug;};le well Adlaurned fur leo weeks, s ■, frughl,•I irw{, seith adJniunal Rrraturr '-'- _ paia,el, which, sting da a aabeataneou& in
low to obs] the ivatmctiuos (,ren me, which Bubo can News.
at that tiwc by our aar:y wcrolsgta en- nut bo givep up, however. Great Ile - F' P I J fnicii,na at sin n °est bed prosperity, 1 do not belie•* that it will P itrown, permeated eter trades• of the s . And:an Au pensotru'leutand Government Lod
IdiJ rum tl an y- q Terken oat.cos°ectioll will, Ibn mother
] T Agent. The read IeadiuF thane to Pbr-
!!'I'ANLEY of the Company's Snliciaor f xi;ned • &tate-"""""""^ - tem, broke rant is a o!rere (prep cAwiug the ■Isrdsh, ren rile be
avore I to prove that the farwing cum• Epee(' L,ve been of slow growth op Brifiah eJuntrT; on the comrxq, i ehir k the rain Loltdos, April 2[, evens R • s, a to proceeded with
muuity hall hero terribly viotimiieJ. Ile soil, anJ the qucetion of euCCum Once the stet: ment which be wrote to the effect that I bad P g• -A desptluh moos, intense suRenn oc eunwltation wrs without dela
To hoe r.'srh e,•nh. HuPro . , ti•,ir we rncenbT ot•capird, of dmdeJ Pro- froom Wall's News Ageaey at Berlin, dated had h hwrie;aM, who decided that as the y 7 he best tan is on the Y■ai
sot taken lite firth rcquircd by the set of reattd, was full of dander to the cuntiauo,cef lhu evenimX, atate7 that aF^ Pnriue Gov I eufhr ] 1 toulin Island are offrnd at 50e fin sere. is.
did not tell bis hnarero that Pur only publio wind ie thoroughly roused, -is Dear SUn,-i am Jim Norwell, and hu• IsJ60. It wont beta this should tan known at of that cram action, II low m En bed lot•k• rer could not possibly morairr, cr.•q Yrnnr bode are to he w'd .t the ■••ent5
band to that wme Mar ADne that sins u 0 on', i° corder that the gum lainants nei hi g 1Crnment Daring the i Rrcdactioa in etas l/int' c - . derrhon of humanity demu.ded that salutation, robabl 20e. A oadmuk
mode of Communication with the outer only a thing of time• Chastened b their ] p p e7 °Von ae Iia I of drn er and d:flicutt], and. OI i°ler(e(lesion da to iia pubic] whish mfiT Ler suR•rinyrs M sailed by sums massa, in all P y [ t far
7 lite( leather to jar o6ee ; and little ]es new h the the oppartuuiy to remeJy au] drlect cunduun ° things w itch re wind seat es• prodrtivas a to ►e had .t iM Aran
world was by aOLuoner, and that what temporary defi:mt, the real lib?rale of the l n U,e proceedingti without further las of y R (rad to flarther complacutiuns upon the L',z I rcurdrnce with which, during w severe
t re throuble yes gPt me into b] the same refine Or Ihel ,art to maintain. Now wr rmburg que&fio, has refused to enter into m paroxysm, the child was smothered to death. C'nre• Three n a Xnod sehnol at Little,
little grsiC taws inw the place had to be country will prem forward, heedless of tl a d,spach. I me the day that ever i mrried c Jled spam w do artyebinJnfurther nor h ve "hall brie( writ eouncif$ upd farces, and Tong di%cuuio° in that belly. Current, and a forgeon ;s ■twbcd to the
stored for months hetero It could be otart• keadlong dewands of the ultras, whether • Ydenkec ; but she re the mother of m 7 P gall r r ural, 04 ►+ we shall, there re, re neve Its aseietamce lderlia. April ]f.. e•enin„-Knlfa Netts I ledun fkpwrtmeut.. The Ce. settlers will
y i an neer lu rt anal le y eIr from F:agland, she ';I he ablle to ire us A Rralan Atni,-A Irked gives sv tba r• hen few sacrificsa to m.ke on going then.
by • drvioaa and moat expensive methnJ tory or radical, until lire grand object is childher, and i must put up wiJ her now. I your correspondent wail see Dy relevance to g gency reports that King Lea ,old of tial•
gn ,ferad. Ixt w leve that the boll, glum takreto the Flatterer Naiwleon, a new cArnt ar a mon terribio ease of We herial
for the market. Nor dad he point Out A tained in the advancement of human was workin on a Hulrerle in (be Slates, ar,d meveral Scalars rtlecting to the subject.- of 6ng'and over Ther teseriuns should ba las of pence whish has beer r rased F, ^lire ofa yasnX woman xs Jpcksornille, ►II. Althaagh tits five rain' contract w;tb
N'henen•r this is done I shall act as the law P P W T Some time Ian mummer, a young lady of IT the At ma hda es
!be depreasioO of tendo r hich brought rights anJ :iir•rtioa, rasa nips 1 was • lirtb disgaiwJ with liquor, rrgnime, and as I have always done in such nlmnite - chat the col its still ccontiourd Ituaxi■, and which prorids •for Ibn oeutraDty ya,g of • e, wRe,iug wile IDs Iwtbaehc, ° p ed• the Post Offwa
prioda down throughaut the Province t° ►Je that was the sexy 1 happened to get possem case•a, (whether sworn or uWerwne), careful• duuoifed-whet Futuro con bare been re• of Luxemburg, y n Deprrment intends to continue the contract'
OG K y1.A It K L'I' FF;Ell. ad of m thrubblesnme a woman kind as ever T M y served fur them but unexati to the United went to bed with •gala,, p►;al of cbrPrarm, far the service from Collingwocd to Fort
the lowest figure. Hia obj act was simply I and ;m vis whitest is•or or fid ctiom Berha, April 76, eveninX.- it is reported for the purpose of questing her teeth. Ln fhn µ ihiam by her Aurin( aha evrdy6er. TM
Jules. Hut mniteA, it is,. ■ all evnds,
ye heard of. Lut "Cue N'pT war s week da 1 fur either party. The insiountian aga,"st %ib!e for them so ebaoae tb dentin hen that the Danish Government hu an- I morning sbe vas found to all appearance. Conf derate Orevernment reuse
W misiaJ the winds of a few of bis hear• Aa tht time approaches for letting the low sur,n;n me.elf ,t the bleak dune, whin mT metires which yuor corm. ronde"t ha. T• nuunc d its Inteataon to noun uPutrol m dead, which was cm,Rrrsed h] rho apmlonx do wmrthing
en, but we think he would fin I nit 4,000,014 of coeds, in s f ea- w to improve communication with The North
1 but few r er of fhn Godcrich Market, we y►ould RII ao or n himself to make, re zom s rt] parte p saw o(war Mtwcen Furore and Prudai■, of sP•rral physicians who were called to ei' I w•at dee nere. We have obtain
what dos i see out ■ tau and • antler M r,000,UU0, we sball certain! LA some
stupid enough to catch at an such miser• I s ran l dhrire ap fominal my bars, old out gels tl,e cuter nownc here. i hype 1 an it mince T ed aeeem w
y y urge leprae our Cit 6there LLe T el.oier, and some opportunit Tu as w Dublin• April 1 7. -At fire Fenian trims ;n ammP her kiddy. A few days since her rely
will known in the County to make -;t uuneces T 1 •tiler the Atlantic frontier, and must row move
•bit ahpbulr], T tea° Isdrn min of aha township, moi cum it will be for our ad nmtage or di%olwnt 4 fhn tit] to d:), CDL Mdeeeey oda brought on ties weer shoal M remure from Jaclnorr eastward to lbs Pripe.
Ip•roeaslty of trying it for the next year nn r°chin ale t, ma puffin and btowin like loo s,n for me to relate anT impvtgfiamaeaipet to join the neighboring antes. If ever f "he stand. ll'e maim • clean breast of i1, ('Ills, having located in another State, and __
my integrity in the perlormascs of m ub!ic I ----
hen, again, after denouncing Gode.r. ata , free principle, 'The advantages g Iii - oold essential steare-engin The Rees cum duties. y p alternative is priaentrd, 1 believe that or find told the who.e story of the Fenian plot. ha 1 fhn remains of thle young lady exhumed, A gcr.Uemu ia' ane of the .,jar towns
to his win the fust, anal afiys he, 11 The corm Etter oestitutions will induce us I. althe. t° 7ierlin, April 27. -The \\oi Gazette in for the purpose of taking them to their new ie 5t] mach appowd to capital pasighrtal,
ieh s(Ifiehucm aqJ Galas ich wick's 1ptr, e 1 by the peap's of the town from lite of the devil on you Jim, 1 didn t th'nk yot'J rs ,Or present condition ; nor do I foil s) h01 a fi<lradin article to•da h"me. ('arinait r tea tel the O n' g g
Yoa k A. BA]'.
(as he ie pleased to oot aider it) he de- pres'•ut barn which is dignified by the Iterate me in that ways, "Amin, sirs” n,vm -' '— tit■t seitar irooncila will revril with thoSP T R ], iatieueea tLar I'me the caflln, whro tht] wen harrereitnrlen , 1bd he nf°er5 to hang hie °(e.
e• • Trc Ansarn; Mottrn.r roe DLi -The P sia ban evdecufile the funnss of 1.utnrnhurX. nn 6ndin¢ the r.w ae tur"ed over, both hdehv4ll Rendell Fhdtips says M was wedded Ib
C seed that if ane q.an (.ya I'Iatt, we name of market, ere w very few IhaO the i, It's •baa parish can't afford a elark ; but who in England think the colonies • Lurden AmMerdnm, A rip 27. -The Dutch Gov-
• I in the nam* of ■vel the enints in the calendar, Guardian Antal, Hiswry of lite SewtnX P I full t]1 hair, and her clothing lore to akredde, I truth and phila°thro;pAy when s lb]. Tb
preauwe) were rrwnveJ froze the town, it I rowoval of (ccs would not aqd could not what'+ a xez T, has the 1'a nnans tome Machines 'heart and Hearth, The Genius of to them, and who would welcome ibei, ernment4flicially denies that there oda ■n] rrver'in the horrible truth that the o° B(rton Post thinks t1'•ndall
len•• u y Dwkerns, Germany;n New York, Katharine ge;utratioh• 1 trust &hat the] will hercalter oRcr w self I uxcmbmr to Nx von, g T ^g mast brew k
world nnk back inw what it ease h,rmcr• , b fell, and it to possible that a woe. ojin 7" ' No tar," ,ra the other aha R D^! lad) h A bevel buried alive. The chlnrorarm come s widower when quite young.
Pt Muroe, Sorrow• A Poem, The Plaintiff ;don. ace that these ttnrr•pinna tar from beim a poi(. A rN 26, avenin
ly,-a oink c%iniquity ! l'uIy tomyli• i liberal policy would attract a nnwbcr bf d°okia lite t hionn■, "Ter • r'agaboeeI denA ,aired. Sven 1'nopprrciated ChamcMrs. A D'trden, are really likely fo be s suppers in estab:iahm, nt n w ' R —A rumor of IDs haA paced her m • Js•rp teener, the deatkrn - -
ysr wifc'd • ngdebune, deed gra aro bath • time of ted. 1 will detrin m rant fur r f i ear• l'ongrea. which has in;{ from which aas ;n her coffin find grave. g} Spain revitalised full satisfaction is thea'
mentary that, fruw TLe zea° who stands f •raven who view gO to other Junto pair of •dgrabones, anJ vele ,re gntun ale ■ Iluw°roue atasesment or lite p,r,iD!e, but p 7` y pravelled to days"taw had the rlyrd of ruunX Tbr L,Ay was cn2aX •d Ia ►e married fit the ewe of the "Vick,ria;' bvt stens eel
at the heal of ,H r. Hitehie'e requisition I ratlt t than pay Ilse usual fee on each not popularly a"dite)1 riUoci elf such (anon' few mumatio w ith r word ai the eubjsct Itenlce i (rant aft r ba%iner hors : however, I lime or her supposed death. A men heart• reos livs re del rya etin the "T 1
o"aspiney sgin aeaJm w tco 1'arliamenf." fi was -"Oman'$ Slu srd,lhle Uld Mtn of ofour ralalionn with 16e nrighborinJ republic. the report wda di%cre iteA, zed renin alight•'sickening rtes zea never remember In have i i't' I Dna•
We uk tis elahtora Of this town if they wog^^ load. At ell eveptt, there i% a \VI°" h` called Tha wife • vagabone, 1 tbr•w 2 \o one can rurm m h her esfi'naa• than it
nR n ou!d ril or • cote, and sex T, ou aha 1e■, Xamhippe, I ue-Beard, Gallen. End • ¢ I] declined. read or heard of.—[Indianapolis Journal.
will ,nbwit IP be touvetOd in euah a man. Xruwtog f,•r•ling that the. experiment y I I Coalition, Hy C. C. Ilaaewell. O;d d ;ff mVisit of the necessity which ears P r the
(rwaherin Nape of iwyguilT, i( you (term call A ('aria ■per logo the Feuian5 were going} Mr. Ulydotans ;a mach Censnrcd fm
per by 111 r. Hirchie's right Laod su "1i°oIJ tan tried. Tho heads of Gmiliea the .omen that Father Crou] cof M'erpLs Winter• Marble Quarries• The Custom of beat possible relawws between this country to invade (,grinds, tl a firs! point oC quack L^rd Amberly, eon "t L ,rd Jnhn Ru.wel what hig friends term The mixmano went of
Ilurial Wath the He■A Iow,rAg rhe F,:ut, ""d-Yfsa"ufOtld State Osr iateresu art recently made a aprech to Parliament. 3 he tM Reform movement
P I know that itis unrlPes to go to the mrket married to m0 • vagaboner 1 II donee a ho'^ aha same-wv x t lite same an w e, and being Chlea o' Corti Jorrnnl de•crlhea him des short usA __
porter 1 N'ill they nut rather, almost to at present fur such little articles as the slake on yet cold I r •age r a I, mor' Cry Heroes of Centel A(ric.t Reriewg and roc of R R _ _
• mw, teach Dr. Woods, at' the pnll,r, require from day I° day to day, eieepling s'a f, 'w so yer grain to Parli;mmt,ifeverye do Literary Notierx, bate the &ane Iowa, end there is certainly The rnilraad line balween ❑ali'■x and hhd m buil. fiB fact, thnuZh fleshy Tha F'"nth furlaughs ha.e all been ended'
fICKNUIt k fIGLDv, Pah!ixhert, Boston. °Or`a"an on oar WUwhy we should nut ex• Peetou, 112 miles, is complete, on engine enough, is girkly pd0. If is crisp black hair, I and the officers have all been ordered to drill
that whatcret othcrfaulte they may haver west, and los would oak what oars bs.}he [it theM, and sell mT wife a vfigaboor, 1 chan,(e uur produce for theirs on the best having passed over the whole elistence. which he wean cut short, is alreody going be rcarrves,
they are not aithuut a Ocrtain amount of earthly up-, °rruch an it'It illation. Let ucold pull Te from 0etwan the Governer - - tams fur thtl ale of both countries. nn the crow°. And though still fi bo ;n
u% s ishOr have the regulations cmrriod out (literal ■ less," in the trunetiwe, Vary The Career sal n Burglar, \1'hilP, tl,errforerwe /hovlJ do all that ear Mr. Gladstone has resigned the leadership J--•. ►.• ..r
local pride 7 Few men can brook a I Ando heard lies row, and stock hit head uua of the Lil,eral party, ap remarance, he ts a prematsrmly -Id one, At a bah] convention in Massachusetts
lu the letter or abolish the market fees of her fwndsw windy, pe alis calls n, (I be w Dlanzani. lits W;IL,W%bnrX ooaaw, who con to cultrvpte the gravel -loth of the Coiled il s voice confirms this imprerion. Itis just I fifteen mothers were present, and on s von
the plane and new birth or A attack ppop •'together. State%, we treat not co sfine our effort" to Free trade in hams pmiucts F.da belly hke hIa father's-hmk taehb, end and /or the nUiea eMh DAA
lite place of their birth or adoption, sail tare its a French word) and sea she, •' Nur ns ahnt dead by w paliceman, pr ,reo to them ; but meat try by snag erase In r:reu,i a¢reed upon by the Au. pen n cts ho s, yl y p R y got oM rote.
Juana pAs on ycr cyan ut (him I u here been w rcmar4aM• eriminpl. lu life aaadC at all effective by a kind of drawling
y i R [ was that of a amug,ller, Swindler, bandit, oar small tion% e4whenrt We have made ehl hdais ihaneli, after linenifig t0 IDs - -
ma,htY rrgaiailione ear party prmliln- 41111' The mem ben of the (3ud rich shim I .caths Ther s agony; to shy vies 1" ora "mall sin, when thou h h a but a FAats, April, 25, (evening)-Leadmq edi- p
tions should deter our citizen( Crom ae- Oiekest Club, held their first affecting for a"d A lot Moe of tanks chilly; amt 'bin "nil ned h s A law years after havin g d tnn.ia'o( of, official cheneter in the Contra- 7U1aeR "rune, suddenly left hs seat, walked (%oD[pIC6, l $0 1967.
[ twelvemonth since the rel»al of the rcci down the iloett To Th" Peers seats, and Spring µ'hemt..........,MRO fX 1:4b
she whaled for Nayro, her 'a do he drowned his wets ■nil child, he Banda funmawel of to day d4elrre ti,at Prance doe%
enrtigg their manLeoJ 1p ale m t the season last tiplurJa avenin whet r [ i W;ILnmsbdrg aha baa" tf his o PrariuDa, prority treat•, and ■(reedy we have mmi.e' not desire war and will dee mIl mese eursio. shook ltecda tiro herd John, who ear len- Fall do 1:90 7:00
M telling 7 Re w•)a mboul 130 lbs. The fu lnd'a put for the Iiia d.eds p rselvem ond $
fashion, the fdlowin of6oc-bosses were slOCledJ cafe like Alascs and Avay wed thin. And leo' eJ all the barriers, between ou sen:lraleoto w
K perplrird the lice, lernfied !Le ant wilh her national honor to amid i,. X ntmmlr to • hig son's wrds. Osts. .................. 0:40 0:50
I're. idem Mr. J. It. T De^pie 0f that lace, and enlivened the Jesus. aha 1: ewer perm and hero thea bound I,Asi. I - -
cur this year aow i ax yrs whet d,• a think of lite Lit of s p rnprkeu whicA we haA p"viotia I hardly s, April 2G (noun) -There w.a a n • - - Flour 8:00 P:50
Another point Dr. Woods endaAvor3d r ,w T John Dower and the wife dead anm of tapes. The police wero nut their wits in A gnnnres arheopncrmeet riodicall occurs ] , , , _ , 0: ,0 ( 0:57
thou ht of. Let u. look for markets in dtlinn nn the liaprsa this moven( and unt•s . M ] Berle
Gordian ; snot-TraiJcot, 111 r. A. 11. the ndeybun came in to hen all fibnut if. tai°' M"nzanl alwxys wPnt ■lone. He had re r;xin in cease nese of roman whi •h 'n the ulficul I art or the go•ernmast organa 0:65 0:65.
to make was with ref r qea to the VPI- I that inetian, and still farther w aha outlets K g e Pee............ ,
Ile°teen. He allude'( fo the supplies and ' xw' SeeretryTreaearcr, A. G. bodge; Mary Anne throted all hands, and bad luck an confidant . Four ppoolaceffrn were aim extensively prevail that Vr°uin ha" manite.b °f 1'rawia. 3'be ,1 Ymister for" Spinual• Shre . 4:00 al 11:00
within A Tear, and it s DeliereA Manzani did Indicated by the iirport of the comm.nsaion Eduermponal, and Medical Naters solemn) , • • • - " • ""• "'
anaging Committee, lite ofiiee•bsaroro a me hal i (pens as plesant nn e. yin da e- who rornnUy v siteA aha West India, in 0d a di.pesition to make mhoessnmi b ( 1 Reef, }' cwt..... ...... 6:00 (r) 4:b0
sntuilin fnni.had uur SrolafftPen der• ever D tied ;n my life, Uuld Va"eT Donlse it all. 1" thou daytime, ha fo estalled ■II France On rolard to the Luxemburg questicre. r'OClases%, every half year we believe what, IGdes (green)........... 5:60 0:00•
iag the Persian trouble, rod after hinlipg togPthcr with Mersra. AteaPly anA Fin(sy. sod that all the Squire wanted was to take a a5apicinn by exhibiting a badge prrw•fumirg seder tc see whether wv merchant and for a curtain 1wriod and thoughuut all fits br.ttar ................. •:14 0:16
est him a 1111'ited Sues Iletectirr, Washin manufacturers may not then find a market par T. of the 1 seism monarchy shall be the prtat" ** .......
that those from podenoh qnt more than 1 here will be another weattng to -morrow rive Karns of hot stun nil Jobe A., and ha time 1). Ce" This unAia mail t' I fur their wawa, which was formerly nut). Tea halryenrly reprrt of the Grunt ince n(a brtA, '1 hr unR hes wt been 0:60 0.75
ibleir share, said Cod.rir ascning, (tVcducaAny) at hall' -past seven the Township go to cold nick. len. Dian) D patrport gat pled by the Ilsited Stales, I g ak par- Trunk railwq comppnT shows lhfit tht I J P sod .................. 2:00 (lel 3:00,
A aMrll,upywsri In In luv wed Car lin, but sez he'a no g;,eaker. talus Ilei riglet la appreer at whauoarer hoer pe eaminga for the Imt hal( of 1 N66 aamnmfeA fixed at ,M teglnning of tile' spring tinter fray, nese y ton ........13:00 (a 1b:0A'
at Dark's llatd, when all who aro inter. Mary [),-vie an its no mother, as they hre he cho°.Ps and w adapt fhn h►hi4 of the ticuiarly of the United BratPa, becaYOr 1 find we ra A.hghted to fs lka firwt to anform
its err 1'ulrrhot flan the Ih)Ctex def] the manufacturers of the United Stairs to 1719, 370 sig., of which L413.60r was F',R¢s• • • •.....,...... •, 0:10 ( 0:00
cetcd in lite game •ro invited epnkin mrhsaeo from Jmpan at IN Pfiri% game of which he profeaed to hem hunter, ex ended in wrain ex mea, L72,397 as uur vendee (het bum April to Nue mfrs, I Chirkeas
has y(rin urenhot his mark, for he will to attend. He*Bud tobaccos nn I anditrank nnthin now to su I rt] thio at the sheet hoot !'rum' N•a04p teelmdrA erre """
` Exhibition, and he ran car one wid Anm M g y, DP 1 7 g Donlr at 1 R M g fa, . r y Trickey . . ...... ........ Oa0 0:41
Aad tart .restate rrapnnse to bb a Ithtta ~ rh R which It an M &° lid fmm Monlrcal. fhn pr° a.rIiA of renewals charged to ret►
..rmin he ocher wherever he nes, The stmffAer than ale or • ted• eoektail. Hr pP neit a leech"» to erns Iwo ver, there I% Por► .................. 1:00 d l:b•
P 4tfiiP' The steamer Cmrgiam, which was t ear alwa 5 de loris lite mbbarirg and h,ok ranee the prices currant of tM llnirod ^ale, rm 1173,ta90 for mta"tt, leasee, ic., nesUner mora Dor ler. Howerr, liters par
from an] Platt of people m the Coast x ized sof Ca11in wemin nn the Aev;l anT way, y P [ .'Stat leavin L58,6n0 nuc of which to w a divi.
y- XwrrnJ by aha GnrernmeJet Years illi mardrn, and auglard{;pg advice whereby the a0 and Mexico ems M mon cheapl7 R P J perhaps, a moral here, UM of the m;nutcr Saaforlh, April 79, 18[7
esrtaialy roe0 trots the Volrntetr force, during tM Amerioan oat nn .ntpieion of JAMR4 S099WBf,f,. Y t be aa° ht oeprobe•d with •l1 they want from thin Cannery Yrll In 6f t I -r Terence beech, Ths railway stews nt "NotiOaal FCoffnlny" lh•,°gh if M,
IAIe•ul •nil tMmurden,s mi `► than from thanro, With thew frts i %a i R d are rumblir, at lite !'all Wheat . 1:95 i 2.00
ib. oolaneeen while i^R a t intoderata ri vest on Ifs cultivpud Ihle friend,hip Of pati r ern, R g I n mcNlewfally rrvrmis the marvellous p"e;si-
&re(1 a Gudenth P aha .. ...
" or at the front, whioh they wen for p 1e lake• put inw tate port On Sunday last. g►gtra Seow.-'I'M 9prteg show of the vhn (;ked hm as n Icp."t, that zea mAT Icnk furwrd to w nal InXloay worlkn veefooto spele tan t,v.renewals end for on with which lite whr,lle Orpnism of that Ftrri" g Wbeat ............. 1:70 (rX 1:74
p prarvahb, well mail rivalry with the !'rated Siate•. it e g sew with diedeF fernba I State is "gulatrd and wet, bad over-, State ItfirlCy ................... 0 4b (d 0;60
Rhe ran ant of fuel and lite furniture .ffd hA^LT H. A. S,r for the etb hrtinn of Stad •hila o#h1de zea homr•Imm i. dlesrodat tit only in two particulars that Ihny have gay tion Yr. B■Tri proposal a&ill further to Oall.., . •• 0:46 (B 0:60
time, wen standing op for The defence of cdebin fittings were resorted to. and argpuiem t]1 who! zea know w nr] "• "..•.,,
tAe rArsle Corry after Ilo•tes sed Bulls, was held is the Viltir a( its rncnantrrcd an .115 or wDa nrdsrsA b;m mAvsnu a neer w. TFs ■n mon in num- 1"cn"r` `ife^diamn ;n ordM to lent chs h"r Prfitl.....,r.............. ea6 '• 0 JI&
nwro*, as well as I wm fin( she ol"red again, bomad for Varsr on )latsrdr, ten 20th inat., when she p y Lade Irtoro Radnw■,
t" halt bat iM m►ba yrs n"deA by primp a hers .ml their wealth ;1 gnatPr (ban Oo-. in a AetMr rnndaeinn. I r thaw redewnm thP-._ .,w, _ _ POutnsa per brsMl..... t.. 0:60 " 0:[0
,. s
of the oods ism at targe, and the vnise of Jlonfreal with a Inad of wheat and potash. entries wen r folbws, via :- Etat fa "MlMrtion to numbrra oar p,p'As, "parts prcfty sh•rpl criticised, and at tht Trauaw !luraAlrr.?M 9yrkt //mrwdC Floor per bbl .............. 8:50 •' 9:M
__ pawl al him. Tba boll inj, la iia mrke titan s mar* homogeneous and b effsr than [ q which followed fi nail deal is of tM 13tt J•memy V"Iishei letlen • • • • br00 " 11
Ih. Weoda is tM Ant that tau hese ` and the semen event meetin h g Oatm.pl........ .
ilea• s on
w'[rLtTAh FICCIAG-A serial fele 7 DnR Bonet, 7 entt, p eigand M D h F, ornv¢ht Me thei", tbesro we kpw, deerenMnq from wt ill feeling proOaAl] low renttd, rercrivvd Irnm Thera) m rtin that " fim2h NntteT ph lF.l9 'r O<14
,v f1Vad to dettaefinp of Ureic invaluable Mdann's GId R.,bin flood, prat' Ise ; a"A nfllas t" the amend, end m Rile mmntrs the the Peop4 of Fnnes, as well sa rleMendents yr P^ [
"' nle.ling will ba bald in the IVes1ey■n SoMrr Orrii Rob Hey IfeUngor 104 do. nehmen, Epint +u uAl, sod the "ign of from sac► of the Unied Kingdnmy TMs P OV- - 11e aromufrom t o lett umin a forts had barn F'gRa F""r dot .............. 0:10 r' 0:00
MAi . t)odorreh di.1 do hot duly t" Geserfil Fa terror in dliamsburg was at an and. A cCs to of tains herama dse we m a p I . t° nap lorhdding all HKtam par Ib ... 0:010 0:17
Cbnroh of Ihia town, "a Nrdnwdfi rnooms, b alelct" :-•Harr b•Hvndent. of the two notes{ nations of .loon in New Urledem "really, dnd their Brat do . 6:0t1 a1 0:17
w YCIrNwrs, in04mweh as Ahle poid R to °N • tar y i.w's Prirwe of W sten, prof ; Mat A Irou (area a no. ,n ChristioM to speak of the msarrect)en m ,Ale Inde Far DOaheL .•.. ..... 1:f10 " O:MI
"! i, eccpin tba Pah, IVa 1 Xsgod nn the Cue, hnropr, however, may gw"il hope M do I frienAs provided them with ("wling pkece Con1im, or of inmt in A hfa (Th lfh seder p
nMlJ oust of her iaod5 for their rapport is enlm Camphell'i so, of Perris; Th 2nA Aian a of IM Nu Muer thfin rhe mired lation of tIM far de MavdT final. They stood hal a flew the (",fat penally ofst having mshsA lord Hides pat 100 The.......... 4:00 " 0:00
n • '. °•. gpVl from 60 County tAryr tern ort ear I members bpd friepds of d^ ; w, G. YOYrllaa'a Im Rte. oT; n.lta Bbe► papa leve(a de •nil M,IA mmhaaler (loll, oM
M as 1'«eiu j Thnmr Reek, pnMrinr for the rnnnmebnn of IM It^( (late"' Chan, though Tha wraith of 1' 7 noticed inw tM mouth. Thr Or.ler ear Is Shia. ' • •• ••••••r• 0:60 r• i:04
Ibn OhYrch, giovoh m CMmpmn Qantei, tM0 Henry ;Msnauooal ratlwo brio ( t►0 Vaated StAlces a greater than that earl Ming euvered with muh and thou other with pre ,ins wd by leetrldm daring threat Baatar ark, ;er 100 lbs ......v... 4:67 1' Ii: 60
osabyer o Tcan Yeurc y ro111 F4vt tine I melaria.e 'be secnnM t a•in loaded t►e dp s fee live Euro f fhn nim lrenik W
' s , i ¢ 8a g h, to Brffaln, Qseada, it s hunleeaJ with el.lmm arcing P CO •nb that Ind oaf as0 X'tiq T I'a • t °ad, Fie* rord............ L•b0 " 2:M
. ; e 1' m0ar seer H• par
<'..' ,,_ 7 I Par e.er 1 M
urn -,,,. ; .a _ .. p. i ; r f r.i+4q . s{, ;
h R'
4 ,,,ppp+*'edf yg ,
t R"' t ' fxpf )
4 b iao 'i. , `r v
rp ' a • (p: 1 iy ,tf r,
n S; i '
. : r
-_.. _ r.r.r«.. .. x n..