The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-06-22, Page 3■ ■ "-•i i 1i ■ fl* FIRST class WATCH REPAIRSi AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to lack of space, am com­ pelled to confine my repairs to watches only. George Williams Located in MASON’S STORE The eight locks of the Welland Canal’s 28 mile length lift or lower Ships a total of 325 feet as they ply between Port Weller and Port Col- borne, buPEHTESl WINGHAM COMMUNITY PLAYERS present Life With Father"Hl • A play in three acts. Wingham Town Hall THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd FRIDAY, JUNE 24th Curtain time 8.30 p.m. • Tickets 50c, on sale at Advance-Times Office and Sherbondy’s. Reserved Seats 10c extra at McKibbons Drug Store. Produced with permission of Dramatists Play Service, New York. I* ■ i RjEPORT from . * PARLIAMENT. HILL ft By W. Marvin Howe, M. P. Wellington-Huron I am not in favour very often of dragging ideas that have been ex­ pounded during election campaigns into Parliamentary debates but this one is still just as important as it was on August the 10th, 1953, at the time of the last Federal election. This was brought to the fore by an amend­ ment moved by Mr, Drew which read as follows; "That this House is of the opinion that consideration should be given to the appointment of a Commission of DEPENDABLE (service) AS YOU LINE IT Prompt to respond to your call . . . Expert In restoring your set to peak perform­ ance . . . Reasonable in cost McGill Radio & Television Phone 380 Enquiry under Part II of the Enquir­ ies Act, with powers to examine into and report upon the organizations of the various Departments of the Can­ adian Government with a view to as­ certaining and making recommenda­ tions respecting (a) economics and improved ser­ vices which would be effected by. re­ organization and elimination of dupli­ cation; (b) the status and functions of Crown Corporations and other Government Agencies and their effect on our free enterprise economic sys­ tem.” As one peruses the great list of estimates under which it is proposed that .Government expenditures will amount to over 4 billion of dollars, one cannot help but think that through the medium Of a Commission of En­ quiry as proposed by this amend­ ment, some means could be found to reduce many of these amazing gov­ ernment expenditures. Yes, I still be­ lieve that over half a million dollars could be saved for the Canadian Tax Payers. For example,, in the year 1938-39 the expenditures in the De­ partment of National Defence for travel and removal expenses amount­ ed to $1,101,000. The amount in the estimates this year is $46,108,300. Some one has made the comment that the slogan of this Government should be “Join the Department of National Defence and see the world.” Or it might be well if all Government De­ partments could adopt the slogan so often seen in the railroad stations of Britain during the war which read “Is your trip really necessary?” This is only one item in that Department which does not particularly refer to expenditure for arms for the men to perform their ■ military duties or ex­ penditures to produce weapons and military requirements generally. Then, let us look at the non-De- fense Departments and examine one or two of the items which in a busi­ ness world come under the strictest supervision. For instance we have telephones, telegrams and other com- REPORT QUICK RESULTS FROM A-T WANT ADS Mrs, James Sell, who placed an imJ recently in The Advance-Times want ads to rent a small ground floor apartment, didn’t have to wait long for results, Mrs. Soli re­ ports she had “umpteen’ calls for the apartment, with two or three people waiting for the line at the same time, The apartment was rented that afternoon, Mrs, Ken Kerr, who advertised furniture for sale, had the same experience. All the furniture ad­ vertised was sold by Wednesday night, she told the Advance-Times and three linoleum rugs were sold on Thursday, If you are “in the market” to buy, sell, rent or hire, try Advance- Times want ads first. You’ll be surprised at the quick results and the low, low price. Phone 34 for help with YOUR want ad. The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, June W, 1958 Easter Seals Bring Total of $1,005,05 The final results of the Easter Seal Fund for Crippled Children have been compiled, showing total receipts of $1,055.05 from 409 contributions and ranging in amounts from 5c to $100.00. This campaign is sponsored by the Lions Club of Wingham, under the convenership of Mr, F. E. Madill and includes the towns of Wingham, Luck­ now, Belgrave, Bluevale, Whitechurch and Glenannan. A total of $301.80 was spent for children within the district requiring treatment, and other $624.11 was Society for ronto. the highways committee and was eup* ported by 24 reeyes from the county. The Elora road is one of the heavieet travelled by the tourist trade and han been a controversial subject for soma time. •s. After deducting postage expenses, the balance of forwarded to the Ontario Crippled Children in To- 4 $ The ANNUAL RECITAL of pupils of Harold Victor Pym will be held in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Friday, June 24 at 8.15 pjn. Everyone Welcome Silver collection. URGE PROVINCE ASSUME ROAD Bruce County Council endorsed a recommendation that the province be urged to assume the Elora road from Gliptz’s Corners to Southampton as a provincial' highway. The recommendation came through 3 3. § ...................................................-....... munications. In the year before the war the amount was $689,000. You can do a lot of telephoning and sending of telegrams for that amount of money. Now let us see what the item amounts to. Even with the advantage of quick efficient air mail service such as we have today, the amount for this year is $7,356,469, and so it goes throughout the picture. Publicity is $7,663,790. On publication and de­ partmental reports and other material many of which go into the waste bas­ kets of most people, and before the war not a cent was spent in this De­ partment, for this year the amount in the estimates is* $4,484,645. Then there is the item designated as professional and specialized ser­ vices which even though this Govern­ ment employs a host of specially trained people, amounts to the huge sum of $32,014,774. These figures would suggest to anyone who has a sense of business responsibility that there should be an examination to see what can be done to increase the efficiency, to improve the services and to co-or­ dinate some of these activities which have sprung up so rapidly under the pressure of war and the immediate postwar period. There is one way that this can be done and that-is by imit­ ating the example of the United States Government in the appoint­ ment of the Hoover Commission which has rendered such great service to that country, in suggesting ways and means of reducing Government extra­ vagances. In Canada this could be done by the suggested Commission under the Public Enquiries Act with full power to examine this subject and report to the Government. Thus could further inflationary trends be stop­ ped; trends that have made it so dif­ ficult for so many of our senior citi­ zens living on Old Age pensions, our veterans living n War Veterans Al­ lowances, Railroad pensioners or so many of our people l^ing in the in­ terest from a lifetime of frugality, to even subsist. On Sunday, June the 5th, I was in Palmerston attending a parade and church service organized by the Maitland District o£ the Boy Scouts Organization. I would like to commend the Committee, the Ministerial As­ sociation of Palmerston, the Girl Guides and Brownies, the Boy Scouts and Cubs on their very fine parade and program. In fact I would like to commend all associated with this great organization and particularly the leaders who give so unselfishly of their time and talents to the guidance of the future citizens of Canada. 3 When Glasses Are Not Needed . . . Hamiltons will tell you so. If glasses are needed you are sure of top quality and expert service. W. ft. HAMILTON, R.O. “A Complete Visual Examination” FAIRYLAND Wingham’s Exclusive Store for Tiny Tots NOW FEATURING C-O-O-L SUMMER LINES SUN SUITS, Sizes 1 to 4............. —Nylons, Cottons, Kriskays, Seersucker T-SHIRTS, Sizes 1 to 8 .. . ........... —-Stripes, Plain, Prints SUMMER SOCKS, Sizes 4 to 8 .. —Nylons, Cottons, Stretchy Nylon 79c - $3.79 79c - $1.75 IN STOCK 29c - 69c There’s nothing 1 4 PORK the Maitland PHONE 78 WE DELIVER actually did walk the last half through the fields to the river. Pocock arrived later on his and the boys in the “advance unanimously passed his Wilf would have made it it was he had iaclodlnf Federal T«xe* Phu deposit 2c per bottle LB. .. 45c Autherixed Hitler of Coca-Cola under centrad with Coca-Cola Ltd. J ESBECO LIMITED 688 ERIE STREET, STRATFORD, ONT. “Cotto* h e regutered trade merit PURE AND WHOLESOME Nature’s own flavors. BRIGHT, EVER-FRESH SPARKLE... distinctive taste. REFRESHES SO QUICKLY a welcome lift. • 0 • SCOUT CORNER Members of the Wingham Scout troop held their second hike on Satur­ day—or at least they started with that intention. However, weather being hot and humid, and boys not too proficient in first as yet, the Scoutmaster decided to take them in the car, rather than risk heat prostration, Destination was the locality com­ monly known as London Bridge, south of Wingham Junction, and the boys mile Wilf bike party” had a great time laying a Scout trail for him to follow, said he never otherwise, and decided that tracking test. Following a swim in the boys got down to work on some of the Second Class tests, learning quite a lot about trees that they never knew before. A game in which they had to find and identify tree leaves livened up the proceedings considerably. Cooking tests were passed at supper time, one of the stipulations being that each Scout had to eat at least part of what he cooked. Most of them managed both the cooking and eating without too much trouble. After the customary hour Of grace after a meal, the boys had another swim before hitting the trail for home, arriving back about 8.30. A full line of Gordon Mackay .CHERUB UNDERWEAR MEATS SPECIALLY SELECTED - BLUE BRAND BEEF ROUND STEAK OR ROAST...........................65c SWIFT’S PREMIUM ” LB. PICNIC SHOULDERS (fully cooked) .............. 55c SWIFT’S % LB. CELLO PREMIUM BACON .................................... 39c SWIFTS BROOKFIELD PURE PORK SAUSAGE (skinless) . . FRESH SLICED PORK LIVER................... . ................... LB. 23c * * * * * 5 STAR SPECIALS CLARK’S BEANS WITH MARGARINE ........................... OGILVIE WHITE CAKE MIX............... JOY LIQUID DETERGENT.......... KRAFT DINNER (regular) .. 20 OZ. .. 2 for 31c LB. ....... 25c 17 OZ. ............31c 6 OZ. ............ 29c .. 2 for 29c ■ B i i