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The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, June 15, 1955
SecWon ’Heffernan
Vows in Mt. Dennis
A wedding pf local interest
place in Mount Dennis Baptist Church
on Saturday, June 4th, when Darlene
Gertrude Heffernan, became the bride
of James Wilfred Seddon.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
* and Mrs. George Heffernan, of Tor
onto, formerly of Guelph, and the
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
fred Seddon, of Wingham.
Thurs., Fri., Sat., June 16-17-18
“They Rode West”
A western picture in Colour
starring Robert Francis, Donna
Reed, Phil Carey and May
Matinee Saturday afternoon
at 2.00 p.m.
Mon., Tups., Wed., June 20-21-22
i g
The glory of the Pharaoh era
of some 3,300 years ago has
been brought to the screen in
truly epic scale in this spectacu
lar CinemaScope production in
Colour, Starring are Jean Sim
mons, Victor Mature, and Ed
mund Purdom.
Rev. M. F, Morden officiated at the i ceremony.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a white embroidered
nylon net over satin gown. The strap
less bodice was topped by a matching
shrug jacket. The full skirt was styled
with scalloped flounces. A coronet of
orange blossoms held her fingertip
veil of nylon net and her flowers were
a cascade of American Beauty roses.
Her only attendant was her gister,
Miss Marie Heffernan, of London.
Miss Heffernan wore a dress fashion
ed identically after that of the bride
in powder blue. She wore a small blue
cap and carried white chrysanthe-
i mums, sweet peas and red roses in a
j cascade.
j Mr. Ronald Ferguson, of Wingham,
| was best man and Mr. Thomas Fer-
• j guson of Wingham, and Mr. William
I Butcher, of Toronto, ushered the
i guests to their places.
j During the signing of the register
j Miss A. Harvey played “O Perfect
■ Love” and “O Promise Me.”
! A buffet reception followed at the
I Canadian Legion HalJ. on Dundas
i street for 120 guests. The bride’s table
j was centred with a three-tiered wed-
■ ding cake flanked by white and mauve
I chrysanthemums and lighted tapers.
i Mrs. Heffernan received her guests
i wearing a pale blue embossed linen
: dress with white accessories and a cor-
: sage of pink roes and white chrysan-
i themums. The groom’s mother assist-
■ ed wearing a navy blue and white
‘ nylon dress with white accessories and
a corsage of red roses.
For a motor trip to Lake Simcoe
the bride donned a beige gabardine
suit with yellow accessories and a cor
sage of yellow chrysanthemums.
On their return Mr, and Mrs. Sed
don will live in Stratford.
Out-of-town guests attended from
Guelph, Hamilton, London, Toronto
and Wingham.
Martina Willie Wed
In Brussels Manse
The United Church manse, Brussels,
was the setting for a double ring
ceremony, when Martina Isabel Willie,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Willie, of Wingham, exchanged vows
with Clarence Andrew Machan, eldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mach
an, Brussels. The Rev. A. Lane of
Brussels, officiated. *
"The bride looked lovely in a floor
length gown of white net over taffeta,
trimmed with nylon lace and match
ing lace jacket. Her shoulder-length
veil was caught by a halo of nylon
and sequins and she carried a nosegay
of red
She also wore a three-
necklace, a gift of the
Machan, sister of the
bridesmaid, wearing a
gown of mauve net over taffeta with
matching headdress. She4 carried a
nosegay of yellow pom pom mums.
Douglas Machan, brother of the
groom, was best man.
The reception was held at the New
American Hotel, Brussels. Guests
were present from Wingham, Brussels,
Kitchener and Jamestown.
For travelling to Northern Ontario
and Montreal, the bride wore a pale
blue suit with pink accessories and
a corsage of pale pink carnations.
On their return the couple will re
side in Wingham.
Watson-Pattison Vows
In United Church
Orange blossom, pink and white
peonies decorated Wingham United
Church on Saturday, June 11th, when
Dorothy Mae, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Allan V. Pattison, Wingham,
was united in marriage with Gerald
LaVerne Watson, only son of Mr,
and Mrs. Leslie Watson, of Forest.
Rev. D. J. MacRae performed the
double ring ceremony. Mrs. W.. W.
Currie provided traditional wedding
music and Miss Claire Chamney sang
“Wedding Prayer” . and “I’ll Walk
Beside You."
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride entered the chutch in a
balerina-length gown of Brussels lace
find nylon net over slipper satin, brief
lace jacket with long lily point sleev
es, johnny collar get with seed pearls
and rhinestones and with a full
bouffant skirt of lace with deep
flouce of ruffled nylon net, a shoulder
tip veil of silk illusion with net head
dress in pleateci halo effect set with
rhinestones, and carried a bouquet of
Better Time roses and lily of the
Miss Katherine Watson, sister of
the groom, was bridesmaid, and Miss
Doreen Pattison, neice of the bride
was junior bridesmaid. They wore
Similar waltz-length gowns of nylon
net over taffeta with lace bolero
jackets in shades of pink and ice
blue with matching flowered head
dresses and mittens, and carried fans
of pink roses.
Mr. Fred Moore, of Forest, was
groomsman and * ushers were Mr.
Russel Helwig, brother-in-law of the
groom and Roy Pattison, brother of
the bride.
Following the wedding a reception
was held at the home of the bride’s
parents. Guests were received by the
bride’s mother who chose a surrah
printed silk dress, with white acces
sories and a corsage of red roses. The
groom’s mother assisted, wearing. a
blue silk shantung dress with blue
and white accessories and corsage of
red roses.
For her wedding trip to Oshawa and
the Thousand Islands, the bride chose
a beige suit with white accessories
and corsage of red roses. On their
return the couple will reside on the
groom’s farm near Forest.
Guests were present from Sarnia,
Reeces Corners, Forest, London and
Evelyn Anne Campbell
Wedin Fordwich
Lawrence S. Beninger
Passes in Hospital
Lawrence Sylvester Beninger died
In Wingham General Hospital on
Thursday, June 9th, in his 64th year.
He had been In ill health for several
A native of Riversdale, Mr. Ben
inger was a buttermaker by trade.
For a number of years, he had been
employed by the Gurney Glove Com
pany in Wingham. In 1915 he married
Lillie Dietrich, who survives. A mem
ber of Sacred Heart Church, Wing
ham, he was active in the work of
the Holy Name Society.
Surviving besides his wife are one
son, James, of Edmonton; one daugh
ter, Mary Louise; of Toronto; four
brothers, Barney, Peter, Frank and
Cleophas, and four sisters, Mrs. Ste
phen Scharlach, Riversdale; Sister M.
Majella, St, Joseph’s Convent, Milton;
Mrs, Mary Stephens, Loring; and
Mrs. Elizabeth Bastido, in California.
Four brothers, William, Edward, Jo
seph and Michael, and two sisters,
Mrs. Anthony Ruth and Sister M. St.Mrs. Anthony Ruth and Sister M.
Lawrence predeceased him.
The funeral service was held
Monday with requiem high mass
Sacred Heart Church. Rev. A.
Jordan and Rev. Jerome Ruth,
. ___ -, ___ ____, of
Waterloo, the latter a nephew, offici-,
ated and interment was in Riversdale
Pallbearers were Michael McPhail,
Andy Anstett, Chri’s Newman,
ence Richey, Joe Moir and
ij| honor of Miss Evelyn Simmons,
br|de-elect of this month. She was
given a pantry shower, Cards were
played and lunch served. On Friday
afternoon at the close of banking
hours, Miss Simmons was presented
with an electric tea kettle from the
staff of the Bank of Commerce, of
which she has been a member for two
years, and on Friday night a number
of girF'friends gathered at the home
of Miss Jean McCann and presented
her with a kitchen shower, The
evening was spent in games and con
tests. Evelyn thanked the girls and a
delicious lunch was served.
’ Personals
Mr. and Mrs, R. N, Cooper, of Cal
gary, are spending several weeks at
the home of the latter’s sister, Mrs.
Herb Rogers.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Allan spent
one day last week in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Howell Fraser and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock visited
friends in Whitechurch on Sunday.
Master Fraser Pollock and Miss
Sharon Pollock spent the week-end
at Bruce Beach.
Mr, and Mrs. AV. Sothern, Nancy
and Gary visited Sunday with Mrs.
Tessie Zimmerman near Gorrie,
Misses Isobel and Jean McCann, of
Listowel, spent the week-end at theii*
home here.
Wingham Juveniles scored their
fifth straight wins out of five games piayed on Thursday night-, when they
defeated Londesboro 20-11 at.Londes-
boro. The locals biggest effort was
in the fourth innings when they belt-;
ed home 12 runs.
To date the team has defeated
Wroxeter, Belgrave, Londesboro and
During the past week several,
scheduled games have been washed
out on account of rain and will have
to be re-scheduled. The team is
scheduled to play Belmore on Satur
day, but because of the unavailability
of Wingham park on that date, is
trying to arrange to play the game
in Belmore,
Next week they will play Bluevale
on Monday and Stone School on Wed
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Patterson visited
on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Wipp in Galt.
Mrs. Harold Hibbert and little
daughter, of Goderich, visited a few
days last week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. George Holland visit
ed over the week-end in Hespeler.
ALL TYPES of rubber stamps and
stamp pads sold at The Wingham
C,\eac3 io ®
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Good Housekeeping
Yours FREE!
with Eureka Roto-Matic
All that’s modern In ONE cleaner
This is the same marvelous EUREKA Roto-Matic with zip-clip swivel-top
and Attach-O-Matic clip on tools you see advertised currently in all
leading magazines. <,the same cleaner rated No. 1 Best Buy for per
formance and value by America's leading consumer reporting group.
Hurry I Get yours now. Act quickly before this special offer expires and
thrill to owning this wonder cleaner. Sent to you on 10 days home trial.
See “live” demonstration at our store at once, or
Phone for a 10-Day Home Trial
Radio and Electric
Fordwich United Church was the
scene of a pretty double ring cere
mony on Saturday, June 4th, when
Evelyn Ann' Campbell, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell, of
Fordwich,. was united in marriage
with Donald ^William Gibson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gibson, of Drew.
Rev. J. W. Hard performed the mar
riage ceremony and the soloist, Mrs.
Frank Leake, of Harriston, sang to
the accompaniment of Miss Violet
Beswitherick, of Fordwich, at the
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a ballerina-length
gown of white nylon tulle and lace
over satin with a brocaded lace panel
■skirt with rows of nylon frills. She
wore a tiara headdress with pearls
and sequins holding her fingertip
veil, and carried a bouquet of red
Sweetheart roses and stephanotis.
Miss Dorothy Campbell, Hamilton,
sister of the bride, was maid of hon
or and bridesmaids were Miss June
Gibson, sister of the groom, and Mrs.
Phyllis Arnett, of Harriston.
Campbell wore a ballerina-length
dress of aqua nylon over taffeta with
flowered headdress; and carried a
bouquet of tinted pink and aqua baby
'mums. Miss Gibson wore a ballerina
length gown of shrimp nylon over
taffeta, with a flowered headdress
and carried tinted pale green and
shrimp baby 'mums. Mrs. Arnett wore
yellow nylon over taffeta in ballerina
length with a flowered headdress and
carried a bouquet of tinted mauve and
yellow 'mums.
Mr. Alex Gibson, brother of the
groom, was groomsman, and ushers
were Mr. Robert Hattat, of Sarnia,
and Mr. Ivan Campbell, brother of
the bride, of Fordwich.
Following the wedding ceremony a
reception was held in the United
Church parlors. The mother of the
bride received guests wearing a navy
dress with pink and navy accessories
and a corsage of pink carnations. The
mother of the groom assisted, wear
ing a gown of aqua blue with white
accessories, and a corsage of white'
For a travelling costume the bride
chose a coral tweed box suit with
white accessories and a yellow and
coral corsage,
On their return from a wedding trip
to New York City and other points in
the United States, Mr. and -Mrs. Gib
son will live in Harriston.
Guests were present from Sarnia,
Beamsville, Ayton, Chesley, Clifford,
Hamilton, Harriston, Gorrie and Kit
Trinity Church W.A.
The June meeting of the W.A. was
held in the church basement Thurs
day afternoon with the president,
Mrs. Stan Foster presiding. She open
ed with Scripture reading from Reva-
lations Chapter 4 Verse 1-8 followed
by the Members’ and the Lord’s Pray
er, Roll call, a verse on Trinity,
was answered by 10 members.
Several thank you notes were read.
Rev. Frank Russel led in the Litany.
Final arrangements were made for
'the wedding. Plans were made to
serve lunch to the relatives of the
late Alex Graham, following the
It was decided to have a garden
party some time during July,' the date
to be set later. Mrs. E. Hargrave
led in the study book, assisted by Mrs.
J. Strong and Mrs, C. Sothern. Rev.
F. Russel gave a talk on preparation
of ordination which was very inter
The meeting closed with prayer and
a social half hour was spent.
Brides-To-Be Honored
Mrs. Harvey Gibson was hostess to
a number of girl friends in honor of
Miss Gwenneth Bride who will be
married in July. They presented her
with a mixette and a pantry shower.
Miss Bride thanked them. Games and
contests were enjoyed and a delicious
lunch was served.
Mrs. Peter Browne was hostess to
eight couples one evening last week
Dancing Competition
Friday, June 17
Tap—12 and luriderTap—19 and under
Acrobatic—42 and under
Entry Fee 25c Per Event. Entries Accepted at the Park.
Father's Day
1— Highland Fling, novice class.
2— Highland Fling, 12 and under.
8—Sword Dance, 12 and under.
4— Seann Truihhas, 12 and under.
5— Hi glil and Fling, 19 and under.
6— Sword Dance, 19 and under.
7— Seann Truihhas, 19 and under.
St. Andrew's WMS
Discusses India
Mrs. Horace Aitchison presided for
the regular meeting of St. Andrew’s
Auxiliary W.M.S. of the Presbyterian
Church on Tuesday afternoon last.
Miss Cora Gilkinson read the Scrip
ture and meditation after which Mrs.
Gordon Hastie led in prayer. The
secretary, Mrs. Wm. Keith and the
treasurer, Mrs. N. L. Fry read their
reports. Arrangements were made for
the Home Helpers meeting to be held
on July 5th. A letter was read from
Mrs. Elder, of British Guiana, thank
ing the auxiliary for literature re
ceived. Miss Agnes Mitchell led in the-
offertory prayer. A solo by Mrs. J.
D. Rae, “Sweeter as the Years Go By/’
was greatly enjoyed.
The topic, “Go-Tcach” from the
study book “Welcome to India” was
reviewed by Mrs. A. Hastings. Reports
of the Presbyterial held in Lucknow
on May 17th were glveh by Miss
Kathleen Pringle and Mrs. T. Currie.
Mrs. W. Ringrose led in the closing
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