HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-06-15, Page 5September 4th has been set Us the date of the anniversary services in Donnybrook United Church. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson on the arrival of their baby daughter, in Wingham Hospital on Monday, June 13th, a sister for John, Ml John R. Thompson is conval­ escing at his home following a weak# spell suffered' early last week. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Jefferson Sr., is not as well as, usuel and has been confined to her bed this past month, Mr- George Nevitt, of London, was a Sunday visitor with his friend, Mr- Howard Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mills, of Gode­ rich, visited on Sunday,, with Mr.. and Mrs. Norman Thompson and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rutledge, of Goderich, spent last week at the home Of My. and *Mrs. John R. Thompson, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Chamney and Larry, of Auburn, spent Sunday at his home here. Production of sawn lumber and ties in British Columbia totalled 4,233,106,- 000 feet in 1954. k S ■ ■ News of Gorrie Discuss Housework Shortcuts At Women’s Institute Meeting Rev, Mr, Cox of Kinlough, will show pictures of hie cruise around the world. Page Frrw LLASHMAR CLINTON, ONTARIO Next to Clinton Community Park — Open at 7.30 First show at dusk, Thure., Fri., * June 16-17 “BLAZING FOREST” (Color) John Payne Susan Morrow Sat., Mon., June 18-20 “Casanova’s Big Night” (Color) Bob Hope Joan Fontaine Tues., Wed., June 21-22 “Thunder In The East” Alan Ladd Deborah Kerr Cartoon and News at each Per­ formance. Children's playground, two shows nightly rain or clear. Children under 12' in cars free. Llashmar Drive-In Theatre LISTOWEL Turn at Armouries on Hwy. 86 2 Thurs., Fri., June 16-17 | “The Promoter” 5 Alec Guiness Valerie Hobson Sat., Mon., June 18-20 “Ambush at Tomahawk Gap” (Color) John Derek John Hodiak 5 Tues., Wed., June 21-22 “MIAMI STORY” Barry Sullivan, Beverly Garland Thurs., Fri., June 28-24 “THE HALF BREED” (Color) Robert Young Janice Carter Cartoon, Added Short at Each Performance Children’s Playground 2 Shows Nightly, rain or clear Children under 12 years in cars FREE! Drive-In Theatre HARRISTON Wed., Thurs., June 15-16 “Calamity Jane” (Technicolor), Doris Day Howard Keel Fri., Sat., June 17-18 “The Great Jessie James Raid” (Color) Willard Parker, Barbara Payton Plus “Race For Life” Both Monday & Tues- ! day are Father’s Days I at the Drive-In Theatre, = Harriston. All fathers = are admitted FREE on i both nights, so pack the i gang into the jalopy j Dad and bring them out ! to the Drive-In — Re- ; member Dad you’re in \ for FREE. There’s i Prizes for the eldest i Dad present, the youngest Dad present, and the | ! Father with the largest family present. g Mon., Tues., Wed., June 20-21-22 “The First Time” Robert Cummings, Barbara Hale The Laugh Sensation “From Here to Maternity” Red Front Grocery 4 Phone : 590 Our Prices Are Lower We Keep Down the Upkeep Free Delivery FLUFFO SHORTENING .. 2 lbs. 49c | ■HOOD-AID - ASSORTED FLAVORS (Makes two quarts) SOFT DRINK POWDERS .. SLICED BREAD .. CHEESE WHIZ ... AYLMER FRUIT COCKTAIL HEINZ, KETCHUP ................ INSTANT MILKO .................. NIAGARA LAUNDRY STARCH CALGON WATER SOFTENER SUNKIST - 344‘s ORANGES Grew - ftCELERY STALKS....................... 2 for 23c FRESH STRAWBERRIES ARRIVING DAILY I « i ♦ Mrs. John Baylor was hostess for the June meeting of the Gorric W.I. on Tuesday evening. The president, Mrs, Cecil Wilson was in -charge. Roll pall was answered by naming “My favorite dish made with milk, or milk product/' The sec.-treas., Mrs, Clarence Spar­ ling gave encouraging financial re­ ports of recent activities. A gift was given Mrs. Andy Edgar, who opened fcer home for afternoon tea and a bake sale recently. A donation of five dollars was made to the Salvation Army, Mrs. Glenn Johnston reported on the annual district meeting in Moncrief. The motto, “No woman is a slave to housework, but rather to the way she does it” was taken by Mrs. Wilson, who brought^ helpful ideas saying “Think of ways of improving your housework so that it will not be mon­ otonous; tidy up as you go; plan ahead, try shortcuts; have a flexible system; have a day for doing the ex­ tra jobs which pile up.” Mrs. Wilson concluded by saying “We are not meant to be slaves.” Elizabeth Patterson, Fordwich, gave a demonstration of making fancy sandwiches in a very capable manner. Gorrie Dairy Queens, who completed. the project, “The Bar” under leadership of Mrs. Johnston, and their mothers have Milk Glenn - ___, _ _____ were guests. Sandra Edgar, one of the club girls, gave a paper pointing out the values of safe milk in the diet. The history of the peach tree was read, the first being brought to the Niagara Peninsula in 1825. Mrs. Glenn Johnston gave “Current Ev­ ents.” Mrs. Harold Keil and Mrs. E, H. Strong won in the Dutch auction. Elizabeth Patterson was presented with a gift. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Glad Edgar, Mrs. Clarence Sparling and Mrs. Norman Gadke assisted the hostess. Fall Causes Death This community was saddened learn on Monday morning of the tragic death of little Roger Cook, who passed away in the War Mem­ orial Children’s Hospital, London, during the night. On Sunday, at 5.30 p.m. he fell down a flight of twenty steps in his home, ; receiving injuries to bis head. Dr. Ford of Fordwich was called and he was taken to London but nothing could be done to save his life. " He was the only son and youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cook (nee Faith Wright) of Gorrie. He was born in February, 1950, and was in his sixth year. : Surviving to mourn his loss are his parents, two sisters, Feme and Nadine, at home; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cook, Gorrie, and grandmother, Mrs. Garnet Wright, of Lakelet. Funeral arrangements had not been completed at time of writing. Celebrates 89th Birthday Mrs. John Hyndman has been re­ ceiving congratulations, cards, flowers and gifts birthday, when she her vote. years1 and enjoys getting around. She spends the summer months with her son, Fred Hyndman in Gorrie, and the winter .months with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Dowdall, Toronto. Mrs. Fred Hyndman, Gorrie, enter­ tained a few neighbors for dinner in her honor on Thursday evening. Her granddaughter, two great granddau­ ghters and other friends also called to offer best wishes during the after­ noon. Bible Society Meeting On Friday evening of this week, the Rev. Dr. A. H. O'Neil, general secre­ tary of the Bible Society in Canada, will be the speaker for a Bible Society Rally, which is to be held in St. Step­ hen’s Church, Gorrie, where he was a former rector. Meeting will be held at 8.30 p.m. and a good attend­ ance is hoped for. United Church W. A. The Woman’s Association of Gorrie United Church will hold June meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Hyndman, on Thursday, June 19, at 2.30 p.m. (note change of hour.) The program will be under the dir- ection of group 2, Northern Helpers. Lunch committee will be Mrs. Glad Edgar, Mrs. R. Adams, Mrs, L, John­ ston and Mrs. G, Brown. Mission Band The Misson Band picnic which was to have been held at the home of Mrs. Harry Rhame on Saturday afternoon, was held indoors at the Church owing to the rain, There was a good at­ tendance, Mr». V. Buchanan and Mrs. Lyle Watson were in charge of the games. Woman’s Missionary Society The regular meeting of the Gorrie W.M.S. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. T. L. Mc­ lnnes, on Thursday evening, June 9. Theme of the meeting was “Share," The committee in charge was Mrs. W. E. Whitfield, Mrs. K, Hastie, Mrs. H. Ashfon, A hymn opened the meeting with a short meditation by the leader, Mrs, Whitfield. A hymn was read in uni­ son followed by prayer. Mrs. Whit­ field read the Scripture. The study book was taken by Mrs, Buchanan giving the highlights of the book “Face to face with India.” She gave a few thoughts from the C.G.I.T, study book and read a letter from “Through Shining Windows," written by a missionary in India. Mrs. H. Ashton closed this part of the ser­ vice with prayer. A hymn was sung. The president, Mrs. I. Toner, took charge of the business and plans were made to pack the bale this week. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and the committee in charge.. by to having celebrated, her 89th on Thursday, June 9th, was able to be out to cast She is very active for her the its Personals Mrs, Harold Robinson is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Alex Graham in ^Toronto. Mrs. Jennie Edgar was home- from London for a cpuple of days last week. Miss Edythe- Walker was operated on for appendicitis on Monday of last week, in the Listowel Memorial Hos­ pital. She was able to return to her home on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Jardine spent several days of last week in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel and Karen, spent Sunday with Kitchener friends. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Colmer, Gary and Donna, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King. Mrs. Bertha Plant spent a few days with' friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boyd, of Palmer­ ston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chapman on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ewald, of Galt, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dane. • Reeve Harry Gowdy is attending County Council in Goderich this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short and Miss Myrtle spent Sunday with friends in Fergus. Dr. G. F. Mills, Mrs. Mills and Karen, spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Mills, Port Nelson. Miss Lois Dodds escaped injury When her car turned over after strik­ ing a culvert on the 10th concession, during the thunderstorm on Saturday evening. The top of the car, door and fender were damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mclnnes and sons, of Toronto, were week-end visi­ tors with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mclnnes. Heartfelt sympathy goes out to the Cook family in the sad accident which caused Roger’s death. Sympathy of the community is ex­ tended to Mr. Robt. Graham in the death of his brother, Mr. Alex Graham, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davidson, of Belmore, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar. The Rev. F. E, Russell is confined to bed with a back ailment. Friends are hoping he may soon be able to be around again. Miss Beryl Bennett was home from Kitchener for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Anderson, Dr. Howard Anderson, Mrs. E. L. Ander­ son and Mrs. W. J. Bell, all of Tor­ onto, Mrs. Percy Nicholson, Los Ange­ les, California, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weeks, Ottawa, called on their cousin, Mrs. J, George Galbraith and Mr. Galbraith, Orange Hill, on Sunday afternoon. Personals ’Mr, and Mrs, Cameron Simmons and Nancy, London, spent the week­ end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Martin and her sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Sehoitz and Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. Mr. Lome Johnston, of Lucknow, returned with them to Westminster Hospital. Mrs, Annie Graham, who had been assisting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Gillespie, returned to Ripley on Saturday to the home of her sister, Mrs. Dan Gillies. Mr. Walter James and Mr. Earl Caslick have each changed cars. Mr, Caslick had a Dodge and Mr. James an Oldsmobile, • Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Shiell, Murray and Marilyn, spent Sunday with Mr, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Coultes. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Farrier and Marian, of Wingham, spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Kernahan of Van­ couver, spent a few days last week with his aunt, Mrs. Reuben Tiffin, and visited with Mr. and Mrs. R, Rit­ chie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morrison. On Thursday Mr, and Mrs. Kernahan and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin spent the day with his uncle, Mr. Jas. Morrison and Mr, and Mrs. Victor Casemore of Brantford. Miss Gilda Stapleton, of Kincardine, spent the week-end at .her home here. Miss Phyllis Moore, of Teeswater, spent the week-end with her parents^ Mr. and Mrs.^Ed. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock, of Fordwich, spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. McClenaghan and Miss Mildred McClenaghan. Mr. John Willis had his tonsils re­ moved last week in Palmerston Hos­ pital. Mrs. Reuben home with Mr. after spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mrs. Jas. Aitcheson has gone to Bervie to spend a few days at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dave Flem­ ing. Mr. Walter James has gone to Brantford to assist Mowbray Con­ struction Co. build a bridge. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, of Kit­ chener, spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. Albert Patterson. '■ Mrs. Thos. Moore returned to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Mon­ day for a check-up on her eye. Mr. and Mrs. James Mock and baby, of Listowel, spent Sunday and Mrs. Carl Weber. Last week Messrs. Eldon Douglas Newman, Gordon and Ross MacGregor went to London to don'ate blood to the blood bank to replace that given to Mrs. Duncan MacGregor when she recently was a patient there. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McClenaghan and Shirel, and Garry Chapman are re­ covering from measles. We wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes and Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford Reavie spent the week-end in Toronto. Miss Linda Coultes of East Wawa- nosh, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Billie Caslick. Miss Joyce Coultes, East Wawanosh, visited with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick and Joyce Caslick, spent the week-end with’ Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Scott, of Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Arnpld Lougheed and Cheryl, of Byron, Mr. Gerald Watch- Tiffin returned to her .and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin, with Mr. Emerson, Welwood The Wingham Advanoe-Times, Wednesday, June US, 1BSS Ml and Mrs. Herson Irwin spent last Wednesday at Goderich. Ml and Mrs. Robert Watson, of Brucefield, visited their daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, last Thursday, Ml and Mrs. Calvin Robinson and children, visited Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Tiffin, of Langside, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, John Dickson and daughter, Evelyn, and Mrs, Gordon Weir, of Howick, visited at Mr, Lorrl Scott’s on Sunday, t Mr. Bob Scott spent a couple of day-? in Hamilton last week, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. J. Humphrey and Miss Lyla, of St. Helens, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bott and family, of Belwood, visited her parents, Ml and Mrs. Bob Purdon, on Monday last Anniversary and Flower Sunday will be held at Brick United Church," on June 19th, with the Rev. Mr, Watt of Dungannon, the guest speaker. Service in the morning will be at 11 a.m. and at 7,30 p.m. in the evening, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Stewart, of Lang­ side, Mr, and Mrs. Lome McCallister and Shirley, of Teeswater, visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Martin, on Sunday. Congratulations t0 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson on the birth of their baby daughter, on June 12th, in the Wingham General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston spent the week-end at Bayfield with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnston and family. er, of London, Ml and Mrs* Eld oh Lowery, Karen Lynn, David, Carl, 1 Jeanette IBlliott and Corrine of Reid’s Comers, spent Sunday with Sir, and Mrs. George Fisher, Mrs, Robert Reid, of Lucknow, held a Stanley Brush demonstration at the home of Mrs. George Fisher on Fri­ day evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Myles St. Marie, Ml and Mrs, Don Martin and Mr, Jack Boyle spent Thursday of last week at the O,A.C,, Guleph, Mr. and Mrs. George McGee and Mr, and Mrs, Alee Robertson spent Friday of last week at the O.A.C., Guelph. Mr. Bill Purdon had his little finger badly tom when the men were towing a large sleeper into the barn. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Leader and fam­ ily are visiting with his mother, Mrs. Jim Currie, a few weeks before Mr. Leader leaves for France. Mrs. Leader and two little girls will follow later. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ireland and Miss Annie Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Scott, Mrs. R, J. Scott and Mr. Walter and Mr. John Scott attended the Scott picnic at the Old Mill picnic grounds at Guelph. Mr, and <Mrs. George Coultes, Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt attended the Scott picnic at Guelph on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Rutherford Reavie and Sharon spent the week-end in Toronto, Mr. ' William Arbuckle is visiting with his son, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ar­ buckle, of Ottawa. Miss Gertrude Stewart, of Cooks­ ville, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Harold Walker at present. She has recently returned from a six month tour of the Canadian West, Pacific Coast and Mexico. She visited her brothers, Maurice of Edmonton, Alex, of Seattle and Max, who is with the Canadian Embassy in Mexico City. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Welwood and Mrs. John Falconer spent the week­ end with Mr. James and Mr. Cecil Falconer. Mrs. Falconer will spend a few weeks with relatives. Mr. and of Nabob Mrs. Ross King amd Bill, of Turn­ berry, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Caslick and family, of Wingham, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman on Tues­ day, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker and Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. Howard ker and family, and Mr. and Harold’ Walker attended the picnic at the Community Hall, desboro, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles-Shiell, Mari­ lyn and Jack, attended the funeral of Mr. Jewitt Hall, at Ethel, on Monday. Mr. George Irwin is ill at the home of Mr. Herson Irwin. Mr. and Mrs, Gibson Armstrong and Gail, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her­ son Irwin. Miss Eleanor Wightman visited with Mrs. E, Vipond, of Atwood, for a few days. Mrs. Walter Lott left on Friday to visit with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lott, of Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Elliott and family, Mrs. Mary McTavish, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McCrea- and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mc- Kague and Ronald, attended the El­ liott picnic at Gibbons Park, London, on Saturday. SUPER SPECIALS Mrs. Norman Drummond, Lake, Labrador, Mr. and Used Bargains Wai- Mrs. Snell Lon- exact CLEANSING CREAM »O» DRY *RIH...SOrUHl AHO SMOOTHS! M YOUR 1—1954* Monarch Blue Sedan, like new. 1—1954 Ford Customline 2-tone Sedan, new car at used car price. 1—1953 Ford 2-tone Sedan, a real beauty. j 1—1953 DeSoto Sedan, automatic, radio, white- I walled tires, one owner car. * I—t-1953 Ford Custom 2-tone Sedan, automatic, radio, I new. tires. 1—1952 Mercury Sedan, automatic, radio, white-wall ! tires. • ! 1—1952 Chevrolet Coach, sparkling throughout. ■ 1—^—1951 Chevrolet Sedan, spotless inside and out. 1—1949 Oldsmobile Sedan, a real buy. 1—1952 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery, a dual porpose unit. > 1 1—1954 Fordson Major Tractor, a demonstrator. I Cteafliffieedetart SPECIAL |00 "• "WITH CHLOROPHYLL News o f Whitechurch *Wfi*MT«‘W!S,a WINGHA BEGULAR,,,/5 { SPECIAL Each 6c 24 OZ. LOAF .......15c 16 OZ. .... 63c 15 OZ, .... 24c 15 OZ, .... 33c 16 OZ. .... 37c 10 OZ, ,. /. .21c PKG. .... 47c 2 DOZ. .... 49c 1 Anniversary Services Held at United Church on Sunday f f tf • 4 « 4 4 • •• 4 ♦ 4 4! * 4 4 * > * t * * Anniversary services were Meld in the United Church on Sunday. The church was brightened With baskets of June flowers, mums, iris, roses and daisies. The choir sang the anthem, “Sun­ shine and Showers”. Miss Karen Gros- korth sang the Twenty-Third Psalm, and a trio, composed of Mrs, Pan Tiffin, Mrs. Elzra Scholtz and Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Sang “Come unto Me and Rest”, ReV. Buchanan, of Gorrle, gave an inspiring sermon from Isaiah 55, “Lo, everyone that thitsteth, come ye to the waters.’* Water is essential, to all ho matter what race. It is a great foe in times of flood or snow. Though it is at times an Obstacle, yet it is a dire necessity. The things that come so easily are often least ap­ preciated* The glorious invitation Is given by the church with its open doors. It stands that all may share in its fellowship. The grace of God is boundless and is available to all. In the evening the Bluevale Choir sang the anthem, “The Lord Is My Shepherd” and a trio of ladies render­ ed “I Will Love Thee.” A solo, “Thy Will Be Done” was also sung. The message in the evening was from Galatians 6:10, “Let Us do good unto all meh, especially unto them who ate of the household of faith.” Those belonging to the__hous6hold of faith are those who lov<T one another, I’lans Anniversary Lafigside Presbyterian Church will hold anniversary services, June 19, at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. with Rev, Robt. McMilian, of Goderich; as guest speaker. On Monday evening, Rrne 20th, the All above units sold with guaranteed satisfaction. The prices are right - the cars are right. Come in and pay us a visit. Huron Motors Ltd. A. D. MacWlLLIAM Ford & Monarch Cars Ford <& Fordson Major Tractors Wingham Phone 237