HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-06-08, Page 4\\V use to Faye Four The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, June 8th, 1955 COMING EVENTS FOR SALE WANTED MIXED GRAIN for sale. Apply to Harold Keating, Belgrave, phone Brussels 13rl4. 8* IS YOUR T.V. INSURED for Damage to Television apparatus, Loss or • Damage, or Theft of Television re­ ceiver? Are you insured for Public Liability, Property Damage, includ­ ing damage to your own property? For further information apply to .Stewart A. Scott or phone 293. 5rrb WANTED—-Flocks to supply a large Canadian Approved Hatchery with hatching eggs. Premium up to 33c per dozen over the market price of eggs. Eggs taken every wepk in the year. Write for full details. Apply Box No. 37, Advance-Times. 18:25:1:8b THE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE will meet on Thursday, June 16th, at 2.30 p.m. Observing International Day. Hostesses, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs, J. Henry, Mrs. S. Bateson, Mrs, J. Mitchell, Mrs. P. King, Mrs. C. Car­ ter. . C8b 2 CHICKEN SHELTERS wanted. Ap- | ply to Harold Finlay, Belmore, phone 15r2. I HELP WANTED FEMALEORDER YOUR STRAWBERRIES ( ____________ a"l b\a®i„c^?a"^;ZhX^e 'reliable woman or girl to mind two small children for sum­ mer at the Lake. Country girl preferred. Apply Box 46 Advance- Times. 8b now. Apply to George Baird, Town Plot, Wingham. 8* FEED GRAIN, OATS and Barley for sale; also electric cream separator, nearly new. Four Heifers and Calves Apply to Justin A. Will, phone 30r6, ALERT GIRLS or young women re- . .Wroxeter.1,8*quired for light factory work. Ideal working conditions and excellent employee benefits prevail, C. Lloyd & Son, Ltd. 8b NEARLY NEW heavy duty self-oiling pump jack for sale. Phone Jim Golley, 507J4. 8b LLOYD CARRIAGE for sale, in good ________________________________ condition. Phone 497w. 8b QUALIFIED RADIO and TV Repair ' man electronics since 1936, all up- to-date equipment; have own busi­ ness in Thamesville, formerly Am- herstburg Radio & TV. Do dealer EMPLOYMENT WANTED SPACE-SAVERS in green, gray and ,ice pink metallic cloth at R. A. Currie & Son, Special $49.50. 8:15b SINGER SEWING MACHINE for I service here, seeks steady position, sale, treadle rfiodel, converted to ~ ................. - — electric, good condition. Phone 471J. 8b CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends for the lovely shower and very gen­ erous gift of money.—Raymond and Inga Bolt. 8b BIRTHS WILSON—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Wednesday, June 1st, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Wilson, Wingham, a son, WOOLCOCK—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, June 6th, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. John Wool­ cock, R.R, 1, Glenannan, a son, LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dies in Hospital A lifelong resident of this area, Martha Casemore died in Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday, May 31st. She was in her 80th year. Born in Wingham, she was a daughter of the late Joseph Casemore and the former Elizabeth Kinder. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. John Campbell, Regina, and one brother, George, of Turnberry Township. Funeral service was held on Thurs­ day from the S. J. Walker Funeral Home, with Rev. D. J. MacRae offici­ ating. Interment was in Wingham Cemetery. CARD OF THANKS Mere words are inadequate to ex­ press our gratitude. To each and everyone who has helped us through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers, words of sympathy and deeds of infinite kindness, we can only say, “Thank you so much.”—The Murray Johnson family. 8b CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all our friends, relatives and neighbours for the'flowers and kindness shown to us during our recent bereavement. —Mrs. J. Godkin, Alice and Addison Fraser. 8* Installed first TV in Essex County. W. Stubbings, box 134 Thamesville.;’ 1 TENDERS FOR LOT Greenwood - Grainger Vows in Toronto A pretty May wedding was solemn­ ized in the Church of the Good Shep­ herd, Toronto, .recently, when Jean Shirley Grainger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Grainger, of Toronto, be­ came the bride of Charles Robert Greenwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ est Greenwood, of Toronto, formerly of Wingham. Given in Carriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white lace and tulle, with a scalloped neckline. Her white finger-tip veil was caught up with a white seed pearl cqronet and she carried a bouquet of red Sweetheart roses with heather sent by her grandmother land. Mrs. Campbell, aunt of was matron of honour —Out pf town friends attending the Murray Johnson funeral were Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Johnson, Brookville, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Whiteman, Ari­ zona; .Mr, and Mrs. Mark -Cassels, Fonthill; Mrs. Mary MacElroy, Sea­ forth; Mrs. L. J. Williams, Blyth; Dr, and Mrs. G. Colling, Lambeth; Mr. and Mrs, W. Finlayson, Lambeth; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Perdue, Mr, and Mrs. George Ferguson and- John, Misses Dorothy and Ivadel Davison, of Tor­ onto; Mr. T, Beacon, Carman Davis­ son, Orangeville; Mr, and Mrs. Don Jeffs and Donna, London; Mr. and Mrs, John Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Far­ rell, Mr. Roy Elliott, of Kincardine. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sones, of Ham­ ilton, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charlton, Josephine St. Bride-to-Be Honored At Trousseau Tea Mrs, Allan Pattison entertained Friday afternoon and evening at a trousseau tea for her daughter, Doro­ thy, who is a bride of this month. Miss Ruth Irwin and Mrs. Henry Pat­ tison helped show the trousseau. As­ sisting the hostess were Miss Marilyn Shiell, Miss Nancy Carter, Miss Flor­ ence Dawson and Mrs. D. A. Hackett. on from Scot- —Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ryan and dau­ ghter, Katherine Anne, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ryan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Elliott, and other Wingham relatives, Trips - Weddings - Funerals CHUCK’S TAXI Insured while you ride. Phone 185 Wingham DRIVERS service COURTEOUS 24 hours Charlie Lee, Owner Burke Electric offers you HIG H Trade-in Allowances I I on Deluxe Norge Refrigerators AT SPECIAL NEW LOW PRICES! Seventh Annual Wingham the bride, wearing a gown of deep salmon rose tulle with matching headdress. Mrs. Ernest, Rowley and Miss Elsie Logan were bridesmaids in net gowns of mauve and pastel blue respectively. Both wore matching headdresses. The jun­ ior bridesmaid, Miss Lynn Stockdale, cousin of the groom, wore a gown of pink tulle, and the little flower girl, Miss Gail Campbell, wore a dress of yellow. James Greenwood, brother of the groom, was groomsman, and ushers were Kenneth Hooper and Donald Grainger, brother of the bride. A reception was held at the Pick Fair Restaurant, following the cere­ mony. The mother of the bride re­ ceived the guests in a gown of yellow lace and net with" copper accessories. The groom’s mother chose lavender nylon net with white accessories. After the reception the couple left on a wedding trip to the Southern States, the bride wearing a blue suit with white accessories. On their re­ turn they will reside in Toronto. Guests were present from Bramp­ ton, Orillia, Harriston, Windsor, Wingham and Orangeville. Kin Karnival.. ...... . SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked 1,8,15b j “Tender for Lot” will be received by I the undersigned up to June 18th., 1955 [ for one lot situated on Josephine [Street south between Reavie’s Gar- ’T"? Kerr’s Garage. This ing eggs every week in the year at' is ioo feet in frontage and 132 feet a premium of up to 33 cents peR i in depth. Tenderers are required to dozen more than market price for I state the size of building they pro- your eggs? If you would, write us I pose to erect, the type of construc- immediately. We are one of Can­ ada’s oldest and largest Canadian Approved Hatcheries. Apply Box Number 47 Advance-Times, 15:22:29, July 6b RCA VICTOR CAR RADIO for sale, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES chrome front, fits any car; price ' - —— ?-------------■■ -v- — $25.00. Apply to Don Stapleton, : WOULD YOU LIKE TO SELL hatch- ' age and Joe phone 604J4. 8* I I i i | i 12 GAUGE 3 SHOT BOLT ACTION Shotgun for sale. Stevens model, good as new. Price $25.00. Phone 529W3. 8b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE THREE HEIFERS for sale, two Gumsey, one Jersey. Due to fresh­ en in June, September and October. Phone Wroxeter 12r7, Cliff Heffer. 8 DEADSTOCK WANTED TWO BIG NIGHTS i FRIDAY & SATURDAY 3 PUREBRED HEREFORD HOGS for sale? 1 heifer with calf, 1 cow. Apply to Ken Felker, R.R. 1, Blue­ vale. 8b WANTED: Dead or disabled farm animals. Removed promptly and ef­ ficiently in clean sanitary trucks. Phone WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMIT­ ED, Ingersoll, Ontario. 13rrl5:6* tion, proposed use of building, the value of same and the number of employees likely to be required. A building must be completed within six months from date of sale. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A. Galbraith, Clerk-Treasurer, Wingham, Ontario. 8:15b JUNE 17 and 18 RIDES!GAMES!BINGO!■ collect Wingham 561J. ENTERTAINMENT! HOLSTEIN COW for sale, due June 16th, second calf. 11 pigs, ready to wean. Apply to Edgar Dane, phone 30r4, Wroxeter. 8% . SALESMAN WANTED MISCELLANEOUS DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb i WANTED—Reliable man as Dealer in the townships of Ashfield, Wawa- nosh, east and west. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit, Write Raw- leigh’s Dept. F-453-163, Montreal, P. Q. 8b 24 HOUR SERVICE on all furnaces, and oil burners. Apply Hiseler & | Son, phone 426. NOTICE ---------------------------------------------------------1 IF YOU are buying a car on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing end insurance. Our service is complete and inexpensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293. rrb WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or in­ formation phone Clinton 242 may 130rl2, collect, between 10.00 a.m. on week days and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. We are reducing the prices of aster 15rrb j plants this week so that we can plant benches according to our schedule. Would the persons that have hanging baskets, window boxes and box plants at the greenhouse, please have deliv­ ery made of same at once. Aster plants 30c per box. Lewis Flowers, phone 101. 8b FOR SALE To close the Estate of the late Jane Sangster, the undersigned are offer­ ing for sale the North West Half of Lot 26 in the “A” Concession of How- ick Township. This is an attractive property with beautiful grounds on Highway 87 at Wroxeter. On the property is a well built solid brick house containing three main bed­ rooms, dining room, living room and summer kitchen. For particulars and terms of sale, APPLY TO EITHER J. H. WYLIE, telephone 60 Wroxeter OR Crawford & Hetherington, telephone 43 Wingham 1:8:15b • Scotch Pipers Both Nights • Big Dance Competition (Friday Tap and Scotch Dances. SPECIAL ATTRACTION SATURDAY! “Oriental and Occidental Oddities” J. Everette Mires, Magician First show at 8.30 p.m. ■ TENDERS or Mild- 7.30 and 7.30 and 9rrb For redecorating the auditorium of Londesboro United Church will be re­ ceived until June 10th. Work to be commenced August 1st, and. completed August 20th. Lowest or any tender not on the NEW 1955 NORGE “JET-O-FROST SAVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your cream, eggs, and poultry to your Wingham Co-operative. Ask for your Cash dividend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream. It pays to deal with the Co­ operatives in Wingham. 18rrb POWER AND HAND LAWN Mowers, Shears and Scissors sharpened and repaired. Used mowers for sale. Phone 553W, Leslie McDougall. *____________________________1,8* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE necessarily accepted. Mrs. Robert Fairservice, Londesboro, Ontario. Telephone Blyth 26rl0. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 8b DUPLEX HOUSE on Diagonal Road for sale; five and six room apart­ ments. Phone 167J. 1,8* TWO BUILDING LOTS with sewer connection for sale. Apply to Mrs. Larry Benninger, phone 176. In the estate of ALEXANDER R. STANLEY, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims again­ st the Estate of Alexander R. Stan­ ley, late of the Township of West Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the Fourth day of May, 1955, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executors or their Solici­ tor on or before the Twenty-Seventh day of June, A.D. 1955, full particulars of their claims duly verified by affi­ davit. 1:8b I IMMEDIATELY after the Twehty- 8 ROOM HOUSE for sale, centrally seventh day of June, 1955, the assets located, modern 3 pc. bath, oil furnace, suitable for duplex. Apply to H. Spry, phone 552M. 8:15* THE REAL TEST A friend of mine said to me con­ cerning his ability to drink; "I can take it or leave it alone.” Immediately I questioned him; “How do you know? Have you ever tried leaving it alone for a week, a month, or longer?” My friend was very honest, but a little crestfallen to have to admit that he never had tried to abstain for any such period. He admitted that he was in no position to make such a state­ ment. There may be many boastful drink­ ers who shrug off the habit of com­ pulsive drinking as did my friend. The real test is by total abstinence over a period of time. If anyone has the ability to abstain for a month, he probably has power to abstain for­ ever. 8b Carmen Lloyd Walker Carmen Lloyd Walker, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker, passed away at his home on the “B” line of Turnberry, on Wednesday, May 25, at the age of 5 months. Funeral services were conducted on Friday from Currie’s funeral home by Rev. A. Nimmo. Flower bearers were George Fisch­ er, Bill Walker, Harold Elliott and Lloyd Walker, all uncles of the de­ ceased. Surviving besides his parents, is a brother, Daryl and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henning and Mrs. Janet Walker. Interment was in Wingham ceme­ tery. Large variety of Flower and Vegetable Plants. MEN Plant mixed Asters Special price ONLY 30c a box I ! s Wingham Town Park Proceeds for Community Service work of Wingham jg Kinsmen. i / giHiiHHiiimHiimiiHiiiimtiiirtiiiiiifiiHiiijiiiHinimfinitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiimtmiimiiiHtHHiimiHiiiiiiiiiiiimittmiftimwr* DOON BALER TWINE All Canadian Twine Manufactured in Kitchener Approximately 225 FEET PER POUND WE HAVE A CARLOAD IN STOCK I 5 Highest Trade-In Allow- ance sanreyx awiasssaa WITH COMPtETELt AUTOMATIC HilLT-B WEATHER CUARO NORGE REFRIGERATOR WITH JET-tfROtf Just touch the button. JetD Frost is so Jiffy­ quick that defrosting is over In a natta ol minutes—and it's all automatic I See Norge's J-1055 with JetD-frost padaf with luxury features that only on a Nor* cost so little. The Canadian Army offers you A Steady Job with Good Pay Excellent Pension Plan SIX ROOM HOUSE for sale, three piece bath, hot air furnace, cement basement. Apply to Jim Thompson, phone 471J. 8:15b FARM AND STORE for sale. In good condition. On main highway. Could be purchased separately. J. McInnis, phone Fordwich 60rll. 8:15* of the estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have received notice. DATED at Kincardine, Ontario, this Twenty-eighth day of May, WJLLIAM STANLEY, R.R. No. 3, Tiverton, WILLJAM KENNEDY, Kincardine, Ontario Ont. FOUND FOUND A BOX of socket wrehches on Boland St. Owner may have same by paying for ad and identify­ ing ownership . Phone 266. 8b Executors J. L. LAMONT, Kincardine, Ont. 1:8:15b Solicitor LOST BROWN WALLET lost Saturday hight around Wing Grill. Reward. Contact Miss Marjorie Lobsfnger at Hotel Brunswick. 8*' CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to those who visited me and sent flowers, letters, cards And treats while I was in Victoria Hospital, and many thanks to those who have helped in so many ways since I came home. ■—Norman C, Heal 8* and Opportunities for Promotion, Learning a Useful Trade, and Overseas Service See your local Recruiting Officer, Wingham Armoury every Thursday 10 a.m. 6.45 p.m. OR Apply direct to No. 7 Personnel Depot LONDON, Ontario Bring proof of age and edu­ cation. Mundys’ Week-end Grocery Specials Libby’s SPAGHETTI .. 2—20 oz. tins 38c Garden Patch Choice Green BEANS......... 2—15 ox. tins 88c Clark’s HUSH STEW 15 oz. tin .........................— 85c Allen’s APPLE JUICE ............2—20 ox. tins 85c MUNDYS’ 40 YEARS IN WINGHAM PHONE 88 FOR FREE DELIVERY s s • . s/iHitaHnHiiiiifniiiititniiniiiinniiHiiiiiiHitintiiHHiiHiiMn'■ Charles Hodgins VOUP MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER Notice to Water Consumers The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. ■ ■ i LEE’S DRIVING SCHOOL HERE Every Mon. & Sat. APPOINTMENTS FROM 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Contact Charles Lee or Phone 185 An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. 4 Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid fur this servile, will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission C. E. Shera, Superintendent a ■ ia ELECTRIC Electrical Contracting Motor Rewind & Repair distributor for LELAND MOTORS Wingham. Phone 474